HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-27-70 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
JULY 27, 1970
The regular meeting Of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 27th day of July, 1970, at the hour of 7:30 p.m.
of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street,
Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Curtis.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Edelstein.
Others Present:
Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Larnard
James G. Rour~e, City' Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City Administrator-
Community Development Director
D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director-
Zoning Administrator
Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording
JULY 13, 1970
Moved by Mr. Curtis~ seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that ~he minutes of
~uly 13, 1970, be approved as subm%tted,
MOTION.CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Authority to permit several lot splits which create less
than the minimum required frontages.
Properties involved are.located within recorded Tract
Numbers 5468, 5469, and 5470, which are generally
located on Pasadena Avenue, Bliss Lane, Altadena Drive
and Kenyon Drive. '
Mr. Brown stated that Tracts 5968, 5969, 5970 were recorded in 1964
and the individual lots have been developed with four and five plex
apartment units on them. He mentioned that it was the applicant's
intention to further subdivide the .lots of Tracts 5468, 5469, and
5470. As a result of the proposed lot splits, less than the minimum
70 foot wide required s~reet frontage has been created on several
of the lots. There are 13 lots which would require variances for
minimum street frontage widths. Of. the 13 requested variances, 11
of the lots involved are located on cul-de-sacs or curved street
frontages. The Staff was concerned about the possibility that some
of the new lot lines might cross common utility, sewer, and water
lines. Mr. Brown said that another point of concern would be the
many private easements necessary for common driveway or alleys. He
further stated that 13 non-conforming lots would be created by
approval of this request. Staff and the Development Preview Commission
felt that the parking ratio would be a future complication added to
the individual rather than common ownership.
JULY 27, 1970
PC Minutes - July 27, 1970
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open
at 7:35 p. m.
Charles Unsworth, representing Curry, Barnes and Cox law firm of
Lon~ Beach (on behalf ~f' llarold Butler), stated he felt the
variance would not be a detriment to the City of Tustin.
reiterated that their intent was to have a variance to allow a
reduction in the minimum lot width with 70 feet being the required
lot width. He further pointed out that everyone of the lot splits
will contain the minimum square footage requirement.. He went on
to say that there was adequate footage in each lot to comply with
the statutes and that the street frontage was their primary concern.
Mr. Dick Houck, 16192 Davis Lane, Huntington Beach, Vice President
of Salkin Engineering, spoke in regards to the easement problem
which for the most part has already been resolved. He stated that
one particular lot had a sewer problem and did not have any vehicular
access to it.
Mr. Flea~le, through the chair, stated that these properties were
built on the lots as subdivided by the city and now the request
is to further subdivide these lots. Staff's position is that if
it has been designed in the fashion it has, and there was provision
in the ordinance for reduced frontage upon a cul-de-sac but not
after the fact; then it is a self-imposed hardship to the owner and
not one of the City.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 8:05 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Mahone~, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein that V-70-270 be
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr..C~rtis that the order of business
be suspended to consider the Staff recommendation on Parcel Maps
70-36, 70-37, 70-38, 70-39 and 70-40.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Mahone~, that Parcel Maps 70-36,
70-37, 70-38, 70-39, 70-40, be continued to the next Planning Commission
meet~n~ on August 10, 1970 to enable the applicant time to submit ·
revised Parcel m~s meeting Cit~ Code requirements.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Authority to permit possible revocation of this permit.
Site is located at ~he northwest corner of E1 Camino
Real and Second Street.
Mr. Flea~le stated that this action was initiated by the Planning
Commission at request of the Staff as a result of the applicants
non-compliance with the resolution established by the City Council.
He further said that representatives of the Brancusi Company have
contacted Staff requesting a postponement of the hearing due to
the principal being out of town on business.
JULY 27, 1970
PC Minutes - July 27, 1970
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that UP-69-321
be continued to the August 10, 1970, Plannin~ Commission meetin~
With the further understanding that no further dela~ in resolving
this matter would be considered.
MOTION CARRIED 4- 0 - Absent: Sharp
ZC-70-217 - WILLIAM W. ZINK, JR.
A Zone.Change is requested from the R-4 District to the
PC-R-3(2350) District for the purpose of authorizing the
construction of 88 apartment units on a 4.75 acre parcel
at a density of 18.7 units per acre.
East side of Red Hill ~ 300 feet southeasterly of
Mitchell Avenue.
Mr. Flea~le stated that the proposal was rezoning from R-4 District
to PC-R-3(2350) with an increase from 14..5 units per acre to 18.7
units per acre. The Development Preview Commission has reviewed
the project and ~.inds it to be a well designed proposal. He further
pointed out that it was the consensus of the Staff that there is
no incentive under the R-4 District criteria to develop other than
minimum standards. The main concern of the City Council was the
question of density. Mr. Fleagle stated the applicant has resubmitted
his application in conformance to what he feels to be to the
Council's acceptance and has submitted plans which have been favorably
reviewed by the Development Preview Commission.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open
at 8:35 p.m.
Mr. William W. Zink, Jr., 18002 Bryce Place, Santa Ana, spoke
on behalf of himself and hi~ co-owner,.Bill Barry. He stated that
they were going to increase their b~ilding standards and incorporate
some town houses. To compensate for these town houses, they have
raised the rental factor to $165.00 for a one bedroom apartment;
$195.00 for a two bedroom;two and three bedroom town houses with
private patios- 2 bedroom, $220.00 and 3 bedroom, $250.00. Mr. Zink
.went on to say that people will park inside the project and not
on the street.
There being no one to speak in opposition, Chairman Larnard declared
the ~ubli~ portion of the hearing closed at 8:55 p.m.
Moved b~ Mr. Mahone¥, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Resolution #1169
be adopted approving ZC-70J2'17 subject to:
Compliance with the stipulated requirements of the
City Engineer and Fire Chief, and
Review and final approval of development plans by the
Development ~reviCw Commission, and
That the plans and renderings presented at hearing be
deemed a part of the application.
AYES: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahon'ey
NOES: Larnard
JULY 27, 1970
PC Minutes - July 27, 1970
To permit relocation of two existing free-standing signs
with waivers of: maximum permitted free-standing sign
height, permitted number of free-standing signs and
minimum required free-standing sign ground clearance.
Site fronts approximately 193 feet on the south side
of Irvine Boulevard, approximately 165 feet west of
the centerline of Fashion Lane and is further known
as the Loma Linda Building.
Mr. Brown stated that two previous sign variances have been granted
for subject property. He further stated the applicant's reason
for the requested relocation was due to the olive trees in front
of the main building blocking the view for eastward bound traffic
on Irvine Boulevard.
The Development Preview Commission offered the following recommendations:
The large free-standing sign be relocated at the
northwest corner of the building rather than the
northwest corner of the property.
2) The 4' x 4' sign be eliminated entirely.
3) The olive trees in front of the building be pruned.
4) Ail other free-standing signs be removed from the site.
The applicant concurred with the recommendations of the Development
Preview Commission.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open
at 9:10 p.m ....
Mr. Jack Vodrey, 3036 South Oak Street, 'Santa Ana, represented Red
Hill Realty. He stated that a recent development had occurred since
the Development Preview Commission made their recommendations -
Mr. Nahigan employed a tree-firm to make recommendations pertaining
to the olive trees presently on the site. As a result, Mr. Vodrey
stated that it was physically impossible to move the sign from
its present location to the new location in the planter and still
save the olive trees. He went on to say that the tree-trimming
firm Yelt that if the trees were pruned to the point where no
obstruction would occur, it would kill them. Mr. Vodrey suggested
that the sign be moved to the northwest corner of the property on
the other side of the driveway with all trees remaining in their
present position.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 9:20 p.m.
Mr. Edelstein expressed concern to the placement of the sign so that
the apartment house complex would not have their facility obstructed.
Mr. Curtis felt the lighting on the sign to be of a very bright
~ntensity which may prove to be a problem with the apartment tenants.
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution No. 1170
be adopted approving V-70-272 subject to:
That the one free-standing sign be relocated in accordance
with the determination of the Commission.
JULY 27, 1970
PC Minutes - July 27, 1970
Lighting intensity be determined by the Development
Preview Commission.
Removal of all other free-standing signs from the
site, with the exception of the existing marquee
type sign located at the front of the main structure.
That approval for this relocation in the public
safety area be obtained from the City Engineer.
That final sign plans be subject to th~ approval of
the Development Preview Commission prior to the
issuance of a sign permit.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Authority.to establish an automatic car wash.
Property with a frontage'of 50 feet on the southwest
side of Laguna Road located approximately 500 feet southeast
of the centerline of Newport Avenue.
Mr. Brown stated that this petition had been continued from the
June 8, 1970 and July 13, 1970, Planning Commission meetings,
allowing the applicant time to submit revised plans, and pending
City Council action on the requested C-2 rezoning for subject
property. The City Council on July 20, 1970 approved the rezoning
from C-1 to the C-2 District. Mr. Brown explained that the car
wash facility would be 50 feet wide with a 12' easement for an
exit drive to Laguna Road. Two canopy-type structures would be
located in the central portion of the property with 5 parking spaces
for detail work on the southwestern portion of the property. The
Development Preview Commission reviewed the proposed development
plans and felt that additional large tr~es should be planted in the
western rear portion due to freeway exposure in that area.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing
open at 9:27 p.m.
Mr. Dudley Frank, 17291 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, spoke on behalf of
Franargofin. He pointed out that the proposed development would
be o~erating no later than ten o'clock in the evening.
Mr. Lawrence J. Lechman, 1508 Shafer Way, Placentia, stated that if
necessary, after hours, he would hire a security patrol.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 9:45 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Resolution
No. l171~e adopted approving uP-7~-344 subject to:
Adoption by the City Council of a zoning classification
for subject property to the C-2 District.
Compliance with the stipulated requirements of'the
City Engineer to include street and sidewalk
improvements, street tree locations, and relocation or
reconstruction of existing irrigation lines, submission
and approval of a Parcel Map, and widening of the
southeastern access drive width to Laguna Road to 12
JULY 27, 1970
PC Minutes - July 27, 1970
Compliance with the requirements of the Fire Code
as stipulated by the Fire Chief.
Review and approval of final development plans by
the Development Preview Commission.
Adequate supervision of the facility du~ing operating
hours to insure the proper cleanliness and policing
of the site to avoid the existent of a public nuisance.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Mr. Flea~le pointed out that the Planning Commission by Resolution
No. 1161 recommended rezoning from C-1 to C-2 the area extending
from Newport Boulevard easterly to the proposed car wash site.
The City Council considered the Planning Commission's recommendation
and instructed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance for a
zone change only to include the parcel used by the car wash
and not to include the Go-Cart tract.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Staff make
a report of a "no further comment nature" to the City Council on
ZC-70-214-Lawrence J. Lechman.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Mr. Fleagle pointed out that the Development Preview Commission had
not made any report as yet on this proposal.
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Mah6ney, that the Commercial
Planned Development case be continued to the August 10, 1970,
Planning CommisSion meeting.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
Mr. Fleagle stated that this report was referred to the City Council
and they instructed the Staff to appear. The Board of Supervisors
did schedule an election for November 3, 1970, for the purpose of
determining whether or not the electorate of Orange County wished
to establish an Orange County Transit System. He went on to
comment that the Chairman and Board of Supervisors was advised that
the City of Tustin requests representation in the planning and
development of any Rapid Transit program.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that the meeting be
MOTION CARRIED 4-0 - Absent: Sharp
There being no further business to come before the Commission,
Chairman Larnard declared the meeting closed at 10:00 p.m.