HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-09-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 CALL TO OkD~l, PLEI)C:E OF ALLEG iAi.,'CE II1. ROLL CAT,L IV. APPROVAL OF MII~U']'ES Ve PUB).J C IlEARIi,;GS The meeting whs called to order at: 7:30 P.I.I. by Chairman }[alus. Led by l, ir. Webster. Pre. scut: Col~.:niss~oners: Mahoney, Lnrnard, Webster, }la].u.~:, Lud¥;ig, O.~;l. er, Sharp Absent: None Others Present: James I,~ Supinger, Planning D~rcctor Doreen llcn.'~on, Acting Secre. t:ary It was moved l)v flr. Oi~[-er and seconded by I.~r. I,?m:rd that t:he };J.n'.:tes of the Au.~.!m.t'__2_.6_z' ].96g_r. teetin% bc am)roved a.s s ul)m:i.i: i:(..d. C,~,rr ied unan:[ n~ous ].}L. ZC-68-181 - RO]';ERT IlAI.]', For rezoning a total parcel of 2.~6 acres from C-1 (Rotail COl.~mea.'cial) D~strict to ]I-3 (1500) (;..lultip!e Family Residential, ].500 scI. fro of Lot Area par Dwelling Un.~l~) District. Nr. Oster abstained. .M.r. ~Ul).!,~.921 stated the subject parcel ~s a portion of a parcel totalling 4.63 ac:res which fronts 672 feet on the north s~dc of First Street, approxi~mtely ].75 feet east of Prospect Avenue and across from the Post Office. He stated tl,e Applicant's justification ~.:as: Since a larger shopping complex is uot feasible for this property, C-1 zoning ow~r Z:00-ft. deep is not necessary and is a hardship for its develop:,ent. The requested zor~ing is similar to the development of property behind the co::tnerc~al on the opposite side of First Street. The s~aff rccoi:':'.tends that the PI. atoning Co~p~uission initiate rczoning of 2.19 acres of land, being the southerly portion of the previousl, y submitted zone chauge request. Chairman }lalu.,; opened the public portion of the hearing. }Ir. Robert }la].]., 370 West Fourth Street., Tustin, The Monterey Build:ing, stated he is the Applicant in this case ami recluested to sbo¥2 some sl. ide~;. Chair;:an Ua]us gave permission and Nr. lla].l showed si. ides of tlm subject property, surrounding araa, and deve].op..~%nts similar to the one proposc~(1. }la sta[:ed to get to tha back of t:he property, he proposed a cu].-de-sac. The s~milar to Lite one ].carling Jm.o Tree llaven on 17Lb Street. Mr. Hall. co:z,':(mted that ],arwin Square ~:a~; l,roof ['k2. t "st'rip cc:?:.'arcial" is not alx:ays bad. }lis prope~;al is for ~:¥m-st:ory Spz:nish style apart.,,~en~'s aud he reals ~hey %Could 1)a a dj. fret,hi: ~:mrl:e.t' than the apart'L,.en(~; in t'ha area; therefore, ha wou]d noC be co::'pai:in3 ¥.'it.h lie feels the residents Jn the area would not' fiml unde s irab la. N,'. }I:~l.u~; a.~:kc.J :.ir. }P. ll i-~ all his cc-.-.'?::Ls ~:?:'e d~re,~tel to the Lack Cb!:::':) ti'., af::~r: ':.'i'.'., -:5::c ha '..,::~ not :~r.:' ..;.::.: t~ ~:?.' '.,'!..'~ , .......... , ,., ..... . ...... ( ) tiTM.,b::.: .................... ~ .... red .~ ...... ~ . .:~'z~-' maid th:: ].art'l..~'...~..~r all R-3; t~c. ~.':',;l]d ]c~:,e i.~ol'.:'y by n,-.t ];.'cp~;,~; t~c. /roi'.~' pot[ ion C--]. .., _ . Se.p!.~,,1,cr 9, 1968 }.!~]'!.ilj_J_.l!..;l!l(~, 4/~!~ W. 10th St:rect, Sa]d'a An:~, st.atcd 1:.:. x..,~ rcl>rcsm~tJ.~E~ ].h:. a~td F. rs. ]]enry Zcc~arJa ¥..h6 o~..:~ t.]~c, Pair. t-. wood C~-dens. }lc said sevc. J:~l rczoi~vd R-1 to R--3( ].600) in tlm S~cge! i~[~tcr. }lc sa~d this ¥.'as ~dJ. fmfCrc~nL' Sikll~/Eioi'l. ]11 tltis 1)~,:[:icul. ar case.'. to~J. ght~ the Zc~ch:n::ia's position is Llmt tim ln'op,)z;('d zonc~ chang(~ would result in .very hJ. gl~ density p;:opert:y u:;.:, and a strip of co:v.::'.t,.rcial zone x..,hicl~ is ~n tmdesiral)lc type of cllange for i.hat area.' approxi~:',ai:ely ].4 unit's to thc acre and thc' prol)oscd devel.op~::cmi: is a~,m~,t double t:hat. Prell]ems of firc~ protect, ion'~nd parking congcsl:J, oll ¥.,ou].d I)e il'l(:~ll'rcd by this deve. lol~.,~cnt. 'JNyo othc~r reasons for their objections are thc propo:;;~d Ecoilc:nic St'udy for the Tox2n CtmL:cr area being forL:]mo:'~ing~ and the proposed Parking St:endards St:udy. lie fcl.t that a change in this zone l~c~forc these studies are coz:~plct:cd would lm prc;aature, lie requested the matter be cent:ira,ed until t:be st'udies are cor.'plgtcd and t-hat x, ay th~re would be proper develop:dent in that: }ir. llall st:at'ed he ¥:ould like t:o add that the addit:ional rc~sidcn¢'.c,J in ttt¢: area would l>c: about 65 unit:s ¥:Iticb would add a great dc:a! to the stabi].Jty of the shops in t.l~e downl'o'...,n a~ crt. lk~ feels that tqm To',~n Center needs apartrae~tl: devclop:.mnt t'o lmlp the area econo.:d, cally. tlc co:pat, at.ed that in hSs opJ.n'ion "sCrip co:n;',~nrcial." I:ern · ;as overworked, lie said this was the only x.my a snta].l business;man could own his own building; that7 any town needs t.l'tJs ].~.n(: of devt~].Ol}mt~ul: fro~a s;na].l business l,<,oplr:. Mr. 11o:.:e11., Prospect Park, st. ated hr~ had only lived 5n this particular pi.ace for ].ess than a year. Before he bought'he: elmckcd and was told that t:he subject propart'y was com, nereial; that this was in the Mast:er Pl. au. said the property is directly up against the back of his and it is a terrific nu:.flmr of homes to put 5n a area. lie asked x.:herc they were going to park their cars how x.x~re they goi~tg to get into it Jn the first place? ~Ir. llowe].l said he did not see why any one imrson should be allo..:ed to forcc~ so;,:ething else on otlmr people. ~Irs. Jom~ Co.,.x.'_, Pal.r:?..:ood Park, stated site had baen cont¢:r.:i)l.aLir~3 buying a home. J.n Tm;tin and bad for,nd t.lmt: several ho::~es are right tmxt door to apart'mtmt, s. She said it appeared the property o~..'ner~ have no say in x.:':at happens to the property next door to them. She co::'."-~nted that t'hr~ Palyv....ood Park hemes are not furnisl~erl a~r! t:be people are more inclined to st'ay for a x.:hi].e; but' she felt the propo2;cd dcve].op::~ent xrou].d ba rtore of thc, furni..~img tylx~ aparLmc~nl:s ¥:l'mrc. the residents do not stay for w~ry long. lqr Ua].l st'atc, d t:bal' t:he m'oi~os;cd ap~rt:~?'at:s -¥.oul.rt t..c, one and t:¥:o bedroo:.:~ most'].y unfurn~r:hcd~ for adults only. .}]r.._j.,_??)f!2'.d asked what: ;,:as; propo,:;ed 5n klm x.:ay of '' · po l'::'kn~. F:.r_..]]..'\]..!_ replied that: the plan would l>e prct't'y :.,.:.'.'h lmrS~:'et.cr d;:'Jx-e YyJ.[.h apart:;c,:~i:s ot,.c! gate3,'? t.u'..~:..:d to '['..,'.. ins kde. .1._lr./;_:_..l_,.U.,'ls:.'.:i:g' r!::l.:,.,rl if t:!~;W x:c,.re pro'¢:~d:;n5 fo;' and l.h'. l!::',.ll, ail:';\.:.:,17c~d iii thr.: o££Jr~:::i::kve; tltat, lm cou/.:! nec..*%:. c..>:nct'lv, h.o;: r.m:ty, gut. st: l~,q;'!?::k; st~,l].s t,~ .... b~,, In:t: t:l:3i' 51. x:oul.d' be ade.T, mt'e. -2- Septembe. r 9, 195'5~ '7/ Chairman Ual. us c]osc'd the public portion of t:hc hearing. }Ir. Slmrl! co;irtlelli'ed t]~O.t hO felt thc should wait Ii;it;il tim results of the Econo.nit Study, the Town Ctmk'er Stvdy and the Pm'k:;.ng Stm,dards Study are subm:i t l:cd be. fore mal~J.~i; a decision as ti,ese s tudJ e.s woul.d l)e' tools wil:h whicl~ to ~ake a bott. er decis;ion. Mr. Sul!:~ik~Ic_'.r_. stated it woul.d be at ].ea.,;t nine wont!)s before the results of t:he:;e studies would be avail.able. Mr. I.,'e]>st:er r.m'vcd t]mt ZC--6fi--]81 he c'o})t:t, nved t:o the next: r._~.iu..lar r~eet:in~2 of tim Pl. ann'i.~r~ Cm:v.d. ss~on 9-23--68 ao.,!:p.',]ncd fro:;t mlv Seconded by fir, Shar~k, .]'h2:- Oz~J?2 ~ ,' To permit t:l)e continued use of (2) non=conforming tract and directional signs and (1) proposed tract: sign as follows: 1) 8" x 12' dot:l)].e-.faced, at tile northwest corner of 17Ill an:l Yorba SI. feets. 2) l~' x 8' single-faced, at the no~{t]n,:.est corner of l.~'~urJc Lane and 5. orb,.. 3). 12' x 29' double-faced, proper;ed t.o ])e located on the east side. of 1. ktrsha].l Lane or, I,ot 9 of Tract Nm',ber 5726. Proposal is for use during the liquidation of Tract Km~bers. 5726 and 57~3. Sit'c. i.q in thc nort:h2ask Tt,stin area, im:nediataly ea:;t of Newport Freeway, nort'h of 17th Street. Mr. Sulp'_p.g.cZ~. stated the staff had erroneously notified a property ov.'ner of the date of tl)e Planning Cc)rJ',r:~isiot~ meet. lng. !t: was indicated that. the neet:in[; v:ould be held last week and soi:~e co:n'nJtn:on',.s we, Fo made base2 on that information. Ti~e staff, th?refore, recon::aended that this item be conl. il~ucd t-o tim next reguldr tneeti~g. Chairm:~n l:aJ. us ;:dx, Jsed that since tlt.~s xms noticed as a l'ub].ic Hearing, if there was anyone who want'ed to speak on tile matt'er, the public portion of t:he hearing was open. John ParD:., Trans-.RobJ. es Corporation, stated he wisi:ed to voice a s.:.rop, g objection to postponiug this case. In his opinion, the City of Tustin, for some reason, is catering to Miss l.;lliot't:, lie said his cc:;~pany pays $12,000. per mont:h inlerc, st on this in'Ol~art:y and he d~d nor feel it was a.,l,a.~.,, toe n:uch for t:hree miserable s5gn::; lle said they would rather they did not. have to ask for tl:e signs; he wished tltey were out: of there and did not: need the signs. tlc sc,~d tim Real E~;t'atc ~,,nnTger for his; compo.~y h~d told him that' this freeway sign they are asking for would increase the sy:l.es al: least a greater di:;ta;:ce thp. n 300 feet frc,::'~ fi'i:;; Elliot[ 's Mj':___S. '., H ~ fi ?.'.,. :.'_',I rep].ied tlmt' t:he s-;ga at: l',,qt.:rie l,a:m and Yorl)a i:; .-':djncent to her propa'ct'y. -3- Soptc, m!:.:!r 9, Vote by roll call. Ayes: ],aruard, ]',udv::[D, Simrp, O:;ter, . 1, co.;Let. Notion carri(.:l 5-2. }hllus Noc:s l. ktlKumy, ' , Nr. O::;t.er recoi:..:.c.n,.lc~d that. the s[:il[f sc. lid a ].eLl:c:r to t, lSss Ell. 5ot:t' advising her that tl~i~; mart:er x.ms con~nuc:d llJ:-68-270 - ]', C. J,!;;lif,')[S/],"l'llqT T.'~'q'v~'~.,'~ ]L':?,'kl E: 'J,:!{I:S? CO · . ......:.zz.. _ .z.._V.i' '.._5 dzg .:.'2J .L ..................... To pc. trait tl~c. expmu;ion o£ t-be e×ist:J.ng PosL Or.f~ce Bui].din[;. ]']xJs['J.llg building is locatc, d at 340 East First tlr'feet:, fiSrc fronts 336 feet on tlm south side First: St rc,ot:, approx;.~::atc~ly 250 fc'.et o. ast of AV O IIU ~. Tim staff recora.'rands that UP-68-270 Ix, apl)roved for tl}e follov.'ing rea:;ons;: Tile Co;;'..iaisr;Jm~ firM.,.; that' the cs t:abli:;h~.::ent, tmini:enance and oparat:J.o;: of t. be use applied for v:ill not, mqd~:r tim cir¢:u::mL'ance, r; of t:he part'icular caso~ be doL'rim:,nta]. t-o the healMt, :;z:fet'.3,, mora].s~ co.'.~fort: and gen::ral we].£are of t'l,e persons resicling or ¥.,)r,,].n,; in the neighl)orlmcd of t. lm proposed t,s,:: and it: v:i]l not be injuriou:., or det. ri,w. mt:al t.o tlte l',ropert.y and 1.'m>'oj. ,' .... ,cm.:.nt:,;. in t:he nciglfl,orhood or l;]x.,, general ¥.'el fare.. of t. he CIA3'. Redo:'c:;,:endcd condJ, t:io:~:; of approval arc. as fol.].ov:s: 1) G:-;intir:g of addit, ion;.:l st:reef: r';gl~t'-of-x.:ay for First St. rcc, t. in accordvm:e k..'Jtl~ t:be. Naster Plax, of }l'igln.:!:ys and clo~;c, any unur;<',.d drivo¥:ay opelrJ, ngs on F.;r:;t Street. 2) Cc):',sLructio;~. of fu].] st:reeL iw..prover,'~ent's, Mm. re taissSn.5, on First: St'feet, 3) Submission of a' parcel map to croat:c the tx:reel. 4) Move southar].y ].Jlw. of Post. Office e~:'ploye, e parking lot parcel souLh by app:'o::.i.Lmt'e].y 9 feet: to avoid t-he croat:Jori of.' an urmsal)]¢: 9' x ].'/~!.~ parcel. 5) Relocation of exJsting irrigation facil. Jtic:s in Fi.:'st Street' as qecessary to faci].it'at-c street and building Chairm"n lD].tts Ol;e. ncd the pul)lie port:lo:)of t-he hcarSt'..g. _G_r,'.:j,ji...-.XJ. SJ£.,.:JLo_:[, Assist'ant' Trust Off'icer for t!,c' First Westt~.rn };::n!: and Trust: Conp:'.ny, 548 Sp.'.'in3 Street:, Los Angeles, slated his l.m'..lk has b:'en cooi,c'rat'5;:5 a:~.:, worl:iu3 ¥.,ith t. ),, P].;n!i!Spg l)c:part.r.:a~t: in t.hc: City Office fo',: t:i,:.', e.,rp::n:;Jm: of tlm exist'in:; Post: Of,-[ce facilStiv..'.:, 'l'be co,.!,'!it'ions :;c,'.. fo:"it by Delmrt:L::.,:w art, accc:pCgl.,]c, to t'hn b~::k i:~ o.!J wJt:h cra,,, l::h:o,' qu:~l/.':Tic:~t:Joi~ on Itc';:' .~[Oo 4 sh¢'u].:! ',..'c ::,~t have. o'.?i~.ersli.;p o.F. t:h(.~ lmrCe].o l%r.._J;j!j!Qj?j'- stat'ed t:hS:; could 1,:: l':o.r,:!!ed at thc. t5:;:.2 of parcel i x'tp: 1.'!3'_.. ] !3.1::i ._:'._ c].o:;ed t.l~,'., pul,].5..c pc, rt';on cf th.:, he:~','i;'.j;. 1968 }h: 0:.; ['e r moYed ]lauk mid Tru~.'i: Ck~.:?xm~' h:tvJn,c o'.:ti.::md~i~) o7 t.'i?, l~::rc('.l and sub 1117-68-271- To permit the use of an existing non-conforming .qLru¢:Ctiro for the conduct of a re[:a~], carpet and drapery sa]cs bt~s~l]ess. Site is located at the soul:]l%.'csL' corner of Pacific and First SI'reefs, exis[.illg Building No. 610 East First: St:rear. Applicant's justification is: Proposed usc ¥:ould uot be a heavier use Limn previous usa (ret:ail furnit'm:e, c:arpat and drapm:y sales;) and ¥:ould be an asset rathc:r than a nuisa~lce or del:rhnm~t to tile CSty of Tustin. Chairn,.(m ]!r~].u.~; oponad the public portion of the hearing, stai:ing tlmt ).h:. %ross, the APl}lica~t~ ~.ms in the audience t:o aii~;xT:~r any quclsi:ions. Seeing uo bric and hearing no one desirJng I:o slmak, Chairman ]]alus c].oscd tilt: l)ul~].ic portion of thc; llc:aring. },~r. ],nrnvrd ~::o\md tlmI: ]le.~;_o_.l:3![:'j_jqn No,.,..!...005 11P-68--271 lx; ap,)~C,L-O',,c:d s,,,l~'iec~ to the 1) Timt tl~e fire doors l~et:x:acm the sa]es and st:orage areas bo kept closed except x.fl~en tlr(; building is occupied. 2) That: any signs conform to the requ:Lred setlmck. Motion seconded t)y fir. Sharp.: CarrJed t~nanimouslX. 11P-68--269- IL"..1,'RY ),;~ CII,T,/C]"/'Y OF "-luSJ.]..,,x~ To permSt City Offices in the R-3 (Nultipl.e 1.'a:M. ly) District. Site is located on the soutbc:ast corner of the intersect:ion of South 'C" and S,:con,,1 St-reel's. (LocaL'io'.t of existing st:tutti,res nu,:~l~c;red l/J0 and 150 West Second Street:. ) reco,~ ....:ac, o approval subject }lr~~r__ sLat:ed the staff ....... '~ to the fol. l.o,.:ing t'co condStSons: 1) Installation of sJdm.?a].k and curl)Sug along thc South "C" Street frolt[:aoor.,. 2) Inst:a].lal'ion of st. reet trees per t. he 1.:aster Street Tree.. plan. _Cj!a_j.?/!?!,2!...lj/'...l.uy_ openad the lmb].ic port:ion of tl,a bear.~ng. 1.ir l,I,~hc;~.z:v a~l:~.~d ho',.; r,'my p3. rlti]~.5 spacc'~ uou!.d ba t)rc,.-i 1,_h.'.:_...,.q..t.,j',?!..[..£3:. replied that Ii..': could r'..e" s~y e:,:...".ct!v he.:.' many t'here x.:ot,.ld l)a, lm[ thai' il: wo','.].(? 1~2 adoc, ua~e. -5- VI. O'J BITS] VI'Ii. l'Icn le. Loca" ' ) L. 3.¢;t: l'~o~'kh sicl(? r ,..., o-.1.~.~.,;t Street, 400 ft. ea.~;t: o£ Yro.,;p:~ct: A\,cnn,.e, 1.;__r_:_.,.q.~j.pj._L!:3.r.'._!I ,,;t;!t:cd the s[aff bad }la].l for l)OStl>OnC~qent of this r.~;~tt't'.r unt:Jl i.l~e ne>:t. regular P].ann:L~tg Con:.niss~on ],).vc.]. Ford ]load, LocaL:ion: 5.8 acres aL: ¥:cyst'£~r].y e~d of ~' '' ~_~r_.__S_'SLL~2?£;L,!'' .q [:a t(;d the s t:aff reco;~::?nd rc;con::::a~td t:o (.]1(; City CounaJ. 1 ti:mt' for fiIing a final tnap on Te;:t:ativc Tract 6,':'/3 be granted t:o Sept'c;.~l)cr ].]., 1.969 sul)j(;ct: to conditio~,.:~ ef app'::ova! (A) t'brougl~ (E) as couka:i.)!,',d in ]{(,.~;o].ut-5on 921. and condTt':kons 2 and 8 as c:ontv, ined Jn the appr¢>voI of t.h<~ re. vised I. t ;.~a.'!...l:L.ox_':c].cl..__b_y..l..'.]..'..:__O..~!I!:_e 3__~.._,'}] ~.d s e c_o.)]._(]..(:.d___i,3;.?!_:'.]...._i:'t~'!l ~_(,:'? y_.._tj_Q. r,_~O..C_.O :',_:. 2_( ] .i,_) (A J'._(.),~. t 1 ) ( ? C J. [2\' 1007 approvii~g a reque,qt for ext(:n,qion of t:~L'.,a to October 11~ 3.959 for filing of a £inal 6/{73 subjc¢:t to the fo3.3o\:in.g conditio3ls: A) Annexation of s;ubject (:racr to the Tusl'in I,ighting Th:i.t StlrOCt inl[,'._'o{,c;I'?:'i'~t,q, drainage f,qcil, ities and appurt:euc:nc(:s shaI1 ])e. construct:ed ~o City sta~d..'ards as det:crr',ined by t:l~e City IC~gSnecr. c) That all. public ti,]l[.].]l[ ]lC s shall be ~.lls;t:~.]13.£'d under- ground in conforr::,".::ce ".it:Il accc:?"'ed .~'a,':-~.'.'.l'J.:'2.; of utiIity co::~pc:nies. 1)) That street' t:rees slm]] be pl'ovidf~d ~!l'l<l plcntcd Jn accordance ¥:ith Cit'5· Ordi~mnccs, E) That fit]mi \l.'j. dLll S~[('IC%,I'~I].]2 1')2 const:ruct'ed vc;'oss Orm~[V; Cou'_x[:y ].'].ood Cop. t'rol 1)Ji, t'r:i.¢~t Fac.~ lil-J.e:3. be subject t:o t.be r, pprovz:l of the Arcl,.~tcc1'ural. d3'a' ""'. ' ' , C.., .D.., 1.Yk,c~.. ! '""1. a~;l raJ].road r~$1d-oi--;:av c) );x~f;[::[.~)[; ('uc..'!3.ypt:u.~; tree:; .,n..]1 l,e '7.(: topp':'.d to a l~:,'J.~..,i~I: of t:h'Jrt'y (30) feel: f(,;:f;Jl~].<.. Tree 1'~'~ii~-<)~1~-]- $1',n].l l:<' ]:C'l)[' L'¢, ll.l~(.:, · Sc'ptr~i!:bc.r 9, 19~'o~ Villi. 1. To per~::it tim en].arf;em:,.;fl: of a l~rivai:e, parocl:ial day school and Dis [:r ic'[.. Sl:rce~ lm['x.:ecm t:!~c the West Tusl:in area. lqr. Sup_j.j.13.e~.r stat'ed that tho staff rc:co;~[::c, nd:; the C(,,-,.,,','J..,s{o;! 5-.,'o,x~, t:l.m Com)t'y tl,ey hav(.~ no ob']6ct.~on:;, to - the approve{1 of C-1353. Mr. Nalw;:.'aV ,:,oved the Coun!_:y 1_ Cof.~i~,'[ s s / o:~ 1,~ ~ no ol2.[qji~' 5~?J! _t':9 ;~r ova ]. of C- 1353. Seccn)ded bX l.h'. ()~;ter. Carried unauimou~;].y~. W(,bs ~'er al)s; ~:a:;.rtod. COUNTY (,..'kS;:, - Z(,--68-3! - VAN NIIYS SA\~]iN(.-'S & ],O,,N .~SSOC For rezoniug from R/~ (5000) PI) (3900) "Sul)url)an Rcsiden(:ial P]mm(;d Dev(~lopment'~ ])Sstricl: to the R4 "Subu]qmn lkw;ideni:ia]." ])Sstrict. Site is local:ed on tho .,o,,.t.,....st: side of l,i:il:chc..ll Avenue al>out 660 ft. southeast of Newport: Ayc..ilLlO. Nr Su~,:T~)?er st:al:ed tlmt thc. staff rcco::'..mends tl,c Commission inform tim Cou,:t'y that ['h('y have no objection.q to' the approval of ZC-68-3].. Mr. Oster ,..-.oved Con'=mi,q,~;io;~, bas ........................................... ¢,. ZC-.68-3].. COUNTY C..~SE I)V-6].26 - WAL'J'Eil ].',()DO)( 3](. To por]',~i't three variances in connection wil:h a proposed office buildin5 5.n the 100 R)? (Re$Sd, e~H:ial Professional) District.. 1.) Reduction of oft'-st:reet parking fro.'~) t:he required 12 parking sp:.~ces to 11. 2) To reduce front yard setback from 70 fl:. to 60 fi:. from the cenI'er linc of Fourth Street, with an cave overhang of 4 ft. instead of 3 ft. 3) To pc:trait: thc cave to ext:eud to wit:lLiu oua foot: of the east sid(: property ].ina. Site is; located on the no£L'h side of ]..'otu'[:h approxi;'.~L'e]y 850 ft. wast of }lo].t: Ax,c~ttm Ju tqm North }h'. ................. Su,')i!mof stated tho ,q:flj'- ~'J. recor..r.':cmds thaL: t!m. Co;,'.:.d. ssioa i]tform tb.e Cou~d:y t'ha[: they have no ol)j.=ct~on~ to tko approval of I~V-.6126. That tim Coun[-y also be: iufor~w,.:! that ou:' O'.'d~v:'mce wo~t].d per;:dt a rm:~:h.~u:.~ of 3 foot- cncro=:c:ivncn~' of caves i~t'o a requirad s~dc yard a:ul ~'.,t- x..'c~ would clcs,~[:'e l:he t.'i]:~ rouf of th(: bur].din~- to be ca,rind ou[' off l}te sides and rear of t.he build'i.v5 as well cs ti~ -7- o'yi',r.'.R BUSI.hr~So 1,0 C~,[I J2 :[i011: 650 £t:. }ii'. )!n3_us esl<ed F.'or a vol. unlxmr and lq:c., l.:::lmt:cr rcspo'.',ded~ SiXILI51',tr'; rlmt: lx~ ~,l:'Ol. 1].d ,qc):vL~ OD. [211C[: C(.);'~[':'~'{ll'[:('('. 1. I.['I-'J.CI,{;S O]').i.; of thc: o.Sher Co;::'.,,:L,q.,;J.onm:s ulshc, d l:o. None of I:lm otl;,.~: Co;~,;:J:J.:;s~o~.~c.r:; :indJ.cal.cd a dc:.<;J.~'(~ t.o do sc>. ~.Tj.J.l~ng to serve a second term 5n this Cal)aC~i:y. ~'~ ' · '~ l't' (' 1 '/' 3' ~l c r'. ., 1 , ..,. · ~ ' r_.(: ~ ._p. zi'>.9_....__..L.,._..c._.J.__o u_ .,.ts.. '2 :-'~g]:-(:_-]..cJZ_'.'-.-(.i]-. l'lm )~..'~ o,P (: :i r :~ c m L: :,. o n C._o',.~il]. L,.[:.C'_..(~.._,q_r..'..C_'._O.i?.j]_C.'..(iL.._b.%'..]_)]':.l.'.:' 1._(aj. Lc!i.J.:iy_...__C_a:_,Ty ::=cC.(IL,.] La_',.lL~.Loys t>Z, }I~-.2_. ],Jg._ILc.!.~]iL3L ,~;L'ai-(,d h(.: had 1)cch inco'rl)Crr, al:c,d area an<l Lhcy t',ax, c: t'o havc~ l)arr.:Jl:.';. [I.r__,_2q_.~.LL~!!.%.r. Lr .,~(:at:(,¢l-he: \.:ould look ''" tqm wp.L't'or arid infm:,n ].,'tr. l. Lal:o?.<9, of t:hc~ rc..qu-lt.~; o,q h:Ls ~.]'J'~,t[-~-i;t.~l~-'.t l.l'r. L:t'c]tard reinc, r!~<.d t'bat', so:re, t::l.]'t:.',~. a£;o Llm .... '~'" ta].l~ed abo~:[: a f:[.cid trip oJ' tim n:~¥.' com;t:ruct-iop., tk, sLat:ad !,.~ ,.:ou!.d !ik~: r.o sa., this set Upo Thc Co.:'F..aission~:rs ali concu::zcdo }ir. l!a].u~, rc~co::::'.,.c:~xlc:d t:haL t:he .Cl[laF~ T;-'-'l.l[C! a map e:~:l soL: up ~ ' sclc:, a field trip. Lhe. t:J.~'.c ,..nj t:ran.~:porLation £or " ~, flr. O.'.;tc',' :;t:,~t:cd i:]:;',t ho had be:ch t'.oLJc:i~li; for a ~.:itilo ti~;-=t: I-i_l_'l....~.~?J)_).'l!.(,";)'.'.-!i}. advJF;od l:h?.t, l:h:~ ,<:t:af.F' ¥:ou3. d sc't: up a ~ c,~ ' : mi lCJlt'('!l.' J20 bo .qcmt: [IO tl':e. Cou,~t.'y /',m)licr:nt:,,,,, . e. dVil,<'l''2m`].;'' ti~.3:ll of.' t.l'.:', l~.::;',rln'3 dar:c:, etc, so t'l,.cy {.,.ay c.i'tcnd ~;:tl t',.-mr Lh<, -8- .... ", ' 1.968 Xe paS. d any cost J.m/olved, 5.ncludJ.ng t:he parki~t'Z, fee., lqro ~,.,1 ,,t.c:. t...>¥rt~ '[111,i i.~,.(ot..'}.. 1)? ?-.;~r. 1.'.. r~ ( ..... Secoi~:!ed 1)v l.h's, l,u ...... t.: .. :ion 77' CIIA'(]~'i:\,"'~ 01:' 'JJI!}'; 1J,.M,~.[.~,, CO':,JJ.i3. ss'rc)?.I -9-