HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-24-69M1NUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
February 24, 1969
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by
ChaJ.rman Ilalus.
Led by Chairman Halus.
Present: CommissJ. oners: Sharp, Hal. us, I.udwig, Mahoney,
Larnard, Webster
Absent: Commissioner: Oster
Others Present: Harry Gill, City Administrator
James Rourke, City Attorney
James Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
No minutes submitted.
~F MARY Bt~b?;1}:LL.
To permit a drive-in restaurant (Jack-In-The-Box)
in the PC-C-2 (Planned Community-Central Conuuercia].)
Mr. Supinger stated the site is located on the north-
west corner of the intersection of Yorba and 17th
Streets. The applicant's justification is: This
application is necessary to get approval of plans of
property previously rezoned. The staff recommends
approval subject to the following five conditions:
1. Approval and recordation of a Parcel Map
separating the commercial and multiple family
residential developments.
2. Re-orientation of the building and on-site
circulation toward Yorba Street to the satis-
faction of the Architectural Committee.
Approval of Plot Plan,' Elevations, and Land-
scaping plan by the Architectural Co~m~ittee.
Provision of a minimum of nineteen (19) on-site
parking spaces with minimum striped dimensions
of 9 ft. X 20 ft. to City standards.
Construction of a 6 ft. 8 in. solid masonry wall
along the northerly property line.
Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the
Robert Harvey, 6252 Telegraph Road, Los Angeles,
representing the applicant, pointed out to the
Commission that the proposal is a newly designed
structure with air conditioning, restroom facilities,
and interior seating. He stated that the applicant
accepts conditions numbered 1, 3, 4, and 5
recommended by the staff; however, they were objecting
to condition No. 2 relative to re-orientation of the
PC MJltutes - February 24, ].969
Mr. Melvin Cc:hcu~., At.i:orney rcprese]~L.J, ng Foodmaker,
presented some picture:; sho\.gJ]~g thc location just
after thc peak traffic hours in the erecting.
stated they were very much interested J.n keeping
the traffic moving and he felt sure this use would
not cause traffic problems. He felt the applicant
should have thc optJ. on of ~(.c].a].ng whJ. cl~ way the
building should face.
Those J.n the audience voicing opposii'Jon to this
matter were:
Mr. George Brewer, 13791 Pa]ace Way, Tustin
Mr. Felix Barsani. J, Jr., 13772 Palace Way, Tush.in
Their reasons for opposing were: traffic congestion,
noise, trash, no need estab].ished.
Chairman Ha]us closed the public portion of the
5earJ ng.
Move_d__by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Sharp that
~P-69-285 be denied for the fo%]owl.ng reasons:
The conunission finds that the establishment,
maintenance and operation of ~he use applied
for wi.]]., under the circumstances of the
particular case be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and genera], welfare
of the persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the proposed use, and it will
be injurious or detrimental, to the property and
improvements in the. neighborhood or the general
welfare of the City·
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by
reference and made a part of the motion.
Vote by roll call. Ayes: Webster, Sharp, Ludwig,
Halus. Noes: Mahoney, Larnard. Absent: Oster.
Carried 4-2.
To permit signs for a proposed Jack-In-The-Box
Drive-In Restaurant.
Mr. Rourke advised that since the Use Permit for the
restaurant was denied, this matter should be
deleted from the agenda.
To permit the development of a 5.7 acre shopping
complex in the C-2 (Central ConuuercJal) District
Jnc]uding a service station, supermarket, auto-
mobile service center and a bank with drive-in
facilities and other retail stores.
Mr. Supinger stated the property is located on the
southwest corner of the intersection of Red Hill and
Wa]nut Avenues. Tile applicant's justification is:
As the plans indicate, the project promises to be
compatib].e with thc high architectural standards of
Tustin. The design is attractive and is innovative
in many ways so as to be an asset to the community
it is intended to serve as we].l as its owners.
The staff reconmtends conditional approval subject to
the following 26 conditions.
PC 1,1inute-~; - I.'ebruary 24, 1969
1. Install. at. ion of three (3) on~s/i:e fire hydra~t.~,
the location of which shall be apl)roved by the
Fire Chi
Insta].]atJ. on of one (].) on-street fire hydrant,
in addition to the existing hydrant, the location
of which shall be approved by the F~re Chief.
Installation of a water line on the site to serve
the three on-site hydrants and sufficiently large
in size to furnish 3,500 gallons per minute.
Granting of additional street right-of-way for
Walnut Avenue in accordance with the Master Plan
of Arterial Highways.
Granting of 10 foot storm drain easement along
the northerly and easterly lines of the parcel and
a 20' X 25' triangular corner cut-off area at
Walnut and Red Hill.
Prouide adequate street ].ighting on both Walnut
and }{ed Hill Avenues and annex entire property
to Tustin Lighting District.
Construct full street improvements on Wa]nut
Avenue to City standards and approved by the
City Engineer.
All pub].ic utilities shall be installed under-
ground in conformance with accepted standards of
utility companies.
Street trees shall be provided and planted ~n
accordance with City ordinances.
10. Construct storm drain facilities along Red Hill
and Walnut frontages to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
11. Those segments of existing irrigation lines
conflicting with or endangered by any proposed
construction sha].] be removed and relocated or
co]lapsed and backfill·d, or otherwise made to
conform to the specifications of the City of
Tustin Building Code or to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer and the irrigation line owner.
12. Signs for individual tenants shall be located
under the walkway canopies or on walls and shall
be limited to an are~ of two (2) square feet per
lineal foot of building, or portion of building,
~rontage occupied by the tenant in which the
main entrance to the business is located.
13. Banners, bunting and flags. (except City, State or
Federal) shall be prohibited except for a grand
opening period which is defined as one (]) month
after issuance of f~na] use and occupancy permit
by the Building Department.
14. Temporary promotional displays shall be limited
to thirty (30) days per quarter year.
15. No merchandise shall be stored or disp].ayed
outside of an enclosed building.
- 3 -
PC "
I.~]nuL. c., - 1.'cbruary 24, ].969
16. OuLsidc act. ivii:Jc, s shall be pr()lii, bJted except for
thc cli.~;pcnsing of 9a.~; and oJ]. producL:s at the
servJ, cc -';tatJ. o]~ and drivc-.-iii facilJtJ, e.~ at the ba~k.
17. Rental of firaJlcrs or other equipment, and thc
storage of same on ti~c sJ. te, shall be pro!~ibJt, c~d.
18. Thc parking of trucks un the sit(; for other than
minor servicing by an on--sifie busJ. ncss sha].l be
19. No vending or dispensing r, acl~ines shall be stored
or maintained outside of an enc].oscd building.
20. Major ovcrhau] of engines sha]l be prohJ, bited.
2].. On-si. fie lighi-Jng shal] be designed to restrict
direct rays to the site and the design of lighting
struckures shall be the same for the entire
22. A 6'8" solid masonry wa].] shall be constructed
along property lines abutting residential dJ. stricLs,
the height of which sha].] be measured from the
grade on the shopping complex side of the wall.
· 23. An additional trash' area, screened as are the
other trash areas, shall be located behind the
southwest shop. area.
24. A total, of 288 on-site parking spaces, constructed
to City standards, shall be provided for the con~plex.
25. Roof-top mechanical equipment for businesses other
than Alpha Beta shall be located at the center of
the building roof or shall be screened to the
satisfaction of the Architectural Committee.
26. Roof-top mechanical equipment of the Alpha Beta
Market shall be screened as indicated on submitted
Chairman Ha].us declared a two minute recess at 8:18 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 8:20 P.M., and Chairman Halus
opened the public portion of the hear].ng at 8:21 P.M.
Mr. R. Draper, President of Diver:~ified Shopping
Centers, Inc., 4533 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Newport
Beach, spoke, representing his company and their
joint venture partner in 'this project, Alpha Beta-
Acme Market¥, who will occupy the supermarket space
in this project. He said their proposal is a very
high quality design concept.
Thomas Woodruff, President of the Homeowners Association
of Tuatin Meadows, stated he felt the Conm~ission
should hold very tight control over the signing and
landscaping of this development. He felt that the
service station should be deleted from the plan.
tie recommended that this proposal be held in abeyance
until they have more detail, and more ].andscaping.
C_]_.y_.d..e.. A].ec, 1372 Forestera Lane, Santa Ana, stated
he lives in Broadmoor Ilomes and he was opposing this
deve].opment because a need had not been established.
- 4 -
PC I.iinutes - February 24, ]969
Fir. John GJnes, 340]. Chap:nan Avenue, Orange,
representi~9 Standard Oil Company of Ca].J. fornJ, a,
stated that prior to express.ing any intcrc..t in
this corner, Standard Oil did extensive research
of the area to determine the fcasibi].J, ty of a service
station here. }lc said Standard Oil. does not have a
closed service station in the City of TustJ. n. He
is convinced that thc area wJ. 1] support this service
Mr. John Bean, 1447]. Denby, BroJdmoor tlomes, stated
he was opposed to the proposal because of the
additional traffic. Children cross Walnut going to
and from school and this would be hazardous with the
additional traffic. He asked what type of lighting
the market would have and what hours it would be open.
In answer to questioning by Chairman IIa]us, Mr. Rourke
advised that these items could be conditions of
approval for the Use Permit.
Mr. Woodruff requested that ali window signs be
Mr. R. A. DeMayo, ]4522 HyannJs Port Road, Tustin
Meadows, stated he objected to the proposal because
of the addJ. tJ.onal traffic which would be incuzred
by the service station.
Chairman Halus closed the public portion of the
Chairman Hal. us felt that additional conditions should
be added to the effect:
27. The hours of operation shall be from 6:00 A.M.
to 11:00 P.M.
28. Ail signs shall be approved by the Architectural
29. Final landscaping plans be approved by the
Architectural Committee.
· Mr. John White, representing First National Bank, in
answer to Mr. Webster's question, stated that they
were not committed to any particular type of sign and
their desire was to make the bank compatible with the
rest of the center and the area.
Mr. Shar~ wanted to know if the Architectural Committee
was satisfied with the trash structures and containers
and whether or not they were going to be adequate.
Chairman Ha]us stated that the Architectural Committee
would certainly review these items and they would be
subject to final approval of the Comzt]ittee.
Mr. Webster requested that condition of approval item
~o. 14 be amended to read: Temporary promotional
displays, inc].udJ, ng signs painted on or attached to
the window~-~n the comp]ex, shall be limited to t~rty
(30) days per quarter year.
Moved by_ Mr. Sharp, seconded by.. Mrs. I..udv;J.g that
UP-69-286 be approved subject to the 26 conditions
listed in the staff report, inc]udJ, n9, condition No. ].4
as amenacd, and the three cond-j.-t~%-n-.~--~'~c~-'"b--~--~]~6 .......
¢ I c ·
Commi. s.;i'~J'-~-6k~"~"7, 28 and 29)
- 5 -
PC Mi~ut.c,'s -- ],'(!brtlal?y 24, ].969
ChaJ. rittan Ifa]u:; i:;a~de a:~ amended ntot. jon to include
~b~Jft[]J6~ ~-[-"30 to wit:: No wJ.ndow:~ in the
shall have promoLiona], material pai]~Led or at. tac]~cd
thereto. Seconded by ~qrs. ],udwJ. g.
Chairman lla]us declared a live mJnute recess at
10 :i0 '~'~-t;i-~"'~'fecting r¢~.convcncd alt ].0:20 P.M.
Amendntent to original ntotJ.on made by Mr. Shart~,
fo].]owjj~j~_..rji~sons and subjecL to
condJ %ions:
']'he Commission finds that the estab].Jshment.,
maJ. ntenance and operation of the use applied for
will not, under the circumstances of the
particu].ar case, be detri,ncnta]., to the health
safety, morals, co.mfort, and genera], welfare of
the perso~residing or work'ing in ¢~e neJ.ghborhood
of the proposed use and it will. not be JnjurJ. ous
or detrimental to the property and improvqmcmts
in the neighborhood or t]~e genera], welfare of the
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by reference
and made a part of the motion.
CondJ t. ions:
Installation of three (3) on-site fire hydrants
the location of which shall be approved by the
Fire Chief.
Installation of one (1) on-street fire hydrant
in addition to the existing hydrant, the location
of which shall be approved by the Fire Chief.
Installation of a water line ont]]e site to
Serve the three on-site hydrants and suffJcJent].y
large in size to furnish 3,500 gallons per minute.
Granting of additional street right-of-way for
Walnut Avenue in accordance with the Master Plan
of Arterial Highways.
Granting of a 10 foot storm drain easement along
the northerly and easterly lines of the parcel and
a 20' X 25' triangular corner cut-off area at.
Walnut and }ted Hi].l.
Provide adequate street lighting on both Wa].nut
and 'Red Hill Avenues and annex entire property
to Tustin I, J ghting District.
Construct fuji. sLreet'. J. mp~.ovements on Wa].nut
Avenue to City standards and approved by City
Ali. public utilities sha].l be instal]ed under-
ground Jn conformance with accepted standards of
utility companies.
Street trees shall be provided and planted Jn
accordance: with City ordinances.
- 6 -
PC Ninut'.e:.; - February 24, ].969
30. Construct storm drain facilitJ, cs along Red tli]].
and Walnut fronta~jes to the satisfaction of thc
City ]:ngi]~eer.
1.1. Those segments of existing irrigatJ.on lines con-
flictin9 with or endangered, by any proposed
construction shall be removed and relocated or
collapsed and backfJ. 1].ed, or other~vJse made to
conform to tile specifications of tile City of Tustin
Building Code or to the satisfaction of thc City
Engineer and the irrigatio.n 'line owner.
].2. Signs for individual tenants shall be located under
the walking canopies or on walls and shall be
].imited to an area of two (2) square feet
lineal foot of building, or portion of building,
frontage occupied by the tenant in which the main
entrance to the business 'is located.
13. Banners, bunting, and flags(except City, State
or Federal) shall be prohibited except for a
grand opening period which is defined as one (1)
month after issuance of final use and occupancy
permit by the I~uJ.].dJ.ng Department.
14. Deleted.
15. No merchandise shall be stored or displaye'd
outside of an enclosed building.
16. Outside activities shall be prohibJ, ted except
for the dispensing of gas and oil products
at the service station and drive-in facilities
at the bank.
17. Rental of trailers or other equipment, and the
storage of same on the site, shall be prohibited.
18. The parking of trucks on thc site for other than
minor servicing by an on-site business shall be
19. No vending or dispensing machines shall be stored
or maintained outside of an enclosed building.
'20. Major overhaul of engines shall be prohibited.
21. On-site lighting shall be designed to restrict
direct rays to the site and the design of lighting
structures shall be the same for the entire
22. A 6'8" solid masonry wall shall be constructed
along property lines abutting residential districts,
the height of which shall be measured from the
grade on the shopping complex side of the wall.
23. An additional trash area, screened as are the
othe~ trash areas, shall be located behind the
southwest shop area.
24. A total of 288 onsite parring spaces, constructed
to City standards, shall be provided for the
25. Roof-top mechanical equipment for businesses other
than Alpha Beta shall be located at the center of
the building roof or shall be screened to the
satisfaction of the Arcl~itectural Committc'e.
- 7 -
PC ~,~i~u[.¢:~:; -- l.'ebruaiy 24, ]909
Bc.t'.a " -~' ~
I,.,tlJ,¢.L slia]], bc -';c:rccmcd at,,; indicated
sub;ttJ, t ted p].a~ls.
27. De].etcd.
Ali. signs aha].l be approved by the Architc~cLu]i'a]
Colmui tree.
Final ]andscapJ. ng plans be approved by l. hc
Architectural CommJ. tt¢..,e.
Condition Nc). 14 - Te]nporary promotJ, ona] di,~;i)].ays
shall be limited to thirty (30) day:; per quarter year;
and Condition No. 27 - the hours of op¢:ratJ, on shall
be from 6:00 A.M. to ].1:00 P.M.
To be carried forv:ard to thc 'next rcgular].y scheduled
meetJ, ng of the Planning Conuaission on Monday,
Marc]~ 10, ].969.
Motion carried unanJ, mously.
V-69-232 -- DIVIi:RSlt"i}':I) S}IOP])]'NG CEN'i'I?,RS, INC.
Mr. SupJ. nger stated this is a sign for the service
stat~"l]'{~-d-~.-r discussion in the last public h~arin9.
The proposal is to.permit a free-standing sign
identJ, fyJng a service station which is a part of a
5.7 acre commercial comp]ex. Proposed sign has an
area of 138 square feet each side, total area of
276 square feet and a height of 26 feet. The applicants
justification is: This variance wi].], al. low customary
highway identifJ, catJon for the service station
operator J.n addition to the single shoppJ, ng center
pylon sign which wi Il. be required to identify the
balance of the complex. The staff recommends
conditional approval of this application for the
followJ, ng reasons and subject to the fei.].owing
That the adjustment hereby authorized wi].] not
· constitute a grant of special privi].ege incon-
sistent with the ].imitations upon other properties
in the vicinity arid district in which the subject
property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable
to the subject property, including size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings, the strict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
properties in the vicinity and under identical
zone classification.
As 'additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by
reference and made a part of the motion.
Location of the pole structure and footing,~; be
behind the si-.orm drain easement required under
- 8 -
PC ~4inutes - 1.'throaty 24, 1969
2. Limitation of overall height to 21 feet.
Chairman Ha].us opened the pub].ic porLio]~ of the
John GJ.n.e_s_, 3d03. East Chapman, Orange, representing
~tandard Oil Con~pany, stated the sign requested is
a reduced version of the signs usually used to
identify Standard Service StatJ. ons. tlc said there
were. no building signs in tile building design.
Mr. Thomas Woodruff, Tustin Meadows flora·owners
Association, stated that his main objection is the
sign is too high. He felt there should be very
strict controls over the signs at the service station.
Mrs. Peter Green, Tustin Meadows, objected to the
~%~i~-~ta--%]~]{'-becausc of the extra traffic J.t would
incur; that the children have to cross the street
going to school.
Chairman Halus closed the public portion of the hearing
at ].0:45 P.M.
The possibility of puttJ.ng two smaller signs at
different, locations on the proper.ty was discussed
among the Con'm]issioners.
Mr. Rourke advised'that one sign at any location
on tile property could be acted upon tonight, but
that another sign would have to be readvertised.
Moved .~_~_r... Webster, seconded by Mrs. 3.,~j?]j~_t_'h~
9169-232 be approved s~]~-~'to the following
co~--Jf~ions and for the following reasons:--
CondJ tions:
The location of the pole structure and footings
be behind the storm drain easement required
in UP-69-286 and the sign structure be limited
to a chevron, 6' X 8'.
2. Limitation of overall height of 2] feet.
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not
constitute a grant of special privilege
inconsistent with the ].imitations upon other
properties in the vicinity and district in
which the subject property Js situated.
That because of special circumstances app].icab]e
to the subject property, including size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings, the strict
app].ication of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
properties in the vicinity and under identical
zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by
reference and made a part of the motion.
Chairman Halus declared a' short recess in order to
change the tape at 10:50 P.M
- 9 -
I'C Mdnuto:'.; - February 2,~, 1969
Mooting r¢;c. onv¢;n¢,d at ].] :O0
Mr. Webster stated that during the recess it was
~-0-t{~3'li[--{~3-'Iii:{ atte~ti[m tiler i.he storm drain casc:n'.ent
in tl~e width of 10 feet on the ~o]:'[h and cast property
lines, the locat, io:~ of which makes it Jmpoz;sJb]c to
put signs o]~ either property line.
Mr. Webster stated he wisl'lcd to withdraw tlic motion
~-S-T~-t-~-t'e-i~'-a-t the present time and offer a substitute
'J'h a e t l'j_e...a.E.r.? ].: j:_ci~ _n_t...._b_9' _~}.]_:_l_.o_~:;_ed'_._t..o.... 5.(.it ]~5]_r. m._..'._ h _i_s.
apj)].Jcatdon and to resul>i.-,it an an,ended a~?]._5_:.c_.',.'_t.t'.~..9_n_.
ca].].dng for that crdt¢,ria whd. cl'~ he: would
details with the City F, nodneer. To carry this
March 24, 1969.
Motion seconded by_?_ir .__.L_a..r_n?}r_d_. ~j__r~.:_I_,.u_dji{.!.g..
concurred wi. th thc' subst.itute motion. CarrJ.ed
'5-1, ~i~-." S-~i~{i-~' V¥~'17{~-'i~¥7 .................
Mr. Gines stated he wou]d w]thdraw the app]icatJon
~i'-~-~.-~-e.'.'~"-to meet with the City Engineer and the
Planning Department in an effort to work out a'
so].ution to the problem and'submJ, t a new Var.iance
UP-69--289 - f:UG}.]N}',] F. & R].TA C. TUT'I'
~_lr_~_.u_p_i_n_9_eL stated this proposal was to permit a
service stat5on-restaurant deve].opmcmt J n the C-1
(Retadl Commerc]a].) District. The service statJ.on
to be on the ground level and the restaurant above
it. The site ]s located on the northeast corner of
the intersectJ, on of Red Hill Avenue and Nisson Road
(south side frontage road of Santa Aha Freeway). The
applicant's justification ]s: The site is a prime
location for the proposed deve].opment. The proximity
of the Santa Ana Freeway w]l] attract significant
sales tax revenues to the City which are not now
realized. The staff reconunends that UP-69--289 be
condJtional].y approved for the followfng reasons
and subject to the following conditions:
The Conuaission finds, that the establishment,
maintenance and operation of thc use applied for
will not, under the circumstances of the partJcu].ar
case, be detrimental to the health, safety,
morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons
residing or working in the neighborhood of the
porposed use and it w]ll not be J. njurious or
detrimental to the property and improvements in
the neighborhood or the general welfare of the
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearing are included by
reference and made a part of the motion.
That the restaurant meet the requirements of
Title ].9, Public Safety (Ca].ifornJa Administrative
Code) .
- 10-
PC Minutes - February 24, 3.969
Api)]-ova]. of plans by l. hc.~ ArchitccL. ural
Commit [ co.
3. Completion of annexation proceedings.
ConstruckJ. on of full street J.r~il)rovemeni-s,
w]xere missing, including curb a]id gutter,
sidewalk, pavil~<j, and drive approach~:-,;.
5. Insta].].ation of street lights.
lnsta].lation of street trees per the Master
StreeL Tree Plan.
Comp].etJ.on of requirements for PM-69-]6 to
create the parcel covered by the Use Pe. rmit.
Rental. of trailers or other equJ. p::'.ent, and the
storage of same on the site sha].l be prohibited.
No merchandise, such as tires or other accessories,
shall, be stored or dj. splayed outside of the
service station building.
Banners, pennan£s, flags (other than State,
Federal or City), sandwich board signs; and
other such display materials sha!] be prohibited.
The parking of trucks on the site other than
for minor servicing sha].l be prohibited.
No vending machines shall be stored or maintained
outside of the building.
13. Major overhaul of engines shall bc prohibited.
ChaJ. rman }Ialus opened t]xe public portion of the
h--e~rXi?[~-" ~--3'337.--3 0 P. ~':.
In answer to questioning, Mr. Gill. stated that
Condition No. 3 could be d~leted since J t was just
a technicality; that annexation had been passed by
the City Council and now was on].y awaiting certifi-
cation by the Secretary of State·
E__u_gehe F. Tutt, applJ..cant, 150]. Nisson Road, Tust. in,
stated that She].]. Oil was taking exception to
Condition No. 11, the parking of trucks on the site
other than for'minor servicing shall be prohibited.
}{e said a part of their o'peration may require a
truck for servicing and delivery. He said he knew
this condition was imposed to avoid a situation that
exists in the area at another restaurant site where
a great many large trucks are parked on the site.
}{e said he would discourage this. However, the
oil company feels that they will need a truck for
the conduct of their business and he proposed that
this condition be amended to allow that specific
kind of truck on the site.
Mr. Supi_n._g_e_r_ stated he felt that condition could be
changed to read "the parking of trucks other than
utilized by the business on the site shall be pro-
- ]1-
. .'. / PC Ni~:utcs - ]'cb~uary 2d, ]969
flr. Tut. t .qt. ai. ed ti:at. 1~¢:, pc:-.~;ona.q].y agreed
oLhor ' · ,c.,.- ~ ' ,c. ,.~ -
acco ..... <. rio..,, .,n,tl] l.;e ~.;t.orcd or dj. sl.,3
¢~c Of the service statJo]~ buJ.].dJ]lg, but
She].]. desired to have a maxi.]'.mm of fou~'
individually disp].aycd outside t.l~e building.
service station is to bc o]~ the .ground floor
the rcskau~ant above it. Mr. Tuft slated tl~Js
wou].d be thc first cstab]J.s]nncnt of tliJs type to
go i~.
Chairman Ila3us c]oscd tlie pub].ic portion of thc
hearing at ].] :15 p.M.
The CommJ..~;sJ oners dj scusscd pos.~3ible traffic prob] cms;
and trash storage.
No. 1050 bc adopted, apuroving UP-69-28!~ ior thc
fo].].owJ, ng reanons and subject to the fei]owing
~6~?~J] ~ f'~if~-f .......................................................
Re~..,c n.,:
The Commission finds that the establishment,
maintenance and operation of the use applJ.cd
for will not, under the circumslances of the
particular case, be detrimental to the heal. th,
safety, morals, comfort and 9enera] welfare of
tile persons residing or working Jn the neigh-
borhood of th6 proposed use and J.t. wi].], not bc
injurious or detrimental to the property and
improvements in the neighborhood or the genera].
welfare of the City.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence
introduced at the hearJ, ng are included by
reference and made a part of the motion.
That tile restaurant meet the requ.iremc'nts of
Title ].9, Public Safety (CalJ. fornJa Administrative
Code ) .
Approval of plans by the Architectural Conm',Jttee.
Construction of full street improvements, where
missing, including curb and gutter, sidewalk,
paving and drive approaches.
5. Installation of street lights.
lnsta].lation of street trees per the Master Street
Tree Plan.
CoInpletJ. on o'f requirements for PM-69-].6 to create
the parcel covered by the Use Permit.
Rental of trailers or other equipment, and the
storage of same on the site shall be prohibited.
No merchandise such as tires and other accesnorJes
shall, be -~;tored or displayed outside of tile
service station buJ.]dJng.
- 12 -
PC 1.'..Jnutc-'; - }.'ebru~l:."~' 24, ]969
Banr, er:;, pc?nnan['.s, flag.'; (c)L. lter than State,
Federal or City), :~andwic]'l bo~,~ct sign:; a~ld oLhc;r
such display mat,ri, als ,;~la].l bc prohibi'Led.
The parking of trucks other %]~an those necessarily
involved in %he station's opera,ions o;~ t.,~ site
othc:r tha~'~ for minor servJ, cJ.ng shall be prohibited.
12. No vendi, ng ma;chines shrill, be ,~;tor¢:d or ma~n--
tainc, d ou'tsidc of the building.
13. Major over]~aul of engines shall be prohibited.
MO__L_'~?Z!.. c__a rr led una n i r_.:_o, t_~(;_]_._y._.
6. V-69-234 - }',UG?;NE F. & RITA C. TUTT
Mr. Supinger stated the sit. c is located on the north-
east corner of the inLer.qectJ.on of Red Iii]] Avenue
and Nisson Road. .The request is to permit:
Freeway Identification Sign, within {he required
setback area, 80 feet height, total area of
738 square feet.
l,ocal Identification SJ. gn, within the required
setback area, '20 feet height, total area of 90
square feet·
c. Mr. Up Restaurant' wall sign, 7 square feet.
d. Shell Oil wall sign, 25 square feet.
e. Total. sign area on site 860 square feet.
Applicant's justification:
Because of the configurations and elevations of
the freeway and the surface streets, it is
necessary to provide one sign for local and one
sign for freeway identification.
Street configuration and project deve].opment
'plans dictate sign locations within setback
It will be necessary to identify for patrons
the restaurant and s~rvice station areas of the
The staff recommends approval for the following
That the adjustment hereby authorized wJ].l not
constitute a grant of special privilege inconsis-
tent with the limitations upon other properties
in the vicinity and district in which the subject
property Js situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable
to the subject property, including size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings, the strict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
properties in the vicinity and under identical.
zone classification.
As additional grounds, the minut:es and evidence
introduced at thc? hearJ, ng are inc].ud(;d by reference
and made a part of thc motJon.
o~].y a£tcr vic,:.:j, ng on t]~o ,qJi. e propo:.;a].,'; for tho
Freeway ldcntificatJo.'.] $i9n and tcs t:ip.~j
visibility at variou',; hc'ight.'; for the. t)o]c ,,;JUn.
Chairn'.a.r~ };al.u:; openc, d the pub]J:d porLio~, of thc
Mr. ']'ui:t, applJ, cant, .¢;tatcd that afLer l.c:.~;tJ)~g thc;
~']']]-~TJ~J.'ty for the l,'reeway ]'deiii'JficatJ.o!~ SJ. gn, he
fell that t}~e height of the sign was not one J.]~ch
more or one inc:h ]ess than required for proper
identJ, iJcatJo]~, tie slated ihat She]] Oil Company
agrees wii. h tile proposal.
Mr. Rick Vandc~rhoff, 3.3032 Meadow]ark Avenue,
ifs 7' C'}{'i]-fornJ a, rcprc.';entJ n,9 Hr. Up
Restaurant. s, stated in answer to questioning,
that thJ. s par['.icu]ar sign (sign a) would probab].y
be white and blue in co]or.
Chairman tla]us closed the pub].ic portion of the
hearing at ]].:45 P.r,i.
The Co~:umissioners felt that no~ enough inforraation
had be:eh presented and the matter should be
continued to al. low thc: applicant to furnJ, sh n'..e.'.'e
detail as to the design, height and colors to be
used in the Freeway Identifi. catJ. or: Sign.
................. ........ £._'L..2 ................ ..... ' ...... J ......
Planning Co,r.:.,Ss,;ion raee~J~.q, No~K!ay, ;.,arct~ ~0, ].969.
Mr. Tutt rcquec-;tcd that the variance' be approved and
the ArchJ. tc:ctural Committee review the plans and
make rcconunendat.~ons.
Chairman tla].u.¢; felt it more appropriate for the ont'.ire
Commission to view all the plans and make recon',mendatJ, ons.
Mr. Supinger commented that, a-~; another alternative,
the Com.:nission could schedule a special meetJ, ng.
· Motion carried unanimous].y_.
To permit the constructJ.on of an office building
in the C-2-P District-with a reduction in tile
required number of off-street parking spaces.
Thirt'een (].3) spaces are proposed for the
5,463 square fool building and 19 spaces are
Site is located on the southwest corner of the
intersec.tJon of Main Street and E1 Camino Ileal
("D" Street).
Mr. _~.~?j=.n_g_er stated he had received a reque.¢;t for a
continuance of thJ.-¢; matter to the next regularly
scheduled Co~:m~ission meeting.
V-69-233 be continued t:o the next regu!ar]y
PC Minute,:-; - ].'ebrua~.rv 2d, ]969
0 RDI'iR)
V--67--].98 AND V-68--206 - I1ON I)EVJ;LO]'~.;].:.K'J' CO.
~--f£0~L;T-6YE"~'!5'. ...................................................
M~r_... _S_uj).J_.n_g.?~.-.. stated th'i.,.; Was a reque.,;t fo]: extension
of' Variance time limit.. Thc: pfopcr, ty is located on
the northca.~Jt corner of tile intcr.~;cction of Mcl:'adc]en
and TustJ.]l Vil].age Way. Thc, staff has no obit:orions
to the extcnsJ.o]~ of thc:se items fo].- six moni'lls.
li I[l_i.?oJ_._O_l'l. ~,l.~2;~:]&.C,.a_t....i:.O._II.?_' .Y-'9 '/_--_...]- 9_[il a_rl~__V-~.q.~_".'? .0_._6__ b~'!
~xtcndcd to 10/8/69. CarLr_i~___uj_~q.?._J:._,u.?_~_,.L~X.
_~3_v_ c_,_c! .L~ y_ ~_;.]..: .... _!:.~.r_,_!z_,,.r:~!, .._s3. ?_o n ~.%!L~! .p.:,_ ,'ir....??ksXF_r.....L~ ,_a_}.
Cot r e. sp.c{]2~_e_n_?_.,_ _Lt:??_._b_q___t_ajV2p_~L'_a_._o..r.__o_r: £l~!X.
].. COUNTY CASE UV--62].] - WILLIA:.i W. Z]NI(
_M_.r:_ ~u_.p_i.}l.g_(.!_r stated this sit(,, is located on the north-
west side of Newport Avenue, north.of l,a Co].J.]]a
Drive, at the south side of Van. derlJp Avenue. The
application is to permit the establishment of a
22 unit apartment comp]ex in the R-]-10,000 (Single
Family Residential) District, and. to permit
erection of a double faced sign with a total area
of ]00 square feet. in accordance with the Orange
County Sign Code· Thc General Plan calls for
medium low density which is E-4 density and the
staff recommends that the Commission oppose this
Mr. Wi].]Jam Zink, ]802 Brice Place, Santa Ana,
stated tI{-a-t he was in no hurry for this and would
be in favor of a post-.ponement in order for the
Commission to analyze the proposal, tie said the
buildings will be one-story with a shake roof and
early California design. They look like houses
rather than apartments.
Moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Sharp that a
~e~-ter be directed to the County indicating that we
vigorously oppose UV-62]l due to the density and the
fact. that it does not comply with our Genera]. Plan.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Su.pinger stated that this property fronts 276
'feet on the southeast side of Newport, about 70 feet
southwest of Warren (extended). To permit the
construction of a 56 unit. apartment complex on a
parcel containing less than the required area in
the R4-7000 PD-3000 (Suburban Residential - Planned
Development) District. The staff recommends that
the County be informed that the Conm',ission has no
objection to the proposed project since it is in
conformance with the density .suggested by the
General Plan.
Mr. Zink stated that this was %he same type of
proposal as in UV-62].l.
Moved by Mr__..__Lar__n_a_rd_,__{;_e_c_.o.n.c!?.c.]_!_~y- ~_I_r:._.t_~'_.e.b~t_..e_r__...t_!]j.ti
a letter be sent to the Co.~.}31.t_'_y_._'.d..d_v_J_z{;.irlg__t.[]iLt_'_t!?-
Comml.-s-f;']-6-n has rio 6bjectio_n_..?..9__t'j?.__al?.t{r_o._v_9_]_._9. f_.'
UV---6'fYOC---C ~,~r-£~a- %-6%,,-~'~-n:o u .~; ] y.
I'C l.li. nuLc:.~; - l'c:l:ruary 2,i, 3.969
~_r_...F,.u!LJ:.pc.l£,~:. stated thi,'; :.;itc J.s located on
nort. h side. of Wa],nu£ Avenue:., al~]~ro>:Jmate]y 600 feet
west of Br¢,~\,.'ning Avenue. Jt covers 4.55 ac;:¢','~ with
].8 loC,; plus ] sraa]l ].at not for rc,~iidc:'~t].a].
'J'he staff rccoim:',er~d.q approval subject to t]~e final
approw~l by l:]le City Council and the City ],:ngJncer.
Moved by Mr. Websi. cr, scc. ondcd by Mr. Nahoney that
fina.] map of Tract No. 6749 be approved s;ubjcct ia
final apt)row.,] by the City Com~cJ.] a]]d the City
Engil]c:er. Carried unanJ, mou.~3] y.
SECOND R}.:V1S}..'I) 'J.'LN'J'A:f']'V]'; FlAP O1" TRT,,C'J' NO. 5849
_~!r_._~S?i)J.[lg.c.r.. st'.atcd thJr; trac:~ consists of 43 ].ets
and is located o]~ tt~e sout.h side of Nitchc]] Avenue,
from 330 to 990 fec~ wcstcr].y of. Brownin9 Aver, ue.
Aprroval J-'.; rccom:'aondecl by thc City Enginqer subjccL
to ten conditions.
Moved by fir. Web.~3tcr, seconded by Nfs. I,udv..'J.g that
the second revised tentative map of Tract No..5849
be approved -,;ubject to the following ten conditions:
GrantJn9 of 56 foot width for street, right-of-
way with 36 foot curb to curb distance and ].0
foot parkways on ini'.c, rJ.or streets.
Provide adequate street lJghtin9 on Mitcl]cl].
Avenue and interior tract streets and annex
entire property to Tustin ],ighting DJ strict.
Ali. public: i~nprovements, sewers, drainage
faci.].J, tie.~; and appurtenances shall be con-
structed to City standards and approved by
the City Engineer.
All public uti].ities shall be installed under-
ground in conformance with accepted standards
of utility companies.
Street trees shall be provided and pi.anted in
accordance with City ordinances.
Provide water system and public sewers; to serve
all lots together wJ th any necessary off-si.t·
sewer and easements to connect to existing
Sanitation District or City of Tustin sewers.
Provide a drainage easement on the alignment
of C]overbrook Drive to Walnut if Tract No. 6749
is not recorded and adequate drainage facJ]..it..ies
to .serve the' areal at the Wa]nut end of Clover-
brook and across the Wa]nut Avenue fronta~3c of
Tract No. 6749 to correlate with the facilities
being constructed by Tract No. 6633 to tile eaat.
Those segments of existing irrigation lines
conflicting with or endangered by any proposed
construction sha].] be removed and relocated
or collapsed and backfill·d, or otherwi.~;e made
to conform to the specifications of the CJt.y
of Tustin Building Code or to the satJ. sfactJon
of tile City Eng.ineer and tile irrJ.gatJon ].Jne
- 16-
All lots must meet mJ. nJmu]tL frontage and area
requircmo, nts of thc; P,-] district.
Motion carried
3. PAlaCE1, MAP - PM 69-16 - EUGi',N].; ].'. TUTT
Mr. Sup.i_])!Lg_r' staled thi s site is; ].ocated on thc
east side of. Red Ili.].l Avenue b'etween Nisson }toad
and ti~e Santa Aha ?'reeway. The City l:',ngJ.]]eer
recommends approw~], subject to five conditions.
Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Larnard that
~-~ ~-6i f].'--~'t-i' '-is f,i~ 6'9-~'1-6--'b~- }~}5 Jf6~ Yd"-~ i~ffj e~"C' ~8-' -tTfi ~.~ ......
~i]~ 6{.fl ~' - 1-19Y{-'68}~a 5~ .{ 6n?', ': ..............................
1. Completion of annexation, proceedings.
Construction of full street improwunents on
Parcel ]., where mJ. ssing, including curb and
9utter, sidewalk, paving, and' drive approaches.
Insta].].atJ. on of street lights and annex to
lighting district.
Instal].ation of street' trees per Mast. er Street
Tree Plan.
Final. approval, by the City Engineer arid recordation
of the map.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Hal. us reported that the American
InstJtu~-~.of Planners has just recent]y
established an Orange County Section, California
Chapter. Van Stevens, the Planning Director
in Santa Aha is in charge of membership, and
he was asked if he would let the Commission
know when they had discussion groups that might
be of interest. Mr. Hal. us stated he had
· received a notice today concerning the program
to be presented by Henry Fagan, Professor of
Graduate Administration, U.C.I. The program
will be "Orange County Minority Group Trends".
This will be at the Grand tlotel, Royal Room,
on Friday, February '28, 1969.
Chairman Ilalus said he is in receipt of a
preliminary program for "Housing - A JoJ. nt
Venture for Public and Private Action" to be
held on March 4 and 5 at the Beverly Hi].ton
Moved by Mrs. Ludwig, seconded by Mr. Mahoney that
t ~-6- ~,~ ~{ t J.--'-n~]~'--~-~-'-~-~-~-~-~.'~.'~l-- (--~'2~-:-2-0--~%-~ bl ;' -) C a r r-.{~. (~ .......
unanimous] y.
,~}':CR~] AR~ Of" 2'III'; PLANNING CO..~,-II~;,S]'ON