HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-26-70MINutes of a regular meeting
January 26, 1970
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by chairman.
Led by Commissioner Webster
Others Present:
Commissioners: Halus, Webster, Mahoney, Ludwig,
Larnard, Curtis, Edelstein
Commissioners: None I
Harry E. Gill, City Administrator
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't CAI- Community
Development Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, that
the minutes of December 22,1969, be approved as submitted.
It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that
the minutes of January 12, 1970, be a~proved as submitted.
CONCESSION TRACK - Continued from 1/12/70.
Location: Site fronts approximately 300 feet on the
south side of Laguna Road and is located approximately
230 feet east of the centerline of Newport Avenue.
To permi% the oper~ion of a Go-Cart Concession Track.'
Mr. Fleagle presented a brief]staff report stating that the
staff does not feel that a "go-cart" operation would be
compatible with any residential use and recommended against
subject request.
Chairman Halus opened the public.portion of the hearing at
7:45 P.M.
Representing the application were Mr. Dudley Frank, 17411
Irvine Boulevard and Mr. Malovich, Westminster.
They stated that the intent of the use is not permanent,
however, they hoped for a time limit of 10 years. ~. Frank
stated that the location being near the freeway ruled out
any possibility of creating or adding to the noise factor.
He stated that the hours of operation would be no later than
10:00 P.M., with the lighting directed away from any resi-
dential structures.
Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:40 P.M.
The commission discussed the surrounding uses, the location,
and the nature of the requested use. The proposed freeway
off-ramp was mentioned, although there being no definitive
action as of yet, Mr.. Gill stated that there was no reason
for concern at this time of interference with the .proposed
go-cart track.
PC Min'utcs - 1/26/70
Mr. Malovich stated that if any necessary changes arc~. in
~rder, he wo'uld be willing to work and cooperate with the
City in this matter.
Chairman Halus aid not feel that this type of operation
would be working towards upgrading the community and was
opposed to such a use.
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that
Re~olution No. ll40"be adopted, conditionally approving
Applicat'ion No. UP-69-332 for the following reasons:
The Commission finds that the establishment,
maintenance and operation of the use applied
for will not, under the circumstances of the
particular case be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and general welfare
of the persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the proposed use and it will
not be injurious or detrimental to th~,property
and improvements in the neighborhood or the
general welfare of the City.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by refer-
ence and made a part of the motion.
Conditions of approval are:
Provision of a 10-pound ABC dr~ chemical ex-
tinguisher which shall be located near an
Flammable liquid shall ~e stored and dispensed
in accordance with the regulations of the Fire
Installation of all street improvements including
pavement, curbjand gutter, sidewalks and approved
street trees'on the ~aguna Road frontage.
Relocation or reconstruction of existing irriga-
tion lines as necessary to permit street con-
Approval of plot, elevation, landscaping and sign
plans by the Development Preview Committee.
6. Time limit of ten (10) years.
7. Operation not permitted.beyond 10:00 P.M.
Above motion carried 6-1.
Mr. Halus voting NO.
2. PZ-69-121 - WILLIWAWS & CLEGG - Continued from 1/12/70
For prezoning of a parcel totalling approximately 1.89
acres to the R-3-1500 District to permit the construction
of a 54 unit apartment complex.
Location: Fronts approximately 284 ft. on the northwest side
of Browning Avenue and is located approximately 290 ft. south-
west of the centerline of Nisson Road.
Mr. Fl.~?.~ile. pre:~ented~...~h.c..s~.ff ruport stating that
.~m~-.L~zoning is consid~r~d inappropriate ' r
~n~"~ultiple family residential uso is considered tlle high-
est and best use. He felt that R-3 1500 or R-3 1750 was
not justifiable for the area and reco~ended R-3 1900.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:00 P.M.
Mr. Robert Clegg, applicant, 2957 RandOlph Ave, Costa Mesa,
stated that a density of R-3 1900 is .a little too restrictive
for that area and after surveying other properties in the
area, did not believe that any other commercial property has
been zoned less than R-3 1750.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:10 P.M.
Mr. Curtis felt that R-3 1900 was too high in density and was
opposed to the recommended action.
Mr. Webster stated that he did not feel that the General Plan
by intent is saying that every development within a certain
area must be exactly at the density level as shown. He felt
that certain properties do have unique problems. He stated
that the property in question does nearly abut a freeway, which
may warrant some density differential.
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard that
Resolution' No. 1141 be adopted, reco~endin~ conditional
~pproval to the ~ity Council of Application No. PZ-69-121
for a density of R-3 1900 subject to the followin9 condit'ions:
1. Installation of all street improvements including
pavement, curb and gutte~, sidewalks, and approved
street trees on the Browning Avenue frontage.
2. Relocation of reconstruction of existing irrigation
lines as necessary to permit on-site and street
3. A looped six-inch water main or two dead-end eight
inch water mains shall be established to four
approved hydrants, one located near the north end
of each driveway and one near each driveway entrance
on Browning Avenue.
Four unobstructed passageways, at least four feet in
width, shall be established from the driveways to
the apartment exit walkways.
2 ½ gallon water type extinguishers shall be
located in conspicuous and accessible locations
within 100 ft. of travel from carports and apart-
ment exits.
A 2 3/4 pound dry chemical extinguisher shall be
located in each laundry room.
Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Curtis voted No. Mr. Mahoney and
Mr. Edelstein abstained because they have not been able to
~evi~ ~he previous results at the January 12, 1970 meeting.
ZC-69-200 - Rol)(:rt: lla],l on beh;~lf of Wilf,red
To rezone from R-1 to PC (Planned Community) a 1.52
acre parcel on the N.W. corner of Main and Pacific
to authorize development in accordance with a
specific plan on file.
Location: Site fronts 220 ft. on the north side of Main
Street, 300 ft. on the west side of Pacific and 220 ft.
or the south side of Third Street.
Mr. Fleagle presented the staff report stating that the
proposal is to construct ten (10) duplexes with common
driveways, in accordance with a specific plan on file.
Mr. Fleagle stated that the economic ntudy projects no
demand for single-family development within the town
· '.'.r, feeling that the R-2 zoning is the least ob-
2eccionab].e land use in an R-1 transitional area.
Condition~]. apprgval was recommended.
A letter was submitted to the Planning Commission by
14r. Ernest A. Beckman, Jr., 665 West Third Street, Tustin,
voicing no opposition, but requesting that a modern street
light be installed at the northwest corner of the property
by the developer.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:20 P.M.
Mr. Robert Hall, representing Mr. Taylor, stated that they
have eliminated the number of driveway buts down to five
and have changed the garages so that they will not be facing
the street. He stated that the driveway entrances have been
separated from the pedestrian type'entrances going into the
duplexes. He concluded by.saying that they are in agreement
with the staff's report.
Mr. Arthur Charlton stated that 14 property owners in the
~icinity of the proposed plan met and unanimously agreed that
the plans presented by Mr. Hall are very favorable to the
residents. ,
Mr. Curtis commended the surrounding property owners for their
part in participating with the developer in helping to resolve
what seemed to be a problem area.
There being'no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:25 P.M.
It was moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that
Resolution No. 1~42 be adopted, .recommending conditional
approval of Application No. ZC-69-200 as requested to the
~ity Council s~bject to the following conditions:
1. Specific development plan on file in the
Planning office.
2. Installation of underground street lighting
conduit and necessary street lighting.
3. Planting of street trees in accordance with
Master Street Tree Plan.
Construction of sidewalk and drive approaches.
{~..ZC-69-20]. - Andrc;w.~; Development Compan,y_
To rezone from E-4 to Pr (Professional) District for
a 6.7 acre parcel with 969,5 ft. frontage on Irvine
Blvd. to a depth of"' l'9'~""~ft, A zone change from E-4
to R-2 is requested for the remaining 4.4 acre parcel
on the northerly 300 ft.
Location: Northwest corner of Irvine Blvd. & Prospect
Mr. Flea,lc presented the staff report stating that the
applicant proposes to develop two-story office buildings
on-the Irvine Boulevard frontage property and to develop
the remaining portion of the property with single story
He felt that it is appropriate to have a buffer use between
the office use and the single-family residential uses. He
felt that the frontage property on Irvine Blvd. would be
appropriately developed in a Professional District as it
would be in keeping with other developments alqng Irvine
Blvd. and would be the highest and best use in the interest
of the City. Conditional approval was recommended.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:30 P.M.
Mr. Ray Mathewson, 17712 Westbury Lan~, stated that a
h~lgh~orhood meeting has been held and ~he general consensus
was that there should be no deviation from the original plan
to keep the property in question, zoned-as E-4. He reminded
the Commission that they had requested the denial of the
Scholz Home application for rezoning and they do not want to
have their area changed to any other type of district.
Mrs. MYrl Sheridan submitted a letter to the Commission
requesting denial of th R-2 District on the northerly 300 ft.
She felt that Pr (Professional) District request would en-
hance the be&uty of Tustin and asked the Commission to weigh
all the facts before taking any action.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Wands submitted a letter stating that
~hey have no Objection to the development of the north side
of Irvine Blvd. in one or two story professional buildings,
however, they strongly opposed the rezoning of R-2 on the
remaining parcel.
Mr. Jay A. Andrews explained to {he Commission that a letter
~as been mailed to all the property owners within 300 ft. of
the proposed project, telling them of the plans, describing
the development and asking for comments or criticism con-
cerning this request.
Those in opposition are as follows:
Mr. Henry C. Cobb, 17732 Westbury Lane
Mr. James E. Cron%~ett, 17662 Westbury Lane
They strenuously opposed rezoning from E-4 to R-2 and felt
that it would destroy the character of the neighborhood, as
well as cause many probloms as a result of the higher density.
Mr. Robert Hall, 17452 Irvine Blvd. stated that he felt the
proposed professional zoning is a good plan and that the depth
will allow better parking facilities than in some of the areas
close by. He felt that the proposed plan is a high quality
plan and agreed that the duplexes would act as a good buffer
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Ha].u.~; d~;clared the publi0 portion of tho hearing closed a%
PC ~ii'nut{,:; - 1/26/70
After a lengthy discu:;:.lion among the Comminsioner~, the
property owner's; and the developers as to what would
be the }>roper zoning, it was felt that a workshop meeting
including the home owners might help to resolve the 'best
and highest possible use of that particular area.
It was moved b~.v Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard that
a work:3i:op ineet~.:~q ])e s¢:lle~tu.l, ed at the e~rlJ.¢ir;t Dos:;ible
~,ate r~'es'~.q~na=~.,, by ti](: Planning Staff witl~ the Develor~;.~ent
Prev.ir.~w Comm~'ttee, home owners and any interested parties
to' meet with the deve.]...o?er~ of the Andrews Developr:ent
Con:pany. In the-intermm, it was requested that a precise
set of plans for standards and criteria be available at the
meeting for review and discussion a~. ~.i) :.'hat would be the
best and most acceptable use of the property. Subject hearing, was
r 'n.~-"-xued to the February 9, 1970 Planning Commission meeting.
'~'t {$as felt that the expertise of the professional merdoers
of the Development Preview Committee could better direct
the standards of such an area and help to resolve the situ-
ation. ,
OLD BUSINESS It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that
(OUT OF ORDER) the rules be suspended to consider Item No. 2 under Old
Business out of order. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Ilalus presented a resolution to Mr. James L.
Supinger, co,emending him for his contributions during
the time he served the City.
V-69-265 - Roof Top Equipment Screening Condition -
Zachary ?. Pedicf~i
Waiver of condition imposed by Resolution No. 1117,
adopted in response to variance application (V-69-261),
reading: "That roof top equipment be screened from
the north side to the satisfaction of the Development
Preview Committee."
Location: 14201 - 14211 Red Hill Avenue
Mr. Fleagle presented the staff ~eport stating that two
letters of communication have been received in support of
the applicant's request to eliminate the screening of ~he
roof top equipment. Letters were from H. T. Lucas Con-
struction Company and Maxwell Starkman, AIA. They did
not believe it to be feasible for such screening because
of the velocity of winds, no matter how well it was anchored.
Mr. Fleagle recommended denial feeling that it would enhance
the project and would be an asset to the surrounding community.
He also asked that the Development Preview Committee be urged
to use wide latitude in the review of plans for screening the
equipment to assume that the objective coul~ be accomplished
without undue hardship or unreasonable expense upon the develc, ~r.
Chairman Ilalus opened the public portion of the hearing at
9:32 P.M.
A letter was received by Mr. II. S. Voe~elin, owner of an apartment
complex located a~ 1412 N~ss°n Ileal, °bj6cted to ~he granting
of such a varian~r~ b~ause h~ fel~ ~h~t it was a step in down-
g~adi~%~ ~hu deYulopmu~ and a~k~d fo~ d~lli~%
M~'. Za~:l),~]?y T. l~'di, c i.n{., ap})].icant, 73.2 Nort])Palm Drive,
· ~ev~-~ly 'll~.l~--~'ta t,~d'-'~]3a t ho has met wi ti) the · ~ loI~mcn t
Previ~w Committee and.~]~e.y~f~lt that with the inforrn.~tion
submitted, tlxat it was impractical and economically un-
feasible to install roof screening as required as a con-
dition. As a result, they had suggested that Mr. Pedicini
file for an amendment of this variance to eliminate the con-
dition of tile roof screening.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of ~he hearing closed at
9:50 P.M.
It was moved b~ Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that
Resolution No. 1143 be adopted, cbhditionally ap)rovin~
A~plica~ioh' No. V-69-265 subject to the followin~:
1. That the air-conditioner be painted to blend
in with the normal surroundings.
It was noted by Mr. Curtis, that there are non~c~,nforming
signs on the property and that the property owners should
be notified and asked to comply with the Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Pedicini concurred with Mr. Curtis and requested a
~e~ter be sent to the tenants responsible for the unlaw-
ful signs.
Chairman Halus asked the staff to pursue this matter.
6. UP-69-334 - JEAN R. ADAMS - ROOF SIGN
To permit a roof sign tO identify a real estate office.
The proposed sign would hawe a maximum height of 4'6"
above the roof, an area of 18.75 sq. ft. per side and
37.5 sq. ft. total area.
Location: Site fronts/'~pproximately 100 ft. on the east
side of E1 Camino Real'.~(D Street), approximately 83 ft.
north of the centerline of Second Street.
~r. F!eagle presented the staff report stating that the
proposal is within the intent and criteria of the Sign
Ordinance, recommending conditional approval.
Chairman Ilalus opened the public.portion of the hearing at
9:55 P.M.
Mrs. Jean Adams, 181 E1 Camino Real, applicant, concurred
With the staff's report.
After a brief discussion among t~e Commissioners, it was de-
cided that better identification is needed than what is there
It was moved by Mr. Mahone¥, seconded by Mr. Webster, that
Resolution No. 1144 be adopted, conditionally approving
Application No. UP-6-9'-334 subject to the followi.n.~ conditions:
1. Compliance with the Sign Ordinance No. 438.
2. Review and approval by the Development Preview
1. IlUfl'fNl,;:;f; ;;I'GN:; WTTJIIN 200 FT. el:'
Thc Plannin!l Comn~i.:;:]ion expressed conc(:rn over the per-
misniw; provision:; of. tile Sign Ordinance relative to
businesses located within 200 ft. of a freeway and re-
que:ited staff conu~ent at their January 12, 1970 mceting.
Mr. Fleagle submitted a report stating that the Sign
Ordinance doc:; provide latitude for the Commission to
recognize by Use Permit the unique situations related to
businesses catering to freeway traffic, and that the
discretion rests with the Planning Commission. He recom-
mended that no change be made in this provision of the
Ordinance at the present time.
Mr. Ilalus concurred with the staff's report at this time
but felt that tho Commission might wish to take a stronger
'ook at the permissiveness.
Mr. Fleagle submitted a drafted resolution and,report
~ecoranend~ that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution
stating its intention to advertise .and conduct a public hear-
ing for the purpose of establishing a zoning classification
for the twelve (12) unclassified districts within the City
of Tustin as outlined in the report.
Mr. Bill Stone, pastor of the First Southern Baptist Church,
asked that Parcel No. 103-300-28 be advertised as C-2 rather
than C-l, with the understanding that if the need necessitated
a change back to C-l, this would be don~. He felt that the
rezoning from C-2 back to C-1 would be easier in this case'.
Mr. Webster felt that the most l~titude would be given to the
developer, the Planning Commission and everyone concerned if
C-2 was designated for that particular property.
It was moved .by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that
Resolution No. 11~-~ be adopted, recommending approval of the
drafted resolution subject tc changing parcel no. 103-300-28
from a C-1 zone to C-2 to be advert~s~-for public hearing.
}~. Gill stated that it might be more desirable to allow
~lexibil'ity in advertising these unclassified districts, in
the event, at the time of the hearing a different zone classi-
fication is deemed necessary other than what is recommended by
the staff.
.The above motion was amen~e.d by maker of the motion and the
second to allow any zoning within the City ' to be designated
for ~e unclassified areas, allowin'~ flex~bilit~ as the Cit~
sees fit.
The above motion carried 7-0.
To adjust size of parcels to fit proposed development
of Parcel 1 and future development of Parcel 2.
Location: Easterly side of Newport Avenue, 400 ft.
hor'tl]erly of Mitchell Avenue.
~r. Myers, City Engineer, submitted a report recommending
that a minute order be approved subject to conditions.
Installation of all street improvements in-
cluding 8 ft. sidewalk and street trees in
accordance with the Master Street Tree Plan
on Parcel 2.
Relocation of any existing irrigation lines
as necessary to permit street construction
on Parcel 2.
Final approval by the City. Engineer and re-
cordation of the map.
The above motion carried 7-0.
To create a separate Parcel 2 for development
purposes ,
Southwest corner of Newport Avenue and First
Mr. Myers, City Engineer, submitted a report stating that
parcel 1 is fully developed as the Larwin Square Shopping
Center. Parcel 2 is currently undeveloped. Discussions
with the railroad indicate that they still intend to
abandon their spur line, however, certain right-of-way'
problems have slowed the progress on thi~ abandonment.
It was recommended that a Minute Order be adopted, approving
subject request·
It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Webster, that
a Mi'nute Order be PM-70-32
adopted, approving Parcel Map
subject to final appro'v~ by the City Engineer and re-
cordation of the map.
The above motion carried 7-0.
It was recommended by Mr. Maho~ey, seconded by Mr. Larnard
that a resolution of commendatiOn be adopted, co~ending
Mr. Oster for ~is services to the City in the roll of' ~an-
ning Co~mis~oner ~6r' ~he pas~' few years·
Motion carried unanimously.
To permit the expansion of an existing church school from
150 to 250 students including pre-school and K-8 in the
R1 "Single Family Residence" District.
Location: Southeasterly side of Red Hill Avenue, approximately
1250 ft. southwesterly from Irvine Boulevard in the east
Tustin area.
Mr. Pinkl~y,.principal of the day school was in attendance
for questioning.
After a brief discussion, It was moved by Mr. Mahoney, seconded
by Mr. Larnard that the Co~y Planning Commission be informed
of no objection for s~.~jec~ request. ·
Motion carried unanimously; 7-0.
DO¢.U,,I',NI -DI]I'; PI~,OCI'i.q''., I~I.iOUII~I:iMEII'I',q IN COi.,UII.:CTT.¢~N W'£TI!
A copy of the above document wan given to the Commi.:;:;ion
for' tl~eir review by Mr. Flcaulo.. /4r. Fl¢.'ag].e :;~'~.l~i".:;t,?d
tl~at the Commis:;ion coordinate with the City Attorney so
that the roll of Planning Commissions may be better under-
Chairman IIalus stated that it was his understanding that
-no dispensing of automotive and non-automotive products
other than gasoline and oil would be permitted. He
stated ~hat he has noticed foot] ,"i:'.~ ~'i. nk dispensing
machines and asked the staff to look .,, ,. the matter.
Chairman Halus asked that some type of action be taken
to prohibit unlawful signs such as the one on Fourth
Mr. Fleagle stated that a letter has been sent to the
owner of the property and the sign company advising
that it is not in compliance with tile city ordinance.
Moved by Mr. Curtis, seconded by Mr. Iial~s, that Mr. Webster
be no~lnate~ for Planning Commission Chairman.
Moved by Mr...Mahoney and seconded by Mr. Edelstein, that
hominations be closed. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mrs. Ludwig, seconded by Mr. ~ahoney that Mr. Larnard
be nominated .for Chairman Pro-tem.
Moved by Curtis, seconded by Mr. Webster, that nominations
be closed. Carried unanimously.
It was voted gix to 0 that Mr. Webster be elected as the
Planning Co.miss'ion Chairm~n an~ that Mr. Larnard be elected
as chairman Pro-tem 'of-~he Tustin City Planning Commission.
}~. Fleagle commented that consideration should be given to an
annual report of the plans and objectives for the forth coming
year. He felt that a prepared report should be submitted to
the City Council for their review. Chairman Halus concurred.
Chairman Ilalus expressed his sincere appreciation for the out-
standing support and cooperation that. he has received during
his tenure as Chairman of the Planning Commission.
It was moved by Mr. Maho.ne~, seconded by Mrs. Lu_d.wig, that the
meeting be adjourned. Carried 7-0.
Chairman Ilalus declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M.