HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-26-71 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
OCTOBER 26, 1971
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 26th day of October at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said
day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, Calif.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Dukleth.
Curtis, Sharp, Dukleth
Larnard, Edelstein
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. CA - Community Development
Pat Brown, Ass't. Planning Director
Jean M. Smith, Planning Comm. Recording Secretary
OF OCTOBER 11, 1971
Moved by Mr. SharD, seconded by Mr. Dukleth that the minutes of
the October llth meeting be approved as submitted.
UP-71-368 - Shell Oil Company - Request to permit the remodeling
......................... of-an existing service station.
Site fronts approximately 108 ft. on the southeast
side of Newport Avenue and approximately 150 ft. on
the northeast side of Bryan Avenue.
Mr. Flea~le advised the Commission that Shell Oil Company had sub-
mitted an application for a Use Permit to remodel their existing
service station located at Newport and Bryan Avenues. The Develop-
ment Preview Commission, in giving preliminary review to this matter,
felt such renovation was extremely desirable and that the City
could possibly work with the applicant to provide the required
amenities on a time limitation basis. During initial discussions
with the applicant, they were advised the City was very desirous
of such renovation, as it would enhance the site and the sur-
rounding area. However, two factors involved were of concern to
the City, one being the development of the station commensurate
with the service station policy guide, and the other being the
dedication of Bryan Avenue to its ultimate width (50 ft. half-width).
The widening of Bryan Avenue does become of increasing significance
as a traffic artery with the proposed City of Irvine's long
range development plan, and the development of the triangle at
Newport, Main and Bryan. At this time the City does not have
plans for widening Bryan, but we do have a Master Plan of Arterial
Highways which does show the ultimate width of Bryan Avenue.
A letter was received this date from the applicant, which in
essence requests withdrawal of their application for a Use Permit,
as "it is now our understanding that the City of Tustin has plans
for widening Bryan Street across property occupied by the Shell
Service Station. This widening of the street would seriously
afl t the operation of the service station; consequently, we no
l~..~r feel it is prudent to increase our investment in this
location because of the proposed street widening."
PC 10/26/71
Mr. Flea~ll_q additionally advised that the applicant's info,. '.',[:ion
was erroneous as we do not have any immediate plans for thc %~id-
ening of Bryan; we are requesting the dedication of the ulti-
mate right-of-way and the street would eventua].ly be widened at
the City's expense. It would be Staff's recommendation that the
application not be withdrawn at this time, and the hearing be con-
tinued to the next Planning Commission meeting. In the .interim
have the Chairman direct a letter to Shell Oil Company, encouraging
them to continue with their plans for remodeling this station, as
a matter of civic pride and responsibility, and that the station be
modernized and made compatible with the surrounding neighborhood,
dedicating the right-of-way on Bryan, and at such time as the
street is widened, it will be done at City expense.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:47 p.m.; seeing
and hearing no one to speak for or against the issue, Chairman Pro
Tem Curtis closed the public portion at 7:48 p.m.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners regarding the pro-
posed widening or extension of Bryan Avenue, following which Mr.
Sharp moved that this public hearing be continued until the next
regularly scheduled meeting, and that correspondence be directed
to the applicant by the Chairman, reflecting the feelings as
outlined by Staff; seconded by Mr. Dukleth.
1) Master Tree Plan - Amendment
Mr. Fleagle related to the Commissioners that the Parks & Recrea-
tion Commission had recommended a revision of the Master List of
Street Trees, as proposed by the Public Works Superintendent.
Said list has been reviewed by the Development Preview Commission
and approved as modified. It is Staff's recommendation the Plan-
ning Commission, by motion, authorize the publication of a Notice
of Public Hearing for the purpose of amending Section 23-9, of
Ordinance No. 283.
Mr. Sharp moved that the Planning Commission, by motion, authorize
the publication of Notice of Public Hearing for November 8, 1971,
for the purpose of amending Section 23-9, Ordinance No. 283;
seconded by Mr. Dukleth.
Rest Homes - Interoretation of Resolution No. 1030
A brief summation of the Staff Report was given by Mr. Fleagle,
stating that the Planning Commission on December 9, 1968 approved
Resolution No. 1030, which authorized the establishment of a 100-
bed rest home to be located at 1051 Bryan Avenue. Tustin Manor
is now applying to the State for authority to operate an "Inter-
mediate Care Facility". A rest home is licensed by the State
Department of Social Welfare, whereas an Intermediate Care
Facility is licensed by the State Fepartment of Public Health.
And, the Public Health Department requires a certificate of
zoning compliance from the City prior to the issuance of a
license. There is only a minor technical difference between a
rest home and an intermediate care facility; that being, an inter-
mediate care facility requires a registered nurse be on duty full
It is recommended the Planning Commission, by Minute Order, declare
the terminology of Paragraph 2, Resolution No. 1030, adopted on
December 9, 1968, which states "a conditional use permit is
hereby granted to permit a 100-bed rest home on the subject
property ........ "is hereby interpreted to include an Intermediate
Care Facility, as defined by Section 382, Article 1, Title 17,
Part I, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, Group 3, of the California
Administrative Code.
In a brief d]~cussion among the Commissioners, it was brought
out that by changing the classification of this rest home, it
would in no way affect the State Hospital Planning Act, insofar
as possible development of a hospital within the community, since
· an Intermediate Care Facility is not categorized as a hospital.
Mr..Sharp moved a Minute Order be adopted, declaring the termi-
nology of Paragraph 2 of Resolution No. 1030 adopted on December
9, 1968, be interpre%ed to read as stated by Staff; seconded by
Mr. Dukleth.
PENDING MATTERS (Public Hearings for November 8, 1971 meeting)
UP171-370 - Eddy Meredith - Application to develop a Profes-
sional Business Park, consisting of four 2-story
and one 3-story buildings on property zoned PC-
BP (Planned Community - Business Park).
Site fronts approximately 638 feet on the south
side of Seventeenth Street and approximately
608 feet on the east side of Prospect Avenue.
UP-71-369 - Mrs. Maurice Enderle - Application to develop a
134-unit condominium, single-family, planned unit
development on property zoned P-C, R-3 (Planned
Community - Multiple Family).
Site fronts approximately 324 feet on the east
side of Yorba Street, extends eastward approximately
1161 feet and is located approximately 737 feet
southerly of the centerline of Seventeenth Street.
3) Amendment to Section 23-9, Ordinance 283, as amended by
Ordinance No. 295, to revise the Master Tree Plan
List by additions and deletions of the authorized
trees located on public right-of-way and specifi-
cation of parkway width required for specific
.................... species.
UP-71-371 -O. V. Dart - Application to permit the use of
property as a service station.
Property is located at northeast corner of West
First Street and "A" Street, known as 395 West
First Street.
Mr. Fleagle said that a letter directed to the attention of the
Development Preview Commission (with copies to the Tustin News,
Planning Commission and City Council), had been received this
date from Mr. Walter J. Wands, 17692 Westbury Lane, Tustin,
relative to the Tustin West single-family development by Jay
Andrews. The points in question he brought up were that no
trees were to be removed by the developer without approval from
the City; construction of certain specified tract side and
entrance walls; retention of eucalyptus trees, and grading not
to deviate more than plus or minus one foot from the adjacent
northern property.
Staff pointed out there is a difference of opinion in some
respects, and would suggest the Planning Commission either acknowl-
edge the letter and continue the matter for further comments and
review, or refer the matter to Staff to determine what action,
if any, is necessary and appropriate to satisfactorily handle the
PC 10/26/71
CORRT,. PO:.,)I.'?:C{'] (Cont d)
Mr. Sil,7. r~ questioned Staff regarding the planting of replact.-.c:nt
treos in the tract,, and°whether the dove]opor had lived up
his commitments and/or promises. Inasmuch as the deve] has
another tract coming u!.) for development, it is felt tha~ in some
manner all reouirements, specifications, etc. for this new pro- '
ject should be specifically spelled out prior to the start of
the project, thus eliminating any possible confusion or misunder-
standing later on.
Mr. Fleagle advised the ComMission that for the future tract
developmen{, all the specifics should be covered in the Subdivision
Map, which has to be submitted prior to development, and thus would
assure that all requirements are enumerated.
Mr. Sharp moved that the Co~mission acknowledge Mr. Wand's letter a'
refer the matter to Staff for consideration, analysis and request
that they work with the developer and the homeowners to amicably
arrive at a solution. It is requested Staff report back to the
Commission as to their actions and progress; seconded by Mr.
It was brought out by Mr. Fleagle that Staff had been directed to
prepare a BicyclePath Plan witl~in the City in conjunction with
the County's plan, when and if the County adopted such a plan.
The County has adopted such a plan and has encouraged the cities
to coordinate their plans with the County. Mr. Brown, of Staff,
is working on a plan for Tustin and would welcome any sugggstions~
recommendations, etc. from the Commission that they might like to
have included in the Bicycle Plan 'for the City o~ Tus~in. ' .......
A discussion among the Co~missioners reflected their thoughts
of incorporating the City's park facilities, if possible, with
the path; also provide for parking facilities for the bikes
wherever possible; utilize any public or institutional buildings
within the bicycle path and tie the path into any camp sites or
public parks within the surrounding areas.
Mr. Fleagle advised he is discussing a possible prezone and
annexation proceedings for the property north of Seventeenth
Street at Prospect. One property owner has initiated the action
for a prezone to R-l, bringing the property into the City, and
he is gathering support of the surrounding property owners. It
is requested of the Commission, that if such action does mate~
rialize, they authorize Staff to advertise for a public hearing
on said prezoning action for subject property.
Mr. Dukleth moved that such authority be granted to Staff;
seconded by Mr. Sharp, with the comment that the Foothill Home-
owners Association should be so advised of the pending action,
if and when it materializes.
Mr. Sharp made reference to the upcoming public hearing on November
8, 1971 - UP-71-369, Mrs. Maurice Enderle/Hester Development, for
the property south of Seventeenth Street, east of Yorba. He
questioned the status of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance, with
respect to this proposed development. Staff replied that the City
Attorney had received a communication this date relative to a U.S.
Supreme Court ruling, which in effect, upheld the California ~tate
Supreme Court's decision on the Park Land Dedication Ordinance,
in that it was a valid requirement imposed by cities.
However, with respect to Tustin, it was the decision of the City
Council not to adopt such an ordinance at the time of their public
hearing, due to the limited amount of land within the City, and
they did not feel it would be an equitable arrangement for the
'existing property owners.
Mr. Curtis, in connection with the same upcoming public hearing,
questioned Staff regarding a Master Plan for the total area.
Staff stated a total development plan has been prepared, and
that in effect, UP-71-369, will be an overlay for the residential
portion of the total development. The initial proposal is one
Staff can accept as workable, but it is desirable that all prop-
perty owners involved concur with the Plan.
Mr. Curtis ~uestioned Staff as to the parking of heavy equipment/
vehicles on private properties, especially on main thoroughfares.
Staff advised that if the contractor has a state contract or a
specific contract doing work in the immediate area, and has the
consent of the property owner, and it is a "temporary" situation,
it is permissible for the contractor to park his equipment on said
property. However, if it is not a temporary situation, but one
that continually happens on certain properties, a different situa-
tion exists and would be investigate~.
Mr. Flea~le expressed to the Commission his admiration and respect
-for their decorum and superb handling of the rather difficult
issues heard at the October 11, 1971, meeting.
Mr. Dukleth moved for adjournment at 8:25 p.m., seconded by Mr.
PC 10/26/71