HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-25-70 MINUTES OF TIIE REGULAR MEETING of the CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 25, 1970 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 25th day of May, 1970, at the hour of 7:40 p.m. of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. ROLL CALL Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Mahoney, Larnard Absent: Ludwig Others Present: James G. Rourke,'~ity Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City Administrator- Community Development Director D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director- Zoning Administrator Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary (In accordance with Section XII of the Procedural Guide, City of Tustin Planning Commission, adopted August 26, 1968, Chairman Pro Tem, Howard Larnard, assumed the office of Chairman ~ Larry Webster.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1970 Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein. that the minutes of May 11, 1970, be approved as submitted. UP-70-341 - PALOS VERDES PENINSULA TENNIS CLUB~ INC., ON BEHALF OF RALPH SCHENCK. To establish a swim school-swim club and athletic facility. Location: Property is located on the west side of Elizabeth Street approximately 220' north of the centerline of Irvine Boulevard. Mr. Fl~agle stated that the application had been readvertised for 'the purpose of the applicant submitting a total development plan which has now been completed. These plans indicate the swim school and club facility are to be located in the northern portion of the property with the remaining property being developed for athletic facilities. Mr. Fleagle mentioned that the Development Preview Committee made a preliminary review at their April 30, 1970, meeting with recommendations relevant to screening and buffering of the proposed facilities from single-family properties to the north and east. The Committee has reviewed the revised plans and determined that the development was compatible with the site and area subject to revisions in the plot plan as related to structures end parking accommodations. It was further stated by Mr. Fleagle that the City Engineer had three conditions of May 25, 1.970 -1- PC Minutes-May 25, 1970 A 30 foot half-width dedication on the western side of Elizabeth Street. This would necessitate an additional five-foot acquisition from the depth of the property, reducing it from the indicated 140' to 135'. Installation of sidewalk, approved street trees and the closure of any unused curb depressions or the installation of concrete drive approaches. Installation of one street light with underground conduit. Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Adli Roushdi, owner of the Adli Swim School, spoke on his ~wn' b~half stating that he felt all recommendations by the Staff were complied with. He reiterated that noise would not be a factor in the swim school. Mr.. Roushdi also showed a revision of the plot plan indicating 16 parking spaces instead of the original 10 spaces. The public portion of the hearing .was closed at 7:47 p.m. Mr. Mahone~ inquired from Mr. Roushdi what the days of operation would be. Mr. Roushdi stated it would be a five day operation- Monday through Friday, but available for practice swimming on weekends. He also pointed out that the facilities would not be for public use and that his Staff was composed of two instructors. It was also stated that development would take place in tWO phases and public improvements wOUld be accomplished in conjunction with the first phase. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that Resolution #115~be adopted approving a~plic~tion No. 'UP~0-3'41 su'~ect ~o the_ conditions of the S~aff Report: me Conformance with the.stipulated requirements of the Fire Code as determined by the Fire Chief. Compliance with the requirements of the Orange County Health Department. Compliance with the requirements of the City Engineer as stipulated in the report dated May 6, 1970. de Approval of development plans by the Development Preview Committee. ee Establishment of 16 parking spaces for proposed development. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 UP-70-342 - ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ON BEHALF OF FEDERATED DEPARTMENT STORES, INCORPORATED DBA RALPH'S GROCERY COMPANY. Authority is requested to establish a service station in the 100-C-i-P-10,000 district. Location: Northeast corner of 17th Street and Carroll Way. -2- PC Minutes-May 25, 1970 Mr. Fleagle stated that plans submitted with application indicate a proposal to establish an Atlantic Richfield Service Station at the southwest corner of the shopping center. This station would be of Spanish style with three bays. The bays would be open to the rear and not exposed to 17th Street or Carroll Way. The Development Preview Committee reviewed the proposed plans at their May 11, 1970, meeting. Their primary concern was the parking and landscape area layout that exists on the shopping center site. Mr. Fleagle further pointed out that the Master Plans for the shopping center previously submitted -ZC-64-133 and UP-64-182, both indicated the proposed development of a service station at this location. Mr. Fleagle stated that there are adequate parking spaces on the site to accommodate the service station. The proposal will remove some of the existing' landscaping, however, the developer of the project indicated additional landscaping would be placed around the building. The City Engineer's report expressed concern relative to the County's recent upgrading of 17~ Street from a primary to-a major highway, as a result of the projected almost doubling of the present traffic count on this street. The plans as submitted do not reflect the 10 feet of dedication which would be required for 17th Street as a major highway (60 foot half-width) dedication. Recordation of a Parcel Map as a result of the sub-leasing of this property by Atlantic Richfield Company would be required. Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:05 p.m. Mr. P. D. Lipper~, 1786 West Lincoln, Anaheim, representative of Atlantic Richfield Company, ~n~£oned ~'h~t some of the landscaping fronting the property will be removed. This landscaping will be adequately replaced in planters around the perimeter walls of the property line and also around the service station building itself. Mr. Lippert did express opposition to the 10 foot dedication stating that it would cut down the depth from 17th Street and would require them to use a different type of station. Mr. Lippert further went on to say that they had contacted Ralph's Market for additional footage but had not received any favorable agreement for such. Ralph's Market stated this would take from their parking requirements in the event 'that they would have any future development. Mr. Lippert stated that the 10' dedication would definitely work a difficulty to them but that if it were required, they would comply with it. Mr. Jim Christeson, 3410 West Third Street, Los Angeles, represented Ralph's Grocery Company, st~tlng that th~ey h~d acquired - an interest in the property in question, not fee title. Mr. Christeson pointed out that in receiving their approval in 1965 by the Council for 'the Ralph's Grocery Market, it was stipulated that 686' on 17th Street were to be improved and 620' on Carroll Way. Mr. Christeson further stated that if an additional dedication was necessary, that it would encroach into their parking. Mr. Christeson contended that a Parcel Map would not be required under present provisions of State Law. Mr. Norman Halus, 13662 Rosalind Drive, Tustin, expressed his concern ~hat there is no need for a service station on the property in question. He further pointed out that the traffic was an existing problem on the site now, without adding to it by this proposed development. It was also ~ontended by Mr. ~alus that at the time the development was established that a service station was not approved for subsequent development mt that time and was denied. ehairman Larnard closed the pubii~ p~rtion of the hearing at 8:20 p.m. May 25, ]970 -3- PC Minutes-May 25, 1970 Mr. l.'l,~agl,, stat~,d as a matt(~r for the record that Mr. Tom Grce--it,~----~-~71772 Birchwood Place~. Tustin has submitte~ opposition for uP-70-342. Moved b~ Mr. Edelstein that UP-70-342 be denied. MOTION DIES FOR LACK OF A SECOND. Mr. Curtis inquired from Mr. Fleagle if there had been a research of the minutes leading up to the approval of the shopping center to determine the reference to the service station. Mr. Fleagle stated that UP-64-182 in March, 1965 and ZC-64-133 were researched and that the property is in the 100-C-i-P-20,000 zone classification. It was pointed out by Mr. Fleagle that the westerly portion is in a C-1 zone which would be where the proposed service station is to be located. It was stated by Mr. Fleagle that there is no indication within the Use Permit and Zone Change.that the service station was specifically prohibited. The m~.nutes may reflect more detailed information but none of the res61utions state same. Mr. Mahone¥ asked if it were possible to research the minutes involved in this application, thereby continuing this case for two weeks to our next scheduled meeting on June 8, 1970. Mr. Flea~le stated if it were necessary, this research could be done. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Larnard, for purposes of discussion that UP-70-342 be approved by the conditions as outlined by the Staff: a. Conformance with the stipulated requirements of the Fire Code as determined by the Fire Chief. b. Conformance with the requirements of the City Engineer as stipulated in the report dated May 13, 1970. Co Compliance with the requirements of Council Policy #30-1 re: Service Station Minimum Site Development Guide. Condition of Filing of the Parcel Map subject to the City Attorney's approval. The above motion was voted by roll call: AYES: NOES: ABSENT- Mahoney, Larnard Edelstein, Curtis Ludwig MOTION FAILS FOR LACK OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Mr. Flea~le requested the Commissioners to state their reasons for approval or denial for the benefit of the City Council in the event that the decision is appealed. The matter was continued and the following statements were made by the Commissioners: Mr. Curtis stated that his reasons.for denial were: Lack of evidence for the requirement of another service station on the site. a. ;~obLem o£ ~=&££1o oongee~/on. 3. Keeping~ the 10' right-of-way requirement in. -4- May 25, 1970 PC Minutes-May 25, 1970 Mr. Edelstein stated that his reasons for denial were: Traffic congestion coming in and out to Carroll Way and also onto 17th Street. The 10' right-of-way would have hindered the design of the building. Mr. Larnard stated that his reasons for approval were: Felt that the turning lane at the intersection was a prime concern. The corner will have to develop with some type of development for the whole shopping center was designed for something to go in on that corner. 3. Felt that service stations didn't necessarily add to traffic when consideration is given to the various operations %~at could go onto that corner· Mr. Mahoney stated that his reasons for approval were: 1. It was a use that was permitted in the area. It is the first service station when you are going west, that you come onto within two miles from Newport Boulevard. Does not feel that there is a criteria to limit the number of service stations in a. specific area. Mentioned that he felt traffic was not a problem, especially with the two entrances to Ralph's; one by the Sizzler and one by Carroll ~ay. UP-70-343- SHELL OIL COMPANY, ON BEHALF OF EDGAR E. PANKEY. Authority is requested to erect a free-standing sign, within 200' of a freeway, exceeding the maximum permitted height, display area, and number of signs for a given site. Location: Property is located at the northwest corner of Red Hill and Laguna Road. Mr. Fleagle stated that the sign was previously the subject of a ~'flagging" action in 1964. Plans submitted with the present 'application indicate a proposal to erect a 60 foot high, 294 square foot (total aggregate area) free-standing sign at the southwest corner of subject property. Mr. Fleagle also pointed out that there is an existing 72 square foot rotating free- standing sign located at the southeast corner of the property and two Shell logo roof signs of approximately 25 square feet each. The Development Preview Committee at their May 14, 1970, meeting considered all submitted plans. They approved the renovation plans for the structure itself, and gave conditional approval to the landscaping plans. The Development Preview Committee did recommend that a single pole would be preferable to the tripod for the freeway identification sign. It was the opinion of the Committee that some flexibility in signing shoul4 be considered May 25, 1.970 -5- PC Minutes- May 25, 1970 Mr. Fl~.a,]lc stated that a letter of opposition of this application was received from Mr. Tom Greeley, 14772 Birchwood. Place, Tustin. Chairman Larnard pointed out that a letter of approval was receiVed from Mr. Chris Lindle~, P. O. Box 10213, Santa Ana, requesting a larger sign for the service station on this site. Chairman Larnard opened, the public portion of the hearing at 9:05 p.m. Mr. Martin Zaldo, represented: the Shell Oil Company, presented %heir proposal for a 60' high sign at the existing service station at Red Hill and Laguna. Mr. Zaldo stated that the sign they are proposing is a 12' x 12' - 144 square foot sign. He stated that they do not feel that it is impossible to run the service station without a rotating sign, although greatly desired in keeping with their national sign image. Mr. Zaldo further pointed out that a stat/pnary sign or a fixed rotator facing Red Hill will provide th~ with sign visibility on Red Hill. Mr. Larr~ Webster, 13532 Loretta Drive, T~stin, stated he thought the property was no cl6ser to the freeway than 220' and therefore would require a variance. He also voiced an opinion on the use of a tripod on the mass of a sign. Chairman Larnard closed the public portion of the hearing at 9:15 p.m. Moved b~ Mr. Mahone~, s~conded by Mr. Edelstein,'that UP-70-343 be continued to the June 8, ~970, meeting, for the purpose of a flagging of the si~n height in the interim. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 PRECISE PLAN FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A STREET TO SERVE THE INDUSTRIAL AREA. Mr. Fleg~le stated that a public hearing has been given pursuant to Ordinance No. 157, ~he Zoning Ordinance, as amended in Section 65351 of the Government'Code of the State of California, which is the Planning and Zoning Law. This Specific Street Plan establishment would serve the industrial area bounded by Warner Avenue, Red Hill Avenue, Valencia Avenue and the Newport Freeway. Said proposed street is to contain 60' of right-of-way equally divided on the centerline between portions of Lots 95 and 96, adjoining portions of Lots 81 and 82, Block 10, Irvine 'Subdivision. The street extends westerly from Red Hill Avenue to a point 125' easterly of the right-of-way of Newport Freeway culminating in a cul-de-sac with'a 56' turning radius. Upon adoption of this street plan, i~ would be developed by the adjoining parcel owners as a condition of improvement or building permits. The quadrant of greatest interest is the southwesterly quadrant which is a portion of LOt 96, Block 10 (a 37 acre. parcel). The northwesterly parcel, a portion of Lot 81, Block 10, is owned by the City.Service Corporation. An interest was expressed in the possibility of extending Del Amo, a street southerly to connect with the unnamed industrial street. Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:40 p.m. May 25, 1970 --,6-- PC Minutes - May 25, 1970 There being no response from the audience, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 9:41 p.m. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that Resolution No. 1160 be adopted r~commendin~ approval of the establishment of the unnamed street called for and consideration be ~ive~ ~or future action fbr"the extension o~' Del Amo Street. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 PARCEL MAP - PM-70-35 - RICHARD B. SMITH, INC., AND CHARLES F. GREENWOOD. To create three parcels for commercial development. Location: South side of Irvine Boulevard, from Prospect Avenue to 632' east of Prospect Avenue. Mr. Flea~le stated that the pre~.ent zoning for all the parcels is 100-C-l-P-15,000. The proposal is divided into three parcels; parcel 1 contains an older single-family residence which is used for business purposes; parcel 2 is undeveloped; and the easterly portion of parcel 3.contains the corporate headquarters for the Richard B. Smith, Inc. Mr. Fleagle further pointed out that Irvine Boulevard at that location is in the County of Orange and not within the City limits. Irvine Boulevard was upgraded by the Board of Supervisors from a primary to a major highway currently carrying 14,000 vehicles per day with an estimate by the County that it will carry 25,000+ vehicles. There are two pertinent factors to be discussed for this proposed Parcel Map: Traffic with the ultimate development of the new City of Irvine. 0 In order to gain any funds from the County for street purposes, Irvine Boulevard will have to be declared a major arterial providing for a 120' of right-of-way or the elimination of parking to provide three lanes of traffic in each direction. Mr. Charles Greenwood,366 East First Street, Tustin, expressed his oppositi~n"'for t~e granting 6'f 10 feet of additional street right-of-way for Irvine Boulevard plus a standard corner cut-off at Prospect Avenue. Mr. Scott Biddle, Vice President of Richard B. Smith, Inc. also expressed'his opposition for the dedication of the 10' 'of right-of-way. Mr. Biddle stated that the plans for this development are developed to their final state and are presently before plan check at the City, and thus, this dedication would be a tremendous hardship to consider at this late date of development. He further stated it was impossible, with the present set of plans, to comply with the City's parking standards and still dedicate that 10 feet. Moved hq Mr. Mahgney, seconded by Mr. Curtis, that PM-70-35 be ~dopted by a minute order subject to the..f.ollowing coh~itions: 1. Granting standard corner cut-off at Prospect Avenue. & Upon development of the property, annexation to the Tustin Street Lightin~ District and installation of street Llgh%lng on both I~vlne and P~OlpeO~ Avenue May 25, 1970 -7- PC Minutes - May 25, 1970 Granting of a 10 foot sewer easement along those portions of the south line of Parcel 3 where the City does not currently have sewer easement (the easterly 117 feet). Final approval by the City Engineer and recordation of the Parcel Map. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 CORRESPONDENCE NO. 1 - UNDERGROUNDING OF STREET LIGHT ON DRY CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT AT LAGUNA ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL (UP-70-340) This item comes as information to the Commission. CORRESPONDENCE NO. 2 - COUNTY C~E #UP-3086 - HUMBLE OIL AND REFINING'COMPANY. To permit the construction of additions to the existing service station building to be used for a car wash in the 100-C-1-10,000 "Local Business" District. Location: At the most southerly corner of Red Hill Avenue and Nisson Road, in the·south Tustin area. Moved b~ Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that notification be sent to the Count~ st~tih~ that there are no objections to County. Case #UP-3086. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 Mr. Flea~le.presented, .for discussion and the information of the Commissioners, Multi-Family Residential Parking· Standards. The report was an attempt to determine the adequacy of accommodations and parking area problems of the City of Tustin by comparison with other communities. The Commission determined to await the recommendations of the Development Preview Committee before taking further action on the report. PENDING AGENDA MATTERS The following items are pending applications to come before the Planning Commission on June 8, 1970. 1. ZC-70-213 - ABUNDANT WATER COMPANY DBA TUSTIN HONDA To permit construction of auto and cycle sales and service facility. Location: Northwest corner of Yorba and First Street. 2. UP-70-344 - LAWRENCE J. LECHMAN To permit the establishment of a coin-operated car wash on the subject property. Location: Southwest side of Laguna Road and Southeast of Newport Boulevard. May 25, 1970 -8- PC Minutes-May 25, 1970 PENDING AGENDA MATTERS (Continued) 3. ZC-70-214 - LAWRENCE J. LEC}~AN To permit a zone change from C-1 to C-2. Location: Southwest side of Laguna Road and Southeast of Newport Boulevard. 4. V-70-268 - THOMAS J. KELLY AND MARY E. KELLY To establish a structure with less than the minimum required frontage setback, and minimum required number of parking spaces. Location: West side of E1 Camino Real, north of Main Street. 5. Amendment to General Plan - Goals - Highways. CONCERNS OF THE COMMISSION UP-70-343 - SHELL OIL COMPANY - Chairman Larnard and the Commissioners settled on June 6, 1970 at 9 o'clock for the flagging of this location. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that Mr. Curtis be appointed ChAirman Pro Tem of the Planni~$ Commission. o MOTION CARRIED 3-0 1 Abstention - - Mr. Curtis Chairman Larnard suggested the use of an invocation on the Planning Commi'~sion Agenda which will be given by alternate members of the Commission. Moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. E~elstein that t~e meeting ~e a~journed. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larnard declared the meeting closed at 11:20 p.m. SECRETARY -9- May 25, 1970