HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-13-70 MINUTES OF TIIE REGULAR MEETING /.,~ ... · OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 13, 1970 The regular meeting of the city of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 13th day of July, 1970, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Mahoney. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Curtis. Chairman Larnard welcomed our new Commissioner, Mr. James Sharp, to the Tustin Planning Commission. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Sharp, Larnard None James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass'~. City Administrator- Community Development Director D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director- Zoning Administrator Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 1970 . . Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. ~delstein,' tha~ the m~nute.~.. of June 22, 1970, be approVed as submitted. UP-70-344 - LAWRENCE J. LECHMAN! ON BEHALF OF FRANARGOFIN. Authority is requested to establish an automatic car wash. Lo6ation: Property with a frontage Of 50 feet on the southwest side of Laguna Road, located approximately 525 feet southeast of the centerline of Newport Avenue. Mr. Brown stated that this case had been continued from the June 8, 1970, Planning Commission meeting in order for revised plans to be resubmitted and the City Council to take action on the requested C-2 rezoning for subject property. The Council continued the zoning action to their July 20th meeting for further study. Mr. Brown suggested that this case be continued for two more weeks until the July 27th Planning Commission meeting. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein that UP-70-344 be continued to the July 27th, 1970, P~annin~ Commission meeting. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 JULY 13, 1970 -1- PC Meeting-July 13, 1970 ZC-70-215 - ZONING AMENDMENT - IRVINE BOULEVARD - (Zone Change from E-4 to PR. Location: Property between Prospect and "B" Street on both the north.and south side of the street. Mr. Flea~le stated that the Council had referred to the Commission extracts from the Council meetings of June 1, 1970 and July 6, 1970, in which the opinions of the Council were expressed in reference to su~ .~ct property. It was the desire of the Council that the Zone Change not be initiated by the City and to b~ considered when a bonafide applicant proposed an acceptable development plan for the property. Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Sharp, that ZC-70-215 be tabled. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5.16 -ORDINANCE #157 (SWIMMING POOLS) Mr. Flea~le stated that it has been advertised that the zoning ordinance be amended with regard to swimming pools to read as follows: "Swimming pools in "R" Districts shall'not be located closer than five (5) feet to any side or rear yard nor in any portion of a lot not permitted to construct an enclosing wall or fence six feet, eight inches (6'8") in height as specified in the District regulations". Mr. Flea~le pointed out that the amendment would be more consistent With the Ordinance of Orange County and. neighboring cities. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at 7:45 p.m. · ~p There being no comments from the audience, Chairman Larnard, declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:46 p.m. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Sharp that Section 5.16~ Ordinance #I57 be amended as recommended b~ the Staff. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 V-70-271-EARL E. CLAYTON, ON BEHALF OF' WILFORD TAYLOR. Authority is requested to permit waivers of front and side yard structural setbacks as approved under specific plans of the development by ZC-69-200. Location: Subject site fronts approximately 222 feet on the north side of Main Street and approximately 300 feet on the west side of Pacific Street. Mr. Brown stated that shbject property, consisting of ten separate lots, and was approved for rezoning from R-1 to PC District by the Planning Commission in January, 1970, and in February, 1970, by City Council. One of the conditions of approval was that the development of the duplexes should be in accordance with specific plans on file ~ith this case. Mr. Brown went on to say that there have been some adjustments and modifications which Staff felt to be of significance in design to warrant the submission of a Variance petition. These modifications were: July 13, 1970 -2- PC Meeting-July 13, 1970 V-70-271-EARL E. CLAYTON~ ON BEHA~F.'~F.WILFORD TAYLOR· (Continuod) Reduction of front setback for structures facing Pacific Street from 20 feet to 15 feet. Reduction of some previous 5 foot side yard setbacks to 3 feet (garage structures). Other minor side yard variations ~rom the original plans, and 4. The addition of an extra vehicular access drive from both Main Street and Third Street, and the reduction of the original three drives from Pacific Avenue to two drives. This has created a total of six vehicular access points from adjacent public streets where the original plans had five. The Development Preview Commissio~ at their June 11, 1970, meeting, recommended approyal of the waivers requested. The City Engineer expressed concern over the individual sale of any or all of the ten lots since the latest County Assessor's map indicated the total property as one lot. He felt correct, legal procedures would have to be resolved by the City Attorney. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at 7:50 p.m. Earl E. Clayton, 2909 South Halladay, Santa Ana, was present for any questions the Commissioners might have to ask. There being no further comments from th~ audience, the public portion of the hearing was closed at-7:55 p.m. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution No. 1166-be adopted recommending approval of V-70-271 subject to: Development in accordance with the specific plans on file with this petition, with final review and approval by the Development Preview Commission with said Commission authorized to make minor changes in interior design and structural arrangement. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UP-70-345-LOMAX-ASSOCIATES - ARCHITECTS, ON BEHALF OF INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER CORPORATION. Authority is requested for approval of precise plans of development for an industrial facility under the provisions of the PC-M District. Location: Site fronts approximately 432 feet on the northwest side of Red Hill Avenue, approximately 347 feet southwest of the centerline of Valencia Avenue. Mr. Fleagle stated that subject property is a portion of a larger parcel of Sand which was zoned to the PC-M District upon request of the Irvine Company. July 13, 1970 -3- PC Meeting- July 13, 1970 Plans submitted indicate a proposal to construct a 58,044 square foot industrial building on the 7.2 acre parcel. The Development Preview Commission did recommend consideration be given to two access drives from Red Hill Avenue; additional landscaping adjacent to the main structure; angle rather than parallel parking at the front of the structure; and, location of street trees so they would not be affected by the future widening of Red Hill Avenue. The City Engineer stipulated: Major access to the facility should be from Valencia Street, rather than from Red Hill Avenue, a major arterial street. e A need for an additional 10 feet of dedication for Red Hill Avenue. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Walt Wands, 17692 Westbury Lane, Tustin, inquired as to the type of operation that would be in the building and if there would be any disposal, sewage, or gaseous products put into the air by such a product. Mr. Fleagle stated that the facility would be controlled as well as any others in the area as far as the air pollution was concerned. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:05 p.m. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution No. 1~67 be adopted recommendin. _. ~ approval of UP-70-345 subject to: Compliance with stipulated'requirements of the City Engineer to include dedication of street right-of-way, street tree location and street lighting. e Compliance with stipulated requirements of the Fire Chief to include water mains, hydrants, sprinkler systems, fire access and fire extinguishers. e Review and approval of final development plans by the Development Preview Commission. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 ZC-70-216-COVINGTON BROTHERS, ON BEHALF OF MARVIN L. AND WANDA L. BOSE. Authority for a zone change (ZC-70-216) of subject property from the PC-R-3 (1750) (Planned Community multiple family residential, 1750 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit) Distric~ t~ the'PC-R-3 (1350) District (Planned Community multiple residential, 1350 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit). Location: Site fronts approximately 214 feet on the west side of Williams Street and is located approximately 774 feet north of the centerline of McFadden Street. July 13, 1970 -4- PC Meeting-July 13, 1970 Mr. Brown suggested that this application be continued at the appli'cant's requDst in order to permit them time to resubmit revised plans for this proposed development. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded b~ Mr. Curtis, that ZC-70-216 be postponed to the August 10, 1970, Planning Commission meetin~ as requested b~ the a~plicant. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UP-70-346 - SLIMMIN WOMEN SALONS, ON BEHALF OF LARWIN SQUARE~ INCORPORATED. Authority is requested to permit the operation of a women's slenderizing salon. Location: Subject site is located in the Larwin Square Shopping Center immediately west of and adjacent to Marvin's Market, and is further known as 548 East First Street, Tustin. Mr. Brown stated that this business commenced operations at this location in December, 1969. In April, 1970, the Planning Commission determined that uses of this nature would be compatible in the C-1 or C-2 zones upon approval of a Use Permit. It was pointed out by Mr. Brown that there have been no complaints from any tenants of the center or any negative reports relative to this use. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing open at 8:1'0 p.m. There being no commentB f~om the audience, Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of th~ hearing closed at 8:11 p.m. Mr. Mahoney expressed concern over the applicant being able to operate for six months without a permit. Mr. Fleagle stated that the business was established and that the applicant came in and filed for a business license. Mr. Mahoney stated that he would like to see some way that our business license procedure could be brought more up-to-date so that a business would not be in operation for such a long period of time without proper authorization from the City. Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Resolution No. 1168 be adopted recommending approval of UP-70-346, subject to: Registration of owner and all employees with the Police Department of the City of Tustin. Employees shall be prohibited from performing any service involving physical contact with any person of the opposite sex. e Approval and inspection of the premises by the Building Department prior to the addition of equipment or enlargement of physical facilities. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 July 13, 1970 .--5-- ,PC Meeting-July 13, 1970 COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CPD) Mr. Fle~le pointed out that the CPD District is a vehicle and zoning classification to be included within the zoning ordinance and may be utilized only upon application and public hearing. This proposed ordinance provides greater flexibility in building design, assures protection to adjoining residential properties by specifying development standards, authorizes commercial properties to be developed to a practicable depth, encourages consolidated parking and formation of parking districts and encourages redevelopment of the central business district by private and cooperative efforts. Mr. Fleagle reiterated that the purpose of the planned development regulations is to encourage flexibility in the design or development of land in order to promote its appropriate use; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities. He went on to say that the intent of the C-P-D zone is to designate transition and redevelopment areas for planned commercial uses; to specify applicable criteria; and to provide for the orderly and consolidated development of individual parcels by detailed site plan review. Mr. Sharp inquired as to the input of the Development Preview Commission into the oCPD District. He felt that this body should have a say in the language that is used in thi~ development. Chairman Larnard declared the public hearing open at 8:45 p.m. There being no comments from the audience, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:46 p.m. Moved by Mr. Mahone~, seconded by Mr. S~arp, that the Commercial Planning D~velo~ment hearing be continued to July 27th, Plannin$ Commission meeting, so that Staff can have an o~portunity to 0btain the Development' Preview Commission's comments on same. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UP-69-321 - BRANCUSI FURNITURE STORE Location: Site is at the northwest corner of E1 Camino Real ("D" Street) and Second Street. Mr.~ Flea~le stated that the applicant was notified of the Planning Commission initiating action for revocation of their Use Permit for failure to comply with the conditions as contained in Resolution No. 1041. He further pointed out that Staff had received no response from the applicant. Chairman Larnard asked if there were any representatives in the audience for thfs item. Mr. Dave Anderson, 580 North Swestzer, Los Angeles, responded that they could not fix the ~arage for at least another six months because of financial re~sons. Mr. Anderson then asked for a six months extension of the Use Permit. Mr. Rourke pointed out that the action that the Commission could take would be to initiate proceedings for the revocation of the Use Permit which would require a public hearing with a recommendation to the City Council. He further stated that this body did not have any jurisdiction to give a six months extension of time. July 13, 1970 -6- PC Meeting-July 13, 1970 Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein, that the Plannin~ Commission adopt a resolution schedulin~ a ~ubli~ ~earin~ for the purpgse o~ revokin~ Use Permit UP-69-321. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 PROPOSED FORMATION OF AN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT. Mr. Flea~le stated that this piece of correspondence pertained to a public hearing to be conducted on July 21, 1970, by the Orange County Board of Supervisors relative to scheduling an election for the formation of a Transit District. Mr. Curtis expressed concern over the item and stated he thought that much improvement was needed on the ecological situation. Mr. Larnard felt that more information was needed in order to more fully understand all aspects of the Transit District. Mr. Sharp stated that he thought good transit in the County was going to be an important thing in the future and all the information which could be obtained would be i~valuable. Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that the Commission send this matter before the Cit~ Council for appropriate action and that a transcript be sent along with the other material. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Mr. Fleagle stated that a letter was received from the Orange County Apartment House Association pertaining to the curtailment of apartment construction, and. was being .presented for a matter of information to the Commissioners. ' ~ Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Curtis that the the letter from the Orange County A~artment House Association be placed on file for future use. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 PENDING AGENDA MATTERS: The following items are pending applications to come before the Planning Commission on July 27, 1970. PARCEL MAPS-70-36, 70-37, 70-38, 70-39, 70-40- H. B. DEVELOPMENT V-70-270-HAROLD BUTLER, DBA H. B. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY To permit several lot splits which create less than the minimum requi, re~ frontages. Location: Properties involved are located within recorded Tract Numbers 5468, 5469, and 5470, which are generally located on Pasadena Avenue, Bliss Lane, Altadena Drive and Kenyon Drive. July 13, 1970 -7- PC Meeting-July 13, 1970 ZC-70-217 - WILLIAM W. ZINK, JR. Authority is requested for a Zone Change of a 4.75 acre parcel df land from PC-R-3(2350), to authorize the construction of 88 Deluxe Apartment Units. Location: Site fronts approximately 330 feet on the southeast side of Red Hill Avenue, approximately 300 feet southwesterly of Mitchell Avenue. V-70-272 - FEDERAL SIGN & SIGNAL CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF EDWARD A. NAHIGAN To permit relocation of two, existing, free-standing signs. Location: 18002 Irvine Boulevard CONCERNS OF THE CO~MISSION: Mr. Edelstein expressed concern over the temporary window signs, particularly the service station on Red Hill Avenue and Walnut, used in the service.station sites in the City. Staff stated it will check into this item and ~eport back. Mr. Mahoney was concerned about the length of time allowed for obtaining a business license. Moved by Mr. Mahone~,. s~conded b~ Mr. Curtis, that the meeting be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 There being no further bu~kness to come before the Commission, Chairman Larnard declared the meeting'closed at 9:45 p. m. PLAN~'~NG COMMISSION ~RETARY July 13, 1970 -8-