HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-10-69CALL TO
M1NUtes of a regular meeting
MARCH 10, 1969
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman
L_e_d by ChaJ. rman Hal. us
Oster, I,udwig, tlalus, Mahoney,
Larnard, Webster.
Absent: Commissioner: Sharp
Others Present:
Harry E. Gi].l, City Adm.~.nistrator
James G. Rourke, CJ. ty Attorney
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
C~-6-K{i-J-~e~' from
To permit the development of a 5.7 acre shopping complex
in the C-2(Central ConunercJ. a]) District, including a
service station, supermarket, automobile service center
and a bank with drive-in facilities and other retail.
Southwest corner of the intersectJ, on of Red tIill
and'Walnut Avenues.
Mr. Oster stated that he,would be abstaining from any comments
or voting on tIearings ~1 and ~2.
Mr. Suoincer stated that there were two proposed conditions
that were continued regarding this hearing. The conditions
are as follows:
Temporary promotional displays shall be limited to
30 days per quarter year.
(27) Hours of business conducted in the complex.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:37 P.M.
Mr. Ran_ny_Draper, President of Diversified Shopping Centers,
Inc., 4533 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, stated that he
has discussed the hour limitatibn with some of the tenants
and they have agreed upon the hours of 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.
weekdays including Sunday and 6:00 A.M. to midnight on
Friday and Saturday. Mr. Draper continued to say that one
tenant in the future may want to operate his business with
longer hours. He did not anticipate th~s at this time, but
in the event that this is requested at a later date, he asked
if they could apply for a variance to modify this condition.
Chairman Halus stated that Mr. Draper's question was noted and
that a request for a modification could be made at a later date
under the Use Permit procedure.
Mr. Draper stated that a blanket statement of no window
regarding signs would make it an undue hardsh~.p on the proposed
tenants, but fe].t that a reasonable limitation could be set. and
agreed upon.
PC I.iJ.]~utes - I.larch 10, 1969
Mr. Thom.as Woodruff, 14552 Emerywood Road, representing thc
Tustin tlome Owners Association, stated that they have no
basic object-ion of the busJness hours stated e~:r][er by
Mr. Draper. He felt that the 33-1/3% allowable windo;.: space
for sign display was not objectionable and that the Arc)ii-
%ectural Conuttittee could take care of the landscaping
There being no further coit~ttents or objections from the
audience, Chairman Halus declared the public portion of
%he hearing closed at 7:46 P.M.
It was moved b~ Mr. Websi:er~_~econded bY_ Mrs. Lud~.~ig that
Resolution No. ]05]. be ado~__ted...ap?r__.ov__in_~g_ tile two conditions
under discussion relative to UP-69-286, Diversified Shopping
Centers, Inc. for the following reasons:
The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare
of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood
of tile proposed use and it will not be injurious or detri-
mental to the property and improvement in the neighborhood
or the general welfare of the City.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of %he motion.
-Conditions of approval are:
Temporary promotional displays shall be limited to
30 days per quarter, the area of which shall not
exceed 1/3 of the window area per store front.
The hours of operation shall be 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.
Sunday through Thursday and 6:00 A.M. to midnight on
Friday and Saturday.
The above motion carried 5-0.
Absent: Sharp
Mr. Oster.
V-69-234 - EUGENE F. AND RITA C. TUTT - (Continued from
· To permit signs identifying a proposed Mr. UP Restaurant
and a Shell Oil Company Service Station.
Fronts approximately 180 ft. on the southeast
side of Red tIill Avenue and approximately 170 ft.
on the northeast s.ide of Nisson Road at the inter-
section of Red tlill and Nisson Road.
The requested signs are as follows:
Freeway identification sign, within required setback area,
80 ft. height, total area of 738 sq. ft.
Local identification sign, within required setback area,
20 ft. height, total area of 90 sq. ft.
c. Mr. UP Restaurant wall sign, 7 sq. ft.
d. Shell Oil wa].], sign, 25 sq. ft.
e. Total sign area on the site 860 sq. ft.
Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report recommending
approval. He stated that the proposed deve].opment Js a com-
plex as defined in the Sign Ordinance with two businesses on
one parcel..
. !
PC l.li~utes - l.larch ].0, 1969
The ordinance pern~].ts on].y one pole sign per comp].cx, but
permits sign area and heJ. ght to exceed those stated in the
ordinance because the parcel is within 200 ft. of the free-
way off-ramp.
Approval is required to locate a pole sign in the required
setback (15 ft. along Red tIill.)
Ordinance permits only one wall sign per wall. If the parcel
was not within 200 it. of an off-ramp only 340 sq. ft. of
total sign area would be permitted on the site.
The proposed wall signs are proposhd to identify functional
areas and eliminate confusion among patrons. Restaurant
users wi].], gravitate towards the restaurant sign and to the
elevator to the restaurant. Tile Shell Oil sign is toward the
service station end of the building. It is felt that these
signs are needed because of the new concept employed in the
Chairman }Ialus opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:50 P.M.
Those in attendance speaking in favor of the application
we re:
Mr. Euqene Tutt, 1501 Nisson Road, applicant.
Mr. Hiram de Fries, 3.136 North Br.ookhurst, Anaheim,
Shell. Oil Representative.
Mr. Demeur_s_', 4500 Campus Drive, Newport Beach,
President of Colony Kitchen.
Renderings were presented of the proposed signs and it was
felt by the applicant that it is necessary in freeway
identification to separate the restaurant and the service
station signs.
There be].ng no further discussion or co~nents from the
audience, Chairman IIa]us declared the public portion of
the hearing closed at 8:00 P.M.
The Planning Commissioners viewed the sign testing of tile
site and felt that the applicants were justified in their
reques t.
It was moved b~ Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard that
Resolution No. 1052 be adopted approving apDlication V-69-
234 for the following reasons:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not consti-
tute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with
the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity
and district in which the subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable to the
subject property, including size, shape, topography,
location or surroundings, the strict application of the
Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of privi-
leges e.njoyed by. other properties ~n the vicinity unde~
identical zone classification.
As add].tional grounds, the minutes and evidence intro-.
duced at the hearing are included by reference and made
a part of the motion.
The above mot.ion carried 4-1.
Oster. Absent: Sharp.
Noes: Halus. Abstained:
PC ~.:inutes - ~.larch 10, 1969
3. V-69-233---JOI;N ROACH & J]::RO.~.i!~ ST].:WART
To permit the construction of an office bui].ding in the
C-2-P (Central Commercial and Combined Parking) District
as follows:
The provJ, sion of 13 off-street parking spaces for
a 5,463 sq. ft. building. Nineteen (19) off-street
parking spaces are required by the Ordinance.
Setback of 40 ft. from the centerline of E1 CamJno
Real and Main Street. Zero ft. (0') setback from
property ].~ne, Ordinance requires 55 ft. setback
from centerline.
Site is at the southwest corner of the intersection
of Main Street and E1 Camino Rea]. and fronts 70 ft.
on the south side of Main Street and 100 ft. on the
west side of E1 Camino Real.
Mr. Supinger presented a staff report stating that the hearing
on this app].ication was continued from the last meeting to per-
mit revision and re-noticing of the hearing to include setback
reduction in addition to the previously applied for parking
The Zoning Ordinance requires ].9 parking spaces for the pro-
posed 5,463 sq. ft. building. Applicants plan ].3 parking
spaces, six short of the required amount. Al.so requested is
a reduction in the required 55 ft. se%back from the centerline
- of E1 Camino Real and Main Street. The proposed setback is 40
ft. from centerline. Setbacks are required because both
E1 Camino Real and Main are secondary highways on the Select
Street System.
Mr. S~_~inger stated that the Planning Department recommends
approval of the requested variance to encourage re-develop-
ment in the area. Any development, even with a variance, is
better than the present condition of the property.
Recommended conditions of approval are:
1. Approval of plans by the Architectural Committee.
Installation of street trees per the Master Street
Tree Plan.
3. Close off ali. unused driveway entrances.
Modify drainage structure as necessary to permit new
driveway construction to the satisfaction of the City
Reconstruct broken and missing sections of concrete
Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing
open at 8:03 P.M..
Those in attendance favoring subject application were:
Mr. John Roach, 13671 Malena Drive, Tustin, Applicant.
Mr. John Jamieson, 445 E1 Camino Real, Tustin.
Those in opposition were:
Mr. E. D. Boosey, 14271 Lambeth Way, on behalf of his
wife, owner of property located at 460 E1 Camino Real.
Mr. R. J. Redline, 4575 Mount King Drive, San Diego.
PC 1.'~inutes - 1,1arch 10, 1969
Their objection was rela[-,ive t:o the setback and re-
duction in the number of parking spaces.
There bein~j no further co;m~ients from the audience,
Chairman Hal.us declared the public portion of the hearing
closed at ~':15 P.M.
After a brief discussion among the Commissioners, it was
moved, b~y_ Mr. M~2p~_~l~f_:_S.qqo_nj]Z~j.]._b.y.~;.l.__O..s_~:9_r., that Resolution
_No .__ ~ u0 . .5.' _3' be adopted conditiona, 1..l~, apurov~n~ V--~'9~,-3'3--f'~/'"t~'
................. _~ .___-' ' _._~ .....
following red, sons:
That the adjus'tment hereby authorized wi].] not
constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent
with the limitations upon other properties in the
vicinity and district in which the subject property
is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable to
the subject property, including size, shape, topo-
graphy, location or surroundings, the strict appli-
cation of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject
property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in
the vicinity and under identical zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence intro-
duced at the hearing are included by reference and made
a part of the motion.
Conditions of approval, are:
1. Approval of plans by thc Architectural Con~:~ittee.
Installation of street trees per the Master Street
Tree Plan.
3. Close off all unused driveway entrances.
Modify drainage structure as necessary to permit
new driveway construction to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer.
Reconstruct broken and missing sections of concrete
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent: Mr. Sharp.
For rezoning of a parcel of land totalling approximately
34 acres from the M(Indus'trial) District to the following:
PC (Planned Community - Single Family Residential -
6.1 d.u./acre) - 28 acres.
PC (Planned Community - Multiple Family Residential -
14 d.u./acre) - 3 acres.
PC (Planned Con~.un~.ty - Commercial, including two
(2) service stat.~ons and convenience shopping) - 3
Location: Site fronts approximately 1245 ft. on the southeast
side of Red Hill Avenue and approximately 1292 ft.
on the southwest side of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad at
the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Ed.~nger..
Property is bounded on the southeast and south%-;est
sides by the Marine Corps Air Facility.
t'C ~.iinutes - ~.1arch 10, 1969
.Mr..__.S.._u~_~lg_?r presented the staff report stating that t'his
proposal is for Planned Community zoning to permit
mately 170 Single 1.'amily Residences, approximately 42 Multiple
Fami].y Residences, two service stations and retail shops.
tie stated that the City should, in his opinion, try to maintai
adequate area for industrial develoument and expansion. 'J.'his
would not be done if the subject proposal is approved. The
Santa Fe Railroad restricts users of its land to those in-
dustries which are railroad freight related. This would leave
only about 80 acres of Irvine Industrial Complex land for non-
railroad related industries.
· The residential uses are in conflict with the industrial land
use designation shown for the subject property on the Tustin
Area General Plan.
Mr. Supinger recon%mended denial to the City Council of
ZC-69-191 for the following reasons:
The proposed rezoning conflicts with the General Plan
which designates the area for industrial use.
The possibilities for expanding and increasing the
City's economic base would be severely hindered by
the removal of subject land from the industrial
3. 'Residential uses south of the A.T.. & S.F. Railroad
tracks are not desirable from a locational standpoint.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence intro-
duced at the hearing are included by reference and
made a part of the motion.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing
at 8:20 P.M.
Those representing the applicant were:
Mr. Bruce Wallace, 401 W. Eighth St., Santa Ana, Attorney
representing the applicant.
Mr. Robert Galloway, 504 N. Newport Blvd, Newport Beach,
Mr. Leonard Brunswick, South Laguna, Architect
Mr. Merv Johnson, 511 South Brookhurst Street, Fullerton,
(Tustin Properties), developer of the project.
The representatives presented renderings of the proposed
project and stated that they felt the suggested zone change
would be an improvement of the General Plan. They felt that
it was an attractive, well planned project and would be a
benefit to the community. Items discussed were relative to
economics, noise factors, air pollution, aesthetics of the
development and the over-all design. They concluded by
stating that they would be glad to work with the City re-
garding any requirements set forth.
Mr. Johnson stated that people in the middle income brhcket
could enjoy these homes to be sold at $24,000 to $28,000.
Mr. Con Adams, 520 East Fourth Street, President of the
Chamber of Commerce, stated that the City has embarked upon
the Economic Feasibility Study with Development Research
Associates, and it would appear that if there are any doubts
about the need for industrial zoned property, that the study
will certainly outline the need and opportunities that lie
PC l.;inutcs - i.i,.'~rcl~ 10, 196~
Mr. Adams, c. -,.'
.,pe~L,].ng fo2.* the Chandper of Conm',erce, suggcst,'~.~d
~enial of subject application and ar,y requests to re;zone the
present ].in]ired and vit~al].y important ].and now designated
for industrial use.
Col. K. E. Ilunt:ing..L.'_o_i}{, Com_manding Officer of the Marine Corps
Air 1.'acili~y, spoke xn opposJ, tion to the requested application
due to the hazards of helicopters in the general area and the
flight patt. ern. Pictures were presented to the Commission to
review the flight pattern of the MarJ. ne Corps Air Facility.
Chairman IIa].us declared a five minute recess.
The Planning Commission Meeting reconvened at 9:05 P.M.
Mr. WebsLer stated that the plans of the proposed development
were good plans but the location of the development was in
the wrong place.
The Commissioners discussed the benefits of subject property
remaining industrial, the casy access to freeways eliminating
traffic problems, industrial uses having obnoxious odors and
noise problems, which could be partJ, al]y control].ed by the
Planning Commission, taxes, economics involved and the aesthet-
The Commissioners felt that this is the only logical place
in Tustin for industrial, uses and it would be compatible with
the General Plan.
It was moved by Mr. Webster, seconded bY Mr. Larnard, that.
~eso].ution No. 1054 be adopt.?_df_]r_.ec___o_~u_~Le_!%_ding~ denial, of Zone
Change. (ZC-6~--1-9-~_1-_) t__o _t_he___C_i__tff. Council f:or the i0].lowing
The proposed rezoning conflicts with the Genera].
Plan which designates the area for industrial use.
The possibilities for expanding and increasing the
City's economid base would be severely hindered by
the removal of subject land in the industrial district.
Residential uses south of the A.T. & S.F. Rail. road
tracks are not desirable from a ].ocatJonal standpoint.
4. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by reference
and made a part of the motion.
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent: Sharp.
To consider the approval of specific plans for the
development of a 40 unit apartment project in the PC-
R-3(1900) (Planned Community, Multip].e Family Residential.,
1900 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling unit) District.
Site fronts approximately 470 ft. on the west si~
of Yorba Street and approximately ].64 ft. on the
south side of Medford Avenue at the intersection
of Yorba Street and Medford Avenue.
Mr. Oster stat:ed that he would abstain from comment, ing or
voting on subject app]ication.
PC I.:inuLes - I.:arc'n 10, 1969
Mr. Supj.n. jE?...r- present, ed %he staff report s%atJ, ng t]'~a~ thc
proposal is for development of a 40 unit apartn;cnt complex on a
77,080 sq. f~'. parcel r(~sulting ~n 1927 sq.ft, of lot area
per dwelling unit and a density of 22.6 dwelling units per
The proposal calls for the development of 16 one-bedroom
units and 24 two-bedroom units. Parking is ].ocated at the
north and south ends of the project and meets thc require-
ments. Access, either pedestrian or vehicular, is limited
to three points, the two driveways and a main entrance on
Yorba because of a 6'8" masonry wall surrounding the project.
It was felt that this feature is a good idea because on-
street parking will be discouraged to the greatest possible
He stated that the Architectural. Committee has reviewed the
prelimJ, nary plans and has conditionally approved the plans
subject to modification of "end" building elevations facing
the north, south and east, installation of street trees and
approval and ins'LallatJ, on of landscaping.
Mr. Supi.nger recommended approval subject to final approval
by the Architectural Committee and the suggested requirement
of the F. ngineerJng Department which is the approval and re-
cordation of a parcel map separating commercial and resi-
dential portions of the property.
Chairman Hal.us opened the public portion of the hearing at
9:20 P.M.
Mr. George Brewer, ].3791 Pal. ace Way, stated that he was
speaking on behalf of the neighbors and they have no basic
objections of the design as it is.
There being no further comments or discussion from the audience
Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing
closed at 9:22 P.M.
After a brief discussion among the Commissioners, It was
moved by Mr. Webster, seconded b~ Mrs. Ludwig, tha~ Resolution
No. 1055 be adopted conditiona].ly approving ~pplication UP-69-
293 for the following reasons:
The Commission finds that the estab].ishment, maintenance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare
of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood
of the proposed use and it will not be detrimental to
%he property and improvement in the neighborhood or the
general welfare of the City.
As additional grounds, the mi~utes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the motion.
Conditions of approval are:
1. Approval of plans by the Architectural Committee.
2. Approval. and recordation of a parcel map separating
the commercial and residential portions of the property.
To permit a take-out food establishment (Taco Shop) in
the C-1 (Retail Commercial) District.
Fronts approxJ, ma%e]y 92 ft. on the north side
of First Street approximately 350 ft. east of
the center].~ne of Prospect Avenue.
PC ;.:inure..'.; - }.k,,rch 10, ]969
Mr. Su]~Jngc:r prosc:r~'i:c.'d t]lc? staff rc.'.pc~i:t st:sting
:tako-~.-['[~"[,.-J"~-d' wo.].k-ut~ food estab].i.~;]lii~.c]lL.s are permJt. Lc,d
in the C-1 DisLrict subjecL to securing a Uso Permit as
per ].'ormal 1.'indJ. ng No. 67-]. adol~t(,d Apr'il 22, ].968. Pro--
posal is for a take-out Taco Shop o,-'l thc parco], adjac¢:nt
and to the east of McDonald's.
Mr. Su[~_i..].].?:o[[ stated that the proposal, for a take-out pJ.c
shop has been withdrawn by the applicant, tlc recommended
conditional approval as follows:
That drivo--throug]] faci].Jties be physica].]y blocked
unCJ]. C-2 zonJ. ng and a subsequent Usc: Permit for a
drive-in restaurant have been approved.
That plans be submitted to the Architcc:tural Committee
for review.
That ali. structura] components, inc].uding canopy pro--
jections be located a m.~nimum of 65 ft. from the center-
line of First Stree%.
That the provisions of the j. mprovement agreer, tenL entered
into by Mr. Bernatz in conjunc[J.on with Parcel. Map Pi, i-
68-].3 be met prior to occupancy.
5. That no outside dining shall be permitted.
Chairman Hal. us opened the public portion of the heari]]g at
9:30 P.M.
Those in attendance speaking Jn favor of subject app]J, cation
we re:
Mr. Donald P. 0ones, Balboa
Mr. Bernatz, 66~--~-ralta Hi].ls Drive, Anaheim, App].J. csn
Mr. Ken Johnson, 336 North Central, Glcnd@]e, Architect
Mr. Robert tlall, 370 West Fourth, Tustin
Mr. Bernatz called to the Co[~J. ssJoner~ attention; two
letters that were submitted to the Planning Department
recommending approval. Letters were from B. W. Kieta,
Kieta's Town & Country Hardware, 2361 West Whittier "B'lvd.,
La Habra, and Mr. William Coleman, La Habra Flower Shop,
2274 West WhJ. ttier Blvd., La Habra.
There being no further d].scussion from Lhe audience, Chairman
}Iai. us declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
9:35 P.M.
After a brief discussion among the Con,missioners, It was
moved by. Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Mahon._e.y___that Resolution
No. ].056 be adopted conditional].y _a_[)proving App].icatJ. on
UP-69-290 for the follov;ing reasons:
The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare
of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood
of the proposed use and it will not be injurious or
detrJmenta], to the property and improvements in the
neighborhood or the genera], welfare of the C]ty.
As additional grounds, the m]nutes and evidence introduced
at: the hearing are included by reference and made a part
of the mo t.~on.
PC ;.iinuLcu - /.larch 10, 1969
Conditions of approval are:
That drJ. ve-through facilities be physJ, cally blocked
until C-2 zoning and a subsequent Usc Permit for a
drive-in restaurant have been approved.
Plans be submitted to the Architectural Committee for
That all structural components including canopy projections
be located a minimum of 65 ft. from the centerline of First
4. That no outside dining shall be permitted.
That the provJ, sions of the improve:uent agreement entered
into by Mr. Bernatz in conjunction with Parcel Map
PM-68-13 be met prior to occupancy.
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent; 'Sharp.
7. ZC-69-192 -- THO~.~AS BERNATZ
For rezoning of a 0.67 acre parcel from the C-1
(Retail. Conn~.~ercial) District to the C-2 (Central Com-
mercial) District.
Site fronts approximately 207 ft. on the north
side of First Street approximately 350 ft. east
of the centerline of Prospect Avenue.
Mr. Su~~. presented a staff report stating that the
Eng~neer].ng DepartmenC commented that ali street improve~nents
for this development have been guaranteed by an improvement
agreement signed by Mr. Bernatz and approved by the City
Council on January 20, 1969 in conjunction with Parcel Map
PM-68-13. Said agreement calls for construction of all im-
provements within six months.
The applicant's reason for applying for subject zone change
is to add drive-through facilities to the proposed Taco Shop
considered under UP-69-290. Drive-in restaurant will require
C-2 zoning and a subsequent Use Per,nit in addition to the
previously approved Use Permit for a take-out food establish-
ment. Mr. Supinger suggested that the rezoning be approved
because C-2 zoning is logical for the town center and the
rezoning will not affect the commercial/residential ratio
in the town center.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at
9:40 P.M.
Mr. Bernatz, applicant, described the proposed structure and
respectfully requested that approval be granted.
M_r.. S_u~inger stated that a subsequent Use Permit would be re-
quired for a drive-through window.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
9:43 P.M.
After a brief discussion among the Conunissioners, It was
moved by_ Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Oster, that Resolution
No. ]057 be adopted recon~nending to the C~ty Council, approval
of ZC-69-192 for the following reasons:
General commercial (C-2) is the type of commercial
zoning which would exist in the town center area.
The Commercial/Residential Zoning ratio will not be
affected by the proposed change.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence intro-
duced at the hear.~ng are included by reference and
a part of the mot.~on.
Motion o], 7,].)L)]J.c:akJon ZC--69--].92 C:[l:r:rJc~d 6--0. Abs;c, ii[':
UP-69-292- Tus'J.':rN t...,)o,,~, ].,el)C;!.: c)N ];};}i,-..L].' o1,' ] (),~ .... i',' AlIT
To permit live entertainment and dancing J.n the 1';.1 -
Planned industrial District.
Location: Site is the location of existing industrial build-
ing nm~3e, red 644 South "B" Streeh, jus% south of thc
intersection of Sixth and "B" Streets.
Mr. Sup_~.~9'.¢lr.. presentc'.d the staff report stating £hat OrdJna. c
406, adopted in June ]968, requires a Use Permit for the
presentation of live entertainment. Proposal J.s to have dance
bands for men.bors and teenage groups.
Mr. Sup_.J_._n.~?_r~ stated that this use is not required to have a
permit fro;n the License and Permit Board since it J s a pti. vaLe
club. He recommended approval for subject application wJt:h
the condition of approval that compliance with TitJe 19 as
set forth l:)y the l.'J. re Inspector be met.
Chairman IIalus ~ '
openea the public portion of the hc:arip, g at
9: 45 P.M.
Mr. Howard Bates, representative, stated that ali. the recom--
mendatJ.ons of the Fire Department are being carried out.
There being no further conuncnts or objectJ, ons from the audience,
Chairman Hal. us declared the pub]J.c portJ.on of the hearing
closed at 9:48 P.M.
I t w a s mov_p_d_ _b. 3; _ .[4. r_.. ._ ...O..s_-.t_e_._r_, .. _s_e.._C.o__n_d_e (J_ ...b_y.._fi_r:_...' I-{.gb__s_t e .r_.. _t_h. 9__t.-.
Re s o 1 u_~_ ~._.o. p_...~_o_t- __1 ._0 _5._8.._ _b.e_.. a ~]_c? p_ t,7, _c..,. cj. _9_0 n.c.i_2_':..t_i__9_n__c]j.~._3? p r 9.. Y i n q_
App].icatJon No. UP-69-292 for the following reasons;:
The Co],~aission finds that the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the
health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the
persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the
proposed use and it will not be injurious or detrimental
to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or
the general welfare of the City.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence ir{troduccd
at the hearing are included by reference and made aparh
of the motion.
Condition of approval is:
ComplJ. ance with Title 19 as set forth by the Fire
The above motion carric:d 6-0. Absent'- Sharp.
To permit the construction of a 246 unit Mu]tiple Family
Residential I)eve].opment on a ].0 acre parcel zoned "U"
(Unclassified) .
Fronts 393 ft. on the south side of Main Street
approximately 850 ft. west of the centerline of
Williams Street. (adjacent to and west of, Saddle-
back Mobile I,odge Club.)
Mr. SupinQ._e._r_ presented a staff report stating that since the
properhy is; zoned "U" (Unclassified) District, a Use Permit
is required for any development. This al].ows a faster and
more c:ont:ro].led development, than would be possible if the
property were rezoned R-3.
PC I.li~.utcs - !.larch 10, 1969
Mr. Sqp..].'._~[.c._,r.?.r_ stated that the Orange County I.']ood Co]~[:ro].
I)istrict has con.~trucLed a covered drainage channel along
the easterly boundary thus precluding the locatio]~ of car-
ports above the channel. Opc;n parking and driveways are
permitted over the channel. This also provides a separation
of at least 55 ft. between the sing].· story mobile homes and
%he proposed two story apartments.
He continued to say that because of the row of apartments
facing Main Street, it is suggested that a 4 ft. wall or
fence to the satisfac'l'ion of the Architectural Committee,
be required along the Main Street frontage, ].5 ft. from the
property ].ine, except at the two driveways and the main
pedestrian entrance. This will., hop·full.y, discourage on-
street parking.
Mr. Supinger recommended conditional approval as fol].ows:
Distribution of fire hydrants to be approved
by the Fire Chief.
Water lines and valves to be approved by the
Fire Chief.
Fire extinguishers to be approved by the Fire
Provide public sewers to serve the development
together with any necessary off-site sewer and
easements to connect to existing Sanitation
District or City of Tustin sewers.
5. Provide street lighting on Main Street.
Curb, gutter, sidewalks and pavement on Main
Street shall be constructed to City standards
and approved by the City Engineer.
Ail public utilities shall be installed under-
ground in conformance with accepted standards
of utility companies.
Provide street trees in accordance with the
Master Street Tree Plan for Main Street.
Provide adequate drainage facilities to serve
the development and connect to the existing
County drainage facilities.
Those segments of existing irrigation lines con-
flicting with any proposed construction shall be
removed and relocated or collapsed and back filled
or otherwise made to conform to the specifications
of the City of Tustin Building Code, to the sat-
isfaction of the City Engineer and the irrigation
line owner.
11. Approval of plans by the Architectural Committee.
That a 4 foot high wall or fence be constructed
along the Main Street frontage, setback 15 feet
from the front property line, except at the two
drive{~ays and the main pedestrian entrance, to
the satisfaction of the Architectural Coinmittee.
Chairman IIalus opened the public portion of the hearing at
9: 50 P.M.
/ PC i.:i]~u:c:-~ - I.l~?cl~ 10, ]969
Mr. Koit:]{..].':.¥._o!~., 202] 1.test t.'ou~.-[-.]~ Street:, Santa
representing the Pt.tC Devc,]opman~ presented renderJ~gs
of the development for the PI. an]ling Colmt~issJ. oners to
view· tie stated that thc on].y objectJ, on to the staff's
conditions as set forth in the report is Condition No. 12.
He stat:ed that: they would rather have a 3 fL. high wail. or
fence on the property line rather than a 4 ft. wall set
back ].5 feet. He also co[m~tontcd that the proposed parking
is adequate for the development which wou].d dJ. scourage on--
street parking.
Mr. GeorqjL.~.'..~!_u.r~s., owner of Sadd]eback Mobi].e Park, voiced
concern relatJ, ve to privacy of his tenants, in t.¢:r],~s of a
wall on the easterly side of the property line·
Chairman tI~:]us suggested that: this be worked out at a later
date by the Architectural Con'..r,tittee and between thc parties
There. being no further comment:; or objections front the
audience, Chairm~:n Ila].us declared the public portion of
the hearing closed at ].0:05 P.~.i.
Resolutio]~ No. ].059 be ado.)ue(, conditiona].].y ain'~rov~nq
~].j~'tJon No. UP-69-29]. for the fo]lowing reasons:
Thc CommJ. ssion finds that tl:e esta~l.ishment, maJni.enance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under
the circumstances of the particu].ar case be detrim~nta].
to the health, safety, morals, comfort and genera], we]-
fare of the persons residing or working in the neighbor--
hood of the proposed use and it wi].l not be injurious or
detrimental to the property and improvements in the
neighborhood or the general welfare of the City·
As additional, grounds, the minutes and evidence intro-
duced at the hearing are included by reference and mado
a part of the motion.
Conditions of approval are:
DistrJ.bution of fire hydrants to be approved by the
Fire Chief.
Water lines and valves to be approved by the Fire
3. Fire extinguishers to be approved by the Fire Chief.
Provide public sewers to serve the development together
with any necessary off-site sewer and easements to connect
to existing Sanitation District or City of Tustin sewers.
5. Provide street ].ighting on Main Street.
Curb, gutter, sidewalks and pavement on Main Street shall
be constructed to City standards and approved by the CJ.t"
Ail public uti].ities shall be instal]ed underground in
conformance with accepted standards of utility companies.
Provide street: trees in accordance with the Master Street
Tree Plan for Main Street.
Provide adequa[:e drainage facilities to serve the de- .
vel. opm·hi and connect to the existing County drainage
PC ~.'.inu'hc, s - ~.;azch 10, 1969
Those segn~onts' of c>:isting JrrJgai. Jon linc~s
f].ic~.ing wit]~ a~y pro?osc~d c:on~t, ruct. ion siva]], be
removed and relocated or collapsed and back filled,
or otherwise n;ade to conform to thc specifications
of the CJ.Cy of Tustin Bui]di]xg Code, to the satJ. s-
faction of thc City Engineer and the irrigatJ.o]x line
11. Approval of plans by the Architectural Coi~[~ittce.
That a 3 foot high wall or fence be constructed along
the Main Street frontage, on the front property line,
except at the two driveways and the main pedestrian
entrance, to the satJsfacLion of the Archit<;c:tural
In answer to Mr. Oster's question, Chairman Hal. us stated
that the preliminary revJ. e%.; by the ArchJ. tectural Committee
was held prior to this hearing.
Mr. Oster stated that he does not feel J.t is desirable to
have t]~e Architectural Co]m[iittee revJ. ew deve].opn',en'c plans
of a proposed development, which in effect involves a re-
zone, prior to a Planning Commission hearing. Since three
of the Architectural Committee members are Planning Com-
missioners, he felt that J.t precludes independent opinions
at the hearing and strongly opposed this procedure.
The above motion was voted by roll call.
Halus, Mahoney, Larnard, Webster. Noes:
Ayes: Ludwig,
Oster. Absent:
Carried 5-]..
To permit the construction of a take-out food facility
(Colonel Sanders Kentucky Roast Beef) with an outside
patio for dining in the C-1 (Retail Conunercial) and
C-2 (Central Commercial) Districts.
Site fronts approximately 195 ft. on the south-
east side of Newport Avenue and approximately
200 ft. southwest of the centerline of Laguna Rd.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that ~he
~roposal is for a take-out food estab].ishment with an area
for outside dining along the Newport Avenue frontage.
Mr. Supi,n~er commented that it is with concern that land-
scapJ.ng zs proposed onl~ in areas unusable for parking. It
is suggested that one-half of the propo,~;ed parking area would
be adequate for the facility with the remaining area desJ. g-
hated for landscaping.
Mr. SupJ. nger also voiced concern relative to the proposal
for outside dining facilities because of the problem
deriving therefrom with wind blown trash and it becoming
a congregating area for high school children which could
cause problems for the operator. He suggested the problems
co%zld be precluded by enclosing the dining area. Such an
enclosed dining area would, however, have to be set back a
minimum of 15 ft. from the front property line. He recom-
mended conditional approval as follows:
Installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks and street pave-
ment to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Installation of street trees in accordance with the
Master Street Tree Plan.
3. Installation of street lights.
~o pcrntit proposed construc'tion.
SubmissJ. on a]~d appro\,a] of a parcel map to ti:cate t]~e
Approval of P].ans by tt~e Architcc[.ural Comn'Jttce.
That Lhe area designaize, d for ].ar~dscapJ.nc3 be. sJ. gnifJ, cant].y
increased and thc plans approved by thc ArchJ. tcctura].
Commit tee.
That a].]. areas for dJ.n.~ng be enclosed.
Thai: signs be erected at thc southerly driveway in-
dicating "No Left Turn."
That a 6' sol. id masonry wa'].], be constructed on ~].]
property lines except the ~,~e'~.:port fronte]ge to the
sai.isfactJ, on of the Architectural. Committee.
Chairman frei. us opened the public portion of tDe hearing
7-i';'. f '"
Mr. Fred Barbour, 425 West Fourth Street, Santa Aria,
representative f"or Kentucky Roast Beef stated that
landscaping could be increa:;ed and t}~at they do
to move the bui].ding back 40 ft. from the street, fie ex--
plained the, proposed, change.~; and added that the customers
could take their food outside to eat if they so desired.
He stated that a 30" block wall will screen the public if
the customers do not want to eat jnsJ. de, but felt that a
6' block wail wi].], accomplish nothing and be unsightly, lie
stated that J.f there is a problem of wind blown tre~sh, this
would be corrected.
M_r_.__G._e?rg.._e....A_r_~y__r_o_[[, 4].5 West Four[-h Street, Tustin discusse.
problems relatJ, v¢; to ingress/egress, parking, landscaping,
trash and fe].t that a compromise could be worked out on th(;
patio wail. His suggestion was a 3' wall..
There being no further comments or discussion from the
audience, Chairman IIalus dec].ared the public portion of the
hearing closed at ].0:32 P.M.
It was moved by_ Mr. Oster, seconded__by_ Mrs. I,udwi9___t_h_a_t_
Resolution No. 1060 be adopted condJ, tional].y__.a_u~oroving
A_pplication Number UP-69-294 for the following reasons:
The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenonce
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort and general we]fare
of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood
of ~he proposed use and it will not be injurious or
detrimental to the property and improver, tents J.n the
neighborhood or the genera], welfare of the City.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence intro-
duced at the hearing are included by reference and
made a part of the motion.
Conditions of approval are:
Ins%al.].etlon of curb, gutter, sidewalks and street
paveme, n% t.o the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Installation of street trees in accordance with the
Master Street Tree Plan.
3. Installation of street ].ights.
ModJ. fication of existing irrJ. ga£ion ].inos as necessary
to permit proposed con~;[:ruchion.
Submission and approval, of a parcel map to create the
6. Approval of Plans by the Architectural Conunittee.
That the area designated for landscapJ.ng be signifJ.-
cantly increased and the Plans approved by the Archi-
tectural Co];unittee.
That all areas for exterior dining be enclosed by a
30" high masonry wall subject to the Architectural
Committee's approval..
That signs be erected at the southerly drive%.;ay in-
dicating "No I,eft Turn".
Perimeter landscaping be instal, led a].ong all property
lines except the Newport frontage to the satisfaction
of the Architectural Conunittec.
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent: Sharp
'.To permit the construction of signs for a proposed
Colonel Sanders Kentucky Roast Beef take-out food
facilJ, ty as follows:
One (1) pole sJ. gn with an area of 502 sq. ft.
and a heighk of 30 ft.
Three (3) "Kentucky Beef" roof signs each wJth
an area of 80.5 sq. ft. and a total area for ali.
three (3) signs of 241.5 sq. ft.
Total sign area on the site is 743.5 sq. ft.
Subject use would be part of a complex J. nc].uding
the existing Jack-In-The-Box restaurant, conse-
quently, pole and roof signs are permitted only
by a variance and sign area exceeding the per-
mitted area of 52 sq. ft. requires a varian'ce.
Site fronts approximately 195 ft. on the south-
east side of Newport Avenue and approximately
200 ft. southwest of the centerline of Laguna
Mr. Sup.in~er presented the staff report stating that the
subject use would be a part of a complex including the
Jack-In-The-Box because the property is under one owner-
ship. He stated that only one pole sign is permitted per
complex, and roof signs are allowed only in lieu of per-
mitted pole signs.
Mr. Sup..inger stated that the precedent has been set for
~ermitting more than one pole sign or roof sign per complex
as in the case of Kentucky Fried Chicken on First Street.
He felt that the areas requested in th~s application are
more than is necessary and stated that he thought similar
signs to those permitted for Kentucky Fried Chicken would
be appropriate (318 sq. ft.)
PC I-~i. ]n', t.£:.~: .... 1969
that V-69---235 be coz)dilione, 1].y. ,q)j.).._ovc¢~ to p¢]"],.].'~',.:
One (3.) i?.]:.(.~ .s.J.4![~_ wit. bin t.h¢: requJ red fro~lt:.
setback area with a llILIXJ. I[:L[HI ztroa of 300 ~;q. ft.
for each of two sJ ~''
C:C.S alld l,taximuIt~ height of 26 ft.
Three (3) r.__oci.~ p_..i.._g?j, to be ].ocatcd on thc, mansard
roof be].ov: tho. top roof line, each wit'.h a maxinm.m
area of 40 sq. ft. and maximum tot'a], area of ]20
sq. ft.
c. Tokz.~l area on t]ie si tlc -. 320 sq. ft.
Chairman IIalus opened thc pub].Jc portion of the hearing
at 10: 50 P.
~_~r:....._li'_J:..n~.]..c:?.~'::.r.~{, 3225 ].last ],Jnco]n, Los Ancjc].es,.Tleat:h &
Company (Sign) r¢~prcsenLa'kive, described the .qig~m stai. J.]:g
that tl~e proposed lanterns on the struc'kure would nog be
There being no further co'..nmcnts from the attdicp, ce, ChaJrn!an
Halus declared the publJ, c portJ..on of the hearing c]o.~;cd at
11:05 P.M.
The Commis.~;Joners discus ' ~
sea ail. aspect, s of the sign, square
foe%age, design, oscillating or re. vo~.v.~ng par'Ls of the sign
and the necessary J. dentJ.~',lcd-'''us.on.
? C 7 ·
R_e_s_92 _u_ _t_.i_._9._n_, =N_ 2-. _.1 :P_(;j:.. ?_Le.. _
Application V-69-235 to ,permit:
One (1) pole sign withJ.n the required front
setback area with a maximum total area of 218
sq. ft. and maximum height of 27'.
Three (3) roof signs to be located on the manaard
roof below the top roof line, each with a maxi.mum
area of 40 sq. ft. and a maximum total area of ].20
sq. ft. No oscillating or flashing lights.
c. Total area on the site 338 sq. ft.
Thc above motion was amended by Mr. Oster, secondc_cJ__b_.y.
Mr. Larnard to read as follows:
One pole sig_n' within the required front setback
area with a maximum total, area of 238 sq. ft. and
maximum height of 27'.
Three roof signs to be located on the mansard
roof below the top roof ].ine, each wi. th a maximum
area of 40 sq. ft. and a ma×Jmum total area of
120 sq. ft. No osci]].ating or flashing lights.
c. Tota] area o_n_. the site 358 sq. ft.
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent: Sharp.
PC l'.iinutes - ~.iarch 10, 1969
t"OI{MAL ].].N]).I.',~, 69--5 (EI'A':CTiIONiCS ]{ES];;:'dICll l,.'rxi?,O]{.h'J.'OlII]':$
'--5 .... ;. '- ~:F,¥;y: ,' .... ~' c'-'-""";--'{7
& tROiO~k~, Ao,~?,:.,~b,)
Mr. Supinger presented a staff report stating tliat thc:
proposed Formal Finding states that Electronics Research
Laborai~ories & Prototype Ass¢;mbly, conducted within .an
enclosed struc[:ure, are si.mil.ar to televisJ, on and appli-
ance repair businesses and sha].l be permitted in the C-2
(Central Corn:nero]al) District.
Mr. Supinger stai. ed that Mr. Charles E. Engle, Executive
Vice President of Valtec Corporation, requested a Formal
Finding pcrtaJ.nJ, ng to the operai:ion that the Corporation
wishes to pursue in a C-2 zone for the next two years.
These operations wJ.].l ccmsJ, s'b of corpora'ks offJ. ces, re-
search laboratories an0. prototype assembly group.
Mr. Eng!e stated that the Valtcc Corporation is organized
%0 design and develop e].ectronic equipment used in edu-
cational audio/video systems and other digital control
The current phase of ihs operation consist primarily of
research and development and the test marketing of their
Mr. Eng].e stated that Valtec has alrea'dy attracted the
attentio:~ of many distinguished people to thc City of
Tustin. He stated that he believed that Valtec is a
worthy addition to the City and although their present
activitJ, es are not in violation of existing zone regu-
lations, there might be some doubt in the future and
would like to have this point clarified by a Formal Find-
It was mo_v_q[1.._b_y__b!._r_.._}~_e.b_~_~_t_e_r_.,_s_.econded by_ Mr. Larnard that
Formal Finding 69-5 ...... be aR..p_[_o.i;.pd and ado?,ted in thc format
submitted by tbs Planning Staff.
The above motion carried 6-0. Absent: Sharp.
Chairman tIalus modified the order of business to discuss
the correspondence item in view of the ].ateness of the
To permit the establishment of Church Sunday School
classrooms and Study in two existing single famJ].y
dwellings with detached garages in the R1 "Single
Family Residence" District.
Southeast side of Newport Avenue opposite
Vanderlip Avenue, in the northeast Tustin area.
Mr. ~upJ. nger stated that the Tustin Zoning Ordinance permits
churches J.n any district subject to securing a Use Permit.
Parking is required at the rate of one space for each 3 ft.
which would mean 14 off-street spaces would be required.
Fifteen (15) spa.cas are proposed.
Mr. Sup~.Jnger_,_:~ recommended approval of UP-3037 and suggested
that insta].].atJ, on of street improvements be required as a
condition of the approval.
It w_qE_.m_o.y_e.d___b_y' Mr. Mahoney_,__..s_.e._c_o_n_f]..o.d by. Mr. Oster, that 'the
.County' be informed of no obj.ection to the Er_qp_o_..t.ed use, but
that as a condJt._i_o.L~_.o._f..'_tJ~__e _a.p.p_.r?_v_{~l that the insta].lation of
~_t_r_.pe_t i ~?_r.£_,.v_cjjn_e_n_.t-~_..b_e___r.9~_t)_i r__c2il_.
Motion carried 6-0. Absent: Sharp.
PC I.'..inul.c'~ - I'urch 10, 1'569
~T'.S'.UJT)2.i':.'~T ..... 'J'() ZO."~'I NG O]~,i)] " -,.- ." C]';', lqll!-;'S'..':l~ ] 5'/ il!t(! ,~ I C;:]
b]% ~:['i~Tif,~'b]:i'-~'C !.: J_~.:ii'-'3-o'5--( }'r'Jfi6':i'd'J-'d{'dJS-';i: n L--,:, )' .- ..........
' .1. t ',. (,¢.
To prov.i. ~e ~ or a Deve.]_gp.[}gj~ t~_ !.'!:c~yj_(L'...:: ._.CjS:m2).j_:_' ...'. :.
A proposc:d ordinance was submittc:d to L]~o PlannJ.ng Com-
mission fo]: the:i.r re, view regarding subject raattc:r.
_M_r..._ ~l!l:2jlS:_'-")il si-.ated tidal tl,c puzpo.~.;c of i.i'!~s
ordinance was to create a D¢,veJop:,c]~i' PrevJ. cr,.: Com;','~ii:tcc
which would rep].acc t]~e Architecture! Conm;J. tt¢:e and
date the functions and procc:durcs to incorporate thc,
functions prcsc]~t].y being carried out by t]~e Arc]~Ji'.c;ctu2:al
There being scm:e c:onflicting opJ. nJons of the proposc.~c].
ordJn~nc:e, Jr. was decided that this should be discussed
with the City Council at their scheduled workshop mcei.-
J. ng (March 31st) with t!~e Planning Commission.
Mr. Rourke, City Ati.orney, suggesLed thai: the proposed
ordinance cou].d be set for pub].ic hearing, AprJ.] ].4, ]969,
in the meantime.
iq~5-.-- 5'O3"'-z:-D & kFc:. ) '¢.{]~ :q jr-Ti{- ]-"~'6 :Jj.-&~.7- '¢. o fi~:%)"t Lee. ..........................
adoE.l:z_E~- [½_c.:?:5!.~Zt2..'l.._..ij?.R _t._~p__ _Er._5S~?97;j).~__ordif3923?.:_9_fg.,._L_p._t_}?_j_c_
he a r 5. n g A'o~.:_J.::]:_].4 L...].J¢.._6. 9._._
It was duly moved and passed that a MINUTE OR!)::R he
adopted schedulJ, ng a P].an:~Jng Co.'.mnission Initiated
Rezoning for public hearing April 1~, 1969, to re--
zone proper[:y located on the south side of Main Si'.,
approxJ.mate].y 850 ft. west of the center] .4 nc; of
Wi].liams Street from "U" (Unclassified) to R-3(].700)
(Multiple Family Residential) District.
1 FOPJ.tAL FINDING 69-6 (TAKE-OUT, WALK-UP FOOl) I.,SI~x1~I, 1Sh?.~_..N])
Mr. Supinger presented a revised I.'ormal Finding of
'67-1. He stated that the Planning Commission, after
research and discussion, recind Formal Finding No. 67-1
and hereby find that:
Take-out and walk-up food estab].ishments are
similar uses to service stations and shall be
permitted Jn C-1 Districts upon the securing
of a Use Permit, therefore, and provision of
off-street parking at the rate of ].0 spaces
plus one additional space fo]: each ].50 sq. ft.
of gross floor area.
It was moved b): Mr. Webster, seconded by Mrs. I,udv:.j_g_..t_O_a.%.
Forma] l.'Jnding No. 69-6 be adopted to reach'as f_.o_!.]_.o~,._'?~:
Take-out and walk-up food establishmc:nts are
similar uses to service stations and she!.!, be
permitted in C-1 Districts upon the securing
of a Use Permit, therefore, and provision of
off-street parking at the rate of 10 spaces
plus one additional space for each ]0.0- 9_q._ f_t__
o__~f g. rq~;_~ _f._]_p_o.~2 9rea.
Motion carried - 6-0. Absent: Sharp
I~C Minutes - l. larch 10, 1969
It was movc:d by Mr. Mahone_~., seconded by Mr. Larnard,
~]'a-~ '~-'.h~.' ~-e-~-j.~ }~6 adjourn'cd,t
Carried unanimously