HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-24-72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
JANUARY 24, 1972
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 24th day of January 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of
said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin,
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis.
Larnard, Curtis, Sharp, Edelstein, Dukleth
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator -
Community Development Director
Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
Jean M. Smith, Planning Commission Recording Secretary
OF JANUARY 10, 1972
Moved by Mr. Dukleth, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that the minutes of the
'January 10, 1972, 'meeting be approved as submitted.
Application of the Santa Ana-Orange-Tustin Board of Realtors to author-
ize an increase in the size of real estate signs to allow a maximum of
18 sq. ft. of trim area and an increase in permitted height from 4 ft.
to 8 ft.
Mr. Fleagle presented a summation of the Staff Report to the Commission,
stating that the applicant had prepared a presentation for the Commis-
sioners substantiating and justifying their requested change in the
Sign Ordinance. Staff would recommend that following the public hear-
ing, the Planning Commission reco.mmend approval of this Sign Ordinance
Amendment to the City Council, ahd direct Staff to prepare a Resolution
for Planning Commission approval, incorporating their findings. Staff
has no objections to the proposed amendment and has stipulated in their
report the conditions they feel should be delineated in a Resolution,
which includes those of the Building Official.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman
Mr. Donal~M. Bird, Chairman of the Sign Committee for the Santa Ana-
Orange-Tustin Board of Realtors, presented a copy of their report,
justifying an amendment to the Sign Ordinance, to each of the Commis-
sioners and Staff. (Said report is made a part of these minutes by
reference hereof). Mr. Bird then proceeded to discuss the report in
detail, following which he presented slides of the older,stake type,
real estate signs and the new style signs, with the ornamental trim.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m.
A rather lengthy discussion followed among the Commissioners, bringing
out many questions, such as: clearance from the bottom of the sign;
overall height of the sign; aesthetic improvement of this type sign;
liability of the city if the larger type sign is allowed; location of
the s.igns on private property; prototype of each type sign to be
spected and approved by the Building Official with payment of the
prescribed sign fees.
Mr. Curtis moved that Staff be directed to prepare a Resolution for
the Commission's final approval at the February 14, 1972, meeting,
recommending approval to the City Council for an amendment to the
Sign Ordinance,limiting the overall height to 7 feet; that clearance be
a minimum of 3 feet; ornamental bordering to be no greater than 18
sq. ft. per side; plus the other conditions as delineated in the
Staff Report; seconded by Mr. Sharp. _
UP-72-375 - Walter J. Fredriksen - to authorize residential care for the
active elderly usage.
280-82-84 East Third Street and 320-22-24 South Preble
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff Report covering this Use Permit, which
~equests permission for the use of two triplex structures (six total
units) for residential care of the active elderly. This is an R-3
District which does permit rest homes subject to the granting of a
use permit. Staff does not have any objection to this use or develop-
ment and would recommend approval by the Planning Commission of UP-
UP-72-378 by adoption of Resolution No. 1252.
Public portion of the hearing was opened at 8:28 p.m. by Mr. Larnard.
Mr. Walter J. Fredriksen, applicant and owner of the Hacienda Retire-
ment Res'~dence, stated the usage requested is no different than it
has been for the past several years, and if the Commissioners had any
questions, he would be happy to answer them.
Public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:30 p.m.
Mr. Edelstein stated that many of the Commissioners knew of this Re-
tire~ent Residence and commended its fine operation. He moved for
adoption of Resolution No.1252, approving subject Use Permit; seconded
by Mr. Curtis.
UP-~1-375 - Santiago Commercial Bank - to authorize permanent use of
an advertising banner.
Location: 105 E1 Camino Real
Mr. Fleagle stated that this application had been received and duly
-. advertised for a public hearing, requesting permission for permanent
use of an advertising banner at the above location. The Sign Ordinance
permits the use of banners or similar contrivances, subject to approval
of the Building Official, with such usage limited to 30 days duration
out of any quarter. As the applicant desired to use this banner for a
longer period of time, this application was submitted. This procedure
is permitted under' the Sign Ordinance, however, to Staff's knowledge,
has never been exercised in the pas~, and Staff doe~ not see any jus-
tifiable reason to grant the request, inasmuch as adequate permanent
signing provisions are provided under the Sign Ordinance, and approval
of such a request would establish an undesirable precedent with regards
to banners, flags, etc. It would be Staff's recommendation that this
Use Permit application be denied by adoption of Resolution No. 1253.
A video-tape presentation was made to the Commission covering the banner
in question.
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PUBLIC ;{EARING NO. 3 - Continued
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 8:35 p.m. by Chairman
Jack J. Har~ey, President of Santiago Commercial Bank, stated that the
Development Preview Commission had ~isaDproved this banner due to the
~ ~.~ felt aesunctically it detracted from the surroun~inq area, 'was
not essential to the specific advertising format of the bank; and,it
would establish an undesirable precedent. It was the feeling of the
applicant that the First Street area did not offer much in the way of
aesthetics; that sincD the banner had been displayed their business
had indeed increased for "free checking accounts"; and, that under
the circumstances that %his was only a "temporary" location with con-
siderable handicaps, the banner was very much needed by them for ad-
vertising purposes. They would like to continue the use of this bann,
until July 1, 1972, only, when hopefully they will be located in their
new building at Fashion Lane and First Street. In the meantime they
are competing with "financial giants" in the banking business and feel
this banner is essential.
Public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:38 p.m.
The Commissioners discussed the various aspects of this Use Permit re-
quest, questioning the setting of a precedent if it was approved; the
circumstances, which they felt were somewhat "special" in the case of
the bank, in that it has contributed much to the improvement of the
corner location and surrounding area; that the bank site is temporary
until their new building is constructed; and, the requested use for
the banner is not permanent, as such, but only until July 1, 1972.
Mr. Edelstein moved that Use Permit 71-35 be approved; seconded'by
Mr. Sharp.
AYES: Larnard, Sharp, Dukleth Edelstein
NOES: Curtis
Staff requested the Commission advise the exact basis of their findin¢
for granting approval of this Use Permit so a Resolution might be dra~
for the Commission's approval.
Counsel and the Commissioners advised the usual findings would apply,
such as it would not be detrimental to the surrounding area and uses;
it was not a hardship case, as such, and that it should be specifically
stated the temporary use of this banner is definitely connected with
the temporary nature of the bank's site, and it's type of business.
Emphasis should be placed on the fact the temporary or conditional use
permit is based primarily on the "temporary use of the facility involved."
PZr12-132 - George and Thelma Stolte - for prezoning from Orange County
E-4 (10,0~0) Residential Estates District to the City of
Tustin R-1 (Single-Family) District, subject to the annexa-
tion to the City of Tustin.
Site is located on the north one-half of Lot 16 in Block B
of the Chapman Tract, generally situated on the west side
of Prospect Avenue, north of 17th Street and south of
Laurie Lane, consisting of approximately five acres.
~r. Fleagle explained that subject property is presently used as an
orange grove with an older single-family residence, surrounded by a
single-family subdivision in the County E-4 to the north; a single-
family subdivision in the City of Tustin to the west; an orchard, day
nursery, vacant parcel and E-4 subdivision (all in County) to the south;
and, E-4 County subdivision and public school to the east. No specific
plans have as yet been submitted for this development, however, the
parcel would support approximately 20 R-1 home sites. The R-l.pre-
zoning would be a logical eastward extension of existing R-1 developments
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PUBLIC HEARING NO. 4 - Continued
located within the City to the west, and it would be Staff's recom-
mendation that this prezoning application be recommended for approval
to.the City Council by adoption of Resolution No.1254, subject to
annexation of said property to the City of Tustin.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 8:58 p.m. by Chairman
Mr. Jack McLean, Anaheim, the intended purchaser and developer of the
property, stated it was his intent to build $40-45,000 homes on sub-
ject property, which he feels will be an asset to the area. Presently
he is building homes in Anaheim, and has built many tracts throughout
the County. ~
Mr. Bob Pearsall, agent, representing the owner and builder, stated he
has known-Mr. McLean for any years and would vouch for the quality
homes he has built in the past.
Public portion of the hearing was closed at 9:00 p.m.
After a few brief comments, Mr. Sharp moved for adoption of Resolution
No. 1254, recommending approval to the City Council of PZ-72-132,
subject to annexation to the City of Tustin; seconded by Mr. Curtis.
Mr. Curtis mentioned it was worthy to note this will not only provide
~or continued development of the area in residential properties but
eliminates any of the potential problems we might have with a buffering
zone that we have encountered in other areas close to 17th Street.
V-72-282 - Miles L. Beadle - request for a lot split to reduce from
7200 sq. ft. the minimum lot size to create 5000 sq. ft.
building sites for single-family dwellings.
· Location: 335-45-55 West Second Street
Mr. Flea~le advised the applicant proposed to create three 5,000 sq.ft.
iots on two existing lots, and to erect three factory built modular
homes on same. The applicant is basing his request on the fact there
are several existing 5000 sq. ft. lots in the general area, and there
is a common concern over the older section of the community to prevent
further blight and deterioration of structures. When a situation such
as this occurs, the alternatives for new construction and upgrading
are limited. Federal Urban Renewal programs have a tendency to cause
more problems than they solve. The informed developer is unlikely to
construct high price dwelling units in an area of lower values. The
most successful results have been achieved when properties have been
consolidated and a bonus incentive is granted in density to authorize
the demolition of older single-family structures to be replaced by
multi-family units. The Cof~mission will recall this was the objective
of the proposed "floating zone" to create a residential planned ~evelop-
ment district, which was rejected by the City Council as an overall
concept. Another alternative consists of required property maintenance
regulations to assure that structures are kept in a satisfactory state
of repair and appearance, as well as mandating public improvements.
The present proposal is for the purpose of reducing the lot size and
enable new construction at a lower cost of development than would be
in the case of a new subdivision. The Commission may wish to consider
an ultimate development plan for the town center area and table this
proposed lot split variance until such time as a determination has been
made as to the best approach to maintain the property values and quality
of development within the area. Staff advised no com~unicat~cn~ h.~v~
been received from adjoining property owners objecting to this lot
split, since the hearing notices were sent out.
PC Mins 1/24/72
}'UBLIC I{EARING NO. 5 Continued
It is recommended the Commission hear the testimony and evidence
presented at this hearing and direct the Staff to prepare a resolu-
tion for adoption at the next regu'lar meeting, reciting the findings
of the Commission. A video-tape of the area in question, including
the surrounding area, was presented to the Commissioners.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 9:10 p.m. by Mr.
Miles Beadle, the applicant, advised the Commission that he had made
a survey of the adjoining neighbors as well as others in the immediate
area. A favorable response was received from all contacted, and in
addition, a letter addressed to the Planning Commission was pre-
sented, signed by six neighbors, again approving of the proposed
development of the property under discussion.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 9:15 p.m.
Mr. Curtis voiced concern over establishing a trend in the area by
developing on substandard sized lots, when you consider the desires
of the City, the homeowners and the business and professional people,
for the development of the town center area. He did not dispute
that this development would be an improvement over what was already
there, but did hope that perhaps something better might be developed.
Mr. Dukleth inquired as to the square footage of living area in the
proposed dwellings, to which the appli ant advised between 1300 and
1500 sq. ft. excluding the garage area. Mr. Beadle added it would not
be feasible or practical to put larger, more expensive homes on the
lots, as they would be very much out of place.
Mr. Curtis moved that Staff be directed to prepare'a Resolution for
presentation to the Commission, denying Variance V-72-282; seconded
b_y Mr. Edelstein.
AYES: Curtis, Edelstein
NOES: Larnard, Dukleth, Sharp
The Commissioners then discussed at length the various facets of the
possible ramifications and consequences if subject variance was
granted, and dwelt on the proposed future development of the downtown -
town center area, as to the desires of the City, the property owners
and the businessmen. The general feeling appeared to be that before
a definite decision could be made on this issue, something positive
must be resolved concerning the future plans for the area, and Staff
was asked if a Workshop session might be arranged with all interested
parties. In reply, Staff stated a Workshop session could be scheduled
if the Commission so desired.
Mr. Sharp stated he felt more exposure should be given to the public
on this Variance and that a Workshop session could accomplish that.
He moved that this Variance be tabled until such time as a Workshop
session could be scheduled, and the appropriate matters presented for
discussion; motion seconded by Mr. Dukleth.
Mr. Curtis questioned whether a specifi~ time limit should be set for
the.tabling of the Variance, and Counsel replied there was not a time
limitation.~n a Variance application, to which Staff suggested a 30-day
continuance of the matter.
Mr. Sharp amended his motion to a continuance on V-72-282 to the
February 28, 1972 meeting; which was agreeable to his second.
AYES: Larnard, Sharp, Edelstein, Dukleth
NOES: Curtis
PC Mins 1/24/72
~lannin~ Commission Annual Report
Mr~ Flea, lc reported that all Commissioners had been given a copy of
The 'Planning Commission Annual Report for 1971, and it had previously
been presented to the City Councilmen.
Mr. Larnard stated he felt that Staff should be commended for the
preparation of this very fine report.
Tentative Tract Map 7721 - International Rectifier Corp.
Location: Bell/Red Hill/Valencia Avenues
Mr. Fleagle advised that this property was the subject of a recent
~cific'Master Plan of Development as approved by Ordinance No. 533,
and as a requisite of that Ordinance it necessitates the submission
and approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map, in accordance with the
State Subdivision Map Act, for sale or lease of the property.
The City Engineer has recommended approval of this Tentative Tract
Map subject to the twelve conditions delineated in his report.
Mr. Jack Hall, Engineer, spoke on behalf of the applicant, specifically
requesting consideration be given for some relief on Condition Nos.
3 and 7, which are as follows:
Dedication of streets within the tract as shown on the
Tentative Tract Map together with the 28' easement for
vehicular access from Lot 2 to the cul-de-sac street
except that the cul-de-sac shall have a 58' radius for'
truck usage.
Installation of drainage facilities at the southerly end
of International Street together with a connector pipe
to carry runoff water to the existing open ditch south of
of the southerly curb of Bell Avenue to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners, Staff and Mr. Hall,
after which Mr. Sharp moved that Tentative Tract Map 7721 be approved,
subject to the resolving of Conditions 3 and 7, to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer by the applicant; ~econded by Mr. Edelstein.
PENDING APPLICATIONS - (For 2/14/72 Planning Commission meeting)
UP-72-377 - Jones/Doty-Vandenberg/Enderle et al - to permit the
development of a shopping center.
South side of 17th Street, east from Yorba Street to
Prospect Avenue.
County Case - Use Permit 3235 - to permit construction of a non-com-
mercial kennel in the rear of a lot containing an
existing single-family dwelling.
At the most southwesterly corner of Loma Verde Lane
and Foothill Lane in the Lemon Heights Area.
Mr. Fleaqle summarized the Staff'Report, advising the Commission since
the area is quite remote from the city boundaries, with no apparent
local objections to the proposed use, it is recommended the Commission
direct a report to the Orange County Planning Commission, stating "no
objections" to the use permit.
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Mr. Sharp moved that such a communication be directed to the Orange
County Planning Co~i~ion; seconded by Mr. Curtis.
9range County Flood Control District - Environmental Impact State-
m~t - Tuft!~/~'~ .... ~ ~'~'~ Drain
The Commissioners were advised by Staff, that in line with the Public
Resources Code of the State, all local government agencies shall
~ake an environmental impact report on any project they intend to
carry out which may have a significant effect on the environment and also
submit it to the local planning agency; then advise if it is in con-
formance with the City's adopted general plan.
It would be Staff's recommendation the Commission direct staff to
prepare a communication to the Orange County Flood Control District,
stating there is no adverse environmental impact, and it is not in
conflict with Tustin's adopted General Plan.
Mr. Edelstein so moved for Staff to direct a reply to the Orange County
Flood Control District; seconde~ by Mr. Sharp.
County Case - ZC-71-85 - request for zone change from County of Orange
R4 (SR) "Suburban Residential (Sign Restriction}" Dis-
trict to the CC (SR) "Commercial Community (Sign Restric-
tions)'' District.
Property is located on the westerly corner of the Santa
Ana Freeway off-ramp and Newport Aven~e, in the south
Tustin area.
Mr_.F~eag~e stated notice of this hearing was received this date, and
a reply was requested by the Orange County Planning Department by
February 2, 1972. The proposed zone change would authorize freeway
advertising to be placed on residential properties. Staff would
recommend a communication be directed to the Orange County Planning
Department strongly objecting to any signs being placed in residential
areas, and that the signing in said area should be in line with that
of .the City of Tustin's Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Sharp moved that such a communication be sent to the Orange County
Planning Department; seconded by Mr. Edelstein.
It was brought to the attention of the Commission that a communica-
tion from the County Planning Department to the City Council had
requested a council statement relative to the establishment of a
"scenic corridor" for the Santa Ana Freeway in the Tustin Area.
1) Tustin Census Stud~
Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that the Tustin Census Study report
based on the 1970 Federal Census and updated for 1971 had been com-
pleted by Staff and would be revised each succeeding year. Copies
are available if the Commissioners desire to review the report.
City of Santa Ana Prezone Amendment 696 - from County R-4 to the
City of Santa Ana R-4 - north side of Main Street, west of the
Newport Freeway.
Mr. Fleagle voiced concern to the Commission on this proposed prezone
change by the City of Santa Ana, as the County R-4 would permit approxi-
mately twelve dwelling units per acre (3,000 sq.ft, of land area per
unit), as compared to the City of Santa Ana's R-4 which will almost
double that number (1500 sq.ft, of land per unit). Additionally, the
property in question lies within the jurisdiction of the Tustin School
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PC Mins 1/24/72
Districts; all street frontages are within the City of Tustin; school
children would be required to cross major traffic arteries plus
walking under a freeway where no sidewalks are provided, Plus the
fact the southeastern half of this property lies within an area which
the State Dept. of Highways has indicated might be needed for planned
modification of the freeway interchange at some future date, so it
would be financially unrealistic to develop the property with this
proposed use as it could result in possible exorbitant future cost
to the State.
The Commissioners were also advised by Staff, that Mr.•Brown, Asst.
Planning Director, had left our meeting earlier in order that he might
attend the Santa Ana Planning Commission meeting, which was hearing this
case tonight, in order that Mr. Brown might reaffirm our position in
this proposed prezoning.
Mr. Dukleth made a motion, stating the Planning Commission concurred
ws.th Staff s position in this matter; seconded by Mr. Curtis.
1) Annual Meeting - Election of Chairman and Chairman Pro Tem
Chairman Larnard opened the nominations for Chairman of the Planning
Commission for 1972.
Mr. Edelstein stated he would like to nominate Mr. Larnard to continue
on as Chairman, if it was in order.• Mr. Larnard replied that accord-
ing to the By-laws a Chairman not not succeed himself. Mr. Edelstein
then moved to nominate Mr. Curtis for Chairman; seconded y Mr. Sharp.
Mr. Sharp moved t e nominations be closed; seconded by Mr. Dukleth.
MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 (Mr. Curtis abstaining)
Nominations were opened for Chairman Pro Tem.
Mr. Curtis nominated Mr. Shar seconded b Mr. Edelstein. Mr. Curtis
moved, secon e y Mr. E elstein, at nominations be closed.
MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 (Mr. Sharp abstaining).
2) Institute of Plannin Commissioners - San Jose - on February
23-2 -25, 1972.
Mr. Larnard stated he would have time available to attend this meeting.
Mr. Curtis moved,.seconded b Mr. Edelstein,
sion request of the City Counci to sen r.
sentative to attend the Institute of Planning
that the Planning Commis-
Larnard as their repre-
Mr. Larnard moved for adjournment at 10:45 p.m., seconded by Mr.
E e stein.