HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-12-71MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
APRIL 12, 1971
The regular mcetin:t of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 12th day of April 1971 at the hour of 7:30 p.m.
of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street,
Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was qiven by Commissioner Edelstein.
The Invocation ;vas given by Commissioner Mahoney.
Present: Curtis, Edelstein, Mahoney, Sharp
Absent: Larnard
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleaqle, Asst. CA - Comm. Deve]. Director
Pat Brown, Asst. Pi. arming Director
Jean M. Smith, Planning Co.mmission Recording Secretary
OF MARCII 22, 1971
Moved by Mr. Share, seconded bv~ Mr. Mah0ney, that the minutes
of the March 22, 1971 meeting be approved, as submitted.
Reactivation of Variance V-69-233 for the con-
struction of an office building in the C-2-P
(Central Commercial and Combined Parking) Dis-
trict, with a reduction in the required number
of off-street parking spaces (19 spaces required -
13 spaces proposed) and z~.o-foot structural set-
backs from all property l~nes
Site is located at southwest corner of E1 Camino
Real and Main Street, with frontages of approxi-
mately 100 ft. on the west side of E1 Camino
Real and 70 ft. on the south side of Main Street.
Mr. Fleagle stated that due notice had been given that the
Planninq Commission would hold a ~ublic hearing at this time
and place for the Variance Application. A summation of the
Staff Report.~; were pre.~;ented, qiving the history of the case
and Staff recommended conditions of approval.
Vice Chairman Curt. i.~ o}~cncd the public portion of the hearing
at 7:40 p.m.
- 1 -
Mr'. John l{o~'~ch, ]3671 :~a]r.:n,~ I)rive, Tu:;t]n, Ca].iforn]a, the
applicant, 7~-~e.--i~-[-,-i~-<,'or of the wlrianc(~, an(l agreed to the
conditions r(.~com:m.?nded by Staff. In response to a question
from the Commis.~;ion, Mr. Roach stated his proposed building
would basically be an office building with an insurance of-
fice and some retail.
There being no further comments from the audience, the public
portion of the hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m.
Mr. Mahone¥ moved approval of Resolution No. 1053 granting an
extension of V-69-233 to A?ril 12, 1972, subject to the fol-
lowing terms and conditions; seconded by bit. Edelstein.
Approval of precise development plans and architectural
design by the Development Preview Commission.
Installation of street trees per Master Street Tree
3. Close off all unused driveway entrances.
Modify drainage structure as necessary to permit new
driveway construction to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
Reconstruct broken and missing sections of concrete
Replacement of hydrant at Main and "C" Streets with an
approved type hydrant.
Dedication of a 5'X5' triangular corner cut-off at the
northwest corner of the property.
Mr. Brown read Staff Report to the Commission relative to amend-
ments to the Sign Ordinance with reference to signs affixed to
vehicles. Basically, the amendments to Sign Ordinance No. 438
refer to Section 4 of Article V, amending subparagraph "a" and
addition of subparagraph "i", as follows:
Subparagraph "a" is amended to read as follows:
"Any sign erected for the purpose of advertising a pro-
duct, event, person or subject not related to the pre-
mises upon which said sign is located, except directional
signs, is prohibited, including any sign maintained or
affixed to any vehicle which is used primarily to support
or display such sign while parked on public or private
property, other than for the purposes of lawfully making
deliveries or sales of merchandise or rendering services
from such vehicle."
Subparagraph "i" is to be added, reading as follows:
"Business signs on or affixed to trucks, automobiles,
trailers or other vehicles, used primarily to support or
display such signs while parked on public or private pro-
perty,other than for the purpose of lawfully making de-
liveries or sales of merchandise or rendering services
from such vehicles."
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Staff ~ugq(,~;t-z t}](~ P].'~nnin,! Commi.~;sion r(~co:nmond api~roval to
the City Council of the amend~nents to th{~ Si. gn Ordinance by
adoption of Resolution No.12].0.
Mr. Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:50
p.m. As ti]ere was nobody desiring to speak for or against
said amendments, the public portion was closed at 7:51 p.m.
After a brief discussion by the Commission, Mr. Edelstein
moved that Resolution No. 1210 be adopted, recommending a_~-
proval of said amendments to the City Council; seconded by
Mr. Sharp.
AYES: Curtis, Edelstein, Sharp
NOES: Mahoney
Mr. Fleagle stated that for some time the Commissioners had the
proposed draft of the Downtown' Development Program, and at a
joint meeting on March llth, it was submitted to the TNT Com-
mittee, Downtown Business Association, Chamber of Commerce and
other interested property owners. SubSequently, the Downtown
Business Assoc. considered the program at their meeting on
March 31st.
The.suggestions and recommendations of these associations and
individuals have also been submitted to the Commissioners.
This matter has been advertised for a public hearing tonight
for the benefit of any other interested property owners and
residents of the City, so they may voice their comments and
opinions. The purpose and intent of this plan was to.give
impetus to the private property owners to develop, where pre-
viously he has been prohibited due to various restrictions. It
is Staff's recommendation that this hearing be continued until
the May 10, 1971 meeting, and in the interim Staff will take
all the comments, suggestions, proposals, etc. received, and
mold them into a plan they hope will be feasible and equitable
for everyone, and one that the people will find acceptable.
It is intended to present the final plan to the various organi-
zations prior to the May 10th meeting for review, and it is.
anticipated that at the May 10, 1971 meeting, we will have a
"plan for the people".
Vice Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:05 p.m.
Mrs. Thomas Kelly, 14691 Charloma Drive, Tustin, expressed her
favor of the plan and presented her suggestion for a "wishing
well"theme for the project as a focal point.
Virginia Stevens, 14332 S. Holt Avenue, suggested that perhaps
the directional signs for City Hall might be changed to direct
the traffic south on Prospect to Second Street.
Lee Wagner, owner of Lee's Lamo Shop, stated she was one of the
instigators of this program; ti]anked the Commission and Staff
for their assistance and help. She feels it is too soon to
present anything concrete, but did feel that settling on one
definite theme for the program would not be practical at this
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Mr. Jolin l;',',~,'~ch, i'r.,':i,,l(,~,l. :>f t.}~c'. Do'...';:i(,,'...':,, {';;;:,in,,:;:; Asr;oc:i.lt.i. on,
declarcd tilt:?:' d.W.' ~!' ']":k-,,-~ .'"a' mc.e t i. ri'U, -l'5'u-t'~--~-oi'--ii
resolved at the m~.~c,t, i n~i; tho cons~,n:;u.~; of o:~i. ni~n bei. nq to wait
for a more dctai i~.d plan. The feeling wan to play down
strict Spanish thc,me. Parkinq problem:; wor~', also discussed and
it was felt th(:5, did not want all parkinq restrictions lifted.
The thouqht was to reduce parking restrictions; it was voted to
suggest one parkinq space for each 400 sq. ft. of retail and
600 sq. ft. for office.
Charles F. Greenwood, Chairman of TNT CommSttee, speaking for
his committee as a whole, would like to .qupport whatever plan
is decided upon to be the best. The TNT Committee feels it
is fundamentally up to the downtown property owners and merchants
to work on this project. The desire is to push the program along
as fast as possible, as the E1 Camino Rea] area is very much in
need of many improvements, in order for Tustin to become a well-
balanced city, from a business standpoint.
Mr. Richard J. Redline, 420 "D" Street, Tustin, stated his con-
cern for the proposed downtown plan was the variances that were
being granted in order to encourage development in the area.
He wondered whether the variances should be so diverse in nature,
considering other problems that may arise as a result of these
The public portion of the hearinq was closed at 8:27 p.m.
In their discussion of this matter the Commissioners requested
that when Staff present the proposed plan, it definitely spell
out the specifics on parking, signing, etc., and also include
an analysis or comparison on the present restrictions Vs. the
Motion made by Mr. Mahoney to have this hearinq continued until
May 10, 1971 and Staff be directed to formulate and amend Spe-
cific Plan No. 1 for presentation at that time, in accordance
with the comments, suggestions and recommendations received;
seconded by Mr. Sharp.
Mr. Fleagle stated the matter of the extension of Sixth Street
(modification and alignment) and Prospect Street also ties into
the Downtown Development Program. At the last Planning Commis-
sion meeting the Commissioners were given the City Engineer's
report along with 15 alternatives and suggestions for these
extensions, for review so they could suggest two or three
alternatives that might be studied further for possible action.
Mr. John A. Prescott stated that at one of the first meetings
of the TNT Committee about three years ago, he suggested then
to extend Sixth Street out to Newport Avenue, but the idea of
extending Prospect, unless there is some bonafide justification,
is inconceivable at this time. tie had previously indicated to
Councilman Marsters his willinqness to dedicate any property he
owns that would be in the extended right-of-way of Sixth Street
and that offer is still good. lie feels it would not be wise to
go along with an extension of Prospect at this time.
Mr. Mahoney ~nquired if any effort had been made to contact the
various property owners regarding these street extensions.
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Mr. Fleagle replied that the City Council h.](] brought up at
a recent meeting they would like the Planning Commission to
consider the offer of the Sixth Street dedication and align-
ment, and as a result the City Engineer was asked to present
a report with suggested alternatives. These have been pre-
sented to you, and what we are trying to determine is your
feeling as to the best solution, and go back to the City
Engineer, so further study can be made as to cost, feasibility,
and to work it out with the property owners. There have been
no specific reco~nendations made or contact with property owners.
Following a discussion among the Commissioners, they seemed to
be in favor of Alternative No. 1, which is the direct extension
of Sixth Street to Newport on alignment with Walnut; and Alter-
native No. 8, which is the extension of Sixth Street to Newport,
and the extension of Prospect to Sixth Street.
Staff was requested to return these alternatives to the City
Engineer, with the Commission's desire for him to further con-
sider Proposal #1, with recommendations to be presented to the
Commission prior to a public hearing, regarding the feasibility
of such an alignment; and also the feasibility of an alignment of
Prospect to Sixth Street in the long range plan, and concurrently
for Staff to work with the property owners as to their develop-
ment plans, to make certain it is a compatible plan.
1) Appropriateness of a Dance Studio in a C-1 District
A summation of the Staff Report was ~given by Mr. Brown stating
than an application for a business kicense on a ballroom dance
studio had been received, and inasmuch as the Zoning Ordinance
No. 157 did not specifically categorize a dance studio for a
C-1 zone, the Commission was requested to determine if the pro-
posed use was similar in character to the particular uses allowed
in the C-1 District.
The Staff was asked by the Commission about parking problems
and any other restrictions or problems that might arise.
Mr. Brown replied there did not seem to be any problem with
parking, and that the tenants in the building voiced no objec-
tions to a dance studio being located there.
Mr. Mahoney moved that a Minute Order be made approving a
ballroom dance studio in a C-1 Zone; seconded by Mr. Sharp.
2) Park Land Dedication Ordinance
Mr. Fleagle reported that the County had adopted a Park Land
Dedication Ordinance for new developments on the submission of
subdivision maps, requiring the dedication of park lands. Our
concern is for what might happen within our Sphere of Influence
on the development of lands easterly of the present City of
Tustin should they develop without parks or without requirements
for parks.
Staff's recommendation is the Commission adopt a Minute Resolution
to advertise for a public hearing at the April 26, 1971 meeting
for the purpose of adopting an ordinance applicable to the City
of Tustin, using the same standards, basically, as adopted by
the County of Orange. This will not affect existing subdivisions
within the City; only new subdivisions.
Mr. Sharp queried as to whether there would be adequate hearings
so the public could be heard and speak out for or against the
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Mr. FleaQle stat(x] that under thc proce~.ucs proposed there
would be a hearinq by the Planning Commission with a recom-
mendation to the City Council. for adoption; then advertised
for a public hearing before the City Council; first reading,
second reading and a 30 day period following that, before it
would be effective.
Mr. Sharp made a motion that Minute Resolution be adopted
directing the Staff to p.re.~)ar(: a Park Land Dedication Ordi-
nance and authorJzo it for public hearing on April 26, 1971;
seconded b.v Mr. Ed(.:lstein.
3) Parcel MaD PM-71-45 - Santa Fe Land Improvement Co.
Bounded by Red Hill, Santa Fe Drive, Woodlawn
Avenue and Industrial Drive.
Mr. Brown read summation of City Engineer's Staff Report giviag
past history of the site, in that Parcel 1 was the subject of
previous Planning Commission action, and a Condition of Approval
for development of Parcels 2 and 3 was the submission of a
Parcel Map.
Staff's recommendation is for adoption of a Minute Order by the
Commission approving Parcel Map, subject to the following
Upon development of Parcel 2 or 3, the installation
of street lighting with underground conduit on the
parcel frontages as well as annexation to the Tustin
Lighting District and the installation of approved
street trees on the parcel frontages.
Final approval by the City Engineer and recordation
of the map.
Mr. Edelstein moved to adopt a Minute Order for approval of
Parcel Map 71-45, subject to conditions specified; seconded by
Mr. Mahoney.
4. Tentative Tract Map 7405 - Ralph Bernard and Don Spengler
That portion of the Walnut-Browning Annexation
located north of Walnut Avenue, and from 900 to
1325 ft. westerly of Browning Avenue, located
between Tract 6595 and Tract 6484.
Summation of City Engineer's Staff Report read by Mr. Flea~le,
with City Engineer recommending approval, subject to 13 con-
ditions. The one condition of approval which causes great
concern is the construction of a 6 ft. masonry wall along the
west boundary of the tract together with a lockable gate across
the open drainage channel at Walnut Avenue, or the acquisition
of the 6 ft. strip of drain right-of-way and the replacement of
the open drain with an underqround conduit and incorporation of
the 6 ft. strip within the tract lots. To elaborate on this
matter, on the westerly property line there is a privately owned
open drain channel on a six foot strip of land. What is being
proposed in this recommendat'i, on is, that this subdivision be
approved with a wall on the westerly property line, to isolate
the property from the open drainage channel. Under any approach,
this drainage channel is a potential hazard to the health and
safety of anyone living in the area. For the City to approve
the subdivision as subm~ tted would perpetuate an undesirable
condition. If it is ever going to be eliminated, now is the
time to do it. Staff recommends withholding approval of this
Tract Map until every possible avenue has been explored to find
a so]ut[on to this crucial ~)roblem.
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Mr. ,'Jack I{all, Civil Engin~.'~..r, rc~;'~rescntin~j thc developers,
and Ralph E. Berne]rd, one of the developers, both voiced con-
cern over this r¢,quc.~;t of the City, and ex..')ressed their anxiety
over the delay that will be caused, as timo is of the essence,
not to mention the additonal cost.
Following a lengthy discussion regarding this open drainage
ditch and its problems, among the Commissioners, the Community
Development Director and the 'applicant and his engineer, a
motion was made by .Mr. Mahoney, seconded bv Mr. Sharp, to
withhold approval of this Tract Man until ~he next Planning
Commission meeting, _duri_n~ which time the Staff and the City
Engineer will work with the applicant, doin(~ their utmost to
come up with a workable solution to this problem.
1) UP-71-360 - First Southern Baptist Church
Application to permit the development of a church facility
and auxiliary uses in the R-1 District, subject to annexa-
tion to the City of Tustin. Site fronts approximately 594
feet on the southwest side of Irvine Boulevard and approxi-
mately 313 ft. on the northwest side of Red Hill.
Review of Precise Plans of Development for Steelcase, Inc.
at next Planning Commission Meeting on April 26, 1971,
covering proposed development of approximately 36 acres of
land at Newport Freeway and Warner Avenue, located in
P-C Zone.
1) County Case - UP-31-36
Private school to be located on northwesterly side of Newport
Avenue, southwesterly of Vanderlip in the northeast area of
Mr. Brown stated notice of hearing was received by Staff the d~y
following the last Planning Commission meeting, and the hearing
was held on April 8, 1971. Approval was given by the County for
this school, and from Staff's standpoint it will be an excellent
use of this property in the R-1 District.
County Case - Zone Change and Ordinance relative to scenic
ZC-70-72 highway zoning.
Mr. Brown said notice was received of this hearing to be held on
April 13, 1971 by the County covering scenic highway zoning
throughout the County in unincorporated areas, and signing restric-
tions for those particular scenic highway belts. A member of the
Staff will attend the hearing so a report can be given on the
1) Mr. Fleagle reported a copy of the 1970 Federal census was
received today, and said there were some discrepancies noted
relating to city boundaries; and the latest Federal count for
population of Tustin was 21,178.
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Mr. Sha.r~_brought u.o the matter of the possibility or feasibility
of' a different zoning clas.qification for banks and savings
and loan institutions.
Mr. Mahoney asked J f Staff knew when the County was going to
notify the home owners J n the northern part of town when they
can take back the 25 ft. of ]and where the flood control channel
has gone in.
Staff replied they had no information to offer on the matter.
Mr. Mahone}~ also made reference to sign control and the fact
the telephone company locates signs on the top of their
telephone booths.
Mr. Mahone¥ made motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m.