HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-08-69MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman
Led by Chairman lIalu~.
Mr. Curtis, Mr. Oster, Mr. Halus,
Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Larnard, Mr. Webster.
Absent: Commissioner: Mrs. Ludwig
Others Present:
Harry E. Gill, City Administrator
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Curtis that the
minutes of August 11 and~Au~ust 25, 1969, be approved, as
submitted. Motion carried 6-0.
To permit a free-standing sign to identify an existing
apartment development. Proposed sign would have an over-
all height of 12 ft., an area of 32 sq. ft./side, a total
area of 64 sq. ft. and be located within the front set-
back area.
Location: Site fronts approximately 95 feet on the north
side of First Street approximately 240 feet west of the
centerline of North B. Street
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that a hard-
ship does-exist for visibility of th~ project because of the
setback from First Street and recommended conditional approv-
al subject to agreement by the applicant not to install boot-
leg signs within the City to advertise the project.
Mr. Oster asked for a clarification of "bootleg" signs.
Mr. Supinger, stated that technically, it is signs that violate the
o~dinance, but he was concerned about-signs that proliferate on
week ends that are put out by people that specialize in this
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:35 P.M.
Mrs. Virginia Carlson, 321 First Street, Tustin, voiced concern
over "bootleg" signs and wanted to know if there is an ordinance
that allows such signs% on private property. She stated that she
is not opposed to the sign application that is being heard this
Mr. Fred Sparks, 17411 Irvine Blvd., stated that he is repre-
senting Tustin First Investment Company and apologized for not
applying for a building permit, but was not aware that this was
required. He stated that the contractor that built the sign did
not know that a variance or building permit was involved before
starting construction and as a res,~lt, he did install the sign
which was in Viol~ion,
Mr. Sparks stated that the sign was needed for better identifi-
cat'i'on du6 to the setback from First Street and the clutter of
other projects hindering the view. lie described the sign
saying that it is in good taste and will blend in architecturally
September 8, 1969
with the project. He stated that he is agreeable with the
staff's recommendation and conditions.
Mr. Mahoney asked if tile sign would be lighted? Mr. Sparks
answered that it would have spot lights from the ground.
Mr. Oster inquired ~bout the Sign Company being responsible
for this and Mr. Sparks stated that it was the Rustic Sign
Shop located in Buena Park~
There being no other comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing.closed at
7:43 P.M.
Mr. Oster stated that the applicant has presented the Com-
mission with an accomplished fact that the sign has been con-
structed before a permit has even been applied for and felt
that if the Commission approves this type of an application,
other apartment developments could come in wi'th the same reason
and expect approval. He voiced very strong objections to con-
sidering signs that have already been constructed without a
permit and felt that it is definitely in violation of the
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that
Application No. V-69-253 be denied.
Mr. Larnard concurred with Mr. Oster and stated that even
though a hardship is involved, every city ordinance relative
to the sign has been violated and felt that this type of action
by the applicant has certainly put the Commision at a disad-
vantage. :
Mr. Halus stated that the reason for the hardship, voiced by
the applicant, is due to the setback from First Street and
has no identification and is not due to the sign already having
been ~onstructed withoub the proper procedure.
Mr. Oster commented that if this application is approved, then
it will very likely set a precedent for all the other apartment
developers that will be coming in with applications, due to the.
proliferation of apartments in the South Tustin Area. He stated
that he felt the hardship was' created by the way the developer
chose to split the property and chose to go into the property
with an apartment complex resulting in a "self created hardship."
The above motion carried 5-1. Mr. HAlus voting No.
To permit:
A free-standing sign for surface traffic with a
height of 20 feet, an. area of 63 sq. ft. per side,
total area of 126.sq. ft. and located within the
required front setback.
A free-standing sign for freeway traffic with a
height of 35 feet, an area of 308 sq. ft. per side,
total area of 616 sq. ft. and located within the re-
quired setback area.
3. A Mobil "Pegasus" wall sign with an area of 13 sq.ft.
4. A "Mobil Service" wall sign with an area of 15 sq. ft.
A price panel sign to be located on a pole sign with
an area of 15 sq. ft. per side, total area of 30 sq. ft.
and a minimum height above grade of 8 feet.
6. Total sign area on the site of 800 sq. ft.
Location: Fronts 160 ft. on the north side of Irvine
Blvd. (Fourth Street) at the northeast corner of the
intersection of Irvine Boulevard and the Newport Free-
Mr. Supin~er presented' the staff report recommending
denial for the following reasons:
The requested total sign area, number of signs
and height of free-standing signs is completely
out of character with this main entrance to .the
City and. to the professional office area of which
the City is justifiably proud, in view of the
residential areas.
Justification has not been given for the signs,
other than that they are typically used...
Mr. Supin~er suggested that the applicant withdraw the re-
quest and submit a request which would be in keeping with
this main entrance to the City.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:55 P.M.
Mr. Devine, Mobil Oil Representative, 923 E. Arlee Place,
Anaheim, stated that they are interested in obtaining maximum
signing for the service station and did not feel it would be
detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the surround-
ing properties. He stated that the largest sign that has been
requested is for the Newport Freeway traffic. He explained
the need for the other signs stating that the Pegasus sign is
Mobil Oil's trademark. He stated that the service bays are
in the rear portion of the station, complying with the City's
desire and felt that the proposed signs would be beneficial
to the public, indicating that this is a place for information
rest stops and other forms of service.'
Mr. Oster commented that since Mr. Devine was not the repre-
sentative of Mobil Oil Company at the April 8,1969 meeting,
when the zoning application was submitted for this property,
he might be unaware of the promises made by Mobil Oil's repre-
sentative, Mr. Andy Hedblom, and would like to point out that
Mobil Oil promised Tustin the most attractive station around,
with 9 minimal amount of signing that would be desirable and
agreeable to live with. '
Mr. Halus asked Mr. Divine if he had flag tested the site of
the sign and Mr. Divine said they have and that is the reason
for the height request. In answer to Mr. Oster's question, he
stated that a 21 ft. sign would not be visible, as suggested
by the Planning Staff, but would require a height of 35 ft. to
be visibly seen by the freeway traffic.
Mr. Oster asked Mr. Supinger fox the results of the fla~in~.
Mr. Supinger stated that He was referring to the flag testing
done by Atlantic Richfield Company on a previous application
last year, stating that the sign could set on the ground and
still be seen by the south-bound traffic but as indicated by
the Atlantic Richfield Company's flagging results, to get
adequate identification for the north-bound traffic, it would
require a height of 60 to 70 ft.
r, Tad Lon~r~an~ partner in the Santa Ana-Tustin Medical
a~~l'$'4~6'0--~est Irvine ~lvd. (400 W. 4th ~.) , Tu~tin,
opposed the request stating that this is a major entrance to
the City and would ].ike to ask the Commission to at least
modify the requirements of the signs if they approved this
request. He felt that the service station was a little out
of context and inappropriate for this location, and that
signs could only lead to non-conformity relative to the other
buildings and structures on Fourth Street.
September 8, 1969
Mr. War~en Fisher, 17332 Vinewood, Tustin opposed subject
applicatio'n, specifically calling attention to the large
proposed sign. ~.~......
Mr. Peter Abundis, 1101 Valley Mall, E1 Monte, representative,
described the signs, the need for them and the expense that
has been involved. ~Ie stated that the design of the building
will be constructed to blend so well with the architecture
around it that the size of the sign will be lost. He stated
that the signing is very important for a successful business.
Mr. Oster informed Mr. Abundis that Mobil Oil made promises
to the City at the time the service station use was granted
regarding signs and now they are not acting in good faith and
living up to their promises. Mr. Oster stated that since
Mr. Abundis was not in attendance at these prior Planning
Commission meetings, it may behoove the Oil Company to talk
with Mr. Argyros and Mr. Hedblom to find out what their
promises were and what the Planning Commission wanted from
the service station. He emphasized that the Commission is
not denying them the right to have signs, but it is what the
proposed signs are, the height and size of.the signs that the
staff is recommending against. Mr. Oster told Mr. Abundis that
there was a lot of opposition from the citizens relative to the
service station and that this is the entrance to our City and
now that they have .the use of the service station, the Commis-
sion does not have to approve anything that is in violation of
the ordinance, because the Commission did not make any promises
or statements saying that they could have a 35 ft. sign or any
other type of signing at that particular time.
Chairman Halus stated that he and other members of the Archi-
tectural Committee did meet with Mr. Abundis and discussions
were relative only to the architecture of the proposed service
station and that SIGNING WAS SPECIFICALLY OMITTED from these
discussions, because it was to be a seperate topic of discus-
sion. He stated for the records, that the City has made
certain commitments to th~ homeowners in the area and busines-
smen and to the best of our ability We have honored them. He
concurred with Mr. Oster, in that the discussion is not
whether they will be permitted signs, but it is the magnitude.
Mr. Halus stated that the frustration and concern felt by the
Commission is that they have not been able to see the extra
effort, time and apparent desire on the part of Mobil Oil in
the signing program to be consistent with the rest of the de-
velopment and the stated intent and desire at this particular
Mr. Abundis stated that Mr. Hedblom did convey the Commission's
feeling and that Mr. Argyros only stated that they would not
request a sign at a height greater than 35 feet.
Mr. Oster clarified the above statement by sayin9 that it was
a "not to exceed 35 ft." figure.' He stated that he has no ob-
jection to a 35 ft. sign, per se, but felt that Mobil Oil
Company has presented ~a sighing program that is far in excess
of the Ordinance, showing no care or any indication that they
intend to live up to the promises to make this service station
one of the best looking service stations in Orange County, in-
cluding the signing, lie stated that it was his understanding
at a previous Planning Commission meeting with Mr. Argyros,
Mr. Hedblom and the citizens in the surrounding area, that it
had been agreed that they would apply only for signs in the
smallest number and size that they could live with.
Those in opposition were:
Dr. Tad Loneroan, Santa Ana-Tustin Medical Pavilion
Mr. Cornel.[u.~; Sexton, 1197' F. ast First Street
Mr. 1.:d ~)riscoll, 173'72 Roseleaf Ave.
Mr. Robert ~a]..[_, 17452 Irvine Blvd.
Mr. W~,.rr..en !.'i..!;her, 17332 Vinewood, Tustin
Septemb(:r 8, 1969
Mr. Sexton presented a petition with approximately
"~'5 signatures of surrounding property owners, opposing
the signs.
Mr. Driscoll wanted the records to state that he concurs
with the staff's report and recommendation for denial.
Mr. llall felt tha~ a modification of the size of the signs
was in order and felt that there is not a major need for a
"price" sign out in front. The above citizens objected
strenuously to the application.
Mr. Don Yoder, 17411 Irvine Blvd., Tustin, partner in
Zorro Investment, stated that they had complete, archi-
tectural control over Mobil Oil Company on the site when
the lease was made with them and felt that they exercised
strong conditions. He stated that the station would blend
in architecturally with the proposed office building and
other structures in that area, but felt that identifica-
tion was a major need. He stated that a sign for freeway
identification and one sign on Fourth Street is a must,
feeling that the proposed signs are not objectionable.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:40 P.M.
Mr. Oster asked Mr. Supinger what avenue could be taken if
the request is not approved.
Mr. Supinger explained the two alternatives as follows:
The applicant could appeal the decision to
the City Council.or,
A new application could be submitted, in
which the circumstances of the request would
be materially changed from what has been
proposed in'the currgn~'application.
Mr. Oster asked if the Architectural Committee had met
with the applicants regarding the signs. He asked if
the Commission is faced with negotiating signs this
evening or denying the application in its inappropriate-
Chairman Halus stated that in terms of negotiating signs,
· he has some specific thoughts in terms of height, size
and other requirements, but preferred that the Commission
make a determination on these signs rather than defer it
to the Development Preview Committee. He stated that
there have been no previous commitments or discussion on
these signs other than the statement made at a previous
Planning Commission meeting - "not to exceed 35 ft."
Chairman Halus declared a 5 minute recess at 8:45 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 9:00 P.M.
Mr. Abundis stated that at this time they would like to
modify their request as ~ollows:
1. The 5' X 12' free-standing sign located on
Fourth Street could be changed to a 4' X 8' and
approximately 17' in height.
2. To make the sign more pleasing, they could
wrap the structural column in the same type of
brick veneer that would be used throughout ~e
entire development.
3. The price signs could be located on a lower
area W~h ~W~ ~m~;$ ~r~ek ftl%~ ~n each sade
and a decorative wood structure framing ~1%~ mien,
- September 8, 1969
Freeway SiQn - Rather than an area of 280 sq. ft. -
The sign could be altered to 8' X 19' with a height
of 35' total sign~a~ea?6~"152 sq ft
Mr. Abundis stated that sufficient identification for the
~outh bound traffic would be obtained by a sign of 35' in
height, although they have not flag tested for the north
bound traffic visibility. He suggested that a flag testing
be scheduled for this direction and if visibility is not
adequate, he asked that they be allowed to raise the sign
higher, keeping the overall dimensions of the. sign at an
agreeable figure.
Mr. Halus reiterated that ~he height limit has already
been set and approved "not.to exceed a height of 35 ft."
but discussion for anything under that figure and
smaller signs could be considered.
Mr. Oster asked if the sign could be set back 145 ft.
Mr. Abundis stated that an agreeable setback could be
made. ~
In answer to Mr. Oster's question, Mr. Supinge.r gave the
following information as a guideline for the Commission's
1. The proposed freeway sign is not necessary for
adequate identification, but could be considerably
2. The staff believes a 21' sign is adequate.
3. The pole sign for surface traffic is not necessarily
needed, but the type of sign that Enco Service Station
has located on Sand Canyon Road would be sufficient.
4. The Price Panel Sign is nbt objectionable and this
is necessary. The size is within reason and that a
proper location can be decided upon.
5. Wall Signs - One (1) is adequate, preferring the
Pegasus disc, properly located at the southwest corner
on the side facing Irvine Boulevard.
Mr. Oster asked Mr. Supinger, if this request was contin-
ued for two weeks, would this allow the staff sufficient
time to obtain more information that would help in making
a recommendation.
Mr. Supinser stated that at the time of the application
he was not aware that the applicants would consider any
deviations or changes. He stated that he did not wish to
attend public hearings and "hash over" the figures on
signs and felt that a continuance was in order if Mobil
Oil is willing to compromise.
Mr. Oster stated that he would like to have the Archi-
tectural Committee, Planning Staff and the appropriate
representatives meet with any interested party at a
convenient time and delegate the Architectural Committee
to present a recommendation.to the Planning'Commission
at the next regularly scheduled meeting (Sept 22, 1969.)
It was moved by Mr. Oster, Seconded by Mr. Larnard that
~Applicatio!~ No. U~-69-308 be continued to the next re~ju-_
larly scheduled meeting of Se.]~tember 22, 1969., .t? ~?~.r. mi_t-
the Architectural Committee of the Planninq Commission to
meet with reprosentatives of Mobil Oil and nearby Dropert¥
owners to flag the site and make a recommendation to the
l'lannin~2 Commission.
Chairman i[a~.us asked that the interested parties give .,
~heir name and address to the Planning Secretary for
notification of the time, place and date of the meeting.
Mr. Curtis pointed out that the one desire of the Com-
mission that is prevalent, is the minimum signing.
Mr. Oster concurred, lie requested that the lighting
of the property be carefully considered.
The above motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Ludwig absent.
A brief recess was declared by Chairman Halus.
For prezoning and rezoning of a parcel of approximately
22 acres as follows:
a. PC-C-2 (Planned Community - Central Commercial)
District on the northerly approximately 11 acres.
b. PC-R-3 (1750) (P'lanned Community - MuI{iple Family
Residential - 1,750 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling
unit) District on the southerly approximately 11 acres.
Location: At the southeast corner of the intersection of
Seventeenth and Yorba Streets (excepting the existing com-
mercial development.) Fronts 564 feet on the south side
of Seventeenth Street and 1,500 feet on the east side of
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that a com-
mercial use study prepared in conjunction with the Tustin Area
General Plan in 1966, indicated that the existing commercial
developments in Tustin and Santa Ana would adequately serve
the ultimate area needs of the North Tustin Area.' He stated
that the County intends to.mestudy and update the 1966 com-
mercial study and suggested that th~ City participate in the
preparation. He commented that the study will take approxi-
mately 90 days.
Mr. Supin~er recommended continuance of subject application
~o December 8, 1969, if this would be agreeable to the appli-
cant or recommend denial to the City Council if the applicant
wishes an .immediate decision.
Chairman Halus opened the public pbrtion of the hearing at
9:55 P.M.
It was noted that the Orange County Planning Department voiced
opposition and concern with any further extension of commercial
land uses along Seventeenth Street.
Mr. Jack DeFries, 17351 Jacaranda Avenue, Tustin - President
of the Board of Directors of the Enderle Gardens Home Owners
Association, presented a petition signed by approximately 34
signatures of the surrounding area, opposing approval of sub-
ject request. He stated that they urge the city to adhere to
the Master Plan for this area feeling that this would detri-
mental not only to the value of the adjoining homes but also
to the basic concept of Enderle Gardens as a planned adult
community of the relatively retired.
Mr. James G. Gianulias, 2840 Monterey Avenue, Costa Mesa;
stated that he is a part of the Ilester Trust in developing
the property for Mrs. Enderle and felt that this is a con-
tribution to the City.
lie stated that the shopping center would generate an annual
a benefit ~o tho City, in taxes. Ue stated that the land
accessed commercially will yield a high degree of taxes in a
manner des¢:ribed as highest and best use.
Septcmber 8, 1969
'Mr. Gianulias stated that the firm of Morris & Lohrbach
of Tustin has been hired 't'°~h6"l~ ~reate an environment
that will add to the community, lie described the proposed
apartment project being of a garden type for adults only.
Mr. Jerry !{i~g stated that he was speaking in behalf of
the prospective tenants of the shopping center and stated
that considerable effort, .time and money have been spent
in surveying this particular piece of property and lo-
cation. He said the principal tenant, Handy Man, owned by
Edison Brothers Shoes analyzed the County and felt that
there is enough purchasing power, growth and need for this
type of operation.
Mr. Ranald A. Fairbairn, Real Estate Consultant, 850 East
Chapman Avenue, Orange, stated that Mrs. Enderle owns
approximately 25 acres of land and has been very con-
scious of the type of .development that surrounds her
property. She feels that the type proposed will blend
in and be compatible with the area. Mr. ~airbairn felt
that the concept is desirable since there is a buffer be-
tween the residential and the commercial use.
Mr. Gianulias concluded that the property would be main-
tained by Mrs. Enderle and that she has been very stringent
in her demands as to what she expects of the property.
He stated that with the projected growth patterns, the
location and the wishes of Mrs. Enderle, they feel a need
has been shown for subject application.
There being no further discussion from the audience
Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing
bioSed at 10:00 P.M.
M~. Oster stated that in view of the revised commercial
studies and other problems invol3ed he felt that a con-
tinuance was in order, if agreeable'with the applicant.
Mr. Kin9 stated that they would like to have an immediate
Mr. Oster felt that there should be consideration of
amehding the General Plan at the same time prezoning
action is taken. He felt that this is in direct con-
~lict with the General Plan.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Lar~ard, that
Resolution No. 1101 be adopted, recommendin~ denial of
App'~ica'tion No. PZ-69-119 to the City Council for the
following reasons:
1. The proposed rezoning conflicts with the
Tustin Area General Plan which designates the
subject area as Medium Density Residential
(4 dwelling units~per acre.)
2. Adequate evidence has not been prepared to
justify an amendment of the General Plan.
3. A study of commercial use needs prepared as
part of the General Plan program indicates that
adequate commercial zoning exists in subject area.
4. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by reference
and made a part of the motion.
Mr. Webster stated that sufficient information has not
been su~i-~tod by the applicant or any other source to
confirm adequate justification. ~u opposed subject request.
Mr. C~rtis stated that specifically there is no infor-
mation relative to the population or spendable income
in the immediate five mile area involved. He stated that
the figures quoted by the applicant were of Orange County
in general and not the immediate area.
Mr. Larnard oppose~ due to there being many other aspects
of the revised study that is necessary before consideration
of a General Plan change should be made, other than just
the economics of the shopping center.
Mr. Mahone¥ asked if the current TNT Study includes the
area in question.
Mr..~upinger explained that the Study now in progress, is
looking into the overall Tustin Area, primary market area,
surrounding area beyond that and specific areas such as
the Town Center Area. The information derived from 'this
study is presently being compiled into a form to present
to the TNT Committee in the near future.
Mr. Mahoney stated that it was his understanding that be-
fore a zone change can be approved, that the General Plan
should be modified to reflect this change. Chairman Halus
concurred stating that this is the best procedure.
The above motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Ludwig absent
Chairman Halus stated that this study will have to be
concluded before a decision can be made relative to con-
sideration of subject request and the the County's Study
will be completed in. approximately 90 days. He asked
that the Planning Staff participate in the County"s re-
~sed Study.
Mr. Halus asked that the City take stronger and more
aggressive action relative to "bootleg" signs to
alleviate inconvenience of the property owners.
It was moved by. Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr...Mahoney,
that Resolution No. 1102 be adopted, expressing, th~
appreciation of the Commission for the outstandin~
services rendered to the benefit..o~ the City of Tustin
and all. of its residents.
Motion carried unanimously.
"Chair]nan Il;il. un urged the Conunissioners to attend and
anyone interested, contact the I'lanning Secretary.
Chairman Halus stated that the members of this
'committee have been identified and in order to
maintain continuity, Larry Webster has been ap-
pointed as a principal member and that he has
been appointed as an alternate for a one year
It was moved by Mr. M, ahoney, seconded by Mr. Larnard
that the meeting be adjourned.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Halus declared the meeting adjourned at
10:30 P.M. ~,