HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-10-72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 10, 1972 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 10th day of January 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, Calif. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Dukle~h. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Larnard, Curtis, Sharp, Edelstein, Dukleth None R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator - Community Development Director Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director James Rourke, City Attorney Jean M. Smith, Planning Commission Recording Sect'y. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 27, 1971 Moved by Mr. ShaT.p, seconded by Mr. Dukleth, that the minutes 'of the December 27, 1971, meeting, be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 UP-71-376 - Standard Oil Company of California - to permit a revolving free-standing s~gn. Location: Site is located at the northeasterly corner of the inter- section of Newport Avenue and Irvine Boulevard with front- ages of 158 ft. on the southeast side of Newport Avenue and 153 ft. on the southwest side of Irvine Boulevard. Mr. Fleagle presented a summation of the Staff Report stating this Station has been in existence in the City for many years. The appli- cant was advised that under the provisions of the Sign Ordinance, a revolving sign could be permitted only upon approval of a Use Permit by the Planning Commission, and it has been the policy of the City for several years not to grant such requests. It was the applicant's feeling, however, that due to the angle of the street intersection, a revolving sign was necessary for advertising exposure. It was Staff's opinion there was adequate vehicular exposure from all directions and there would appear to be no justifiable reason to support a need for any change in a policy which apparently has not caused any serious advertising hardship to any firm within the city. It was pointed out that this policy was recently reinforced by a decision of a drive-thru restaurant, who determined that a revolving sign was not a necessary adjunct to their advertising scheme, and ~oluntarily adjusted it to a fixed position. It would be the recommendation of Staff that Use Permit 71-376 be denied on the basis of the facts presented by adoption of Resolution No. 1250. The public portion of the hearing was opened by Chairman Larnard at 7:40 p.m. PC 1/10/72 ~' Mr. Dave Garrison, }Iolm, Tait & AssocJ. atcs, Anaheim, California, agent for Standard Oil Co. of California, stated that Standard Oil Company is attempting to promote a new signing program for all their service stations by eliminating many of the smaller signs and replac- ing them with as few signs as possible in the interests of aesthetics. He added that when they presented this sign to the Development Preview Commission, it was suqgested additional landscaping be provided, which is agreeable to the applicant, and they are taking down all existing signs on'the property and desire'to replace them with this revolving sign. In time they anticipate repainting the station and updating the facility to comply with the City's ordinances, plus generally improving the appearance of the site. The rotation of the sign is requested due to the layout of the service station at the intersection and it is their feeling it will benefit them as far as business is concerned as well as the independent dealer operating the station as a business man within the city. Ray Vazin, Engineer for Standard Oil Company, advised the main reason for requesting this rotating sign is so they may eliminate other signs on the site and to present exposure to both streets at the intersection. From the standpoint of the individual businessman operating this ser- vice station would be to his benefit, and they do not feel the rotating sign would be a traffic deterrent or present any hazards. He added similar signs are being installed in their service stations across the country. Public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m. In the discussion following among the Commissioners, the consensus of opinion was there was adequate exposure at this intersection without a rotating sign; that sufficient justification was not presented to substantiate such a sign or to support a need for any change in City policy regarding rotating signs. Mr. Curtis moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1250, denying Use. P~rmit UP-71-37~; seconded by Mr. Sharp. MOTION CARRIED¢ 5-0 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 UPT71-377 - Western Mortgage corp. - to permit the temporary use of a trailer for banking facilities and other office facilities until a permanent structure can be erected. Location: Site is generally located at the southeasterly intersec- tion of 17th Street and Yorba Street, known as Lots 1 and 2 of the Vincente Yorba Tract (the Enderle Property), with certain exceptions, and including an area on an alignment of some 260 ft. easterly of Yorba north, on the southerly side of 17th Street, for the prupose of road alignment. A synopsis of the Staff Report was given by Mr. Fleagle relating that the applicant'proposes to utilize a portion of a larger parcel of land as described, to be located just westerly of the proposed south- erly extension of Yorba Street. Thirty parking spaces have been pro- posed for the site, whereas Code requires only seven; plus two curb cut drives are shown on 17th Street to provide vehicular access. The plans also indicate the surface of the total site would be asphalted and landseaping on the frontages and perimeter would be provided. It was brought out that the applicant had not stipulated any time period for this temporary use, since there was no guarantee as to when permanent facilities would be completed on the site. The Zoning Ordinance states the Planning Commission may grant temporary use permits for periods of up to six months, and in line with the City Attorney's opinion on a previous case, Staff would recommend initial approval for a six month period, subject to further review for addi- tional six month extensions, not to exceed a two year period. The additional time extensions could be granted by the Planning Co.mmission upon application, without the need for further public hearings. Staff would also recommend that no more than one curb cut be permitted on 17th Street, with said access being located as far westerly on the site as is physically possible. In addition it is recommended the site be brouqnl, up to normal commercial development standards, including asphalting and striping of the parking area and adequate landscaping within the interior and around the perimeter of the si~e, and the perimeter landscaping be brought up to ultimate design standards, plus sufficient pavement transition westerly of the entrance to allow traffic to decelerate and enter the bank property. Dedication of right-of-way for 17th Street in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial highways and full improvements on 17th Street would also be required if the use permit is granted. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:57 p.m. by Mr. Larnard. Mr. R. T. French, representinq Western Mortgage Corp., stated that the proposed permanent bank site, would not be located~'where the trailer is to be situated. In reply to questioning, he stated a copy of the City Engineer's report had been received and read by him; he did not agree 100% with the recommendations made, but would adhere to them, if necessary. At this time they plan to use the proposed permanent curb cut on the southwesterly side of 17th Street, to which Staff replied they would take no exception to locating at the permanent curb cut. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:01 p.m. A brief discussion ensued among the Commissioners touching on various points, such as whether there would be a drive-in facility at the temporary site, (Mr. French advised there would not be one); how long it might take to get full street improvements installed; whether it is reasonable to request full improvements at this time; and, the proposed location of the permanent bank site. Mr. Edelstein moved for approval of Use Permit 71-377 by adoption of Resolution No. 1251; seconded by Mr. Curtis. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 1) Planning Commission Annual Report for the year 1971 .Mr. Fleagle stated a preliminary copy of the Annual Report had been given to the Commissioners, and that there were some corrections to be made before it would be finalized. If the report is found to be satisfactory, it is requested the Chairman be authorized to sign the report on behalf of the Commission. Mr. Curtis moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Annual Report; seconded by Mr. Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PENDING APPLICATIONS - For Public Hearing at 1-24-72 Meeting 1) Application of the Santa Ana-Orange-Tustin Board of Realtors to amend the Sign Ordinance (Ordinance No. 438) to authorize an ihcrease in the size of real estate signs to allow a maxi- mum 18 sq. ft. of trim area and an increase in permitted height from 4 feet to 8 feet. Mr. Fleagle brought out that this request for an increase in size bears a close relationship to a "structure" and there is a possi- bility a permit fee might be a legitimate application for an oversize sign. The Staff Report will relate all the factors involved. PC 10/10/72 -3- P.',,'~D.[.~;C APPLICATIO:,~S (Continued) 2) UP-7.2-378 - Application of Waiter J. Fredriksen for a Use Per- mit to authorize Residential Care for Active Elderly Usage on Lots 5 and 6, Tract 2187, known as 280-82-84 East Third Street and 320-22-24 South Preble Drive, in the R-3 (Multi-Family) District. 3) UP-71-375 - Aoplication of Santiaoo Commercial Bank for a Use Permit to authorize an advertising banner on Lots 1, 3 and 5, Block 41 of Tustin Land and Improvement Company Sub-division, known as 105 E1 Camino Real, in the C-2 (Central Commercial) District. 4) ~Z-72-132 - Application of George & Thelma Stolte for pre- zoning from the Orange County E-4 (10,000) Residential Estate District to the City of Tustin R-1 (Single-family) District, subject to annexation to the City of Tustin, for property described as the north one-half of Lot 16 in Block B of the Chapman Tract, generally situated on the west side of Prospect Avenue, north of 17th Street and south of Laurie Lane in the County of Orange. 5) V-72-282 - Application of Miles L. Beadle for a Lot Split Variance to reduce from 7200 sq. ft. minimum lot size to create 5000 sq. ft. building sites for single-family develop- ment, Lots 19 and 20, Block 300, City Map 190, known as 335, 345 and 355 West 2nd Street for the purpose of demolishing a deteriorated structure and developing the total block frontage. Mr. Fleagle requested, if possible, the Commissioners take a look at this particular site on the above variance, prior to the next meeting so they will be aware of the situation. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Fleagle related that correspondence had been received from the Orange County Planning Departnn~ent with reference to the public hearings tonight on Use Permits 71-376 (Standard Oil Co.) an~ 71-377 (Western Mortgage Corp.) and said correspondence was included among the Staff Reports. The Orange County Planning Dept. did concur with the findings of the City Staff, in both instances. There will be a County Case coming up before the Commission at the next meeting on January 24, 1972 pertaining to a dog kennel. STAFF CONCERNS 1) Mr. Fleagle conveyed to the Commissioners the efforts put forth by the new owners of the old "Bunny Hutch" located on Holt Avenue in the City of Tustin, in remodeling this site, now to be operated as "Bachelors III". Renderings of the proposed renovation, signing, etc. were shown to the Commissioners, who also expressed appreciation of what is proposed to be accomplished for this building. It was Staff's opinion that perhaps the Commission might desire to relate their appre- ciation to the new owners for the efforts exerted in making this previously rather offensive building, now something that will be an asset to the City. Mr Curtis stated the Commission should take every opportunity to acknowledge such progress and moved that a commendation be sent to the new owners; ~econded by Mr. Dukleth. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2) The Commissioners were advised by Staff that at the second meeting in January, the annual meeting will be held for election of officers, according to the By-laws. PC 1/10/72 -4- STAFF CONCERNS (Continued) 3) ~elly Building - Mr. Fleagle told the Commissioners that this building located at 330 E1 Camino Real, was authorized and con- structed as a professional office building, on which a Variance was granted for a reduction in the required number of on-site parking spaces from 11 to 9 for professional offices. However, the building is being utilized for mostly commercial businesses rather than pro- fessional, and the issue that Staff would like the guidance of the Commission is this: the parking requirements on commercial uses is one parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area, as compared to one parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area for pro- fessional uses. The Kelly Building encompasses 3300 sq. ft. with six office and/or store suites, of which four are now occupied. Three of these are commercial in nature and one is professionaL. Staff would like to know the Commissions thoughts in this matter as to what action, if any, should be taken by Staff. In the discussion following, the Commissioners inquired as to what progress had been made on a parking district; whether parking would be available b a lease agreement in adjacent areas; how much on-street parking was available, etc., and if the Kellys were agreeable to any of these alternatives. For the record Mr_._Sharp_req_uested it be noted he was abstaining from this discussion. Mr. Curtis moved that Staff be directed to communicate with Mr. Kelly, reminding hi~ of the Variance that was granted on the parking require- ments for a "professional office building" and the problems presented by their using it primarily as "commercial". They should be encouraged to resolve the parking needs for the "commercial" usage at this time either through lease or joint rental agreement, as soon as possible, so that a major problem is not subsequently created; seconded by Mr. Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 (Mr. Sharp abstained from the voting) 4) Sera Bella Restaurant, 13522' Newport Boulevard - Mr. Fleagle pre- sented to the Commission the parking layout plan for this proposed restaurant, and after some discussion it was the consensus of opinion of the Commissioners that the exceptions and/or variations as shown, would require a formal public hearing on the matter. COMMISSION CONCERNS Mr. Sha~ inquired as to the status of the proposed medical facility to be constructed at the northwest corner of Irvine Boulevard and Red Hill Avenue, and Staff advised the applicant did intend to proceed with construction. Mr. Larnard stated he had an announcement from the League of Cities on ~n Institute' for Planning Commissioners to be held in San Jose on February 23-24-25, 1972, and reservations must be submitted no later than February 9, 197l. Staff was asked if there were any funds in the budget that might be used for this Institute, and the reply was the Council would consider allocation of funds for this purpose, if the Commission submitted a request. The Commissioners will bring the matter up at their next meeting on January 24, 1972. ~UDIENCE PARTICIPATION - None %DJOURNMENT _Mr.. Sharp moved for adjournment at 8:58 p.m. P~ANNING COF~4I~IO~-'CH;~IRMAN --- -- PC/ 1/10/72