. AUGUST 31, 1970
The regular adjourned meeting of the City of Tustin Planning
Commission was held on the 31st day of August, 1970, at the
hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day in the. Council Chambers, 275
South "C" Street, Tustin, California.
The Pedge of Allegiance was led'by Commissioner Shar~.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis.
Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp, Larnard
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't; CA - City Administrator-
Community Development Director
D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director-
Zoning Administrator
Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording
Secretary .
AUGUST 10, 1970
Moved bM Mr. Mahoney,' seuonded b~ Mr. Curtis, that the minutes of
August 10, 1970, be approved as submitted.
Authority for a Zone Change (ZC-70-216) of subject
property from the PC-R-3(1750) (Planned Community
Multiple Family Residential, 1750 square feet of
lot area per dwelling unit) District to the PC-R-3
(1350) District (Planned Community Multiple
Residential, 1350 square feet of lot area per
dwelling unit).
Site fronts approximately 214 feet on the west side
of Williams Street and is located approximately
774 feet north of the centerline of McFadden Street.
Mr. Brown stated that this petition had been continued from the.
July 13, 1970 and August 10, 1970, meetings in order to permit
the applicants time'tQ submit revised plans. The applicant
has requested another continuance to the September 14, 1970,
meeting, stating they needed additional time to complete
detailed plans for the proposed development. Mr. Brown added
that the revised plans were received August 31, 1970 and could
be presented at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that ZC-70-216
be continued to the September ~4, 1970, Plannin~ Commission meeting.
AYES: Edelstein, Curtis, Sharp, Larnard
NOES: Mahoney
PC Minutes-August 31, 1970
Authority is requested to permit the addition
of a thiwd lubrication bay and to renovate
an existing service station.
Site is located on the west corner of the
intersection of Laguna Road and Newport Avenue.
Mr. Brown stated the property is zoned C-2-P. No use permit
has been approved for the existing service station use. He
further stated that the applicants contemplate expanding the
present existing two-bay main structure by adding a third
bay for lubrication purposes to the southwest end. Also,
the applicants are proposing to renovate the structure
using veneer brick facing and aluminum tile roofing material.
The Development Preview Commission on August 12, 1970, reviewed this
application and offered the following comments:
The permanent, separate structure for display of
tires shown on the plans; the feeling of the Commission
that the u~e of artificial grass or plants in the
proposed landscaped areas was not a desirable one;
landscaping in the unimproved area located at the
northern portion of the property in question; any
future night lighting to be directed away from the
motel facility located adjacent to the north; and,
readjustment of the present rotating sign at the
intersection corner of the property in a fixed position,
if this request is approved.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing
open at 7:40 p.m.
Mr. Peter Fo~arty, 530 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles,
spoke on behalf cf the Douglas Oil Company. He stated this
station was similar to an existing station on Tustin and Collins.
The applicant's intention is to beautify the existing station
and to add a third bay to provide a better service for the
motoring public within the area and to eliminate the cluttering
of automobiles on the premises that are awaiting service.
Mr. Fogarty also expressed appreciation for the suggestions
and assistance provided by the Development Preview Commission.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m. by
Chairman Larnard.
Mr. Edelstein inquired about plans for any new signing on the
property. He expressed an objection to the price being on
the overhead signing.
Mr. Fogarty stated they had no plans for new signing at this time.
Moved by Mr. Curtis', seconded by Mr. Mahoney, that Resolution No.
117~ be. adopted ap~rovin~ UP-70-349 subject to:
Compliance with the stipulated requirements of the
City Engineer, including installation of street trees
and lights.
Compliance with the stipulated requirements
Chief including required fire extinguishers
for any underground plumbing changes.
of the Fire
and a permit
Review and approval of final development plans by the
Development Preview Commission.
PC Mi~"~:- August 31, 1970
UP-70-349 - THE DOUGLAS OIL ~OMPANY - (Continued)
4.' Devekopment in accordance with service
station standards with minimum site
development guide.
5. All signs to be stationary and non-rotating.
Authority is requested to establish a retail
garden nursery center with an outdoor sales area
on M-zoned property.
Sits is located southeast of the intersection of the
Newport Freeway-Edinger Avenue northbound off-ramp
and westerly of A.T.& S.F.R.R. tracks, approximately
369 feet northwest of the centerline of Del Amo Street.
Mr. Brown stated that subject property is zoned 100-M-20,000.
The property in question lies northwesterly of the existing
L & M facility, is owned by that company and is presently
being utilized for lumber storage. The applicants have
indicated vehicular easement agreements were established to permit
vehicular access to the proposed nursery. The Development Preview
Commission expressed concern about the lighting be directed
away from Newport Freeway and that all materials be adequately
screened from the fre'eway and of~-~amp.
Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:00 p.m.
Mr. Don Stockard, 2466 Huntington Drive, San Morino, was
present to answer any questions the Commissioners might have.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:05 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded b~ Mr. Sharp, that Resolution No.
1175 be adopted approvin~ UP-70-348 subject to:
Compliance with the stipulated requirements
of the Fire Chief to include a paved fire
access road and turn around area; said
driveway and' fi~e access road to have a
minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet; an
adequat~ water main system with sufficient
hydrants to be provided as required; and,
fire extinguishers.
The location and intensity of any night lighting
to be such as nqt to constitute a hazard to
vehicular traffic on the Newport Freeway or the
adjacent northbound off-ramp.
PC Minutes-August 31, 1970
UP-70-348 - THE ARBORETUM, INC. - (Continued)
Adequate screening or enclosure of all
materials other than plant materials, from
view of the Newport Freeway or off-ramp.
The filing and recording of necessary
reciprocal vehicular and pedestrian easement
agreements, approved by the City Attorney
for the purpose of providing vehicular and
pedestrian access to and from Edinger Avenue
over the A.T. & S.F.R.R. tracks and the
property immediately to the southeast of
subject property·
Review and approval of final development
plans by the Development Preview Co~mission.
In the areas of Pasadena Avenue, Altadena Drive,
Bliss Lane and Kenyon Drive.
Mr. Fleagle stated that these Parcel Maps had been continued
pending a hearing by the City Council on an appeal of Variance
70-270. The present parcel maps do meet all the minimum
standards of the Zoning Ordinance. He pointed out that there
are conditions imposed by the City Engineer on the individual
Parcel Maps: ' ~ .
· PM-70-36 - Northerly side of Kenyon Drive on the westerly
side of Newport Avenue.
As stated by the City Engineer, approval for this Parcel Map
would be subject to:
That the property owner record reciprocal easements
satisfactory to the City Attorney which guarantee
the right of both vehicular and pedestrian access
across adjoining parcels to reach garage areas and
living quarters from public right-of-way.
Reconciliation between the map and recorded deeds
for Parcel 1. (Book 8074; Page 903).
Written approval of the parcel map by the owners
of Parcel 1, indicating concurrence in the submission
of the map and agreement to condition 2 shown above.
Final approval by the City Engineer and recordation
of the map.
PM-70-37 - Northerly side of Altadena Drive between Pasadena
Avenue and Myrtle Street.
Subject to the following recommendations by the City Engineer:
PC Minutes-August 31, 1970
PM-70-37- (Continued)
That the property owner record reciprocal
easements satisfactory to the City Attorney
which guarantee the right of both vehicular
and pedestrian access across adjoining
parcels to reach garage areas and living
quarters from public right-of-way.
Installation of two parkway trees.per Master
Plan of Street Trees.
Final approval by the City Engineer and
recordation of the map.
PM-70-38~ Northerly and southerly side of Altadena Drive
on the westerly side of Pasadena Avenue.
Subject to the conditions as outlined by the City Engineer:
That the property owner record reciprocal
easements satisfactory to the City Attorney
which guarantee the right of both vehicular
and pedestrian access across adjoining
parcels to reach garage areas and living
quarters from public right-of-way.
Installation of a public sewer main in Pasadena
Avenue and a new lateral to serve Parcel 1.
Final approval by the City Engineer and
recordation of the map..
PM-70-39 - Southeasterly side of Kenyon Drive on the westerly
side of Newport' Avenue.
Approval will be subject to:
That the property owner record reciprocal
easements satisfactory to the City Attorney
which guarantee the right of both vehicular
and pedestrian access across adjoining
parcels to reach garage areas and living
quarters from public =ight-of-way.
Final approval by the City Engineer and
recordation of the map.
PM-70-40 - East of Bliss Lane and South of Altadena Drive
As stipulated by the City Engineer, approval subject to:
That the property, owner record reciprocal
easemeDts sa.tisfactory to the City Attorney
which guarantee the right of both vehicular
and pedestrian access across adjoining parcels
to reach garage'areas and living quarters
from public right-of-way.
Final approval by the City Engineer and
recordation of the map.
PC Minutes-August 31, 1970
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that by
minute order Parcel Maps 70-36' through 70-40'be approved
subject to the above mentioned individual conditions and
subject to a waiver of procedures and fees by the City
Council for the final map.
Mr. Flea~le presented a drafted ordinance which would create
the office of Zoning Administrator and his proposed functions
and duties. He stated that this ordinance was for the
information and comments of the Commissioners.
Chairman Larnard declared a brief recess at 8:10 p.m. allowing
time for the Commissioners to read the Ordinance in detail.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:15 p.m..
Mr. Curtis expressed concern over the fact of what one man can
do without any action on the part of the Planning Commissioners.
Mr. Sharp expressed concern as to the Zoning Administrator reporting
to the Council rather than the Commission and felt it possible
through the language of the ordinance to completely bypass the
Commission. He also stated that there should be a breakdown as
to what the functions and duties would be for the Zoning Administrator
and for the Commission. He went on to say that with the creation
of the Development Preview Commission and now the proposed
Zoning Administrator, what is proposed as far as the cases
to be heard by the Commission.
Mr. Mahone~ inquired as to the added expenditure to our budget
of a Zoning Administrator for a City .the size of Tustin. He
felt that one mans judgement in such an important role as
Zoning Administrator was a dangerous situation to put the
City in.
Mr. Curtis asked if the Zoning Administrator would hold public
hearings? Staff replied that he would be required to hold
public hearings. Mr. Curtis inquired if there would be enough
work load to justify a full time job of Zoning Administrator.
Mr. Larnard replied that this job would be another "hat" that
a member of the Staff would wear in addition to his other duties.
Mr. Fleagle stated that the Zoning Administrator was a budgeted
position now occupied by an existing member of· the Staff, Mr.
Mr. Rourke stated that the intention of this ordinance was to
try to remove some of the load from the Commission of things
which were routine.
The Commissioners were in agreeance that a letter should be
sent to the Council expressing their thoughts on the proposed
Zoning Administrator Ordinance.
Mr, Curt_is felt there was a need for some type of system whereby
n~i~m~n wouA~ ~ ~Vmn ko bhe ~&f£ ~f m ~m~&mmioner wom~
be unable to attend a parti~ula~ s~a~ed meeting of the ~la~l~g
PC Minutes-August 31, 1970
Moved by Mr. Mahone~, seconded by Mr. Sharp that the meeting
be adjourned.
There being no further business to come before the Commission,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. by Chairman Larnard.