HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-23-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
September 23, 1968
I, ;
C"], TO '
017 MINIrfES
The meeting was cai. led to order at 7:30 P.M. by
Chairman Ha l.ns.
Led by 14r. Sharp.
Present: Co:nmissioncrs: 1.1ahoney, l,arnard, Webster,
Italus, Sharp
Absent: Coram~ ssioners: Ludwig: Oster
Others Presen[':
llarry'E. Gill.., City Admini.qcrator
James G. Rourke, City Attornly
Jan:es L. Supinger, Planning Director
Doreen E. }lenson, Acting Secretary
was rac~ved bY }h'. Sharp and seconded by flr. I,arnard
that the l,.,'im:tcs of the Sep..t.-..qy_.lb_9_r__9_t 1968 r.u~etin%_t2e
a_pproved as subv:ittcd. Carried m'mn:L,nouslX.
ZC-68-1.81 - llOBEI',T 11AM. (Co,:tinued from 9/9/68 meeting)
For rczoning a tot:al parcel, of 2.46 acres fro:'..~ C-1
(Retail Cot:ua.3'ccia].). District t-o R-.3 (1500) (i.:ul[ip]e
FamJ].y Reside. ariel., 1500 sq. ft. of Lot Area per
Dwelling Unit) ])istrict. Sit:e is a portion of a
parcel totalling 4.63 acres whiclt fronts 672 ft. on
thc north side of First Street', approximat:ely 175 ft.
east of Prospect: Avenue and across from the Post
Nr. Stmin,~er s.~ated the staff had noth5ng t'o add at
this th.:e, except to remind the Conc,d. ssiou that the
hearing was c].osed.
}Ir. Ne]. Coh<~!, 444 !,.,.'. Tenth Street, Santa Aaa, Attorney,
representing Nr, and Nfs. Zekaria, o'..:ncrs of Palmwoed
Gardens, stated that his client had been on vacation
and requested that Itc be allo'..:ed to sa), a few words
at this time rcgardJ{~g the matter.
Chairm...-n ll:.t!.t.tp_ advised that tim norr..:al procedure would
be for a Co:':.~issio]',er to ask Nr. Zc, karia a question
if t:hc.y so desired.
.N_r_._.V~_eJ,jJ:£&'. stated h7s major prob].ei: Jn ::,eking this
decision was the parking. Il,". asl:cd i.b__'_..jlf_l..]= how [:,.any
parki~g ,,;paces were i, tcnded in his prooo:<al.
~L._..J!.?..IJ:., the applican::, stat'ed th?re x..'ou]d l,v 1.12
p~rkjn3 spaces; the. required nu.:'.Ler wcul. d be 96 and
they st'ill h:'.d ].ots of green'area lc. ft.
.M_r._._..}'/!.!.u:;. o~::~d :'" Zel:::ria what his -','.-" '~ had
been vi. th th:' imrl:/.ng situ:tt, io'.~.
1..liX_7..,'J.:.rj7'jL,.., o',,'m,r of ]:al::..,..,ood CTrd.,m:.',, st. ated th:~t, he
- ' 19(,S
l'C i.!ir,; lc:; Sep::(.i;i:e'..' 23,
bas 102 un.its on 77~ acres, a 1,.u.,.,~.-~ ...... .' .... lot
ac:co,';ocloi:ioi~:; for 3 c;xt]:a car:;~ a;~,'.1. t:]~oy st:J. ll have
a log o£ prol)l.er:.~; in p:;rl:inl;, lie has found k'hnk:
every family has 2 or 3 cars and they park ¥:herever
they can find available space, .ewm on the Post.
Office parking lot.
Mr Halu:'; ar&ed Nr. Zekaria t:lm. to..,,1 mud)er of
parking sl,,aee,,.; in Palm,...'ood ' C,o, rden:;.
Mr. Zekaria replied t!mt there arc 160 parking
spaces in Pa!r.',:..'ood G;:rdcms. '..
l, lr. Wc:l).qter asked .'..;r. Zekaria ho'..., bis' 102 vnit.,;
brol',e do'..;;~ as to ~,u:uber of l;adroo;ns.
fir. ZeknwJ.a advised he has 2,5 units ¥.:ith 3 bedroo:ns
and tlm balance are studio and garden apartm.:,nt:s with
2 bedrooms°
Nr. Wel)si:¢,r co::-.:,.cnted that the proposed project: would
haye 112 parking spaces, cove, red and open, for 65
units; 40 with 1, bedroo:'.~ and 24 with 2 bedrocm:,~. 'J.q~is
would be 1 3/4 spaces p~r unit m: 1.4. spaces per
bedroo,a. W1K:rea,,; Pa].~:n.:ood ~ardens with 228 bedroom-~
and 1.60 spaces l:as 7/10 of.' a sp::co, per l)edroo:n, lie
said in his opinion, parking in. the proposed project
would not bca real problem.
}Ir. Sharp. sta~ed it' was his undc..rst:anding th::re
a hearing tonigl~t: on the piece of tn:Ol>erty just to
the left shoYm iu ~ed. lle asked Chairman lla].us
they could postpone this lmar5n5 unt:il they see what
the develol)er has in mind for t:hrt~ area.
Mr. lla.!uss advised it: is within the pm:view of the
Co~r~ais;sion t.o ¢,.lm~:ge the ordc'r o.5 items on t'he agenda.
lie aslted ~he plea:;ur.e of. the Co::,.aiss±on.
V-65--215 - TRA".'tS--RO];i,FS CORPO:U..O."!O.'.; (Continued f'_'o:u 9/9/'38 :.-.aa - :_.:
To per~..u[t the cm:t~nuad use of 2 ~.oncouforr.:i~:,q tract'
and diree[:ioiml signs and 1 proposed tract sign as
1. 8' X 12' double-faced, at tl:e norrhwest corn'.'~r of
].7th and Ym.l,a. '
2. 4' X 8', sing]e-fac(td~~ at [il!(', llOrt:tP...'es[: corm:r of
J,au'cie ],cute au:'. 'YoJ:l)a.
19'.. X 29', dm'b]e-faced,., proponed to t:e l. ocac,:_., cn
the ea:';t s:idc: of i.;;,r:;hall l,:'.:'..e on I,ct 9 of Tc,~ct
No, 5726.
Proi)osa] 5,,4 r ,.
~o.. use dur:[ng t'!,· liquidal:ion o.f' Tr,.ic.t ") .
5-/26 mid .)1.:3.
}h' gt, aen',',r ql'at'ed I:ha at:n££ hnd no
._ _'.__: ~,.:':...,,~.'-- · .
PC I.'.il:.ut'...,:.~ - Sc ptc,..',:b~=r 23,
Cbairn:an t!a]us asl~c,d Nr. Sui)'i~lj.~,.(.!.~i thc total sciuqre
footage of these signs and tls',.., it coiq)arod with thc
SJ gn 02:(linance.
}Ir. Supjzu~£?_ advised that the total would be 920 sq. ft.
The Sign Ord'inancc would'pari,~it a total of 128 sq. ft.
Chair,,an }:~.]us opened thc public portion of the hearing.
Onnolec E!!'i. ott, 13631 Yorba Street, stated she happm~od
to bo an u~fort'unate neighbor of Trans-Robles which
adjoins her property on 2 sides. She said they have had
these signs for 3 years and she believed the lin.:
says 1 year in thc Tov..n of Tust{n. She. said none of
the Trans-Roblcs signs were within the code. During
the past few wee]'.s they have erected a piggy-back
sign which is st:ill there. She didn't feel this was
warranted in R-]; a co:p.'.narci:.:l enterprise which has
been t'here for over 3 year~'; and is no furtlm~: along
than it was 3 ye. ars ago.
Mr. ]lall~s asked Niss Elliott if she objected to a].l
3 signs or ju.~;t those in thc R--1 zon.o. Sba replied
that they were all in the P,-1 zone. Mr. lla].u.~; pointed
silt tha~ the sign at ].7tit and Yin:ha was in the l,'.ultip!e
Family zone:, an,.] again asked her if she. objected to
ali. 3 s~gns.
NJ. ss Ellio::t repi. ied in tile affirmatiw'~ and asked how
t}ley would enforce the size of thc signs if approved.
}Ir, }lalt,.s said that woul.d be handled by thc Building
DClmrtm(u:t. Those who arc not in accordance with
the ordinance are cited and clue legal action can be
John P(,rr~l, Trans-ilobles Corporation, st:ated that
all their s~gns at the present: do conform to all the
Planning Co::'.nis;sion's requiremc~tts, lie s~id be has
always found that the Building ])cpart~cnt follows t'be
book right down the liue. lie was curious to see if
other people would attend this hca'ting and voice theie
objections to the signs and found that Miss El!iott
was the only one. ~_t.j)er~z said they bad about 20
homes still vacant and about 18 lots st:ill undcw~lopad,
}ir. ]!al. us advised that he had learned ].ast evei'd.i)g
there were. about 30 lots not developed.
Nr. Perrsi rc, r,.mrl, ced that he felt' with the s~gns they
were asking for, ~ th('., present marl:et, tl~cy should
be able to sell out ¥.~.l:~:~n the next 6 t'o 9nonl:~,s".
.N.r:..U._'.,_Is!.% askc. d !.[C:._~..t.!.).~)?5,jy.. if t.':cre wa:.; a t i:'e
li!:tJ.{: o:1 tho propo:.;cd variance and he replied l:i',.a~
tile request-was for "~'hrou~.;h the liquid:rtl, on o'_'.' t?.a
t'lmu£;Ix t]:c tract had ];c:c,n J.n the process of dctvc,3, op::~:mC
for 3 yca'~:s, 'j?ra~?~--llol~lcs did no[: l)ecc:.~., i]~vo].ved
the sikt~atio2 m~t:L1 12cl)ruary~ 1967. ]lc said at that
tJ~:~e the tt~j. lities) etc. had not b?en co;;q~].et:ed~
since l:]teu have b:~cm c:o:nplcted. 'fimy have, al:
in:ese;ti: t:~na~ 79 unsold lot~; and al)p'~oxir.~at'ely 20 t.o
25 unso]d ho::,.es in the tract. O;ze of t:he prob].ei.ts
in the past year and a ha],f has been proper idcml:ification
of tl~e tract in the oyes of the pul)].ic attd the prop:,z:;ed
signs would'l~a].p solve this
Chn~r,:mn ]!:~.l. us c].o,scd the public portion of the hearing.
Mr. Nahot~¥ said ho personally fell' that everyt'hing
pos:;il)Je shou.l.d be done to (;lJminatc: vacant hc,:nes in
the area.
.M2_'.._l:!_,gjL92Le_y..!noved tt:,,.t l',e,,;,~l:_t!,[.j~.q~ ?<o, 1008 be ado~ted
approvi:w \:--68-215 for six mouths Secop.:!ed by
Larna rd.
Mr. ]lalus staLed the C',~n~:~ission has been involved in
these hearj~'~g~; over t. he past years. Every app!ical.~on
has co;ne J.D late; the llOilCOllfO2Ttiil[~ ~;Jgl] C()!][:~lll!&~: tO
exist, l~e felt the need ¥.,as for cooperation bet¥.'eeu
the deveJ. Ol)er ancl t:l,e City; tlmt the. CJ ty lind been
exl:rct.K~J.y coopt, relive and the devclopc,r should see to
it that all ordinances are obeyed.
Mr. Webster co.ri:~.:mted tll. at he agreed x.:ith l-lt. Perry
that the real estai:e r. mrket is different: today than
it was when Tram;-.ltoblcs acquired the proix, rt'y.
appeared to l~5n that: t:his'project now haq a reasonp, ble
chance for eXlmdient' completion, tlc also t~e].ieved
that idcnkif:Jcation is pnrantount in tnarketing tracts.
tie agreed x.;ith flr. 1.:ahoney thai: more than the nuisance
of the signs;, tlte att-reel:ire nui~:ance of the vacant
houses YJould contril)ut:e t'o t'bings Mtich this; co:~umnil:y
wou]d be up--in-arm~;.about, tie felt: tlmt: the real isst:q~
uas wha~ is in tlte best: iut:erasl: of t:he peopl.e, tlc
said, ho',.:ever, that tl,e co,,::'~m~t:s ;'.mdc by Z,:r. }lalus
~,mre x.:e].l raj:eh. In order for the CJt:y to continue
to al].oxe varJ.ances on this prop,.rl'y~ the ~pp].icant'
musL show good faith by not hangi:~g bootie5 sisna.
lie said if t. lmy cont:~nued after tonight, it' would
be a very long thee before he, parson:lily, voted for
any s~gns again.
Mr. tla!u.~; a,~;l:,~,d ?.:r. W¢,b:'t:er if hc ¥:ish.,'~d to a~::en:!
.... J_'Z '_'-'. '..'_
mot'~on r;nd Fr. ,..:l,,,,Ix t replied that he did not
t:hat: ¥.,as
Vote by roi..1, ca].].. Ayes: I,arr,.*.rd~ ...,,bs i'er, l,I:thoi~:,y,
Si,are. Noes: l!a]
l'C l'.:'uui't:. - Scpte,':i.~r 23, 156S.
Parcel }i k-Jr: the t:orthv:c~:;t corn:~r of Fotu.'tl~ a~d Yorba
Street,,;, PC (Co:.',,nercial Plato:ed Co,'.'~'mnity) DisL:rict.
Parcel C f'ro'..:~:ing 160 ft. on t:be x.:e:;t: side of Yorba
Street, R-3 (1850) (i.;u].tiple. Family - 1850 sq. it:. of
lot: area pc'.' dwelling unit) District.
Parcel D at the sout'h¥:ost corn::r of /~th am! Yorlm
Streets, E--4 (l;st:ate l',c,,;jde~:t'~a].) Dist:rict.
Specif';c plaus for Parce].s A, B and C are on file
the ]?]amziug ])el,art~i~cnt; no develop{::enl' pi. acs ha{,e
beeu so]mitt:ed for Parcel D.
Mr. tIalus asked ~'.r. Supir:jjo. r' if all of the property
now is zoned E-.4.
,N.r..S_upi...pf'~?r replied tl,at il: is E-4 in the Comity;
this applieatiou is for prezoning~
Nr. Ual. us asl~,,~,d if the serv'Jce station n~c, ets all of
the Service St.ation St:andards in the Cit'y of Tustin.
~__;r_ ,qaEj. )j?g.c.,.2~' rep]..~ed that ii: {.~.oets ali. the st:andords
except the sign~ ¥.,hic]~ t. hey a::e. al)ouL to apply for
because it is thc l'].anncd Co::umuii:y ]J:i. st:rict aud
wJ.l'ltin 200 feet: of a freex.my off-ramp. Thc one
sign propos:ed 5s 21 ft', high %:J.t'h an ar~a of 87
sq, ft, each side totalling ]74 sq, ft, The other
sig]n is proposed t:o be local:ed on the uorth¥.'est
corner of the service station~ 70 fi. high~ area
of approxh~:ote!y 270 sq, ft, each side for a total
of 5~0 sq, ft,
Nr. }Talu~ asked if tl:c signs ¥..'cre a con:; idera t: ion
on t:lte pz'ezoniug.
[r_._fiui~.3?ff,,2}2 repl:;.ed in the affiri:mt~ve.
.}!r..__Sj,.p.J~:2?: advJsed tlmt the staff reco:n;';:euds
approval su!)jecr t.o the fol].o~.r:;.ng condit:Jon:;:
1. That parking st:andards shoxm on page 6 of the
Develop',::e. ut Sl:andard.q be revised to read:
"Sufficient off-street parking she1.1, be provided
so that ou-stre~p-,"'~,_no,, is not _~:c~''¢,-',,,d.
Min~z..~u:n parking shall be provided a:; follow:::
]. space for e::ch 200 sq. fi:. of ret:a~] store
floor area, 1. space for each 300 sq. ft. of
office floor area, 1 space for each three scats
in eating est:ablish:'.:ant." (Service Si. al.ion
require~:'ants are e:nitted l)ccause they are uot
permil:t:ed on Parcel B).
2. That S',rr..e[ Trees be iusta!lcd per thc M::s!er
St:feet Tree. P.!au; provided, ho'...'ever, that: all or so:'.i~
of ti,.~ c:<is"';".', Deodar t:cc. es r,cv lm retained al. ou5
the Yorba S:'rt.et froi~t:agc~ as do[:e::,:,.fn~d b7 the
Council, as a subs;t'itut:e roi: thc: rt, q~:lred s~rc~t
3. Ti:at f, elTvice S[:a['iOll ros[Jl?O.D,'l dOOrS 1)(' $cr(:c:tlod
by ].m'..d.~;caDa or t::>chauica], r.::mn.,; t'o a t:~u~,..:u::~ hcig':[:
of si:.: (6) feet:.
St rcc, t'J.
5 That a l'arc:el ~aI) bc~ fl.]., ~ [:o crc, ate ]?arc,.'.]:~ :'~
B mid C fo].!o?ing amK?;atio',~ to the City and full
street i::,provcm:u~ts ba im;t:a].].cd upon dcvelop:'.~cnt.
}_Ir.__S_:,g~.)].3.q[ rep]ted in thc affir,.~v.'.tJv(~ anti add(:d
that th<i 1(-3 ]):i.str.Lct as propo.~;ed l)y tt,c al)p!~cant:
would l)e sul)jcct: t:o Architect:t'.ra.1 Co;.~nd.t'tea approval
also. }lc said a].so tacit, dod in the standard:; p,_'opcmcd
for the serv'tca stat:io-,~ are 7 additioi~al conditions
as fol].o~.>:;:
1. Rental of t:rai].er:; or other equii:;n.:':nt and the
storage of sa:':'.e on l:h(, sitc, shall bo proltib~ted.
2. No ~nerc'.!tai~:!:isc,, such as tirc:s and other accessories
shall bJ sto'red, or disld, aycd, oui:sidc~ of the service
s I: a t: ion l)u'J, ld ""
.,., ~; ·
3. B.n. nnors~ pc.n'.,',~::nts, f].ag,q (o[:i,er l.l. llall of St:ate
~'- ~,'"' · igns and oth¢,.r
or Federal Cove'ri',..:e. nt)., t.:l,...lcl l)oard s ,
di,qpl, ay ~:w, ter.ia!, shall l)e ln:Ol~:;.l~il:ed.
4. The imrkJ.ng of trucks; on the sil:e, other ti'mn for
mS,:or sc~'.,:vic:ii~5 sl)al! be prohibitc:d.
.5 NO ¥;'ild~9¢; h';p.¢:l~ino,q slmll l>c~ .qi:o::ed or l:i~il~i.ainc:d
outside of tile sc.r~'iee sLat:ion lmi].ding.
6. Major ovcrl'..nu].ing of cng'tn:m shall be prohibited.
7. l,ow level ]5ghl:ing shall t~e in.qta].led on the
perimeter o~ tltc. site.
}~52_.~J~'}37J! as!~r~d ~f il: ~.:a~ kno'.:n ¥.'hicl, parcel x.~oul.d
be dcvel, oped first, second, t:hird~ etc. aud ¥~hcn
each parcel yzoul.d be co.:p].et(..d,
}Ir. Supi!~.L,..c..3: stated that: tnl,; x.:as not kno'..:n
Mr. Webzt:er ask.:,.d the de£iui, tTon oE a "Junior "~-::..,.~.~... ..... . '
Nr; Su;)in',r:r si'at-ed thai: in hJ..~: opinion tl:.i:; ¥:ou]d r.~e;:n
the Scvt, n.-E]cvmt ,.,a:.k,..t "~ ~.
}ir lia].t~:'~ .... ," '
· ol ...... c. tho. pub!lc port:ion of tho hc~;n'ing.
.P....j.).:..j.,.j.!):t?3.]:, 1786 west l,iuc:o]:l~ A:.'~.::l,.c.i::,, reprer;c~,t.ative
of At:Iai,t:' 'J.(..--,,~';c:i~.cJ.e].d. , sho',..'ed s,].ic:as of .~;c..rvSc'e sta.','ion.-;
in t.hir, a~'t,a~ o.'.'i:er ne;: l',Scl,.fSc.].d sl'at'Jons an:I th:.
develop:~,':u',t, ln:Oi~C.z:ed for t'hSs site.
lJ,- 1 .-,. ~,,-n-.~- 730 C.'.:i.c,.;J¥ }last, Cc:l',ttu:y Cit.'.,-, l.?~
2.': .:....':.~ '-'_'.. '... :_.:'-_'. :'-g~.~ -
An.cc~lc.:-;, l'~:ojcct' ,x'..qi,:~.[;:~r, sho..'Jd slide.--, oF' t}'..c~
coi-::.~.rc~ ct]. dove ] c,l,;:~.'..'n ~. of t-he. !)!:oi,..2r t:y.
.N.C.._...]!_c?}.'_.'.'-3'J'..._}':.-...YJ'-'5'[ L29.0]Z, 730 C':: t:o.x:.:,.y l.:~: s !:, C.:,nt'ury Ci t y,
I,cm A~.<;(']c.~;~ Arc:hJt:ect.~ st'at:(.d tl.l?.[, it ~:J..!.; o!'.vJo'.::':' tko
PC. }:i~,:.t',.>:; - S.:.p'.e:.:b..'.r 23, 196S
way l.hey approached this project. }Ie said r..'4~st of
thc residences in the area are o:'t a cul-de--t;ac and
face in~.:ard. Ti:ey did this x:ith the
atter..~pting to ~-.~ke. a reside~ttial look. So~e of.' the
buildings arc: t¥:o-story, but: they are all on tim inside
of the property.
}Ir. Pi?oct stat'ed they had blended the. service, station,
co:mnerc~al and residential dc.vel.op:n~n~t's t:ogel'her in
such a Ymy i:hat t:hey feel it wil]. be aCCel)ted bY the
residents in the area.
}Ir. Don Chr:i. steson of Christer:on Development: Company,
1441 E. 17tlr Street, Santa Ant, stated he was
representing 22 pltysScians and dentists who have t:heir
practices Jn the area under discussion. }lc said after
considerable investigation and searching, they found
West 4th Street in Tm;tin to be idhaJ, for their professional
offices. They purchased a quarter of a mJlljon dollar
piece of property and just: finished a half a uillion
dollar lmi].ding, lie said a great majority of these
professional ~nen had moved their practices from oil,er
cities, taking a big gamble because they felt the City
of Tustin ¥:a~; going to pro:note professional offices
in tlmt area. lie felt all t:hoz;e ~zl~o invested tlK~ir
money should be protected against the type of development
now proposed. }lc did not believe tltat tire sales, auto
repairs; and sales pro?;ot:ions of all kitxls could be
pre¢entcd~ lle said it YJould op:~l Che door to gas stations
on al.]. corners of t. hc~ intersection.
Mr. Bruce ~2{:.r:..Z:-:.:[..r21.£, 1.f}651. Pacific~ Ttmtin, st:al:ed be
wished to take issue on 2 parts of Mr. Lipl,ert's
presentation. 1,'irst, tl,e l:lastmr Plan calls for
medimt density single far..dl.y residences. Secondly,
he believed tim residents in the area x.:ere not
interested in any tyt)r.' of service station there.
lie said the area was st. arted on a professional basis
and that is; tlm x.:ay it should re;2ain. Concerning the
multiple fr:mily unit:s~ his persona], observations ;:ere
that the beautiful c{,l.-dc-sacs becvaae beaufiful parking
lots. lie ¥.ent on to say that the type of mini-~narkct
propo:;ed has not: been successful in thSs city. One
such market on Holt: Avenue x.;as a ~narl:et for less than
a year mid is ~r~,...~ knrn.:n as the. Bmn~y llutch, tlc, too,
felt that even:.uall.y t, here ~.:ou!d be gas st~.tior, s o~
all corners of t:he int.ei'section.
.~[r. J._.2?;.r.j_'cn__.l.l_.....l~J!92.'_, 17332 VJ.n:,woo'J, Tu.qtin, representing
thc proparty o.,:ners in t:he area sho-...:ed slides of service
st:at'ion.~; in the arua, letter fro:n tl:e. Co:u~t:y
Con,::'..issio'..t and a tnnp depicting the. m:::,b(xr 'of service
st:atioi~s Jn Tust:in. tie co.-a;::ented t:hat al.]. ti,e beaut'ification
attempts in the x:or].d cannot: disguise a gas si:trion for
what it really is. tlc re. cc:::.'endcd t:lmt tlm Ce::'.::is;sio:~
deny tlr.is al~p!ieat:Jo'..:. }Ie. also reec..:'r::,-.nded th:.:t ti'.,'.
City Co'.,:mil t:ahe, a sta'nd no~.: that no further appJ. iaatLcns
of l:hSs ~;ature Im co::sSd, c:red fro: ['his proFerty.
.~X:_d._....~.2?e..r!!_o_'.b ]!,71.1. Yo::l,a, Ti~::t:in~ st';:~ed !'..is m:o:-..:.rtv
adjoins t:ha p~:op~.cd ap::rC;',:,nt:s and hr, would fo:el ti:ere
were p:,ople ]ivi.~g J.n 1,.is br. cl'.yg'k'd~ He said about sJx
weeks a?,o, b27cn.-o this very Cc,:-.,::~ir;:xion, the
,..'as ln:o',:~;ht 5rt an;! tur::¢d dc,'.:[: l'y a vet'- of 4-1. TbLa
propo:;::l to:.::;~.:ht', be said, j.s :[:m:e ob~,o::io',,:; t!~zn t!'at
Cou:~¢::;.]. C'.':<:i.!'i'!,:.~; cve',:y I.!o.?'.,~.y nibht t:o fig~,t tl,.L:;
is; OP.C of t~!o O;:IKL~':; Of t]K'. p!'Oi'~C~.~.Yty ¥:hJ.cll l~ad l)ecn
~n the. f;md.J.y si. ncc 19£9; clink l~i:; m,I.l]..~.','~ ,' ' had ].ired
tlterc si~me 1924, II.,". sa:h] tJmy ]!2d ~tot: obj(:ct.ed t:o
any or:Imf d.u\;o].op::'..ant irl t:hc:' ar(:g and fo!t: t:imy
bc a].lo;.x:d to deve]op the propa~:t:y as: they see fit.
}Ir. llaltm closed tlm pul,lie '' ....
.............. po,.~...on of tl,e hearin5 and
decl~?:ed a sho~;t rc:cc,.ss at: 9:10 ]/i.I. ~5:e ~:,eeting x.:as
reco~wened at 9:20
}Ir. Nahoi~ev asked .',.j.r_.__.}.?.j..{}J.'..f.X if lie bad any alternative
L~,_.s proparty ~d.g!~k l)c usc:d for.
suggestions that ",';'
Er. ]?J:;!~er said ti;ay Yxml.d like to sec tim chi:ire
prop:;rt:y (~evalol)c,.d as th(; other p::ofessio~.:~l o£ficcs
on Fouk'tl~
, t.~fC 0 ['..
}I_r__._J.l..a. mlt_!?_ co:::'?..c,ntcd that this i.'; the last rc;:lain:Lng
ent.rancc, to tlm C~ty of 'i'v. stin; t'..mt t:hc ¢:otmidcration
used i~t an,:cxation~ and otlmr area.,; h~'.s l)c'en t:hat
of loc:al ho::'a ru].e~ hom,3 coni:rO.!o lie did not feel
tltat service: station co:',::,ercia!
to convey as tit(: em:tahoe t:o the City. lie felt
add'ii:ion to thc: sc. trice sl.'ntioi,.~ tliey should be cmt-
cerncd x.nLtb the (lc;)sity pro;2oscd iii thc: r.:u!tiple
resident:ia], and
there is otl'..c~r co::c.'~c:rcial in thc City ¥.,i:ic'.h is noI:
devcJ. Ol;ad and.x.:hich i.~: sti].l skandir~g vacant.
Mr llalus a~Imd "_2'_........ m ...........
__: .......... ..... ,qumim.,er if ifite. Counky ;.:ould go
through thc .... ,- typ.'.: of rczoning ll)..j.o..ic, such a
dcvelop:um),t a:; this.
· ).J3L.__S_jJl?j.).L%2!'... repJJed that to his lUlOv:l.ed[.,e there would
be 2 routes avaiJ, ab]e to t!m p'cop:'~rty o','.;lers.
~;ould lm a t, se va£ill',Ic.e x..-.l~:i¢:lt x:ould go ahead un(let
t]l¢; ex'J.Stlil,~, zO1]O, ilTK! would 17:!:o.
than rczonS,g, x:hich JmS the other route available.
There hava l~c:on s¢:vcral instm:cc,s x.:lzez'e the Cot,;:i:y
has parmittc, d use w:riavmes not parmitked in thc
particu!;:r zo:ie applied for thc prol,,erty.
variant, cs are not pe. rn'Jtted in Tustin~ so zonin$ is
automatic i~i our ca$c.
])a]mtU3. ~No:'s: 1';(']>3i:('.~'. l':o{:';.c'..l ¢:::~.1 .i..',', .:-.]..
}Ir. SuLb4:nfLq~ advised that tlr'ts pz'op:~rl:y fror,[:s
apl~rO:~:bi~ately 9/~ fi:. on tim south';vest side of
Nisso:~ ]load, 60 ft. on tlm cast side of Pasadena
Avenue a,~d 60 fl:. on t:hd nm:t:h side of i-;yrt:!e
Street, in t:lm Sout:h Tus[:in area. Tim applicant's
jtu;tification is as follows:
1. l'rOlmrt:y tax load too groat a burden for
profitable agricultural operation,
2. Surrounding are. a fully developed.
3. Higlms[: de. nsity dcve.].op;:mn.t i:: li:o,*..;t e.J.f'Lc'Lcnt.
solut:ion to fuLure housJ.ng need'3 end opt;rational
4. Incorporation provides increased Police. anJ Fire
The staff reco;:'_':mnd,,; t:bat approve], bt,. rccom,:'anded
to the City. Cou~mil for th(; following reaso'_~s and
under the follo,.:ing conditions:
1o Subject parcel is cousidcred to b:.: in t:lte, high
den.sii:y area (].2.0 u/acre) dcm'J, ga',al:eJ by ill? C-'cneral
2. The future, connect:in[; road patted:n, afro, ct]rig tile
imnediate area ps x.m].l, will bo developed by tim
Appl. ica~t on the st;bject property~ el~,utnat'i~g a
great portion of w~].uab]e la?:d; tl,erefm:e, tlm increased
density can bo. consttu,.o as a comp:,nsatiou and infinitive
for dr,.vclop!.mnt:.
3. The density x:i].! p?'ovidc a good transit:ioi~
betwec:n the high denc;it:y t'o tlm ~.:ast and thc: lower
densities to tim sotttb and east:.
4. As additional gl:Oltl!¢ls~ the. rainier:c:; and c. vidence
introJuced o.~ tlm he. ariug is incJ.vdcd l)y rc:fcz'ence
and r.,.ade a pa?.:t of the. motion.
Recon.~pend¢:d con.'.lStiou of approval is that tl:e record
o~.:ne.r$ sign a',a irrevocable ag.reer.'.a~:t to dec~ica, te
adequate street r~ ?,l~t-of-v:gy to provide a circulat:~ on
t'.o tim satisfaction of the CiPy l.;nginc, er arm t:he
Fire Chief.
opened the puL'lie po',-t'ion of thc, hearJng.
?,olqf.[(Lq..?..,ij-l!, 17232 1) Nisson Ro:?.d, st:at'ed h:, 5s a
prope'rl.y o....'n.:~r east of t-he prop:,rt'y Jn question.
said x.:l,c,n 1~c. rc;co,."vcd no?icc of I:h/.s prop:,sed zone
Clla'.lgo~ it' x.:aS ju:;t st'areal th.ak 1',-3 ;..'ar; requested.
Aft. er I:0;: £J. Dg the Piamt; ;,,~; l)e [)??ku.:.,tlL ~ .*.; l't, cc.:'.'3;. 7
lie was no:; qu$i.(, so vioJ. cntJy oppo:,;?d, a].'.'hov~'.h, ;'o:'!J
].Jke to see Jif kept do'.::t ].o'..'er ti::.,-.: 30 ,mit's; po.:'
Conc:c. rning N¢~,::;o:i Ropd f,.c, said ilz 5.!4 bo:.,;,.z:eJ t,y ;b.,.'
fre. e-~:ay on oi:(: sJde and i,lYjyag:e p~'opcrty on Lb.:' otb. or
side ;~p.d lie did r..oi I,.'.].{eve it' would lka,?.!le }',~3b
traffic, goi-:f, ok:t: t-u::a'.'d :.:e:.'po:'/-. [[..: s,,.[:.:;trt:t-e,! a
Pet'il./o;~ sJf:.~:.'d l,y 5(~ h,,,'v.', o,.n;;,rs in the orca
Road, Pa.,;adc;'..:x and I<yi.'L].c Lo coill~oci:,
1'1--(2- .S.~_~f)212. s kal:cd he felt more il!fo'.."i::.";[:io,l ~,..';'~s llc!cd,:,d
rcga'.,'d.;.~q.; t:lm' proposod pla;n; bc~o2:e "~" '
~,,:,,Lnb adc, ci::imt
iii t'.] 1 'J. s
Nr. Suj?.~'.,¥.,,y,'.:i a,'!viscd tqmk if plan!.; wi,rt, sul~;n~t't:ed
this aiq)!:i, cal:ion o~ skraigld: R-3 zon'Jng, h:~ did
believe, at this time t:he applidani: could be held to
those pl.am;. Ilo said thoro would, of course, be
Arcl~iCcci:ural Co::unit't'ee review.
[ly.._Jl_q.2.3?9. st:at:cd that the tml)lic portion of t'lm l~earing
wa.'; ::t:iJ.J. opvn a~xl pos;.qJbly so:::e of this Jnfor;sal:ion
would .Ilo forl:hc.o, ni n3.
.Ric]bq_r. fi.A,__~Tz.'_.~?.~, 709 Begonia, Corona dc:l. Nar, Real
Est:akc ]5roker l:(.~p~:o:;c',ltin,q iq,r: deve].Ol)Ors, st:al:cd t:hoy
have no plmm at tl}J.q Cfi:a, bul: inl'cndcd to br, J].d a
yery at:t:ractive co:'apl, ex, con.!.~inir:~ both rim h:".3h and
low dc~w~itic.s 5n thc area, tie said thc. y w¢..rc asking
for the zorn, clmng(? due to t:l::~ fact: that tltc,:c is an
amounk of roadway t:hey have t:o forfeit:. This
tltem 'in the f:lit;v, lcial po:;it:ion of l)av:;.ng i'o ask for
higher dcnsi, t:y. tie st'atcd they x:ankc.'d to do a very
inl:cliil;cnt~ sopl~ir, t:icat:t~d ar, ti rcspc:cCab].c p,:ojr:ct,
but: first t!~.ey %...'alit (1o ]qlt(>%; x.:hat tlmy ca.'n do, W/th
the.. rcc:c~:..~:c~r,.dations of t:l'..e ]h~g:tnc, c, rJ.',~g ])et)r:rtv:ant:
it x.:i].l cut: t:lte proFcu:t:y up in 3 p2rco, l.s a:O. t:lxy
fcc]. at: t:lt:i..,; t:5.mc it: is not' feasible
tlc said thay did not plan on developing 35 u:'tit:s to
the ac.ye; k]}c~'i.r in.itin], plan is t)e.l::..'ecn 28 and 30
tmil:s par ac. re, 200 m~i~s t'.o2a.l in the 8.?. ac:rcs.
lie said they ~nay have t:o r'educc it to 190 - 195.
'._f. esl__l.'_o:~k~e..r:., 15601 ].:yrt'].e. Ave;m::, stated bc was a
ho;,:::o,::,tr~r i~ the 11-1 l)istrict: a',.:d tl,cy already had
all (~[~EO'38 p'.CO])].O.l':l OD i.icFo, ddcm, tie saJd Il.is prot;ort:y
l)ordc, rs on t:),o sout:h side of the prol)osed dcvc'l. OF::Cnt:
and h.'.~ did not'. x.:ani: .t.o look ou~ m~d see a two-story
bu:;.].dJng. Ilo felt: Jf t:horc s.'erc £u'ct:lter p].nr,.s to
COi~kilC~i't[: Oil, alL]. the l~o,..:c:o,,..'n~rs would have addit:.icmal
C 02i;'3¢~ 11 [' ,q ,
}j_¥_._._J::')?,,p.].r~_ point'ed ou[: that thc urc,:ant Co,.':~.~:y zcnir.;
wott]d itl.l, ov~ 2 or avol! 3-st:ocy buil.dir, j~; on this prcpe::ty.
M.?._._k!,..].L..._A_D?_I..51_o' 15631 l.;Vri:].o.~ Tust:ir,, st:at'ed he hoped
the Co.':.,:,J.ssio;t would cons'Jdor the sit~3!c f'a-;,ily r<:.-',i,!':,.:','.',
itt t.lm arco l)y r, ok all. owir, 5 t'wo-,st:ory t,ui]d..i;Gs wi.t.b.l.n
150 feet: o£ t:l:.:~ R-.1 l)ist'.rSct:,
do t'l<~ .qa~'~:, J:'t t:lti.:.; c;:.:;c. }l~: el.co fcl.t.t.t::;.~; t:yc.,ry ::ore
almrt:ir..-~tk:; 5~.~ the a'..:oa x:ot:].d c:r,'~at:e a scrJ. o'..,.~; trc. ff/.c
p]rol,].en~ o'..~ i. lc].'adden,
Nr. )Imr~:o:l c(u:m:',...'.nt:,.~d tho',' it' was i'h.:,ir jntXmnt: ['o h:,.vc.
a bt,.,'.fe'.,? zoi'...n 09 sJ.;~Dl.c'. ,.,t'o,-y ap:..':t.,":,r;!'s x'7!l:i:.: 15:2 .'.-.,',-.,2
of tl,~- s';.n?.e £a::~.-;ly r(,.sidc, ncc~s, lie said t.h,'y df..'.[ ncr:
~-:Ftllk t:O iq!pO.',(' Oll t'hcst,.
.......................}k:l't~:,ri;,m I;.:'.,.';~''~'3.52:,_, 15611 *.[yrt:.l.c. ~. 'f'us;kfn, si.at:.'~,, l:.-r
co,'..~'c'cn x.a.<; '.;p. oi';,.~ni':?, up ¥,y'.,:t:.l.a S:. re, ct'; tl,.':t, ti',cre
alre?..y h~A l>:,on ci',il,!:'en .,'u:t ,>',,.:':r ti'. :.,"a. S>:c. al. no
voi(:ed co.x:c::.:',: ~n rc.i.,.~',.:dn t-o po.1..~cc~ a:,:l ]:'i;-e
$c. f.L c ;.'.'...a r 23, <' ""
Mc .!x:)_.'LL (; -' .~;o.l..,y!E::_d, ]?. O. ];ox 39 2, J.U,. L ~ n, o';.n,er of
thc: p::opcu:ry, stated that ~:s far as the. Cem':ra].
Plan is conccrn<~d, the ¢,>:J. stJ.~.'{g, dc..ve].oi;:.':u:I:s in t:lle
area z:rc in toni'fLit1:, 'J?i~e s.ii~j].e fc~..::.ly u:iits t'o
the south arc-co:a.p].c,tely con."r~,ry to t]~c: Gm;oral P]c..n,
'l'he R-3 .i:o the x-:::st:, x..'l~ich i:; J.~ t];e neJgl:l)o'~;hood of
30 to 34 t,'ait:; p:'r acre, is higher dmu;J, ty tha:'~ on th(:
General Plan, The R-4 f:o t:h:: east fi~:; fair]y well
with the Ce'.xer.'.z] ].'lan. Tim R-2 to the souL:hwest:
(County) is also hig]~er than e>:hibited J.~ the C, eneral
Plan. lie said t!m th::ee r'oad co:mections reco.,r:::u::led
by the Cit:y'$1'aff would average oul: at about 3.9'?; loss
of the total area. Th:Ls hal)pe~u~ to be ~nuch hig]~er
than tl,e ].o;s to the deva!op::zent on the x...c,.~;t. In the
dcve].op:aent to the east, the roacls are not dedicated,
they are private. I~ the south they lost al)i~roxJ~aate].y
25%. In consideriug t:l~e zoning to thc east and wast~
he felt that due to the fact that. tlmy were lo,sing
a higher percentage to the dc.dzca~.:,.oa of roads, they
should be compensated by big]mr density, lie felt th~t
unless he got the density reque, sted~ R-3 (1250) ,' the:n
would be no real incentive to be am'taxed to tlm City
of Tustiu l~acr.uf'e ha could get th~ sm~;a thing in the
County without po. yiug extra property taxes.
Chairmnn ]lalus c%o.~;ed tl,e public por[:ion of tlte hearing.
Mr. ]Ia].u.q ask'.x! ?.ir. Bo!ya;:d if the staff rcco::rac..ndnt, ion
was. acceptable to hi:.~.
t4r. Bol>j~r_.!~~ rep!icd tlmt it was not; that he cou3.d go
to the COUll~-ty )'].o. iqDin[; Oo:]'5liSS:t.O]l lind gat the same.
thing (dc:im:;.ty) wit:bout goiug into the City an.-.1 paying
ti, e higher ta'::es, lie said he wou.!d agre. e to a ccr..=.pronisa
of 30 unit,'; par acre.
_r_e.c= 95':':,, :___'..-.j lj :. '._?L_t:i~.h
denied. ~i?_o:!!~!..jl_..]_~>-_!.j!:..__~.I. Lr._!'j).. Vote by roil. cai]..
Ayes: Larnard, l.;a.!~o:.:ay, Webste','> Slmrp, Un!u.s.
Noes: none. M__o_tjjo~___L_e_c2Z.'~'_'J..ecl_sj~.?j',._:t..r_:_92~jL!)I.
Site fronts 1.50 ft. on the north side of First St.
al>proxJ:r..nte!y 2.80 ft, east of the centerlir..e of
Prospect: Ax-ap. ua. For rezoning from tl,e C-i (Rata!!
Conrnarc ia l ) ])ist:rict t:o the C-.2 (Caneral C~::arciz!)
Dist:rict, approxSmatcly 0.65 Ac. of lzu:d.
Applicant's justificatio.n is as follows:
Rezon.ii~g of the subject property to C--2 is necessary
in orc,(.r to pcrmJl: the proposed restauraut.
propc:rty is present:l.y C-]. and is vacant and unh.q~roved.
'ISm pro',.,ert:y is located adjacan!: to t!m 5n.'.:ers,.',.ct:ien
of First S[:'cc:ct and Prospect Ave:mc,.
The p;roi:::rky C.o:ll:.~?,t:O'd~ to th?. ~,.73s[::, at: t}lO noi'['l:~::!s-
eo:'ndr, o£ F/rsk ,q:r.l Pro.-ni.,eek~ is j:'.pro.'..'.:: .::ith a
service stakiOno The prol).'.::t:5' L'.'.'.":edi?.te:y to tl:2
north of t:l:.:~ service ,,;t:at:ion~ froutJng o;: Pcosi,::ct~
is ivai)rc,vr;c~ with a food ~nc:rl:et.
Thc l)roi;,~rty adjacent: to tlm ear;t of the subj.:ek
Tho propo~.fcd zc)',tc~ c:]t..'.~l~i',c' i,'; co:u:::.~;l:c~.t(- ~.:J.i:h gooJ
zoning pracl'J, cc in t:ha[: tim u:.;c ¢;C t]~.:: ln:( l'm~q-y ¥:J.].l
be co:')p::til)J.c.x..'itl) ti:o', adjac(mt re;es,
}ir. Supj_'gj;:F.Z.- st:atcd tlmt t'.h~ sL:af.C
of t:hi,,~ app!icar, ion
).. APl)row:]. of :;ul)jc:ct request: x7ou.l.d cmcoura, gc
x:.t.zcl~ should be
discouraged .along Fi ','"
~ .... St. reet.
2. Need for addi~'icmal C-2 zoning in l:hc Tcv...m
Cent:er area ].,.s,-, ' not l)aen c. st,bl. ''~ '1 ...... ¢']~('.CL..' '
3. Adequai:c v;~ca:)L e.£eas are ava'J.lal)l(~ for dc¥c].op:?..::r}.t
x,:hich are 1)rc,,.~e'..~.t]y zo;~c:d C-2.
4. A:; additj, o'i~al grounds, tim wim.:t:cs and evidence
introducc,.d at thc hearing are J.~clud.=d by referent:.
and r,~.adc a part of tl~e mo[:.i.ou,
.Nj[:_!.Ir:_.l.),~2j'.59: a:;lqed ?,~y.~_.R_Uj!:!:.!~2.'gX if th:Ls w;:.q thc:
1)):oi')c)t;('.d. ,.l(:,,.:.'.naJ.(~s lle.~;[:aurant alit! ¥.'.3,q advise, d
that it x..?as,
1.'h:._j:,'_q.12.,'._;.t.;i'.J.~ stated t:lt':t he t:l,.oug1.~t tltj.s t:yp:~ of
tree. \.:oi~].d.l:eq',,.i~:¢.. C-.1 zonJ:lg.
[l.r_:_:q..qi2j~.,!,';?.?.[ rel)l'J.c0 that trim Zoo)lng O~:d:Lne.'n::¢:
requires t:lmt drive-in resi'au.cmt[;.q l)a in tho
C-2 zon(: and a u~:e. pa'c:ait ol)tairmd, lk: be].ievcd
this x.:as tl~e. reasr,u for tim app].ication,
Er__r ................. Ek,lx~;i:(u: ~i..':'['o.[](~(! t:o 1%!i!o:,..: %.~:l~y l:hi:; would bo a drive-.in
re,~;taurant j.f Kcuttu¢,.ky FrJ.c,d Ci,.ic~;cn establishn'ep.t,q
arO 110['-,
~.j.!'.._..,.q21.q:]]][2921 said tl',¢: onl.y d:Lffc:,:c:nce he: could see.
is po.~;sil>].5 t:l,at i~t.o,:e case you usually gq in~.;Jde
to gel: the o'J:dc:r and in tl~ia case you get it fro,u
out: s; idc,
}Ir, P, ouz'J;c: ' s opi~J on x.'.as tlmt tl,'.;...~, cs
(1.Ic])oua.~.d',~;) would lm c].oscr to Being a drive-.ip.
rc..:;t:aurant ttmn a de.J. icat'essen.
thc: lmb]lic po'cfi on of tltc:
.].L].'".):.I:_,TjjjI.2.cjj!~ /'00. ]'rer;iclic), San C].(,.~:~:',.~to, s tat:c.d ':,.', . ..
is ~':ot ~'.:: o.\,~,.::.].r:l~.q.(~ parcel of C',...2 ln:Opr, rL:y o'n
Strc, et:. lie said ac:ross t-he st:re.c:t J.n a
~.,.;~.J.mt ou C--2 prol):.rLy~ tho
d:i.rec[:iot~.~ t:]le r,o.~.~.! ' ...... ' '
cli3:ect:].~r .qOtt::l) O:r. I:1~' ]'h:c:O
11:~ fo.'it l:],~'," v..aaL: tl',e.y ~:erc pro[)o3in~ ~..oc'J..c~ ke very
co '.q~a L il) !c: ,,::;.t.h i:llc 1;):opert'y in Lho c:rca.
present: at: t'l:e ~nvJt'at:Loi~. of rx".ny
Ue fc.].t that this use ¥;ould l>c, very co.,pat. Jl>!e Lo
this area and I:hat strip z¢~J.~', is a ].ogi. ca]'
COlltillU~I[.~.Ol] ()~ xfhat, hi~;tory h:.s alrc, ady
llc said they selcct'c,.d t.lw area x.:hich t.hey felt would
be easily zon6d C-2. ]k.~ said tim archikc:cCure x:ill
conform t:o khc taste of l.hc Cj.t3: and t}te ].andscapi~qg
will be atkractive. Ho said th.czsr x.:i].l have bisi~ sales
and, thercfozc, high (',~[y taxes and also will
providing about 30 younF, people x-.Arb jobs. He felt
that thc establisl,,.:~ent tlmy ~.x,.~{e proposing x.'as tim
best: of several M]ich could go in the site
even a twaring. He said they x:ere not conte;':l~la~ing
seating areas at this
}I_5:.nry Z_e]!:)r-J_!, l~67 E. ]st Street, T~:st:in, stated he
lmlie.\,cd that a'NcDonal.d's Resi:aurani: x.:ould do Tt,stin
so much more good t:han R-3 in thai: arcs.
Chairman lisle.; closed t:hc public portion of the hearing.
}'Ir Nahone¥ movc'd th. at: Reso].ul:ion No. I01! be ad6.~~=-'
re~o~'..'~r,~?~lj.3!5, to tlm Ci['y Cou;,ci! that ZC-68-~85 be
~provcd sul>iocL t:o tim rc,co::;:~eiulal:ion~ of tim
Construckion of fu].l street i~;,provci:::'.'nts on ]"~rst St',
the installer-ion of si:feet tree:;.
Alq~.licant be r:,ade ;:',.:arc: t:hat tim propo,,;ed First St:.
center islands may restrict ].eft turn fro::~ his east
d r iveway.
Seec:'tcted l)Sr_. };~.. ¥:ebskc:r
}Ir. 1Jalus asked ?j2'.__.G_!..lj.:. J f there x.:a:; any feeli.ng on
the pa'~t 'of the City relative t'o drive-up estvl)lJslm?nts.
Nr. G.ill replied that he could not raake a blank
statement:; a:; with all restaurm,.ts there are good ones
and bad ones,
Mr. Slmrp as]ced :'_:__._'2-:._.:._'_ if
............. ri. SU,)LI~9, e:. there had bce. n ap.y
COrl:C,q]:';OilCl£:iIC(2 Oil ['t'tJs matt:c:r a'wl x.:a,'; informed that
there had not.
Vote by roll call.. Ayes: Mahone. y, L~.rtt..qrd, ;','
,,e L, ~ t 0.." ~
Sharp, Halus. Nee. s: none. Mo.'-io.:~ corricd t,.na::!.=¢"S!Vo
CON".]h,U,,1) - ZC-.68-18]. -. RO.%E}CI. ]..\T,1,
._'__2'2'__2 ........................ '__..?..:. i .......
}Ir. IP~].us co:?:'..;?.nl'ed that ho was co'nceri,ed wit'h the
density, lie felt it x.x'.s too high for t:his
and that a ]e~q .... dense considc:rc, tion would be in o,."'~c,,.t-.
1.;_r_:_.l:=J;:j.£_:= asked thc al,'p].icru~.t ~ ,...: . l.,. J 1., if ha was
in a position t'oco._p.', ....... c.t~o..~; if less dm:sity ~.:as
fees ib!e..
.Nf'.a_.}ls_,..1._lz rt~p].ied ~'i:gt: anythSng ].e::s th:..n K-3 (1500) -.;cui5
,q.. F~-~:'5.,.r 2'24, 1.)37,
exis tin3 c:.:r \..'c..¢;1~.
Prope. rt'y fro:lk,,; 1[)3 fL. on t:l:.:: no:,:i'lt side, of First
St. at: t]K~ i~:tcr,sc, cl'ion of "J)" ap, d First: Stree. t:;,
!'!Z'_,__S3.'.ibL.!::.:j;?. a:lvil,c'.d l:i}'.'.:t: t:hc.. -';Ix:fl re. cc',::~::c,~,d..,: cor, di;::on.'_:l
approval for tl,? follov.,i~tg teasing:::
1. Tltc 0o::-'.~i,,,,:J.o',~ f].~(,.; that thc: est;dAis!r:..:;~t,
r:mJ. nt:c. na::cd a;td Ol)::rr, t'ion of tl',e use. api,'lied fo'..' will
be dei:ri-.:x.~,,f:al t'o t.i~e lmalt:h, safety, moral,,;, co::,.forL:
and ge~:.crc]. \,c:lfart' of thc lx~rsop.,,~ rc,,;idiu£;
in t:l~(: neigi~l)o':hood o.f tl'.e pzopo.~;c;d rose and it: will
not: 1)o i~tjucioi:.s or dc. trJ.m,'ml:r~.l, t:o the prop::rt:y z-'nd
ir, lpl:ovcly:.~[:.s in t]:e ~:,,'..5gld)orl~o:)d .or thc ger~o;:al
of tl,c C'it:y.
Recoi,ra.~,ded condit:ionn of ai)proval are. as fo!!o,?=:
a. That ti~.e, solid ;::asonry \.:a.1.]. o£ 6' 8" high will
lm carried alt..,, the wesl.erly p:t::t o:. t]~e proport.y
as 'mc '~.cat.ed on i. ~(.' ,~;ul~:?.:;l:tod
b. The p. ow ligl~ts to be con,o,l:rucl:ed on tim
lm oriented r. way fro;'t t:he res:i.de~.t:[.al lnToparl::[es to
tl~a uori:i~.
c. A ,,;ecop,:l drJvc'..:ay ,qltou].d lm instal, lcd or access
t:o Pro.si,a'ct Av:'i:~:~ should be i;ro¢idcd~ t:o thc sat'i:;-
faerie2 of the ¢il-y
The Co:r.;,is:,ion.'?rs di,sctmsed Lhe zeeo,.' '~",~ndcd, seco::d
dr ivex.:ay,
Cltj3i_2:j:'.:3.!Lj::~j3.._,- opmmd thc p',fi,lic, port:Joe of t:he hoariu$.
.Cj ,_', '._.9. JF.]}'/.:.;..ij.~_c.,2:~, Dia:..o;::l Const.'.,.-'tw.l:io:~ Co:.:i',a::y, 129!18
E, Los Nic. to.,'; }',d.~ Sanl:a t,'e Sp::i:'-3?,~ stated thr:C the
drJvev:ay would co:::~ ovt just al' the m',pranc.'2 to "D"
Street coping into First. Wit:l,. the s~'pnal~ lid"t_,,.
therc~ l,e. did not feel t:berc would be.. an}' p:'ob!c:.t
el! co- ,.,. .
,,l.e ....co:.<?.:qg out of thc: car ,,x',;d~
........ j, ,2~1!..'?.., ..:'2- ..... if there would just l;a a r,'asonry
\.:a II. "''~ ....
\...L,.,,oat. a roo£ l)t:t.x:ecn tlm. car w:sh a~,.,,l
ltudx:r c:o:::p::~y and ].h:. ];radfo~Td ~;el)l:ied in tlm
.Cj)~j!TL:C:'..L.!_~.ii!2.L.i:. c] o.'md I'1,:; pul)lie portJon of t'he
hear :;.'n.3.
'l'l'r. Wc,!',r't:o'r c~:17.,d if l.i,.,"' 're had b:,,:'r,. ,::',,...,'
fro::: an,.'(;:?., iu t:h:, ~]'t-c, il in:l "...e,.,"' J.]'..g o. re'i,~,a::c.e .
}.'_r.:..fi_t?j:,:_-,': ,.:?.*. arm ?tr..._....C.,.:i.l:J: bo~h replied that
]lad noL bc'c;n zmy :;t,cI~ cor,:espondence.
V-68-2].? --],OJ. 0_.£,d. CO~, .0..,%~.1.0.~
To permJ!~ drive-in film depository and scl. cs booL'h
with a se.L'bacl: of 58 ft. frown the centerlitK~ of
Avenue (ZoninZ O~'cliuauce requires a soil)ack of 65 ft.
from the centerlina of prJ.nmry l~igln.:'ay Jn C-1 District).
Site, front~; 273 ft' on the northeast ,,zc:c of ~cx..,,o].l:
Avcmue, al)proximal:ely 185 ft. northwest of I:he center-
line of irvine Boulevard in the kc, d Hill Shopping
Cc 1l [: c 17.
],I!-...~S.'!U',~2]5.?/ si:at:ed that t:l~e al)p].ic, ant:'s jus['ification
was tm.c ~]te. setback o~. 58 ft. wo'uld permit (:be use
of the most logi. cal location in thc Center, would not
in any way be dc~t. rimantal to the public ~..elfare cud
will not affect in any way exit:ting traffic pail:ems.
It: is t:h,:~ same setback now being used by the t'elephor~a
company for sul>stantia!!y t:he same amotmt of space.
The staff reccnm:ends approval of tb:Ls application
for the following reasons:
1. That t:he adjustment hereby authorized will not
COpSL'itut(: a gra]fi: of Sl)(,c:~r~ privilege inconsist, e~[:
with the liuital:ions upon other propar/'ies in tim
vicinity and district: in wl~icl) t:ha sul)jecl: prOl)ert:y
is sit:ual:ed.
2. That because of special circt~nstances appJ. icablc
to t:hc! subject lr.,:operty, Jncl. ud:Lng size, shap?,
topograi',hy~ location or surrom:dings~ thc st:rict
application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
prope, rties in the vicinity and under ideal:teal zone
class if icat ion.
3. As additional grotmd.s~ tim mi'nuLes and evidence
introduc.,:,d at the hearing are included by reference
and ~tmde a part: of tim mot:ion.
Conditions of apprpval are:
a. Construction of 8 ft. concrete sidewalk and
r6pJ. anting of missSng street trees on bo[h lrviue
Boulevard ~-, ........
,~.(~ z~,U...p01 E z~%re~lt!C' frollt,2$,es.
,(jJ?.'[:!'j?j:.q..jljL~3~s opened thc: pul)lie portiou of t:he
hear fag.
:~_qU::LL_I).u?,D)!, re pre, s c' nt 'i ng }:'oto:'m I: Cot pore I: ion, ].!! 608
Vic[:ory Bo~!].¢..vo.'cd, Van Nuyrs ~ s eared the ouly tb in5
he wished to quesl, ion is the co::..ditiou of approv:zl
of conr;t'ructin~; on 8 ft.. sidex'alk ou tl'e
lie said thc:re ~.as al,out 180 feet on t'hv ~;.?~.'[~::rt si.!..:
and about: 120 feet on the ]:rvit~,- sida which would be
aboul: z'~[u~, sq. fi' of concret:e~ possil,!y costin2 ~5~0~';
er more. ].n view of ~he fact: t'hat: Lbo./ w/Il be co:t-
struct~?T, a t)u$].diit3 wl~ich cost's about $995.00~
fe. Jl: t.h:,t this requJreTe::C was a licl:Ic ~wa::c',
requo.:;tod t!,.2c the Cc~:.:.:'[asio:?rr: s.:.rJez:x [y cc:w;
-15 -
¢'1, ~ &
1..,_!.._,~__.:~.._Lp' a:.d:,.~d S~' !j.L~...1).qi.,,.a32t lm.d a pict.~.'.':.'e o? the
proi,o:;ed b't!.t.].dJ~:~g mid '._'_.[ ...... L.~... '' ...... ""' '"
,.,~ . D, ;.,::'..,. o'.:',!:L,,yd t:i,,- (,c .... ~ .... j ( .. ].,,
' " ' '" ' '[ '(' LYC~.
l..)?:'.:_..lji'._!.t[L c..,:l:ed if. veltic:le,q ¥,ov:l.d l)c' p,",:; :; i~lg on l)ot:i,
side.q of t:]K~ build:Lng m)d "' .....
r,]. ]~t~,,.n repl'j(yd Jn the
¢'1. ~. r: j.'j?l:lLI, t i;.5.' C',
CI2:q-Jr_d'yJ)p..]'.,.£.l:.j~.k c].o.,;ed t. li~; pul)!ic port:Lo;i of the. bearing.
l'b-. :L:n;]),.'co ,;tat:ed Lh;;L h[~ noki¢c,d Jteir: no. 8 on t:h'.:
a.qkc:d if the two items could 1)e con.si(]ere, d t:oget:l:c.r.
.}i_~r:_].~j)~2:Jic2. '.;aid thi.q would be po~;sible.
To per'..n:Lt the following:
A. Fora7 (4) roof signs:
1. Kodak 1,'ilm, 1.6.5 s(,,. fl:..- t:wo (2) sJgns
2. 1.'o.ko:n::~l:, 4.6 sq. fL:. - two (2) .q'Tgns
]~o FOu e ( /~m ) ~J'OO:'~' sJgna where: none wot~l.d
bec:at,;c: of loca~':;on x.,it.hin a coi:,p.q.(.~x already havinf;
a pc:n;.,ittc,d pole s~gn.
C. Sign..q wit:l~:i.l~ pu!~J, ic ,,;afety area
1). 'J:o perL,j.t: sig]:r, ctxcec~(!'Jng ~]:ocL l)C:rntit'ted
(propoood.. ,';~'~'--o,.., total lt2. sq. fi:. and Sign Ordinance
would pol'i.'..:[k ].7 sq. fl:.)
}j.r:..~S.~D)_'J=t212z2.l safd t:he applicmd:',,; justification is as
fol lo',..,s:
'J!he 1)uildi~:g itself is 9 feet across, but with
planter area and grpencry tile se~¢ice
25 feet:.
Bo. cgt~:.;e o:[ OUi: sr:',..qll size x.:o ,q..,r, tho oi~.tia;o .qo. rv:~.ce
and greenery length bo c.o;mido'~:c, cl t'.o keep our
$ig17 area in prop:,r proportio'.,t.
Our roof is; das:i.'4:K:d ss a sign back$:co'znd to par;::it u'~
to diapJay thc K0.;V~K image wit:h least
intrusion on pul,lie areas mt(l sc:~tsitiv~Lies.
},c.c.c) .......... c.c. by th,,~ .qt,.:.Tf that this; app].icat~o:'~ 1:~,
den'Lcd fo:c tl:..", fol lo'..:in% rea,qo.~s:
1. Timt tlm adjust':=:.'mt haral)y m:tl<n:::zc:d w:i.].l c(),'?;t:~t'~:'.::
l:h:~tatio:~.~; t~l':,', o~:iK~r prop.-:rt'ic,.s it: the ¥'jcin'i. ty ~-_,.'..!
J. t~.c '; ;:':;c ~ :". ]. circ',;:::',,.c.~;c.c~,'.; ,q';):,,.l'ic,qbJ.c. t:o
sul).'icck lnYOpC?l.y, i'..~c].u(l:;p,~,, sJ.ZC,.~ sl...._, t:.,'.o-.,y,:""
].OC~%[:j. LI:! ()]7 f¢'tlJ:JT(;li:'.,~l:{.l?.%~ do 1;.O",:~, 'b,7'CC.!i..'t?. O~ t:}'.L'
appl:[(~c,I:i(,-.~ o:~ ti':': ;'c,:lJ~'[, ortli!::'-.?.oe~ dc'L,'cive st~},jcct'.
· ' .... '~' ],v O'.:]':C.l: p..':oi~:'L'? ~
p,:op:rt:y o£ tn:ix J.l,..,..., c. iijoyc(~ , .
ill t:lla -,:'i¢:Li~.T.[:), c...::~ u,.'.','.er 3(.,.Z.'."L,2~n.L ::C':';C CJ-..;: ['':_C.".::~,.;.:.
..... ~iNE$S
B!,'S T ~ 5' 3 5
3, A.'.: '~,c]diV:;<,nM. grov.,.t.~s, t:i:.'~ a;d.;'coLes a'..~:! c.vidc,]v:.c,
inL'coduc.'cd al- the heari~:.',.; arc: i:,"..'.;-~ d¢.d by
and ~aude o. pare of the
(_]!LrL'J_rj::Z'~2_!_)!!:..1..:5'._:L opera, ed tl~c., p'.d~].ia pori.'ion o£ th::
Nr, ])vZ,;.:3! staked that thc P]a:'c..ring
fisured the. sc.,u:;re foot{al:e of sib:'~s diffarc:nt].y
than l:e did. According to h:[s ¥.'ay o..q figvriv, f~
they ¥:are just a::]~,in3 fo]' 3 sq. ft. ~aore
world be pez::d.tted x.:i[:houk a varim~ce.
_C'l_!£-:J:?i."-tJ! ]~:.'J-JJ.L c].o.¢;ed tlm public pm:tion of the
;~),.-,.,- .- =r~l - -- T' , ,:--' -, ' ~ ,~ .~' - -.
}Ir, 1,,.1.,[.c ...... o,~c. l.l~.t..,esolL..~.o,. Lo: 101o l .... aopl.cd
91~2: P.~lJ:}l g...)l.:t~ ~ "~:!-.7 _~P?.. ~b ;,_ X ~ ~f;_g'fi s.. 9.9S_. :~gj',LJ t..b:,i. Ji~ ~5~.
stof~ aml o;~ the condOr';ch tlmt ally lili~;SJ.i!o street:
.................................... ',.
IDyiT ~2... J 79]72.5]~:~".]~S~5!. ~_e_c~Y3JJ5 :~_ ,!DJ ]:~7(_,_..~ ~ Et2:~.
a_pj?~_o_.~. )._L... ~_t:]~_,:._+_pj= l c_~ :,. ; ~,,_?:£2.~ ~___.~_:_.:.c:j..._X_ ~----P.'__P::.-JZ:
Three (3) roof.signs:
1. Kodah Film, ].6,5 sq, fl:. - one (1) sign
2. Fete:nat, 4.6 sq. ft. - two (2) sJgas
PAI~CI:,L I';/'0.~ ]".'~-68-].3 1,0 ....... ~. U.,;I':L
Location: ~iort-h side of t,'~rst Street, 400 feet east
of Prospect Ave. hue.
Nr. Su'LL~b[{.c.'.jf' sl:at:c~d tl,e staff rccor:::!ends that: you
adopt a laii':ut:e ea.'dc:l: approvin.g the parcel i:'.ap subject
to granting of right:-of-',.:ay £o:? t'l}e proposed st'feet,
con:;tr~:ction of ful-1 street: iw. pro',,v.:::a'at:; on both First
Street a',_'td the proposed cu!-.de-sac, and final approval
by the Gil:y ].h:giil:~.er and re. cordc.::io'a of the leap.
N_~.-_,._.WS.!!m_.~_e_l' asked tl:e applicant, l.,r, l.all, if the
relocat:io:x of t'l',<~ bvlb portion of t!.i.s cul-Ze-sac
would be objectior:ab]e to him.
}_t_r_,_]!.~!]..~ re.p.l, ied that he would like to explore this
~:ith t:he Cit:y I;uginee','.
The Co:.':.:iss'Jor:ars discu?sed l:bo. typv. of cul..-dc:-.sgc
and t:hc. typ.~ of p3.aut'ed divider p:coposad.
V'J' II.
0'£1 ti'; R
,M-')J 0 u .... -
!:!.r...:..;.$:LjL.[.!).:?::...;: si. at'ed t'.]u.i: t:!i? :-;t:a.Cf r(,cor:'.c.~,d:; :,ou
adoi)L: a 1.,.[r.-.~t'.c o--dr.,i? al)p:,:ovinz; l:i~e p:Lcce'/ mar,
to tl,e :[o!].c)wJ.~g ccmdil'i():.u;:
1. C,~ ....... ~:'; }:).;'[ o,:e .'f!o¢,t: o£ addLt::;.o'~!.~:l ri~;ht-o.'.-.,..%'
5 fl:. s.,c .,a3.!( adjac(2nt t'o the
3, Obtain access rigl..t:s to Tu.~;ti'.,~ Vi]!,'tg(: Way fro:::
the DJv:i,qJ.o:.', of ]liglt'..:,',ys ar; lmm been done on
east: side of t:be ,qt:rcet'. Ti~is will p'..mvent: P;:rcc]
fro:r, being a "land-lo::l;ed" parcel and tn:ovJ.de ad¢qt,:..te
access for c:i',~ergcnc:y vol)'J cie,'.;,
4. InsI:all skreet' t. rc(us on ?.k:].'adde. n in accordm:c'a
x.:ith tlm .....
r.,~:.,ter St:reef Tree Plan.
' '" 1.(.C(.] ('c~:.'.~ O:'~
5.FJna! ai;i)~:oval l)y the (,.~.%' Engineer and ..........
of the
~I._r,.._.L.,?:LL.,L ' ' -
op,.n(:c and cloz:c;d the ln,b].';.c port:ion o£ the
was appoint:ed as representative to ti.e
' " 1]~' bad
flr. 1.:el~s!:er rc,.p,n:tco tlmt .. att'(2px!c:d a ~%.et:~n3 of
the Parlu.: P].m'm:ing C(~u::fi. ttee and it x.:as decided t:bat:
t'l}e it:e~.~s sulzait:ted for reviex.r by that Cc.:mit tee
best be hand!ad by t!m Parks and Rc~(:r(:ntion Co::.:tiss~or~.
Therefore, the Coa':.:itt.(m x..'as disolved.
1,k,eting adjourned at: 1.2:1.0
' CIbV!II;'::\.'.; 07' 3';ii. !"1...7:2: : /3-- C..:.'.!:','..""