HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-09-70 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION · NOVEMBER 9, 1970 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 9th day of November, 1970, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Edelstein. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp, Larnard None James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't City Administrator - Community Development Director D. L. "Pat!' Brown, Ass't. Planning Director - Zoning Administrator Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 26, 1970 Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by M~. Edelstein, that the minutes of October ~6, 1970~ be a~roved as corrected. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UP-70-351 - TUSTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Authority is requested for approval of a Use Permit to establish an elementary and intermediate school facility, and school maintenance, warehousing, and transportation facilities, to be accomplished in two phases. Location: Site fronts approximately 654 feet on the northwest side of Red Hill Avenue and approximately 1,235 feet on the southwest side of Sycamore Avenue. Mr. Fleagle stated that a subsequent meeting of both Staff and the applicant was h~ld and that there has been a re-design of the original plot plan layout. The revised plan includes a 42-foot wide right-of-way interior street, which will be dedicated for public purposes. Limited one-way access from Carfax Drive is also indicated to this interior drive. The City Engineer ex- pressed concern over the following items should this Use Permit be approved: 11/9/70 -1- PC Minutes-November 9, 1970 1. Dedication of right-of-way and full improvement of those portions of the service road lying within the School. 2. District's property, including the installation of street lighting facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Dedication of additional right-of-way on Sycamore Avenue in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the installation of full street improve- ments including street lighting facilities on the Sycamore Avenue frontage. If required by the Planning Commission, dedication and improvement of the connector link-between Carfax Drive and the service road. Se Annexatimn of the property to the Tustin Lighting District. Installation of any drainage facilities which may prove necessary for the proper drainage of the service road on a cost sharing basis in proportion to the percentage of total area draining to the system. Installation of drainage facilities in Sycamore Avenue in accordance with the Master Plan of Drainage with participation based upon half the total cost of drainage facilities required along the Sycamore Avenue frontage of the school site. Relocation or reconstruction of the irrigation facilities in Sycamore Avenue as necessary to permit construction of the street'improvements. Granting of an additional 10 feet of street right-of-way for Red Hill Avenue in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the installation of street lighting and sidewalk on the Red Hill frontage. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at 7:40 p.m. Mr. Archie Currie,'Deputy Superintendent of the Tustin Elementary School District, stated that the plan presented to the Commission was a very good one and he felt it to be for the betterment of both the children attending the proposed schools and for the community, itself. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that Resolution #1i89 (attached) be adopted approving uP-70-351. Mr. Sharp inquired about the City's plan for the parcel and as to how the fire station and corporation yard would be situated on the site. 11/9/70 -2- PC Minutes-November 9, 1970 Mr. Flea,lq replied that the City had not formulated plans as yet. He further stated that consideration was being given to the possible deveiopment of an overpass over Red Hill Avenue which would have an impact over the design and location of the Fire Station and thoughts had been given to a temporary location. Mr. Sharp further replied he felt that a Fire Station and an elementary school did not seem to be the most qompatible neighbors. The above motion was voted on by roll call: AYES: NOES: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp, Larnard None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UP-70-354 - THE SANTIAGO COMMERCIAL BANK., Authority to permit the temporary use of a trailer for record keeping and filing purposes. Location: Site is located at the southeast corner of First Street and E1 Camino Real with frontages of approximately 148 feet on the south side of First Street and 153 feet on the east side of E1 Camino Real. Mr. Brown stated that the subject trailer is presently located at the southeast corner of the property, adjacent to the east and south property lines. The applicants indicated that this temporary trailer was needed to provide additional room for the filing of bank records. They expressed tentative plans to use this trailer for a period no longer than one Year. The Development Preview Com- mission on October 28, 1970, gave preliminary review to the appli- cation. They expressed concern ab6ut the elimination of three parking spaces which the trailer was taking up. The color scheme of the trailer should conform to that of the main structure as so stated by the Development Preview Commission. Mr. Brown went on to say that the Building Official felt that the trailer was not classified as a true structure and expressed concern relative to the Uniform Building Code requirements. Mr. Sharp stated that if this Use Permit were approved, he felt that it would be waiving the Health and Safety requirements as set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Mr. Mahoney related the proposed trailer to the temporary buildings ~sed presently at City Hall. Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at ~:00 p.m. Mr. John Watz, representing Santiago Commercial Bank, stated that the buildihg when originally designed was limited in nature. He went on to say that the bookkeeping section has been offset from the main structure and is located at 420 E1 Camino Real. Mr. Watz further stated that the trailer is on the lot, and is not being used. He pointed out that under the present conditions of opera- tion, it was extremely difficult to operate efficiently as far as the customer was concerned and as far as the bank staff was con- cerned. Mr. Watz stated that the bank is presently considering four prospective locations in the Tustin area for thei~ new bank f~aili~y~ He fur~he~ s~ated that they were w~ll~ng ~o w~k alon~ wl~ ~e ~ui~ing Department. -3- 11/9/70 PC ~s-November 9, 1970 Mr. Curtis inquired as to the trailer being the standard rental type Ghat is being used around the County? Mr. Watz replied ~hat is is not a rental trailer through a stan- dard rental agency, but is a trailer that would be similar to that type of operation. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Sharp inquired as to the length of time to be used in finding a new site for the bank. Mr. Watz stated that they were hoping to be in their new building in about a year's time from now. Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded for purposes of discussion by Mr. Larnard, that UP-70~354 be continded.t~ the next regularly scheduled mee~in~ or u~t~l such time 'as the ~oblems' be resolved ~y the Staff .and the U~i~or~ ~uil~In~ Cod%. The above motion was voted on by roll call: AYES: NOES: Sharp, Larnard Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney MOTION DENIED 3-2 Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution #1'190 (a~tached) be adopted a~rovin~ UP-70-354. Said Resolution to ~i~ %he requirements of the B6ildin~ and Fire D~a'rtmen~s and ap. ~roved subject., to .the . precise .i°cati°n. ~ . on. the. lot. being. . approved b~ the Development Preview Commission w~th a time limitation of s~x months with fur~her-~i~ht o~ extensions without public hearing. The motion was voted on by roll call: AYES: NOES- Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Larnard Sharp MOTION CARRIED 4-1 AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.14 (PR DISTRICT) & 4.7 (C-1 DISTRICT), ORDINANCE #157 (MEDICAL-DENTAL ON-SITE PARKING REQUIREMENTS). Mr. Brown stated that Staff had recommended at the suggestion of %he Development Preview Commission, that the parking standards for medical-professional uses be amended to six spaces per 1,000 feet of gross floor area of any structure. He further pointed out that this item had been considered by the Planning Commission at their October 13, 1970 meeting. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at ~:00 p.m. There being ~o comments from the audience, the public portion was closed at 9:00 p.m. -4- 11/9/70 PC Minutes-November 9, 1970 Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Resolution ~1i~1 (attached) be adopted recommending approval to the city Council ok an amendment to the Zonin.9 Ordinance (No. 157) for Medical-Dental On'Site Parking Requirements to read: Medical-Dental Professional Uses: Six on-site parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 PARCEL MAP (PM-70-41)-R.C. & B.J. KRUPPE To create four parcels in order to facilitate the development and sale of the property. Location: South side of Main Street, east of Pacific at 440 West Main. Mr. Fleagle. stated that even though the developer intends to serve all parcels from a 20-foot wide drive, the Ordinance requires 60 feet of street frontage on all parcels in the R-1 District. He went on to point out that the developer's proposal would create three "landlocked" parcels with no public street frontage. On October 13, 1970, a workshop was held with the property owners in the area and it was decided that they wished to have their area remain as it is without any street construction or any establishment of a precise plan to permit development of their properties. · Moved by_M~. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Sharp, that a Minute Order be adopted di§approv~ng' the' Parcel Map (PM-70-41) on the grounds that it does not meet the requirements of C~ty Ordinances of 60 ' ~eet of public_street f.ro.n%a~.~ in th~ R-1 DistriCt and that approval of his. request Would result in a substandard development. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 PARCEL MAP (PM-70-43) - ROBERT B. HORNE; GEORGE ARGYROS To create Parcel 1 for purposes of immediate development of Parcel 1 and future development of Parcel 2. Location: Easterly side of Newport Avenue, 300 feet northerly of Walnut Avenue. Mr. F~ea~l~ stated that Parcel 1 was the subject of previous Plan- ning Commission action to approve construction of a barbecued ribs take-out food establishment (UP-70-347) and (ZC-70-218). Parcel 2 is currently undeueloped. Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, that a Minute Order be adopted approving PM-70-43 subject to final approval by the Ci~ Engineer and r~6ordatiOn of the Map. ~ MOTION CARRIED 5-0 -5- 11/9/70 PC Minutes-November 9, 1970 PENDING APPLICATIONS - FOR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1970. 1. UP-70-355 -MELVIN C. SHUBIN, JR. (TUSTIN CAR WASH) To permit auto tune-up and minor repairs, consisting of electrical and fuel systems and anti-smog devices, as accessory uses to an existing automobil~ car wash facility. Location: Site fronts approximately 160 feet on the north side of Main Street and approximately 154 feet on the east side of Centennial ("H") Street. UP-70-356 - ANDREWS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, ON BEHALF OF FIRST WESTERN BANK (TRUST DEPARTMENT) To permit a single-family Residential Planned Community of 32 lots, limited to single'story structures 18 feet or less in height. Location: Site fronts approximately 283'feet on the west side of Prospect Avenue, approximately 283 feet on the east side of "B" Street, and is located approximately 267 feet north of the centerline of Irvine Boulevard. PROPOSED IRVINE GENERAL PLAN · Mr. Flea$1e presented a package to the Commissioners and suggested the Commission adjourn to a workshop session to discuss it in further detail. CONCERNS OF THE COMMISSION: Mr. Edelstein expressed concern over the walk-through drives ~n Tust~n Meadows. Mr. Fleagle pointed out the responsibilities of the Tustin Meadows Homeowners' Association. Gas station at Newport Freeway and Irvine - Improper use of signing. STAFF CONCERN: Letter of Complaint - Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Green - relative to lighting on Red Hill and Walnut Shopping Center. Mr. Fleagle stated that the letter has been responded to and hope- fully will resolve the problem. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Sharp that the meeting be ~d~ourned to a workshop session to discuss the Irvine General Plan. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 The meeting was adjourned to a workshop session at 9:20 p.m. 11/9/70 -6- PC Minutes-November 9, 1970 IRVINE GENERAL PLAN The workshop session convened at City Hall Conference Room at 9:30 P.M. to discuss the Irvine General Plan and the preliminary analysis by the Orange County Planning Commission Staff. All members of the Commission were present. Discussions concerned recent Amendments to the. Plan that had been presented to the Commission, and the impact of the circulation ele- ment as pertains to the proposed north-south thru-way and the traffic on east-west streets in Tustin. The workshop session re-convened to the regular meeting at 10:30 . ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahon~y, Sharp, Larnard None R. K. Fleagle, D. L. Brown Moved by Commissioner Shar~, seconded by Edelstein that Resolution No. 1192 '(a~ac~d)" be adopted, and forwarded t~.the Ora~e County Plannin~ Commission. The above-motion was voted on by roll call: AYES: NOES: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp, Larnard None There being no furthe.r-.business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45. p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN -7- 11/9/70