HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-13-70MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
APRIL 13, 1970
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Webster
at 7:30 p. m.
Led by Mr. Halus.
Curtis, Ludwig, Halus,
Mahoney, Webster
Absent: Commissioners: Larnard, ]k~r, lstein
Others Present:
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City
Administrator-Community Development
Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission
Recording Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Halus
that the minutes of March 23, 1970, be approved as
To permit a pre-school nursery within an
apartment house project now under construction.
South side of Main Street, approximately
800 feet westerly of Williams Street.
Mr. F~eagle stated that the applicants were granted
a Use Permit for construction of a 246 unit multiple
residential development on March 10, 1969. The
present zoning of the property is a R-3 (1700) (Multiple
Family Residential District). A nursery school would
be permitted in an R-3 District provided there was
approval of a Use Permit and subject to development
criteria. It was further stated that the applicants
are proposing the nursery school be an integral part
of the overall apartment complex. Yhe complex is
solely comprised of young families and the prerschool
nursery will be able to accommodate 42 children.
The recreational structure in the east-central portion
of the apartment project will be used as the nursery
The Development Preview Committee reviewed this
application and requested that an additional building
area be provided for adult recreational purposes and
that the children attending the school be limited to
those living in the apartment complex.
Chairman Webster opened the public portion of the
hea~ing at 7:40 p. m.
Mr. Mark Sarrow, 1333 Westwood Boulevard, Los Angeles,
represented. Property Research Management Corporation.
PC Minutes
· Mr. Sarrow stated that at the time the project
was initially conceived, plans were made to
develop a complex primarily for young families
· .with a recreational facility rather than a pre-
school. The building is now under construction
and will be used for a nursery if the Use Permit
is granted for this purpose. He further stated
that it was their intention to use this building
as a dual purpose. Normal operation of the
pre-school would not be in conflict with
recreational uses in the evenings or weekends.
The hours for the school are 7:30 - 8:00 a. m.
through 5:30 in the evening and this would not
create any problem as far as limiting the recreation
of any of the tenants after these hours.
It was pointed out by Mr. Sarrow that the school
would be enrolled primarily by the children at
the complex. It was also mentioned that this
development is similar in nature to one existing
in Fountain Valley and would be run basically in
the same manner. He further stated that there
are 246 units in the project with 369 parking
spaces which meets the minimum parking requirements.
Chairman Webster inquired if the operation of the
pre-school would be leased to a third party operator.
Mr. Sarrow replied that it would be operated by
a separate staff not by Property Research Management
Corporation. The lease provides for joint usage
of the facilities.
Mr. Sarrow stated that there is an age limitation of
five years in order to be eligible for the pre-
school, thus there may not be enough children in
the complex to support the school and for this reason
they would like for the school to have an open
Mr. Mahoney inquired if there were a lunch room in
the pre-school area, and if this would present any
conflict to the tenants using the kitchen facilities
in the evening? Mr. Sarro~ stated the lunches were
very easily prepared in the morning for that days
Mrs. Nancy LaShell was also present and was representing
the school teaching staff.' She mentioned the importance
of having the school open to other children in the
area. She felt that if outside children were allowed
to fill the enrollment vacancy, they could have better
teachers, keep the school in good repair and well
equipped so as to stand on its own merits financially.
She further stated that the lunches would present no
problem as they are very simple and easy to prePare.
Mr. Bud Ashworth, director of Country Day School in
Tustin also spoke in favor of the project. He stated
that parking would not present any problem for most
children would be walked to the school by their parents.
There will be only three staff members who will be using
the parking spaces'all day. He again reiterated the
need to have the o~tion of allowing other children from
the area to participate in order to make it a successful
business. '
PC Minutes 4/13/70
There being no further discussion from the audience,
the public portion of the hearing was closed at
8:20 p. m.
Mr. Halus stated that parking did not seem to be
a problem and he was very much impressed with the
persons who would be running the pre-school:
Nancy LaShell and Bud Ashworth. He suggested that
the priority of enrollment of students be given to
those residing within the apartment complex rather
than to specifically limiting enrollment to those
residing within the complex.
It was moved by Mr Halus, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig,
~-ha~ Resoiution No~ 1151 be adopted approving
~'~ication number UP-70-338 su~'~',ct to:
Compliance with requirements of the
Fire Department.
Priority of enrollment of students be
given to those residing within the
apartment complex.
The above motion was amended by Mr. Halus, seconded
by Mrs. Ludwig, stating that UP-70-338 would be
in effect for five years subject to reconsideration
at that time.
The above amendment was voted by roll call:
Halus, Ludwig
Mahoney, Curtis, Webster
Larnard, Edelstein
The original motion was voted by roll call:
Halus, Curtis, Ludwig
Mahoney, Webster
Larnard, Edelstein
To expand an existing private amusement
park by the installation of amusement devices
known as sock-a-tube cars and giant space
North side of First Street extending ±220
feet westerly of the centerline of Myrtle
Avenue (721 West First Street)
Mr. Fleagle stated that the property is located in
a C-l'Dis~rict adjacent to Newport Freeway. It
presently houses a miniature golf course and a cafe·
The miniature golf course is a non-conforming use
in a C-1 District. Nine parking spaces and a driveway
approach would be eliminated by the installation of
sock-a-tube cars. A professional office building
and an apartment house complex is facing the proposed
sock-a-tube area to the east. Reports of the Fire
PC Minutes 4/13/70
Mr. Fleagle further stated that the best use of the
· ~ubject location is other than an amusement park.
The general appearance of the site leaves much to
be desired in the way of a pleasant asset to a major
~ntrance to the City.
The staff objects to the sock-a-tube cars which are
gasoline powered. The noise factor would also present
a problem to the nearby structures. There is no
objection to the giant space pillow on the proposed
location. It was pointed out that the Staff approves
the portion of the Use Permit that pertains to the
space pillow subject to:
Conformance with the stipulated requirements
of the Fire Code as determined by the
Fire Chief.
The ded%cation of additional street
right-of-way in the form of a 15 foot
radius "corner cutoff" as stipulated by
the City Engineer.
Site review by the Development Preview
Committee for the purpose of recommending
aesthetic improvements for the benefit of
the leaseholder and community.
He further stated that the Staff had received items
of correspondence from the First Street Professional
Building, 661 West First Street, Tustin, signed by
Robert Spurzem, Richard K. Eirich, S. Robert Nystrom,
W. F. O'Connell, Thomas O'Sullivan, Shirley Schneider,
Henry Eastman, Doris Johnson and Atilis Martinez,
all medical doctors who were opposing the application.
They find the noise will be a disturbing factor in the
operation of their medical practice.
Another piece of correspondence was received from
W. L. Tadlock which stated that the Use Permit be
denied on the basis of noise pollution and incompatible
coexistence with existing and future business development
on First Street.
A petition was received from Rancho Yorba Apartments
with 38 names of tenants listed thereon, all opposing
'the application. The petition was signed by Virginia B.
Devens, resident manager of the Rancho Yorba Apartments.
The Big Brothers of Orange County also opposed the
gasoline driven miniature cars.
Mr. John A. Siegel, realtor, 18001 East Fourth Street,
Tustin, who owns the property across the street from
the amusement park (720,722,730,736 and 740 West First
Street) opposed the initial installation and the
sock-a-tube cars.
Chairman Webster opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:45 p. m.
Mr. Ben Fiore, 721 West First Street, Tustin, expressed
his concern to all of the objections received on his
application. He stated that he and his co-owner,
Mr. Sneed, had made many improvements on the property
and was stressing good clean fun for families.
· PC Minutes 4/13/70
He commented on the paint of the cafe being
called gaudy by the Staff Report and he said
their object was to be something that was different
and out of the ordinary. He felt these wild colors
used for the animated animals were appealing
to the children and that they were fulfilling their
Mr. W. L. Sneed, co-owner of the Goony Golf,
commented on the noise factor of the sock-a-tube
cars not being the great annoyance that is imagined.
Their objective is to cater to families to have
a nice clean outdoor fun that is economical and
that everyone can afford.
Others, speaking in opposition to the application
Dr. W. F. O'Connell, 661 West First Street, Tustin,
felt the noise factor would be a significant
point and that part of the professional
buildings p~rking facilities would be taken up.
Also, the general appearance of the property
was not an asset to the surrounding area.
2. W. R. Tadlock, 135 Myrtle, Tustin.
3. Charles Dickson, 140 Yorba, Tustin, who is
representing Coldwell, Banker & Company,
managing agents of Rancho Yorba Apartments,
pointed out that the buildings on the end
of the tract are arranged so that the patios
of the particular apartments would be
the sounding board rather than the back of
the building thus causing an annoyance factor
to the tenants.
4. Enrich Seretti, 741 West First Street, Tustin.
5. Gil Bor~ess, 140 Yorba, Tustin.
Chairman Webster declared the public portion of
the hearing closed at 9:15 p. m.
It was moved by Mrs. Ludwi~ seconded by Mr. Halus
that U. P.-70-339 be denied on the basis of non-
com~atibilit~ with surrounding property uses.
3. ZC-70-211- WILLIAM W. ZINK~ JR.
Zone change from R-4 (3000) to PC-R-3 (1800)
to authorize 111 deluxe apartment units to
be constructed on a 4.75 acre parcel.
East side of Red Hill Avenue approximately
300 feet southeasterly of Mitchell Avenue.
Mr. Flea~19 stated that the General Plan designates the
area as high density development (12.5 units per acre)
under the existing R-4 zoning, it would be permissible
to develop one-family dwellings, two-family dwellings
and apartment houses, each with 3000 square feet of
land area per unit. This particular site is a major
artery with probability of increased traffic counts.
PC Minutes 4/13/70
He further pointed out that the Orange County
Planning Department is considering the rezoning
of Red Hill Avenue property to R-2 and R-3 District.
As a condition of approval, the Fire Department
Yequires an approved water main and hydrant system,
adequate access to and through the property and
the placement of fire estinquishers. The City
Engineer requires dedication of street right-of-way,
street and property, frontage improvements, street
lighting, accommodation of irrigation facilities
and street trees. 'The development plans have been
reviewed by the Development Preview and determined the
proposed development is considered a well designed
complex with adequate buffering of the development
from surrounding properties. The development plan
calls for 201 parking spaces or 35 more than required
by the Zoning Ordinance. It should result in a high
quality, high valued, complex.
Chairman Webster op~ed the public hearing at 9:30 p.m.
· Mr. William W. Zink, 18002 Bryce Place, Santa Ana,
stated that he and Bill Barry were co-owners of the
project. He further pointed out that they had two
alternatives- - garden apartment project, duplex-
triplex, four-plex apartment. Mr. Zink stated he
would like a higher, deasity of units and lower people
density. He proposes 111 units with 67-one bedroom
apartments and 9-bachelor apartments. 70% of what
he is attempting to build will be small units.
Mr. Joseph A. Sinnott.~ 1576 Mitchell Avenue, Santa Ana,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Brighton
Terrace Adult Condominium stated ~hat he was representing
many of the surrounding people to the project and that
they were very much in favor of the development.
There being no one speaking in opposition and no further
testimony from the audience, Chairman Webster closed
the public portion of the hearing at 9:50 p. m.
It was moved by Mr Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Halus
that Resolution No['1152 be adopted a~pro~in~
application number ZC-70-211 subject to the following:
Compliance with the stipulated requirements
of the city Engineer and Fire Chief.
Review and final approval of development
plans by the Development Preview Committee.
The plans and renderings be a part of the
Chairman Webster declared a recess at 9:50 p. m.
The meeting was reconvened at 10:00 p. m.
To rezone subject property from the existing
R-3 and R-1 to PC-C-2 and PC-R-3, in order to
permit a planned community development consisting
of a 216 unit, one, two and three story apartment
complex and a two-story office structure on
PC Minutes 4/13/70
subject property. Subject proposal would
be the western portion of an overall
master plan of development, consisting of
approximately 43 acres of land. The
eastern portion of the total proposal has
had development plans approved by Orange
County and includes more office structures,.
a neighborhood shopping center and a more
than doubled expansion of the apartment
East side of Yorba Street with a frontage
of approximately 990 feet and is
approximately 300 feet south of the
centerline of 17th Street.
Mr. Fleagle stated that the subject property has been
one of controversy from Foothill Home Owners
Association. The P}~nning Commission and City Council
have expressed their ideas for a development compatible
with the County and north Tustin area. The County has
approved a zone change for the adjacent property to the
east of subject application authorizing construction of
a shopping center, professional buildings and apartment
complex. The primary issue, as stated by Mr. Fleagle,
is to determine the most compatible development for the
parcels within the City that will be adjoining the
commercial complex as well as bordering the high quality
residential development to the south. Special concern
of the Staff would be the following:
The long double-loaded parking tunnel on the
southerly boundary. Other developments
within the City have r~quired design treatment
that would create relief through landscaping,
changing traffic patterns and the creation
of an interesting skyline effect for the
surrounding and adjacent residential properties.
The configuration and proximity of the three
story apartment structures. Because of their
height and alignment, the Committee is
desirous of alleviating the tunnel effect
and creating a more desirable environment.
In consideration for the size of the total
complex, park dedication is a reasonable
It was pointed out that the Development Preview Committee
further desires the Planning Commission and City Council
establish the maximum density of the residential project
within the City of Tustin with specific authority being
granted to the Development Preview Committee to reduce
the density if deemed essential to gain the desired
amenities and design criteria.
Chairman Webster opened the public portion of the hearing
at 10:15 p. m.
Mr. Vinton Frost, represented Burke Kober Nicolais Archuleta,
the architects for the R. T. French Development Company.
He mentioned that they have made every attempt to buffer
PC Minutes 4/13/70
commercial and residential territory that is
zoned a lower density. They ask only that subject
· to the review board and to architectural control
that the zoning be favorably passed on and that
the density whatever is acceptable to the City be
agreed upon.
Chairman Webster in~.uired as to the height of the buildings
which Mr. Frost said was under 35 feet.
Mr. Frost stated that in reference to the lower
portion being dedicated to a park. He felt there would
be a parking problem and that it should be studied
further as to how it could be best used.
Those opposing the application were as follows:
Jack De Jries, 17351 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin, expressed
concern as to drive and garages on the southern
boundary. He stated he would like re-location of the
garages and drive a~ one-story apartments would be.
located in that particular area. He also expressed
opposition to the proposed park.
Harry Wagner, 17331 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin.
Salomon Shapiro, 14222 Mimosa Lane, Tustin.
Mrs. Harry. Wagner, 17331 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin.
Ralph Y~aman, 14242 Acacia Drive, Tustin.
Chairman Webster declared the public portion of the
hearing closed at 10:55 p. m.
Mr. Fleagle stated that the Staff withdraws its
recommendation that the southerly parcel 138' x 242'
be dedicated to the City of Tustin for park purposes,
on the basis of the testimony of the adjoining
property owners in Qpposition to the open land dedication
and their approval of single story apartments in the area.
Mr. R. T. French stated that he has met all county
building requirements and that he will petition for
annexation the bulk of the 43 acres now in county
Chairman Webster declared a five minute recess at
11:10 p. m. in order to change the tape recorder.
It was moved by Mr. Mahoney~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig
that ZC-70-210 be continued to the next regularly
scheduled Planning Commission meeting on April 27~
It was moved by Mrs. Ludwig, seconded by Mr. Mahoney
tha~ we take New Business before Old Business.
Mr. Fleagle stated that the Irvine General Plan will
be presented to the TNT on' Friday morning, April 17, 1970.
He further stated that a public hearing will be
scheduled in May by the Orange County Planning Commission.
PC Minutus 4/13/70
The General Plan is to be reviewed by the Commissioners
so that they will be better acquainted with its
effect upon the City of Tustin by the hearing date.
To divide parcel for purpose of sale and
development of Parcel 3.
Northeast corner of First Street and
Newport Avenue.
Mr. Flea~le stated that it was the City Engineer's
recommendation that the Parcel Map be approved upon
development of Parcel 3, an inlet structure from
the northeasterly corner of Parcel 3 into the Flood
Control Channel be i~talled with final approval of
the City Engineer and'recordation of the map.
Mr. Cecil Sudda~y was present and stated his approval
of the City Engineer's recommendation.
It was moved by Mr. Halus, seconded b~ Mr. Mahoney
that a minute order be adopted approving Parcel Map
Location: Bounded by Newport, Bryan and Main Streets.
Mr. Fleagle stated that on December 8, 1969, the City
of Tustin Planning Commission granted an extension of
a Conditional Use Permit for a convalescent hospital
on Bryan Avenue. Due to the unusual problem in the
money market in the past 6 months, Southern California
Financial Corporation has been unable to secure
financing. They are requesting an extension for an
additional six months.
It was moved by Mr. Halus, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig,
that Resolution. No. 1153 be adopted a.~proving~ a
6 month extension be granted on a~pllcat~on number
UP-68-276, On the finding of no significant Changes
in the immediate area since the initial a~roval of
the Use Permit.
To permit the construction of a drive-in
Southeast corner of Laguna Road and
E1 Camino Real.
PC Minutes
~ ~'u. ~..
Appeal Procedure of Planning ,C,ommission Decis,ion
Mr. Fleagle stated that the Ordinance was a pending
.matter and placed in the folder for review by the
Commissioners. He pointed out that the Ordinance.
would be reviewed by Mr. Rourke and presented at
another meeting.
a. Unclassified Uses in C-1 Zone
Mr. Fleagle stated that there were two business
license applications submitted to the City for a
slenderizing salon for women and one for a physical
fitness club for men. It would be necessary for the
Planning Cmmission to determine if these uses are
compatible within a.;~-i zone. and are subject to a
Use Permit.
It was moved b~ Mrs; Ludwig seconded bx Mr. Mahoney
that sUgh uses a~e COmpatible u~es in the C-1 and
C-2 DiStricts, subject, t? the requirement of' a
.Use permit. '
b. Capital Improvement Program
Mr. Fleagle introduced to the Planning Commission
that there is a Capital Improvement Program for the
City under preparation now. All department heads
have been requested to submit all their future
needs. The Planning Department will be compiling
this Capital Improvement Program and it will be
presented to the P%anning Commission for review.
Mr. Halus commented that the Planning Commission
would like to state their appreciation to the
Development Preview Committee for incorporation of
their comments in the Staff Reports prior to the
stated meeting.
Mr. Fleagle introduced the new Zoning Administrator
and member of the Planning Staff, Mr. Pat Brown.
It was moved b~ Mrs. Ludwi~ seconded ~y Mr. Mahoney
that the meeting be "~djourned. '
There being no further business to come before the
Commission, Chairman Webster declared the meeting
closed at 12:05 . m.