HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 SENIOR CENTER IMP 04-15-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 4 04-15-O2 MEETING DATE: APRIL 15, 2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TUSTIN SENIOR CENTER TENANT IMPROVEMENT, EXTERIOR PAINTING & COURTYARD LANDSCAPING SUMMARY: The scope of work includes the conversion of thc existing roofed patio to a multi-purpose room, exterior painting of the building, and landscaping ofcourtyard at the Tustin Area Senior Center. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council adopt the attached Resolution No. 02-33 approving Plans and Specifications for improvements at the Tustin Area Senior Center (Project No. 2051), and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. FISCAL IMPACT: The project will be funded through the Park Development Fund. The total allocation for the improvements is $300,000 (11-999-9535-2051) from the 2001-02 budget. BACKGROUND: The work to be performed is the Tustin Area Senior Center, 200 South "C" Street. The conversion of the patio to a multi-purpose room is necessary to provide additional program space. The scope of work also includes painting of the exterior of the building and landscaping of the courtyard to take advantage of the recent addition of windows in the lounge. Construction will not begin until after the "Broadway in the Park" production has concluded. The tentative project schedule is as follows: Authorization to Bid First Legal Advertisement Second Legal Advertisement Bid Opening Award of Contract Notice to Proceed Construction Completion Patrick Sanchez Director, Parks and Recreation Services April 15, 2002 April 25, 2002 May 2, 2002 June 6, 2002 June 24, 2002 September 2002 November 2002 G a ~L.Jk4Ja g i I I(___.~ Superintendent Attachments: Resolution No. 02-33 Elevations TASCADVERTISEFORBIDS :Z -I -r ITl Z i.!; UULTI-PURPOSERoou ~ll~<~i 'l ~o !i 2'2 2~ RESOI.L;TION NO. 02-33 A RESOLUTION OF 'I'IqE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Ct'FY OF TI.;STIN, CALIFORNIA, AI~PROVING PI...\XS AND SI~E(71FICATIONS AN[) AUTIIOR. IZATION TO AI)VERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TUST[N SENIOR CI".N'I'I~R TI.!N:\NT INlPROVENII.:NT. I'~XTERIOR P:\INTING AN[) COUR'I'YAI,ID I.ANDSCAPING. \\'IIERI!AS, it is the intention of the City of 'l't, stin to convert the existing roofed palio to a muhi- purpose room, paint the building exterior and landscape the conrtyard at the Tustin Area Senior Center; anti WtIEREAS. the Parks and Recreation Services Department has presented plans and specifications for the constrt,ction of said works; and NOW, THEREFORI-;, BE IT RI.(SOI.VED that the plans and specifications presented by file Parks and Recreation Services Department are hereby approved as thc plans and specifications Ibr: Tustin Senior Center Tenant Improvement. Exterior Painting & Courtyard l.andscaping: I3E IT FI. JRTIIER RliSOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by lax',' Ibr the receipt and scaled bids tlr proposals for thc completion of work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications; PASSI-iD AND ADOPTFD by thc (?it5' Council of the ('?it3' of Tustin at a regular meeting held on tile 15a' day of April, 2002. Jet'fery NI. Thomas, Mayor Pamela Stoker, City Clerk