HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-26-69MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
MAY 26, 1969
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Chairman Halus.
~ OF
lANCE Led by Mr. Oster.
· IALL Present:
Mr. Oster, Mr. Larnard, Mr. Halus,
Mr. Mahoney, Mrs. Ludwig,
Mr. Webster.
Absent: Commissioner: Mr. Sharp.
Others Present: Mr. Harry E. Gill, City Administrator
Mr. James G. Rourke, City Attorney
Mr. James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
Moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the
minutes of May 12, 1969, be approved as submitted.
Carried 6-0.
from 5/12/69).
To provide for the establishment of a Development Pre-
view Committee.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report, stating that the
latest revision of the proposed ordinance, Draft IV, in-
cludes review of single famil~ structures and public build-
ings and that comment~ have bDen' submitted by the Chamber
of Commerce relative to Sections '5.240, 5.250, 5.260 and
Mr. Supinger stated that, in his opinion, the members of
the committee should have a demonstrated knowledge in the
visual arts, regardless of their' affiliation. Relative
to "Scope of Jurisdiction" - he did not feel that single
family dwellings should be reviewed by the committee, Section
5.260 - he did not agree with the. Chamber's comments of de-
leting the words "and colors" in the ordinance, feeling that
the colors are an intregal part of the design of the building.
Section 5.270, "Application and Action" - he concurred with
the Chamber that preliminary drawings be stated rather than
the term plans.
The'Commissioners discussed certain aspects of the ordinance
relative to the appointment of the members, background and
knowledge in certain fields, compensation for members, scope
of jurisdiction s~ch as'single family residences and struc-
tures, conditions of aRproval and the application and action
on such matters.
In answer to Mr. Mahoney's question, Mr. Supinger clarified
the difference between Building & Real Estate Industry and
persons with demonstrated knowledge in the visual arts as a
situation where design concepts would not be as easily under-
stood by the Builders & Real Estate Industry as they would be
by someone in the architectural field, although this does not
preclude the Bui14ers and Realtors from being a r~liable
source an~ help to the
Those speaking from the audience were Mr. Fred Waitman, Manager
of the Chamber of Con~erce, Mr. Bob Hall, Realtor, 370 West
Fourth Street, Tustin, and Mr. Gared Smith, architect, 2043
Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach.
Mr. Waitman read a letter from Mr. Barletta requesting a contin-
uance of the hearing. He explained the Chamber of Commerce's
comments on the sections that were p~esented to the Commission.
Section 5.240 - It was the feeling of the Chamber that a person
from the Building Industry would have some concern and knowledge
of the.costs of materials and a person from the Real Estate In-
dustry would have a knowledge .of the economics of a particular
area. This was explained as an attempt to keep a balance of the
Section 5.250 - Mr. Waitman stated that the reason for review of
single family structures was "what is fair for one is fair for all."
Section 5.260 - The words "and colors" in a preliminary drawing
would be too early to decide in this type of a review.
Section 5.270 - It was felt that the appeal should be made directly
to the Council instead of the Planning Commission and then to the
Council to eliminate loss of time'and delay.
The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors concurred with the re-.
port that the .Blue Ribbon Committee submitted to the Commission.
Mr. Hall felt that there was an advantage to creating this com-
mittee, which is sort of a non-codified government control, but
also stated that the make-up of the committee could create some
disadvantages in that a builder does not know exactly where he
'stands until a decision is made by the committee, and if the com-
mittee is composed of too much city-type control where there are
certain types of trade-offs of materials and standards it could
destroy the atmosphere for a good city development on the part of
the building industry.
Mr. Smith stated that it appeared in the proposed draft that there
was more concern over aesthetics than economics and felt that the
economics should be 6onSidered add that the overall plans should
be taken into consideration of a Certain area and not just a
particular use.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Halus
declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:00 P.M.
The Commission discussed aspects of requiring a time limit to
applications after the Committee's review and approval. If
~heir project was delayed or not carried out for some reason
within a certain length of time, that they would have to sub-
mit a new application. Chairman Halus recommended such an action
to be taken under consideration in approving the proposed ordi-
Mr. Oster stated that it was his understanding that the need for
a Development Preview Committee was due to developers being con-
fronted with a situation after having started a project and find-
ing out that architecturally or City ordinances were defeating
their preliminary plans which was causing an economic burden and
other problems that could be solved by a review of this type and
felt that it may prove beneficial, both to the city and the
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Halus, that Resolution
No. 1084 be adopted, recommending to City Council the adoption pf
the Development Preview Committee Ordinance as follows:
Sections 5.230 and 5.260 as stated in Draft IV, dated 5/22/69.
Section 5.270 from the Chamber of Commerce recommendation.
Al?.pl..i_c_9_tli_(_~.n__ an(] A~tion - Applications fo~ Development Prcview
shall be made on forni~' provided by the Planning Department,
togekher with two (2) sets of [3reliminary_ drawings, at least
one (1) day prior to the day of the meeting at which said
plans are to be considered. The decision of the Development
Preview Committee shall be final unless appealed in writing
stating the reasons for said appeal, to the City Council
within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the action
taken by the com~itte0e.
Section 40.50 - Development Preview - as stated in Draft IV.
Section 5.240 Ap~in~ment of D~velopment Previe~Committee
The City Council shall appoint a Development Preview Committee
which shall consist of five (5) members, of whom two (2) shall
be either licensed architects or building designers, one (1)
shall be a landscape architect and two (2) whenever possible,
· shall include one member reconm~ended by the Chamber of Commerce
who shall be in Real Estate and Building Industries - both
members wherever possible, having had experience in the visual
arts. Alternate members of similar qualifications shall be
appointed to serve in the absence of regular members.
Committee members shall be appointed for two (2) year staggered
terms. Of the first members appointed, two (2) members shall
be appointe~ for a one (1) year term and three (3) members
shall be appointed for a two (2) year term. Thereafter each
member shall be appointed for a two (2) year term.
Section 5.250 Scope of Jurisdiction - basically 'the wording
would be altered to include "single family residential" in
accordance with the Chamber of Commerce recommendation.
"Prior to the issuance of a building permit for single family
residential dwellings, multiple family, commercial, industrial
structure, or public buildinss ....... "
The recommendations of the Development Preview Committee as
approved will car~y n~ longer than eighteen (18) months, at
the end of which time, if the'building (or buildings) is (are)
not completed or under construction, applicant must apply for
a new permit and repeat the review process.
Discussion of the appointmemt of the committee was continued
and Mr. Oster explained that the two (2) member that were to
be appointed by the City Council, that are not architects or
professional business men, although persons from the building
industry or real estate industry might be a guideline for the
Council to go by, but stated that the Council could select
whomever they felt would be the most beneficial to the committee
Mr. Oster also clarified Section 5.260 as to the term "colors"
being left in the proposed ordinance
The above motion carried 5-1.
Mr. Sharp - absent.
Mrs. Ludwig voted "No".
Mrs.·Ludwig explaiDed that in Section 5.240, she felt strongly
that a lay person should be included in the Committee, whether
it be in the form of a Con~issioner, Councilman or resident
with no particular knowledge of the visual arts, building code,
etc., but someone of artistic feel to balance the control and
eliminate an all professional committee.
It was moved b~ Mr. Webster, seconded b~ Mr. Larnard that the
~o~~- be informed ~%~' it is the C6nsi~eration o--~' ~K~ Plan-
nJ.n~ CommiskJ.on, as a.~licy g~-~e~-, that compensation be
~rovided for members of the Developmeg~ Preview Con~ittee.
That for the reason of balancing the approach to the review
of mll planned d~velopments in this community, that it seems
strated ability and knowledge in the building industry and/or
real estate profession.
The abe.ye' mo~J on qar~e__d._.~.7.1.
Absent: Sharp.
Mrs. Ludwig voted "No".
PC Minutes - May 26, 1969
A five (5) minute recess was declared by Chairman Halus.
To permit the use of an existing non-conforming
structure for a Chinese take-out food establishment.
Location: complex fr6nts 100 feet on the south side of First
Street and is the site of existing building #418 east First
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that the
subject building has been vacant since Kentucky Fried
Chicken moved to its new building earlier this year. He
stated that the take-out restaurant would be a short term
usage and a relatively quick turnover relative to parking.
Mr. Supinger recommended conditional .~pproval.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:45 P.M.
Mr. Edward Laird, 900 North Broadway, Santa Ana, Attorney
representing the applicant, stated that they would be willing
to conform to the staff's conditions stipulated in the report
and gave a brief description of the proposed use. He stated
the hours that the business would be operating, discussed the
parking contiguous to the other businesses in the complex and
gave a brief background of the owner, Mr. Low Nang.
There being no other comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
~:48 P.M.
The Commissioners discussed ~iefly, the parking and the non-
conforming use.
It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Webster, that
Resolution No. 1085 be adopted ap~rovin~ UP-'69-301 for the
followin~ reasons:
The Commission finds that the establishment,
maintenance and operation of the use applied
for will not, under the circumstances of the
particular case be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and general welfare
of the persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the proposed use and it will
not be injurious or detrimental to the property
and improvements in the neighborhood or the
general welfare of the City.
As additiQnal grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by refer-
ence and made ~ part of the motion.
Conditions of approval:
That adequate fire protection (extinguishers)
be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire
That an automatic fire extinguishing system be
installed in the kitchen vent hood and duct.
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent: Mr. Sharp'.
PC Minu~c-~ - ~lay 2u, i9u9
3. V-69-247 TUSTIN CARl?ETS - To permit:
A roof sign, 10' X 15', 150 sq. ft. each side,
300 sq. ft. total area and 16 ft. above the
Total sign ~rea on the site exceeding the 300
sq.ft, permitted by the ordinance.
Location: 610 West First Street
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report, stating that the proposed
sign would project from the front of the building (8) eight feet
into the existing right-of-way of First Street. In order to comply
with the previously granted Use Permit, a setback of 50 feet is re-
quired from the centerline of First Street to any sign and based
upon the 50 ft. setback, the proposed sign would project 18 feet
into the ultimate right-of-way. He also stated..that the proposed
sign, in addition to the two (2) wall signs would result in total
sign area of 540 sq. ft. The Sign Ordinance permits total sign
area on the site of 300 sq. ft. for the 150 ft. property.
Mr. Supinger recommended denial.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:55 P.M.
Mr. J. Engoren, representing Advance Neon Sign Company and Tustin
Carpets, 960 North Broadway, Los Angeles, stated that they desper-
ately need identification and would be willing to move the sign
back, although they would like to have the sign project from the
face of the building as far as the Sign Ordinance allows. He
stated that they would compromise.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Halus
closed the public portion of the hearing at 9:07 P. M.
The Commission discussed tke size of the signs, the location, set-
backs, justification of the application and the best source of
Mr. SuRiqger explained that one solution would be to permit a roof
sign at a certain height above the roof and then they would only
be required to meet the 300 sq. ft. requirements and that would be
all that is necessary.
It was moved b~_~2 Mahoney, seconded ~y Mr. Webster, that Resolution
No. 1086 be adopted, approving Application No. V-69-247 to permit:
One (1) roof sign 10' X 15', 150 sq. ft. each side, total
area not to exceed 300 sq. ft. The sign shall not pro-
ject further into the public right-of-way than two feet
back from the face of the curb. The sign shall not ex-
tend more than 16' above the top of the parapet.
The two wall signs of 120 sq. ft. each side be removed
from the east' and west walls.
The motion carried 6-0. Absent: Mr. Sharp.
Location: 436 West Sixth Street.
Mr. Su~in9gr. presented the staff report stating that the City
Attorney has ruled that this use is permitted in the Industrial
District, but that the Planning Conm%ission must approve the park-
ing layout and location.
PC ~inutus - ~ay 26,
Mr. Tom ]'~o~y_]..e~, 12631 Kenwood Lane, Tustj.n, representing
Foster Art Service, stated that Smith Printers and Foster
Art Services are in no way connected other than by property
lines, lie stated that Smith Printers have a parking problem
but Foster Art Service has adequate space for the parking
needs of the s. tenotype school.
~rs. ~etsy J. Adams, 12741 Newport, Tustin, applicant, stated
that the students will be required to park in areas designated
by the director or teacher of the school, which is herself
and she will not allow on-street parking which will eliminate
traffic congestion.
Mrs. Adams stated that because of the nature of this technical
training, she will keep the classes small with a student body
of not more than 10 or 15 students. She stated that this will
only require no more than 15 to 17 parking spaces and the
present area provides 25 spaces. ..
~ was moved, by Mr. Oster~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that a
minute order be adopted approving the,parking layout proposed
~y the stenotype school.
Mr. Webster voiced concern relative to this type of use being
permitted ~n an industrial district. He felt that if this
proposed use is permitted.to a great degree, the parking re-
quirements that were set for.industrial zoning would diminish
in its entirety and felt that problems would develop immedi-
The Commissioners discussed the hours of operation, Sixth
Street parking, business flow from Smith Printers and the
existing parking spaces for the Foster Arts Service.
The above motion was voted by roll call.
Ayes: Oster, Larna.rd. Noes: 'Ludwig, Halus, WebSter.
Absent: Sharp. Abstained:' Mahoney.
Motion failed 3-2.
Location: Between First Street and Irvine Blvd. (Fourth
Street) west of Holt Avenue.
Mr. Orville Myers, City Engineer, submitted a report to the
con~isk'ioh stating that subject tract was approved by the
Planning Commission on June 24, 1968. Section 18-14 of the
Tustin City Code provides that a Final Map must be filed with-
in one year unless a written request for extension is made by
.the subdivider and approved by the Council and Planning Com-
Mr. Myers recommended .that a minute order be adopted recom-
mending to the City Council that an extension of time for
filing a final map on-Tentative Tract 6617 be granted to
June 24, 1970 subject to conditions of approval as contained
in the original approval.
After a brief discussion of subject request, It was moved by
Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Webster that a minute order be
adopted recommendin_q to the City. Council that an extension of
time for filing a final map on Tentative Tract 6617 be ~ranted
to June 24, 1970, subject to the followin~ conditio'ns:
Granting of 60 foot width for street right-of-way
with 40 foot curb'to curb distance and 10 foot park-
ways on those portions of interior streets within the
PC Minutes - May 26, ].969
2. Provide adequate street lighting on First
Strcet, Fourth Street and interior tract
streets and annex entire property to Tustin
Lighting District.
3. All public improvements, sewers, drainage
facilities and appurtenances shall be con-
structed to City standards and approved by
the City Engineer.
Ail public utilities shall be installed under-
ground in conformance with accepted standards
of utility companies.
5. Street trees shall be provided and planted in
accordance with City ordinances.
6. Provide adequate drainage facilities to serve
the tract at the south end of the interior
street and connect to the existing First
Street storm drain. ~'
Those segments of existing irrigation lines
c~nflicting with or endangered by any pro-
posed construction shall be removed and re-
located or collapsed and backfilled, or other-
wise made to conform to the specifications of
the City of Tustin Building Code or to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer and the
irrigation line owner.
Grant in fee, title to Lot A to the City of
Minimum street grades within the Tract must
be review'ed'~'ith and ~pproved by the City
Include the balance of the property contain-
ing the existing building as a lot within the
Location: At the southwest corner of Santa Fe Drive and
Red Hill Avenue. (Santa Fe Drive intersects Red Hill be-
tween Edinger and Valencia.)
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that the
proposal is for parking and a loading dock to serve a
19,740 sq. ft. industrial building to be located adjacent
to Red IIill Avenue. He stated that although the proposed
amount of parkiDg complies with the district regulations,
it is suggested that th~ plan not be approved with the
parking and loading facilities adjacent to Red Hill based
upon it being a major ~ntrance to the City and that eight
(8) feet of landscaping, within the Red IIill Avenue right-
of-way, will not be adequate to screen the' parkinq and
loading areas. He did suggest that a more compatible lo-
cation would be at the east or north side of thc building,
fronting the most desirable part of the building on Red lIill.
Mr. Selkin stated that landscaping would be provided in the
front of the building to enhance the area and take away from
the row of car~ that would be parked in that area, to give
~ ~0~0 ~m~l~ ~1~ ~o be ~mn from the stre~t~ lie e~-
plained that the loading ~ock would be recessed and did not
see any real problem with the beautification of the project.
PC Minutes - May 26, 1969
Mr. Richard Carlson, President of Golden West Plastics,
proposed users of the building, was in attendance.
The Commission discussed the setback, parking area location,
turn-around radius, landscaping, loading docks, the length
of time the tr~cks would be loading, reorientati0n of the
doors and the aesthetics of the project.
Mr. Oster felt that if they moved the parking area in the
back of the building,.it would then possibly cause another
problem - people parking on the street or as close to the
building as possible without using the parkihg lot. He
felt that it did meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordi-
nance and the Architectural Committee could set the land-
scaping standards to make the project an attractive part
of the plan.
It was moved by Mr. Oster~. seconded by Mr. Larnard, that
th~roposed parking layout be approved in accordance with
t~e ~'g Ordinance and that the Architectural Committee
work with the applicant relative to the landscaping.
The Commission discussed the screening of the loading dock,
block walls, properties contiguous to the project and the
future uses of certain parcels.
Mr. Oster moved the previous question, which was seconded
by Mr. Larnard. Carried unanimously
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Larnard, Oster. Noes: Webster, Ludwig, Halus.
tied 3-3.
Mr. Rourke, City Attorney, stated that a tie vote in this
situation, with one member absent, would result in the motion
failing, but that the applicant could continue his request
until there was a full quorum, of 7 members present.
Mr. Selkin stated that his tenant could not afford to wait
due to finances and a tre~aendous amount of equipment having
already been ordered.
Chairman Halus declared a five (5) minute recess to allow the
applicant to confer with the other parties involved in this
Mr. Selkin stated that in view of the time limits they are
involved with, after having discussed with his client, they
would like to flip the entire plan and put the building at
the setback line and the parking and the dock at the west
side of the building and if this is the desire of the Com-
mission, they would proceed with their parcel map and plans.
He also co~nented that the landscaping could be worked out
with the Architectural Co~ittee.
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that
the build_in$ be flip~ped and the landsqaped area be from
Red Hill Avenue to the building, and the p~rk.in~ and. logdin~
dock be located on the far side of the building, opposite
of Red Hill Avenue.
Discussion continued relative to requirements. Mr. Larnard
moved the .previous.._question, which was seconded by
Mr. Webster. CarrJ.ed unanimously.
The above motion carrJ, ed 6-0. Absent: Mr. Sharp.
PC ~,iinutcs - ~.:ay 26, .%969
It was moved by blr. Larnard, seconded, by_ blr. Oster
that tile lneetJ, l.%(~ be adjourned. Carried unanimously_i
There being no further business before the Commission,
Chairman Halus declared the meeting adjdurned at 10:00 P.M.