HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-09-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 9, 1968 · CALL TO OkDER ii. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROI,L CALL IV. APPROVAL OF 14I ~UJTE S Ve PUBLIC HERRINGS The meeting was called to order at 7:37 by Chairman Halus. Led by Conmissioner Webster. Present: Coma~issioners: Sharp, Oster, Ludwig, Halus, Webster, Larnard, Mahoney Absent: Cor. u~is s ion. rs: None. Others Present: Harry E. ~.11, City Administrator Kenneth Bryant, Assistant City Attorney James L. Supinger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary It was moved by Mr. Oster.:~econded..by Mrs. Ludwig~ tbat the minutes of _th_e November 25~ 1968 meeting be aooroved as submitted. Carried 7-0. 1. V-68-222 - GULF OII, CORPORATIOM - Continued fr~n 11/25/68 For a variance to permit the replacement of an existing nonconforming pole sign (10' X 15' each side, total area 300 sq. ft.) with a pole sign in the sa~..a location which is proposed to be circular, 81 sq. ft. per side and 162 sq. ft. total area. .. Location: Site fronts 180' on the northwest side of Newport Avenue and approximately 180' on the south side of McFadden Street at the intersection of McFadden Street and Newport Avenue. Mr. SuDinger stated that this hearing was closed at the November 12, 1968 meeting and continued to await further study of the Sign Ordinance. After a very brief discussion, Corznissioner Oster stated that due to the prior meetings and continuance of this matter the applicant was antici- pating some kind of a decision. Mr. Supinber reco.~,?.~.ended denial for ~he following rea. sons: That because of circ~xstances applicable to the subject property the strict application of the Ordinance the subject property is not deprived of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circ~ustances. That the adjustment requested would constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with thc l~mitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. 3. The hardship involvc~d is self-created in that the applicant, Gulf Oil, has chosen to change ~ts corporate sign identification. 4. Approval of thc request would increase the usable lifetime of a nonconfor~?ing sign. As additional grounds, thc~ minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing arc included by reference and made a part of the motion. -1- PC }:iht, rcs - Decen:ber 9, 1968 It wos t~ovod bv Fir. Oster. scco:~.'lod by 14r. ¥.a?,ot:ev~ that Ar~z~!icat'iou I,'o. V-68-222 be ~.nprovc..d for the follo,.:inz; r¢.,ason..~: That the adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with thc limitations upon other properties in the vicinity aud district in which the subject property is situated. That because of special circtn-.mtanccs applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or sur- roundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at this hearing and prior hearings arc included by reference and made a part of the motion. Motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Mahoney. Noes: Sharp, Halus, Webster, Larnard. I.:OTION FAILED 4-3. 2. 'V-68-223 - G~F Oil, CORPO!b\TION - Continued from 11/25/68 For a variance to permit the replacement of an existing nonconforming pole sign (10' X 15' each side, total area 300 sq. ft.) by a circular pole sign 81 sq. ft. each side and 162 sq. ft. total area. Location: Site fronts 120' on the north side of First Street and approximately 150' on the east side of Tustin Avenue at the inter- section of First Street and Tustin Avenue. Mr. Supin$or stated that this hearing was closed at the Nove.:::ber 12, 1968 meeting and continued to await further study of the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Supinge[ reco:'.m~ended denial for subject request for the same reasons as stated in Hearing No.1 (V-68-222). Mr. Oster stated that he felt it was premature on the applicant's part to have removed the price panels at the time but was in favor of granting the request. It was moved bM Mr. Oster_.that Ap.,olication No. V-68-223 be granted for the reasons as stated in his prior motion of Application Mo. V-65-222. MOTION DIED FOR I~%CK OF SECO.%~D. It was moved by Mrs. I,udwi.%~ seconded bv Mr. Webst.e.r~ .thf._t Application No. V-68-223 be denied for the fo!lo:.:'~n5 reasons: That because of circ~:xstances applicable to the subject property the strict application of the Ordinance the subject property is not deprived of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under s~ilar circ~stances. That the adjustment requested would constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the li~nitations upon other prop'orties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is locate~ 3. The hardship involve~ is "self-created" in that the applicant, Gulf Oil, has chosen to chaugo its corporate sign identification. 4. Approval of the request would increase the usable lifotin:.: of a nonconforming s ~gn. 5. As additional group:ds, the minutes and evidence ~ntroduced at thc hearing are inc]ud~d by reference and made a part of tho Motion votx'd by roll cnll. Ayes: Sharp, I.u:!wig, Web::ter, I.nrn?.rd, l. iahon:.y, Halus. l~:o~s;: Oster. i.~ot',.'o:~ carried 6-1. -2- PC :.i~nut,,~s - i?.,~ccr..~b~'r 9, 1968 3. V-68-21.9 - TR]'A.'.'~CLE I..'C~E:SEi.iE~ C£'i.,'.PA~;Y - SIGI,;S To permit the modificatio~ of an existing nonco~for~'..~ing pole sign identifying the ~cwport Plaza Shopping Center. Modification in- volves an increase of sign area by 216 sq. ft. and would exceed the permitted height of 20 ft. 6 in by 9 ft. 6 in. Location: Site fronts approximately 300 ft. on the south side of McFadden Avenue and approximately 500 ft. on the northwest side of Newport Avenue. Mr. Sup~nger presented a brief staff report stating that this application was denied by the Planning Con~ission at its meeting October 28, 1968· The applicant arrived shortly after action was taken and the decision was appealed to the City Council November 18, 1968, at which time applicant requested that the matter be reheard by the Planning Co..-n~ission to allow him to state his case before the Planning Co:remission. Mr. Supinger recor.n~ended denial for the following reasons: That the adjustment applied for will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. That special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, do not, because of the strict application of the zoning ordinance, deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by othe? properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:43 P.M. Mr. George Ar~y~ps, 415 West Fourth Street, Suite D, o,~er of the Ne~port Plaza, showed slides of the various signs lining Newport Avenue and the lack of identification that is exposed for the tenants of this particular complex. He stated that this complex is located in a highly competitive area and felt that unless more identification is permitted, the'existing businesses will not be able to fulfill their full potential· Chairman Halus declared the public portion of the hearing at 8:02 P.M. The C~:ission briefly discussed the sign regulations, the aesthetic value of the property and the lack of identification that is involved· Mr. Oster expressed concern over the next step the applicant might take - if they would be happy with the granting of this variance or would they come in later and ask for other identification and additional signage in- crease along ~cFadden Street. Mr. Argyros stated for the record that there would be no additional request for sign increase. It was moved bv l.[r. Oster~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwi5 that Resolution ~fo. 1026 be adopted~ recc'~'::'?.nded conditional a,~proval of Amolication .Yo. V-68-219 for the following__reasons: 1. That the adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated~ 2. That because of special circt:mstances applicable to the subject property, ~ncluc]~ng size, shape, topography, location or sur- roundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other propprties in the vicinity and un<~.er identical zone cla~s~fication. 3. As additional o~,--:.,:-~ ° ..... ~-, the m. lnt, t'es .... and evidence introduced at the hear~n?, are inc].uc~.ed by reference and made a part of the motion. Cond~ tio;~ oC 1. lh.~,rc. ;:,"!! b? ~:o otq:.'.r req:,,,st for a~!dition'~] identfficat~cn for t]~,', su?.,~j2c.'.: Fro[-z. rty. PC ¥.inut~s - Dec~'r;bcr 9, 196S The above motion was voted by roll cai1. Ayes: l-~ahoncy, Larn~.rd, Web.~ter, Ludwig, Oster. Noes: Sharp, Halus. Motion carried 5-2. 4. V-68-226 - C. I,. TEVES ON DE!b\I,F O? SU.qUil]$]'..\ For a reduction in the required n~.;ber of parking spaces for an office building. Location: Site f~onts 120 ft. on thc north side of Fourth Street and 129 ft. on thc east side of Yorba Street. .Mr. St, pinger presented a brief staff report reco~u:~cnding denial. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:20 PoMo Mr. C. I,. Teves, 505 West Fourth Street, stated that the applicant desires to develop thc lot by constructing the Professional Office Building as shown in the plot plan submitted with the application. He stated that there is only one drive approach in the plan located to the rear of the lot on Yorba Street eliminating the need for any new driveways on Fourth Street. He felt that this pla'n will facilitate the flow of traffic on both lots and reduce traffic problems to a minim.%n~. He dir~:cted the attention to the proposed building and that it contains 9000 sq. ft. of which approxiz.~.ately 1600 sq. ft. is public hallway or nonrentable space which, together with the street parking available on Yorba Streetma".-, the request for a variance from the required 30 spaces to 26 spaces reasonable and in the best interest of all concerned. Mr. Edward Driscoll, 17372 Roseleaf Ave and Mr. Worthington, 17342 Vinewood, Tnstin spoke in favor of subject application stating that fr~ what they have observed, the 26 parking spaces requested would be more than sufficient. Chairman Ha!us declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:45 P.Mo The Commissioners discussed items relative to the type of tenants that would be using the offices, thc amount of space and time for certain users, the economic effect it would incur, the surrounding tenants and the possibilit of granting such a request could set a precedent. It was agreed by thc Com- mission that this would not be a good risk. It was moved by ~.[r. Oster, seconded by .~[r. Sharp that Applicatio_n V-___68__~22__6 be denied for the following reasons: That the adjustment applied for will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. e That special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography location or surroundings, do not, because of the strict application of the zoning ordinance, deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Mr. Oster addcd that the Co..~'~'~ission has recognized the opinion expressed by the Buildin.~, Engineering and Fire Depart~nts. A petition was submitted at the r.:.acting with approximately 20 na.~:cs of tenants or employc~s of tenants of the office building at 505 West Fourth Street stating that they have not experienced any parking prob!er;s. This petition is on file in the Planning Dcpart.~ent. The above motion was vot-ed by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, O~-;['er, L~dwig, Halus, Webster, I:arnard, ~.~ahon~-:y. Noes: Non,~. C~r~'fed 7-0. -4- PC "' ' ~ D .......... 9, 1965 5. Ui'-6g-274 24c!)O:;ALD'S RESTAU{I:\?..7,~ To permit a drive-iu restaurant (l.lcDonald's) Location: Site fronts 150 ft. on the north side of First Street approxi:..-..atcly 175 ft. east of thc ccnterline of Prospect Avcuue. Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report stating that the applicant feels that tl,e proposed use will provide a much needed service for tile families working and residing in the cc~?m:uuity. All food %.~'ill be served within an°enclosed building. There will not bc any carhops, waitresses, waiters, vending n'achines, etc., involved in the operation. The architecture will be in keeping with the spirit and history of the 6~:u~unity. .Mr. Supinger reco:=:mendcd conditional approval of subject application for the following reasons: 1..The Com~nission finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circt~nstances of the par- ticular case be detrin:ental to thc health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neigh- borhood of the proposed use and it will not be injurious or detri- mental to the property and ~mprovements in the neighborhood or tile general ~:elfare of the City. Reco~.maended condition of .apo. royal is: Construction of full street improvements on First Street including. installation of street trees per the Master Street Tree Plan. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:00 P.M. There being no cor..u~,ents or objection from., the audience, Chair]nan Halus declared thc public portion of the hearing closed at 9:01 P.M. After a very brief discussion and in view of the prezoning application of this property being granted, It was moved bv l.;r. Oster, seconded }irs. Ludwi.%~ that Resql__ution l,:o. 1027 be adop_.te__d~ condition~.ll¥ aDprov- ing Application 2.~o. UP-68-274 for the follm:ing reasons: %~e Co:.-~aission finds that the establis!~ent, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circ%m~- stances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, com,.fort and general v;elfare of the persons re- siding or working in the neighl~orhood of the proposed use and it will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and im- provements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of tile City. Condition of____~aoDroval !__s: Construction of full street itzprovements on First Street including installation of street trees per the Master Street Tree Plan. The above motion x...'as voted by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Oster, Ludwig, ]Ialus, Webster, Larnard, l.:ahoney. Noes: None. Fotion carri,::d 7-0. 6. V-68-225 - H-kRI,:\N CROSS - S1G:fS - To pemnit: a. Signs having a total area of 356 sq. ft. (Sign Ordinance permits 300 sq. ft.) b. Pole s,_'gn located in the front setback area and exceeding 150 sq. ft. each side and total are,i of 300 sq. ft. Site fronts 150 ft. on the north sf~!c of First Street approxfm_'~.tely 175 ft. east of the centerline of Prospect Street. Mr. Su~j._.+,..r,,~',~ stated t::at' dr:c., to a staff error th~n it~,.:n ~:as iucorrectlv~ advertJsc, d anal ~:oul.d have to be re-a:lvertised, wMch has been done a?:d has bc. en reschc.~l~,].~, fo'..- th.? D.2cc:'.:~:.t~r 23~'d r:?et'ing. -5- PC ~;inute:~ - Dece~.~Lbcr 9, 1968 V-68-225 be conti~m,':d to thc? Deccm!:cr 23rd r.:~,et:~._ Carr4ed 7. UP-68-275 - JUS S'fi>~K ]..'.'.:C. To permit live entertair~:~ent including r.:usicians and singers in conjunction with a restaurant and bar. Location: 13/~44 Newport Ave. ~Ir.__IE~_3_pj. nger presented a brief staff report reco.~raending approval. Chairmnn Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:05 P.M. There being no co:.r,:ents or objection from the audience, Chain?.an Halus declared thc public portion of the hearing closed at 9:06 P.14o After a very brief discussion It was moved by }~r. Larnard, seco.?.dcd bZ }Ir. Mahonev that R~-so!ueion No. 1028 be ad____oD_t'..ed, ap,orovln~% Ao.~!ication No. UP-68-275 _fpr.the fol~ reasons: The Co~.~::~ission finds that the establiskment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circu;.-.- stances of tile particular case be detrfmental to th,: health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in thc neighborhood of the proposed use and it will not be injurious or detrimental to the prop~rt:y and improvements in the neighborhood or tile general welfare of the City. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by r~ference and made a part of the motion. Conditions of aoproval are: Remove throw bolts from all doors and install approved type panic har&.~are. Internal exit lighting shall be installed above front and rear door. Fire. extinguishers shall be serviced and installed as outlined in Title 19, subsection 3, of the California Administrative Code. Occupant load sign shall be posted allowing 15 sq. ft. per person for drinking and dining and seven (7) sq. ft. par person for areas of dancing. All drapes, curtains, drops and other decorations including Christr::as trees shall be of fire resistance materials o._~ treated with a flame -re tardant solution as approved by the State }'ire }larsh,'.~l's Office. e All openings into corridor going to rear exit shall be protected by approved I 3/4" solid ben,led wood core typo doors or one of equivaJent value. %"ne above r. otion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Halus, Webster, ~X?ahoney, Larnard. Noes: None. Sharp, Oster, Ludwig, Carried 7-0. UP-68-276 - SOCAL P!i03EC'PS:. INC. To permit a 290 b~d convalescent hospital on a portion of a parcel totalling 5.08 acres. I,ocation: Total parcel is triangular and bounded by Nc~,.:port, Bryan and ~.ain. Proposed deve!op.':ent frouts 500 ft. on Bry:.n, 645 ft. on and leaves p~-opc:'ty with a depth of 180 ft. fronting on ~;e;.'port for future co..~.~.-rcial develoF:~;:'nt. -6- PC l.!i:mtes - Dcce~L~r 9, 1965 Mr. St?j_n,_f~_r_ presented the staff report stat';.nj that although the original request was for a 290 bcd hospital, the app].~cant has since revised his plans and now requests approval of a 185 bcd hospital. Since no parking requirm::ents are established for this use in the Zoning Ordinance, a standard must be established in the Usc Permit. It was rec(r~:xended that the following off-street parking requirements apply: one (1) space for'each six (6) patient beds, plus one (1) space for each staff menbcr or doctor, plus one (i) space for each three (3) additional e'mployecs. The Fire Department stated that if subject application is approved they will require the foil. erring: Two sets of plans: a. One set for Tustin Fire Department files. b. One set to be sent to the State Fire Marshal's Office in I,os Angeles for a plan check. 2. Building to comply with Title 19 and thc Tust~n Fire Code. Water lines, fire hydrants and access roads to be approved by the Fire Chief. }lr. John H. Siege_~l submitted a letter stating that he was not opposed to subject application and felt that the proposed use appears to be the best possible solution to a difficult piece of property. Mr. Supinger rec~nended conditional approval. Chairman Halus opened thc public portion of the hearing at 9:10 P.Mo There being no co:~m~ents or opposition fr~% the audience, Chairman Ha!us declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 9:11 P.14. Mr. Webster stated that in view of the detailed staff report, adjacent property m.mers with no complaints and regulations all met concurred with the rec~.'.mendat ion. It was moved by_ Y..r. Webster, seconded bv ?.'.r. Oster:. that Resolution No. 1029 be adop:.'e.d~ conditionally approvin;% :%p.nlication No. UP.-68-276 for the foilow~n3 reasons: The Coa'~nission finds that the establis!~nent, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrhr..ental to the health, safety, morals, comfor, t and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the pro- posed use and it will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Conditions of approval are: 1. That water lines, fire hydrants and access roads be subject to the approval of the }'ire Chief. Granting of any add.4tional street rzo,~t-of-way for Bryan, Main or Newport to confo:'a with ult~r.,ate right-of-way as sho',.,-n on the ¥,aster Plan of Arterial Highways. Construction of all street f::prove:.::nts front:ing on this p2rcel' on ,.~.tj..~, 1;r';'an~,.,~"' N.z.',:port inclucl~n3,~ curb, gutter, sidewalk and st:reek pavJ~23. -7- Inst'a]lation of street trees in accord;-,ncc with tho Street Tree Plan. 5. Modify ~rrigation linc~ in ~e'...~port as neces'sary to pe.r~.:it street construction. 6. Installatim~ of street lights and annexation to the Tustin Lighting District. 7. Utilities be installed underground. The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Sharp, Ludwig, Halus, Webster, Larnard, }%2honcy. Noes: None. Carried 7-0. Chairman Halt:s called a 5 minute recess at 9:15 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 9:20 P.M. 9. UP-68-277 - SCCAL PRO~CTS lt'~C. To permit a 100 bcd rest ho::~e in the 100-C-I-IO,O00 (Retail Con::~.2rcial) District. · Location: Property fronts 220 ft. on the northeast side of Bryan Avenue approximately 230 ft. southeast of the centerline of Ke',..-port Avenue. Mr. Supin~_r presented the staff report stating that the proposed usc is excellent for this location because of nearby shopping facilities and medical offices. The Fire Department stated the sam2 requirements for this request as in the prev'~ous hearing (Ui~-68-276). _Mr~ .S_u_pj~ge~ rcco:_?mended conditional approval. Chairman Ea'lus opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:23·P.M. Mr. Nick Barlctta spoke in favor of the request but wanted to know if his license could be revoked for his place of business if there were complaints relative to noise because of the close proxfmity of the pro- posed structures. Mr. Gill explainad that if thc conditions set forth are violated, it might have to be reheard but d~d not ~alieve the license could be revoked if con- ditions were carried out. It was moved by i,:r. Webster: seconded by !...'r. Larn~rd that Resolu::ion 1030 be ado~ted, condlt~o,.:211v ao:~rovin% A:oplicatiou Mo. UP-68-277 for the following rcf~ons: The C~'~.mission finds that the establish:.::ent, mainten~.nce and operation of the use applied fo~ will not, under the circu~n- stances of the particular case be detri::antal to the health, safety, morals, co:ufort and general welfare of thc parsons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed usa and it will not be injurious or detr~.~.cntal to the prop2rty and iniprover, ants in thc neighborhood or the geno, ral welfare of the City. As additi.on~l grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference anJ made a part of the motion. Conditions of aooroval are: 1. Grantin~ o~ an ad:!'Jtion%l 7 feet of street rfght-of-way ~n accorda~ae with the Master Plan of Arterial Ufghwz:yz~. 2. Constructio;~ of all sIreet ~m!>rove:::ents inc!uJit:f, curl,, s~de::alh an:~ street paving,. -8- of,;) BUS I bi~.]S S VII. ~EW USI~']SS viii. CO~.IRES- PON~OENCE 3. I~stallation of street tre¢,s tx.~r Haster Street Tree Plan. Installation of street lights. 5. That water lines, fire hydrants and access ,roads be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. 6. That off-street pa~'king be provided at the rate of one (1) space/three (3) beds. 1. "APART._'.IE.,',¥1' PA.~IKI~,:G" SURVEY %%is matter was continued from the Noven~er 12, 1968 t~eeting. Mr. Sup~nger stated that no further attempt has been made for inter- viewing apartment tenants due to the staff's workload. The Co:..-nission agreed that a better sa;~pling be shown before making a recomendation to the City Council on subject matter. One suggestion was a survey by telephone or letters sent out. Chairman Halus stated that due to the forthcoming holidays, it might be best to defer action or further study until r.:ore time was allowed for a survey, suggesting a date to be brought up before the Planning Conn~ission - January 27th, 1969. It was moved by l.[r. Oster~ seconded by i,~rs'. L~.~dw. ig that this mat'tcr be deferred to the January 27~ 1.968~ Planning Co.~'mission meeting;. Motion carried unanimously. NO,N~] 1. COU~q."f TE:,Ti'ATi\~ TR_.\CT NO. 5448 - Parmelee Corp. Location: Cowan Heights, east of Newport and south side of Skyline. Reconz._nended action is that the County be informed that the City of Tustin has no objection to the approval of subject map. It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by 14r. Mahoney that a letter be directed to the County ~nform'inq, them that we have no ob,iection to Tentative Tract i~o. 5448. l:..otion carried unanimously. 2. COL~'fY TENTATIVE TP~-\CT NO. 5462 - John Lyttle Location: Fronts 330 feet on the northeast s~de of Newport Avenue approximately 680 feet northeast of Seventeenth Street. Recom;cended action is that the County be informed that the City of Tustin has no objection to the approval of subject map. It was moved by :.Ir. Mahonavz secon::d _b._x l.~r. Larnard~ that a letter be directed to the Co'.,n[.,: .infor'.'~in~'~ the~ that ;.:~: .bav-.~ no objection to Tentative Trac~: .'.:o. 5462. l-;otion carried unani:.-..ouslv. 3. COLrNTY TF2,TTATIVE l,L.kP NO. 6!;00 - Jacaran Developments Location: Fronts 685 fect on the east side of Holt and 201 feet on the south side of Vandcrlip. Mr. Supin~r stated that th~s is a revision of a map reviewed last year which adds two lots an:: reduces propose~ lot: frontag,- from a r::infmt~c~ of 61 feet to a minima:un of 58 feet:. - Recc~:':nendecl. cct~on is that the Co~;~'y be ~r, forr.~,d of our 80 foot r.~nL",:u.~: lot front, ag,~ re?.ire:.':n.~ in E4. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Xe AD JOURIC. H'iN£ · r . ,-r ]ct.t'er be dS. re. ctcd to thc, Cou::t.v was wovc, d by ,.,r S[ ..... p t'hat a ................... voicin,Z no o:~)o35, t'ion but 5nfor,'~Ln:: then, of our 80 foot r.~iu'/:'.~u:t lo~: fren~a?,e rc~uirc:.:~.nL ~n ES. Notion died for lack of second. It was moved by l.;r. Oster, seconded by l.:r. l.arnard t}:nt x.:c do obj?st~ to subiec~: pror)oqa! because the lots are less than the 80 foo~ lot frontag,:2 rem:ircr.:.pn~ of the ~C~ty. Notion 9arried (SCl>C) Chairman llalus called attention to subject meeting being held Tnursday, December 12, 1968 at the Anaheim Convention Center, Garden Grove Room 800 W, Katella, Anah~.i~::. He felt that. it would be an interesting r.:ecring and encouraged the Con:n~ss~oners to attend. The subject will be "Growth Forces Shaping Southern California", presented by Nr. Forest Dickason, Director of Planning - County of Orange. It was moved by Nr. Nahone~_sccondcd by Nfs. Ludwig,. thc. t .t_'£e... mac_t_it__~~ be adjourned. Carried 7-0. There being no further business before the Planning Com~nission, Chairman Halus declared the meeting adjourned at 10:55 SEcP~ETARY OF THi': Pl,..~i,,,1,,,G':V" "' CO.'.2.D. SSIO,.'.~ CHAIRi,~'xN OF THE -10-