HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-09-70MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 9, 1970 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Webster at 7:30 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Chairman Webster. III. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Edelstein, Ludwig, Halus, Larnard, Mahoney, Webster Absent: Commissioner: Curtis Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. City Administrator-Community Development Director Jeannine Lindsey, Planning Commission Recording Secretary IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Halus that the m~nutes of November 10, 1969, November 24, 1969, and February 24¥' 1970'be a~roved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 Ve PUBLIC .HEARINGS 1. UP-70-336 - RICH SIGN AND NEON COMPANY, ON BEHALF OF OF H.R. KAUFMAN, PIONEER TAKE-OUT To permit the installation of one (1) oversized free-standing sign within 200 ft. of a freeway, with additional mansard roof and wall signs for Pioneer Chicken Take-Out food establishment. Location: Property with 111 ft. frontage on the southeast side of Newport Avenue, approximately 305 ft. northeast of the centerline of Mitchell Avenue. Mr. Fleagle stated that the,subject property was granted a Conditional Use Permit for a Pioneer Take-Out food establishment by Resolution No. 1107 adopted by the Planning Commission on October 13,. 1969. IIo further stated that normal allocation of sign area in a Commercial District equals an aggregate of two (2) square feet of signing for each lineal foot of street frontage. Under normal development standards, subject property would be limited to a total of 222 square feet of sign area. Chairman Webster opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:41 p.m. Mr..James Nicola, 15518 Sharon Hill Drive, Whittier, represented Rich Sign and Neon Company and Pioneer Take-Out. 3/9/70 Ml7. Nicola skated that he is requesting approximately 590 square feet of signing under the discretionary provisions of the Sign Ordinance for a business located within 200 feet of the freeway, lie felt that Rich Sign and Neon Company and Pioneer Chicken were complying with everytkzng the Planning Commission had requested. Their main objective was to see that their sign was not hidden by the freeway. Mr. Paul Wilmuth, 1310 Echo Park, Los Angeles a representative of Pioneer Ckicke~ Take-Out offered a suggestion to remove th~ "Golden" portion of the sign and have it read "Pioneer Chicken" in order to reduce some of the footage on the submitted sign. Mr. Nicola stated that he felt that if persons in the residential area surrounding the property in question would have objected to t~i~ sign, they would be present to state their vic~...; ':ince there were none, he assumed no one objected. Chairman webster closed the public portion of the hearihg at 8:12 p. m. It was moved by Mr. Halus, seconded by Mr. Edelstein that UP-70-336 be denied, for the"'followin9 reasons: 1. The lack of a freeway oriented business. 2. The adverse effect the business would have on the residential community. 3. The excessive sign area. The above motion was voted by roll call. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mahoney, Halus, Larnard, Ludwig, Edelstein, Webster None Curtis MOTION CARRIED 6-0 ZC~70-202 PROSPECT PARK CONDOMINUM (AP #62-671-03) To consider rezoning from "U" Unclassified District to Planned Development. Location: Approximately 318 feet on the easterly side of Prospect Avenue, approximately 230 feet southerly of the centerline of Irvine Blvd. Mr. Fleagle stated that the subject properties were developed prior to annexation and were given Unclassified Zoning either due to the absence of a comparable zoning classification or the transitional use of the property. Chairman Webster opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:37 p. m. There were interested parties present but none wished to participate in the discussion. There being no discussion from the audience, the public portion ~f tho hearing was ~o~ed at 8138 p.m. 3/9/70 -2- Minutes 3/9/70 Mr. Mahoney suggested that the Commission discuss .the subject properties ZC-70-202 through ZC-70-208 as a whole group~.r&t~e{ than individually. 3. 'ZC-70-203 SADDLEBACK MOBILE HOME PARK (APt~ 62-330-01- 62-330-02~ 62-330-03) A 19.17 acre parcel. To consider rezoning from "U" Unclassified District to MHP (Mobile Home Park) District. Location: Southwesterly corner of Main Street and Williams Street. ZC-70-204 MERVIN L. BOSE (AP# 62-330-35) A 4.22 acre parcel· To consider rezoning from "U" District to the R-3(1750) (Multiple Family Residential - 1750 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling unit) District. Location: Approximately 214 feet on the westerly side of Williams Street, approximately 774 feet northerly of the centerline of McFadden Street. 5. ZC-70-205 HERBERT ZAREMBER (AP# 62-330-05) (A develope~ parcel 170' x 125') To consider rezoning from "U" District to the R-3(1750) Multiple Family Residential - 1750 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling unit) District. Location: Westerly side of Williams Street, approximately 988 feet northerly of the centerline of McFadden. 6. ZC-70-206 THE TUSTIN VILLAGE TRAILER PARK (A porqion e of AP# 62-322-09 and AP# 62-322-11) To consider rezoning from "U" District to the MHP (Mobile Home Park) District. Location: Approximately 552 feet along the easterly side of Williams Street for a depth of 330 feet from the centerline and approkimately 426 feet southerly of the centerline of Main Street. ZC-70-207 ASSESSOR'S PARCELS 120-015-03 and 120-015-05 For consideration of rezoning from "U" Unclassified District to 100-M-20,000 and PC Industrial. Location: The southeasterly frontage property of Newport Freeway (Old Newport Avenue) between Valencia and Warner Avenues, an approximate distance of 110 feet southeasterly of the centerline of Newport Freeway (Old Newport Avenue). ZC-70-208 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 120-012-04 For consideration of rezoning from "U" Unclassified District to 100-M-20,000 District. 3/9/70 -3- PC Minutes 3/9/70 8. ZC-70-208 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 120-012-04 Location: Southeasterly frontage property on Newport Freeway (Old Newport Avenue) approximately 110 feet southeasterly of the centerline of Newport Freeway (Old Newport Avenue) extending northeasterly, approximately 940 feet from the centerline of Valencia Avenue. 9. ZC-70-209 MARCIA V.J. FISHER AND THE FIRST SOUTIIERN I~AI"';..,'"", CHURCH (AP#103-300-23 an~ 103-3-U'0~20 i For consideration of rezoning from "U" Unclassified District to C-2 (Central Commercial) District. Location: Two adjoining parcels located on the southwesterly corner of San Juan Street and Red Hill Avenue with 625 feet frontage on Red Hill Avenue and 270 feet frontage on San Juan Street. Mr. Flea$1e stated that the property is occupied by a Church on the southern portion, a vacant parcel and single family home facing San Juan Street. The Church requested consideration of C-2 zoning for the property. Ile further suggested that the Northerly 175 feet which is in diverse ownership be classified as C-1 and the remainder of the parcel under sole ownership be classified as PC C-2. It was moved by Mr. Halus, seconded by Mr. Mahoney that Resolution No. 1149 be adopted recommenqlqg approyal to the City Council of applicatio~ numbers ZC-70-202 through ZC-70-209 as recommended b~ Staff as follows: ZC-70-202-Prospect Park Condominium - Planned Development (AP~ 62-671-03) ZC-70-203-Saddleback Mobile Home Park - Mobile Home Park (AP#62-330-01, 62-330-02, 62-330-03) ZC-70-204-Mervin L. Bose (AP#62-330-35) ZC-70-205-IIerbert Zarember (AP~62-330-05) ZC-70-206-Tustin Village Trailer Park (Ptn. AP#62-322-09 and AP#62-322-11) ZC-70-207-AP# 120-015-03 AP# 120-015-05 ZC-70-208-AP# 120-012-04 PC-R-3(1750) PC-R-3(1750) Mobile Home Park PC (Industrial) 100-M-20,000 100-M-20,000 ZC-70-209-Marcia V. J. Fisher & The First Southern Baptist Church (AP#103-300-23 and 103-300-28 Northerly 175 feet - C-1 Southerly 450 feet -PC (C-2] Reasons .for approval: 1. The proposed rezoning conforms to the Tustin Area General Plan. 2. The proposed rezoning conforms to the existing usage of the property or is con~i~:ent with the use of other propt~r. :.'-:~ within the im~a,'.'li~t~ vicinity. Mu'I°ION CARI(].[".D 6-0 PC Minutes 3/9/70 VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. CORRES- PONDENCE NONE· 1. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES - (Underwood Foods) Request Waiver of Underground Requirement. Location: 15171 Del Amo, Tustin Mr. Fleagle stated that the underground utilities requested were for the third state of construction of 28,000 square feet for a warehouse addition. No new service drops would be needed as a result of this addition. Mr. IIarry R. Martin, 500 D~er Road,..Santa Ana, was representing Underwood Foods in its request for ~%e Waiver. It was moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Larnard that a minute order be adopted to a~rove the requested waiver. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 Mr. Halus pointed out that this in no way establishes a precedent for future underground utility applications. 2. PM-70-33 (Parcel Map) IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX To establish a parcel map designation for legal description purposes for sale and future development of the property. Location: Easterly side of Newport Freeway on the Northerly side of. Warner Avenue. It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. M~honey, that a minute order be adopted approving Parcel Map PM-70-33 sub)ect to the following conditions: Conformance to the requirements, if any, as' set by the "specific plan" hearing insofar as granting of easements for street right-of- way for any additional streets affects this parcel. o Upon development of. the parcel, the installation of full street improvements on the adjacent half of Warner Avenue and any "specific planned" streets. This shall include curb and gutter, street pavement, drive approaches, and approved street trees. Upon development of the parcel, the installation of street lighting, with underground conduit and annexation to the Tustin Street Lighting District. Final approval by the City Engineer and recordation of the map. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 NONE. 3/9/70 -5- 'Minutes 3/9/70 IX. OTIIER BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION It was movcd by Mr. Halus, seconded by Mr. Mahone~ {hat the Resolution on Robert Oster be approved as modified. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 2. APPLICATION SUBMITTED FOR MARCH 23, 1970r meeting. UP-70-337 EDWARD R. HU~L~'.' TO permit live entertainment (Persian Gardens). Location: 1042 East First Street, Tustin Mr. Fle~gle stated that the proposed entertainment includes authentic instrumental music and dancing traditional to the Middle East. 3. COMPATIBILITY OF DRIVE-IN CLEANERS WITH OTHER USES IN THE C-1 DISTRICTS. To consider whether or not dry cleaning and laundry plants are a similar use to those allowed in C-1 Districts. Mr. Jim_.Suping~r, previous Planning Director, explained that in 1966, there were similar plants in operation in the City as.non-conforming uses due to annexations and that coin operated and pick-up stations were allowed. This use was allowed in C-2 and C-3 Districts excluding from them the C-1 Retail Commercial Districts. Mr. Fleagle, per the instruction of the Commission, will draft an amendment to the C-1 Zoning Ordinance including in it that a Retail not Wholesale Plant operation in a C-1 zone is an acceptable use. 4. CONCERNS OF PLANNING COMMISSION The following items were called to the attention of of the Commission: a. Constant squeaking of the tape recorder. b. Heat in the building. c. Special meeting of the City Council on March 10, 1970, at 8:00 p. m. at the Council Chambers to specifically discuss the off- ramp at Newport Avenue and Santa Ana Freeway. d. Meeting of Joint Council and Development Preview Committee Dinner at 6:30 p. m. on March 30, 1970 at Jus Steak. e. TNT Committee meeting at 7:30 a. m. on March 13, 1970 at Altadena Federal Savings and Loan Association. f. General Plan Sub-Committee meeting of the TNT will be on March 12, 1970 at 7:15 a. m. at Fiddler's Three. g. Consideration of an ordinance to control abandoned service stations. 3/9/70 -6- · 'P'C Minutes 3/9/70 ADJOURN- MENT It was moved bY Mrs. Ludwig, seconded by Mr. Mahoney that the meeti,n~ be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Webster declared the meeting closed at 9:45 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN - PLANING CO~Wk~ISSION RECORDIN~ SECRETARY -7- 3/9/70