HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-13-70 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 13, 1970 The regular, meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on 'the 13th day of October, 1970, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said da~ i~' the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner ~delstein. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis'. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp, Larnard None James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Ker~neth Fleagle, Ass't. CA - City Administrator Community Development Director D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director Zoning Administrator' JeannineLindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 Moved by Mr. Mahgney, seconded by'Mr.. Sharp, that the minutes of September 28, 1970, Re approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 Commissioner Larnard abstained from voting due to his absence at that meeting, September 28, 1970. ZC-70-221 - ANDREWS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY The applicant requests a zone change from E-4 to PR (Professional District) for the southerly 209.64 feet (4.4 acres) and PC-R-1 (Residential) for the remaining 290 feet (6.7 acres). Location: A 11.12 acre parcel on the northerly side of Irvine Boulevard between "B" Street and Prospect Avenue. Mr. Fl~agle stated thak.the.property is presentlY occupied by a residence surrounded'by an orange grove in the E-4 District. The applicant proposes to develop two-story office buildings on Irvine Boulevard frontage and to develop the remaining portion of the property with single-story family residences. The Development Preview Commission believes the Southerly 210 feet of subject parcel is feasible for professional office building development, subject to review and approval of final development plans. The northerly 290 feet was also considered feasible for development under specific plans that would be reviewed in detail by the Planning Commission and Development Preview Commission. ,. -1- PC Minutes-10/13/70 Mr. FleaQle went on to say that if the zone change were to receive approval o~ the Planning Commission and City Council, a subdivision map would be required and development plans would require approval of a Use Permit following public hearing. The City Engineer has requested the following rec- ommendations be adhered to: 1. Dedication of 15 feet of additional right-of-way for Prospect Avenue and 30 feet for Irvine Boulevard in accordance with the adopted Master Plan of Arterial Highways and 30 feet for the easterly half of "B" Street plus the standard "corner cutoff" at "B" and at Prospect. Dedication of right-of-way for interior streets in accordance with the Council's policy concerning dedication of minimum street rights-of-way of 60 feet on through streets and 56 feet on cul-de-sacs. Installation of full street 'improvements on "B" Street, Prospect, Irvine and all interior streets, including curb and gutter, sidewalks, paving, cross gutters, and underground conduit street Iighting to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Installation of street trees in accordance with the Master Street Tree Plan. Se Installation of storm drain facilities and inlets along the Irvine Boulevard frontage. Se Installation of all utilities underground in all phases of development. Modify the existing drainage facilities and traffic signals as necessary to conform with the development of the propertY. Mr. Fleagle further stated that the'primary objective at this point is to determine the number of lots. There are 16 lots with 60 foot frontage on the north side. There are 17 lots on the south side. The lots could be expanded by the reduction of one lot that would still allow 60 foot frontage but may be sub-standard in depth. Mr. Curtis inquired about the street dedication of 120 foot width being 20 feet wider than our current, dedication to the west. Mr. Flea~le replied that the 120 feet is the standard for a major arterial. The assumption is that 10 feet are taken from each side of the centerline so that presently there are 50 feet in the dedicated right-of-way. This would require an additional 10 feet making 60 feet from the centerline. Mr. Mahoney inquired as to the request for an additional 10 feet of depth on Irvine Boulevard coming off of the residential lots on the south side of the street. Mr. Fleagle stated that was correct. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at 7:40 p.m. Mr. John Mandrell, 129 Cabrillo, Costa Mesa, with R. M. Galloway and Associates, consultants for the applicants of this case, stated that he felt he hoped the plans met with the satisfaction of the homeowners and the Planning Commission. He further commented that in the suggestion or recommendation by the City Engineer relating to the street width, they would like to receive favorable approval On the 56 foot ~gh%-Of-way. -2- PC Minutes-10/13/70 Mr. Walt Wands, 17692 Westbu.ry Lane, Tustin, stated tha't~'%he homeowners in the area "~' lkewould some type of assurance that approval of the detailed plans is contigent upon the builder meeting certain requirements such as treatment of trees in the area, location and elevation of fences between adjacent properties and the property satbacks. · Mr. Jay Andrews, 6550 Caballero Boulevard, Buena Park, expressed a desire for Mr. Wands, or a representative of the homeowners, to be pre~ent at the Development Preview Commission meetings also in th& event of the representative of the neighbors and himself being in disagreemen~a on some point, that the majority vote of the Development Preview Commission will be binding. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. by Chairman Larnard. Mr. Curtis expressed concern as to the' 120 foot width on the Irvine Boulevard property. · Mr. Flea$1e, through.the chair, stated that the City could ask for the 'dedication of the right-of-way' at the time the property is developed ~llowing the street improvement to be aligned within the 100' foot right-of-way but permit no structure to go in a setback line. ~owever, this would result in an additional expense to the City at such time as the additional street width was required. Mr. Shar~ inquired as to proposed time schedule for development of the overall project? Mr. Andrews replied that they would start immediately on the ~esidential portion of the'property, would start construction on approximately 20-25% of the professional. He further stated that under present economic conditions, the professional buildings would vary in character and would take from 2 to 3 years to complete the project~ M£.. Andrews also pointed out that the trees on the property,that they ~elt0could be maintained, would be kept in tact. . Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution No. 1185 be adopted recommendin~ a~proval of ZC-70-221, in accordance with the plot ~lan as sUbmitted subject to: Approval of a Use Permit for specific development plans limiting height of single-family residences to one-story structures. 2. Filing and approval of subdivision map. Mr. Flea~le suggested that this approval might possibly include: A 5~ foot right-of-way for the center street in lieu of the 60 feet. Approval ~f0%6 lots on the south side which would allow 60 fo6t frontage in lieu of the 17 lots shown with 57 foot frontage. Mr. Mahone~ amended his motion to. include the 56 foot ri~ht-of-wa~ ~or the center street, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein. 10/13/70 -3- PC Minutes-10/13/70 This motion was votgd by roll call: AYES: Edelstein, Curtis, Sharp, Mahoney, Larnard NOES: None MOTION CARRIED 5-~ NEW BUSINESS ITEM NO. 1 - AMENDMENTS TO SECTIONS 4.14, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 of Ordinance No. 157 (Minimum Parking Space requirement for Medical-Dental Professional Development) Mr. Brown stated that the present Zoning Ordinance has no provisions for parking standards in regards to medical-dental professional developments. Staff and the Development Preview Commission have expressed concern over these standards. The Development Preview Commission felt that a minimum of 6 parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area would be a recommended requirement. Mr. Brown. pointed out that the Staff has surveyed 20 cities in the Orange County area which indicated tha't 18 out of the 20 cities required 5 or more spaces per 1,000 square feet, 90% of the total survey. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that the Planning Commission initiate on its own motion an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for Sections' 4.14 (PR District), 4.7(C-1 District)~ · 4.8(C-2 District), 4.9(C'3 District), and 4.10(M bistrict) to add the following pa~king requirement: Medical-Dental Professional Uses: Six (6) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 NEW BUSINESS ITEM NO. 2 - AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 157, Addition of Minimum on-site landscaping requirements for professional, commercial and industrial developments, Section 5.29. ~r. Brown stated that the Development Preview Commission expressed concern over there being no specifid standards in regards to landscaping in the present Zoning Ordinance. Such minimum requirements would be of assistance to architects, designers and developers towards helping in their considerations for the total design of any given project. Mr. Curtis felt that some specific recommendations could be made to give the Commissioners more information so they may better analyze the proposed amendment. Mr. Sharp stated tha~ the 'standards to be established would be a minimum guideline for developers to follow. Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Mahone~, that recommendations be developed by Staff and' forwarded to the Commissioners for ~urther study on the Amendment to Ordinance No. 157. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 10/] -4- PC Minutes-10/13/70 CORRESPONDENCE ITEM NO. 1 - SECOND AMENDMENT TO TIIE "TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN" - The Orange County Planning Department.' Location: Properties involved are located: approximately 40. acres northeast of the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and the Santa Ana Freeway, and, approximately 28 acres of land located generally southeast of the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and the Santa Ana F~eeway. Mr. Brown stated that this proposal was generated by the Orange County Planning Department feeling that the present. General Plan does not indicate the development permitted under the present zoning. He went on to say the primary problem common to both areas is that of traffic circulation. Mr. Curtis stated he felt the County is proposing to go against what the people wanted and what the City wanted. He went on. to say that they have already approved significant numbers of 'zoning changes to the area covered by low density and put in · high density w~ere it was never intended and was not desired by the City and the general public. Mr. Curtis'felt that we should in no way encourage the County to continue expanding the high density developments in areas that are detrimental to the City and as a side note create traffic problems. Mr. Sharp stated the one problem in the past dealings with the County Planning Department was the timing of the meetings of the Tustin Planning Commission'and. the Orange County Planning Commission. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, that a minute order be adopted, requesting staff to prepare a communication to the County Planning Commission-supportin~ the recommendations of ~he Commis§~0ners and tha~' a ~oin~ meeting be established b~tween the two Pla~nin~jCommissions to discuss the TUstin Area General Plan. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 CORRESPONDENCE ITEM NO. 2 - UP-69-303 - GERTRUDE HARRIS, ON BEHALF OF BLANCHE WOLFE Location .' Site fronts 180 feet on' the southeast side of Newport. Avenue approximately 15~ feet southwest of the centerline of Irvine Boulevard and is further known as 13122 Newport Avenue. Mr. Flea~le stated that a letter was received from Mrs. Harris asking for a 90 day extension of her Use Permit which would allow her time to clear the remaining inventory Of her business. Moved by Mr. Shar~., s~cohded by Mr. C~r.tis~ that a minute order be adopted a~prov~n~ a 90 day extension of UP-69-303 continent ~p~ City Coun6il action that might ~ossibl~ 'effect the disposition of the structure. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 10/13/70 -5- PC Minutes-10/13/70 OTHER BUSINESS: PENDING APPLICATIONS - For meeting of October 26, 1970 1. UP-70-353 - McKESSON CHF34ICAL COMPANY ON BEHALF OF THE SANTA FE LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY To permit an industrial development involving the storage and handling of dangerous chemicals. Location: Site fronts approximately 468 fee~ on the southwest side of Industrial Drive and approximately 235 feet on the southeast side of Woodlawn Avenue. 2. V-70-276 - FEDERAL SIGN & SIGNAL CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF ROBERT B. HORNE To permit a roof sign in addition to a free- standing sign on the same proper~y. Location: ~Site fronts approximately 90 feet on the southeast side of Newport Avenue, approximately 240 feet northeast of the centerline of Walnut Avenue. 3. V-70-275 - GENERAL MAINTENANCE, INC., ON BEHALF OF ATLANTIC-RICHFIELD COMPANY To permit a free-standing sign replacement with maximum display area and height exceeding that permitted by Code. Location: Site fronts approximately 140 feet on the northeast side of Mitchell Avenue and approximately 150 ~eet on the northwest side of Red Hill Aven6e. CONCERNS OF THE COMMISSIONERS: Mr. Mahone~ expressed concern over carnivals taking up parking spaces at various shopping centers. He asked if we had any control over their occupancy of parking spaces, if not, would like the Sfaff to look into this. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned to a workshop on Parcel Map - PM-70-41 - R. R. AND B. J. KRUPPE. Location: South side of Main Street, east of Pacific at 440 West Main -6-