HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-10-69ERRATA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 10, 1969 Thc following is a correction to thc minutes of the regularly scheduled iaeeting of tile Planning Commission oil February 10, 1969. Public Hearing No. 7 omitted. UP-69-288 - WES'i~i'~PLN i"tLANCHISt': DEVI:LOPNI'iNT CO!{PORAT]iON FOR ~ilALE ELECTRON 1CS To permit a free-standing pole sign in required setback area with a total sign area of 250 sq. ft. Mr. Supin~er stated the site. fronts 125 ft. on the northwest side of Newport Avenue approximately 170 ft. southwest of the centerline of Walnut Avenue. He f~rther said that since this was fi]ed as a use permit, the area of'the sign should not really be a part of this consideration. This Was advertised as it was submitted but the Commission would not ~ave the authority to grant a variance if one were re- quested. The staff recommends approval of this application to locate a sign in the setback area. Chairman Halus opened and closed the public portion of the hearing. Moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Webster, that Resolution No. 1047 be adopted approving UP-69-288 for the following reasons: The Co~nission finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use and will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. As additional grounds, the mihutes and evidence intro- duced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. M]NU']~].:S Ot.' A RI.i£;UI,Alt I.~E].','i'i~G TUST1N P]JANN1NG CO:.I~.iXSSiON February 10, ]969 CALL TO ORDI';I{ I I. PL}':DGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROI,I, CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTI':S' VI. OLI) .BUSINESS (OUT OF ORDER) The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Ha]us. Led by Conuuissioner Mahoney. Present: Conzmissioners: Oster, Sharp, Halus, Ludwig, Mahoney, Larnard, Webster Absent: CommJ. ssJ. oners: None Others Present: Harry E. Gill~ City Administrate3: · James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. Supinger, Planning DJ. rector Jo Ann Turner, P].anning' Secretary It was moved b'y Mr. Shar_p.: second~d_bv~..Mr. Oster, that th.e_.__m.~:r_~.u.t~.e_.~i__o_f._..J_anu~ry 27, 1969, be a.~pro\:ed as submitted. Motion carried 7-0. It was mov.e¢.]_...b_y_Mr. ~?e.b_p_.t__e_.r..,__s_e...c_o3~.c~]e_d by_.M__r_:_._L__a_.r_n_gr_d- that the rules be sus?ended to co~sider the ite:n under 0].¢~, Business (Tustin CJ. ty Study) out of order. R%-(:i-~'~ - c-~-~'[ i-6~-'--£-%. TUSTIN CiTY APd:;A Mr. SupJnger stated that a report has been subn]itted by the Staff which has been derived as a result of a recent workshop between the City Council and the Planning Co~mn]ission January 16, 1969. He stated that a list of standards has been drafted that could be applied to the new applicatJ, ons that have been sub- mitted in the Tustin City Area. He felt that it was important to clarify that any zoning applied to the property, because of previous hearing notices that have been sent out on this matter, would have to be at ].east as restrictive as the standards which apply in the R-3 District. The standards that have been derived involve the PC (Planned Community) approach which would permit both single family and mu].tip].e family uses within the area w~th new construction permitted only. There would be no conversion of existing structures. A use permit would be required for multiple family residential along with archJ, tectura] review. Density would be one unit for every 1,750 square feet of net lot area, which would amount to 24 dwelling units per acre maximum. Minimum Dwel].in~ Unit Area Bachelor & ]. bedroom units 2 bedroom units 3 bedroom units 700 sq. ft. 1,000 sq. ft. 1,300 sq. ft. * Average minimum area of ali. dwe]].Jng units on a single property shall not be less than 1,000 square feet. Maximum BuildJn~ Coverage 50% (Bui]d.~ng Coverage includes covered parking). PC M]NUTI':S - February ]0, ]969 Setback s Front: Rear Interior Side: 15 ft. 10 ft. 7.5 ft. Street Side: 10 ft. Mail] Building Separati_o_]j. One Story: 10 ft. ~o or More Stories: ].5 ft. Entrances Facing: 30 ft. From Accessory Bull. ding not ali. owed: 10 ft. Maximum Heiq_h_t_ 3 stories Minimum Lot Area 15,000 sq. ft. R-i-~-i-~-6 ~ -1~ 6{ - ~ ~-6~- t- a g e 100 ft. Minimu]{{"0'ff-Street Pa.rk~ ng Bache]or Units 1 Bedroo5~ 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom space/unit spaces/unit spaces/unit spaces/unit * Minimum of 1 covered space/unit. Mr. Supinger stated that he disagrees with these standards and Stands on his recoiJ~nend~ltion for R-2 zoning for the area, feeling that it would not solve the problems ~ny better than Higher Density Mu].tiple Fami].y, but felt that it would be more con~patible with the existing and future development. Mr. Webster stat. ed that it was his understanding that the intent of getting into this study was to provide a flexible administrative way to control any developn~ent that may occur in this general area, and to provide at the same time possible incentives to potential developers to do a better job or to give more amenities in any development that they may wish to construct on any dis- agreeable properties. He stated that the present ordinance did not seem to create the effect that was desk. red and some alternative is needed. He opined that the second problem in his thinking is the physical layout and nature of the subdivisions that have created a problem because of their narrow widths and extreme depth, water sewerage, etc. There is fear that rezoning the property to a higher use would immediately create artificial rise in land values which would not be related to construction or any change J.n the area. He felt that the prime concern was to alleviate in some way, the dislocation or discomfort associated with the development and not cause a hardship with the people that want to remain in a single family develop- ment. He felt that a more flexible ordinance should be drafted which creates incentives for increased densities or,her types of incentives if the developer would do certain things that would be beneficial ~the develop- ment. He felt that the difficulty of this particular recommendation is that it doesn't accomplish a good criteria. Mr. Webster stated that he disagrees with the proposal for R-2 (Duplex). Because of circum- stances involved, it could end up in undesirable slums. - 2 - PC Minutes - I, cbruary 10, ]969 tie fc].t that the burden ~.s on the Con'uttiss~on ancl li;UC]l more time and research should be allo',.:od before lttaki~g a decision. Mr. Oal:er concurred with Mr. Wcb.,~tcr, stating ti~at he ~'~i'J.-C-t'he staff's suggest'.J.o]~ - PC-TC is, in effect, giving R-3-1750 to the w]~olc area without any co]~trol by the Co~raaJssion. }.lc felt that thc CommJ. s~;Jon should have control to protect the people in the area that want to remain Single t.'amily Residence and give certain incentJ, vcs to the developer who wi. II. want to work with the City for certain standards. Mr. Webster stated that at this point and time, thor(: i--~---n'~) cons~naus of opinion that any standard.~ could be developed. }lc felt that views should be solicited of developers, property owners and anyone that is interested to help and develop a method of approach. }Ie did not fee]. that this should be set for a public hearing until there was something to discuss. Mr. Oster stated that he. wou3d like to avoid end]ess workshops and reminded thc Commission that. J.t has been indicated to Nr. G. l,. Lewis that a decision would be made this evening on his application. Chairman }lalus agreed with Mr. Wet~-~:ter' and stated that ~'~-'-i-,~i'-~'l~a-d-~'~' for the deve].opcrs or concerned and informed people to 'assist with the creatJ.vity that is needed for some standards and a flexible ordinance. tle felt that as a City, we have an obligation to the people that ]J. ve in thc subject a].'e[~s, and yet the TustJn City Area needs upgrading and a planned approach to integr~te it into t.l~e surrounding area, which J.s upgraded and growing much more than the Town Center. tie felt that creativity is a]moat J. mpo.~sJ.b]e to ]egis].ate and to a large degree, we have to look to the proposed developer to provide the uniqueness that the City can work with this developer. Mr. Oster stated that he felt that the City Council has referred this matter back to the Planning Commission asking us to take action, not to put a freeze on the area, and try and work out the best solution that they can at the present time and keep it moving. He felt that a lot of workshop sessions, until a set of standards is derived, would in effect put a freeze on the area. Mr.__._S_..u_p_i_~.g_e_r_ explained that he feels the Corn=mission has the authority to cstab]is~ Planned Community (PC) zoning for the three applicatJ.ons that are before the Commission this evening, as long as the standards app].ied to that Planned Community zoning are at ].east as restrictive as those in the R-3 district. He continued to say that he does not think that it is desirable to take this type of action - he felt that the solution to the area-wide problem shou].d come before decisJ, ons are made on specific requests withJ, n the area. }Ie exp].aincd that he does not feel that any app].icant shou]d be given zoning within the TustJn City Area unless the Commission is prepared to give that same' zoning to any other property owner within the area who is going to apply. He felt that the standards in the overall area should be established before any individua.] decisions are made within that area. - 3 - PC Minutes - February 10, 1909 Chairman ]~a]us stated that he thought, b~sed on the discus~';~)]{' ~'~'~ co~:~;nent, s thus far, that t]].~s parLic~u].ar item is not ready for adoption at this time. tlc suggested tl~at it may be approi~riate action to table this item and return J t to the staff and ask for iurtl~er study a~]d apply the ramiiicatJo]~s of this dJ scussJ, on to the three applicatio]~s this evening. Mr. Webst¢:r felt that a workshop should be slated for a near future date. Mr. Oster felt that a public hearing should be :;et to amend the Genera]. Plan for the rqarch 10th meetJ, ng. Mr. Larnard fe].t that f.lr. Oster's suggestion was a good idea, and felt that it should be set as a goal. for the Colmaissioners. It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Oster that _(_M_.fl_r._c_ !]_ . ]:.0 ., ].969) to a~::end thc: General Plan and that a date be set i~.--~{~:.'~rkst~oD Dr.']-~-r-to the-'n'ext reou].ar]v scheduled ])lannJng Co=,~:~J :;s] on meet:'.z._n_~, of_~'.ebruary- 24, i-9-6-91 .......... Mrs. Ludwig asked the staff to obtain and present to ~he CommissJ.on members, a copy o'f the Costa Mesa ordinance for their perusal, relative to this matter before the next workshop meeting. Mr. Gill pointed out that one 6f the reasons that the precise planning ha.g, not been considered at this time is that J t is the feeling that there J s lack of good data Jn order to bui].d this. One of the studies ~n progress now is the Economic Base Study and he envisions that after the results of this study there will be better information than we have today relative to the need in this area or ].ack of need for certain type of residential land uses. He stated that to go into a blanket General Plan revisJ, on for precise planning prior to th(; conclusion of this study may be something you should seriously consider. He stated that the attempt of this particular PC-TC zoning draft ~s a result of meetings to develop a zone that could be applicable to the applications before the Commission now, whJ. ch through Council direction, has been requested to be resolved as soon as possible and is not an attempt to blanket the who'l. 6 area at this time. Chairman Halus stated that the items before the Commission have been carried forward for approximately six months, stating that it has been confusing for the peop].e in the area and the ~nability for the applicant to pi. an and felt that it was unfair to keep continuing these items. Mr. Gill stated that it would be a matter of five or six more months before the Economic Base Study is completed and is a ].ittle premature to make a blanket recommendation at this time to consider amending the General Plan. Mr. Rourke commented that in order to give proper ~-6~i~ to any interested partJ, es relative to the hearing of' the above motion, it should be stated that it is PC Mu].tJp]e Family Residential District that is to be considered. Mr. Sharp. asked the staff about the street width, water service end sev;ers in the area, feeling this ~s a very important part of land deve].opment. He did not fee] that the PC-TC plan really elaborated on tho'.se items. tie also asked if Jt would be possible to zone the area PC with an additional tag of Multiple Family Residential. or some sJ. milar zoning and then set some min.4mum - 4 - I'C Ninutcs l'ol;ru..'tzy ]0, ]969 PUBI,IC }lEAR] NGS stanc]ar(].~; without cai]trig J.t. PC-TC zolie, but. similar to .,o.~....,' ",' of. thc .~;[.andard.~; sc.t f¢)r[.l~ J.n the present: PC--'J'C rc'co,n:.,tcir, datJ.on. Mr._..._ .S.,.t_~.l_','_i!.!gc_~r stated that rc].a,t, i ve to sewers, v:atc:r and skrcc:t.~; in tile 'l'u~;tJn CJ. ty Al-ca, tl~j.s was comnKmted on in thc: TustJ. n CJ. ty Area report, and these items arc an area-wide problem and .~;hould be so].vcd on an area-wide basis rather than on a specific parcel consJ, der ation. lie furLhcr indicated i. hat t':c did riot fee] that the PC de.qJgnah.~on could be applied to solve lhe sewer, water and st..reef problems, tle stated that i. he PI. angled CommunJiy (PC) under %he existing zones wi. th standards as restrictive as the R--3 zones could be app].Jed. Mr. SupJnger si. atcd that ~i. was not advJ. sa.L~]c: to ntakc zoning ar. lcndmcnt, s contrary to tile General Plan until the Genera]. Plan is amended and standards are set under such an amendme',%t. Mr. Larnard stated that J.n view of thc additional l-~J~.]~'tJon presented by Mr. GJ ] ]. and Mr. Supingcr, ~_.?{j~!qr.9_vi_~!~.~L_R~?X~.~p~._~:)p~i~.~l~. Nr. Oster, the second of the motion, concurred. that a five mJ'nute recess be d¢,,c:].ared.. Motion .................................. Meeting reconvened at 8:45 P.bl. The abpy_cL_r, Lq.~.f_.o_~2__c_a.r_rj:.e. .d.._u.n_e.{!i?}p_u_.E.]._y. ZC 68--].83 - G. I,. I,EWIS I.:NTJ'iJIPt[]]S}']S, ]'NC. For rezoning of approximately 0.77 acres of ].and from the R-]. (Single Fami].y Res~aenuia].) District to the R-3 (Multiple Fmni]y ReaJdential) District. Mr. Su. pin.g_e_r stated the site fronts 150 feet on the east side of Mountain View Drive, approximately 300 feet north of the centerline of First Street. }le further stated this was not: a new application; this hearing was referred back'to the Planning Con'~ission by the City Council. Mr. Websi.er stated he would be abstaining from any. dJ. scussJon or voting in this matter. Chairman }la].us reopened the pub].ic portion of the hearing and stated discussion would be limited to anything new or unusual. Mr. G. I,. Lewis, 550 East Chapman, Orange, applicant, ~ate~i--ft-e-~;]'.]~e'd to subn:Jt some new i nfolzmation. The staff had received a letter iron', Dr. Peele who is a resident in the area which adds to the previous list of people who support the rezoning of this property. AdditJona]ly, he stated that J.n speaking to the Council previously, they felt that some comprom.ise should be reached as to the den,~;Jty and he is submittin9' that this be zoned R-3--].500 as - 5 - PC I, iJnutes -- February ]0, ].969 opposed to the previou¢;].y reque.~.;tcd R--3--1250. }lc further suggested t]~at a condOr, ion be e~tab]ished when this matter is approved tl]at a precise planned process similar to what has previously been discussed be J.nitJ. ated Jn this one application. He stated that his J.s a different co~dJ, tion tl~¢~n the other two applications before the Comn';issJon. lie asked that his app].Jcation be considered on its own ]~erits and not swayed one way or another by the Attebery or the Kruppe at~p]icatj.ons. Chair. man I!a].us stat. ed that the C¢;im~,]J. ssioners had ~-~-i~-~-s-s~-J'-tt[e-"matter and ail were in agreen',ent that the three applications were separate and distinct and a].] would be considered on their own merits. Chairman Ua]us closed the public portion of the - ............ Mr. Oster shared he had, this past week, seen some o--~-"the work that G. L. I,ewJs Ent(?rpr~ses had done and he had no doubt that they would put something on this property that the City could be proud of. However he £'e]t thai. i. he Comm~ssio,~ dj.(] not have the~n' forn,~.~-~"~].on as yet that would change their 6riginal feeling on the matter. Mr. Oster moved that P~,so],~ iii'ion No. _]._0_~2_,~ ].eco~..,.lel.a].n9, , ~ ' ' , ~-e~-J~a-]--6-{ ~d~-6~-i-j[~.'.3_'[:'"}i'~ ~d'0~'['6'd']- Se_c.p_n_d_q.d_..by._!,j~.. Ludwi g. Vote by roil call. Ayes: Mahoney, Larnard, Sharp, Oster, ],udwJg, Halus. Noes: None. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Webster abstained. 2. ZC-68--18d - T. V. ATT}':B},RY On behalf of 16 property owners for rezoning of approximately 4.5 acres of land from the R-1 (Single Family Residential) District to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) DistrJ. ct. Mr. Supinger stated the property comprises a majority ~f the-~lock bounded by First, Pacific, Third, and Myrtle Streets. He said this is not a new application; this .hearing was referred back to the Planning Commission by the City Council. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing ~nd requested that comment, s be limited to anything new which has not been mentioned previously. Hearing and seeing no one with any new information, Chair~nan Halus closed the public portion of the hca'ring. M_r:_...O_s_ii_e.L__m_ 9.v.e_..d.__t!!_a_t_.R_e_.s_o_l.u_'_c_i.o_.n.._~!0..-._ ..1_0. ~. }.,._ _r_97_ 0..nD_e_._n_d_i_n_g_ .to._t?}.e_ .C~..t_y__C.'..o_~!.n.c..}_l.__t.!?t ZC 68-] 84 be den.~ ed, be adopted. Seconded by Mr.__Shar~. Vote by roll cai].. Ayes: Sharp, Oster, Ludwig, Mahoney, Larnard, Webster, Halus. Noes: None. carried 7-0. Motion M o v e d_ .b~'_...~J r._ _. _0_~_t? .r ;... s_e.._c_o n d_.c..d_. __b~v.___~! r- .__~.~_r__n. a_r._d. _,__ fr.h_ .a_.t_ __t_ .h_ c_',. order of... b_.u.~i~l_e.~_s_'__bg.._gl_~a__~_.~_e_d_..32.n~,___! t:_.e~__?~o. 5 be cons ~ d- _e r_(~ d_. .a t t.hi_~?__.pg..i.[}.._t__a_n.d time. ~C_a.r.r_J_.e.d....}j_n_a_ni___~t. 9.~lsily_. - 6 - PC blJnu['c-q - l.'ebruary ]0, ]969 ZC 69-].90 - R](:t;)~I',I) A.":]) }l].Y,J,.~].: ~[].[UJ~}>]; 1,'or rt.:zoning c')£ an a[)pro>:i]aate 0.83 acre parcel to the PC (P].anncd Co:~,:',m~J ('y-;.iu] t:.J.l~] e }.'a~nJ ly) I)J sErJ c:~. .M_r..- ~J)?.i~?g?_r st:at-ed tt~c: site fronts 109.]6 feet on tl:e SOUth S3C,~.~ of I,l~lJn St/'¢.et, apl)ro×J::~ato].y 227 feet east. of th(: c:entc~r].Jn(: o£ ])acJ. fJ.c Ave:hue. He said the apl)Ii, cent's ju[;tifJcatio]l J s as follow.-';: ].. O,..;nor residencc and income. 2. TustJn propc:r ]acks adequate quality aFartnic~nt.s for profcssJ, on~l or career-minded pcop]e. 3. P.A.C. (Planned Adult Com~:tunit. y) wi]] not disturb the i:ranquJ ] J t.y that prc~;oni'].y surroun(l~-; thc i ]mmedJ. a i.c neig]~borl~ood. 4. Subject property J.s part of the 1~ block area tl~at J.s presently bordered on three sides by PD, and R- 3. 5. This parcel .has adequate power, water, sewer and street width a~aJ].sb].e. ~_?_._.__._Su[~Jz.ng.e..r_ ,,;tat. ed that the st'afl rccon::]:cr.d.'-; that you recoim':icnd to i.he City CouncJ.] the denial of ZC--69-190 for thc fei]owing reasons: 1. The Genera] Plan, wl~Jc]l s}iows subject area as Medium I)ensily Residential (4 d.u./acrc) should be amended pr Jar to rezoning for muli. Jp!e fam./ly llSC?. 2. The City presently is con.qJ, derJ. ng special standards fo]: the TustJn Ci[.y Area which should be estab].ished prior to rezonJng of specifJ, c parce].s. 3. As addJi:ional grounds, the ]ninutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are J nc].uded by reference and made a part of %he motion. Chairraan Hal. us opened the public portiort of the hearing. Paul Snow, 430 West Main Street, Tustin, stated he had made a survey of the neighborhood and all those signing the petition %.:ere requesting that t?:e propert-.y remain R-]. He said they fee] that Main Street and the surrounding area should remain Single Far.]J].y Residential. This was the unanJ, mous decision of ail the people contacted. }lc said the petition contained 34 signatures. .R_J:.c.~.~[.c.l_ .K_r.u_p.p_e_, 12312 Newport Avenue, applicant, stated he had no idea that so many people would s jean the petition against this zone change becau.~;e there doesn'C seem to be more than 30 J.n this genera], area who would have anything to do wi. th this particular block. He request:ed a copy of the names sub:aitted so that he may know who to authenticate. Mr. Kruppe showed a map on the projector of the property and commented on the surrounding area. It was his opinion that the Council should estab]J, sh a density for this area. He said that several lots in the area have two houses on them. IIe requested the matter be continued for 60 or 90 days. - 7 - F,a.~lu~.c:., - t.'ebrua:y 10, 19C9 Mr. Jack ];.].ocm~, 330 Ca].i£or~ia St~'ect, ']'ustin, stated t]~at next. door to the property Js a Victoria]~ style building, next door on t]~c ot]~er side J.s a ~ery modern house, and t]~at, his property is }.;a~ly American. Ilo would not lJkc t.o see a Si)anJsh style apartment going in. Mr. Bloom said he signed the petitJ, on opposing tltJ. s rezoning. Chairn't~n l~,t].u.., closed the public portJ, on of the ............... Mr. Mahon¢:y moved that ZC 69-190 be continued to ............. Vote by roil call. Ayes: Wc:bsi. cr, Larnard, blahoncy, I,udwig, Oster, Sharp, Hal. us. Noes: Nor;e. Motion carrJ¢.,d 7-0. 3. V-69-229 - I)ONA!m,D P. For a Variance to permit: 'A. One (]) 'pole sign having an area of 160 sq. ft. eac]~ side, 320 sq. ft. total area, a height of 28'3" and within the front setback area (Sign Ordinance permits only one (].) pole sign per ce.rap!ex,, maxi. mum areas for pern'tJ, tted pole signs of 150 sq. ft. each side and 300 sq. ft. total area, and maximum height of 2'4'6".) B. One (1) wall sign having an area of 102 sq. ft. Total sign area on the site of 422 sq. ft. (Maximum permitted area is ].22 sq. ft. or two times the width of the bull.ding occupied by the business). Mr. SupJnger stated this matter was continued from the banu-[[r~' ~-7-~"-].969, meeting and the staff recommends approval for two signs as follows: A pole sign in the front setback area, height 24 ft. 6 in. x 8 ft., 48 sq. ft. each side, total area 96 sq. ft., non-rotating. e A wa]]. sign to be located on the facia of the canopy in front of the part of the building occupied by Tippy's, l0 ft. X 2 ft., total area 20 sq. ft. Reasons for approval are: That the adjustment hereby authorized wi].], not constitute a grant of special privilege incon- sistent with th(: limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and District in whJ. ch the subject property is situated. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including s]ze, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance wi]] deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicJ. nity and under identical. zone classifJ, cation. - 8 - PC Hinu~c..., -. t'cb]'ua]'y ]0, 1969 j.nt'roc]uced at. the h¢;arJ]~9 arc Jnc]u¢'[,,~d by refcrcnc:c and made: a part of t.l~e moL Jori. Chairman Iia]m.; opc.~]~c:d t]~e pubJic port]em o£ thc t~,'a¥']'n'~j. ' ........ Thc public porkion of t.l~e hearing was declared c].oscd. Mr. Wc:]):;tcr moved t. ha['. s t a f ~ r e Pr? ~ ._~] ~ ~'.._f~.~l..~]'Lq. ~!? 9 >: q. r~ a.~f:.~.~;.....S~ J .Y ?.P...J .P. ~[-[~"~(t. aFf report.. Seconded by }.:z. Nahor,.ey. ~l~.~.J? ~L_c.9 ?~ J.?~..?3 UP-69--284 -- WARRI;N t.']N],EY ON B];IiAL}.' OF CANYON CO~,iP/\N Y For a U.c;e Perm]% to permit a 99 bed c. xi:ended cato facJ.].ity (Conw~,].escent }IospJ. ta].). Mr. SupJng..e..r' si'at'ed the site fronts 200 ft. on tt~e northwesl: s.].dc: of Nev:b~ort Avenue, approxin!ate].y 305 feet northeast of :,;yrt].c: Avenue:. The staff recommends approval, subject to the fo]lowing tc.n cond.] tions: 1. Preliminary discussior,$ with t]~e Bureau of }los I)J. i:a ]. :;. 2. Selecting general area. 3. Purchasing properly. 4. Selecting architect. 5. SupervisJn9' the drawing of thc plans and spec] fJ. c:a LJ oils. 6. Observing that ail local, State and Federal ].aws arc: compiled with in order to receive, ali necesnary pormJ, ts. 7. Obtaining bid£; for the construction of thc improvemcn t. s. 8. Selecting the general contractor. 9. Obtaining financing. 10. Constructing %he improve:aents. Chairman tlalus opened and closed (-.he public port]on Mr. Oster moved that Reso].utJon No. ].045 be adopted, Motion car~:~_d__unanJ mous].y. UP-69-287 - WESTERN I"RANCiIJSE DI',VELOI,.I]'.,~i COI'iP FOR WtlA],}': };]',t';CTRONYCS For a Usc Permit to permit a take-out food establishment (Minnie Pear].'s Fried Chicken) in a C-1 (Retail Comm~ercia]. District). Mr._.._,.~__u_i.2J.._n_gc_!..r- stated the site front:3 ].25 feel: on the northwc:,,;t side of Newport Avenue, appro×Jr,.ac(,].y ].70 feet southwest:er].y from the ini:ersecl:Jon of Wa]nut and Newport Avenues. }Ie said the app] J cant's - 9 - PC 1.linu~.es - Feb. .ary 10, 3969 justification was that this and surrounding prol~crtics are zoned commercial. This use and building will be an asset to Tu.~;tJ.n and wi].l meet the growing demand for fast food. Mr. Supinger stated the staff ' ' conditiona]. recoltu~,encts ~7'6~7~-f'-'fo~' the following reasons and subject to the following conditions: 1. The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will. not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the heali, h, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use and it w~].l not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the genera], we]fare of the City. 2. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Conditions of approval are: ]. That the street, right-of-wa~ be granted in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial }lighways. That asphaltic concrete pavement, curb, sidewalk and street trees be ~nstal]ed. 3. That street lights be installed. That plans be submitted to the Architectural Committee for review. Chairman Halus opened and closed the public portion 'of the hearing. Mr. Larnard moved that Resolution No. 1046 be adopted conditionally approving Ut~--6~-287 for ~ following reasons: 1. The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, and genera], welfare of the persons residing .or working in the neighborhood of %he proposed use and will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 2. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Conditions of approval are as set forth in the staff ~epor%. Seconded b~ Mr. Webster· Motion carried unanimously. 8. V-69-230 - H. E. MOHNIKE Mr. Supinger stated the site is located at the northwest corner of WillJams Street and McFadden Street, fronting 150 feet and 160 feet respectively. (Abandoned Shell Oil. gas station). The proposal is for the following: 10 ~C t.lJ.~,u, to:; -- I.'cbruary ]0, ]969 A) ]'o].e sign: 72 sq. fL. B) Roof :;J. gn: 40 sq. ft. C) Wall. sign: 28 -';q. ft. Total area: 140 sq. ft. Total. area permJ, tcd by Sign Ord:i. nancc is 300 sq. f'[.. Mr. SupJ. nger stated the applicant's justification is as fo].].ows: The original pole and roo£ s.,.'cdns were well designed and are aesthct.ica].ly correct in proportic.. to thc buJ.].dJ.]~g and property. We would be frugal utilizing existing ecuJpment and structure. The staff recommends that V-69-230 bc conditJo;:a].].y approved t.o permit: Either a 6 ft. by 6 ft, 20 ft. high double sided, stationary po].e sign J n the setback area or a 5 ft. by 4 ft. doul)]e sided roof sJ. gn. Only one of the two above mention¢:d signs shall be per- mitted. Wail signs, not excecd.~ng one (].) per .w~:]], whose tot~l area when combined with the permitted s5. gn above shall not exceed a total, area of 300 sq. ft. on the site an¢]. shall .com[!!y with all provisions of the S~gn Ordinance:. Reasons for approval are: That the adjustment hereby authorized ;:~11 riot constitute a grant of s[.~ecia] privilege inconsJ.:;i, ent wJth the ]imJtatJona upon ot]ler propert_~es in the vicinJ, ty and district Jn which the subject property is situated. That because of special circumstances ai:p]icab].e to the subject property, inc].udJng size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict app]icatJ, on of the Zoning Ordinance wJ].l deprJve subject property of privilege-"; enjoyed by other properties in the vicJ. nity and under identical zone classification. e As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Conditions of approval are: Insta].].atJon of three (3) approved street trees, a street light and grantJng of street right-of- way for McFadden Street in accorda~ce with the Master Plan of Arterial }lJghways. If a roof sign Js not erected as permitted above, the space designated for saJd s.~gn on the false chinlney shall be covered with a material acceptable to the Architectural Committee. Chairman tialus opened the pub]Jc portJon of the h e ~'lzi'~'~' .' ........ Ronald Price, ].527 Antigo Way, Newpori'. Beach, ~{p'~c-~g,-e]i-~'in~ Mr. MohnJke in this affair, stated this site is the location of the abandoned She]]. station at Williams and ~icFaddcn. They %.:ere proposing - ]] - VII. NEW BUS] VI]']'. CO Rlik: S PON DI:; N C}.; a building tl~at would g]-(:atly i]..tl~ro\'c the appearance of the proper[-.y as it now st..and~;, tlc sa~d t.t~e property had been an eycsoyc for two yc:~a]:~ and what they were proposing would be a very nj ce building; %hat they were requesting Lo use the ex.ist. J.ng poi· sign that ~i; on the pr'oper[y. b._e .~}_1.]...o.v.~__c!~_ f__o~.L_..th_c2...r.c!_a.?p_n..?...a:!.d._~!u..b_j.e_c_:.~:...t, o_~._!}.(L .a.bg.y. 9' c_o..n__d!:.~..~_o.n..~2 _c~._..ttdF.._s_t.~.Lf_f_-'_.r~4?.o_L_~. . SecoL~(~?.c.1._bD,_._:.&r.. Ost. er. Vote by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Nahoney, Larnard, Webster. Noes: Sharp, I.udwJg, t]a]u:.;. Motion carrJ, ed 4-3. FINAl, TIUiCT I,.~A]' NO. 6473 - FO!t API~i~OVAI, · · ......... ;';,'F :; ...... W-z-&:;- ~' , --' ' ~ .............. ~-'. W. KI,UG D}.',~].LO] ,,u'.;~] CC). , INC. Mr. Sup_i_n.~e:.:r. stated this is a trJangu].ar shaped piece of property 5.75 acres located at the wester].y end of River Ford Ro,-~d, approxin',atc'ly 800 feet west of Bro;.JnJng Ave:hue. The City Engineer recommc, nd.¢; approval subject to approval by the City CouncJ. 1 and the C~.t.y Eng_~:':eer. · ' -, . 64 Mr Larnard moved that final. ~r,,cL bla,o No 73 b_9_._a, pj~3.l?.q_d_. _Se__c_o.~)_c?d__k_3.y_.b_!r..;__O_s_.t:.s.r_m. ~_I_9_.t.'_i.on carried 6-].. COUN'J'Y C)k,.q}'; UV-6].98 - ti. T. LUCAS CO×STRUCT]O.N INC. FOR ZACIIARY ']'. Pl.;D]'C].N1 M.r_...__St_~l.i_..n,.c:j_e_r stated the site fronts 744 feet on the northwest side of Red }Ii].]. between Mitche].]. and Nisson Road (includes all frontage except the Union Oil Station)· To permit: Reduction of required parking from 8 spaces/ 1/000 sq. ft. of gross floor area to 5 spaces/ 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. 456 spaces required, 290 spaces proposed. Be Rec'.'.uctJon of required .rear setback from 20 feet to 5 feet. Two-way traffic on 20 foot drives (24 feet width required by Ordinance for two-way traffic). The staff recommends that the County be informed that the Commission has no objection Co the approval of UV-6198. That the County also be informed that the City requirements 'are as fei. lows: For retail sales establishments - one parking space for each 200 sq. ft.. of gross floor area (5/1000) . For service stations - six spaces. Total required spaces for this proposal - 287 Rear yard setback for C-1 abutting an 'R' District- 5 feet. Driveway width for 60 degree angle parking (as shown) - ].8 feet, no prohibition on two-;,:ay traffic. PC r.;Jn~it,c:; -- ]:'(fiJJ'uary ]0, 1969 ].X. OTIIt:;I~ BUS~ .~, , ,,],SS ~[r._...S_..U]'?.i.]jSj_~[..r' rcporLed that informatJo:l b. aa boc~x received abou~ a program puL: on by the Orange County Forum of Town }ia].]., Ca].J. forl~J.a, t'o bc held at thc Disney]and Eot:cl., Monday, February ].7, ]969, at ]2:00 Noon. t.'oros~ I)ickason, %ho Country P].an~Jng I)J fcc Lc>r, wJ ] ]. speak on tho sul)joct "Oz.'a~g<~ Co~t;~ty 1980 - 25 Indc'pe]tdcnt CJtJ. cs or a l'lm~ncd Region" Chairman lla]u:; announced thz':L the AincrJcan Society ~-o~"PU}3]i"6-~%di(inJst. rat.ion is having a ]unc_heon mac, ting on Thursday, February 20, ].969, and hc felt this would be; most'. ...... ' . v. or d~,.l~.t lc Mr. GJ]]. announcc, d that a bus; v:ou3d be: going i-.o ~6~;{~"~n t.'ebruary 20, 1969 for the hearing on thc Freeway of~--]a,..p. Chai]-m~t]] }ia]l~S announced it joint lacetJng w'it.h the ~l~{l~-s~J~"'}{nd CJ. ty Council thc evening of February 20, ].969. ChaJzman }la]us announced thd]-e wou].d be a short ~f-6i{i'f. Eci"a'~if].--Co!i,lt!J'i:tee mcctJ, nga fter adj ournn,c~:'..t. SECR!{TARY