HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-24-69CALL TO
MARCH 24, 1969
The meeting was called to order at .7:36 P.M. by
Chairman Halu~
L__e~ by Mrs. Ludwig
Oster, Ludwig, Halus, Sharp,
Larnard, Mahoney, Webster
Absent: Commissioner: None
Others Present:
Harry E. Gill, City Administrator
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Mahone~, seconded by Mr. Larnard,
that the~ minutes of Februar3 10, 1969, be approved as
corrected. Carried unanimously°
It was moved by Mr. Mahone~, seconded by Mr. Larnard
that the minutes of Febr__u_a_r.y 24, 1969, be approved as
submitted. Carried unanimously_~
Mr. Oster asked that hi~ reason for abstaining on hearings
No. 1 and 2, (UP-69-286 - Diversified Shopping Centers, Inc)'
and (V-69-234 - Eugene F. &Rita Tutt) be incorporated in
the minutes of March 10, 1969. Reason being that he was
absent .for the 'Febzuary 24th meeting and the above hearings
were presented at that tim~ and then continued to the March
10th meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Sharp that the
minutes of March 10, 1969 be approved as corrected.
Carried unanimously.
To permit two (2) free standing signs identifying a
service station which is proposed to be a part of a
5.7 acre commercial complex.
Property is located at the southwest corner at
the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Walnut
Avenue and fronts approximately 620' on the north-
west side of Red Hill Avenue and 400' on the south-
west.side of Walnut Avenue.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report recommending two
1. That the sign, footing and poles be designed
in such a manner as to avoid conflict with the
proposed storm drain to be constructed in the
immediate area.
2. That final design elevations and locations
be §ubject to the approval of the City Engineer.
Tho proposed signs that have b~n ~mquested are to have a
'height of 2]' '
,,,~'. r~. or n .... ft. each s£~e e~d a total
area of 96 sq. it. ¢,: ¢ ,
Chairman Ha]us opened the public portion of the hearing
at 7:40 P.M.
Those in opposition were represented by a letter submitted
to the Planning Commission, written by Mr. Thomas Woodruff,
President of Tustin Meadows Homeowners Association, 14552
Emerywood Rd, on behali of the Tustin Meadows Homeowners.
The letter ~tated that to allow two free-standing signs for
the Standard Oil Service Station is strongly opposed by the
Tustin Homeowners Association, although they would not oppose
one (1) pole sign provided it measures no more than 150 sq. °ft~
of surface area with a height somewhat less than 21 feet.
This letter is on file in the Planning De'partment.
Mr. Gary Pavan, Secretary of the Tustin Homeowners Association
residing at 14521 Westfall, Tustin, verbally opposed the re-
quest, asking what reason was a sign needed other than one on
the building identifying the Standard Oil Station.
Mr. John Ginos, 3401 East Chapman, Orange, representative,
described the structure and the design and stated th.at he
would answer questions if the Commission so desired.
There being no further comments or discussion from the audi-
ence, Chairman Halus.declared the public portion of the hear-
ing closed at 7:44 P.M.
The Commission discussed the signs relative to size, design,
the traffic flow along Red Hill and Walnut Avenue, the sur-
rounding properties and the location' of residential sections.
Chairman Halus and Mr. Shar_~ voiced disapproval of subject
.request for the following reasons:
1. An excessive amount of signs cause clutter.
2. Size, height and dimensions exceed the Sign
Ordiqance requirements.
3. Two (2) signs are.excessive.
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Mahoney that
Resolution No. 1062 be adopted, conditionally approving
Application No. V-69"240 for the followin9 reasons:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not
constitute a grant of special privilege incon-
sistent with the limitations upon other proper-
ties in the vicinity and district in which the
subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable
to the subject property, including size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings, the strict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
properties in the vicinity and under identical zone
3. .That the minutes and evidence introduced at the
hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the motion.
Condit.ions of approval:.
That the sign footing and poles be designed in such
a manner as to avoid conflict with the proposed storm
drain to be constructed in the immediate area.
That final design elevations and locations be subject.
to the approval of the City Engineer.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Mahoney,
Larnard, Webster, Ludwig, Oster. Noes: Halus, Sharp.
Carried 5-2.
I'C Minutes - March 24, 196!)
2. V-69--239 - ,SACK POI'Il.iRS ZAI1M - To permit:
A swimming pool on the front one-half (%) of the
lot and less than 50' from the front property line
with filter and ]]eating systems less than 30' from
an adjacent dwelling not on the subject parcel.
A 6' wall within the fron~ setback area surrounding
the proposed pool.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that the
· applica~{s justification relates to enhancing the beauty
of his property and also to elimi'nate any problems which
might be caused by existing eucalyptus trees along the
rear or southerly property line which would result in de-
bris falling into any pool constructed in the backyard area.
Mr. Suping~ recommended denial, feeling that a hardship
was not shown by the applicant.
Chairman Ha!us opened the public pQrtion of the hearing
at 8:10 P.M.
Mr. Jack Zahm, applicant,' residing at 17592 Westbury Lane,
described the layout of the property and stated that because
of the trees in the backyard shading his property, it made
swimming uncomfortably cool, plus the extra maintenance care
from falling leaves and debris caused by the trees. He men-
tioned that the adjacent neighbors would not be able to see
any activities from their homes regarding the pool and its
Mr. David E. Ilonadle, 17612 Westbury Lane, presented a
petition to the Co]~nission, consisting of 28 names by ad-
joining neighbors opposing subject application for the
following reasons:
1. It is not in conformity with good planning.
A wall on the front of the property might
result in an unattractive feature, causing
the value of surrounding property to lessen.
There is not sufficient justification shown
for the granting of a variance.
The petition is on file in the Planning Department.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:25 P.M.
The Commissioners discussed the trees in question, restric-
tions or covenants on the property, noise factors, distance
involved from adjacent property owners and regulations of
such.a request.
Commissioner Oster'stated that all other requests relating
to swimming pools have shown a definite hardship due to the
layout of the property and called attention to any corre-
spondence that has been submitted opposing such a request,
stating that this is the first application that has had any
opposition voiced in regard to approving a swimming pool.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that
ApplicatiOn No. V-69-239 be denied for the followin9 reasons:
That the adjustment applied for will constitute
a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the
limitations upon other properties in the vicinity
and district in which the property is situated.
PC Minutes - March 2~., ].969
That special circumstances applicab].e to the sub-
ject property, including size, shape, topography,
locatJ, on or surroundings, do not, because of the
strict application of the zoning ordinance, deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
prope~.ties in the vicinity and. under identical zone
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by reference
and made a part of the motion.
The above motion carried 7-0.
REFINING COMPANY - First & Tustin Avenue
To permit replacement of one (1) free-standing sign
and two (2) roof signs, all three of which are exist-
ing and non-conforming, as follows:
Height: 28'2", area per side 93 sq. ft., total area
186 sq. ft., located within the r~quired setback
area and revolving.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that a
building permit was recently refused because the proposed
sign would not comply with the provisions of the'ordinance
"and involved removal of existihg non-conforming signs and
replacement with a non-conforming sign.
He recommended conditional approval as follows:
1 That the proposed sign have a maximum height of 23'
be stationary, and have a maximum total area of 186
sq. ft~ .-
2. That two street trees ~e installed on the Tustin
Avenue frontage as per the Master Street Tree Plan.
Chairman Ilalus opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:30 P.M.
Those in favor of subject application, attending the meeting
were Mr. M. H. Devine, applicant on behalf of Humble Oil,
923 E. Arlee Place, Anaheim and Mr. Wayne A. Goodell, Humble
Oil Company representative, described the signs, explained
the proposed locations and asked that the Commission give
careful consideration to their application.
There being no further discussion from the audience,
Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing
closed at 8:37 P.M.
Commissioner Oster stated that in prior occasions, signs
have been t'raded for signs that~ are being taken down and
felt that this should be encouraged to eliminate "clutter"
of signs.
It was moved bX Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Mahpn~y, that
Resolution No. 1063, be adopted conditionally approving
Application No. V-69-237 for the followin~ reasons:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not
constitute a grant of special privilege incon-
sistent with the limitations upon other properties
in the vicini'ty and district in which the subject
property is situated.
PC Minutes - March 24, 1969
That because of special circumstances applicable
to the subject property, including size, shape,
%opography, location or surroundings, the strict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
propertie~ in the vicinity and under identical
zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
are included by reference and made a part of the
· Conditions of approval are:
That the proposed sign have a maximum height of
28'2", be stationary, and have a maximum total
area of 186 sq. ft.
2. That two (2) street trees be installed on Tustin
Avenue frontage as per the Master Street Tree Plan.
The above motion was voted by roil call. Ayes: Oster~
Mahoney,'Larnard, webster. Noes: Halus, Ludwig, Sharp
Motion carried 4-3.
REFINING COMPANY - 14982 North Prospect Avenue.
To permit the removal of an existing non-conforming
free-standing sign and replacement with one (1) free-
standing sign with a height of 28'2", 93 sq. ft. per
side, total area of 186 sq. ft., located within the
required setback area and revolving
Mr. Supinger presented the'staff report stating that a
................. building permit for the removal of.the.existing sign and
replacement with the subject sign was recently refused
because the sign replacing the non-conforming sign would
not comply with the Sign Ordinance relative to height,
area, location and that the sign was proposed to revolve.
~e recommended conditional approval as follows:
1. That the sign have a m~ximum height of 26'6".
2. That the sign have a maximum area of 186 sq. ft.
3. That the sign be stationary.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:40 P.M.
Those in favor of subject application, attending the meeting
were Mr. M . H. Devine, applicant on behalf of Humble Oil
Company, 923 ~..Arlee Place, Anaheim and Mr. Wayne A. Goodell¢
Humble Oil representative, 500 South Main Street, Orange.
Mr. Devine stated that this request is substantially the
.same and stated that the canopy signs will be removed.
Mr. Goodell stated that the large fin sign at the inter-
section corner is now supported on 2 steel poles extending
at some unusual angle and will be cut off at the ground,
removed and a new pole (straight pole) will be used. He
also stated that the leading edge of the canopy is now
painted red and will be repainted white.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
d~clared the public portion of %he hearing closed at
lm,M , ;
PC Minutes - March 24, '1969
it Qas movo3~b_~. Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Webster~
that Resolution No. 1064 be a~o_gpted, conditionall~
approving. A}?plication No. V-69-236 for the follqwin~
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not
constitute a grant of special privilege incon-
sistent with the limitations upon other
properties in the vicinity and district in which
the subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable
'to the subject property, including size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings, the strict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
properties' in the vicinity and under identical
zone classification.
As additional grounds, th~ minutes and evidence
are included by referencg, and made a part of the
Conditions of approval are:
1. That the sign have a maximum height of 28'2".
2. That the sign have a maximum area of 186 sq. ft.
3. That the sign be stationary.
4. That the signs on the canopies be removed.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Sharp, Mahoney, Halus, Larnard, Webster. Noes:
Carried 6-1.
REFINING CpMPANY - Walnut Ave. & Newport Ave.
To permit the replacement of two (2) existing non-conforming
free-standing pole signs with one (1) free-standing pole
sign with a height of 28'2", an area of 93 sq. ft. per side,
a total of 186 sq. ft. total area, within the required set-
back and revolving.-
Mr. Supin~er presented the staff report stating that a
building permit for the construction of subject sign was
recently refused because the proposed sign replaced two
(2) existing nonconforming signs and does not comply with
the ordinance provisions relative to free-standing signs
for service stations.
He recommended conditional approval as follows:
That the sign have a maximum height of 22'6",
a maximum area of 186 sq. ft. all sides and be
That one 'street tree be installed in the Walnut
· Avenue frontage in accordance with the Master
Street Tree Plan.
Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing
open at 8:45 P.M.
Mr. Devine and Mr. Goodell again spoke in favor of subject
application, stating.that the fin sign that is located on
top of the canopy and the pole sign located at the north-
westerly corner of the property will be taken down.
Chairman Halus decla=ed the public portion of the hearing
closed at 8:50 P.M..
PC Minutes - March 24, 1969
Commissioner Oster commented on the "painted tire sale
sign" on the window and Mr. Goodell stated that he thought
that could be removcd or replaced with a better sign. He
also asked who would be responsible for the installation
of the one tree required by the Planning Department.
Mr. Gill stated that the City would be happy to install
the tree but that there would be a fee required. Mr. Goodell
agreed with that arrangement.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Webster, that
"Resolution No. 1065 be adopted, conditionally ap~rovin~
Application No. V-69-238 for the followin~ reasons:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not
constitute a grant of special privilege incon-
sistent with the limitations upon other properties
in the vicinity and district in which the subject
property is situated.
. .2 ·
That'because of special, circumstances'applicable
to the subject property, including size, shape,
' topography, location or surroundings, the strict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
"properties in the vicinity and under identical
zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by
reference and made a part of the motion.
Recommended conditions of approval are:
That the sign have a maximum height of 28'2",
a maximum area of 186 sq. ft. all sides and be
· stationary. -
That one street tree be installed in the Walnut
Avenue frontage in accordance with the Master
Street Tree Plan.
That all signs on the canopies and above the
building line be removed in accordance with the
· representation of the Humble Oil representative.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Mahoney,
Larnard, Webster, Oster. Noes: Halus, Sharp, Ludwig.
Carried 4-3.
Chairman Halus expressed the City's appreciation to the
applicants for their sign beautification and the removal
of some of their signs in helping to eliminate sign clutter.
To permit the modification of Condition ~11 in con-
nection with the establishment of a 118 unit apart-
ment complex in the R4-3800 "Suburban Residential"
~ou~hwest side of Mitchell Avenue, approximately
620 ft. southeast of ~ew~t Av~, ~ ~hm ~e
east Tustin area.
PC Minutes - March 2,'~, ].969
.M_].'_._._.S.?.~i.~j!~_~_e_r~ prescl~ted the staff report stating that the
applicant is proposJ, ng to remodel the rear wall of the
carport and construct wall extensions which will have a
Spanish character inqreasJ, ng the height from 3%' to a
maximum of 8'. He felt that this proposal will increase
the visual attraction of the area and would be an attrac-
tive addition to the project. He ~ecommended approval
of subject application.
It was moved b~ Mr. Larnard, seconded.b~ Mr. Mahoney that
~ letter be directed to the County voiqin~ no objection
.and encouraging, the modification of. condition #11 as ~ro-
posed by the applicant.
Carried 7-0.
The Commissioners felt that the new format is better
and can be more readily reviewed than the old form
and expressed appreciati6n for the shorter and yet
concise report.
Mr. Gill suggested that clear concise plans be en-
couraged as the plans are submitted to the Planning
Department regarding applications. He suggested that
if the exhibits are not legible that they be refused.
He stated that ~is makes a hardship on the Co.hunissioners
and if this procedure is acceptable, that it be enforced
Chairman Halus concurred.
Commissioner Webster expressed concern regarding corre-
spondence being submitted after the Commissioner's books
have already been prepared and sent out. He felt that
it was to6'confusin9 .and did not allow enough time to
read and review .the la~e incoming information. He
suggested that there be some cutoff time for submittal
of any pertinent information regarding the meeting and
after that deadline, the staff could read that infor-
mation during the hearing for the benefit of the audi-
ence as well as the Commissionerg.
The Architectural Committe rescheduled their meeting
of March 19th to March 20th, 4:45 P.M.
There being no further business before the Commission, It
was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded b~ Mrs. Ludwig, that
the meetin~ be adjourned.
Chairman H~l~s declared the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.