HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-13-69MINUTES OF A REGULAR METING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO O RDE R II. PLEDGE OF AIJ,t': G I AN Ct'] JANUARY 13, 1969 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman tie!us. Led by Commiss~.oner Ludwig. III. ROLL CALL IV. A P PRO VkL OF. MINUTES Present: Commissioners: Oster, Lud%~:ig, Halus, Webster, Mahoney, Larnard Absent: Cor~missioner: Sharp Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. Supinger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES OF DECE:.KB!.:R 23, 1968. Old Business:Page 9__,_]~a_r.a_graoh 7 should read as follows: "Chairman Halus stated that Items 2 (ZC-68-!83 - G. L. Lewis Enterprises, Inc.) and 3 .(ZC-68-].84 - T. V. Attebery Et Al) of Old Business would be difficult areas to study " Daraoraoh 3 should read as follows: ~a~e 10, ~__.~_ .~ "Chairman Halus stated ~hat Items 2 (ZC-68-i83 - G. L. Lewis Enterprises, Inc.) and 3 (ZC-68-184 - T. V. Attebery Et. Al) of Old Business kad been covered by Mr. Oster's motion. Insofar as the ....... " It was moved by ~lr. Oster, seconded by ~%r. Webster that the Minutes of Dece~er 23, 1968 ~e~ a~_~cve~ ~= corrected. PUBLIC HEARINGS Carried 6-0. One member absent 1. UP-68-281 - C. A. REICHEI,T & D. D. JOi(5~S To permit a recreational facility for youn~ adults with dancing and live entertainment. Location: Site is in Jamestown Villace, Shed-~, .~ng Center and is in existing building ~530 and 540 E1 Camino Real ("D" Street). Mr. SupJ. nger presented the staff report recom~.ending con- ~itional approval, subject to the following conditions: That the suggestions of the Fire Department be complied with. That the Live Entertainment be approved by the L'icense and Permit Board. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:35 P.M. -]- PC Minutes - January 13, 1969 Page -2- There being no discussion or objection from the audience, Chairman l[alus declared thc public pot'S'ion of thc hearing closed at 7:36 P.M. A letter and petition from M__r_:o..._~.i_l._].3.':a_!~__K_ik~]~..r:, owner - manager of Tustin Courts, 530 -570 South "C" Street, was submitted to the Conunission opposing said application. Reasons being: noise, lateness of hours, lack of super- vision and other things of this nature. The letter and petition are on file at CJ. ty Hal! in the Planning Departr~ent. In answer to Chairman Ha!us's questions, ;.Ir. Clarence A. Reichelt, applicant, stated that this project would be 1I-i-~'~6'd'-~6 young adults under the age of 21 and between the ages of 16 and 21 years. The entertainr, ent would only be conducted on Friday and Saturday nights during the school term and possibly in the suF.~.~er months it would be extended to 3 or 4 nights a week. The time of entertainment would be 8:00 P. M. to 12:00 P.M with the doors being opened from 7:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.5!. He explained that adults would be in attendance at all times with un]for;ned police also. The Conup,]ssioners discussed all aspects such as air-con- ditioning, acoustics for noise elimination, phYSic~l changes, supervision, hours of operation ~nd'the overall, benefit it would be concerning "young adults", which seem to meet with the Commission's approval. Chairman Ha]us expressed concern relative to the lack of entertainment established, in the area for teenagers without the sale of liquor and felt ti:at subject application wcu!d assist in being an asset for the teenagers. Mr. Webster asked Ci%y Attorney, Mr. Rourke if the license could be revoked if all provisions were not complied with, such as continual noise and things of t~i=~:~ nature. Mr. Rourke stated that the License & Permit Board could revoke the license, but the Planning Cozu?.issicn does not have the jurisdiction to do so and suggested that the Commission did not approve this app!icaticn on these terms. ~ ~r if there were Mr. Webster felt that the use is p_op~_ and o-th-~-f means of eliminating problems whether by revoking the license or suspension - it may be a better vehicle than by scheduling hearings on the matter every 6 months or so. It was moved bi. Mr. Webster~ seconded bv ~.!r. Lernard, that Resolution No. 1034 be a~~__approv~ng a~i~R~icati~3~ no.. UP-68-281 for the ~ollowing reasons: The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighbor- hood of the proposed use and it wi].], not be in- jurious or detrimental to the property and im- provements in the neighborhood or the genera]. welfare of the City. e As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. (Continued on next PC !-I£b~UT.ES - January 13, ]969 Conditions of approval are: 1. Tile door from the proposed snack or lunch room must swing out. 2. Any decorations install, ed must be fire re- tardant or treated as outlined in Title 19 S6b Chapter 8 of the California Administrative Code. 3. All present exits shall be maintained in good operation condition. 4. That the Live Entertainment be approved by the License & Permit Board. Motion carried 6-0. 2. V-68-227 - SOUTHEP~N CALIFOI~4IA FIRST NATIONA.I3__B_~]!?_, SADDLEBACK To permit structural changes on two existing nonconforming pole signs. Location: Site fronts 180 ft. on the .nor.theast side '~f First Street and 143 ft. on the southeast side of Newport Avenue. Mr.__Sup_ino~9_r_ presented the sta~.f report stating that two pole signs were erected on this property at the time the bank was constructed in 1966. Each of the two signs had the following statistics: Size 7' X ll' Area/side: 77 sq. ft. Total Area: 154 sq. ft. Height: 34' The signs were constructed prior to the adoption of the Sign Ord- inance which made them nonconforming. The proposed two new'signs have the following statistics each: Size: Area/side Total Area: Height: 8' X 12' 96 sq. ft. 192 sq. ft. 26' Mr. Supinger stated that the applicant has not shown adequate justification for changing the structural aspects of the signs and recommended denial. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 P.M. Mr. Elmer Studer, Manager of Saddleback Branch, stated that they have gone to great expense to change stationary and all other details that go along w~th sign identification for the proposed s~.~n and felt that it is necessary to stay with the identification that they have for all other branches of this bank. He felt that this would add to the beautification of Tustin and asked for careful consideration. Mr, Les Taylor and Mr. Be~endorf, representing California Neon Products, 4530 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, California, presented renderings and photographs of the proposed signs to the Commission for their review. They described the design of the signs, the measure-' ments, the structural change, stating that the new structure would be more sound than the one existing now. VI. 1. OLD BUSINESS VIII. CORRES- PONDI':NCE There being no fur/her dJ.-~;cussion from the audience, Chairman Ils!us declared the public portion of the heari],g e-d a'£'" '0'£' p. A 5 minute recess was dec]areal by Chairman Hales. Meeting reconvened at 8:10 P.M. Mr.. Oster stated /hat after cousideratJon of the pro- posed signs and having seen oue of the existing ones he was happy to see that thc height has been cut do'..,..'n to 26 feet. He did not feel that this would be det. ri~::ental to the co:',:munity ar'..~ felt that it is structurally betLer. It was moved by_..~.!_r.t_O_s.t_9_[_, seconded by :.Ir. :<-~honev, that ~e~6']-uli on _N.o.. ...... ]_._0..3__5_ _be adoF. t_e_~., "'a_~.~.r_c_i.'ir:g ~-o~-z.~'' ~b-"a'~"---?-'/ ~ o~ the following reasons: That the adjustment hereby authorized wi!l not constitute a grant of special privi].ege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. That because of special circums'cances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identJ, cal zone classification. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. The above motion was carried 6-0. One member absent. FOTOMAT CORPORATION Compliance of Fotomat with variance provisions. _Mr..S_u_pinge..r- presented a letter to the Corr:ission stating that all provisions are being taken care of relative to V-68-217 and V-68-218. There was no discussion among the Conumissioncrs relative to subject matter. 2. REPORT kE: ANTENNAS IN THE NORTH TUSTIN APdA Mr. Supinge~ presented a let.ter to the Comr, ission stating that action has been taken to bring in conformance two antennas which appeared to be in violation of the 30 foot height limit at 17561 Brent I,ane and 13522 Halena Drive. There was no discussion among the Commissioners relative to subject matter. It was moved bv Mr. Oster, seconded by. ;.Ir. Webster, that.'. the rules be--~6-~-uen'~ed to consider the Correspondence item ~ut of order.--~a=-~.-ried 6--O-~--'--6-~'$'~-6~]bcr absent.I 1. UV-6184 (COUNTY CASF.) To permit the estab].ishment of more than the permitted number of units in connection with a partially completed 80 unit apartment complex in the R4-3800 "Suburban Residential" District. PC 1,11NU'i's$ - Jauuary 13, 1969 Page -5- vi. OLD BUSINESS. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Location: Fronts on the southwest side of I.iitchell ~pproximately 620 feet southeast of Newport. Mr. Sup, i._n_g_e__r, presented the staff report, stating that the proposal is to increase units to 118 by dividing the exJ. s"t-- ing 4 and 5 bedroom units into small units, increase the parki, ng to 240 spaces and to change the architectural theme to Spanish. Mr. Su~j__n.9_e..r_ recommended that the County be informed that there is no objections. Mr. Flo~d__Anq.~i~9_, representing First West MorLgage Company presented renderings showing the structural=:.~--~ :.r= chitectural changes, stating that this project has been standing unfinished since 1963 and would like for it to be approved. After a brief discussion by the Con~:.issioners, it was felt that %his would be to to the benefit of the community and would re- move the stigmatism of the existing architectural style. I t was move a ._by k.l.r_:.._.O_s tp__r..,__.s_e_c_.o_n.?]_e_d.~_.~ !.- .~i.r..._. L_a...r_.n..a_%-_d_.:_.tzh37._t'_.._t}.Le_ _Cou. n...t3f__b_c_,._i_n_£_o_r.m_e_,_d_.o~._..n_o_.,9_b, jections r,~ '-~tive to Au~licati. ign No. UV-6184. Motion carried 6-0. One member a!:sent. 3. LETTER FROM MR. G. L. LEWIS RI..': ZC-68-].83 A letter was received by the Planning Department from Mr. G. L. Lewis, requesting that hi.s Application for re- zoning be reschedu!ed from the February 10th meeting to January 27th. His letter stated that cooperation on this matter would be helpful in fulfilling their escrow obli- gations. A letter was submitted to the Plann!.a9 Commission from Mr. Gill, stating that a workshop wi'! be held on January 16th to discuss the "Tus~J.n City" area. He expressed con- cern relative to resolving the matter and the Lewis an'd Attebery applications as soon as practical. 5ir. Gill felt that inasmuch, as the scheduled workshop will be held prior to the Com~J. ssion meeting of January 27, 1969, he respect- fully requested that the Con'~ission favorably consider setting the Lewis and Attebery public hearings for January 27, 1969. After discus'sion between the Commission and the applicant, Mr. Lewis, it was agreed upon to keep the hearing scheduled for February 10, 1969. The reoason being due to the extra heavy agenda for the January 27th meeting, it would be unfair to the applicant not to be able to allow considerable time and con- sideration for his hearing. 1. SOUTHEP~N CALIFOFeNIA PLANNING CONGRESS }~ETI:.~G Mr.' Supinger stated that the meeting of January 9, 1969 was very interesting and encouraged the Cot_missioners to attend these meetings. 2 THE CHANCi-II,I.OR'S SEMINAR ON BOARD AND CO:.=.ISSIOi'iS - UCI Chai~m=~n IIalus called the Corn=missioners attention to this Seminar, stating that the citY would support those that were interested. COSMOPOLIS PRESENTt.]I) BY NORTH A/4ERICAN -. ROCKWELL Chairman Ha]us encouraged the Commissioners to view this program that will be presented on television at 10:00 P.M. this evening. PC MINUTES - January 13, 1969 Page -6- ADJOURN- MENT It was mo_y_?_d by Mrs. Ludwig, seconded by Mr. Webs/er, that the meeting be adj. ourned. Carried 6--0. There being no furLher business before the Planning Co~issJ. on, ChaJ. rr.',an Hal. us declared .the mectJncj adjourned at 8:35 P.M. SEC~,TARY OF TlI;.; PLAN:qING COM>iISSION