HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 P.C. ACTION AGENDA 04-15-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 9 04-15-02 MEETING DATE: APRIL 15, 2002 120-50 ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 7:00 p.m. Given All present Staff present Approved Adopted Resolution No. 3827, as amended, denying Use Determination 02-001 ACTION AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING April 8, 2002 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director Doug Holland, Deputy City Attomey Karen Peterson, Senior Planner Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner Minoo Ashabi, Associate Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary PUBLIC CONCERNS - None CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of March 25, 2002, Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS USE DETERMINATION 02-001 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02-001 A REQUEST TO DETERMINE THAT INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITIES BE CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED IN THE IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX PLANNED COMMUNITY AND TO ESTABLISH A 4,047 SQUARE FOOT TUTORIAL FACILITY. THIS PROJECT IS Action Agenda - Planning Commission April 8, 2002 - Page Received and made suggestions for staff to share with the City Council Director Hamilton o LOCATED AT 2680 WALNUT AVENUE, UNIT AB, WITHIN THE PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL (PC-IND) ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3827 denying Use Determination 02-001 and Conditional Use Permit 02-001. REGULAR BUSINESS BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSE AND PERMIT BOARD ORDINANCE. ARTICLE 3 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE CONTAINS THE CITY'S BUSINESS REGULATIONS. THESE REGULATIONS WERE ADOPTED INDIVIDUALLY BY SUBJECT BEGINNING IN 1928 AND NEED TO BE SUBSTANTIALLY UPDATED TO PROTECT THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission provide input as appropriate. STAFF CONCERNS Report of Actions taken at the April 1, 2002, City Council meeting. Indicated there were no Planning Commission items on the April 1,2002, City Council agenda; and, noted the following are planned for the April 15, 2002, City Council meeting: · Old Town Fee Waiver · Business License Ordinance · Final Parcel Map for Elizabeth Way · CDBG Action Plan. Noted that Justina Willkom will be showcased as Employee of the Quarter at the April 15~h meeting. COMMISSION CONCERNS Thanked staff for their thorough work preparing tonight's packet. Action Agenda - Planning Commission April 8, 2002 - Page 2 Jennings Stated the Philly Cheesesteak sign has been removed from the monument and placed on a pickup truck parked near the Wells Fargo Bank building in Larwin Square. Asked why there has been a blue tarp on the roof of the First Bank building (Holt/Irvine) for so long. Stated the center at Newport Avenue and the I-5 freeway has a number of permanent signs and banner signs advertising the antique store(s). Peterson Asked if the signs are temporary or permanent. Jennings Answered there are three permanent signs, two banners outside, and one banner inside covering the entire window. Echoed Commissioner Hamilton's remarks regarding tonight's agenda items. Denny Thanked staff for the thorough work preparing tonight's agenda items. Stated his concern regarding Ordinance No. 1076 which conditionally permits recreational uses in the Irvine Industrial Complex; and, asked staff to follow up and bring information back to the Planning Commission. Davert Added Ordinance No. 1076 is also a concern for him. Jennings Stated that she would like to know why one use may be recreational and another is assembly or instructional. Director Indicated that staff may need to provide a workshop to discuss the ramifications and alternatives available; and, stated staff will take the Commission's direction and prepare an analysis of uses allowed in the industrial district. Denny Asked if graffiti on a Caltrans sign is referred to Caltrans. Director Responded that staff sometimes calls Caltrans; but, if the graffiti is a safety issue such as a Yield sign, staff would initiate the cleanup. Denny Pointed out there is graffiti on the Caltrans sign on the Redhill/ I-5 over-crossing. Action Agenda - Planning Commission April 8, 2002 - Page 3 Denny Davert Hamilton Davert Kozak 8:24 p.m. Stated he has received questions from neighbors regarding the Albertsons site at Newport and First, asking if there is a development plan for that center. Reported that the Planning Commission recently approved a major remodel; Albertsons will expand and continue at the site, adding a drive-through pharmacy. Stated he asked Albertsons recently about the progress and was told the teardown will begin in October. Congratulated the Parks and Recreation Commission for the successful Egg Hunt, which he attended with his daughter, and estimated there were between 2,000-3,000 children involved. Indicated his appreciation for the progress at the car wash across the street from City Hall. Noted it is good to see that the widening at El Camino Real and Redhill moving forward. Asked if there are regulations against the banner signs hanging on the fence near the Baptist Church on Walnut east of Tustin Ranch Road. Stated there is also graffiti on the southbound I-5 just before Newport Avenue on a green and white Caltrans sign. Stated there is trash and debris along the sound wall at the southbound offramp to Tustin Ranch Road. Thanked staff for the informational memorandum from Council regarding the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, the development plan booklet for Pioneer Road Park, and the work on the Business Regulations and tutorial center. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, April 22, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda - Planning Commission April 8. 2002 - Page 4