HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-12-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
AUGUST 12, 1968
Bus ine
}IIi;LiTES OF A REGU.;,:\R ..............~,;,:,].i,.,o
TL~S:.I~iN P].A.,i~] ,,( CO:LIISS].O.~
August 12, 1968
~q~e ,'.'~aetiug ~.:as cal].cd to order at 7:30 1'i.i by Cbairmau }Ia3.us.
Chairnmu t!alus Yxzlco:~ed flr. Jim Sharp bcick to t:hc Tustiu
Planning Cc:~:,'lssiou upon h~s rcturll from Nevada. Chairman
llalus also rccoguizcd Mr. Fr'ed KJnuar, new r~prescntative
from tl~e. TusLiu News.
Led by Mr. Oster
Pre. sent:
Com.:uis s ichor.,;:
Sharp, Oster, Ludwig, Halus,
Larnard, Nahoncy, Webster
(Mr. Wel)s~m; arrived at 7:35 P.I,I.)
}larry E. Cil3., City Administrator
James G. Rom:kc, City Attorucy
James L. Supinger, Planuiug Director
Dorccn lk:nson, Actiug Secretary
Ii: ~as ~novcJ. b>~ Mr. l.avnard~, seconclcd
}linui'cs of the Ju].y~_,jJ)~ ;?~j:i~2~,' ~e_ a]!pj'~yc~l~s corrected.
(Correction: .Page 6, PZ-68-109, mci:ion shou]d read: socouded
by Mr. ],arnard). Carried
Mr. Sup~n[;er reed Re, solution No. 95!;- re: Mr. Frank Becon
}ir. Oster r'ovcd thc a,doptiop, of Re, solv. tio',~ !qo. 954: s__?,~op, dcd
by Mrs.
Chair.nan llalus moved By-l,a¥;s to item numhar XI.
1. RF, VISED 1. E,~lAlI%,, }L.\P OF TRACT 58!-:9 - TIlE EI',].IO'_CT COo
That portion of the Wa3.nut-Browaing Annexatio'.~
between Waluut and Mitchell Avenues and from
330 to 990' westerly of Browning Avenue.
Mr._Sjji!~i~£s_r._ stated this map covers that: portJou of the
Walp. ut-Bro,..mip,§ A:mexation bot¥:een Waluut and l.litche]3.
Avenues which will bc. co:.~a a part of the city Sc. pt'ember
first of this year. Thc City Engiueer recom:~;ends the
approval subject to the fo].lowin5 t~;e].w~ cop. ditior..s:
1. Completion of tho annexation t'o tim Cit'y of Tust:in
2. Ora:.~t~p.g of 56-foot width for st:root' rigl~t-of-~.:ay
with 36-.foot cucb to cm'b distance and ].0-fo~L parkways
on inter,or si:recta.
3. Provide adequate street l~gh'timg ell ~.!a]Tl:3t: aild }.lit. cheil
Avenues cud iutcrior tract street's cud an]~ex entire
properly to Tustin l,ighting Jif strict.
4. Al]. pub].ic ~LI[~ITOVOL]~I3L>;m sewers~ draiuage facilJt'ies
and appuri'cuances shall be constructed to City stauJ '"-
811<1 approved hy thc CJt. y I.h?,Jueer.
- 1 -
PC Ni~,utes -August 12, 1968
All public utilities shall be installed un~]crground
in conformance with accepted stm~dards of u~ility
Street trees shall be provided m~.d p].antx~d in accordanc, e
with City ordinances.
Provide water syst:em and publJc sewers to serve all
lots together with any necessary ~'~ ,'
o...r-o ire sewer
cmmect to exJst:ing SanitT~ttion District or City of
Tustin sewers.
Provide. adequate drainage facilities to serve the
Tract at the South end of thc interior street and
across tl,e Walnut Avenuc~ frontage of the Tract to
correla['e with the facilities beiog constructed by
Tract 6633 to the east.
Those segments of existing irrigation lines conflictipg
with or endangered by any proposed construction shall
be removed and relocated or collapsed and backfiJ, led,
or othe. rwise )'..mdc to conform to the specifications of
the City of.'l.\~stin Building Code or t:o the satisfaction
of the. City Engineer and the irrigation line owner.
10. Minhnum street grades within the Tract m{lst be reviewed
with and approved by thc City Engineer.
..... "~, ' · it:her
11. Provide drainage facilities and c,t,,c.....cnt, s across e
lot 23 or lot 26 to drain the "Not a Part" area nortlmrly
of these lots.
12. All lots ,nust meet minin:um frontage and area requiremnn!.s
of the R-1 district.
was moved by Nr. Larnrtrd and seco~ded by Mr. Oster that
Tmd:ative 'J'rc..ct: Nell nu:nl)er 55-59 be: aide)roved sub ioof' to thc
twelve conditio:'::; set fort:h t>~,, the s.'.:aff. Mrs. l.usi.._v:~:g
ahst:ai~ted, iqoi:ion carrJ2d u:)an:bnousl¥.
2. TENJ',U[']]\rF. }.:VP OF TRACT 6!~67 - lxOJ,),kl 1Io GKA'."TJ' ]'~',L.
Location: Tustin Neado,.:s. Soutl. masterly of l..,~].nuL
and Red }fill Avenues
.}Ir. Sup.~/ stated this is a request for an extension
of time for filing the final map on a portiolt of 'J'entat:ive
Tract: 6~47 which is the Tustin }kmdo'...,s Tract: at Red Iiill
and Walnut. Tim CJl:y Engineer recrx.~:nends that. ti~e
Co:nmissJo;~ reco:?::~::nd to the City Council t:hat an extension
of tima be approved.
}Ir. tlalu:; stat:ed that a].t'houglt
.... ~.o wos not a pul>l, ic
hear"~.~,o,,o he reco3nSzed a represeut:-ttive of ti:e ccip. pai:y
in thc: audience and asked if he fad any cc ....... ~.t.,. t'o
?j2'.___P,_o_~.L'.,~:JL_K_3Z, 1.665 S. Broo!d~urst, A'..mhci:n, reprcser..t:ativ~
of the Robert: t!. Gra~tt' Ce:::pa.uy, stated th:at t'hoy had
recorded ''' ·
· tl.ree-~.ou:.t.m, of the map arm that: stat.e law no~.'
allows eighteen r:onths 5nster~d
st:at:ed th,'tl: they did not' expact to use ti~e fu]I year
r e q u?.~; [:ed,
- 2 -
PC }H.mtte,~i - Augu,,;t ].2, 1968,
BUS Ii'iF, S S
}Ir. Oster r.:ovcd the nimt!:e order l)c: ~.J_oj_Lt.c~__~]_.bD,__r_gy_o.:,_:~:?j).c.1
to t-he Ct. tv Ccn~:mJ. 1 t:!:at an extcm.c;ion of rtl,lC for fi].~..n~%
final mai! on Ten[:at'Jvc; Tracl: 6!:Li7 be ~r. anted to 8/].L!/6'.3 st,!,.'~ect:
to the sa'.:,:~ cou.(l:Ll:io',:.~; of apj)roval as ti:c: lk~sol.ut, ion 909.
Secure!ed by Mr. W:;lmtcr. Car.ried
1. COUNI:Y C:\,qE - llV-6!].3 - ]IOBI',RT 1,1".!:,
To per~?.it t:he continued use of a business for the
dismantling and st-orage of foreign auto:nubile part,,;
on a parc. el in the I, i1 "],ight Industrial" District.
Site is located at 17912 East 1.1ain Street, approx-
~m~.ately 270 ft. x.:cst of Newport Avenue at the South
side of }lain St'reet.
It ~,?as moved 1)V____l.I_r. 1.lahoue~l and second(id bX. }Ir. Larnard
that t:be County_ bo J.nfon:~ed t:hat t:he Cc,..:..]..,s_.o,~~,",'~ ~ ' has no
ot?osition to this rer~E..st t?ing granted for a pe}-iod.
of one year. Carr:t.cd unanir~ot,sl~
Mr. Supin,~cr stated the staff had no other ne~.: business
to be brought before the Commission.
_}Irs..E]_l.:~ott., 13631 Yorba Street, Santa Aha stated that she
believed the Trees-Rubles Company again x..'as ~sking for
another variance. She said tile residcnt,~; of tile area ¥:ere
led to b~lievc that their last varimmc x.ms to be: their
last:. She said she ~.;as present as one out of tile n(~ighbor-
hood protesting.
Mr. 1;alus stated that this particular application was not
on the agenda this evening 1)ut the Oo~:m',ission ¥:.ould certainly
welco:,e her conm'.onts x.:hcn the application~ which has been
filed~ con',c~s before the Con'~niss~on at the August: 26, 1968
meeting, tie sa~d the item would have to be duly noticed
and x.)ith a pul)lie hearing when the applicant would, of
cum:se, have thc right to be here.
Mrs. Elliott stated she ~elic:ved they had added additional
signs ~.:ithout a permit as late as the tenth of this r.:onth
at 5:00 A.M. She stated she believed they did uot }:ave a
permit: to erect acldit~ional s~gns in thc to~,~n of TusLin;
that their permit hacl been invalidated tile 26th of June.
She said if il: x.:as out of line, she would wait until the
proper meeting.
}Ir, Sup~ng~.'. stated he believed ha could clarify tile situation;
that Mrs. E]liott' did contact' the Planning Department today
relative to this tnatter He ,,tatc~ the previous application
was effective through today, having been approved Fcd~ruary
12, 1968 fez' a six-mouth period. Consequently, the signs
which arc now in existence ¥:i].l no longer be legal after
today. He further stat:cd t'hcrc has been an applicat'ion
filed fo~: tlte. sign at' 17th aud Yorba~ that being the only
extension applied for. The deve].opars ~.:cre contacted this
afternoo;x and at lc:oat so;::e of thc recent additional s~gns
x,~erc, being taken do'..'n as the si:ail loft fre::~ t'hat ~,,.cei-~ng.
Mr. Supjjj2.~L steted that: a repr(~gentativc of the devc, l.oper
~ms in tile a~:dim~ee tonigh[: and could po~;sil)]v clarify rlte
situation furthm:.
.J_o,h.2L_P_.cLrj'v, 1.7!.'-!; 1 l,au:' ].e I.ana, Tus t in, re [)re se. nra ~ i.ve of
PC 1.1inures - Augu,';t 12, ].968
Trz,],s-],oolcs C<~rporatio:~, st"aced that t:]m sign,q l~is co:npany
had put up x.:erc t .... cn dov:],.
M/:. }l;tl.t~s stated the Chair wJslted to introduce so:'..,.a
for con,,; idera l' ion and actioi] on thc, ska..ff lcvc]., lle said
there is a very aggressive s'al.e of produce on 17t:h Street,
~:cst: of Prosp:~ct and cast of Yorl)a, That l~:U:t:icu].ar
property if it ¥:ere addressed would lm 17712 E. 17th
8tree,. lie stated he understood time tim sale of produce
on that 100 E-4; area in the County, xd~ich is not: gro',.:n
on the site, is not an allowed u!;e. lie requested that thc
staff pursue through proper channels x.yikh the County, the
prompt and h:n~;ediate removal of tills rr, ccnt and noi~-con~or:ning
_}Ir:. _St_gL.i.~jf;e_r stat:ed it: had been several r..ionths s~nce he
discussed this matter wich the county; hey:ever, tie did
notice c-s lie was in that area today ghat there ;.,,as a
County Inspector at the, location, i.[ro Stjp_.i_p..~_o.c'r stated
he x.:ould check furt:ber into this with the County as he did
not knov: thc legalities of it:.
}~r. /I/tins stated tie felt it incuntbent upon thc. City to
ma'bttain a stro;'~g po};ition, lle stated that in the past
the Co:n:nission bad attempt:cd to discou~:age thc sale of
firewood, but this ;.:asa in:oduc~ that x-:as gro¥:n on the
site and was allo'...'ed under the 100 E-5 area, 17712 1';.
17th Street. lle stated ,:Itc produce being sold there t'.o',.:
is being i~nport:cd and sold fron a truck. None of it
has been grey:ri' on thc site to thc best: of his knov:3.edge
and it looked like a direct and overt violet:ion of the
zoning ].aYJ in thc area.
}h'o I,arnard stated he had received a cai]. at: his her, ne
Sunday nigl~t in regards to this vegetable stand. 11~ said
he had checked x.~ith the Country to:lay and talked wit.b the
people in the Planning Dapartn~ent. %qm CO~ll~[:y does
a case file on this particular stand aild it is in vic'!ation.
lie said the people had been instructed to apply for a usc
variance; ho,..:ever~ at this time they had not filed for one.
Ne felt i~: al>propriat:e that ~he staff direct so:il2
pondcncc t:o the County regarding the situation.
}ir. }la]uz stated tl.'at ¥:ith the Co::':uission in agrcm:~ent, he
would ].ikc Mro Supfngcr to direct a letter to the County
in the sl'r(mg~:st possib!c terms, voicing the Co:~r'.:iss]o~,.'s
object'ions; of any contim~ance of this overt and illegal
}Ir. Larnard stated he wou].d offer that in ,'be form of a
mot:io~, Secondc.d by "'~'.
.. ,..r,, Ludwig.
Mr. Ost'er st:el:ed that before a let',er ¥:enl' out 1:~ would
like Nr. Supi;~s~'r to do an investigatica~ an:! g'Lvc t-he
Co;.:.n ..... 7on so? rcpm:t on it tlc ~e].t tlmre x.:a~; an
exceptio:'~ for ho..:~gro;:n sales and did not feel· a lett:cr
should go out until t:h<~ staff did so::;z~ 5nvestigat'i:~S.
}ir, I,?,rnr!'rd. st:at'cd Itc not~aed L'1:j.q c:\,eniu3 tier'5' v.'er¢~ scl. ling
wate]/i::g].o,,~, co:.'n ai'..',l ton'ntocs; th.2re ;.'z:s no 51:d. icat. io:~ ti:at:
any oE it: had l'.c.c.n gl:o..'n ,'here.. on
PC Minutes - August 12, 1968
Fir. Hal. us st:at:c~d he had done a little hc,:;Kw:ork on t:he
,matter and ¥:ou].d not request such a lctt:er being sent
if it: ;.?as not appi:oi~rJate. The ctt~'~:e~t: ZO;~ing on 100 }i--4
property prcc.].udcis sale of agricultural
. 1)2oaucks. Titat
particular prbperty x,:as selling it:(u'.~s such as fire¥:oo;! ¥:hich
· yas grown o~ t:]~c.~ site prior to that: clmnLc~ in tl~a ordSnance~
so they had a legal, non-conformju[~ use. llowcvcr, the current
produce 1)e. iug sold is not being grox.,~, on the site, and there-
fore x.:ou!d be in violat'ion of tlmt particulnr zcmin',;.
Mr. Oster stated that if a letter x.~a:; going to be sent,
he felt it: sl:ould st:ate that x.zc not:e these ac. tivitias are
taking place and x.~e would appreciate their invest:igating
it. lie felt the ldtt:cr should not state that illegal,
overt acts are taking pi.[!CC On 17th Stmrei~t in Couuty
jurisdiction. :
Mr. Iisi. u:; stat:ed titera was a motion on the floor x.~hich had
been dr,].5, seconded, so Itc assvn',ed all this discussioh was
of the motion.
}ir. llaltm stated it: x:as dul.v moved _bv__I_?_,_!:~.L~l;.U:d _apLd-
secopded by lira. l,~:dwig .to direct: a letter t'o th,~ Com'~i'y.
tel. linf~ t:l~e;n of om: very strong__ob'i.ectio:~s to the continued
use of sell. j!~fl of fruit and the olwiou,q co:::narcSal a¢:tivil-v
on 17t. h St.rect,
Mr. Oster requested a roll call vote.
Ayes: Sn .... p, Lud:..,ig, Larnard ..... Noes: Oster, Webster,
}Iahoney. Chairman llalus voted Aye. Motion carried 4 to 3
Mr, llalus stated if there was 'no other business, the
Con,mission would coma back to the Old Business Item:
DSscussion of the By-l,aws. He asked if any of the
Coimnissioners had questions of the staff relative to the
By-Laws as prasente, d.
Co.,..u ..... .q. tt...~.s discussed and revised the draft sulxM, tted
for their rcvJ. e¥:.
S ...... ,.:. be directed to
lqr. Osl:er r:oved t]mt: t:hc Pl. am:ing ' ~'"'=
pre~?j'e_z_t_t.'._c_.._~B,3'-La',:.,'; for the Ci t'Z of Testi'..~ Plnr. nj_!'.jk
Com.:nissio:~ in li;.,.a :.:itb. t';? discu.qsio:: this ev.'.'.nLn2 to
take int;o account th-aco.... .... ...,.us~-," n':ad~- bv the CcT~.~Jssieucrs:_
for sul;n',in.qion to the Co:::'..~ssion as soon as is ~>racticab!e.
Seconded by "' Webster
i'll , o
}Ir. ]la!u.q stated ti:ere was a raotJon on the floor and asked
for a vot:a of the Co~:::,,issione. rs.
Mro Hal.us asked Mr. Supi~.ger about parking standar~!s, lie
stated t:hat parkJng standards~ as he recalled, x..'are subnitt:ed
to the Omt~l)er of Cc:'.~n.arcb and ot:!~ar interested part:les for
their co::::'.~ent:s and t'hon the staff ~.:as going to prepare a
...... ' t tOSO .
rcq)ort: He aoked ~f t:ba staff was ¥:ail':,.ng for " replies
~[lz-~JS?fi;]~222:. ans;..'ared in tl'e affirn::t~Jve.
Mr. ][:,].u:'; stat:ed if there .,.:as no et'Imf i;t, sTnz..-;a t:o co;:'..', before
the. Co:':M.:;sion~ tit,- Chair ¥:ou!d cmtark'ai~: a t?:ot:ion t'o adjourn.
fleeting adjourr..ed at: 8:30 P'..I