HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-14-72MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION .DATE: TIME: PLACE: PRE SENT: ABSENT: FEBRUARY 14, 1972 7:30 p.m. Counuil Chambers, 275 South "C" Street Curtis, Sharp, Edelstein Larnard, Dukleth INDEX ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 24, 1972 PUBLIC HEARINGS UP-72-379 - Jones/Doty-Vandenberg/Enderle (Western Mortgage Corp.) ........... OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 1253 - Santiago Commercial Bank .............. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 1255 Real Estate Signs ................... NEW BUSINESS Parcel Map 72-52 - Enderle .............. Tentative Tract Map 7750 - Hester ........... FENDING APPLICATIONS ................... CORRESPOL~ENCE County Case - ZC-72-1 ................. Western Mortgage Corp.--UP-71-377 ........... County Case ZC-72-9 .................. STAFF CONCERNS ..................... COMMISSION CONCERNS .................... AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION .................. ADJOURNMENT ........................ Page 1 1-2 2 2-3 3 3 3-4 4 4 5 .5 5 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 14, 1972 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 14th day of February 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp. The Invocation was given by Coranissioner Edelstein. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Curtis, Sharp, Edelstein Larnard, Dukleth R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator - Community Development Director Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director James G. Rourke, City Attorney Jean M. Smith, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MI~Xru~ES OF REGULARMEETING OF JANUARY 24~ 1972 Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that the minutes of the January 24, 1972, meeting be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 IIP-72-379 - Jones/Doty-Vandenber~/Enderle (Western Mortsage Corp.) - Application for a Use Permit amending UP-71-373 approved by the City Council, for the purpose of developing a Shopping and Professional Office Center in a Planned Community (Commercial) District, within the con- cept of a master plan of development, indicating traffic circulation system,, building locations, character of businesses to be located within the development, and project design. Location: - Generally located along the southerly frontage of 17th Street between Yorba Street and Prospect Avenue. Mr. Fleagle presented a summa'tion of the Staff Report recalling that UP-71-373 had been approved previously as a general concept for the commercial-professional de- velopment of subject property; however, the six acre portion located at the south- westerly corner of Prospect and 17th Street was not included. This property has now been incorporated with the total property as a part of the present request. The new concept plans indicate essentially the same interior public street system, the one major exception being the east/west street has been extended eastward to connect with Prospect Avenue. Major revisions were made in the proposed locations of the professional and commercial areas and minor modifications made in struc- tural locations. This new concept has received the approval of the Development Preview Commission and the City Engineer, with their suggestions and recommenda- tions as to landscaping, traffic circulation, street alignment, etc. The City Engineer also brought out the problem created by the North Tustin Flood Control Channel that runs through the easterly portion of the development. Staff advised that the conceptual plan' as presented with this request appears to meet all the past requirements for the development of this land as established by the City Council and Planning Commission, and since traffic circulation is a crit- ical element of this development, it would be recommended that full street improve- ments be installed for the total area prior to occupancy of any portion of the dcvclo[)L~nL. ~f ~ doa..~siou concurs w~tn ~nis reasoning and grants approval of this Use Permit, in concept, specific details for streets, landscaping, buf- .-:rfering, structural design and location, etc., can be accomplished by subsequent actione the Development Preview Commission and the various City Departments. Staff ~o,.~d reco,,nend subject Use Permit UP-72-379 be granted by the Planning Comnission, as approval in co~]ccpt, by adoption of Resolution No. 1256. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:52 p.m. by Chairman Curtis. Fir. R. T. French~ representing Western Mortgage_ Corp., stated the appl .... ._' had read the Staff Report, aL~d they will comply with the recommendations ~. e by Staff and the Engineering Dept. with regard to the North Tustin Flood Control Channel. Mr. George Calho,m~ ]758]. Fiesta Way, Tt, stfn, stated his objections to this new shopping center, as he did not see the need for another shopping center as they appear to be one on top of another now. Mr. Ralph R. Yeaman~ President of Enderle Gardens Property ~4ners Assoc., spoke on behalf of the Association, conveying their endorsement of this proposed development 100%. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:00 p.m. by Mr. Curtis. The Commissioners discussed many facets of this proposal, such as whether all the requirements specified by the Council and Planning Commission, for development, had been met, to which Staff replied in the affirmative; traffic flow, parking requirements, questioned the desirability of the location of one business estab- lishment, and the east/west road alignment as shown on Exhibit "B" of Resolution No. 1256, compared to the alignment as illustrated to the Commission this evening. Staff advised that the alignment shown tonight, eliminating the "S" curve on the east/west road was the proposed a~ignment. Mr. Sharp moved that Resolution No. 1256 be adopted, approving Use Permit UP-72-379, as approval in concept only; seconded by Mr. Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 OLD BUSINESS 1) Approval of Resolution No. 1253 covering Use Permit UP-71-375 of Santiago Commercial Bank for use of temporary banner sign. Mr. Fleagle explained the Commission had approved this use permit at their last meeting, instructing Staff to prepare a resolution for their approval and adoption. Mr. Edelstein moved that Resolution No. 1253 be adopted, approving UP-71-375; seconded by Mr. Sharp. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 2) Apprpval of Resolution No.. 1255 covering amendment to the Si~n Ordinance, Ordinance No. 438, applying to real estate signs. Mr. Flea~le stated this matter had been the subject of a public hearing a~ the January 24, 1972, meeting of the Planning Commission, and had been approved by the Commission, with instructions for Staff to prepare a resolution for their approval. Mr. Sharp motioned for adoption of Resolution No. 1255 recommending approval to the City Council for an amendment to the Sign Ordinance No. 438; seconded by Mr. Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 NEW BUSINESS 1) Parcel Map 72-52 - Harriet O. Enderle Location: Easterly side of Yorba Street, approximately 900 feet southerly of 17th Street. A synopsis of the Engineering Department Staff Report was given by Mr. Fleagle, and he added that the applicant had requested that in approving this Parcel Map, an additional condition be added. In a letter from the applicant, it stated that their negotiations with Hester Development included their putting in a continuation ¢ the Enderle Gardens' wall which faces the east side of Yorba to connect with the g,~derle Gardens' wall with the east/west wall, Hester will build to separate their development from both Enderle Gardens and Parcel 2, containing the older, single- family dwelling. It is requested that this wall be made a part of the Parcel Map approval. It is Staff's feeling that if the property was zoned R-l, they would concur with this thinking; however, as it is zoned multiple-family, there is a question whether such action would be appropriate in approving a Parcel F~ap. PC Mtn" ?/1Al?') ~ -~o,,,~ ~x~u~on amo,',g L,~e ~on~n~$s~oners, Stair and Counsel, it was deemed inappropriace co include such a condition ~ith approval of this Parcel }{ap. Mr. Edelstein moved that by Minute Order, Parcel Map 72-52 be approved, subject to those conditions as specified by the City Engineer; seconded by Mr. Sharp. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 2)' Tentative Tract Map No. 7750 - Park Tustin (Hester Development) Location: East side of Yorba Street approximately 300 ft. north of Jacaranda Avenue. Mr. Fleagle quoted from the City Engineer's report covering this tract map of approximately 9.4 acres which was previously the subject of Use Permit UP-71-369. Im addition to the conditions specified by the City Engineer, he brought out the fact that when the Final Tract Map 4587 was approved for the Treeha~en condominium development, the Planning Commission added the following requirement as a condition of approval, and he thought the Commission might want to add a similar condition to this Tract Map: "The terms, conditions and agreements for the transfer of owner- ship or interest in the whole or separate parcels of subject lot are to be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review and approval. (This refers only to the physical description of the property and not to any of the financial relations.)" In a brief discussion the City Attorney and Commissioners agreed it might be to the City's benefit to add this as a condition of approval. Mr. Hugh'Forman, representing the applicant was questioned by the Commission on this point, and he was not in complete agreement with this condition of approval. Mr. Gianulius of Hester Development stated, however, if this was just the normal Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Agreement being referred to, they would not have any objections. Mr. Edelstein moved that a Minute Order be adopted approving Tentative Tract'Map No. 7750, subject to the conditions stipulated by the City Engineer, with an addi- tional condition of approval being the approval of the CC&R agreement by the City Attorney; seconded by Mr. Sharp. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 ~ENDING APPLICATIONS (Public Hearings scheduled for the 2-28-72 Planning Commission meeting). ZC-72-229 - Planning Commission Initiated - request to rezone from the R-4 (Suburban Residential) District to the P & I (Public and Institutional) District. Location: Generally located at the westerly corner of the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Sycamore. UP-72-380 - Plannin8 Commission Initiated - to permit a City of Tustin Fire Station with allied facilities. Location: Red Hill Avenue adjacent to and northeasterly of the Orange County Flood Control channel, southwesterly of Sycamore Avenue. PZ-72-133 - Plannin~ Commission Initiated - to prezone approximately 2.54 acre parcel from Orange County E-4 (Small Estates) District to City of Tustin R-1 (Single-family Residential) District, subject to annexation to the City of Tustin. Location: Site fronts approximately 340 ft. on west side of Prospect Avenue and is located approximately 660 ft. north of the centerline of 17th Street. COP, RE SPO[~OENC E l) Coun. t~ Case - Zone Change ZCo72-1 - to rezone from the 125-E4-20,000 "Small Estates" and AR-20,000 "Agricultural Residential" Districts to the E4-18,000 "Small Estates" District. Loca t ion ~ North side of Crawford Canyon Road adjacent to Danziger Road in the E1 Modena area. PC 2/14172 -3- ~r. Brown sununarized tbs, Staff Report, concluding that J.t would be the opinion of Staff that only mi,~or, relatively insignificant changes are proposed, none of which either singly or in tote, would detrimentally effect the surrounding area or the city. Staff would recommend that the Planning Commission, by cor- respondence, advise the Orange County Planning Department that as a consequence of site location and the minor modifications proposed, there would be no objection to this request. Mr. Sharp concurred with Staff's recommendation, but requested the correspondence also contain a statement that this action should not become a trend setting situation. 2) Letter from Western Mort~aDe Corp. ref;ardin}] Use Permit UP-71-377 (temporary trailer facility for Eldorado Bank. Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that a letter had been received from the appli- cant regarding the temporary bank facility use granted under UP-71-377, which did not specify a "drive-up facility" as such. They have consequently requested per- mission to use a "drive-up" window for this facility, as the temporary building they have acquired for said use has a drive-in window incorporated in the building. The Commissioners briefly discussed the matter touching on traffic circulation and conformity with the use permit; following which Mr. Edelstein moved a Minute Order be adopted approving tMe use of a "drive-up" window at the temporary bank facility approved under UP-71-377; seconded by Mr. Sharp. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 3) County Case ZC-72-9 - Request to amend Sectional District Map 16-5-9 and apply the SR "Sign Restrictions" District to the unincorporated area in the the subject map. Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that this communication had been received this date from the County, and the background on this matter is that the County had granted a Use Variance for the operation of a nursery in the R-3 District and said use is coming up for renewal as a time limitation had been placed upon it. There is a problem, however, a use variance is prohibited by State Law and in order to allow the continuance of said nursery it will be necessary to rezone the area to Commercial. But, if it is rezoned Commercial, in all probability other commercial uses will occupy the area, and if it is not rezoned, there would be no basis for authorizing the continued use of the nursery. After some discussion, it was the consensus of opinion that the City would have to voice objections to this rezoning due to lack of access into the parcel and the propozed zone change does not conform to Tustin's General Plan. Mr. Sharp moved that correspondence be directed to the Orange County Planning Department voicing strong protest against this proposed rezoning, emphasizing its non-conformance to our General Plan; seconded by Mr. Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that the City Council had authorized and ap- proved the attendance of l~r. Larnard at the Institute of Planning Commissioners in San Jose; however, Mr. Larnard now finds it is not possible for him to attend. Mr.Flea8le also mentioned that, if it was agreeable to the Commissioners present, a workshop might be held tonight, following the meeting, to further discuss the Town Center/Downtown Development. He also brought to the Commission's attention the fact there are nine elements of the General Plan that have to be written and adopted, according to the new State Law; some having to be completed by July 1972 and others by July 1973. The Commissioners should be aware of this, as much work will be required to complete these elements. Mr. Curtis agreed that a workshop session would give them time to discuss the Town Center area; Mr. Sharp concurred, however, Mr. Edelstein stated he had another commitment and could not attend. PC 2/14/72 -4- -- CONCERNS Mr. Curtis stated he had attended the annual meeting of the Foothill Homeowners' Association on February 7, 1972. Supervisor Clark also attended along with others from the County Offices. Mr. Sharp inquired as to the procedure a home owner or group of home owners would follow in asking the City to supplement or implement the parkway trees in a specific area. Staff replied that certain street trees are designated for different areas of the City, and any home owner may call the City requesting trees be planted in a parkway, and the City will share the cost of ~he tree with the home owner. Mr. Sharp inqui'red if this fact might be publicized so that home owners might be made aware of it, and it might encourage planting of more trees in parkways in the City. - Mr. Fleagle stated this was a function of the Parks and Recreation Commission and he would bring the matter to their attention. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. Snyder of the Chamber of Commerce commented on the planting of the larger type trees in parkways and the problem of maintenance in years to come. ADJOUR~tENT Mr. Sharp moved for adjournment to a Workshop at 9:20 p.m. CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION NG COMMISSION RECORDING SECRETARY ~c 2/14/72