HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-08-72MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
DATE: May 8, 1972
TIME: 7:30 PM
PLACE: Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street
PRESENT: Curtis, Larnard, Sharp, Dukleth, Edelstein
ROLL CALL .........................................
APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 8, 1972 .........................
UP-72-385 - Standard Oil of California .........
Tentative Tract Map 7846 - Jack D. McClean .....
Neighborhood Development Plan -
Ayres Subdivision (Tract 7813) .............
Housing Element ................................
Open Space - Conservation - Recreation Element .
Pending items
Orange County
Tentative Tract Map 5448 -
Andrews Development Co .................... ~
Invitation from Planning Directors of Orange County ..............................
COMMISSION CONCERNS - none ........................
ADJOURNMENT .......................................
MAY 8, 1972
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Co~.,~.ission was held
on the 8th day of May, 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day in
the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Larnard.
Curtis, Sharp, Larnard, Dukleth and Edelstein.
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator -
Community Development Director
Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director
Nancy Lawton, Planning Commission Recording Secretary
OF APRIL 24, 1972
UP-72-385 - Standard Oil Co. of California (J. I. Vickers) - to permit
the installation of two replacement free-standing signs
within 200' of the Santa Ana Freeway.
Site is located at the southerly corner of Newport Avenue
and Nisson Road, adjacent to the Santa Ana Freeway.
Mr. Brown summarized Staff Report, advising that the site is zoned C-i,
and Standard Oil Service Station has been at this location for many year~
There are presently two free-standing signs located on this site: a
fairly large free-standing sign at the southeasterly corner of the prop-
erty, adjacent to Nisson Road; and a "fin" sign located over a gas pump
canopy facing Newport Avenue. The applicants propose the following:
The existing 290 square foot (both sides ) free-standing
sign structure at the southeasterly corner of property
be removed and replaced with a 315 square foot (both sides)
new style sign face,, with the existing pole support being
retained. This pole is approximately 30' high, not count-
ing the sign structure itself.
This replacement would increase the total sign area for this
particular sign by approximately 25 square feet, and would
raise the overall height from 35 to approximately 44',
some 9' higher.
That an existing 290 square foot (both sides) "fin" sign
over the Newport Avenue gas pump canopy be removed from
this site.
As a replacement, the applicants request permission to in-
stall a new, 53 square foot free-standing sign at the corner
intersection of Newport and Nisson, with an overall height
of 18 feet.
The Sign Ordinance (No. 438) has a provision which indicates that the
number, area and height of commercial signs located within 200' of a
freeway right-of-way can exceed those normal restrictions which are
prescribed for other commercial property. Several previous other such
requests have been granted adjacent to the Santa Ana Freeway.
In analyzing the proposal, the following factors are apparent:
1. Two free-standing signs are requested, where the Sign Ordin-
ance normally permits only one such sign at a service station
site; however, two such signs have been in existence at this
site for many years. (The applicants indicate that the .larger
free-standing sign is for freeway identification, whereas
the new, smaller sign would be for lower level traffic iden-
tification on Newport Avenue.)
An increase in overall height for one~ the signs; the larger
sign to 44', an increase of approximately 9' from its exist-
ing height. The applicants have justified this request on
the basis that the new sign will be more square in shape,
rather than elongated.
3. The complete removal of an existing free-standing canopy sign.
This request boils down to a .relatively minor increase in one free-standing
sign height and area, which in Staff's opinion has been compensated for by
the reduction of over 200 square feet of total sign area presently
existing on this site. Commission may desire to restrict the height of
the freeway sign to 35', in view of the removal of the obscuring land-
scaping along this section of the freeway.
The Development Preview Commission felt that the design as proposed was
far more aesthetic and preferable to.the existing signing. The Building
and Fire Departments had no comments as.respects this Use Permit; how-
ever, the City Enginner recommended that if the Use Permit is approved,
it be subject to the following conditions:
Installation of one street light on Nisson Road complete
with underground conduit electrical service.
The precise location of proposed sign at the Newport-Nisson
intersection shall be reviewed with and approved by the City
Engineer in order to avoid any conflict with or distraction
from the proposed traffic signals at this intersection.
The Orange County Planning Commission offered no objections to this Use
Permit, except for the height of the freeway sign, which they feel should
be kept at 35'.
Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:43 p.m.
Mr. Devine of PRB Sign Company, and Mr. Vickers of Standard Oil Co. com-
mented that they felt the recommendations could be worked out, and it is
also the intention of the Skandard Oil Co. to make modifications to the
building to put it in line with the corporate image.
Public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:47 p.m., for discussion
among the commissioners.
Commissioners discussed whether or not there was a hazard in moving from
lanes on the freeway to the off-ramp with the 35' sign and it was decided
that the sign was visible from the freeway, with the foliage having been
cut down.
Commissioner Sharp moved to grant Use Permit No. 72-385 by adoption of
Resolution No. 1265 with item 2c of the resolution to read "freeway iden-
tification sign shall have a maximum height of 35 feet"; seconded by
Commissioner Larnard.
It was moved by Commissioner Larnard, seconded by Commissioner Edelstein,
and unanimously carried, to have New Business precede Old Business.
Tentative Tract Map no. 7846 - Jack D. McClean - 21 lot, R-1 subdivis-
West side of Prospect in the general vicinity of Carlsbad
MoYed by Commissioner Larnard; seconded by Commissioner Edels~ein that
this item be continued until the next meeting, May 22, 1972, to ~ermit
further study by the City Engineer.
2) Neighborhood Development P°lan - Ayres Subdivision (Tract ¥~13)
South of Walnut Avenue, north of mainline SFRR, bounded
on the West by Venta Spur Line and on the east by the
proposed alignment of Jamboree Road.
Mr. Fleagle presented a summation of Staff Report, advising that the
~pplicant,--Newport Shores Builders, have submitted plot plans and layout
to authorize the submissioR.of, tentative subdivision plans for the de-
velopment of 305 single-family residences on 79.4 acres. Ordinance No. 57"
adopted by City Council on December 20, 1971, authorized development of
subject area ~ a density of 5 dwelling units per acre, subject to submis-
sion to the Planning Commission of neighborhood development plans prior to
the submission of subdivision tract maps, with neighborhood plans indi-
cating: 1) alignment and standards of major streets and traffic circu-
lation; 2) open space reservations and means of buffering against ad-
verse environmental factors; and, 3) location of public facilities,
including parks and schools.
Staff has reviewed plans, as well as the Development Preview Commission.
As presented, the plan would provide for a +2.6 acre public park and
+8.5 acre public school. A buffer zone on the southerly perimeter meets
the approval of Staff and Development Preview Commission. Six items of
Staff concern are:
Sycamore Street connection is essential for emergency vehicle
access, even if not desirable for public vehicle traffic.
Providing of water service by Tustin Water Works or Irvine
Ranch District is a matter that should be resolved by City
Council on the basis of adequacy of service.
Park location is in keeping with the concept of school-park
integration. In the center of the development, it has the
assets of a neighborhood park, but lacks the public exposure
desired for public parks.
4. Access to the tract from Walnut Avenue, by present design has
the effect of creating a walled tunnel 60' wide and +500 feet
long. There are plans for street landscaping intended to
provide a degree of relief to this situation.
Bike trails are proposed both within and on the perimeter
of this subdivision.'
No community association has been proposed for the maintenance
of common areas nor for the enforcement of restrictions per-
taining to recreation vehicles stored in front yard areas and
like situati6ns which are causes of neighborhood grievance.
It was recommended that this item be directed to City Council for policy
determination and recommendations before resubmittal to Planning Commis-
sion. Chairman Curtis requested further elaboration from the builder as
to existing and alternate plans, which Mr. Michael Jager proceeded to
do. After this discussion, Commission submitted the following concerns,
in addition to those outlined in the Staff Report, for Council's
The location of the school site as related to the service
area of student enrollment and traffic accomodations.
The means and provisions for the maintenance of landscaping
of the Jamboree Parkway right-of-way and slopes.
Feasibility of incorporating the southerly Orange County
flood control channel into the trail system design and de-
Feasibility of developing a connecting bicycle path ~long the
.westerly service road, along the city owned drainage channel
extending from the Santa Fe RR mainline north to Walnut,
along the rear property lines of the eastern boundary of Tustin
· Meadows and connecting to future developments north of Walnut
Moved and seconded to refer this item to City Council.
1) Housing Element - General Plan
Mr. Fleaqle presented a synopsis of the Housing Element report, after
which it was felt by the Commission that this plan element should include
the total Sphere of Influence. for the City of Tustin and emphasize the
Single-family residential objectives.
Moved by Commissioner Sharp; seconded by Commissioner Dukleth that the
report include the Sphere of Influence and to be advertised for a Public
Hearing at the June 12, 1972 meeting.
2) Conservation, Open Space and Recreation Element; General Plan
Mr. Brown summarized the "First Draft" on this item and called upon Mr.
~ike Harris of the Orange County Planning Department to give the Commis-
s--ion the County's views as respect this element.
This element was scheduled for future Public Hearing.
PENDING ITEMS (For Public Hearing May 22, 1972) - Planning Commission
Swimming pool heater and filter setback requirements - Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance No. 157
2) Amendment to Noise Ordinance - Section 15-7 City Code
Mr. Fleagle advised that the above items had been advertised for Public
Hearing on May 22, 1972; to amend section 5.16 or Ordinance No. 157 as
related to heater and filter units for swimming pools, and to amend
section 15-7 of the Tustin City Code as respects noise performance.
A minor change has been added to the proposed amendment for section 5.16,
Ordinance No. 157, as amended: "Heater and filter units for swimming
pools shall be located in the rear or sideyard areas, no closer than 3'
to property lines, and shall be screened from view".
A proposed Ordinance has been drawn up as respects the Noise Limitations
for Air Conditioning, Heating, Pumping and Filtering Equipment in Resi-
dential Districts for the Commission's determination.
Orange County Tentative Tract Map No. 5448 - Andrews Development
Co. - to permit the development of an 83 lot single-family subdi-
Site is located on the southerly side of Newport Avenue
in the Cowan Heights area.
Mr. Flea~le summarized Staff Report, advising that this site and surround-
lng properties, some of which have been developed in a similar manner,
were zoned medium-low density (Peacock Hills Planned Community Districe)
in 1966. Under this particular zoning concept, any subdivision developed
would have to average 15,000 square feet per lot, have at least 35 per-
cent of all lots equal to 15,000 square feet in area or more, and have
no lots less than 10,000 square feet in area.
The total subdivision conforms to the Planned Community District,r~uire-
ments described above. Also, discussions with both the staff of the
Orange County Planning Department and the developer have indicated that
it is proposed the developer be assessed for Park Fees for each individual
unit of this development. These fees, along with fees from adjoining
subdivisions, are intended to be utilized to develop a'neighborhood park
in this general vicinity.
Moved by Commissioner Larnard; seconded by Commissioner Edelstein that
there be no objection to thi~ item and that Park Fees obtained under
existing County Ordinances be contributed towards the acquisition and
development of a neighborhood park in this general vicinity for the
benefit of this and other applicable subdivisions in the immediate
Invitation from the Planning Directors of Orange County for meeting
on Friday, May 12, 1972, Noon til 4 p.m. at the Grand Hotel, regard-
ing the Housing Element.
Mr. Brown asked if any members of the Commission would like to attend.
1) Work ~rogram and Requirements - qommunity Development Department
Mr. F~eagle .presented a summary of a report submitted to the Mayor.land
City~oUncil, as well as the Commission, outlining the nine mandatory
General Plan Elements. In addition to these actions madated by State
Law, there' are two major projects requiring the attention of the Staff:
1) the revision of the Zoning Ordinance, and 2) the revision of the
sign Ordinance. Both of these ordinances are outdated and in many in-
stances, conflicting, ambiguous, or subject to individual interpretation.
It is intended to initiate revisions in the Zoning Ordinance concurrently
with the amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan.
Staff priorities have been indicated for the accomplishment of the ob-
jectives of the department.
2) Mr. Flea~le asked the members of the Commission to submit a brief
biographical resume to the Department within two days for the benefit of
the new City Council members.
3) The Commission directed that Staff convey to the Orange County Plan-
ning Department their appreciation for Mr. Mike Harris' presentation.
Commissioner Larnard moved for adjournment at 10:39 p..m., secqnded by/)
~ Dukleth; unanimously carried.~/~ // // ///
/ . ~'~..~ ~HAIRMAN OF P-~%NN~NG COMMIS~I0~