HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-27-70 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING of the CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 27, 1970 'The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 27th day of April, 1970, at the hour of 7:35 p.m. of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Others Present: Edelstein, Curtis, Larnard, Mahoney, Webster Halus, Ludwig James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City Administrator- Community Development Director D. L. "Pat" Brown, Ass't. Planning Director- Zoning Administrator Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 1970 Moved by Mr. M~h~.n~e~, seconded by Mr. Larnard that the minutes of April 13, 1970, be approved as corrected. ' ZC-70-210- R. T. FRENCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - (Continued from April 13, 1970 Planning Commission Meeting) Authority requested to rezone subject property from R-3 and R-1 to PC-C-2 and PC-R-3 to permit a planned community development consisting of a 216 unit, one and two-story apartment complexes and a two-story office structure. The proposal would be the western portion of an overall master plan of development with approximately 43 acres of land. Orange County has approved development plans covering the eastern portion of the total proposal. Location: Property is located on east side of Yorba Street with a frontage of approximately 990' and is approximately 300' south of the centerline of 17th Street. Mr. Fleagle stated that the applicant had submitted revised plans which were reviewed by the Development Preview Committee at their April 23, 1970, meeting. The Committee felt that further design improvements could be made such as: a 6'8" masonry wall be installed where propose~ commercial properties abut residential properties; tree-screening landscaping adjacent to walls used as a buffer; private drives indicated as dead ends should be redesigned to provide through circulation; continuous vehicular access to County portion of overall proposal; three- story structures not objectionable to total environment of this area if restricted to northern portion of multiple family areal setback of the building on the southerly ~rty line of 10'; reversal of locations of several of open parking spaces and closed carport areas; redesign of the westcrn portion of the multiple family area to provide parking area accessible from ¥otbm 8~rmm~ mhd ~hat ~hi ~&~king ~m¥ou~ ~0~ ~he professional block walX. PC Minutes 4/27/70 Mr. Fle~gle pointed out that the Staff recommendations are to approve the concept as submittod, but to require that before a building permit could be issued that a Use Permit would have to be approved which would be a matter of public hearing and all residents in the area would have a final chance to view the plans and voice their opinion before they 'are approved for development. Chairman Webster opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:40 p. m. Mr. Vinton Frost, San Juan Capistrano, represented the architects, Burke Kober Nicolais Archuleta. He stated that they had met with the people of Enderle Gardens and have hopefully resolved some of their objections. He pointed out that they have designed the 216 units by replanning to achieve the same density (22.7 per acre) without the use of any three-story buildings. As to the rendered elevations, all of the exterior materials and colors will be in a residential idiom-earth tones, with a tile roof using siding and brick inserts. Mr. Frost also mentiohed that there was a need to revise the circulation on the site which was drawn to their attention by the Development Preview Committee. Mr. ~ahpney inquired as to what the maximum distance a person would have to walk from their car to their apartment unit or where delivery facilities could be effected. Mr. Frost stated that the figure was 500' to 600' which he felt would have to be amended as far as the parking area was concerned. Mr. Mah?ney felt this distance would be a burden to the tenants and also costly. Mr. Jack De Jries, 17351 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin, spoke on behalf of th~ residents of Enderle Gardens. The Board of Directors met and the Planning Committee of Enderle Gardens met on the subject development. Mr. De Jries stated that there were four items of concern that they approached to Mr. French: That no garages will be within 10' of the property line. If there is a change made as far as garages are concerned, the people of Enderle Gardens would like no other garages on a perimeter of Enderle Gardens other than those which are to be located in the area marked #7 on the plot plan. Re A 16" box tree (pittasporum undulapium) be provided for the entire property line which will help in breaking up the wall and screening out the roof tops of the buildings. e That night lights or flood lights that might be on the buildings would not be directed toward Enderle Gardens. Wall to be 6'8" finish or higher as determined by fill which is to be determined by the grade on the north side of the fence. Mr. De Jries further stated that the fence should be built first before any other construction so that Enderle Gardens would remain separated from the cohstruction. Mr. Harry Wagner, 17331 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin, inquired as to the floor space in the proposed apartments. He didn't feel they had enough information relative to the development. Chairman Webster declared the public portion of the hearing closed ~t 7:55 p. m. -2- PC Minutes 4/27/70 Moved by Mr..~ahoney, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that Resolution No. 1154 be adopted approving a~lication zc-70-210LR~3-and R-1 to PC-C-2 and PC-R-3, subQect to: Compliance with the stipulated requirements of the City Engineer for public improvements per Staff Report dated April 8, 1970. A maximum density of 216 residential units with authority granted to the Development Preview Committe~ to adjust the density if determined essential to gain the desired amenities and design criteria. Review and approval by Development Preview Committee and City Staff (City Engineer, Fire Chief, Building Official and Community Development Director) of the ultimate project design and development. 4. Submission and approval of a Use Permit by the Planning Commission prior to development. 5. Coordination of total project review and design by Development Preview Committee of the City of Tustin and the Orange County Architectural Control Board. and record be made to the Development Preview Committee of Commission concerns for thevar~ous' development criteria suggested ~u~in~ the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UP-70-340- TRI STATE ENGINEERING COMPANY ON BEHALF OF P~RCY H. GOODWIN COMPANY. Authority is requested to establish a drive-through dry cleaning operation. Location: Property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Laguna Road. Mr. Pat Brown commented that the property is zoned C-2-P. In kpril, 1969, the Commission denied a variance for a take-out restaurant with a reduction in parking on the subject site. Plans submitted indicate a 1608 square foot structure with drive-through facilities. Dry cleaning equipment would be located within the proposed structure which would be used to provide dry cleaning service for this facility only. There would be a minimum of 8 parking spaces requirement for this type of operation which has been complied with by the applicants. Vehicular access would be by means of E1 Camino Real and Laguna Road. Mr. Brown further stated that the Development Preview Committee at their April 23, 1970, meeting reviewed the plans and commented they were an improvement over the ones originally submitted to their April 16, 1970, meeting. The Committee recommended the following: Installation of full s~ree~ improvements including curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, drive approaches and street trees in accordance with the Master Street Tree Plan. Installation of one street light with underground conduit on the Laguna Road frontage. An adequate water main ~ystem with an approved hydrant shall be established to meet the fire flow requirements. PC Minutes 4/27/70 de A 10-pound ABC dry ~chem'ical extinquisher shall be provided and located near an exit. Specifications of the dry cleaning equipment shall be submitted to the office of the State Fire Marshal in Los Angeles for approval. fe Review and final approval of development plans by the Development Preview Committee. Mr. Fleagle indicated a change~on Item "c" of the Staff Report. Due to the expense involved - $15,000 - $20,000 - to bring a water line from 6th Street up to E1 Camino Real, the Staff feels that this cost should not be borne solely by any one individual firm so they are asking the applicant to post a bond of $500.00 as his share of this improvement. The bond would be for a period of two years and would be refunded if the improvement were not constructed within this two year period. Chairman Webster opened the pub~.ic portion of the hearing at 8:20 p. m. Mr. A1 Marten represented Tri State Engineering and stated that he concurred with the Staff Report with the exception of Item "c" and Item "b". He stated that in checking with Edison Company, they found everything in the area was overhead powered and that one underground light standard Would be impractical. Mr. Harry Wagner, 17331 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin, spoke for the Downtown Business Association Stating that they concur with this development coming into the area. Chairman Webster declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:30 p. m. Moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded b~ Mr. Edelstein that Resolution No."1155 be adopted apPro~in~ ULP-70-340 subject to: a. The construction of full street improvements including curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, drive approaches and street trees in accordance with the Master Street Tree Plan. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer. b. The installation of a street light on Laguna Road with the signing of a covenant and agreement to be approved by the City Attorney to underground the light at your expense .at such time as the area is included in an underground lighting district. The City Engineer will furnish specifications and location for the street light. c. The posting of a $500.00 bond with the City of Tustin as a pro rata share in the extension of an eight (8") inch water main and fire hydrant to serve the property. d. A 10-pound ABC dry chemical extinguisher shall be provided and located near an exit. Specifications of the dry cleaning equipment shall be submitted to the office of the State Fire Marshal in Los Angeles for approval. Review and final approval of development plans by the Development Preview Committee. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 UNDERgRQUNDING REQUIRF~ENT WAIVER REQUEST - DOROTHY O. WILL~- (owner) and SANTA ANA ELECTRIC, Location: 455 West First Street, Tustin, California. PC Minutes 4/27/70 Mr. Fleagle stated that it was requested that the under- grounding of the service lines of this property be waived on the provision that all service to this property be served from the side street and there be no service lines from First Street. ~jr.._._(_,'_.._.W_ .l?o_o.r.?.,_?.2.?_J;~..t_'j:.,.'~_go Street, Santa Ana, representative el :;.tl~l..t Al~.t I.;I,,~:[l'~c, :;l:,lt~:~l I-I~at tJlYs' w'aiver would take the lines out el: First Street where they now serve and m~ve them to Mountain View. Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Larnard that Resolution No. 1156 be granted approving the Request for Waiver of Undergroundin? .Requirement subject to the removal of all electric service lines from First Street and covenant and agreemen~ from..the property owners for under,rounding at such future date if an un~er~roundin~ pro~ect is undertaken in this area. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 ZC-70-209 - FISHER & FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Location: Southwest corner of Red Hill and San Juan Street. Mr. Flea~le stated that it was advertised for a public hearing for this parcel for C-2 for the southerly portion of the parcel and C-1 for the northerly 175'. This recommendation went to the City Council on April 6, 1970, and concern was expressed that the northeast corner of the parcel would be used for a service station. Also, the Council expressed concern for the residents on the north side of San Juan Street. .It was the implied intent of the Council that the Planning Commission consider establishing a buffer area for the northerly portion of the parcel thus eliminating the commercial and service station possibility. Moved bY Chairman Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that the Planning ~ommission recommend to the ~it~ council approval of zc-70-209 for the north 149' to be zoned PC-C-1 to exclude dr~ve-in facilities'and service stations, the southerly 476' to be zoned PC-C-2 for the fo'llowi~g, reasons: The Planning Commission feels that a residential use of high intensity at that location would be to the greater detriment of the property at the north. Could cause possible traffic hazards because of the major intersection. Would be unable to be developed adequately because of the two small parcels being created, and Would not in any way be as beneficial to the development as a controlled commercial use planned for the entire property. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 ZC-70-1 - SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP IRS-ii Location: Subject properties are located on the south side of Nisson Road between Red Hill and Browning Avenue. ~t7/70 PC Minutes 4/27/70 Mr. Brown stated that subject action was initiated by the Orange County Planning Commission. Existing land uses on these properties include vacant land, mobilehome park, a swim school, a multiple family apartment complex, a service station, a market, and duplex family residential structures. The two parcels located at the southwest corner of Nisson Road and Browning Avenue were approved for annexation to the City of Tustin by City Council on April 20, 1970, although the Secretary of State has not accomplished the certification of this annexation'. The southern most of these two parcels have been approved for pre-zoning to R-3(1750). Moved by Mr. Curtis, s.e.conded by Mr. Larnard, that a minute res61ution be adopted on application zc-70-1 to read: 1o Whereas, Alternative Exhibit "B" would create a PA strip fronting on Red Hill Avenue with the limited depth of 90 feet with resultant difficulties in development due to traffic and parking accommodations, and, 2. Whereas, the existing C-1 zoning lends itself to strip commercial development contrary to the highest and best use of the property and the proposed Alternative Exhibit "A" is in keeping with existing development and the best interests of the City of Tustin, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin endorses ZC-70-1 Alternative Exhibit "A" for a zone'change from 100-C-l-10,000 to R-3(1500), R-2(2000) and R-4 for the area bounded by Red Hill Avenue and Nisson Road in the unincorporated area of Orange County. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 SCHOOL DISTRICT CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Fleagle stated that a letter' was received from F. Bert Skiles, President of Board of Education, Orange Unified School District requesting notification of any proposed zone changes that may affect the school district. His letter stated that the Orange Unified School District opposes zoning changes which adversely influence the quality.and costs of school services. It was pointed out by Mr. Fleagle that Staff has requested, per a letter dated April 21, 1970, a map of the Orange Unified School District thus enabling notification of any proposed zone changes in that area. PENDING AGENDA MATTERS The following items are pending applications to come before the Planning Commission on May 11, 1970. UP-70-341- Swim School - Palos Verdes Peninsula Tennis Club j R~lph Schenck Location: On the west side of Elizabeth W~y, approximately 173' north of Irvine Boulevard. 2. V-70-267-Santia~o Commercial Bank To permit two roof signs in addition to an existing free-stand.ing sign. Location: Southeast corner%of the intersection of First Street and E1 Camino Real. -6- PC Minutes 4/27/70 Mr. Flea$1q handed the Commissioners advance registration forms for the League of California Cities Institute for Planning Commissioners with comments suggesting a bus tour through parts of Tustin. He further stated that he had received correspondence from the City Engineer with reference to the Amendments to Master Plan of Arterial Highways which have already been approved by the County. Chairman Webster suggested that we find out all the information we can before scheduling a public hearing on the matter of Arterial Highways. Mr. Edelstein stated he was very much impressed with the comments of the Development Preview Committee being incorporated in the individual Staff Reports, thus allowing the Commissioners to get a full picture of the proposed development. Moved b~ Mr. Mahgne¥, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that the ~eeting be adjourned. ~.. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Webster declared the meeting closed at 9:25 p. m. 4/27/70 -7-