HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 QUARTERLY INV RPT 04-15-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 6 04-15-02 355-50 ~ MEETING DATE: APRIL 15, 2002 ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL G. W. JEFFRIES, CITY TREASURER QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT SUMMARY: Government Code Section 53646 requires that the Treasurer make an Investment Report to the City Council at least quarterly showing balances by authorized investment and certifying its compliance with the adopted Investment Policy. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION: In compliance with Government Code Section 53646, the attached Investment Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2002 is rendered. GWJ:ts Attachment GWJ.QuartedylnvestmentReportMa rch2002.doc PAR V~LUE $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.470 000 $46.000,000 C"'['I'Y OF TU$'~N ..rNVES T/HENT RE'PORT SUA~AARY QUARTER ENDIt,~ (Unaud,ted) Allowable Or,§,nal ~x~m P~tion of ~rc~ DES~ZP~ON ~r,~ Portfoho Total T,~ ~s~ts 5 yrs ~ L,m*t ~t~le ~rt,ficotes of ~pos, t 5 yrs ~0%. ~m~rc~ P~r 90 d~s 2b% $O ~rs Ac~pt~s I~ d~s 25% Ot~r Zn~s~nts 5 ~s ~ Lim,t Fe~ A~s ~ yes ~'~ $L467.648 U. S Trea~es b yrs ~ L~m,t $45.945.684 ~h ~ N/A $3,95~,834 ~sh w~ F,scoI A~nts * ~A ~ $20.Z84.430 Local ~ Zn~st~nt Fund N/A ~X $30.232.968 Book Value Merit V~ue Weighted Average Portfoho bfe (Days): Weighted Average Portfolio Y,eld Current 6 mos. T~asu~y: $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.467.648 $45.946.705 $3.951.834 $20.284.430 $30.232.968 $101'.883.585 226.75 3.80% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,471.558 $46,476.2,50 $3,951,834 $20,284,430 $30.§29,813 $10Z.713,58~ 000% 0OO% 0 0.00% 0.00% 1.44% 45.107, 3.88:~, 19 91% 29 67% Cash w~th F~scal Agents ore the Reserve and Constructmn funds held by Trustees for va~cus C, ty and RDA b~nd ,ssues. Tnvestment optm~s are hmlted to those spec,f,cally perm,trod by bond documents Total C, ty funds ava~hable, for effect,ye active management are' $81,b99,155 CZ TY OF TUS TI?N ZNVE$ TI~ENT REPORT (1) PAR VALUE (~) DE 5C"RTP T'~ON L~MITS 'rNVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF. March 31,2002 UNAUDITED ~ELD TO PURCHASE COUPON MATURITY DATE MATURITY bATE (3) ORT~TNAL PURCHASE (4) CURRENT BOOK VALUE (5) CURRENT MARKET VALUE ll01-T, me bepos~ts-No L,m,t llOl-Ne~' ~hflcate of I~pos,t lO<.~ax 5 ~'s ll03-Bank~rs Accept~s.25%, ~ 18Obmfs Current Totals. Current Totals. Current Totals. Current Totals. $1.470000 -- -"$1.470~x:x~ 1 ~b~'-'Fe~ MI Aggncies-~O 2~ ....... FHLMC MTN ll07-Othgr In'~stn~nts 1109-0~ Treom~y B,IIs/Bo~d's/Notes-No L,m,t $3.~.~ $2.OO0.0OO $2.000,000 $2.000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2 000,000 $2.000.000 $2.000,000 $2.O0O0OO $2.OOO.OOO $2.OO0.O0O $2,000.000 $2,000.000 $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $2,000,000 $2.O0O.OOO $2.000,000 $2.000.0OO I 4.63% 4 71% 05/30/01 I 6.38% 6.48% 06/30/00 6.25% 6.28% 07/31/00 6.257° 6.33% 08/31/OO 6.007,, 6.00% 10/02/00 5.7b"/,, 5.85% 10/31/00 5.63'1: 5 707- 12/04/00 5.13% 5 137 01/02/01 4.75'/: 4 76% 01/31/01 4 75% 4 81% 02/28/01 4.25% 4 30'7,. 04/02/01 4.00% 4 12% 04/30/01 4.25% 4.33% 05/30/01 4 88% 3.99 ~;, 07/02/01 3.79% 3.967. 07/31/01 3.63?° 3.69% 08/31/01 2.75% 2.87% 10/01/01 2.75% 2.77% 10/31/01 3.00% 3.01% 11/30/01 3 25% 3.30% 12/31/01 3.00% 3 04'~. 01/31/02 3 00Y. 3.06% 02/28/02 3 63~. 3 71% 03/31/02 04123/03 Current Totals: Current Totals $o I $0 I so ~ I $o I ~ I so I so Dmly NO Limit C~sh-1001 (Tnclu~s O~rnlght S~ep) (~sats with F~s~l A~nts-'93 Water CaP's Deposits with F,scal A~nts-As~sS DlSt (~slts with F~scal A~nt$-Co.W~de Fm ~t~. ~h with TCA T~st~ ~posits wath Fiscal A~nts-T~ AIIocahon Bonds~ Local A~y Tn~st~nt Fund-Il02 NOte. LA~F ~eid ~s f~ Feb. ~'ch ~eld was ~t a~lab~ at t~ t~ re~ was pre~d. I 1.10% N/A (8) N/A (9) N/A (10) 1.10% (7) N/A (101 2 97% (111 TOTAL C~TY INVESTMENTS P~RFORMA[~ I we,ghted Average Portfoho L,fe (1:my~). ;Weighted Aver~je Portfol,o Y~ld Current 6 mos Treasury. $o I ~o I so $1,467,648 $1.467.648 $0 $1.467.648 $1.471.558 $I.467.648 ' 1.44~ I $o $o 06/30/02 $2,994.000 $2.994.000 $3.048.750 07/31/02 $2,998.110 $2,998.110 $3.041.2'~ 08/31/02 $1.997.080 $1.997.080 $2.031.875 09/30/02 $1,999.900 $1,999.900 $2,037..~)0 10/31/02 $1.996.460 $1,996.460 $2,040.000 11/30/02 $1,997,380 $1.997,380 $2.042,500 12/31/02 $1,999,800 $1,999.800 $2,040,625 01/31/03 $1,999,620 $1.999,620 $2.037,5OO 02/28/03 $1,997,740 $1.997,740 $2,038,125 03/31/03 $1,998.568 $1.998.589 $2.033.125 04/30/03 $1.995.280 $1.995,280 $2.029.375 05/31/03 $1,997.080 $1.997.080 $2.035.000 06/30/03 Sl,995.620 $1.995.620 $2,026.250 07/31/03 $1.995,580 $1,996.580 $2.026.250 08/31/03 $1.997.700 $1,997.700 $2,017.500 09/30/03 $1.995,400 $1.995,400 $1,991.875 10/31/03 $1.999,220 $1,999,220 $1,990,000 11/30/03 Sl,999,700 $1,999,700 $1,993.125 12/31/03 $1.998,080 $1,998,080 $1,998.750 01/31/04 $1,998,500 $1.998,500 $1,987.500 02/29/04 $1.997,728 $1.997,728 $1,984,375 03/31/04 $1.997,138 $1.997,138 $2,005,000 Current T0tO[~: .~4b.94~,684 $4~,946,70f:) - $46,47b,Z~O ' -- I 45.1o¥, I Current Total: I 226.75 3.80% 2 00% $3.951,834 $3 951,834 $1,052.153 $1.052.153 $17.004.062 $17.004.062 $253.597 $253.597 $266.537 $266.537 $1,708,081 $1,708.081 $30.232.968 $30.529.813 --'$~JR.469.23 z $ 54 .T6-~-07T- 53.46% $101.883.585 $102.713.885 F OOT'r,K~ TE 5. (1) PAR VALUE ,s the full valle of the secur,ty before any cl~scount or premium is Ixud at purchase. (2) OESCRZPT:OI~'LZMTTS reflects the ~ous c~Jthor~zed investments as dc~u,nented m the most current adopted mvestrrmnt pohcy and the allowable percentage of total portfoho per investment type (3) Omg~r, al Purchase Pmce ss The amount p~d for a secumtms less any d,sccunt plus any ~rem,um (4) Cu,-rent gook VoIle ,s ar,g,r~l cost of secur~tms less race,pt of prir~pol puy~nts, ret of amarhzed prem,ums/d~scoun?s (5) Current A~rhet Value ,s the pmce at which s~mdar sec. ur, t,es are currently trading Current market valles are pro~nded by Bank of America and B~k of New York on oil scour,ties held in safeheeplng fro' the ¢,ty and RDA. Differences in valle are booked only ~f the scour,ties ~ sold ~'ior to the,r maturl?,es (6) In complim~ w,th Section TT. p~agroph f of the City s Tnvestrrmnt Policy Corporate 1'4ores must have a Moody's/Standard and Pears long term debt rating of at least AA. (7) ~cumtles held in Trust per Funclmg Agreement between the Ci~ of Tustln and the Foothlll/~.astern Tronspartatlon Corridor Agency adopted by the C~ty ¢our~ll on 6-5-95 (8) Earmngs alio~e on compensating bank balcmces to offset bank acl~ty charges. AIIo~ce is ir~cluded m the Average Yield calculation The cash bale~s include ~mc~nts 'swept' from account foe overnight investments (9) Current percentage by irw~stment type to be measured against allowable hm~ts ,n current investr~nt policy et time of purch~. A~xlmum ratio limits calculated using current book yokes and may change over time as total portfolio chan~es. (10) Tnvestm~nts croci earmngs on me. les held by fiscal agents gererolly are limited as ?o type and yield by the bond documents or current 2R$ codes. (11) T~e carrying am~ni of the pool as of March 31.2002 was $~0.59§.769.763 and the est,mated market valle (~r~lud~ng ~cr~d interest) was $§I.092.546.~4§. The City s proportionate shore of that valle is $30.529.813. (March balances were r~t available at the th,s report was prepared) L'~R T~F~CA T~ZON 1' cerhfy that th~s report reflects oil ¢,ty and RE)A pooled investments. The investments represented m th~s report are m coefarm~ty w,th the cur-rent adopted investment pohcy of the ¢,ty of Tustm. '~e n~ket voiles represented m th,s report pray,dad by Custod,~s and Trustees currently holding secur,t,es for the C,t), and Ager~cy The investment program harem shown pro.des sufficient cash flow hqu,d,W to meet the text s,x (~) months estimated i- 0 Z ~ .E o 0