HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-10-71 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 10, 1971 The regular meeting of the City of T~stin Planning Commission was held on the 10th day of May at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day in thc Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by Commissioner Edelstein. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis. ROLL CALL: Present: Larnard, Curtis, Edelstein, Mahoney, Sharp Absent: None Others R. Kenneth Fleagle, Asst. CA - Comm. Development Director Present: Pat Brown, Ass't. Planning Director Jean M. Smith, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 1971 Moved by Ur. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edels%.ein, that the minutes of the April 26, 1971 meeting be approved, as submitted. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PUBLIC IIEARINGS ~ CONTINUED EL CAMINO REAI, DEVELOPMENT - Specific Plan No. 1 Mr. Fleagle explained that this hearing had been continued from the April 12, 1971 meeting to enable Staff and all interested parties to again meet, exchange ideas, suggestions, criticisms, etc., and for Staff to present an amended Specific Plan for the downtown area. The plan as now formulated has been endorsed by the Downtown Business Association and the Tustin Now and Tomor- row Committee, with reservations that the plan should be reviewed after it has been in effect, to re-evaluate the provisions perti- nent to parking and signing. This plan has also modified the "village" theme to authorize that which would be compatible. Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:38 p.m. Mr. Thomas Kelly of 330 E1Cam~no Real, Tustin, inquired regarding the parking aspects of the plan, with reference to existing tenants Vs. new tenants or building owners coming into the area; whether an assessment should be levied against all tenants, both old and new; and how the ordinance would apply to "mixed type uses - commercial and offices combined". It was his opinion that new businesses that provided parking were being discrimi- nated against in comparison with established businesses that do not provide parking. Mr. John Roach, President of the Downtown Business Association, stated that at their most recent meeting, the association had unanimously ado~ted the amended plan, with exception being made to the signinq l~ortion, and felt that further study was needed in that respect. PC 5/10/71 -1- hi.q qrc~u..-~ .hi,.~J:~y .,n,.i<,'.,-:~,..,! t!,(. :,]an, ar],,1 (:c~;~c:urred with Staff':.; opinion tb.c,r~.~ wi1.] i)c, n(.('(~ fc)r c!lanqe~ in thc plan as time (joes on, but thi~ Ls ,n ~tart~nq j)oJ. nt, and future problems wil] be met as they come along. Their desire is to see the plan adopted as soon as possible, so it may become effective. Public ~)ortion of the hearing was closed at 7:47 ~).m. A discussion followed among the Commissioners and Staff relative to anticipated parking problems and what the possible solutions might be for the merchants, and the financial burden for improve- ments placed on the businessmen. Mr. Curtis made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, that Resolu- tion No. ].215 be ad?:)_~_t_c!.d, recommending to the City Council ado.?tio~L of the E1 Camino Real Devclo?mont - S:)ecific Plan No. 1, and also requested Staff to continue their investigation of the potential problems and bring the matter up before the Commission, as neces- sary, to discuss the progress and problems of the plan, on a regular basis. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PUBI, IC HEARINGS - NEW Public Hearing No. 1 PREZONE PZ-71-126 AND GENERAI, PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 - Motion of the Planning Commission on initiation by the Irvine Company. Location: Area bounded by the Santa Ana Freeway to the north- east; Myford Road to the southeast; the Santa Fe Railroad mainline and Moulton Parkway to the south- west; and the Santa Fe Railroad Venta spurline to the northwest. Mr. Fleagle presented a summation of the Staff Report on this prezone action, requesting amendment to the General Plan from Agricultural Use to Low Density, Medium Low Density and Medium Density Residential Use and to amend the Zoning Ordinance by establishing a Planned Community (Residential Development) Dis- trict, subject to Specific Plan submission and approval, in accordance wfth the Precise Land Use Development Plan dated April 1971, as submftted to the Irvine Company. It was also brought out, an Annexation proposal has been filed with LAFCO to bring the subject area into the incorporated limits of the City. It is Staff's recommendation that this hearing be continued to May 24, 1971 in order to obtain the benefit of comments that may be forthcoming from the Irvine Company, School District and City Staff. Mr. Larnard opened the public.portipn of the hearin9 at 8:10 ~.m.; seeing and hearing no one who desired to speak for or against the issue, the public portion was closed at 8:11 p.m. Mr. Mahonev moved that Public Hearing on PZ-71-126 be continued until the next Planning Co~mission meeting on May 24, 1971; seconded by Mr. Ede]stein. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Public Hearing No. 2 UP-71-361 - TIC TOC ,~g%RKI'TF.c], TNC. on beha]f of John Richardson Location: Site fronts ap[~ro>:Jmately 250 ft. on the east side of Pasadena Ave. and ~s locat~d ap[~roximately 190 ft. .~;out',~ of the center line of McFadden Avenue, at 15832 Pasadena Avenue., Tustin, California. PC 5/10/71 -2- "r Brc)wl~ r(,v;~,',.;c:i ih:..(;t:,-~ff R~.:;o:;t :~t~[.in~; that subject pro:)c.,rty is cu~l.~'t:lv z()~e(] C-2, ~m-:~".'(,r, a drive-in or take-out type rcstaur~nt in ,.~ c(~mm,'.r'c~ql die, trier r('~cluirc~; the submission and approval off a Iisi' l~c:rmi t, henc(~ thc purl)ese of this application. The opinion of Staff is that the use as proposed, per the sub- mitted ,~lans, would be a!>propriate to the surrounding area and recommends ador)tion of Resolution No. 1214 subject to the recom- mendations of the Fire, Engineering and Building Departments. Mr. Larnar¢_______~_l Jeclared the.Du~_J~?l__ic portion of the hearing open at 8:18 p.m. Mr. John K___e_r_,_.'_, reprcsc_n_t ing the Tic Toc Markets, spoke on theJ r behalf, stating they were agreeable to all the recommendations of the various do.~artm,~nts; however, did take exception to the re- quirement of a 36" block wall or landscaping required between the two accessways, to effectively screen the parked automobiles from public view. l{e cited the possible danger of small children darting out from behind same, into the path of oncoming autos or falling off the wall. It was their feeling a wall could be both detrimental and dangerous. Public portion of the meeting closed at 8:28 p.m. After some. discussion among the Con,missioners, Mr. Edelstein made a motion that Resolution No. 1214 be adopted granting approval of Us~ Permit 7'i-~6] with the foll6_Wi,ng conditiOnS; seconde~ by Mr.Mahone'~ a) That food products involved in this operation will be cooke(] and !~repared off-site, with heating and cooling only being involved on the premises; b) That a landscape screen with irrigation shall be pro- vided adjacent to the sidewalk between the two access- ways to effectively screen parked automobiles from public view; c) That ail outdoor uses on this shopping center site, other than newspaper racks, be located totally within the business structure; d) Compliance witl~ the stipulated requirements of the Engineering, Building and Fire Departments as con- tained in Exhibits "A", "B", and "C" referenced hereby and made. a part hereof of this Resolution. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF PP, EC1SI:', Pl,~,.,~: OF DEVELOP.,;E,,,T - Steelcase, Inc. - Continued front April 26, 1971 meeting. Mr. Fleaq].e sumgnarized the Staf'f R.eport, recalling that the matter had been continued from the previous meeting in order that the applicant might consider the recommendations of the Fire Chief and the City Engineer. An cxpres:;ion of appreciation was extended to Steelcase, Inc. and their architect, Albert C. Martin & Assoc., for their corn:0]ete cooperation in this matter. Inasmuch as all problems have been resolved, it is Staff's recommendation that Resolution No. 1211 be adopted, approving the Precise Plans of Development, as submitted. Mr. Sharp moved._.t_.h.3_t._f_.~.~.~n_ol_t.Lt'._i:o..n No. ]2].]. bo adomtef.t~ apR.%..o..v_ing.. Prec i se P 1 a_n. 5 _.q .f_!.)_c,_yF_l_f,! >~nc~.!l t ._f_'_qr_f.'; tJ.;?_]:~'.-ia_.9(..'., Io...c.._._~__..5..C.gO~ld,pd by. ~ · Edelstein, subject to t!~(? following condit ions: PC 5/10/71 -3- a) Tile recordin~ of a Covenant running with the land, as approved by the City Attorney, guaranteeing that suf- ficient on-site parking facilities shall be provided at the owner's cxpense to accommodate all employees and guests of' present and future proposed developments and use, based upon a determination of requirements by the Planning Commission on the recommendation of City Staff. b) Satisfaction of the requirements of the City Engineer, .as .contained in memorandum dated April 21, 1971, referenc~ hereby and made a pa'rt hereof. c) The installation of fire hydrants as stipulated by the Fire Chief. Approval by the Planning Commission of any future Precise Plans for expansion. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7405 Location: That portion of the Walnut-Browning Annexation located north of Walnut Avenue and from 990 to .1325 'ft. wes'terly.of Browning Avenue, located ' between Tract 6595 and Tract 6484. Mr. Brown presented Staff Report from the Engineering Department requesting approval of subject map, which conforms to Tentative Tract Map approved by the Commission on April 26, 1971. Mr.. C~rt. ia made motion, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein, that Final ..Tra~%~'.~ No. 7405 b~_ ap~rov&~,'.subject to final approval by the ~lty Council and~ty Engineer. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 NEW BUSINESS Pending Applications UP-71-362..- Hester Development'on behalf of Harriet O. Enderle. Application to permit construction of 198 apartment units in the PC R~3 District, located on the east side of Yorba Street, 737 ft. south of 17th Street. ZONING OI{DINANCE AMENDMENT -'Home Day Care Type Nurseries Mr..Brown p~esented summation on Staff Report covering subject matter, specifically pointing out under the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance.No. 157,.the. dafinitions of Day Nurseries and Nursery Schools. Regarding "home day care type nurseries", the policy of the City has been to permit the care of three children or less as a.Home Occupation, wherein a business license is required, but not a Use Permit. However, .a.communication was received from the Chairman of the Tustin Day Care Families Association stating that Tustin was too restrictive in their policy, and it was felt Tustin should be more in line with the State regulations that permit 5 or 6 children (depending upon the age of the children). Subsequently Staff surveyed the other Oran(!e County cities and checked with the Orange County Social Welfare Department ~; to their policies. PC 5/10/71 .'i ·-4- ... .......... PC 5/10/71 In line with the results of Staff's investigation, it is the con- sonsus of opinion that an amendment to our ordinance, commensurate with the limitations established by the State, would be beneficial to the community. In addition, it would also bring our Ordinance in line with the State requirements, therefore, avoiding inter- jurisdictional conflicts and inconsistencies. It is Staff's recommendation that in view of the above, the Planning Commission, by adoption of a Minute Resolution, set for public hearing at their May 24, 1971 meeting, the following amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance 157, as amended: Ordinance No. 372, Section 11.131, be amended as'follows: 'Day Nursery' - a place where seven (7) or more children are left for day time care, institutional in nature. Ordinance 372, Section 11.331, be amended as follows: 'Nursery school' - a public or private agency engaged in educational activity with six (6) or more pre-school children. Ordinance 157, be amended by the addition of the following Definition to Section' 11: Section 11.1311 - 'Day Care Homes'- Children' - a family home, non-institutional in character, which provides day care only, with or without compensation, for: a) Not more than five (5) children including the family day care mother's own children, when the age range is infancy through 6; b) Not more than six (6) children when the age range is 3 through 16, including the day care mother's own children. Mr. Larnard asked Mrs. O'Brien of the Orange County Social Welfare Department, who was in the audience, if she had any comments to make to the Commission. She deferred to her supervisor, Mr. Pritchard, who stated that our proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance seemed to be quite reasonable and in line with State regulations. He suggested that the definition of "day nursery" include the words "institutional in nature". He also said that he, as well as the Chairman of the Tustin Day Care Families Association, would be at the public hearing on May 24, 1971. Mrs. Eileen March, Chairman of the Tustin Day Care Families Assoc. also spgke, stating it took a special kind of person to be a real good day care mother; and that not only the day care mother, but also her spouse were subject to a clearance by the law enforcement agencies. Motion made by Mr. Mahon~y, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that a Minute Resolution be adopted, setting up a public hearing for the May 24, 1971 Plannin~ Commission meeting to consider the above amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 157, as amended. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 CORRESPONDENCE COUNTY CASE - ZC-71-24 Rezoning of properties generally located northeasterly and south- easterly of the intersection of Newport Avenue and La Colina Drive. The Staff Report was summariz%d by Mr. Brown, stating in essence, that the County was proposing a rezoning of several individual par- cels of land, approximately 13 acres in total. Proposed rezoning on southeasterly port~on is basically in conform.~nce with existing zoning on those properties, which was recently approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. PC 5/10/71 -5- COR R E S Pf)..'q i.)I; NC F, (cont:intu:d) However, the proposed rezoninq of the norteasterly portion, no matter which of the three alternate methods they have presented would be used, would far exceed the medium ].ow density indica- tions of the Tustin Area General Plan. Consequently the County has indicated any approval of this request would necessitate a General Plan Amendment for that area. It would be Staff's recom- mendation that the Tustin Planning Commission direct a communica- tion to the Orange County Planning Commission suggesting that serious consideration be given to the traffic situation in this area, both for the present and future; that development of the northeasterly parcels be restricted to a density no greater than that proposed by subdividing these properties for a development of duplex dwelling units on 6000 sq. ft. lots; and that any change of zoning for these properties should require the submission and ap- proval o~ precise plans of development to encompass all parcels in the area a~ Newport and La Colina Drive, which are now in the R-1 District. ~ After considerable discussion among the Commissioners and Staff, a motion was made by Mr. Shar~, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that a communication be directed to the Orange County Planning Commission (with a copy to the Foothill Home Owners Association) stating basically those recommendations as noted by Staff. MOTION CARRI.ED:. 4-1 AYES: Larnard., Curtis, Sharp, Edelstein NOES: Mahoney STAFF CONCERNS Use Permit UP-69-311 - Smith Printers Mr. Fleaqle.apprised the Commission of the background on subject Use Permit covering a free-standing sign to be erected at 424 West Sixth Street. The original Use Permit was granted on October 13, 1969; a six months' extension was granted from the date of February 8, 1971, with the undarstanding that no other free-standing sign would be permitted at that location. It has come to Staff's attention that the applicant has now changed the location of the sign from the rear of the structure (easterly side) to the southwest corner of the property; the reason being that Smith Printers intends to expand their building to the rear. The matter is being brought to the attention of the Commission in- asmuch.as permission was granted for the free-standinq sign to be located at the rear of the structure, and the Development Preview Commission at their April 22, 1971 meeting gave their approval for erection of the sign at the new location. A lengthy discussion followed among the Commissioners, and questions were directed to Staff, as to what action, if any, should be taken by the Commission at this time. Inasmuch as the Commissioners were unaware of wha.t had transpired, it was felt they would like to delve further into the matter and also check out the actual site. Motion made by Mr. Shar?, seconded bv Mr. Edelstein, that action on this matter be delayed until the next P].ann~n.q. Commission Meeting on May 24, 1971. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 COMMISSION CONCERNS Sixth Street Extension M'r. Curtis inquired of Staff when further action will be taken on the extension of Sixth Street. Felt that since we now have moved on the Downtown Development, someti%ing concrete should be forthcoming on this matter. Staff advised the extensi, ons of Sixth Street and Prospect will be proposed fol]owinq City Council's consideration of the Down- town Development Program - Specific Plan No. 1. PC 5/10/71 -6- ~"; ,) .....}<.,,, (Con[ C()5~r'.'..l.,, IrKq Cr ,,r'~...-~' Mr. CurtS.q rained thr: qu:.~r.;[.ion of Staff r,..:co:nmcndations on and deve].opmcnt polieJ, r~s being directed to othr'r government;:l Co.mn] ..... ion or · agencies without tlne endorsement of the ,, ' .... Council Specific reference was made to the Master Plan of Arterial as related to the Circulation Element of thc General Plan. The Commission exprr~ssed the unanimous opinion that staff reco;rxnenda- tions to other qovernmcntal agencies, that pertain to plannin? and physical development of the community, should have the prior approval of the Corn.mission or Council. Tree and Shrubber,y Trimmin.'j Mr. Mahone¥ requested the Staff to investigate and correct instanca5 of projecting shrubbery and trees in the public right-of-way ang sidewalk areas. Specific reference was made to the properties located south of Santa Clara on Loretta and Leafwood Drive. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. C. Miller,Tustin City Councilman, stated he wished to speak to the Commission regarding Tract Map 7405. He was informed by ~'-~. Larnard that Final Tract Map had been approved by the Commissicn earlier in the evening, subject to final approval by the Ci~-v and City Engineer. His concern regarding this tract centered cn the drainage ditch along the western boundary of the tract, which ke felt was a hazard to the health and safety of anyone living in the area. Staff advised Mr. Miller that it had been hoped that the new developer would be able to alleviate or eliminate this prcb!a.-.. area; however, inasmuch as it was not on his land and on the ad':ice of the City Attorney, we could not force the developer to eliminate the drainage ditch. The City does hope to be able to enforce the owner of the drainage ditch to maintain and keep it free of debris, weeds, etc. and free running. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Mahoney. made motion to adjourn the meating at 10:~2 p,m. ClIAIRMAN OF T}IE ~,A--NNING COMaMISS[]O'N PLANNING COMb!ISSION RECORDING SECRETARY PC 5/10/7]. -7-