HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 716 (1977)- ' ' ' 1 ORDINANCE NO 716. 2 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED ~ AS "IRVINE-MYFORD ANNEXATION NO. 81 (AMENDED)" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. 4 5 The City Council. of the City of Tustin, California, hereby 6 ordains as follows: 7 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: 8 a) The Local Agency Formation Commission of the 9 County of Orange did in session duly assembled on January 10 26, 1977 approve and consent to the hereinafter described 11 annexation known as the "Irvine-Myford Annexation No. 81 12 (Amended)" to the City of Tustin; 1~ b) The Local Agency Formation Commission of the 14 County of Orange did on January 26, 1977 certify that it had 15 reviewed and considered the information contained in En- 16 vironmental Impact Report No. 76-5; 17 c) That the City Council of the City of Tustin did on 18 January 26, 1977 adopt its Resolution No. 77-13 declaring 19 that proceedings had been initiated with the City Council of 20 the City of Tustin to annex said territory to the City and 21 g.iving notice of the proposal to annex said territory to the 22 City, which said Resolution described the boundaries of the 25 territory proposed to be annexed; 24 d) Said Resolution No. 77-13 did set March 7, 1977 at 25 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at Centennial at Main 26 Street in Tustin, California, as the day, hour and place 27 where and when the City Council of the City would hear all 28 persons and would hear all protests made by any person 1 owning real property within the territory proposed to be 2 annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than forty 3 (40) nor more than sixty (60) days from the date of passage 4 o"f said Resolution; 5 e) The territory proposed to. be annexed is situated 6 in the County of Orange, State of California, more parti- T cularly described as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached 8 hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and is as 9 shown on map attached hereto marked Exhibit "B" and in- 10 corporated .herein by Ithis reference; 11 f) That the said territory is contiguous to the City 12 of Tustin and is uninhabited territory in the County of 13 Orange, as defined in the Government Code of the State of 14 California; 15 g) That the said territory is composed-of four (4) 16 separate parcels, each contiguous to the City of Tustin, and 17 each of said parcels is not contiguous to any of the other '18 of the four (4) sa~d parcels, .and the territory in said 19 annexation proposal:was by the Local Agency Formation 20 Commission of the County of Orange, pursuant to Section ~1 54797 of the Government Code, approved for annexation and ~2 deemed a single area for purposes of determining the manner 2~ in which the annexation proceedings should be initiated and 24 conducted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1 of Part 2 ~5 of Division 2 of Title 4 of the Government Code (Section 26 35000 et seq.) and all in accordance and pursuant to Section 27 35002.1 of the Government Code; 28 ~ h) On March 7 and 21, 1977 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. 2 in ~he Council Chambers of the City Hall, Centennial at Main ~ Street, 'City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of Califor- 4 nia, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed 5 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the City 6 Council did hear all persons and did hear and pass upon all 7 protests made to the proposed annexation and did find and 8 determine that protes~ had not been made by the owners of 9 one-half of the value of the privately-owned territory 10 proposed to'be annexed as shown by the last equalized 11 assessment roll, nor by public owners of one-half of the iS value of the publicly-owned territory proposed to be annexed l~ as determined by said legislative body. 14 i) The owners of property comprising more than two- I5 thirds (2/3) of the assessed valuation of all of the property 16 within ~he subject territory have filed their written 17 consent to said annexation and to the assumption of all 18 bonded and other indebtedness and liability of the City 19 contracted prior to or existing at the time of the annexation 20 of the subject territory, pursuant to Section 35319 of the ~1 Government Code of the State of California. ~ 2. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ~3 does hereby approve the annexation of the territory described in ~4 Exhibit "A" attached hereto and.incorporated herein and as shown ~5 on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, and does hereby further ordain ~6 that said territory be, and the same hereby is, annexed to .the ~? City of Tustin, and the property located within said territory ~8 shall be subject to the bonded and other indebtedness and liabilit -3- 273 1 of the City contracted prior to or existing at the time of the 2 annexation of the subject territory to the Cit.y of Tustin pursuant 3 to Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of California. 4 APPROVED this 4th day of April, 1977 by the following 5 vote~ ~ 6 AYES SHARP, WELSH'r EDGAR, SALTARELLI, SCHUSTER 7 NOES NONE 8 ABSENT NONE 9 -- ITY C 11 SIGNED AND APPROVED this 4th day of April 1977. 1Z ' 14 MAYOR OF THE CI~Y/OF~~TUSTIN 15 ATTEST: 16 t? c~ ~--j~ib~ ~ 19 20 21 25 ~4 25 26 27 3/21/77 28 TS:17 3GR:sl " IRVII~I!C'~IYI;'()I~I) AI~iNI.:XAT['()r,I N(). 81-A 275 =TOTlIE CIT~t~' OF TUSTIN, CAI.I[i:OR~IIA Ilcglvmln2, at. lshe most ~,.esl:c~:ly corner of Blocl~ t+t+, of Irxrine's ~;ubdivision, as per rnz~p recorded in l~ook 1, pa.~c 88 of ~Iisccllancous l~lnps, R{:cords' of Orange CounE>', Callfor~[a, said corner also bci~z poix~l: or inr-crsccEion o£ the cenlscrlinc of 1;rtc Sanl:a Ann. F:ee%~ay ar.d I;he r..cftt. c:_linc o£. Bro~¢nS. ng, Avenue; 1'hence N. t~0~37'16'' E., along' t:hc norlsh~ceslzcrly line of said Bloc'-: /~/~ and ~xlono~ said ccnEcflinc' of B~-o~cnin..--, Averts, e, a dislsance of 9r.~:).70 f~.~I:, lso an angle poinl: in. lzhe cxist:in~ bounda~>- of I~}~e C~.isy of a~ ~sl:ablished by t;he San Juan-Bro:,-nin~ Anncxa~iox~, pe~ Rcsolul:io:t p;= s'cd and ado.~ed Decc,m. bcr ~, 1973, said an~le poix~I: bei_~.g, l:he m,js~ soUl~herly come: of said anncxat:ion; Thex~ce N. Z+0~Zl7' 16"E., along said Cit:y of Tust:ix~ boundar3- a=d along. the ~o.':.~.*'.:.:es~e--17 li.-~e of said Block z+4 and alom~ said ccniscrlix~e. of B~ro~,-nin~, Ave~:ce, a dislsax~ce of 363.17 feels, t:o ~he poin~ of ~il:h a lix~e pc_._---~_lel 1;o and 3~.00 feels x~orisheaslserlv of, as measu:e.d ~:iS;hl: ang. lcs z._-;.2, r-he cenl;ex:line of San juax~ St:~eei;; Thence, ~:.-'~9~19'14'' %4., alox~g said parallel line, a disl:a~ce of /~0.00 feel:, r.o -.--?. a2gle point: ix~ ishe exislsing boundary of l:he Ciis~. of Tust:in, as es-_---blished by lshe Bryan-Red Hill A~..-~exa~ion, pexr No. 172, passed =__-'.d adoDr-ed Ju~e 4, 1962, said a_ngle poix~_ being most soulsi~e:ly cc~--ae~ of said ax~x~exal:io~ a_,~d a point. on l:b.e x~o~lshx,:esl:e~ly ~cit;hl:-o£-~vay i-'.r.e- of B:o~-ning Avenue; Thence, N. '~0'37'16'' E., along said Cit:y of ~'ust:~_~ boundat-y a~.d alon~; said x~o.'z-_~-:,,:eslse~ly arig~.~-of-x~ay li~e, a dislsa~ce of 1391.00 feels, to ax~ an~le pe~ni; i~ said C5_r.y of 1:us~i~ boundary; Yhence, leavix~g said no:t:hx~est:e~l.~' ~j.~ht:-o£-~ay liY~e of A~mnue and cor.~.ir.~ing alor. g said Cir. y of Tuslsix, bounda:~r lsh~rou~b. £i 'lo~ix~g. desc:ibed coun:ses: ~;. 49~20'23'' E., 130.00 feet:; ~;. /~0~37 ' 16" ~.,'. , 63.00 feels; - ~;.-49~20'2S'' E., 2Z+0.00 feels; N. 40~37 ' 16" E., 283.00 feels; N./+9~20'23'' I'Z., 37.0.00 £eels, i~o an angle poj_nt: in said Cit:y of Tus.12i~ boundary, said a~gle poi~ls a]Eso lae!~g, a po~.x~l: on sa~d Thence, co~-i~ui~g a!o~g said cilzy bounda=y, N. t+0~37' I6" E., alone 'said ~:igi'.Is-of-~,.'a7 li~e, a disis-ance of 59.50 fe.et:, lso an ax~gle pol nls in said cilzy .boundary, said ax~le poix~Is also bein~ a poix~ o.~ the sout;b.;.lesr. e~riy boundary of Tracls ~'~o. 2916, as pe~r P.z.p recorded ]5oo1~ 95, pages ~ ar.d 9 of l'IS_scel!aneous' ~-2s, ~eco~rds of sa:~d Counl:y; ' Thence, leavix~g said Cil:y of Tusisin boundary., S./~9~18'2/+'' E., alone said so~i~.:estzcrly l:~acr- boundary,. adS. sEa,.:ce of z+O.O0 fee~, to the poL~E of ix~Ec_,zsccEion ~cir_lx r_he nor~h:~es~e_~!y line of said B1oc~; t+t~, said pO~IllE Of interseCt. iOn also being; t~he moss soulsi~erly of said ~:rac. r. No. 2916 and a point; on r_he cen~ze,_-lirte of Brox,~ix~ Avcr. t~e; Thence, N. t~0~ 37 ' 16" E., atonr;, the norlshx.~es~zerly 11'ix~e of said 1~ ~cl: Az., "alon.~ said ccnEer]ix~.e and alonZ t~he 'sou,-_hcastzcrly oi~ s;:i.d Track No. 2916 ::nd ills ~:orlsi:ea-~;t;t:rly pro:..,n5a~ion, a of 92~!, 5'~ fcc~t~, ~o Ll:c Ii;C)~;L %,:cst~crlv co,.-~te~' of. ~'rz,-ct; [(o-- 6{~2o~ as ~nap ~-{.co:'dcd in l:c~ol;" 2:.6, pn~.,es :~6 L'l:~'ou~.i~ 3S ix~c2~usivc of Ylap:;, i',c:cords of said O,:an~'.c CourtLy; 11tt.ncc, S. A9°19'!.1', E. , al. on;; Lhc sour-l~;.:r..~;Iz~-rly I~c,uncl:t~:y o.r. r::ti.d i,' TO T~IE CITY OI: TUBTIN~ CAI.IFORNIA ', 274 ~l~cnce, N. 40o37'16'' E.. along the southeasterly boundary of said Tract No. 6625, a distance of 1321.07 feet, to the most easterly corner of said Tract No 6628 said co~cr also being% a point on the north- easterly line of said Block 44 and a point on the centerline of Irvine Boulcvard; ~cnce, 'S. 49°18'55'' E., alon% said northeasterly line and alon~ said ccntcrlinc, b distance of 19~2.-57 feet, to an angle point th~rcin, said ~ ~.:-~ V%int being the most northerly corner of Lot 7, Block 4~, of said ; e Subdivision; ~enceZ continuing along said northeasterly line and said centerl~ , S. 49"19'05' E., a distance of 1548.16 feet to the point of in~ersecuiorr with a line parallel to and 1095.00 feet northwesterly of, as measured at right ~:gles from, the southeasterly line of said B].ock ~ence, S. 40~36'19'' W., along said parallel line, a diseance of 2640.94 feec, zo the point of intersection with the centerline of Bryan Avenue, said p~int of intersection'also being a point on the ~ortheasterly line or Lot 24 Block 44 of. said Irvine's Subdivision; ~ence, ccntinuing along said line being parallel to the south- easterly line c= said Block 4~ S. 40°36'34'' W., a distance of 2507 40 feet, to the paint of intersection with the existin~ boundary of t!~e City of I~ine~ as est-ab!ished by the Orange County Board of Supervisors 1 Reso ution/o. 71-1472, said Doint of intersection also being a poin~ on the northeaszerly rigb_t-of-way line of the Santa ~a Freeway as described in ~ deed recorded in Book 4072, page 65 of Deeds, Official Records of said Orange Counzy: ~ence, ~: 49~20'32'' W., along said City of Irvine boundary and along said freeway right-o~-way line, a distance of 9.52 feet . to an ~gle point tkarein; ~ence, continuin~ along said Cit~: of Irvine boundary and said freeway right-of-way line, ~. 55°03'29' W., a distance of 40.68 fee~, to an angle point in said city boundary; ~ence, leaving said freeway right-or-way line, S. 41025'26" I,!. , continuing a!onz said City of Irv~ne Boundary, a distance of 130.00 feet, to an angie point in the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, as established by the U. S. b~rine Corp-!rvine Annexation Mo. 7i-A, per Resolution X~. 71-79, passed and adopted December 6, 1971, said .~gle point being the most easterly corner of said annexation and a point on the southwesterly line of Block 44 of said irvine's Subdivision; ~ence, leaving said City of Irvine boundary, N. 49°20'32'' W., along said City of Tustin boundary and along said southwesterly a distance of ~80.15 feet, to an angle poinz in said city boundary; ~ence, leaving said southwesterly line, S. 40~39'56'' continuing along said City of ~stin boundary, a distance of 92.72 feet to an angle point therein, said angle being the mos~ easterly coroner of the ~rc~,m~ng Ave~ue-Walnuz Avenue Annexation, per Ordinance ~':o. 404, passed and adcpced June 17, 196~, and a point on the soutkwesterly ~ight-or-way line of the Santa Ana Freeway; ~ence, N. A6°'45'55'' U., continuin~ along said City of ~stin boundj~rv and aton;; said freeway rj.;:ht-ol:-way line, n distance of ]}ei~: a ],o!:~c on the souti:c::,.~tcr].y ]i.I:c of t}~e 1ir(}~.~in;; Avcnue-E~is:c:~ ]~oad Ar::::.'.::~tio:l Z:o. 6{~ (rcvi.f;cd), per Rcf_;o] utj o:i E-no. 7U-].7, passed :,.:~d ~,doptr~i Ar~:'i] ?'), ]979, :~ p~,L~t on t~:c norti~vcy:~cr].y ].]ne of Bloc!: of sa[{i ]Fvinc's Su1~divjf;j.o~l and n poi. nt on t]~c center]].he of IRVIr:[,'.-~h'FO!~D A~;MFXATION ,":(~. ,~ I~A 276 "'~:'" ' ' ...... TO TIlE CITY OI:'TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Thence, N. 40'42'5Y' E., along said city boundary, along said northwesterly block line and along said centerLine, a distance o~ 17.02 feet to the most easterly con~cr of last mentioned annexation; Thence,-leavin~ said Cit~ of Tustin boundary, continuing N. 40°42'5Y' E., along~ s~ld no. rt~wcstcrly loci< lix~c and along said c..2nterline, a distance of 46.00 feet, to the point of beginning. II~VINE-MYVOIID ^NNV.:,.'AT[ON NO. ,ql-B 277 TO TIIE C.I'I~' OF TUS1'.T.N~ CAI.IFORNIA Beginning at-the most northerly corner of Lot 30, Block 12, of Irvine'-' Subdivision,_ as per mnp..recordcd in Book 1, page 88 of Mlscellane }hps, Records' o~ Orange CounBy, Callformula, said co~cr also bcin% the point of intersection of the centerline of Red 1Iill Avenue ~d the centcrl of San .ju~ Street; ~cncc, S. 49~41'00'' E..~ along said centerline of San Juan Street, a ~ ~ca f 479.61 feet to the most northerly con~cr of Trac~ No. 7~L6, r~ ords o~ sa~d Orange County; ~ence, along said Tract bo~dary through the following described courses: S. ~0~18'5~'' W., 608.49 feet; S. ~9°~1'00'' E., 3.00 feet; S. 40~18'5~'' W., 200.00 ~. ~9°~1'00'' W. , 3.00 feet; S. ~0° 18 ' 5~" W., ~7. ~ fee~; S. ~9°~0'19'' E., 510.67 feet, to t~e easterl~ co~er of ~t 3, Tr~=~ ~- 580, as per ~D recorded f~ ~oo~ 23, pa~e ~5 of ~s~e!l~eous v~_s r~cords of s~f~ Orange County; ~en~e, S. ~0~!8'5~'' W., ~1o~ t~e easterly lf=e of safd Lot 3 per s~id l~s~ me~tfsned Tr~c~, a distance of ~66.08 feet to a poi~ of i~ter- section on the csnterline of the S~ta ~a Freeway, ~d a point on the northeasterly line of Lot 35, Block i1, of said i~ine's Subdivision, and a point on the existing bo~.dary of the City of Tustin, as established N s ~y the ~=is on Road Armexation, per Resolution 72-26, passed ~nd adopted }~y 15, 1972; - . ' ~ence, N. 49~38'44'' W., along said centerline ~d said northeasteri] ] ; line and .along said City of ~stin bo~dary, a dist~ce of 330.76 fee~ ~ence, leaving said centerline and said northeasterly lot line and ~ontinuing a!cng said City of ~stin boundary, S. 40°23' 53~' W., a dist~nc, of 106.24 feez, to a point of intersection on the existing bundarT of City of ~stin, as estfDiished by the Red Hill Avenue-Santa Ana Freeway South ~exanion, per Resolution 982, passed mad adopted Feb~ary 17, .196~ ~ence, continuing along said last mentioned City of ~stin bo~dary through the following described courses: N. 53~26'35'' W., 576.78 feet; N. 49°36'22'' W. 118 00 {eet, to a point of intersecti on the existing boundary of the City of ~stin, as established by the P~key's i~nexanion, per Ordinance No. 99, passed ~d adopted April 23, ! ~ence, along said last mentioned City of ~stin bounda~ through th following described courses: N. 40~23'38'' E.. 144.03 feet; N. Z~0°22'58'' E.. 406.30 feet; S. 75°50'20'' W., 20.87 feet to the beginning of a nor %agent curve fn-said last mentioned City of Tustin boundary, centave mth..-~,stcrly -~.~' hayin5 a radius of 525 00 feet; thence ~orchwestcfly 4. ~.cet alon~. said curve through a ccx~tfal angle ox 0=31'51'' to the ~=j}st so~ corner of the cxistin~ bour~dary of t~:t~ City Of Tustin,. as estab]i. zhcd bv the ]~=zl~ey AnncxaLion No. 2, per Ordi~un~ce r~o. 229. pa'sscd and ad~l,ted l{'G3; 5, 278 TO T|!F. CITY OF TUSTIN~ CAI.IFORNr. A ~l~cnce, N. 40o22'58" E., along said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 271.88 feet, to a point of intersection on the existing boundary of the City of Tust].n, as established by the First Southern. C~ttrch of ?astin Anne:;atlon, per Ordinance No. 169, passed and Bap t i s t adopted Fcbn~ary 19, 1962; Thence, cont{nuing along said last mentioned City of Tustin boundary through the following described courses: S. 49~3S'12'' E., 10.00 feet; N. 40~19'55'' E., 6'30.60 feet, to the most easterly' ~orner of last mentioned annexation; Thence, continuing N. 40e19'55'' E., alone the northeasterly pro- longation of .said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 30.00 feet, to point of intersection ~:.ith said centerline of San Juan Street; -'o°41'00" along said centerline, a distance of 40.00 Thence, = _~ E., feet, to the-pcint of begiplqing, TO TIlE CT. TY OF TlLq']'l lkl, CAI.TFORMIA_. Beginning at the westerly corner of Lot 17, Block 12, of Irvine"s SubdL:'i:;io:~, as pc.r map rccordcd ].n Pook 1, Records; of O'.'angc County, C:tlifornia, said corner also being ttte point intersection.of the centerline of San-juan Street and tl~e centerline of Ne~,]Dort AVenue;" l~cnce, N. 39~57'46'' E. along said centerline of ~,'c~,~ort Avcn'.:e, a d~-ta:~cc of 1S0.00 feet, to the point of intersection x;ith the cxistin.~ 5 ndary of tb.e City of Tustin, as established. b~ the Prescott-Bal:n,_,r ~=.~..exation, per Ordinance No. 130, passed and adopted November 2, 1959, said point of intersection being t~e true point of beginning; - Thence, N. 39~57'46'' E., a distance of 347.00 feet along said center- line of Nc:,Dort A~,'cnue, said centerline also being the existing bounciary of the City of Yustin, as cstablisl~cd by tt~e Main Strcet-Nex..np. ort Ap2.exauic per Rcsolu.z-ion 72-77,-passed and adopted Novcmber 20, 1972, to the r. ortt~- westerly terr..ir:_'.s of that certain course 'S. 49~39'00'' E., and a lcngt}~ of 183.20 feet on the map filed in Book 42,' page 40 of Reccrds of Surveys, records of said Orange County; Thence, le--ving said City of Tustin boundary, S. 50~01'32'' E., along said certain czL-.rse, a distance of 183.20 feet, to the southeasterly terminus of said certain course; Thence, S. 39~57'46'' W., along a line 'tt~at is parallel to said cente'~ line of Nex,]porz Avenue, a distance of 173.~0 feet to a point On the cente~ line of Andre.:{s Street per said Record of Survey map; Thence, ;.N. 50~01'32'' W., along said centerline of Artdraws Street, a distance of 6.60 feet to a point of intersection with a line that is 'petal t~-and 176.60 feet southeasterly of, a~ measured at right angles from, sa: { .~terline of Ne;,-port Avenue; Thence, S. 39~57'46'' W., along said parallel line a distance of 173-! feet, to the e:<isting boundary of tb.e City of Tustin, as established by t] San Juan-0ra~.ge Annexation, per Resolution 75-2, passed and adopted Febru. 3~ 1975; Thence, N. 50~01'32"'X':-, along said city boundary, a distance of 46. feet to the most easterly corner of said Prescott-Balmer Annexation, per Ordinance No. 130, passed and adopted November 2, 1959; Thence, continuring .N. 50~01'32'' W., along said City of Tustin bound a distance of 130.00 feet to the true point of begirkning ZL'-,A, g,'r t,9 (b) 280. Ii~VII~IE-FIVI.'DRI) At~',I~IEXA'F~ON NO. $;;1-'D TO TIIE CITY OF TI. JSTINx .CAI.I['OI~ZIY~ Beginning at the most easterly corner of Lot 65, Block 10, of I.-.vine's ~ubdlvisLon, as per map recorded in Book 1, page uS of ].Ilscellaneous l'Iaps, Records of Orange Couuty~ California, said corner also heinz the moat ~outhcrl)' con~er of Lot 64, Block 1t of said Irvinc's Subdivision and b, eing on the hcntcrline of the Atchison-, Topeka and Santa Fe Raliw~y Company right-of-why; ~ence,S. 39"49' 10'' W., along the existing boundary of the City of Illstin, as established by the Nc~,~ort-Edin~.;er Annexation per resolution ~O-30, passed and ado[~ted June 15, 1970 and alOhg the southeasterly [Lne of said Lot 65, a distance of 50.00 feet, to an angle point in said City ~f ~stin boundary, said angle .point being a point on the south~estcrly might-of-way line of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company ri.~t - o f - ~ay; -. ~ence, N. 50~10' 50" W., along said City of ~stin bounda~ and along= said south~esterlv right-of-way line, a distance of 43.20 feet, to an angle point in sald City of Tustin boundary; ~ence, !saving said southwesterly right-of-way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Sanza Fe Railway Company and continuing along said City of ~stin bo~da~- zb~ough the following described courses: N. 55~53'~'' W. 40.20 feet; : S. 39~48'55'' W., 336.00 feet~ N. 50~10'50'' W., 1,236.80 feet; N. 39~48'55'' E., 415.00 feet, along said City of ~stin bo~dary and alDng the centerline of Ne~,~ort Averze to the point of intersection with the existing boundary ,of the City of Tustin, as established by the South Tustin Avenue ~.naxatior per ordinance ~- 136, passed and adopted~ July 5, 1960; ~e~ce, continuing along said City of T,astin boundary through the ~ following described courses: S. 50~11'05'' E., 30.00 feet; N 39048'55'' = 75.00 feet; S. 50~10'50'' E., 1,290.00 feet, to a point on the south- easterly line of said Lot 64, said point being the most southerly corner last mentioned a?_nexation and a poi~.t in the existing boundary o~ the City of Tustin, as established by the Warner-Syc~ore tnnexation per Ordinance No. 245, passed ~.d adopted December 2, 1963; .~ence, S. 40~00'00'' W., along said city boundary and along said southeasterly lina, a distance of I00.00 feet, to the point of beginning. 281 P,...__~.A_., _R_C E L A I . IR\/~['\!"' ,. r_... -- MYFORD ,-&. i" :"' ~ "' /:\T ! O N NO. 8 . . TO TI, I[ CITY · 282 "~ ~" .~~ ' Z '' ' :, =~-..'..~.. o ;' ,;"" ~,:' : .- . ,PARCEL B~ IRVINE - MYFORD ANN~×ATION TO THE CITY CF 'FUS:':.::, CALIFORNIA 283 284 · IOUNDAR~ P~ ~OUFH . , No.~. ~XISTI~G Cl~ OF TUSTIM ~OUHD~RY ,~.' : · It' .05. ' , . ~. ~o' ~ ~'11'05'~. / . ~. 3~,~8; 5 "E. · 0. O0~ .~ ...... ~o~ ~8' .. ~ ..... ?' 15- O0 ,~OSr Y~Y COR, '~ " I ZOTO$, 81R. IO ...' N~'~Y "~ ~ I ~osr w.z~ C~. zor 6~. a~ y -, ~ · ~ , ~o. ~ :' '~ [ I ' ' P~R N~WPO~T'~OING$R ~N~TIO~ j ~ ~' "'~ ~. 65 · '. ' ,. I ~'., .~r[,. .7' ~ .~ U'~ . .~t~ ! --- I, .... ~0 .. ~. c g ~ MOST e'z~ co~ R O B. - ~ .~ ZOT ~ BZ~ I0 .~ i~/~TI~G CITY OY TUST/M asG. o,o ..... : - ~. 40.2~ ~ZOr 6~ BL~H '~ ~ $$~45'10'~ ..."', .... , ~. dO~ ~ ~0, ~ "= ..... i00. O0 ' · ' i~'~ ~::, II ~"~' II ~ i! Ii I ~ ~"~"'~- '100.~' . - . ~SC,: · , " .....t~G:~ T ;: i PA, RC~I n ~RVIP,'E-' ''.'~' ':-~ x,: :'-, -. ~,.,"'n,":'~(~MF~"' ~ ,, . - , · , /~ - ~ ~., ,. 70 7:',"'2 t.,':';.' ": 7.'.".~2:,'~ 285 STATE OF CALIFOF~NIA) COUNTY OF OF~NGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 716 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21st day of March , 197,7 and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular. meeting held on the 4th day of April 1977, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: SHARP, WELSH ~ EDGAR~ SALTARF. T.T.I, SCHUSTER NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE City of Tustin, California Publish Tustin News April 14, 1977