HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-23-69CALL TO
JUNE 23, 1969
The meetin6 was called to order at 7:35 P.M., by Chairman
Led by Mr. Webster.
Mr. Sharp, Mr. Oster, Mr. Halus,
Mr. Webster, Mr. Larnard,
Mr. Mahoney
Mrs. Ludwi6
Others present:
Mr. Kenne~ Byrant - Assistant City Attorney
Mr. IIarry E..GilI'- City Administrator
Mr. James L. Supinger - Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner - Planning Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Oster, that
the minutes of June 9, 1969, be approved as sUbmitted.
Carried 6-0 (one member absent - Mrs. Ludwig)
To pe~nit:
Two (2) roof signs, each of which is 3' X 16'
and has an area of 48 sq. ft. (Sign Ordinance
per,its-roof signs'0nly in lieu of permitted
free standing sfgns,)
Total sign area of 96 sq. ft. for an individual
business in the complex when 90 sq. ft. would
be permitted by ordinance.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that the
building was previously occupied by Jim Dandy's Bar which
had a roof sign facing east.. Proposal is for a real
estate office to occupy the structure. Mr. S~p~nger recom-
mended conditional approval to permit the following:
One (1) roof sign, maximum area 90 sq. ft. facing
to the east, not to extend above the parapet and
with a setback of 4'6" from the northerly edge
of the roof.
2. Maximum total sign area for subject business on
th'e ~ite of 90 sq. ft.
Suggested conditions of approval were:
Installation of full sidewalk for the 155'
frontage of. the subject property.
Installation of two (2) street trees per the
Master Street Tree Plan.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing
at 7~40 P.M. '
PC Minut~-~s - Juice 23, 1969
Mr. Paul $. Knight, 184].0 Fourth Street, '£~ustin, represent-
ing %]~e app].ic~nt, stated that they are only asking to move
the signs approximately 230 ft. west and t]~e reason for re-
questing the additional 6 ft. is due to the amount of money
that riley already have in the sign panels. He stated that
~he roof line is so low that if the sign is placed on the
wall, it blocks the door and would be hidden by the exist-
ing fence. He suggested by leaving it on the roof it hides
the unsightly ventilation facilities and gives them better
sign identification. Mr. Knight agreed to th~ 4% ft. set-
back as suggested in the staff report and explained the
changes in the structure to make it a more aesthetical
asset to the city, complex and conununity.
He did not fee]. it was fair to the tenant or the owner to
place such stringent conditions as planing trees and instal-
ling full sidewa].~ ~r ~'~ ].55' frontage of the proper~y.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion 6f the hearing closed at
~:50 P.M. .
The Commissioners discussed the location of the signs, the
contiguous properties, street tree planting, installation
of sidewalk, expense that would be involved in such an
addition and what portion of the property was actually in
the City or County territory.
Since the location for the installatio~ of trees and side-
walk is under the County jurisdiction, the Commission did
not feel it was within their purview to make such. conditions.
It was also felt that the transition of the use and the
alteration of the building was an improvement.
It was moved by Mr. '~ster, seconded by Mr. Mahone_~v_, that
Resolution No. 1090 be adopted, ~pprovin~ Application No.
V-69-249 as follows:
Two (2) roof signs, maximum area 96 sq. ft.,
one facing west and the one facing east is not to
extend above the parapet and with a setback
of 4'6" from the northerly edge of the roof.
Maximum total sign area for subject business
on the site of 96 sq. ft.
Reasons for approval:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not
constitute a grant of special privilege incon-
sistent with the ].imitations upon other prop-
erties in the vicinity and district in which
the subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances app].i-
cable to the s~bject property, including size,
shape, topography, location or ~urroundings, the
strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will
deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed
by other properties in the vicinity and under
identical zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by refer-
Above motion carried 6-0. (one member absent - Mrs. Ludwig)
PC Minutes - 0une 23, 19u'~
2. ZC--69-].97 - NANCY ].,aSIIF.]',],E & ROB]':RT ASIiWOP. TII
For rczoning of a 1~'2.5 .acre parcel from the R-1
(Single Family Residential) District to the PC
(Planned Cool,unity) District to permit the
es tablishmon~ o~ a pra-~ehool and private elemen-
tary schbol.
Location: Fronts approximately 320 ft. on the west side
of Yorba Street at the intersection of Yorba Street
and Jacaranda Avenue
Mr. Supinge~ presented'the staff report s~ating that
approval-will result in moving the facility from the
present location a~ 14851 Yorba Street to the subject
location, lie mentioned that the plan provides for an
initial building fronting on Yorba just north of its
intersection with Jacaranda and a second classroom
building will be constructed to the north of the initial
building as required by future demands, lie felt that
this is a good use for the subject property and recom-
mended conditional approval subject,to compliance with
the recommendations of %he Fire and Engineering Depart-
ments, .approval of plans by the Architectural Committee,
the screening of outdoor play areas and provision of off-
street parking.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:20 P.M.
Mr. Bud Ashworth, 221 Larkspur Avenue, Corona del Mar,
applicant, gave a description of the existing and pro-
'posed facility, explained the'operation, hours in use,
parking layout, off-street parking, future extensions,
contiguous properties, screening of the property, number
of enrollment and the overall plan. He stated that there
are three major.~oncerns that are involved:
1. Aesthetics
2. Parking
3. Noise factors
Nancy LaShelle, 18261 E. Oakridge, Santa Ana, was- also
~.n attendance
There being no further.~o~ents from the audience, Chair-
man Halus declared the public'portion of the hearing
closed at 8:40 P.M .
The Commissioners discussed the parking situation along
Yorba and possible traffic hazards it may cause in the
future. It was felt by Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Oster, that
a red curb line could be stipulated alonq .certain portions
of the property to eliminate on-street par~in9.
Mr. Supinger stated that he has talked to the City Engineer
Mr. Orville Myers, regarding the situation and he indicated
that there was no reason at the present time.to incorporate
this condition as long'as.~there is no traffic hazard~.
Mr. Supinge~ stated that if it became necessary in the future
to take such measures, it could be handled at that time.
It was moved b~ Mr..Oster, seconded by Mr. Sharp, that
~l~:~iOn No. 1091 be adopted, re-6-~mending to the City
~ouncil, for adoption of an ordinance, Zone Ch.ange (ZC-69-19'7)
from R-1 (Single Fam!l_~__~esidential) DistrJ. ct to the PC
~Planned CommunitY) D~strlct,. fgr.~h~..fo~low~n~ reasons:
The proposed use is.a good use for.the subject
parcel which i~ unusuaily ~haped an5 ~mB~wi~h~
between the Newport Freeway and a secondary
PC Minutes - June 23, 1969
2. Proposed plans provide for screening of outside
ac~ivitJ, es from existing residences and provide
adequate off-street parking facilities·
3. The success of the applicant's existing facility
have proven the need for the requested facility
in the conununity.
Conditions of approval are:
Compliance with the regulations of ~itle 19 of
the California Administrative Code (Public
Safety), the Uniform Fire Code and other re-
lated City Ordinances which establish a minimum
degree of fire and life safety·
b. Gra~: :i,,! ~ 2~ feet of additional street right-
of-way .in a~'..~.,~.~ce with the Master Plan of
Arterial Highways.
c. Installation of all missing street improvements
including pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk,
street lights and street trees..
d. Modification of any existing irrigation facilities'
as necessary to permit construction of street im-
Submission and approval of a Parcel Map to create
the parcel.
Installation of any additional utilities or utility .
service connection underground to conform with the
surrounding developments.
Approval o~ reviseQ plot plan, landscaping plan
and elevations by the Architectural Committee.
Provision of off-street parking at the rate of one
(1) space for each staff member plus one'(l) addi-
tional space for each eight (8) students based
upon the maximum capacity at each stage of develop-
Outdoor play areas sha]~l be screened from surround-
ing properties by a 6'8" high solid wall or fence
as approved by the Architectural Committee.
The above motion carried 6-0. (one member absent - Mrs. Ludwig)
To separate R-1 district from R-3 distr~ct for purposes
of sale and development of the parcels.
Location: West side of Pasadena Avenue, north of Main
City Engineer, Mr. Myers, sx~mitted a report stating that
this is an attempt to resolve the present problem of two
zones within one parcel of land and in solving this prob-
lem, ~.t divides the awkward, unusable, "sliver" parcel of
land among the adjacent property owners to the north. A
PC Minutes - June 23, 1969
~_~r_.__S._~!~_%!(_?.'i~., ] 2].21 Bayport, Apartment 312, Garden Grove,
al~plica~[:, was in attendance and gave a brief history of
the property.
It was mow:d b~ Mr. O::ter, seconded, by Mr. Sharp, that
a minute or¢1(¥]? be adopted conditionally appr. oving' Parcel
Map '(PM-69-23) as fei. lows:
Written approval of the Parcel Map by the
owners of Parcel 2 and 3 indicating a willing-
ness to acquire the additional property as
shown on the map.
Installation of missing sidewalk, street trees
and drive approach on Parcel 3.
Upon development of the property, the instal-
lation of street trees and sidewalk on Parcel
Submission to and approval b~ the Architectural
Committee of development, plains for Parcel 1.
'Final approval by the City Engineer and record-
ation of the map.
The above motion carzied 6-0. (one member absent - Mrs. Ludwig)
Chairman Halus asked Mr. Gill about schools that are
located on County property and not annexed to the City,
feeling that problems arising in the schools such as
narcotics ~outd be appropriately handled through the
Tustin Police Department, .if such action took place.
Mr. Gill commented that such problems are handled by
the Orange County Sheriff's Office, although the Tustin
Police do work in conjunction with them if the need
arises. He stated that he would be willing to talk
with the citizens of the community regarding the schools
not being on City prQperty if they so desired.
Chairman Halus commented on on-street parking in the
Multiple Family Residential areas, stating that he
has noticed cars parking contiguous to driveways of
apartments, especially along the Castillian apartments
located on Newport, feeling that this could be hazardous
to the tenants or people backing from the driveways onto
the street. He ~equested that the City Engineer be con-
tacted and ~sked his consideration of working out an
appropriate action to alleviate this problem. His sug-
gestion was to paint red lines in appropriate areas.
Chairman Iln].us stated that a copy of the subject report
~--~ been made available to the Coimnissioners and that
Part II was being routed due to a limited supply. He
stated that he would ].i. ke very much for the Commission'
to consider going on.record to th~ Tustin. City Council
encouraging them to recommend to the Boa~ of ~u}~-
¥isors their support of the intent and the benefit to-
be' gained from the General Planning Program.
PC Minutes - June 23, 1969
Mr. Os£'er asked for a c~ntinuance of th.~s matt¢::r to the
['I"~]'.~-"i4, ].~69 m(:ctJ, ng to allow more time for rcv:;.¢:w.
Mr. Sharp felt that if t}]e County wanted the cooperation
of the other cities contiguous to the County, a copy of
the roport should be for%carded to Planning Departments to
be filed in their libraries. He felt that it might be
more beneficial if Mr. Supinqer prepared a synopsis or
summary from these reports and presented it to the Com-
Chairman IIalus requested Mr. Supinger coordinate a joint
mee'c~ng with I,~r. Dick Ramella or Mr. Bell of the Orange
County Ploun.~, Don,nrtment, for a presentation of the plan,
inviting the C.[I.y C~..t~:~::J.]., City Administrator, Planning
Commission, Planning Staff, Department Heads and other
interested parties.
It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Mahoney,
that t~'.~? meetin.q be adjourne, d. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business before the Commission,
Chairman Halus declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.