HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-08-70 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
of the
JUNE 8, 1970
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 8th day of June, 1970, at the hour of 7:30 p.m.
of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South #C# Street,
Tustin, California.
The Invocation was given by Chairman Larnard.
Edelstein, Curt'i's, Mahoney, Larnard
Ludwig ..
James G. Rourke,.City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City Administrator-
Community Development Director
D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director-
Zoning Administrator
Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording
MAY 25, 1970
Moved by Mr. Mahone~,..sec°nded b~ Mr. Curtis, that the minutes
of Ma~ 25, 1970, be apprgved as submitted.
(Cbhtinued' from May '25, f970 meeting) (S~gn
Authority is requested..to erect a 60-foot high free-
standing sign, within 200' of a freeway, exceeding the
maximum permitted height, display area, and number of
signs for a given site.
Property is located at the northwest corner of Red
Hill Avenue and Laguna Road and is zoned C-2.
Mr. Brown stated that Use Permit-70-343 had been continued
from the May 25, 1970, Planning Commission meeting for the
purpose of "flagging" the height of the sign and determining
the exact distance from the freeway.
On June 6, 1970, at 9:00 a.m., commissioners Larnard, Mahoney,
Curtis, and Edelstein met with Mr. Fleagle and Martin Zaldq,
District Engineer of the Shell Oil Company, for a flagging
of the proposed sign and Staff reported that the 60' height
appeared appropriate. It was further reported that the service
station site was 216' from the freeway. Staff and City Attorne~
recommended ~ha~ ~hd p opoaod ~e &dver~aed &nd he&~d
june.8, 1970
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
Move~.by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that UP-70-343
be readvertised as recommended by the Staff, upon the' payment
of an additional $2~'~00 ~e~,~bei~ the difference betwe'en th'~
charges for a Use Permit ~nd Variance..
Absent: Ludwig
Authority is requested to rezone subject property from
C-1 to PC-C District.
Location: Northwest corner of First Street and Yorba Street.
Mr. Brown stated that the app%~cant is proposing to establish
a Hond~ automobile and motorcycle sales agency on subject
property. The plans indicate a glass front sales display
structure to be located in the southeast corner of the property
with a maintenance structure to be located at the north property
line. Mr. Brown reiterated that the applicant indicated that the
majority of the First Street frontage was to be utilized for
display of automobiles with hopes of acquiring additional land
for this phase of the operation.
Mr. Brown further pointed out that:
The Development Preview Committee reviewed this application
at their May 21, 1970 meeting. They were concerned about the
possible overdevelopment of the 7/10ths of an acre parcel.
This overdevelopment would create a bulky effect for the
proposed structures with a minimum amount of landscaping to
soften the effect. The Committee was also concerned with the
visual screening and sound buffering for adjacent properties.
The Fire Chief stipulated the necessity for 14' clearance for
drive entrance, stand-pipes and extinguishers for roof-top
fire protection and adequate fire lane turning radius.
The City Engineer stipulated no land dedication would be
required for street purposes, sidewalks would be required on
Yorba Street and First Street, and alternatives should be
considered for First Street improvements.
The Building Official expressed concern'for exhaust ventilation,
fire zone building restriction and the screening of roof-top
Mr. Brown stated that a telephone call was received from
Mrs. Viol~ Mitchell, 125 Yorba Street, Tustin, expressing her
opposition for thi~ application because of the noise factor that
would be created by such an establishment.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing
open at 7:45 p.m.
Mr. Ken Himes, the architect for the project, 401 North Brookhurst,
Anaheim, stated that he felt the noise factor was not a problem.
He mentioned that they had not taken the 10' northerly setback
solid wall across the north property line, across the westerly
property line and the balance 'is enclosed by a 8' high wall
which acts as a buffer area.
Ju~.~o a, 1970
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
This leaves only one drive .entry and one drive exit which is
visible to any public area or to any adjacent properties. He
further went on to say that the roof-top parking has a
concrete deck on it so it would act as a buffer to any nois~
that would occur.
Those opposing this Zone Change were:
Alice E. Theis, 135 Yorba Street, Tustin, objected due to the
noise factor. She also stated that she felt this proposal
was not an improvement to the property.
Mr. Flea~le read a letter stating opposition to this application
from the vested owners of 125 and 150 Yorba Street. The party
indicated he opposed the motorcycle exchange and felt it would
be highly detrimental to a section of Tustin that is already
in a rundown condition.
A letter of opposition was received from the owners of First
Street Professional Building a~. 661 West First Street which
was signed by: R. Spurzem,M.D., Richard K. Eirich,M.D.,
S. Robert Nystrom,M.D., W. F. O'Connell,M.D., Thomas O'Sullivan,
M.D., Shirley Schneider,M.D., Henry Eastment,M.D., Doris
Johnson,M.D., and Atalia Martinez,M.D. They stated that the
noise would be a disturbing factor in the operation of their
medical practices; examination of the heart and lungs by
stechoscope would be difficult; noise would be disturbing to
elderly patients and that the facility could only serve to
lower the value of surrounding property.
Others opposing this application were:
Emma ~. McCullo~h, 155 Yorba Street, Tustin.
John Jacobs, 133 Yorba Street, Tustin.
Henr~ Cobb, 17732 Westbur~ Lane, Tustin.
por0thy Dearin~, 640' W~st First Street, Tustih.
Dr. Fred O'Connell, 661 West First Street,' Tustin.
Mr. Marvin Lee, 624 East First Street, Tustin, in response
to the opponents, stated that the'noise fabtor was not to be a
problem, for they do not work on motorcycles that have altered
exhaust systems. Mr. Lee went on to say that the reason for
the change from their Larwin Square address is to include the
automobile business. Mr. Lee mentioned that they will be
acquiring property for a used car lot very close to the proposed
location. He also stated that they do not intend to have a
paint and body shop within the location.
Chairman Larnard closed the public portion of the hearing
at 8:15 p.m. ~
Mr. Edelstein stated he felt that this type of business was not
in keeping w~th the general area of First Street.
Mr. Curtis stated that if the taxpayers of the City were going
to be' helped; he felt one of the better ways to do so was to
bring an automotive sales agency into the City. He felt that
they provided a better tax return for dollar sales and normally
provide a higher volume. Mr. Curtis also expressed concern for the
limited size of the property the applicant is attempting to
develop and the effect this business would have on the adjacent
activities and businesses in the area. ·
June 8, 1970
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
Mr. Mahone~ expressed his concern for the residents in the
area but felt their greatest concern was the motor bike
rather than an automobile agency. He further stated that
this proposal was commensurate with the General Plan and
also is the City Policy for developing First Street.
Mr. Mahoney further stated that First Street was undergoing
a transition from residential use and heavier commercial
use was to be expected.
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that ZC-70-213
be denied.
This motion was voted by roll call:
AYES: Edelstein, Curtis
NOES: Larnard, Mahoney
ABSENT: Ludwig
Authority is requested to rezone subject property from
C-1 to C-2 District.
Property having a frontage of 375' on the southwest
side of Laguna Road, approximately 200' southeast
of the centerline of Newport Avenue.
Mr. Brown stated that subject request was a result of the applicant
applying for a Use Permit to establish a car wash on the southern
50' of subject property. Staff advised the applicant to request
C-2 rezoning for the parcel to the northwest which is presently
an approved Go-Cart facility. This would create continuous
C-2 frontage along Laguna Road rather .than spot zoning parcels.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing
open at 8:30 p.m.
Mr. George Argyros, 12792 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, represented
Franargofin, and expressed approval of the proposed Zone Change.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:34 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that Resolution
No. 116~ be ad~pt~ed recommending approval of ZC-70-214 subject
to the conditions outlined by the Staff:
Whereas, the Commission finds that proposed rezoning
is commensurate with land uses in the immediate vicinity
of subject property and would have no adverse effect
upon the adjoining properties, and
Whereas, freeway right-of-way adjoins the southerly
property boundary; subject property is surrounded by
heavy commercial uses; and the property faces a
heavily traveled traffic artery in a non-residential
Absent~ Ludwig
June 8, 1970
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
Authority to establish an automatic car wash.
Property with a frontage of 50' on the southwest
side of Laguna Roa~, located approximately 525'
southeast of the centerline of Newport Avenue.
Mr. Brown stated that the property is presently zoned C-1.
The' same applicant requested a Zone Change from C-1 to
C-2 for subject property and property adjacent and to the
northwest, since the proposed use is permitted only in the
C-2 district upon approval of a Use Permit.
Mr. Brown mentioned that. the Development Preview Committee
held a preliminary review of the proposed plans at their
May 28, 1970, meeting. The Committee expressed concern
about internal traffic circulation due to the size of the lot.
Staff requested that the heari~'g be continued until July 13,
1970, following Council action on the Zone Change.
Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:45 p.m.
Mr. George Ar~ros, 12792 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, represented
Fraharg6fin, asked if the decision for this Use Permit could
be heard before the Council would act on the ZC-70-214. He
stated that it would enable them to go forward in their lease
plans and in getting their financial aspects cleared up.
Mr. Rourke stated that the City Council should act upon the
Planning Commission's recommendation for ZC-70-214 prior to
Commission action on the Use Permit.
Mr. Argyros felt that a Use Permit could be processed
simultaneOUsly with a Zone Change. He felt that this was one
part of the Ordinance that could be brought more up-to-date
so that the time factor can be eliminated in processing an
application. ..
Chairman Larnard closed the public portion of the hearing
at 8:50 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by. Mr. Mahone~, ~hat up-30-344
be continued to the Jul~ 13~ 1970, PlanDin~ Commission Meeting.
ABSENT: Ludwig
Authority to establish a professional building with waivers
of: minimum required structural front setback, and minimum
required number of on-site parking spaces.
Location: West side of E1 Camino Real approximately 130' north
of the centerline of Main Street.
Mr. Brown stated that plans submitted with this application
indicate a proposal to construct a 2900 square foot, one-story
professional office ~ui~in~ on. m~m~ p~O~m~y. ~e furthm~
mmn~lonm~ tha~ a one foot structural front setback is proposed
which Code would require a 15' ~etback from an arterial street
with a minimum of nine on-site parking spaces for office-
professional uses. The submitted plans from the applicant
show six on-site parking spaces'for the proposed development.
June 8, 1970
~ . --
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
Mr. Brown stated that there is a 20-foot wide alley existing,
adjacent and north of subject property which has access
drives to Third, Main and E1 Camino Real.
It was pointed out by Mr. Brown that the Development Preview
Committee at their May 28, 1970, meeting reviewed the development
plans for this proposal. The Development Preview Committee
was concerned with the size of the proposed structure on
a lot measuring only 50'x 100' feeling that the parking and
landscaping would be limited. The Committee suggested a
two-story building which would retain the same comparable
floor space yet provide sufficient space for amenities of
landscaping and parking. Mr. Brown mentioned that the proposed
structural setback from E1 Camino Real is comparable to the
setbacks which most existing structures presently have along
this street.
Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at
9:00 p.m.
~rr Tom Kelly, 14691 Charloma Drive, Santa Ana, stated that the
proposed structure will be of a m0dified Span'ish type which
he felt would add to the appearance of E1 Camino Real.
Mr. ~a~ Aunger, 311 Viejo, Lacuna Beach, owner of property due
south of subject proposed development, expressed his opposition.
He stated that he felt it would create more congestion on the
corner and would not add to the appearance of that particular
Sara Barnett, 14201 Raleigh Place, Tustin, expressed concern as to
the type of oper~ion that would be in the professional building.
She further went on to say that the traffic problem could be
quite hazardous as to getting in or out of the proposed development
area. Mrs. Barnett felt that with less parking spaces for
the Kelly's development, it would enhanoe the change of using
her own businesses' parking. Mrs. Barnett stated that her'
business is the Auto Parts and Machine Shop which would be
adjacent to the proposed development.
Mrs. Thomas Kelly, 14691 Charloma Drive, Santa Aha, spoke on
behalf of her proposed development and fe~t that it would add
to the appearance of the area.
Chairman Larnard declared the public portion of the hearing
closed at 9:10 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Edelstein, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Resolution
No. 1162 be ad6pted approving V-70~268 With't~ structure being
llm~t&'~ to off~ce and pro~essional use, subject to the c6nditions
o~'~/~e $~f~ Report:
Variance granted to authorize one (1') foot front
setback and to provide one (1) parking space for each
400 square foot of building area.
Completion of satisfactory arrangements with the
Southern California Edison Company for any pole
relocation necessary to permit utilization of al~
six parking spaces.
3. Granting of ten fee~ of right-of-way for alley purposes
on those portions of the south half of the alley where
June 8, 1970
PC Me,ting-June 8, 1970
~ .
4. Conformance wi~h building:code requirements for Fire
Zone One and the instal.lation and maintenance of a
10-pound ABC type dry chemical extinguisher within
the building as stipulated by the Fire Department.
5. Approval of final building design plans by the
Development Preview Committee.
Mr. Mahoney stated that he was'impressed with the plans for
the b6ilding but did express concern for the parking situation.
He opposed limiting the parking spaces below what the requirement
of the Code is now. Mr. Mahoney further pointed out that
he felt the Code was not adequate for the parking now without
adding another business that would infringe upon surrounding
businesses' parking.
AYES: Edelstein, Curtis,
NOES: Mahoney
Absent: Ludwig
Mr. Flea~le stated that in view of the time involved in
discussion of this project that the matter be tabled for the
public hearing on the basis that it is premature.
Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr.
G0~ls and Objectives ~or ~6stin City
recommended by %he Staff.
Edelstein, that the
Prope~ be Continued as
Mr. Orville Myers, City Engineer, made the presentation on the
Master Plan of Arterial Highways stating that this Plan is
administered by the County Road department and is basically
a county-wide highway system. Mr. Myers went on to say that
it is a program to establish through routes in the County and
incorporates all of the unincorporated county area as well as
the various Cities within the County. He stated that the
Arterial Highway Financial program, whereby the County takes
a certain portion of highway funds and makes them available
to the Cities within the County on a 50-50 basis to be ~used
on the Arterial Highway System. .In order for eligibility for
participation in the County's arterial highway financing program,
the individual City'.s Master Plan of Arterial Highways must
conform to that of the County. Mr. Myers reiterated that the
County Road Department has studies which indicate that ultimate
traffic volumes are of a nature that would require upgrading
a number of our major arterial highways. Such upgrading may
create problems as to the City's intention to meet the higher
classification through deletion of parking, or modification of'
lane widths. .~ :
Mr. Myers stated that basically the system is derived from
~o fa~t6rs:
1. The traffic needs that will be present in a given area.
2. Selecting a street cross section which will meet the needs.
guhe 8, 1970
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
It was further pointed out that the local streets are not a
part of the Arterial Highway System. The first level of the
arterial highway program is a secondary highway which will
carry between 5,000 - 20,000 vehicles-four lane type of street.
The primary highway system is intended to carry between
20,000 - 30,000 vehicles - four lane divided highway. The
major classification is intended to carry 30,000 and up vehicles
per day - six lane divided and presently the City of Tustin
has no major highway classification.
Mr. Myers mentioned that there were many factors that effected
the'Carrying capacity of a street:
1. Lane width - standard width is 12'.
2. Parking.
3. Installation of Traffic Signals and their spacing.
4. Number of intersections and driveways.
5. Amount of turning movements.
~r. Myers stated that the Ame~aments to the Master Plan had
to be adopted as soon as possible prior to July 1, 1970 in
order to enable the submission of an application for County
funds for the improvement of First Street. He also pointed
out that the next step would be to evaluate the circulation
element of the General Plan for the City of Irvine to prevent
the channeling of traffic on streets such as Irvine Boulevard
that would hinder the existing developments located in that
Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing
at 9:50 p. m.
Mr. Robert Hall, 17452 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, expressed
concern and suggested more study to these proposed amendments
and also the withholding of Irvine Boulevard and asking the
City of Irvine to come up with some alternate studies that
would take the traffic down to the Santa Ana Freeway.
Mr. Hen~obb, expressed his views as to the overload of
traffic into the area of Irvine Boulevard and felt that it
would not be a good move to take without further detailed study
on the matter.
Mr. Scott Biddle, Vice President of Richard B. Smith, Inc., stood
on his comments made on the May 25, 1970, Planning Commission
Mr. George Argyros, 12792 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, stated that
they were concerned with any alterations proposed for Irvine
Boulevard, as they have just completed their building complex
on the corner of Irvine and Yorba. He recommended the approval
of the plan but not to require additional dedication until
such time as is necessary.
Mr. John Aschieris, 17482 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, stated that
he was concerned ~ith the traffic problem of Irvine Boulevard
by adding the increased traffic flow from the City of Irvine.
He felt that they should try to direct their traffic flow into
areas that will not interfere with already developed property.
Mr. Aschieris felt the widening of Irvine Boulevard would be a
great detriment to the area. He further went on to sa~ that
qu~te unacceptable.
June 8, 1970
PC Meqting-June 8, 1970
Mr. Carl Greenwood, 366 East First Stree.t, Tustin, commented
that it is not necessarily to the best interests of the City
to use it for a funnel of traffic from the City of Irvine. 0
Mr. Greenwood stated that if the Plan is approved, he felt
that immediate action should be taken to adopt the precise
street designations as to what.the right-of-ways and setbacks
will be or whether dedication will. be required so that
developers will have a guideline to follow.
Mr. John Watz, 105 E1 Camino Real, Tustin, stated that he
felt something should be done with ~irst Street in the
way of improvement and done. now.
Chairman Larnard declared a recess at 10:40 p.m.
The meeting was resumed at 10:50 p.m. by Chairman Larnard.
Mr. Richard Hammond, property owner on Irvine Boulevard, felt
that the traffic was an important factor but that the people
involved were more important particularly the present
owners of property on Irvine Boulevard.
Chairman Larnard closed the public.portion of the hearing
at 10:55 p. m.
Mr. Fleagle noted a letter of protest from Morris & Lohrbach,
owners of property at 18121 and 18111 Irvine Boulevard,
stating they were not in favor of the proposed 120' right-of-way
on Irvine Boulevard.
Moved ~y Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that the
Planning Commission recommend adoption of the Amendment to the
master Plah of Arterial Highways ~ti~Ulatin~ tha~ further
~tudy will be for~hc6ming t6'~resent a traffib .circulation plan
that wo~ld be an asset rather-than a liability to developments
within the. Ci'ty of Tustin~
The following item is a pending application to come before
the Planning Commission on June 22, 1970.
To permit the sale of old furniture and miscellaneous
decorator items.
Location: 13122 Newport Avenue, Tustin.
Mr.. Fleagle presented the Commissioners a Proposed Amendment
Of a Commercial Planning Development for their study and review.
He further stated that Staff would like to proceed with this
Amendment upon a public hearing basis.
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by M~. Ma~oney,. that a minute
resolUtion be adopted in order to proceed with the Proposed
Amendment fo~ a Commercial Planned Development setting th'i~
up on a pu61ic h~arin~ bas~-s.
PC Meeting-June 8, 1970
Mr. Flea,lc suggested that the Commission consider initating,
on its own motion, a zone change amendment to state what you
deem appropriate for the use of the vacant land on Irvine
Mr. Curtis felt that a workshop for the Commissioners and
Staff would be in order enabling them to make better
recommendations to the Council of the future goals in terms
of planning, priorities they should be taking, and the
ground work to be used so that can work as a contributing
body to the City Council. This meeting was set up for
June 17, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
Mr. Mahoney also added that a field trip would be most helpful
so that they could see some of the apartments, the density to
the acre, and what is actually being done so that a good
realization would be in the Co.m~n. issioner's minds.
Moved by Mr. Mahone~, seconded b~ Mr. Curtis that the meetin~
be adjourned to June 1'7', 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference
Room of t~ ~it~ Hall.
There being no further business to come before the Commission,
Chairman Larnard declared the meeting closed at 11:35 p. m.
June 8, 1970