HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-28-70 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
SEPTEMBER 28, 1970
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 28th day of September, 1970, at the hour of
7:30 p.m. of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South
Street, Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cpmm~ssioner Shar~.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Mghoney.
Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. CA-City Administrator
Community Development Director
D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director
Zoning Administrator
Jeannine'Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970
' Moved by Mr. Mah~n~y., seco'nded 5~'Mr. Sharp, that the minutes
· of September 14, 1970, be a~prov~ a~ .s~bmitted.
Authority for a zone Change (ZC~70-216) of subject property
from the PC-R-3(1750) (Planned Community Multiple Family
Residential, 1750 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit)
District to the PC-R-3(1350) District (Planned Community
Multiple Residential, 1350 square feet of lot area per
dwelling unit).
Site fronts approximately 214 feet on the west side
of Williams Street and is located approximately 774
feet north of the centerline of McFadden Street.
Mr. Flea~le stated t~at this application h~s been before the
Planning Commission on four separate occasions to enable the
applicants time to submit revised plans. He went on to say
that another letter has been received from Covington Brothers
requesting a further continuance to the October 26, 1970, Planning
Commission meeting. The Development Preview Commission has'
mentioned that several problem areas still exist, as far as the
design and density are concerned.
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
Mr. Mahoney inquired as to whether any new revised plans
were received by the Development Preview Commission since
the September 14, 1970 Planning Commission meeting. Staff
replied none had begn received.
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that
Resolution No. 1178 be adopted recommending denial to the
City Council of ZC-70-216 with the further stipu, lation.
that the matter could then be returned to. the Planning
Commission by the City Council if the City Council a~rees
with the action of the Planning Commission.'
ZC-70-219-(R-'3 and R-1 to PC-C-2) - R. T. FRENCH DEVELOPMENT
Application has been filed to rezone from existing'R-3
and C-2 to PC-C-2 for that portion of the total area
consisting of ± 10 acres easterly of Yorba for a
distance of ~ 500 feet and commencing + 300 feet
southerly ~f the south line of 17th St~eet~
Property is located · 300 feet southeasterly of
the intersection of 17th Street and Yorba
Application is made for a zone change from R-1 to PC-R-3
for a 10.5 acre parcel adjacent to existing developed
R-1 properties and proposed commercial developments.
Location: Site fronts ± 355 feet on the east side of Yorba
Street approximately 735·feet south of the
centerline of l~th Street.
~Z-70-122 - (COUNTY AC-PA, AC-CN & AC-R-2) to Cit~ PC)-
To convert county approved zoning of AC-PA, AC-CN and
AC-R-2 to appropriate city classification of PC
(Planned Community) to be effective upon annexation
to the City of Tustin.
Approximately 1731 feet on the south side of 17th
Street, ± 506 feet on the west side of Prospect
Mr. Flea~le stated that discussion would be on all three of the
~rojects since' they are related and comprise a total of 43
acres of this proposed development. He went on to state that
application ZC-70-220 has an increase in density for residential
development. The surrounding area has high value single-family
developments and the area would be a buffer zone between
commercial and residential developments. The density of the
proposed project is not as critical as the design factors.
With reference to the application on ZC-70-219, Mr. Fleagle
pointed out that concern had been expressed over the..design
and physical layout of the project, as related to the whole
development The application of PZ-70-122, as stated by
by the Board of Supervisors of Orange County on March 11, 1970 by
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
Ordinance No. 2377 which authorized the construction of
commercial and professional buildings. The applicants have
granted consent for annexation upon completion of the
development on or about October 1, 1971. Staff pointed
out that it was the City's intent to assure the highest
quality of development possible under the approved zoning and
for the City to gain the sales tax advantages from the
development being within the City. The Development Preview
Commission reviewed this application at their September 16,
1970, meeting. It was their suggestion that th~ Development
Preview Commission participate with the Architectural Review
Board of Orange County, to assure compatibility of design
and development standards, in the development of subject parcels.
Mr. Fleagle presented the following development criteria to
be used for the proposed development for that portion
included under ZC-70-220:
Height limitation of one-story structure (18 feet
maximum) within 100 feet of the southerly property
line adjacent to any property'zoned R-1 or E-4.
Density standard not to exceed one unit for each
2000 square feet of land area (21 units per acre).
Installation of lighting directed away from adjacent
residential developments.
Parking accommodations shall be provided at a ratio
of two spaces for each dwelling unit and located at
a distance not greater than 250 feet from the unit
Project to be bordered by a 6'8" perimeter wall adjacent
to any property line in a single-family residential
district, wi~h 'said wall. to be constructed prior to
the issuance of a permit fo~ any other structure.
Perimeter landscaping in conjunction with perimeter wall
to provide screening for adjacent residential developments.
Land coverage of the total lot area shall be limited to
not more than 50% for main and accessory building area,
excluding recreational structures, driveways and parking
areas. The remaining 50% shall be devoted to landscapiDg,
lawn areas, recreational facilities, patios, and walkways.
Coordination and approval of street system to serve the
entire project and provide emergency vehicle access.
9. Project to be designed with interior lot orientation.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:55 p.m. by
Chairman Pro Tem Curtis.
Mr. Robert T. French, 2172 Dupon~ Drive, Huntington Beach,
stated that he took no exception to the Staff Report and
was present for any questions the Commissioners might have.
Mr. Jim Matthias, 14321 Wisteria Lane, Tustin, stated that the
57 homeowners in Enderle Gardens were unanimously against
two story apartments in their area. He mentioned that copies
of the survey were agailable to the Planning Commission and
Mr. French if they so desired it. He further stated that
they had no objection to the proposal and development criteria
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
Others opposing this application~.were:
Mrs. Harry Wagner, 17331 Jacaranda, Tustin.
Mr. IIarry Wa~ner, 17331 Jacaranda, Tustin.
Mr. 'Saloman Shapiro~ 14222 Mimosa Lane, Tustin, inquired as
to whether this hearing was a final decision or did the
Council have final review of it? Chairman Curtis replied that
this hearing would have a recommena~tion of approval or
denial to b~ sent to the Council.
Mr. John Watz, 105 El'Camino Re.a~, Tustin, expre§sed concern
over the property, as shown.on the plot plan, being in the
County and the amount of authority the City would have over
County property if not annexed.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:05 p.m.
by Chairman Curtis.
Mr.. Flea~le, through the Chair, stated that the control of
the colored section of the plot plan rests with the County.
He went on to say that as a condition of the prezoning on .
the basis tha~ it has been petitioned for annexation to the
City, that the City of ~ustin has a moral right to participate
in the development of it.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution
No. 1179 be adopted recommendin~ approval to the Ci~ CoUncil
of ZC~70-219 subject to the development criteria as recommended
b~ Staff. '
The above motion was voted by roll call:
AYES: Edelstein, Mahoney, sharp, Curtis
NOES: None
ABSENT: Larnard
Moved by Mr. Sharp, sec6nded by Mr. Mahoney, that Resolution
No. 1180 be adop{ed recommending approval to the City CoUncil
of ZC-70-220 subject to the n~ne~conditions of development
criteria as stated above and that the Cit~ Council reserves to
itself the final authority for review and approval of any Use
Permit applicable to subject property.
~oted by roll call:
AYES: Sharp, Mahoney, Edelstein, Curtis
NOES: None
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution
No. 1181 be adopted recommendin9 approval to the City Council
of PZ-70-122 and that a communication be directed to Orange
"County Board of Supe·r~fsor~ requestin9 authorization for the
' Development Preview Commission of the City of Tustin to participate
in the review and approval' of ~esign plans with the Orange
''County Architectural Review Board subject to public review.
The above motion was voted by roll call:
AYES: Mahoney, Sharp, Edelstein, Curtis
NOES: None
ABSENT: Larnard
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
Authority to permit variances to establish a medical-
office building with less than the minimum required
side and rear yard structural setback.
Site fronts approximately 144 feet on the north
side of Irvine Boulevard and approximately 94 feet
on the west side of "B" Street.
Mr. Brown stated that the property in question is zoned PR and
is now undeveloped. The applicant's plans indicate a proposal
to construct a 5,420 square foot medical-professional building.
The proposed structure will have a zero foot setback on the
rear property line adjacent to an elementary school playground
and parking lot area, and a zero side yard setback to the west
adjacent to a private drive on professionally developed property
to the west. Mr. Brown further pointed out that 18 parking
spaces, as required by Code, would be provided on the site.
The Development Preview Commission at its September 23, 1970,
meeting, reviewed this proposal and was concerned with the
location of th~ parking lot area in the eastern portion of
the property where it was visually exposed to vehicular
traffic. The Development Preview Commission further suggested
a 6'8" block wall should be erected along the north property
line wherever the building itself did not abut that line.
The City Engineer expressed concern over the drive access being
on Irvine Boulevard. Mr. Myers stated that the applicant
should be made aware of raised median islands in Irvine
Boulevard, left turn access in and out of this driveway will
not be possible.
A letter of protest was received from C. M. Sexton, 325 West
Fourth Street, Tustin, .stating that he would object strongly
to any variance in side yard set-back abutting his property
on the east side.
Mr. Sharp inquired as to the hardship that exists to justify
~his Variance request. Hardships were defined as related to
the size and shape of the property and alignment of street
The public portion of the hearing was ~pened at 8:40 ~.m.
C. M. Sexton, 1197 East First Street, Tustin, stated that
he objected to the zero setback along the side yard setback.
He went on to say that he has no objection to the rear
yard setback. Mr. Sexton further stated that he strongly
objected to removal of the wall for a common landscaped drive
approach since he wanted to keep his parking private.
Bob Gillman, 1786 West Lincoln, Anaheim, spoke on behalf of
Sunset Builders, saying that the proposed structure would be
of Spanish design andtbasically a single story building. He
further pointed out that this plot plan is the one that the
lending institution basically approved. Mr. Gillman stated
that they preferred the Irvine access drive to that of "B"
Mr. Sharp inquired as to what the peculiar hardships would be
to warrant a Variance.
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
Mr. Gillman replied that there was a problem of parking-
coinciding lots together. He we~On to explain that the
5 foot in the rear is to be maintained for landscaping·
He stated that the real hardship was that the lot was
small, hard to handle-and put a building on and still come
up with a nice looking approach to it.
Mr. Edelstein inquired as to any financial difficulty being
involved as far as the westerly setback is concerned.
Mr. Gillman ~replied "no".
The public portion of-the hearing was closed at ~:05 p.m.
Moved ~ Mr. Mahoney, seconded ~y Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution
No. 1182 be adopted approvin~ V-70~273 subject to:
Compliance with the requirements of the Fire Code
as stipulated by the Fire Chief.
Installation of sidewalk and street trees on Irvine
Boulevard, annexation to the T~stin Lighting District
with the installation of one street light and underground
condui% on the "B" Street frontage, and a maximum height
of 3 feet withi~10 feet of the "B" Street property
line on any wall constructed along the north property
line if a drive access to "B" Street is provided in that
A minimum 5 foot structural setback being maintained
along the front 40 feet of the west property line,.
with said area to be adequately landscaped.
Review and approval' of the final plans of development
by the Development Preview Commission.
It was noted that the location Of driveways would be subject to
the approval of the City Engineer....
The above motion was vo~ed by roll call:
AYES: Edelstein, Mahoney, Curtis
NOES: Sharp
ABSENT: Larnard
~-70-274 - LUCKY STORES, INc. - (uP-~0-352)
Authority is requested to permit a 50 foot high, 520
square foot, free-standing sign exceeding the maximum
Code permitted height and display area, and two wall
signs for one business establishment.
Site fronts approximately 176 feet on the southeast
side of Newport Avenue and approximately 308 feet
on the northeast side of First Street.
Mr. Brown stated that in conjunction with V-70-274, the applicants
also sUbmitted a Use Permit (UP-70-352). The Variance request
was to permit:
A 50 foot high, 520 s~ua~e foot, double-faced display
area, free-standing s~gn, to'be located in the approximate
center of the Newport Avenue frontage. This free-standing.
sign is also proposed to be a revolving one; consequently,
UP-70-352 was also submitted in conjunction with this
variance application for this same Planning Commission agenda.
A 13 square foot "Liquor" wall sign to be located on
the northern portion of ~the main structure wall, facing
Newport Avenue, in addition to
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
A 183 square foot "Lucky Discount Center" wall sign
located in the approximate center of that same wall.
Mr. Brown further stated that the Development Preview Commission
had reviewed and as a. result of the large wall area of the
structure and the small display area of the two wall signs
involved that the request was warranted and recommended
approval of this portion of the Variance application. The
Development Preview Commission further stipulated that the
Variances for the 50 foot height and the 520 square foot
display area for the free-standing signs was not justified.
Other signs presently existing in the vicinity are within
Code perimeters.
The Development Preview Commission also expressed concern about
the revolving sign request feeling it was not justified and
would only establish a precedent for future signing of this
Staff pointed out that a "flagging" demonstration was conducted
on Friday, September 25, 1970, to determine what would be
the most appropriate height for the sign. Mr. Brown stated
that the applicants did not feel it necessary that the sign
revolve, since it appeared in a stationary position, to have
good visibility from both First and Newport Streets.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 9:30 p.m.
Mr. Les Kranhold, 6565 Knott Avenue, Buena Park, represented
Lucky Stores, Inc., and stated that they have reviewed the
Staff Report and have decided that the revolving portion of
the sign was not necessary and would withdraw the application
for this particular portion.
Mr. Jules Sherry, representin$ Q. R. S. Corporation, 1716 West
~ashi~gton Boulevard, Los ;%ngeles,.stated that there was a
cleaner effect and more ~sthetically pleasing sign when
it was higher owing to the fact that the Real Estate sign to
the north and the Bank sign to the south constituted a trio
that was blocking each other from almost every prospective.
Mr. Sherry felt that there were substantial circumstances
involved with the sign that he wished to consider:
1. Newport Avenue which is the principle frontage has
corners cut out of the frontage for the real estate
office and for the bank, consequently, the development
of the site is relatively limited. In order to put
a large development on the site, the buildings have
to be set back so that the bu.ilding signs are not as
effective as they would be with the bank or real estate
Size and shape of the parcel justifying signs that would
be visible.
Mr. Ken Johnson, 1105' E~st First Street, Tustin, felt that there
are established rules and regulations to a sign and they should
be complied with.
Mr. Peter Hollands, 13301 Charloma Drive, Tustin, expressed concern
over one store b~ng iden~Yfied~ith' a'higher"sign, because of
traffic, than another in the immediate area.
PC Min~m~September 28, 1970
Others opposing were:
Mr. Charles Simon, 1171 East First Street, Tustin.
Mrs. Dorothy Simon,. 1171 East First Street, Tustin.
Mr. C. M. Sexton, 1197 East First Street, Tustin.
· Mr. Robert J. Jacob',' 1121 East First Street, Tustln.
Mr. Art Thom~sen, 12'25 East Fir'st Street, Tustin.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 10:00 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution
No. 1183 be adopted approvin$ V-70-274 as it pertains to the
two wall signs ("Liquor"and "LuCky Discount Center'') subject
Review and approval of all signing for this shopping
center by the Development Preview Commission and that
v-70-274 be denied for such other deviations from the
provisions of Ordinance No.438, Sign Ordinance, of the
Tustin City Code.
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. E~lstein, that Resolution
No. 1184 be adopted den~in~ UP-70-'352 for a 'revolving si~n.
A recess was declared at I0:05 p.m.
at 10:10 p.m.
The meeting was resumed
To create Parcel one for development.
Southerly side of Laguna Road, 500 feet easterly
of Newport Avenue.
Mr. Flea~le stated that the proposed Parcel Map was a condition
bf approval of Use Permit (UP-70-344~. There is a 12 foot
easement to the east of the property which will be used as a
driveway to service the car wash location.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that a minute
Order be adopted approvin~ PM-70-42 subject to:
Final approval by the City Engineer and recordation of the map.
Location: 15882 Pasadena Avenue
Mr. Flea~le pointed out that this is the first such requested
~iver for a new construction~ The Building Official has no
objection to the particular request. Mr. Fleagle went on to
.~¥ ~hm~ ~hL~ ~ an ~4~ion ~o an &~il~ng ~hoppin~ cen~er.
PC Minutes-September 28, 1970
Mr. John Richardson, 27 Blue Lagoon, LaQuna Beach, stated
he has obtained an approximate bid as to what the cost
would be for this undergrounding service. They had a firm
bid of $1100.00. He stated this shopping center was started
five years ago and ~t this time the poles are on private
property in back of their alley. He felt that to finish
out this shopping center, it was an unnecessary hardship
to make this one structure go underground with the wiring.
Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Sharp, that the
Underground requirement for ~u~ect drive-in cleaners De
approved subject to the underground work being d6ne"at the
%kme an additional development is put in' that particular
project. This ~s to be a matter of a covenant, which will
b~ prepared by the City Attorney.
AYES: Edelstein, Curtis, Sharp
NOES: Mahoney
ABSENT: Larnard
For rezoning from the R-1. "Single-Family Residential"
District to the R-2(2200) "Group Dwellings" District.
The most southerly corner of Newport Avenue and
La Colina Drive in the northeast Tustin area,
approximately 1,650 feet northeast of the
Tustin boundaries.
Mr. Brown stated that this County Case was considered by the
Orange County Planning Commission as a Use Variance to
authorize the construction of a 64 unit two-story garden
apartment complex. The present application is for a 50
unit development. The zone change would be in conflict with the
general plan for the permitted density and would be in
conflict with existing residential developments, especially
for those properties on La Colina Drive.
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Staff send
a letter of objection for..Count~ Case No. ZC-69-46, substantially
a~ ~ecommended by Staff.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mrt Shar~ that the meetin~
~e ~d~ourned t? Tuesday, October 13, 1970.
There being no further business to come before the Commission,
the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. by Chairman Pro Tem
~urtis. '