HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-25-68CALL TO II. PLEDGE OF ALLEG1A,~;CE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAI, OF M1NUT~' S VII. BUSI~MSS (OUT MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 25, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairm~zn I!alu~.;. Chairman }!alus welcomed the representatives from Foothill and l.:ission Viejo High Schools that participated in the "Youth for Govcr~m~'nt" week. They were as follows: Brant Stanfield, Dave Hardy, Jul:re Gnaigejl, Anne McI.h:l].in, Ed;~'u~d Barnum, Arvid Strand and Chris Wolski. Led by Chainne. n Ualus. Present: Commissioners: Oster, Webster, Ludwig, Halus, Mahoney, Larnard. Absent: Commissioner: Sharp. Others Present: Harry E. Gill, City Administrator James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. Supingcr, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planging Secretary It was moved by Mr. Oster.~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, tha.t.~h_e_~inutes of. the November 12~ 1968_me__et__iug ~.ap?rovcd as submitted. Carried 6-0. It was moved bff Mr. Webster~ .s_,e_?_onded by Mr. Larnard that the rules be .suspended to consider ite~:~.s 1 and 2 relative to ~Yew Business out of order. Carried 6-0. 1. FIbIiL MAP TR.~CT NO. 6447 - R. H. G~\M£ - TUSTIN MEADOWS Location: On the south side of Sycamore Avenue, east of Redhill Avenue and north of the A.T. & S. F. Plain line. Mr. Orville M3_9.rs., City Engineer, submitted a report stating that Tentative Tract 6447, the entire Tustin Meadows development, was approved by the Planning Co~?.ission, Resolution 909 on August 14, 1967 and an extension was granted by the Coma~ission and Council to August 14, 1969. Final maps have previously been approved on three quarters of the development. Tract 6447 is the final phase. %~is Final l.;ap conforms to the approved Tentative Tract 6447. Mr. Myers recoz~?..mnded, that the Final Map of Tract No. 6447 be approved subject to final approval by the City Cou~cil and the City Enginee=. It was moved by l-:r. Oster, seconded b)i :.irs. I:udwi~_~__t.~,_~t the Final P~ap c!~ Tract No. 6-~47 be apj~roved subjcct to final approval by the City_ Council and the Cit~i__E~in~er. Carried 6-0. 2. TUSTIN CITY AREA STUDY A thirteen (13) page report was submitted to the Plannings, Co~.=~.ission and other in~erested p:~rties for revSew prior to the meeting relative to exist, in~ conditions, land use an:~ zoning, sewerage system, street system, water systc~:~, building conditions and General Pl~,n along with maps fo~ a better analysis. M_r._:_S_5.?.~:_n..%9_r suggested that if the Co.;~,:?.iss~on did agree with thc; findinzs, it would be appropriate to consider a p,blic bearing relative to subject study with the possib~].itv of a ...... hug thc General Plan for this area~ which presently sl~ows thc land ~;e dcs~gpatJon of Single 1,'a::~i].y Residential. -1- t'C ~-~]n=.,:., - l;ov,'~ber 25, 196S Ci_j~_a. irm:m t]~.lt, s exp]ain.:'d that thfs stud)' x.;as brougttt about ~y cc. rtain rezoning appl3'cations. Ti~c' staff report cot,clusion.~; were th:t~ afL'er ¢o:npila~ion and analysis of ~nformation and discussion of devclu~,..m._ altern,.'ttivcs ~..'ith individuals fa~:dliar ~'it:h the area is that R-2 (Duplex- Residential) District zoning should be permitted as requested by in.- dividual or groups of property o~.mers. Topics of discussion by the Planning Co::'.mission included R-2, R-3 a~:d R-4 zoning along with the economic feasibility, land acquisition and cost, ~.;ater, street, sewerage syste,ns along wi. th building ccono::tics. Disruption of the neighborhood by rezoning to R-3 and R-4 was discussed with all other aspects relative to medi. tmt and high rise in density. }Ir. Webster was greatly concerned with thc rcco:?_?.endation of R-2 duplex, feeling that it would reinforce thc area as it now exists, but more than that it would really clmnge the character of the neighborhood. 'In most cases it would not be econo~:ically feasible to the o'..mer to tear and redevelop w~th a new duplex so consequently only a mini,:t%~n an'..ount of improvement ~.:ould possibly be put on thc area for rental purposes. Be- cause of the age aud nature of the area, so;:~e of the original el.mars would find that this would be less attractive from an econo,nic viewpoint and that duplexes are not good on incur, re properties. They are less de- sirable than ho':~es because the privacy is lost and the maintenance factor becomes involved. }Ir. Webster felt that the problem here is multiplicity of o...:nership and that the solution is finding a good usc that ~.:ould be of benefit to thc entire area. He suggested developing so~:e criteria that will give s~ne stability and possibly incentive to so:ne private investors to make it work. Chairman tie]us felt that more time was needed to study and review the report before consideration of setting a public hearing date is made. It was movcd b-Y blr. Larnard~ seconded bv Mr. ¥~ahqney. that this item be tabled for further studZ. Carried 6-0. Mr. Oster felt that the decision for the 2 public hearings thJt have been continued to this meeting was contingent upon thc actiou taken on the "Tustin City" Area Study and the "Study" should be acted upon tonight. If the public hearings are not continued to a further date then it is, in effect, making the Tustin City Area Study useless. The above motion was a~endcd b}, l..'.r. Larnard, seconded by >ir. =X:ahonev~ that the "Tustin Ci.ty" Are~ Studv be tabled to the December 23r._d.~ P..la__n_qj~ Cc'n- mission meeting. Carried 6-0. PUBIgC HEARINGS ZC-68-183 - G. L. I,E~,.~]S E~Iz~.RtkISES - Continued from 10/28/68 For rezoning of approxin'..?.tely 0.77 acres of land fro:n the R-1 (Sznole Family Residential) D~strict to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District. Location: Site fronts 150 ft. on the east side of .~;ountain View Drive, approximately 300 ft. north of the centerlinc: of First Street. Mr. Webster stated that he would abstain fro.~:.any co::,'.:'.ents or voting on subject application. Mr. St, p.j_n.~e__r_ stated that th'is hearing ~s open ant1 was cont,.'nued from the October 28, raeePing to a~.:ait the results of the "Tustin City" Area Study. Chair~;'an Halus continued the public portion of the hearing at 8:15 P.I.i, Mr. Dick Ehlin2, 269 i,Iorth Fl.o'..,er, O~-ange, business p-.rtu~r of 2.1r. Lewis, spoke in faro;- of the application, stating that R-3 zonins is the zoning that is nece?~.~ary on st,'..,ject proi;arty in order fo:' the area to to develop in thc pat[:ern th2t has been set so far. -2- PC Minutes - Now~b-ur 25, 196~ Mr. Bob l!all., 370 West 4th St., Tustin, spoke in favor of the appli- cation stating that it would be a good use and the R-3 developmcu~t would not hurt the area and possibly enhance the value of the area if developed and designed properly. Chairman llalus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:20 P.M. Mr. Oster did not feel that it would be to the good of the City to have long, narrow apartment buildings lining the streets, tie felt that probably each case would have to be determined i~dividually. He stated that based upon the street that it is located on and the front footage and the number of units, he would not be in favor of subjec.t request. It was moved by Mr. Oster,. seconded by }~r. l,arnard~ that Resolution No. 1021 be adopted~ reco.:'~'.n:endin~ denial for the fol.lowinf, reasons: 1. Subject proposal is for a dwelling unit deusity eight times greater than suggested by the General Plan. As additional grounds the minutes and evidence introduced at this hearing and prior hearings be included by reference and made a part of the motion. The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Larnard, Ludwig, Oster. Noes: Mahoney, Halus. Abstained: Webster. Absent: Sharp. Carried 3-2. 2. ZC-68-184 - T.V. A_~£EBERY/16 PROPERTY O~.,.,.."vl'~ .... _ Continued from 10/28/68 For rezoning of approximately 4°5 acres of land from the R-1 (Single Family Residential) District to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District. Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report stating that this hearing is open and was continued from the October 28th meeting to await the results of thc "Tustin C~ty" Area Study. tie also called out that a letter from Ben C. Torres and Josep!:ine I,. Torles, 695 W. Third, Tustin and Anthon)i E. Torres and Barbara A. Torres, 225 S. Myrtle, Tustin, has been received in the Planning Department withdrawing their names from the petition for application. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:30 PoM. Those verbally opposing the application were I.~r. Ray Bresec, 160 South Pacific and Mr. Ernest A. B~ck~ '~-n Jr. 665 West Third Street. Mr. Beckn~a__n, acting as spokesman fdr the 48 property owners that signed a petition opposing subject application, stated that it would be a detriment to the co~ununity adding problems that are not now existing, such as an over abundance of children, added noise problems with the excess amount of traffic that this would incur due to higher density and apartments, tie stated that the people in the surrounding area do not want their privacy invaded. He submitted a package of data on subject request to be reviewed. Those verbally approving the applic$~tion were .I,[r. T. V. Attebcry, }!r. Bob .Hall and Mr. Will~a;n C. Martin, 170 Myrtle. They felt that by upgrading the property and putting it to good use would be a benefit to the co~ununity. Mr. R~chard_KrL?2!, 12312 Newport, Tustin, o~..-ns property at &.40 West l.~ain, Tustin, suggested that the City Council send letters out, asking opinions of these applications on a b]ock-to-block basis before a decision is made. Dave Uardy and Brunt Stanf~eld, participating students, did not feel that R-3 zoning would ba in the best interest of the comr.~unity. Chair~'u~n Un!u..~ declared the publ~.c portion of the bearing closed at 9: 07 P.~.:. PC ~[inuC'c's - Nove,':ber 25, ].96S Mr. Webs['e.r felt tibet there is a probler~ and uatil it is so!red, hc ~' ~ .... ',' ,,, th~ higltest density, ~.:herc it would be crca/:in~; Ci{IIiIOL seo CI.CO~ lc.el.I,o so,ne physical problc::u;, tic felt that this p::rticular applica~im~ %;ich a grouping of lots has a unique problem and that thc stt,dy sub:M.[ted by thc staff should be studied in depth to give a better insight of how to approach requests such as this one. tlc stressed concern over any devel- opment that might take place in this area and should be do:~e under a set of criteria that will enable thc laud to be used to its fullest extent without infringement or injury upon the people in thc area. }Ir. Uebster stated that he was against subject application. Chairman }lalt, s felt that there is a lack of a positive plan or devel- opment and could turn out to be a poor devc!opz~ent if developed on a one or two lot co.~lbination basis. He suggested a consideration to tho. applicant for a R-3 or Plan:led Cor..:r~unity, where the applicant sub::~its a total plan. tie did not feel that a straight R-3 zone would b.2 to the best benefit of this property. Mr. Oster felt that the risks in handling this type of develop.-;,ent with narrow lots are much too great at this point for R-3 zoning and was opposed to it. It was moved by. !.ir. Oster, s.c_c.o_nd?.d__,bx_L, }i__r.... Larnard that Re~olution No. 1022 be adollt, i?d, re_conn:en_din..~ denia], of A:>pl~cation No. ZC-68-184 for the follo~..'in~ reasop, s: 1. The General Plan calls for single family residential density for the subject area. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at this hearing and prior hearings be included by reference and made a part of the motion. The above mot~on was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Halus, Webster, Larnard, 14ahoney. Noes: None. Absent: Sharp. Carried 6-0. Chairman Halus declared a 5 minute recess at 9:20 P..M. Reconvened at 9:30 P.M. 3. V-68-222 - GUI,F OIL CORPOiL\TIOi,; - (Continued from 11/12/68) For a variance to permit the replacement of an existing nonconforming pole sign (10' X 15' each side, total area 300 sq. ft.) with a pole sign in the sa:~,.a location which is proposed to be circular, 81. sq. ft. per side and 162 sq. ft. total area. Location: Site fronts 180' on the northwest side of Ke:..-port Ave and approxiznately 180' on the soutl~ side of KcFadden St. at the inter- section of McFadden St. and Ney:port Ave. }ir. Supf_n_gz~-qr stated that tho. applicant requested that this hearing be continued to thc December 9, 1968 regularly schedt:led meeting. It was moved bv }ir. I.:cbster, seconded by }.'.rs. Lud;..-i~2__tjL~:~.:,_,_~/~l]cation No. V-68-279 be continued to the next: re~ul.,?,rlv scheduled P]:.n~,~ .... Co~::- ... - .... ' ~-' '.___~.. - . , missiop, r:~c. et~_n~..~ De.cem!~.r_~9, 1968. Carried unan~:ouslZ. ~. V-68-223 - GL~.,F Oil. CO'.IPOE..\TIOP[ - (Continued fro;n 11/12/68) For a variaoce to permit the rcplacen:enl: of an existing nonconfo,'v,:ing pole sign (10' X 15' each side, total area 300 sq. ft.) by a circular pole s~gn 8]. sq. ft. each side and 162 sq. ft. to,:al area. Location: Site fronts 120' on thc north side of First St. and approx.- im~te].y 150' on the ea~;t side of Tm;tin Avcm,e at tho. inter~;ection of First Street: and Tustin ,%vcnt,e. F_lr_...})~.~.'.~3?_r... stated th..',:t tl::~ ap?licant reqt':~stod ti:::[ thi~ l,,eari:;3 be continued to the D,...c¢.::'.ber 9, ].968 reg~,l, arly sch.~dt~!od PC .~nu~es - Nov~'~bor 25, 1968 5. ZC-68-188 - MARY IL~K~Oi. II.:I,!, - For rczoning of a parcel tokallJ.ng 2.31 acres as follows: Parcel 1 - Fronting 164' on the nor~l, side of 17th St. and 150' sa thc west side of Yorba Street from thc PD-3500 (Planned Development ' 3500 sq. ft. per unit and lot area) District to thc C-2 (Central Co~.raercial) District. .Parcel. 2 - Fronting 164' on the south side of Medford Ave. and Zt70' on the wast side of Yorba Street from tile P.D-3500 (Planned Development 3500 sq. ft. p:,r unit and lot area) District to the R-3 (1900) (Multiple Family Residential 1900 sq. ft. per unit and lot area) District. M_r._Sup, i__qnge__r presented the staff report reco:'.n,.ending approval for the following reasons: 1. The proposed com;i~.ercial zoning is in conformance with thc General Plan. 2. The proposed multiple family zoning will provide a buffer between commercial and lesser density residential uses. Mr. Oster stated that he would abstain from any co;:',.n.~nts or voting on subject application. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:35 P.M. Mr. Melvin Cohen, 444 W. 10th Street, Santa Ana, representing Food Makers Corp - operating Jack-In-the-Box Inc., described the proposed building, stating that it will be a fa:~ily type operation with no sale of liquor or beer. He felt that this property is better suited for c~rmercial use. .Mr. Oared..S!::.i.t.h, Architect, spoke of the proposed apartn'.ent buildings relative to Parcel 2, stating that it would only be for 41 units and felt that a one and t~.;o bedroom apartment development would act as a buffer zone between the existing coimnercial that: is there and would be a good usc for this property. Those verbally opposing subject application were: }Ir. Kimble, 17441 Bonner, ltr. George Brewer, 13791 Palace Way, Mr. Barsanti~Jr. 13772 Palace Way, Mr. Roy Fletcher, 13832 Fairmont Way, }iiss One I,ee Elliott, 13631 Yorba and Mr. V. J. Leggin, 13782 Palace I~y. Those opposing voiced disapproval relative to higher density, traffic hazards, no definite assurance that it would remain "adult" only apartment development along with being opposed to the proposed Jack-In-The-Box structure. ~hey felt that this would lower tile value of their property and possibly incur vandalism as teenagers tend to use it as a hang-out. Mr. Jack Thoner sub:ai, tted a report relative to cc~nparison of proposed development to Treehaven apartm:nts with reference to coverage of land by dwellings and carports, in conformance with exist'ing zoning, tax revenues, assessed valuation and costs incurred by local school districts on a "per pupil" basis bet~.~en the proposed -'~0 unit dcvcloF.:.'-ent and the 22 unit: - 3 bedroom develoi:mcnt. Chairman Hvlus declared the public portion of thc hearing closed at: 10:10 P.M. The Co~m:~ission discussed the pros and cons of the request, inc!%:cling the traffic problems, vandalisn, high density and the overall use of the property. Chair;::an }!al. us was opposed .to the C-2 request. }ir. We. bster and Mr. I.a. rn,~rd agreed that this particular parcel, is a prob!en~, piece of property and felt that to change to a C-2 zone would bc in the best interest of the co::,munity. -5- No. ].023 be a(!oi)tx~d rucc:.':.:en,.]i~,.!; a x,rova], to tl~e City Cou' c~] fo,' '---' adoption of an ordjtmnce raze:ti,:', sul)ioc[' Dl:O:~.?]:L¥ fi'el.' }q~-3503 t:o ['h:. C-2 and R-3 ~900) l)istricts~ as rcc[uest-ed fo~' th:~ follo.:fn~, rear.;on~;: 1. The proposed co.'.::'.~arcial zoning is itt 'conforn.:mce ~..'ith the General Plan. 2. The proposed multiple family zoning ~.:ill provide a buffer between co~p. crcial and lesser density ~csidcntial use. As additional grounds, tt,e rainutcs and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. %Rm above motion ~.:as voted by roll call. Ayes: Mahoney, Larnard, Webster. Noes: Halus, Ludwig. Abstained: Oster, Absent: Sharp° Carried 3-2. 6. UP-68-273 - G. W. BUTLER (BLq~NY IIUTC}!) To permit live entertaim:aeut itt conjunction with a beer bar. Location: Site fronts 60' on the east side of IIolt Ave. and is the site of existing structure No. 14920 Holt Ave. .Mr. Supinc, e.r presented a brief staff report, reco:r.,ne, nding approval. Chairman tIalus opened the public portion of the hearing at 10:30 P.M. Mr. Gerald W. But]er, 1845 Anahe~:~. Street, Costa Mesa, sl)o':ce briefly on the typ.2 of entertair.::,ent that will take place describing the type of costtu-.,.e to be worn by the "go-go" dancers and stated that it will be well supervised. Chairman }!alu~ declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 10:32 P.M. .' After a brief discussion of subject application, It?__as moved by Mr. Websterz_secondcd by Mr. Oster, that Resolution No. 1024 be a~]ooted approvin?~_A,nolication ,No. L-P-68-273 for the followin.% reasons: %~m Co~,uaission finds that the estal)lis~m~e, nt, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrir.~.ental to the health, safety, morals, co:alert and general welfare of the person:~ residing or working in tb.a neighborhood of the pro- posed use and it will not be injurious or detri~..'~.ental to the property and iL:provera,tits in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, I!alus, Webster, I,arnard, Mahoncy. Noes: None. Absdnt: Sharp. Carried 6--0. 7 V-68-224 - FORES'I? E. O!,SO:'! R.,~\LiO,.,S I:.,.~. To parn.;t a pole sign x.,hich is proposed to ba the third pole sign in a co:r-narcial cc?.plex, x.:ithin the required front: set- back and x.:hich exceeds the pc.r'r.:itted height for a pole sign by 9-~2 ft. To l~e~'i:'.$t sigr)s ~.:h$ch exceed the total sSgn area l~C. rmit't:c.d on the site of 96 sq. ft. by 250 sq. fl.. Site front:.: 75' on. tha southc, r.-';t si{l(: of X.?.,,.:port Av,~nt'a at tl,a intersect[on of N:;:p~'rt' Avcntm a:t:l l',o].t Avantie. -fi- PC 1.[inures - l:ove:.:bc.r 25, }Ir. Suji!'3~i preset, ted thc staff report staling that the. request is for five signs, four wall signs anJ one pole sign, totalling 3f16 sq. ft. Revised plans have been sub:::itted which modify the four wal]. signs, eliminating the back-lighted fascia, and mount the signs on a stucco facia. This increases the wall sign area proposed from 33 sq. ft. per sign and 142 sq. ft. to 54 sq. ft. each and 2].6 sq. ft. ~thi~ revision would increase the total area to ~20 sq. ft., 74 sq. ft. over the amount advertised. ' He stated that a variance could not be granted for signs exceeding 346 sq. ft. Mr. Supingcr stated that because of recent actions on Kentucky Fried Chicken which permitted signs totalling 318 sq. ft. in the vic~nlty of this proporl'y, it is felt that a vargance is justified and rcconT.'.ended that conditional approval be granted as follo',.:s: A pole sign in thc required setback with an area of 102 sq. ft. each side, 204 sq. ft. total area, and a height of 27'6" ex- clusive of the decorative spire. 2. Two wall signs, each having a maximum area of 54 sq. ft. and the locations being at thc option of the applicant. 3. That the max~mmm area for the three (3) signs permitted on the premises is 312 sq. ft. Chairman Halus opened the portion of the public hearing at 10:35 P.M. ~r. Carl Olson, Vice President of the Company, stated that they were willing to accept the staff's conditions as stated in the report. There being no further cox~:nents or discussion from the audience, Chair- man Halus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 10:40 After a brief discussion, it was moved by.. 14r. 0ster_~_seconded by Mr. Mahoney that Resolution ~:o. 1025 be adopted., conditionally approving. _Application Xo. V-68-22z~ for the _f_o_llo~..:~.n.~ reasons: ~. That because of exceptional circumstances applicable to the subject property the strict application of the Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other propertges in the vicinity and under identical circtra- stances. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustments thereby authorized will not con- situte a grant of sp-~cial privileges inconsistent with the l~mitations upon o~her properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. Reco~nended conditions of apz~rova! are: That the height of the pole sign, exclusive of decorative spire of approx~nately 6'6", be 27'6". Said pole sign will have an area of 102 sq. ft. on each side and be located with- in the required setback. 2. ~at two (2) wall signs, each having a nmximum area of 54 sq.ft. be permitted with the location being the choice of the applicant. 3. That the maxim~m~ arcs for the three (3) signs permitted on the prcm.~ses is 312 sq. ft. The above, motion was voted by roll call. Halus, Webster, Larnard, Mahonay. Noes: Carried 6-0. Ayes: Oster, Lu~!wf g, None. Absent: Sharp. -7- /r.f" PC ~.[[~m.'..es - Novc;:.!:.~r 25, 1968 VIII. CORi.U.:S - PO~'~DEXCE 1. CO,~%;[Y CASE UV-6153 - George TJ.ntle foc t'acese[:ter To permit a 10' X 40' unlighted, single fac~.~d sign to d~rect traffic to thc first sale of homes in Tract }~o. 6628 in [.hc~ R4 Dis L'rict. Locatfon: ~ the northeast side of Laguua Road approximately 600 ft. no~th,.'cst of Bro,..,ning Awmu.~. Mr. SuPiD2~i presented the staff report suggesting that thc Planning Cor:uaissioa request compliance wit:h Plaiming Co::.~;ission Policy re: "Tract & DJrcctiom:l Signs in Unincor. porated Territory Adjacent to Tustin." It was moved by l.:r. O.~;ter~__s. ccon~e~d~_b.~ Co ....z~s]on reo, uost~n~ co.:;- directed to [']mOrange County Planning ~pliance wit!~ Tustin's Pla:mHp~ Co~:'?,issfon Policy re: Tract & Directiow~al Sig. ns ~n Uuincorp~,:'ated TerritorM Adjacen[~ to Tustin." Carr'~ed 6-0. IX. (Yi'H E R BUS]' N%]SS Xa AD J0 ~,..",- 2. COb%7£Y CASE ZC-65-49 - Initiated by County Planning C~:~mission For rezoning from the R-3 (Apartment) District to the PA (Profes- sional and Ad:ninistrativc Office) District° Location: Northwest side of Newport Avenue at Wass Street. ~_~.r. Sup~_Rfn.~2e_r-presentcd the staff report .stating that the subject request results from Planning Co~r. nission consideration of a request for C-1 zoning on the southerly portion of the area now under consideration. Thc City has previously opposed extension of co::~';.arcial uses north of Wass Street along Newport. He recom:?.ended opposition for subject application. It was moved by l.:r. Webster seconded bM Mr. Oster that a letter be directed to the Orange Couuty PlanningCo::m~i. ssion voicing opposition. Carried 6-0. NONE It was moved bv '~4rs. Lud,,.'i.5:' s_e_conded bv Mr. Oster that the adjourned. C~rr~ed 6-0. There being no further busbness before the Planning Cor:":.issiou, Chairman Itel. us declared the meeting adjourned at' 10:55 P.!.~ CIb%IRMA:; 0i" TIlE PI,A?.:L.'.'.:G