HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-28-68/ ~ ~~ o ' MINUTES OF A 12EGULA.: b1EETItw TUSTIN PLANNING C~i`IISSION October 28, 1908 I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL. IV. APPRO~~AL OF MINUTES Comtnissiouer Ludwig absent. VT.I . Nara .BUSINESS. The meeting ~•:as called to order at 7:30 P.bi. by Chairman Halus. Led by Chairman Halus Present: Cocrmissioners: Sharp, Oster, Iialus, ~~~ebster, Larnard, - Mahoney Absent; Ludwig Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney Harry Gill, City Administrator James L. Supinger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary LL_WSS moves oy nr. ulcer. seconded by Mr. Larnard, that Item No. 2, re~ardin~ Final biz.p of Tract No. 6595 be cons this time. Carried unan3.mously. 2. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6595 - STANDARD PACIFIC CORPORATION Location: North side of jlalnut Ave., approximately 800 ft. west of Broconing Ave . Mr. Suningar presented a brief staff report stating that subject map 'conforms to Tentative Map No. 6595 approved August 26, 1968. Approval of subject map, subject to final approval by the City Engineer z•7as reco;nmended. s It was moved by bir. Oster, seconded b~bir. ilebster that the Final Map of Tract No. 6595 be annrovetl sub ject to final avnroval by the Cit,Y,En~ineer. Carried un2.nimously. Commissioner Ludwig absent. V~.• 1. ZC-68-183 - G. L. LEt~IS E~'TERPRISES - (Continued from 10/14/68) PUBLIC HEARINGS For rezoning of approximately 0.77 acres of land from the R-1 (Single Family Residential) District to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District. . Location: Site fronts 150 ft. on the east side of bit. Vie~•~ Dris~e, approximately 300 ft. north of the centerline of First Street. ~Ir..Supiner presented a brief staff report stating that the City Council, at its meeting October 21, suggested action be deferred on zone change requests for increased residential density until a study of the "Tustin City" area is completed. Based upon this action, it was reco:n-l~~:ded that the hearing be continu•~d to the meeting of- November 25, 1~6S. Mr. I~'ebster strted that he c~rould be abstaining from discussion ant voi:ing on subject zone change. Carried PC Minutes - 10/23/68 Page -2- ~vs Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:36 P.M. t was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by t•Ir. Sharp,_that in view of the .J . ~ City Council's action, that this hearing be continued to the Noveu~ber 25th P1amling; Commission meeting and that the applicant and other interested parties that attended the prior meeting; be notified. Motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Oster, Halus, Larnard, Mahoney. Noes: None. Abstained: Webster. Absent: Ludwig. Carried 5-0. 2. ZC-68-184 - T.V. ATTSBSRY /16 PROPEttTY OT•?I~RS - (Continued from 10/14/68) For rezoning of approximately 4.5 acres of land from the R-1 (Single Family Residential) District to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District. Location: Site comprises a majority of the block bounded by First, Pacific, Third and rlyrtle Streets. Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report stating that the City Council • also requested that any action be deferred on zone change requests for in- creased residential density until the study of the "Tustin City" Area is com= pleted and recommended that the hearing for ZC-68-184 be continued to the meeting of November 25, 1968. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:38 Pii. -68-1842 be continued to the November 15th Ptannl.ng co:n:..ss that the applicant and other interested parties that atten ting; be notified. Motion carried 6-0. Absent: Ludwig. C 3. V-68-219 - TRIANGLE INVESTMENT CCLiPANY - (Continued from 10/14/68) Fbr a variance to permit the modification of an existing nonconforming pole sign identifying the Newport Plaza Shopping Center. Modification involves an increase of sign area by 216 sq. ft. and would exceed the permitted height of 20 ft. 6 in. by 9 ft. 6 in. Location: Site fronts approximately 300 ft. on the south side of McFadden Ave. and approximately 500 ft. on the northwest side of Necrport Ave. Mr. Supinger presented a staff report recommending denial for subject application. • The applicant's justification stated•that this shopping. center is behind heavy ' landscaping and tall trees and the tenants fee l• that better identification ex- posure is necessary and with the added competition of the approved Alpha Beta Center they must have aid in this probletl. Chairman Halus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:40 P.M. There being no comments or further discussion from the audience, the hearing was declared closed at 7:41 P.ri. by Chairman Halus. Mr. Oster felt that there was not sufficient justification to approve the request. ` It was moved by l~Ir. Oster, seconded by rlr. Sharp that Application No. V-6S-219 ' be denied for the follo~•~ing reasons: s~ - i. That the adjustment applied .for will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. 2. That special circtunstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography location or surroundings, do not, because of the strict application of the zoning ordinance, deprive subject property of privilcocs enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical. zone classification. 3. As additional grounds, the ninu~e.^. and evidence introduced at the hcarin~; are inclL~lcd by ref4roiic4 ~ nd made a p?rt of tlif~ r~otio;~. /~ la • PC tlinuLes - October 28, 1~S 4. V-68-221 -•RED HILL £~E~LTY l_"J Page -3- To permit a third free-standing sign in a commercial complex. Proposed sign is 4 ft.~by 4 ft. and has a height of 4 ft. and is double sided. Location: 520 East Fourth Street (Loma Linda Building) Mr. Swinger presented the staff report recommending denial for the following reasons: 1. The adjustment applied for would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. 2. That circumstances applicable to the subject property do not, because of the strict application of the Sign Ordinance, deprive subject property of privileges en- joyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. 3. The applicant caas previously granted a Variance for identification on a pole sign in addition to a c•:all sign. 4. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence intro- duced at the herring are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Chairman Aalus opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:43 P.M. Mr. Ed. Nahiaans,520 East Fourth Street, stated that the requested sign is necessary to direct the customers to proper location and parking area on the property. He stated that the existing signs do not accomplish this and have resulted in complaints of inadequate identification. He felt that loss of business has been due to improper identification and resulted in a hardship to said property and applicant. There being no further discussion from the audience, Chairman Halus de- clared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:46 P.M. Mr. Oster felt that the ground sign that is presently located at the easterly driveway entrance is difficult to see.; making it a possible traffic hazard and stated that it would be a good idea to grant the subject request for that reason. ' sec . V-68-221 for the fo r'o . 10 1. That the adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. 2. That because of special circumstances applicable to tiie subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings. the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. --- 4. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and~made a part of the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Absent: Ludwig - ~~ 7 PC P:inutes - October 28, 19~ ~ ~ Fage -4- ~~ 5. ZC-6S-187 - CITY INITIATED Location: Total parcel fronts 625 ft. on the northccest side of Red Hill and 910 ft. on the southcti~est side of Walnut. Subject portion is 201 ft. by 540 ft. and is at the southwest corner of subject property. 1 t _i , Mr. Suni~er presented the staff report stating that the subject parcel (2.5 acres, 201' x 540') was not prezon~d prior to annexation because it was anticipated that a corridor would have to be left to connect the Tustin Greens development to other unincorporated .territory. kitten annexation of the corridor was approved it was decided to wait until after annexation was completed before establishing the zoning. It was recommended that R-3 (1750) zoning be approved to coincide with the established R-3 (1750) zoning on the designated Parcel "B". Chairman Halos opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:51 P.M. There being no discussion from the audience, the hearing was declared closed to the public at 7:52 P.M. • a brief discussion among the commissioners, It was moved by Mr. Oster -187 and recommending that the City Council district for the following reasons: ft 1. The rezoning will result in the entire northwesterly one-half of the parcel being zoned R-3 (1750). unit 2. The rezoning chill remove a U (Unclassified) area which was created only because. more area was annexed to the City than had been anticipated. VI. OLD BUSINESS 3. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Absent: Ludwig REPORT RE: PARKING REGUILATIONS FOR APARTMENTS STUDY Mr. Supinger suggested that this item be deferred to the November 12th ~ ~~ Planning Commission meeting to. allow more time for the completion of the report. At that time a complete report with the Chamber of Commerce comments c•~ill also be submitted. It was moved by Mr. Larnard, seconded by Mr. Oster that this matter be continued to the November 12th Planning Commission meeting. Carried 6-0. VII. NEW BUSINESS- 1. PARCEL MAP - PK-68-15 - UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Location: North side of First Street, west of "B" Street. Subject map is continued to November 12, 1968 by request of applicant. ~ ~ ~t was moved by rir. 4?ebster,~seconded by Mr. Mahoney that P;=-68-15 be ~.' continued to November 12th, Planning Commission Meeting. Carried 6-0. ,~ - VIII. 1. COUT.'TY CASE ZC-68-36 - ARTHUR I,. OSOi?SKI - To change from R3 to C1. CORRES- PONDEi3CE Location: Northcsest side of Necaport•at Wass Street. ~ Mr. Suni.Ii~,er presented a brief staff report recommending that the Planning Cornrlission object to the approval of ZC-68-36. . Mr. Alex~nclcr Bolrie, attorney, presented renderings o£ the proposed Grecn Mansi.o-1S P.ealty buildi.r,~ t11at will he corstrlleted on t21.^. i',ro~erty if subject request: i~: ap~~ro~'ed. tip descl•ii~ed tlic ca~t~~~rcial 1rc~t along I•I~~c,port stating tI1:±C ll:^ pro;~o,c:.l builriin~; t:,~u].d hlcild ill c;.::ll c*ith ll;.~ other srrucr.ur~s ~ ud t`l~'illl''::Si:3 c^.P.(~ 1C`.'it'^Ct:i 111! I'.`.:~U•.'Sl'.i:~i C^L'C:il!1 CO;1^^>1.C~::1':.I:i.Gil 1`~' tli'' I'~,iilali:'~ tr YC piin~tes 1G/28/bS Page -5- The Commission voiced disapproval of such an action due to a prior study of the area stopping commercial zoning north of idass and Nec•~port. They did not feel that there ~•~as any hardship or justification sho~•m by Mr. Bowie's report~to ~varrant such a change.' Concern was expressed relative to lack of information of subject request from the County Plan- ning Department. Mr. Sharp. expressed concer..n over the First Baptist Church of Tustin, located on Netrport and the Foothill Homeo~vuers Association as to their feelings __~ and opinions. Mr. Webster and Mr. Sharp felt that more information was needed regarding this matter due to lack of information submitted from the County. The Commission left open the possibility of r:~~rther action based upon the applicant's request for a continuance of the public hearing to November 13th 1968. It was moved by Mr. Oster. seconded by tir. Sharp that a letter be directed to_the Orange Courts Planning Co.~nission stating that in the event no corr- espondence is received from the adiacent church, the Foothil_ Homeo~•mers Assoc. or any other interested party prior to the November 12th Tustin Planrein~ Coirnission Meeting, the interim position of the Commission is to oppose the extensiori'of commercial zoni~_north of Wass Street alone Newport Ave. Voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Sharp, llalus,~ Larnard. Noes: Webster, Mahoney. Absent: Ludcaig. Carried 4-2. - IR. 1. PAI.KING REGULATIONS FOR APART4IENT STUDY ' OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Jerry Lewis, a builder from the City of Orange, was in attendance prepared to duscuss the parking regulations study. Due to the continuance _ of the matter, he ~•~as invited to attend 'meetings and submit any information -. or comments that he felt could be of benefit to the City. ' 2. INFORMATION RE: ORANGE COUNTY APPLICATIONS The Commission suggested that more precise information be obtained from the County relative to any applications that were submitted to this body for consideration. ' R. ADJOURTu'KENT It was moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Oster that the~meetin~ be • adiourned to Tuesday, November 12', 1968 due to Veteran's Da Holiday, Monday, November 11, 1968. Carried 6-0. ' Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. SEClt~'i'ARY OE THE PLAN;vZP:G~CC~u~fISSIO\ CHAIRiIAN OF THE PL.4N\'I1G CO~L~IISSION