HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-12-69MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
MAY 12, 1969
The meeting was called to order at.7:30 P.M. by ~airman Halus,
Led by Mr. Mahoney.
Present: Con~issioners: Mahoney,'Larnard, Webster, Halus,
Ludwig, Oster.
Absent.: Commissioners: Sharp
Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney
James' L. Supinger, Plann{ng Director
Doreen Henson, Acting Secretary
Moved by Mr. Oster,_ seconded by Mr'. Mahonev that the minutes
of April 28~ 1969~. ~ approved as submitted. Carried unanimously.
To permit construction of single family dwellings with less
than the 25 foot required rear yard on 14 lots and with less
than the 20 foot required front yard on 2 of the above mentioned
14 lots in Tract No. 5849.
Location: Tract No.. 5849 (Proposed) fronts 660 feet on the
southeast side of Mitchell Avenue approximately 330 feet
northwest of the centerline of Browning Avenue.
~r. Supin~e~ presented the staff report stating that this matter
was continued from April 28', 1969 meeting. The application is
for construction of single family homes in the R-4 (Suburban
Residential) District with rear yards complying with R-1 District
requirements and with front yards of less than R-1 District require-
ments. The applicant's Justification: We propose a singl9
family (R-l) Subdivision with less density than that of the present
R-4 zone, and are requesting the same rear yard setback requirement
as allowed in the R-1 zone.
~r. Supin~er recommended that V-69-241 be granted and also recommended
that the Commission initiate rezoning of Tract No. 5849 from the
R-4 District to the R-1 District to agree with the proposed land
Chairman tlalu§ opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:35 P.M.
Mr. R. K. Elliott, representing Parkridge Homes, 903 South Newhope,
Santa Ana, stated the reason they had pnt this application
through as a variance and not a zone change was because a variance
takes less time and they are about ready to start construction.
Chairman llalus declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:38 P.M.
Moved by Mr.. Oster, _s_econded by Mrs. Ludwiz, that Resolution No. 1079
be adopt-ed ~rantin~ V-69-2.4~ for thc fol. lowi_n~, reasons and further
to the R-1 District:
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Reasons for approval are:
That the adjush~eht hereby authorized will not constitute
a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the
limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and
district in which the subject property is situated.
That because of special, ctrctmmtances applicable to the
subject property, including size, shape, topography,
location or surroundings, the strict application of the
Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of privileges
enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under
identical zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence ~ntroduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the motion.
Motion carried 5-0.
For rezoning of a 0.41 acre portion of a 1.05 acre parcel
from tile R-1 (Single Family Residential) District to the
R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District.
Location: Fronts 90 feet on the west side of Pasadena Avenue
and extends along the east .~ide of the Newport Freeway from
the abandoned right-of-way of Second Street to Main Street.
Mr. Su~ presented the staff report, stating that this
matter had also been continued from the April 28, 1969 meeting.
The reason for the continuance was so that the applicant could
submit proposed plans for the development.
Mr. Supinger stated that the reason for the application is that
,Section 3.3 of Zoning Ordinance states: "If a district boundary
line divides or splits a lot, the lot shall be deemed to be
included within the district which is the more restrictive".
Because of this provision, subject property is considered totally
R-1 unless the R-1 portion is rezoned to R-3. The staff reconmmnds
denial of ZC-69-194.
Chairman tlalus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:40 P.M.
Maurice Lebanoff, 15500 Tustin Village Way, Tustin, stated the
purpose of his request for rezoning is to allow him to develop
the property basically fn accordance with the Zoning Map of the
City of Tustin. t~ said the R-3 that is there has been zoned
R-3 since 1961 and he had bought tile property under that assumption.
}lis real purpose is not to rezone to get more units but to have
a better use of what is already zoned R-3. Mr. Lebanoff then
showed some slides of the area.
Mr. Charles. Beck, Architect, 996 Persidio Drive, Costa Mesa,
Stated this is a very difficult parcel to develop. They have
attempted to do something fr~, the planning standpoint that
would be above R-3 quality; something that would enhance the
&~O&, ~!~ s&~d ~he pro~er~ywould be undesirable developed R-1
from tile sales standpOtht, The units are 1 and 2 bedroom with
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patios, balconies and walkways.
In anwer to questioning by Mr. Mahou, y, Mr. Beck stated the
northerly portion of the parcel would be used mostly for
recreational area, possibly a swimming pool and some green
Chairman Halus closed the public portion of the hearing at
8:00 P.M.
In answer to questioning by Mr. Mahoney, ~r. Supinger stated he
did not know whether the fire access would be adequate or not
and would, therefore, caution the Commission about relying too
heavily on preliminary plans such as this because"of the need
of access to emergency vehicles.
In answer to questioning by Mr. Oster, ~r.. Rourke said that because
of the advertising of the hearing, he did not feel they could
go to a PC zone.
Mr. Lebanoff requested a continuance until the next meeting of
the Planning Commission.
Moved by Mr. Os~er., seconded _by Mr. Mahone¥. that this matter be
continued to the next reKu!ar' mc,tinK of the PlanninR Comm~issio.n,
Mr. Webster stated he would prefer to consider the matter under
a PC application. He felt the only zone on the books that'could
possibly solve the problem is PC. He felt that the request for
a zone change should be denied.
Mr. Oster stated that with the con§ent.of the second he would like
to withdraw his motion to continue the matter. The second, Mr.
Mahoney agreed·
Moved by Mr. ~a~na~d, seepnded by Mr. Webster that Resolution No.
~0~0 be adoptgd' r9coM~9Ddin8 denial of ZC-69-194 for the following
~. The proposed zoning would permit a maximum density of 34
dwelling units per acre which is more than eight times the
density proposed by the.Tustin Area General Plan.
The property is within the "Tustin City Area"which will be
the subject of a detailed study by D~velopment Research
Associates as part of an economic study currently underway.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
~r. Webster, in commenting on the motion, stated that after, the
study of the Tustin City Area is completed it would be, in fact,
proper for the City to initiate rezoning to conform with a more
specific plan for that specific area.
Motion carried 6-0.
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~r. Supinger prescntdd the staff report stating that the public
hearing on this matter was continued from April 14, 1969, to
permit the compilation of additional information by the staff
and further study of information by Co~missioners.
Since the April 14 meeting the staff has conducted a suryey of
14 California cities to ascertain some of the functional aspects
of the design review process in the cities. The attached table
summarizes the responses received from 11 of the 14 cities.
Several conclusions can be made from the responses:
~11 of the respondents (except San Marino which does
not have a formal process) felt that the design review
process functioned well and was having an effect on
c~nmunity design. "
2. Seven of the 11 cities have members of the design
professions as members of the design review body.
3. Only four of the 11 cities included Planning Commissioners
or City Councilmen on'the design review body.
4. Only three cities compensate members of the design review
In seven of the 11 cities the action of the design review
is final unless appealed to' either the Planning Commission
or the City Council.
It is felt that several.of.~he conmmnts made at the public hearing
are valid and can be resolved by minoC chm~ges in the proposed
ordinance. This is particularly true relative to the qualifications
of members of the committee. The survey bears out the fact that
the membership of the c~aittee shoulR include persons having
design training such as architects, building designers, landscape
architects, artists, etc. This change would, we feel, dispel mmny
of the fears expressed at the public hearing.
The question of c~npensation should be further considered. Although,
it would be good to eliminate the expense of compensation,' it may
be necessary to offer compensation to secure a sufficient number
of qualified persons to serve on the conm~ittee.
Though the AIA report recommends that the design review body be
a recommending body, the survey indicates that a majority of the
respondent cities make the design review decision final unless
appealed. It is our opinion that the decision should be final
unless appealed to the City Council. This would keep the process
short and would eliminat~ the possibility of two appeals which
would be repetitious.
That Draft III (4/1/69) be changed as follows:
The City Council shall appoint a DeveloMnent Preview Co~mnittee
which shall consist of five (5) members, of whom two (2) shall
be either licensed architects or building design%ers, one (1)
shall be a landscape architect and two (2) shall be persons havin~
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a demonstrated knowledbe of, or experience in, the visual
arts. Alternate me~ers of shnilar qualifications shall be
appointed to serve, in the absence of regular men, ers.
Committee members shall be appointed for two (2) year staggered
remus. Of the first men~ers appointed, two (2) members shall
be appointed for a one (1) year tetnn and three (3) members shall
be appointed for a two (2) year term. Thereafter each member
shall be appointed for a two (2) year term.
pection 5.270 APPLICATION & ACTION
Applications for Development Preview shall be made on forms
provided by the Planning Department, together with two (2)
sets of plans, at least one (1) day prior to the ~ay of the
meeting at which said plans are to be considered. The decision
of the Development Preview Con~nittee shall be final unless
appealed, in writing, stating the reasons for said appeal, to
the City Council, within fifteen (!5) calender'days of the date
of the action taken by the Committee.
Mr. S~pointed out that the two major changes made in
Draft III are the make-up of the committee and the appeal
Chairn~n Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:15 P.M.
Mr. Nick Barletta, 105 South pro'spect, Tustin, representing the
Chamber of Commerce, stated tile Board of Directors of the Chamber
had not had an opportunity to meet and c~ne up with a recc~m~,endation.
He asked how much deviation from the Architectural Commfttee is
there in the Development Preview Committee and was advised by
Chairman ]lalus that the point of emphasis was on the word "Preview"
in an attempt to ge~ the' developer to come to the committee at
a very early stage of development~
~r. Supinger advised that the proposai would include basically the
functions which are currently excercised by the Architectural
Committee° There would be some changes; for instance, signs
would be reviewed - they are not currently reviewed.
Mr. Barletta commented on the make-up of the Conanittee, stating
the Chamber would reccam~end that there.be at least one businessman,
preferably from the Chamber.
Mro Barletta requested that this matter be continued to the May 26,
1969 meeting.
Mr. Gered Smith, 2043 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach, c~]m~ended
the staff for their work and their research on this ordinance with
respect to other communities. He said one thing he felt should be
included for review by this con~ittee is R-1 residential units.
tlc felt if there 'wa~ going'to be architectural control on structures
within the City, they should be on all structures; that 75% of
the property in Tustin is 'R-1. Mr. Smith felt that the ultimate
decision concerning architectural control should be made by the
City Council.
Mr. Robert l~al!, 370 West Fourth Street, Tustin, asked if public
buildings such as schools and City buildings would be included
within the Jurisdiction of this committee.
Chairman llalns advised that the co~mnittee would review commercial,
multiple residential and professional buildings.
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Mr. llall comnented c.onccruing the make-up of the c~,mittee.
lie said he was a lover of tile arts, but many artists and some
architects, not including Mr. Smith, are not always in tune
with the economic realities. He would hate to be put in a
position to satisfy them just to get a building permit. It is
discouraging to try to do something nice architecturally, be
requested to add some more to it, then drive down the s~reet
and see something just completed that does not seem to be in the
same league. He agreed with Mr. Smith's opinion that R-1
should be included in the conm~ittee's functions.
Chairm~n Halus closed the public portion of the hearing at
8:55 P.M.
Moved by Mr. M~hon?y,~ seconded~by Mr. Oster that the proppsed
ordinance creatin~ Day, lo?re,ut Preview Con~nit~-ee~be, .conti.nued
to. May 26, 1969 at which tinge the puh].ic portion of the hearing,
will be. r.eop~ene_d_; that the staff be instructed to broaden it to
include R-1 and public buildings.
Mr. Oster requested that the staff furnish the Chamber of Commerce,
Mr. tlall, Mr. Smith and other interested parties, with the
proposed revisions.
Mr. Supinger requested that any additional cormments from the
Chan~er or other interested parties be submitted to the Planning
Department by noon on Friday, 5/23/69.
}iotion carried 6-0.
To permit an automobile repair sh~p and auto parts sales
in the C-2-P District.
Location: Existing building ~125 W. Main Street. Fronts 90 ft.
on the north side of Main Street approximately 100 feet west of
the centerline of E1 Camino Real.
M~. Supinger presented the staff report, stating the applicant's
justification is as follows: We need a larger building for our
present repair shop located at 145 W. First Street, Tustin. This
building is large enough to allow the entire repair work and storage
of the vehicles to be done inside the building. A small portion
of the front will be used for the auto parts sales. Repairs to
the windows and doors and painting will be maintained to insure
a good, clean appear~nc~ of the property. Mr. S~pinger recommended
approval subject to the following conditions:
That access rights, satisfactory to the City Engineer,
be obtained prior to c~mnencement of the use for egress
from the easterly parking lot to either the alley on the
westerly side of the building or the alley at tile northerly
side of tile property.
That all parking areas be paved with an all-weather surface.
3. That.the Unform Fire Code be complied with.
4. ~at operations be conducted within an enclosed structure
at all times.
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In answer to questioning by Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Supinger stated
that the parking lo,t just to the east is part of this application.
Chairman llalus opened the public portion of the hearing at
9:02 P.M.
Sara Barnett., 14201 Raleigh Place, Tustin, applicant, stated
the parking area had been paved with a hard surface at.one
time, but is now in need of repair, She said it will not have
to be completely redone but a large portion of it needs to be
Chairman Halus closed the public portion of the hearing at
9:05 P.M.
In answer to questioning by Mr. La'rnard, Mr.. Supin~erstated
that no correspondence had been received on this matter.
Moved by Mr.. Larnar~ seconded byMr. Mahongy that Resolution
~o. 1081 be___~8.o_pted_a~R~p~o¥~3g ~P-69f3QO for the follow~4~g
reasons and. subject to the following conditions:
1. The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circtunstances of the particular case be detr~nental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare
of the persons resid{ng or working in the neighborhood
of the proposed use and it will not be injurious or
detrimental to the property and improvements in 'the
neighborhood or the general welfare of the City.
2. As additional grounds, the ~inubes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the motion.
That access rights, satisfactory to the City Engineer,
be obtained prior to commencement of the use for egress
from the easterly pgrking lot to.either the alley on the
westerly side of the building or the alley at the northerly
side of the property.
2. ~at all parking areas be paved With an all-weather surface.
3. That the UniformFire Code be complied with.
4. That operations be conducted within an enclosed structure
at all times.
Motion carried 6-0.
5. V-69-245 - E. II. YRAMATEGIrl
To permit the extension of an cave to within 2'6" of the side
property line.
Location: Site fronts 73 feet on the southwest side of Roanoke
Avenue and is the site of existing residence 1952 Roanoke Avenue.
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,fir,. Supinger presented the staff report and stated the staff
rccon~ncnds denial of this application because there is not
sufficient justification.
In answer to Mr. Oster's question, .Mr. Su~_inger stated that no
new correspondence had been received on this matter.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:08 P.M.
Mr. E. H. Yramate~su._i., applicant, of 1952 Roanoke Avenue, Tustin,
stated everything he had done had been done in good faith° fl,
had talked with Mr. Supinger and Mr. Waldo and apparently there
was some difference of opinion concerning the background in the
case as sta~ed in the report from Mr. Waldo. He said there had
been a sign-off inspaction made. He said the sign-off notice
had been lost, but the inspector at that time did tell his wife
that it was signed off.
Chairman Halus closed the public portion of,the ~earing at 9:12 P.M.
I~ answer to Mr. Mahoney's question, ,}ir.. Supinger stated that
Mr. Waldo indicates there was not a final sign-off. He indicated
in the discussion referred to .by Mr. Yrmnategui, that the inspector,
Mr. fi, ss' statement was that the structure was structurally all
right, but that an encroacl~ncnt did exist and he could not say
what would happen in that regard. Mr. Waldo did go back and
did not find a final sign-off on this particular structure.
Mr. Webster stated he felt the City was ha~nful in signing off
the framing inspection knowing the dncroaclunent was there,
without the o~mer being notified in writing.
Moved by Mr. Webster~. ,seconded by_ Mrs. Ludwig that Resolution
No. 1082 be adopted ~r.ant.'in~ V-69-.245 for the following, reasons:
1. That the adjustment applied for will not constitute a
grant of special privilege inconsistent with the
limitations upon other properties in the vicinity
and district in which the property is situated.
That special circ~mtances applicable to the subject
property, including size, shape, topography, location
or surroundings, do, because of the strict application
of the zoning ordinance, deprive s~bject property of
privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity
and under identical zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the motion.
Mr. Maho.ney stated he would go along with Mr. Webster in this
particular case, but he would not like to see a precedent set
wherein both the contractor and owner know of the encroachment.
Mr. Webster stated he did not feel the Building Department should
sign off something with an encroachment. In this case he feels
that tile procedure needs to be corrected.
Mr. I,arnard stated that apparently the Building Department did not
sign this off.
Motion carried 5-1.
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Location: Southwest corner at the intersection of Red Hill Avenue
and Walnut Avenue and fronts approximately 620' on the northwest
side of Red Hill Avenue and 400' on the southwes~ side of Walnut
To Permit:
A second free-standing sign identifying a specific
business within a commercial c~nplex. Said sign
would have an area of 149 sq. ft. per side, a total
area of 298 sq. ft., a height of 21 feet an& be
located within thc required front setback.
Three wall.signs on one wall including:.,
a. Alpha Beta Sign, 321 sq. ft.
b. To~al Discount Sign, 16 sq. ft.
c. Store Sign, 42 sq. ft.
Total Sign Area for an individual business in excess
of that permitted by ordinance. Ordinance permits
total area of 322 sq. ft. for Alpha Beta Market.
Proposed sign area totals 676 sq. ft.
Mr._$}~inge~ presented tile staff report, stating the applicant's
Justification is as follows: This pylon sign is to identify the
Shopping Center, Alpha Beta Tustin is to identify the store and
the discount sign is to coincide with Alpha Beta advertising.
The staff recommends that V-69-246 be conditionally granted to
permit: .-'
One (1) free,-standing sign within the required setback
from Red llill Avenue with sign copy to identify the
shopping complex. Maximum he~ght 21 feet, maximum
area per side 149 sq. ft. and maximum area all sides
298 sq. ft.
One (1) wall sign facing Red tltll Avenue, copy reading
'%lpha Beta" having a maximum total area of 320 sq. ft.
and located as shown on the plans submitted with the
One (1) wall sign on the southwesterly side of the
building to be occupied by AlPha'Beta, having copy
reading '~lpha Beta Tustin" a maximum total area of
42 sq. ft. and the specific location subject to the
approval of the Planning Director.
Chairman llalus opened' tlm public portion of tile hearing at
9:40 P.M.
Mr. Richard Cox, 1407 Russell Drive, Long Beach, representing
Alpha Beta stated on the Alpha Beta free standing sign they
would put Alpha Beta Center and eliminate '~fhe Best for Less."
He said they would completely eliminate the Alpha Beta Tustin
sign rather than move it to the southwesterly side.
Chairman llalus closed the public portion of the hearing at
2 I,.M.
I'.C. Minutes
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_}loved by Mr. Wcbst__c.}': seconded by. }ir. I,arnard that Resolution
No. ].083 bc adopted condition, ally approvin$ V-69-246 to permit:
1. 1 free standing sign within the setback area fr~n Red
Hill Avenue with thc copy "Alpha Beta Center" maximum
height 21 feet, maximt~n area per side 149 sq. ft. and
maximum area all sides 298 sq. ft.
1 wall sign facing Red IIill Avenue, copy reading '~lpha
Beta" having a maxhnum total area of 320 sq. ft. and
located as shown on the plans submitted with the
Condition of approval:
That the free standing sign described above be designed
and cox~tructed so as to prevent the sign structure
footing from interfering with the propose&,storm drain
to be constructed in the area and tha~ the plans for
the sign.be subject to t]~ approval of the City Engineer.
Reasons_ for approval:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute
a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the
limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and
district in which the subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable to the
subject property, including size, shape, topography,
location or surroundings the strict application of the
Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of
privileges cnjoy¢d p~ other properties in the vicinity
and under identical zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included b~ reference and made a part
of the motion.
In answer to }ir. Mahoney's question, }~. Supinger stated he
believed the reason for eliminating the Alpha Beta Tustin sign
was because the applicant had offered to do so rather than move
the sign to another wall.
Moved by }ir. Oster;: $.eao~d9d. by }ir. M~.~0j_ojl~v tO ~_nl~lld: the_
_to ~rant__the sj.~.n~ Set fp.r~th i~L_the pr%or mot~on and~n add.J~tion
to include one wall sign on ~h.e. north.ca.s.t, side, pl..th.e, buildj.n?.,
_haying the cody ."Alpha Deta T~stin" J,n the lpc$.t%qn a~ ~hown on
.t!]e plans submitted w.i.t_h the a.pplicat~o~.
Vote on the amendment:
Amendment to the motion carried 5-1.
Vote on the motion:
Motion carried 4-2.
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7, ZG-69-195 - WILFRF.]) B. TAYLOR AND ROB]~RT ]]ALL
For rczoning of ~ 1.52 acre parcel from the R-1 (Single
Family Residential) District to the R-3 (1500) (Multiple
Family Residential - 1500 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling.
unit) District.
Location: At the northwest corner of the intersection of
Pacific and Main. Fronts 220 feet on the north side of'Main,
300 feet on the west side of Pacific and 220 feet on the south
side of Third Street.
}ir. Supinge_r- presented the staff- rePort stating the applicant's
Justification as follows: Property fronts on an 80 ft. primary
street (Main Street) directly across the street from existing
apartment use and is bound bye(2) 66 ft. streets on the east
side and rear. The property is not feasible to be developed
into 10 homes.
Mr. Supinger recommended denial of ZC-69-195 for the following
~'eas on8:
The proposed R-3 (1500) zoning would permit a maximum
density of 29 d.u./acre which is more than seven times
the 4 d.u./acre density of. the Medium Density Residential
use as designated on the General Plan.
The General Plan should be amended, if multiple family
use is intended for the area, prior to re~oning for
multiple family.
One of the project impIementa'tion studies to be 'conducted
during the Phase,~ portion of the Economic Study currently
underway will analyze land ue~ n~eded in the Tustin City
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the motion.
Mr. Supinger stated a letter and booklet had been received from
Mr. Be¢~nan in which is a summary of Mr. Beckman's feelings,
opposing the application.
Chairman Hales opened the public portion'of the hearing at 9:55 P.M.
Mr, Bob llall, 370 West 4th Street, Tustin, appearing as Mr~
Taylor's developer, stated that it is the intention of Mr. Taylor
to retain ownership of the property if the zone change is allowed.
Most zone changes are for a change in use; they are asking for
the same basic type of use, residential. The General Plan should
be amended if multiple.family, is reco~nded for this area. He
said many zone changes 'have been granted ~ere the General Plan
was not amended. Concerning .the Economic Base Study, he felt it
is known at this point what the report is going to say and that is
to increase the density in the older town area. If the Con~nission
cannot see their way clear to approve this application before
that study is in (August) they would be willing to continue until
that t~ne. Ue said, however, that a zone change could be granted
without a General Plan amendment and without the Economic Base
Study. They are planning an adult eon~nunity with no children.
One of the reasons zone changes are denied is that there is opposition
in the area. t~ doesn't deny there is opposition in the area, but
it is not total opposition.
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The following people spoke in opposition to this zone change:
Mr. Leroy Conle~, 17332 Roselcaf, Tustin
Mr. C. B. Martin, 660 West 3rd Street, Tustin
Mr. Charles Eels, 665 Main Street, Tustin
Mr. Mike Cervin, 685 West 3rd Street, Tustin
Mr. Leon Strahan, 670 West 3rd Street, Tustin
Their reasons for opposition were parking problems, noise,
traffic congestion, invasion of privacy.
}tr. R~chard Kruppe, 12312 Newport, Tustin, spoke in favor
of this zone change, stating that just because the homes in
the area are older homes, that does not mean you cannot also
have new apartments. He felt the .privacy of the people now
living in the area would not be invaded.
Mr. Wilfred Taylor, applicant, 10281 S.W. L'adera Senda, Santa
Aha, stated he. is the owner of the property and had dealt with
8 contractors who made an honest effort to draw up plans for
single family residences° Every one was shot down by the lender.
If this zone change is denied, his only alternative is to put
cheap, pre-built homes on the property°
Chairman Halus closed the public portion of the hear.lng at 10:37 P.M.
Mr. Oster stated in view of the prior action taken with respect.
to other zone chans~s in .t. his area, he would move that this
matter be continued to the August 11~ 1969 meetin5 for the
reason that another hearinE has been set for that meeting in
the same area and at that time the results of the Economic
.Study should be available. Seconded by Mr. Larnard.
Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Halus declared a recess at 10:40 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 10:45. P.M.
}~r. Supinger stated the item under discussion is the 5th draft
of the proposed changes in the Sign Ordinance as a result of
meetings with the Chm~er of Commerce and the sign industry.
He has asked for cormnents on thc matter and had received none
to date. }la felt it fair to say that the ordinance would be
a liberalization of the present ordinance, providing more
leeway, providing fo~ more signs and sign area in some eases.
Chairman llalus opened the public portion of the hearing at 16:47 P.M.
Nr. Con Adams, President of the Chamber of Ccanmerce, stated this
thing started a year and a half ago at which time the Chamber
formed a blue ribbon task force which ccm~pleted 280 man hours
on their study. At no time did this conm~ittee want cluttered
signs, but they want good signs for the business people.
Mr. Barl~tta stated that all the people involved in this, including
all the City agencies, have worked very hard and should be
eeanplimented, lie felt they were very close to agreeing on a
Sign Ordinance, lie requested a joint meeting concerning one or
P.C. Minnies
5/12./69 I'g. 13
two major items and about seven or eight minor items that
perhaps just need a word chansed here and there, lie felt
a joint session w~th all the persons, involved would be the
best thing now.
Mr. MahoncZ asked if Mr. Barletta was proposing a meeting
with both the Council and the Co~nission.
Mr. Barletta suggested meeting with the staff and as 'many people
from the Chamber as possible, business people, etc., for a
"sh ir ts leeve scs s ion."
Chairman llalus closed the public portion of the hearing at
11:00 P.M.
.Moved by Mr. Mahoney.~. seconded, by Mr. Larnard that this matter
be continu~c..d., tp J.une 9, 1969 to study the Sign Ordinance and
recommended that a workshop be ca.lled for the. people involyed..
Motion carried 6-0.
~pc~t~.~on: Northwest corner of 17th S[reet and Yorba Street.
~r. Su in~. presented the staff re'oCt stating the reason for
the application is to divide the parcgl at zone line for purposes
of sale and development. He said both parcel 1 and 2 of the
property have recently been rezoned to C~2 and R-3 (1900)
respectively, l%is Parcel Map is necessary to separate the
zoning districts and create the parcels for development. Ail
street improvements have been constructed on both parcels. The
staff reconmends approval subject to final approval by the City
Engineer and recordation of the map.
Moved by, Mr. WebsteE~ s~condp~ bM }irs. Ludwig that a minute order
~eadopted approving Pbi-69-19 subject to final approval by the
City Engineer and recordation of the map.
Motion carried 6~b. '
1. COUN'fY CASE ZC-68-56 - R. T. FRENCH DEVq~LOI~5~f
For rezoning from thc 100-E4 (Small Estates) District to
the CN (C~,mnercial, Neighborhood) District.
Location: Tile northwest corner of the intersection of 17th St.
and Newport Avenue.
}fr. SI,pinE. er. presented the staff report stating his recon~nendation
that the County be infoz~ned of the Commission's opposition to this
P.C. Minutes
5/12/69 Pg. 14
proposed zone change for the following reasons:
The proposed commercial zoning conflicts with the
Tustin Area General Plan which designates the subject
property fo~ Medium Low Density Residential use
(2.5 dwelling u~lits/acre).
2. Adequate justification has not been made for modification
of the General Plan.
The City of Tustin is conducting an Economic Study which
will analyze land use needs. It would seem appropriate
that no rezoning in conflict with the General Plan
should take place until the analysis is available.
Chairman Halus declared a short recess to change the tape on
the tape recorder at 11:02 P.M. -
Meeting reconvened at 11:05 P.M.
I6 answer to Mr. Mahoney's question, Mr. S.upinger stated that no
correspondence, had been received from residents in the area.
Chairv~an ]]alus stated although ~his was not a public hea~ing,
the Commissioners would hear anyone in the audience who wished to speak.
Mr., .Ro.be~t..S. Ba.r~netJ~., attorney, Newport Beach, representing
the applicant, stated that Richard's Market and shopping
center is the proposal for this property. He said the City
has an excellent opportunity at this' ti~ne to insure the
highest possible and best use of that area with the adjacent
residential and con~nercial areas. There will be no signs
vis ib le.
Mr. Jo.hn. J.a.m. ieson, 445 South "D" Street, Tustin, stated he
lives near this proposed'pYoject an~ is' not in any way involved
in the French development. Not too ldng' ago he was approached
about the same property on the development of E-4 which means
exactly the way it's zoned. It was impossible to come up with
a program, with the influence of high-rise financing, that would
sell for anything less than $50,000 to $65,000 per house. In his
opinion this is not a place for residential development.
Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded ,by Mr. Larnard that the County
receive a letter from the Commission indicating that it 0~ppose. s
the requested rezonin5 in .applica.tion Z,C~.68..56 for the followin8
The proposed conmercial zoning conflicts with the Tustin
Area General Plan which designates the subject property
for Median Low Density Residential use (2.5 dwelling
The City of Tustin is conducting an Econo,mic Study which
will analyz~ land use' needs. It would seem appropriate
that no rezoning, in conflict with the General Plan should
take place until the'analysis is available.
3. Adequate justification has not been made for modification
of the General Plan.
4. At this point and time there appears to be no justification
for additional comnmrcial zoning in tile Tustin Area.
Motion carried 6-0.
P.C. Minutes
5/1 -/69
Cbairm~n llalus stated there had been some discussion among
the Commissioners to eliminate the pre-meeting and go r.ight
into the meeting.
.Moved by Mr. Oster,. seconded by Mr. Mahoney. t!3at, the pre-meetings
be dispensed with and the reEnlar meetings beEin..with the
Public Hearings at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Webster stated that the intended purpose of th~ pre-meeting
is for technical discussion and it is very difficult to maintai~
that attitude of strictly technical discussion.
AB SE N~f: S I LA~,P
Motion carried 6-0.
Moved by Mr._Mahoney, seConded by Mrs. Ludwig that the meetin~
be adjourned. Motion carried 6-0 (Mr. Sharp absent).
There being no further business before the Co~mtlssfon, Chairman
~.lus declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.