HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-22-70 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 22, 1970 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 22nd day of June, 1970, at the hour of 7:35 p. m. of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Curtis. The Invocation was given by Co.~m~.iss%o~er Mahoney. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Larnard None James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City Administrator - Community Development Director D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director - Zoning Administrator Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 1970 Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Mahone~, that the minutes of jUne 8, 1970, be approved as submitted. V-7~-269 - SHELL OIL COMPANY ON BEHALF-OF EDGAR E. PANKEY. ~ont~nued from June 8, 1970, Planning commi'ssion Meeting). Authority is requested to erect a free-standing sign exceeding the maximum permitted height, display area, and number of signs for a given site. Location: Property is located at the northwest corner of Red Hill Avenue and Laguna Road and is zoned C-2. Mr. Brown stated that t~is application was heard by the Commission at their May 25, 1970, meeting as Use Permit (UP-70-343). The case was continued to the June 8, 1970, meeting to permit time for a flag demonstration to determine an appropriate height for the proposed sign, and an accurate distance measurement of the service station site from the freeway. Commissioners Larnard, Edelstein, Curtis and Mahoney along with Mr. Fleagle and Martin Zaldo, representing Shell Oil, attended the "flagging" on June 6, 1970. It was determined that a sign could be readily seen by freeway traffic if the proposed sign were extended 60 feet above ground level to the top of the sign and located on the southwesterly property line. 22, 1970 -1- PC Meeting-June 22, 1970 It was further pointed out by Mr. Brown that the City Engineer indicated that the closest point of the service station site to the freeway was 216 feet thereby requiring a Variance rather.than a Use Permit. The application, accompanied by the additional $25.00 filing fee, was readvertised as a Variance. The sign plan was submitted in conjunction with building plans for alteration and remodeling of the present station. Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of'the hearing open at 7:40 p. m. Mr. Martin Zaldo, re~resentin~ Shell Oil Company, stated that %h'ey were in agreement with the Staff Report. He pointed out that the sign is 12 feet in dimension. Mr. Zaldo, also stated that the rotating portion of their proposed sign would be stablized. He mentioned that the sign would not be more than 15 feet from the south property line and within 5 feet of the west.property line. There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed a~ 7:50 p.m. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution No. 1163-be adopted recommending a~roval Of V-70-269 subject to the cond'i~ns outlined b~ the Staff: Whereas, the Commission finds that the proposed erection of the free-standing sign is compatible in a C-2 District with other freeway oriented uses, would have no adverse effect on the adjoining properties, and the total signing for this site in accordance with sign plans DP-70-100 as submitted .by the applicant is compatible with the site and use of the .p~operty, Whereas, there are special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including the prior dedication of property for street purposes, freeway orientation of the business with proximity to on and off-ramps, and less than 16 feet deviation from the distance requirements for permitted freeway signing authorized for other businesses within the area, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the sign plans for subject Shell Oil Company site are hereby approved subject to the conditions that all signs shall be stationary without rotation and that final review of all sign design, including price panels shall be subject to approval of the Development Preview Committee. That the sign permit be issued in conjunction with the building per~it for the alteration and operation of the present structure in accordance with Service Station Minimum Site Development Guide (Resolution No. 1015), and the installation of the sign follow the completion of the building alterations and to be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from the southwesterly property line. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 June 22, 1970 -2- PC Meeting.TJune 22, 1970 PROPOSED CITY OF IRVINE BOUNDARIES Mr. Flea,lc presented a Resolution to the Commissioners on the Proposed Irvine General Plan. It was the opinion of Staff that political boundaries be established on the basis of natural and geographic barriers where feasible and that in the absence of a natural boundary, then an artificial boundary be created to coincide with the political boundary. Mr. Fleagle further pointed out that the political boundaries of the City of Irvine on t~e western side be established to coincide with the north-south proposed throughway on an alignment with Peters Canyon Road. He further contended that this proposed throughway be the artificial boundary for the City. Mr. Fleagle mentioned that the City of Tustin needed to find a means of control for the traffic funneling out of the City of Irvine and unless a means is established, their traffic problems thus become the City of Tustin's traffic problem. The Commission expressed the consensus that the City of Tustin must make its~position known to protect the integrity and future of the community to avoid being the doormat of a giant urban complex. It was their further opinion that the City Council should be encouraged to take immediate action to endorse the Resolution and other actions to assist in preventing future problems of traffic and political jurisdiction. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. No. 1165 be adopted and' referred to endorsement. Mahone~, that Resolution the City' Council for their MOTION CARRIED 4-0 COUNTY CASE NO. UP-3054 COUNTRY.DAY SCHOOL - ROBERT ASHWORTH, PARTNER. Authority is requested to permit the addition of one classroom building and the rearrangement of the off-street parking area in connection with a private school in the 100-E-4 "Small Estates" District. Location: Site fronts approximately 205 feet on the west side of Prospect Avenue approximately 460 feet north of 17th Street. Mr. Brown pointed out that the case to establish this private classroom building was approved by the Orange County Planning Commission on August 19, 1969. The facility is presently under construction. The applicants are proposing an additional structure in the north central portion of the property that would be 924 feet in area and would have a 20 foot setback from the north property line and a total of 24 parking spaces. Moved by Mr. Curtis, ~econded by Mr. Edelstein, the Plannin$ CommisSion advise the Orap~e County Planning Commission that there ~s no comment to be offered on Count~ Case No. UP-3054. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 June 22, 1970 -4- PC Meeting-June 22, 1970 Mr. Brown presented a questionnaire to the Commissioners from the Southern California Planning Congress. The information requested by the SCPC was to determine if a one day seminar wo~ld be useful and worthwhile for Commissioners. Mr. Mahoney felt that the use of a University would save 96.00 of the taxpayers money. Mr. Curtis stated he felt that we could gain additional knowledge from Commissioners in the surrounding areas and felt it would be of benefit for all concerned. WAIVER OF UNDERGROUNDING REQUIREMENTS OF SERVICE LINES - ROBERT }iALL. Location: 17452 Irvine Boulevard - Monterey Building. Staff recommended the undergrounding of new electrical services to the property be waived if no additional poles or alignment of service wires is required. If the proposed installation requires additional poles or lines that this new service be required to be undergrounded and a covenant made to underground all service lines at such time as an underground district is formed. Moved b~ Mr. Ma~one~, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Mr. Robert Hall be adVised of the recommendations of the Staff Report ~nd that the Planning Commission approves of same. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 COUNTY CASE NO. UV-6458 - CI~RLES SMITH ON BEHALF OF PARKLANE TERRACE GARDEN APARTMENTS. To permit the continued use of an administration and rental office and the use of three model apartment units in connection with the 220 unit apartment development in Tract No. 5028 in the R-4 "Suburban Residential" District. Location: On the northeasterly side of Del Amo approximately 180 feet southerly of Walnut, in the south Tustin area. Mr. Brown stated that there is no business activity being conducted in this area except for rentals, maintenance and occupancy. Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that the Planning Commission advise the Orange County Planning Department that there is no opposition to County Case UV-6458. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 PENDING AGENDA MATTERS: The following item is a pending application to come before the Planning Commission on July 13, 1970. June 22, 1970 -5- PC Me'ting-June 22, 1970 UP-70-344 - LAWRENCE J. LECHMAN, on behalf of FRANARGOFIN. (Continued' from June 8, 1970, Planning Commission Meeting). Authority to establish an automatic car wash. Location: Property with a frontage of 50 feet on the southwest side of Laguna Road, located approximately 525 feet southeast of the centerline of Newport Avenue. STAFF REPORTS: Mr. Fleagle presented to the Commissioners the Capital Improvement Program. He stated that the main purpose of this report was to outline capital needs of the City. Mr. Fleagle went on to say that the individual departments within the City submitted their projected capital improvement requirements to the City Administrator in March, 1970, and that this report is a synopsis of those projections. Mr. Fleagle also presented a Population Analysis for Tustin and Adjacent Areas to the east and northeast. This report was completed by Staff and the assistance of Mr. Pat Brown. Both the Capital Improvement Program and the Population Analysis reports were for the use and information of the Commissioners. Mr. Fleagle also pointed out that our present Zoning Ordinance which applies to swimming pools being 10 feet from the side yard of adjacent property- - this portion could be deleted from the Zoning Ordinance. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that a minute order be adopted authorizing the. Staff to advertise a public hearing to delete the 10' setback requirement for swlmmlng pools and such other amendments as necessary to obtain consistency of development Standards for swimming ~ools. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 ZONING AMENDMENT - IRVINE BOULEVARD Mr. Fleagle discussed the subject amendment stating there were two parcels on the north and south side of Irvine Boulevard between "B" and Prospect currently zoned E-4. He further stated that the development trend along Irvine Boulevard has been for professional office use and the adjoining residents had suggested a preference for this type of development in preference to other than E-4 use. Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Maho~ey, that the Planning Commission introduce a Zone Change from E-4 to PR the property between Prospect and "B" Street and recommend that public hearings be set for such amendment. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 CONCERNS OF THE COMMISSION: Mr. Mahoney on behalf of the Commission, expressed his appreciation for the Staff's presentations of the Capital Improvement Program and Population Study. He felt that both reports were accomplished in a very understandable manner. The Commission unanimously concurred in the commendation to the Staff. June 22, 1976 -6- PC Meeting-June 22, 1970 Mr. Edelstein brought up the question of heavy vehicles being parked in the rear yards of residential areas. IIe stated an example of a home in Tustin Meadows. Mr. Fleagle pointed out that the City had no requirements to make on the rear yard, bu~ that perhaps the Home Owner's Association would have action that could be taken on their own part. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that the meeting be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larnard declared the meeting closed at 9:15 p. m. PLANNING COMMISSION C~AIRMAN -7- June 22, 1970