HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-22-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 22, 1968 ]:. ]. 0 CAI',L 'PI~c; mc:et;J]~.g v:as cal].c.'.d t.o ordc. r at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman O.~;ter. ; II. Led by Mrs. Ludv;ig. PL].:I)G} ] OF ALi.,). ~ - ~.~ ,Gl Al..C,J'. ]2 II 21. . ROI,!, Prf;sc]lt: ii. £; £; i O1] ('~r S: Oster, l,udv;ig, Webs'Let, ],arnard, Mahcmo. y Al)sen t-.: Con:;;d s s J. on¢;r: ]Iai u:.; IV. A!)PR. OF' M'IT I~ U:.i-J,i S Otimrs ]larry ],;. G:[ ].]., City Administrator Present: Jamo.'~ G. Rourko, CJi:y Attorney Jarnc.,s I,. SupJngcr, ]~].anlO~g l')J. rocLo~- ... · Jeanne llcin, Acting Secretary MJm~tcs of the Jupe 24 ~:'i~ Ju]v 8, ]968 ~ .... e~..i, ns.., be approved ---i ......... ' ......... : .... 7 .....' ..... 2 ....................... ..................................... · .. v. i. } U]~l,J.(. 11]:',7,3'%'[ N G S 2 pl l!__!b ];'(Jr rczoning of a 2.78 acre p..'~rccl from the R-4 (Subu;;ban .,t._~c:t and the U" (Iinc]as.~;ificd) DJ..~;trict 'Residc:n'[-.Jal) DJ ~' -~'' " to 1'.ho 1{-3 (;.!uJtJ. l~lc~ ]lc...~;Jden'[.is]) DJ. s trJci., Si. lc fronL?; 257 fcet cm the r'..ori-.h s]c:c of PJrat. Street at the iht:er- section o£ ].'irst and "}1" Street:~. ChaJ. rr.u,,n Oster stated hc v:as-abstaining from this hcarinu, and tt]rncd i:I~e c]]aJ.r over to Coi.':.;,q.J",",cP',~,].- ~;e]:)si-.c.r , Mr. .......... SupJnqer. ..... . ...... r~rc:sc:nted, thc: sta''r,.,. report, stating that t}~Js ii:om had been contJ, nuc~d from /'no April. 22, 1968 ]:'..c~c~tJ. ng. 'i'he Planning Co:zuuJ~'~'Jon .... aC its ]..~ect].nU' Juno of the · ~'-'~ ~'" . .... .,.:,p su,~: ....u~c.d parco] m~:p and TenL.ativo Subd~,JsJon Tustin Savings & Loan a]]d so Jt had boon resc]~edulc~ for pubJ. J.c: hcarJncf The ~' ............. ,' tion of tha City Engineer. · '~'~,'J'~' porL'.~cm of the Mr I,c}..,~.c.zo;.~,];ac,~ t:hc~. pu',:,]' ..~ c . . 3ohn S{c,c;el, 3.601 S ]'; S,-,v]ine lJrive, Santa Aha, a:~p!ic:a.r:t. o;.:ner of thc; p;:opcrty, ............ , ,,.t.J ng ~.]:z','t. he had ]::,'.~:]c hi~, rezc)nil'.g ap[,].jr';'.1~e~,', %.:,;tS; O3?.iCr~I]2]J.y tIC'(,)X] ..'ir. 8J.('('3C] £; .... ~ .... prc, pc,.rl'y, a]:d Jp. ~.)arL'.Jcu]ar, il',c l.;.:;outJfu] f]¢~;..'c].'JnU treo }'C N-;.nu!'.e~.; -- July 22~ 1~G8 ,.,,, 1,, s fha t.]~. a ])rc)].:'o.~.;~.'../I. to cz'c~o.'Lc.~ C.;ar<'ic,.~s~ .q.,o,.c ~ LaL'.in~ t Js was . higl~ donsJ, t'y. 1t.~.; c]:~c.nts Con'l. ~:(~e any this /yl)o of c]c~vc:].ol~mont arout~d thc.~ town ccmLc'r arc:a. ]f tho 8o]1~ 11. ,qJc~c.i(:]. again sl.)o]:c:~ ,¢;t.at:i~l9 t]')aL, if 14r. Cohen would' drive dc)'.'~ ~]ic s~.rc.c, fz'()::~ a po:[rtL east of this }:)ropcu"Ly - cc.nLcr ].J n~, of Nc)v,,i)or'L: ~ro;a (t]la'L po~t~(:, a]o]l[~ ]"'J. rs[.('- '~ '~' a]oT)g both s~rc:~e(' ('.o thc v:er;Lc)r!y cJ.(.y bc)un(]ary ].inc~, ('])i~: ~r; Ll~e only pa. zco]. wh.~c:l~ ~ zo:~cd -'q'0cnl.ia zc... 3 ] . T])o })a]anco Js zonc. d C-]. oz C-2. 'J'ix~ e~)t:i, re so, ct:ion Nz'. S:i.e~je] rc)fe~s to ~ - ..... ~ -i~; "Nr C(d',e]~'s oZ~c~]~L~:; a favoy~ and would bo the besL uco c)~ t]~e -. i ~s prc.,sontc~. After a brJo. f (].i.qct~.q,,;J.or~ amoy, g 1.1~.:; C();v. mis:;Jonc:].-:;~ blt. we]-o J]~s()£a:c a.,; nu].:b.'.:]' of unif..~; or) t.]';c py'operi:v. I4.r. ,q:icge]. sLat:c:d t.l,a'[, he: l~;~,c3..'.;'ta(]c; a p:cc]imi]:;,.zy t.~].~::~ wh:Lcq~ shov:('8 77 the froni', t,c:c:]~ Lo ~;iU'n-o>:J. mat('].y 80 feet. The above r,.:oLion wa.~.: voLed by roll ca].].. Mahoney, I.,arnard, I';'obr~ter. Noes: Nor'.e. Ayes: Mr. Oater .... ~,,ll:[:~g "~pro>:!m.~.:tc,]y 35,000 For )'ozoP..in,,j o£ l~z],'u i'o.. . ,-I ...... fc:o.t from f]'..c': "Ii': (U]~c]a::.q:ifj.(.x~,) ])J,,;'t:rJc:L. t.o t.l~.c: C-]. (}lC?[:~:'i] C();:':,,:(~3'C.i~] ) ~tll(~ ~J]".C: 1('-4 (,(Jtlbl:.l:}~&n ]lC.'?J.c~'O:l'['.J&].) D J. s"" c,,, ~..-; - · si. dc: of FJ.r.~[ ,c;i:.~'~:ot and [JO feo[: c:n ~}~(~ .~; o 'o, [' .h .~:.i(!('! ?'ourk]~ f;['.:,'oet:, and c:::[:onds 838 foci. 1,::'[:v:eot: t.'i-.,:a[' Four ['.1] fit:cool [;. I. ir. ,~Jur)jr:::.or )':rc.qonlc:d iff.,,; a.','~'.f.f ror,orL r:t.aLf]:c.i i]~:i' th[s; C., t 01'. IPSO: ...... ~])' v:o¢'., il', t~lC, :;,:.'...,. .... a:,'OJ', i~f.; t'.!'..:'. ].ar;[ ar;;~lj,... ..... ..i . '.i']]'i~; hal-: boon Jn~i'Jz:tcd ~,y t]:-,'~ C:Ji'.,,'. .I.'::].~; }.,rc;i).:~r~..;', 80' v.'.Jd.:~, i.,,; prc:.::;er~Llv do..'-;',(..,,, .lcd ar; "U" l).':.:;l',-i(:L, v'l'..4clt c.'oc~[.; 1'.,:¢::: i.o tho i.J:'.c: v.'lv."~, i:;~'; :,',~o:~:t'[" v.';:r-; a~.~:.:'xc.J ('o tl'.e C~L..' U~.']..")' th-a Cou~;t.v Jt ,,ar; a l,,,f'fc~, d~..,,.., ~.n,... t.l~.o C4 t,' rio" h.,,-,, ~:.:-, -' '_'cji'..,'.:' [. i'll:.! (.:";', 0 ~. :' '. ~' t'~',' ': ~011 q ' we.::,d .*'~ .... ~ .... :-c.". :s '"U': I) 5..~x'[': !c~.'- 5'1,_i.~: 'U" ": 'L.~'icL r::) lo" ..... . :' PC I,iJnu[.c:s - July 22, 1968- has any purl?ese., mid sc) it 5,% sr~(.i'..]e:;%od t']~t[: the prol)orty be: dasJgriated as a zon.l]'.g .of thc adjac:c:'~'L Chairma:] O.si:c.r opc:n,:d thc public l.)oi-L:ion being ]lo-~s~{ss:[cm from the audience, (.n[,lrman l.h() pul)lie portion of the hoar:lng for dJ. scussion amonu tile COh'I2',.l .i f; S JOI] (.~ I F;. C 68 ].[)0 be. ~.,,)plo~c.({ for tn~. r~.a,~on., c ..... ~:~c. ct 1.1 t.ie ,~.~.1 .... r.O}. The above m¢)tJo]~ was voted by ro]l cai.], Ayes: ;4ahonc-'.y, Larnard, Weirs[or, At: thJ.s time, tho Com:i]J. ssion recessc'~d for a 20 minute per:io~ for tho purpose of shovzing a f:i]r~ eni. J(.].cd, "To Touch a Chi].c]". ~].1 members o~ the audience were J. nvJ. tc!d to s~ay and watch the film w:i. tli the Mee. t.:ing reconven(.~d. Chairman el;tar i:]i~'.nked ;~]?. ]]al:ry Gill obtaining i. hc f.il'..u fo~-"v'J.~'~.,;':i.~{i]-'-i{'t]'-{'hi.t~ mc;c:"cJllg. 3. PZ-68-].09- P,]). ]',]'lq~]'l"']'. ,, O;'~ ]~]';}.~A!,]' O]? Ai],A..i.I ]I)'CilT;'ll~L]) Cf) COI.Ch,LS.~;JOn J.n.'[tiat:cd }')rc:zc.n',.Jn,g of t]lroo pa.t'c:c~ls: P].an]~J. ng ' ' ~' '" · .. q~'" ' ' '~ { ct'. ]. Parco.] A-- ]:C (,qcrv'ic:e , ~.~,%.].¢,,~) l)J.,~.';i-r.. 2. l'arccl B-- ].'C (Co.?':~erc:le:]) ])JstrJcL ]l~.,,.~.d(..nt...~l) ])is LrJ. ot. 3. Parc:c:]. C-- 1;:-4 (]:',,~.;Izatc .... " , ~'~" Parcels A ' ' }3 Iota ...... cornoz thc! ancl arc; ted &it t. he no.,.t. Jr,.,esL of int(2rseel. J. on of ].'our~:.b and Yorba Streets. ]?arcel C Js at tl~e souLh,,:cst c:c)rnc~): of ,", "d Chairman ()si:o.r ste, i:ed thai: this r.~at't.e~, had been bJfore the ..... ' ...."'' ' and the public portion ]~],annJ. ng Co::0.:,:[ ss] on a% its ].~%~.,u r ....... of the haarir:g was c].o~';ed. 'J'here was a dee',ire on tha of the appl:i, cani: and ihosc~ oi')posJ, ng i'ho al)i:)].J, catJ. on for furhhcr dJ. soussJon. Chairman Oaher asked %he app]ican'a J.f ha bad anything further i'0--'~i-E'6~"'J.'~- ~'~{gard to this apo] ' ..... 4 , · ].C.c. u ~OI,. .M.r...:....3. Eir.~(..!)....r._o.'.c:'~c., 730 c:ate:.:,.",y East, century city, spoke for app].icai'~i., st. atin3 that J.n v:or.'.~J.nU w.i.L]; ti:c, t']annJ, ng l')cpcrtmouL, they felt t:hat thc:y would modify t.he:lr al~plJc:ation to atto:.:l.)t. to make. J.i: r.':or(: rc:a.:.;o]mblc:. ']'l,o Jc]e~i b:)hind ti'lis ]noc]J. fJc,."i'.Jon was an ~:i:tu;:,l)L i.o kcc:p the cc::':::'.c.~rcJ, a] prop::rLy a.~; J.t is 7, o11cd J]] art oc, f;L. [lyi(] %.;0.~;i- (]J. roc:i'Joli O]'l i:}gCl l:ori'.h si. dc: of S('.icc'.ot J.l] lj]'irj sc1 t]]~[, thoro Js P, bo[:['.c]? (?.'c2) Jl]oiLi Jc)i] J.r~ lzhc~ rC~SJ. CiCI)tJ.,'[] [ll!d co;::!",arcJ, a! zoning. Wit}: rc'.s;pcct' to thc sc'r'vJco siaL. ion prOl:;O.~;a], on thc. coy'ncr of the t)ro],orty, t'roc:k ",'" :'r ,. ii TM al;p]ic:a;~.t, to s;:'~'ea]: J,, 1.hal rc.ta:'d ~ .... :,ed ..... ] J.p'.~e~:L, .... . .. . concer~ Jn L. ho C]('VO.]O~,..'...]~L of t.[:J~; t')rop2rt.y. 1;o sLai(.'~ t~::;.: they agreed tbaL Jt shou]d lm do'.,:o]opoc] i:c r'c.:~L lh<~ hJ. gb ste. n?~rd[~ a ] ready ox-; ~:[: :i nU . They ]~ave r(,--sub;,:'i i.ied J-o thc~ --3-' PC i'.l_i.l)t~'[(~,'.; -' Jtl]",, 22, ]968 ]lc:]~L~.] of t'.rai]c,l., oz o~]:~;]. ('.g'uJ}.)mc'~lL, and t'ho .. $t:o:.'acj(, of £;i~i,Ic; on.. t]lc? ,qJ.[.c," ~ ,~]IL1JL.].. ]),j s I. a h :; o n b u .i ]. d :i. ~ ~ U · ].'c6ara].), ~;anc~;...:;(:]: board signs, and inat. e:cJ a].~; s]'l~:] :1 t)c.: Thc' p,,rJt.in',.~ of t:.ru(:]~s (q.~ l.]]e silo othctr 'L-.h,'~n for r,l:i no_~' .q c) .r v .i c: :i. rc,~ .~;]iai ] be: t):,.'obJ b:i. tc~(~. voficl.~ ]kc.] ],'.. ;] c,1] 'i r~(,.~; ;;]~.<'i] '1 bet ;-;~20:I:(:(~ c)~~ l,:,:~ ',[.Et]rlc.::] out:;:i (lc.: o'[: ~]]('~ ,,ti,', '\.'.it.,.", Fsi. z: k:i.c;;'.~ bt]i] d:i ];.'j. , 6. Hajor ove.rb.e, ul. of ,.,,,c.,':,.. nc:[.; .'.;]:a].]. be; i.~]'oh:i].)'it.c~d.. 1,o;.: ]_o.\,'c..]. 4 ~]l'" ~,---[u, ,.'. , - .s:]<.,] ]. I-)c: J n.qL.a] ].c:d on ].)~J ...... c. ~.c ]. ]....g,..~ P.g .... of t. he ,..~ t':;e pe'kJ, ti(::'~ · ,. ,; .,,, · q.~g,.(.c, by ]03 [,..o]..]c~ ]-_)?.]...!J:.c!~.'!:]'.ii:.r!~![:9~)_, ] '/342 VJ.;],c,v:ood Avo]lua, ,qLa~.c.~d t.llat the. peop]e had a.q];ed h:[::', i.o .~;.',.):,ak .in theJr beha]£. }Io. sLat:ecl t.hat. l;ourk]~ and Yc:r],,.;l ,(.;l,roel L]ii-'.L t-.]~c.: dc~vci]c)p:T.c:]":L' of ol:e ].oc:aLo0, o~ l:}:i:; pi"o~)oi-i:]f, c)n v.']:nt: b~;,qJ.q could anoLho.'c sites be do.t-..iod? Idr. !'~ori:hJ. ngt'on we]it on t:o st:ate t.l'..aL' a sLudy had bc, c,n n':adc, by thc: P]an?)J:'~g D.irec:[.o:,: Of 'J'uai, Jn rec:c:'.'~i.]_;,. now ~,0,00O ;,c:op] c: w.i. tb_;n LIl.i.a ~;],-:.n]l:[i:g a--ca, and t]'.ore aJ:c: ,:9 ~:hore ;...'J!] be: '/2~000 ])~:o>)]o J.n t.]lJ.~; aroa ~>5" ]qS]. ].'C l...L]l,,~.c'" '"' "; -- July 22, Up of Tusk. i]) fir ....... ' "ton c;uo'kc,d front the County ]?la]ming ]3~partL:cm[.. ]~c furi:hc~r s'l'.aLc~ tl~4ti- even %]]e P]anl]ing Director has sc'):'~e r.~J.s~J, vil]~;s about', gas arc no'l: fa<::i]~9 thc s'L'.<.<.~ Nr Worl:]~:inUtOn ~aking a survc~y of gas s'L.aLJ, o]~s a]]:(~ac!y ].oco'Lc~c] w:ithJ.]~ ~]',e oii:y of rZus'~Cin~ thai: no gas station in t.]]e past two ),oar8 ]]as bc.~en p].aoc~c] ]~ex~ to a resJ(]el~i:J.a], at'ea. ~].]. have 1.)ool~, ul) t.o this Lime, p].accxt vz.[i, hJ.]~ an es'kat>]J.s]~o~! slated t]~at, t]~e ]?rope:,':Ly ov~ne~:s ~.{~ .... . ...... city con,roi, of this pie:cc of l.)rop~rty and fo,el tl'~al, the profcssJo]~al build:ii,Us a~. J.[. J.s now on I'ou. ri.]l St:cc, et, a]]d thc,. hal.anco of the land ]:)o t'~.;cd for a ]..~edJca] cent:()r, sJng].e-- family homes, or purc]',ased by l.]~e C'.Jt.y o.f Tu~;i'.Jn and turned lc. co ..... { ..... c. at. J on theft th3. s of 0lust:J 1% rcside]'~tia], proparhy ovme:,:s in this area by going on record i:o thc ~' ,'-" Itl...t...~]~ Cii:y CouncJ. 1 and Orange Coun[:y Plannin9 Co:'~mis~Jon, t]~at Tusi.:i.n hal.; ~,o dcsiro to locate a service si:al, ion at the cor]{e]- of l.'ourL]'] and5o~.~>~. ...... ~ .... v skc(t th.;~.'L v'c file fo]- tTle rc:cos"d two pc~i:ition~; ]'~'~l][:[]J"h]:~'~'~-J{cj/"'[(l:{jeci::;o~[~ to tho ])uJ.]dJn9 o.C thc Strcch. Chairz.:an O::Lcr dJrcc'kc.:d ~,, quc,qi. Jo]'.. to Z.i:,'. Uor't!~ingi:on -- ~:i.m ']['~"'l:l~"-']:[['~-~-'-]~z.:c] an oppor'kun/i:y i:o speak ~;Jt:h anyone else., J.n thc Count.y with regard to this .].]ai:ter. Nz'. WorLh:i. nEfi:on said that the i]~dJ, vJ(llla], v:l'lo had v;.]fJ.i-kc~ll the ]-~'['t{'~'r"'~':~){:.::"~[llgO County ]'].alining ColT,:':iJ.[3sJo~l ]1~1(] boc5i~ contac'Lcd and asked fc)r a furLher defiDJl. J on of thai lei;it:r. 5'o (]ate, no answer had been received. Chairman Osier said tbal: he .qec::s ]~.o,..;l'~ere J.n the ]ei'.ter fro:'<, tho Cour]ty any jnc3J, catJon of a;l c)bjeckion l.o a service si. atJ.on being ].ocai.eO ak i:hJs part.ict:~].ar cc)mcr. ?!r...:__I:~c.?..r_l':!}j..~j!.[f!.!'!. aUaJ. n .qi:atcd that a co!:'.p].ote clef.ip. Jtion been asked for fro:?, the Cc:up.',:y, but t:]~?':t: they v..'ou]d J. nt:erprcL l.]~.o fo]].o',;J]l,'j .?,c:ni.onc;e a,q bo.~r,~ e.~:Jt:.:ica]. Jn l.hc: left-.er f_vo;'..: the Orange Cou_qL:,.., Planning Co:",'..:::i.q.~io]~: "This area provJcles gatcway to the City of TuskJn for vehicular kraffJ.c exJ. tJn~ the N¢;wpor~. ]3ret;way at the Fourth Strcet off-ra;.:p and east'.- bound int:er--cJ Ly tra?;.fic. ]'t: J9 iherc;fore a strai:c~cJ.c ]oc:ation v]~'i.ch v:c he)pc~. wi].] l)e c~cvelc)pc:d J.].~ a r~a.'.~.nc.r co~'.'.l)lc- menl-ary i:o tha~3 ='.,'K~ offic:e and p',-ofc'-;q". has a].ready occurz'ed." tlc sta'kcc! that he dj.d]:.' t. sc:e a]v,.,"L'hiz~.~ in t]~at .qC~DC(]r, CC: that J. ndJ c~'t¢".d l.hat i]:ev think a cjas stai:Jon J..q coi'~p]cg,~nt. Jr..:3 i.k.,~t, pr¢).fcF;.~;J.¢):,.a] dovc~lo;:):::c~]~t.. Cha.irr.~a.u O.~;-kc':r st:atcdt.la~"'e, he t]~.cm.'.l~;L.,, tha['. J.'L should ,. [: ~ ' ~r '., clear a~ t. bJ.~: i~c~;~'[. I..!K~ ii t]'~c.~ (.,.~...~:~;'.c;~ ].s t.o (:,:~v the O' the Co:':,:':.i.~;.i.(>:~'[~ ]~(t;)ci:-;. ]'[' t:}l~ }'~3:'(~:'O:~:;n.:~ V.'O:C(: C]O~JC.d t:hcz, a ~s no ~,.;',:.c~:.:~.:L4. o[:~ t'.}:::~ t~;::: }.~rOi'~:':'k',: rc~.,:~.ir:~.; jn thc , c. ' ' . Cou~ "',,.. of Ora~gc: and ,,,.t,j<~,:[ t.~ t.l~c,;r jt',~:Jmr:d,c:, ~<~n. '~-,' ...... [.~.O.i~:','t,L. } ~)...~.~. k,l.,t ,., ' ..... ~-, his lllJll(] j.~; I:~l~:l: l~*'ezc,:!J.r~ 0" ZC)liil].:' C)",('. CC)]'i',.?" 1:'~'.11~: i'lloy ' vo zong<] f<~u~' co:.';:<:r~; f()]: 5c~'vJ c:e si.i: kJ r.31~;. }[C con~J ='t ~.','-... :.-;i'x ou',- ~'r ;,:':~:a,''~',, .. . .,.,, ].:,l. t'.],:.:.: k[".-,- ...... C1~'' ~.c <' S~ '; ;- - .', ' ~ .... -"-..,--- ~3 ] 02'"' ' ' ' " ' .................... t ......... ' C::3:" ~' bC[" : ~"t:.q]. -5- ,qc:].'VJC¢; shai'.J.c;.'.):; ol~ th. at: c.o:.'::~o.L'~ ~.:]:t'! l.]]J:; i:; t.],J di]c::::'.;: aL thJ::, (.ii:t:), boc:[~u',;c: Jr':;' .'.;.it. kirK]' J]~ t']i.:: Cov:::'ky, [',]'~(: J: Cotll~L5, c/o:'~:: (.jra]','[. [~ .';er\.'Jc:(~ t; L'~'[. ::c;!'] on i.]~d'(: c(~rJ~c.'.r, fi.[. :i:; w:J.t]loui, ob]:' C:i.t'.y co~]~..,o.,:;. M]?. [:ut~J~lc:'o:'.q,..~..,~.~.,,,-'~ t:i~a[ he; \.:or]Id ou .... '~o]] tho facL t]iat or(lJ ]i~n(:c, (::ou.! c[ b.:' v:ordc:d so l']Iz~.'h t]~c zonJ. n{; wou](i au'Lo:.':~.;t reve].'L', back, hub t:~letl. ]]c~ dj. ct t.]]in.k tiierc., would bo ~.:(~::to. to ~;c/.t.J.l:g a '[.i];tc ].fir,:jt [,.~;(~ (.hen J.f tl~ore v.'~is ]';o · on thaL ')- ',', .... ., ' .... . l(:L.c.'ly ta](c.~ act.lc,.] appropr ' "" ~. - ' ', . Mrs. J,t](]'...':i(l' }::c)J]]L'o(] otit: Chi'",. t]]o C~o]]t~):'~:] ]~]e.t]% c0].].s f_or dc:ns:i. Ly J]~ ['],z't area, -,, ,~ th:i ~: [',l)pl ' .~.(,~.ion c~t]][: for bJgh (1 o ]'~ n :i I: y. !:!.r..:...~?.h~.~:~(g.c~)[ :;La'tcx,: t.h~'..'L tile ¢;(,r:o:-a] ].,l[~.n i.~'.O:i, cat.cr; C:c~v~'..';,:~:,:c'.:;.c,.] . 1..~.,]] ~<;~ C'[.::)] ?; '[ (.",' ..;12.].'.~2C)dllCt.Lt3,'.~ ~']],"It. at 't'.liis inL'.c;r:~c:c:~ ~ o]',, ~:n,3 ',"" ' .. ~ ' ~" . Mr t",,: .... .",,'c n:)'kc;d tha[. J'L: i,q ,"' ~ .... ~.,lt.c.~(. J.n t.h.. J,anc~ Use ,. ~:i~7J~'"]q~'r'[:'~[~] ~ Jn thc: s t.~,n,l .... ~,, thal. ' ~' , '"" "' ~ "t''''° /]i(~ ~;'[.u.]'~claj:'c ~, L:~; ..,,~ askod, i.~]' Su::~ru,,]: for o].arJ.:[:[(:a[:'~('~, a~ to ,.:h,,.~.]~.-,-.- .... ~ ].)0 .. (.o~l.~.l.~,"~'J. Oi~ v:ou].('[~ at C.b4,: t~i)c.': o".')~'()vJn:~ tho s:i."n Mr. ,qu.")::..~:c,'?~' ?;tmatOd t:l~.~:t, h.::. fo:It tl~J.~; was thc ap])]ic:aut.'s i ri'l: o~ ~ 'l: 'i o ~;. Mr. Wob.~;Lc:.,'' sta~c(,' tt],.-li: he: fo.!t that R--3 Jntenaec; in this ].oca(.ion a , ~,.~!.)u ........ th.:'. L ng u:') to R-] at fu]]. c].:~n~:.~:., buffer i]Jc,]~(-.~ bo l:.or(: o]:)]]o>:Jot~::; t. hnn what J t.'s tryJ. r,~/ to bu at full ' .... .~,. · ~ ..:..:,~, c,~..) ..... 'L.y. }lC WOPt 0]~ tO Sa~' L.]]~"L'. un(]or "Sc:i-]""c~' " if t'.h~ ~; ....v.'~,"; co~'rccL ancl ~:] .... ..... "'."~ .... ~.~ J)i thc ~', ,'"~. rr.:~' Livo , Mr . ,,,],.k..I . T C'.: ' t~ 3. (.'.F C'~. i. 3:()~;Jc~c~i~l:.J :',.'[. u~:~' (.(~ c:()::'.'.'.c:'r"(~J i;] " c ..... .; ..... · ,~ ..... ]~.~;~.% ,..L.:.;'i t":'tt. [;toro -,~,,,,,; oF ].0 fool ~.']tc,t:o you t',;~',,'(~ 64o .... ' ' PC bki. nuL(.".'.~ -. July 22, ].96" 11 ll/,~,., 'j (( ;.:oli(;]'. carrJ, c,d 4-]. V--68-2].3 - ];].;?:'.J']] & CO. O[.'.[ ]~]:]Lz;1,].' 0]:' t(i;].::J.'UC.;(':~' ],')l'[J.~]) C]]:ICI(.,,:]',] OJ" "' '~""' ' J U,.,J .I. 1,. To pc;'mit: (to- a] area 210 sq. ft., he S-ht. 3.. i.lor(~ than c)~c pole sJ_g]~ in a comp].cx (subje<:t: ' ~ ..... "" t)ZOl~t...cty includes i.hai: on v,,,n, ch also ]Octal. c(! a l]]lJ, or~ V6 serv.ico oi.a~.lc)~l which h4ls ali (.~xJ. iJt~J 1:{~ pole s:ign) . 2. ]'~ooai:J.o]') of said sJ.g]'] v:J.i.hill thc roqu~yed so [:--.bac];' a ]-(:a. 3 Rot,,~.Lon of the top port:ion of l.he sign. 4 HoJgh'U of ntoro than 25 fool as pc~r,a.Ltc(.w~ l)y -" ].. One "~(n~i:ucky Fried Chioken" sign, area 150 scI. ft. a, lloof sJglls t')(.~zlllJ.'b'~cd o]l]y iii lJ(]ll of a per,alii.cd pc)].c~ sign. 2, OllO "]>OY['.ZaJ. L" SJ. gD, [1]:(][~ 20 SCi, fit. a. ]'Ioof sJ. gn[~ )-~ .... " _. t.-~-,.]t:'Lod only in ]'ieu of a perm:ilL(.,0 })o].c~ 3 ()n(~ "'~']~(~ Co].o]~e] ' ~; 'i'-'~' , " 82 ~q. ~'[:. a. ],oo.~. s~ .. pot:niL'[.ed only Jn lieu of C. Tot. e~l SJ(~n Area (A26 s~, fL ) 1~ 5k)tal azca perm]Lted on lhe silo ~'~' '~ 220 sa fi:. thc [;Jg~ Orclj~.,...~C.c Js .. Site fronts ]].0 f(:c'.'l, on tl,c sout. h',.:e[;'.~ [.;Jdc o~ FJ. rs;t Street ,oc.I. sou'[.]~c, as, L of the ceni.c:]'].ino of approxJ, ni[:2o] y 220 '" ~ - "- Newl)C)rt: Avenue. [~S.~.._~j~}j.]/~.j)~j.!?~. }.>resen'ted t.he staff re?orr, rc~c':om;:..ending co~aitio;~al aZ)provz'~]. 'J.']']O l'c:~[;o]'if; for the a[.?r(r,,z~:], f;tl~'~(:~s:l.(~d })y th(~ staff the ust~a] reaso]~s for (jran[.~ng a varJ.anco. . *: t,,.~:r..n~ Chair],.'..an O.'~ter o~.(.n~.d thc. t>ul.')]J.c: 5~r. ~,t.oc.n.. In.!c..,. ...... .1.,,c(.~., 3225 ],acy Str(':ct, LOs A:-,.ge.].c,s .......... -4 .............. 2 ....' ...........: '' f Kentucky }:'tied Chicken Rcprc2sen'LatJve, spoke, poJrttJ]~cj out that fha sign ha~; boo]~ r(:duced Jn sJv, e con~;~acu-at)]y sJnc'.o i-he original hear:i.no. }ie st~ted i'.!~.tt, tl~cy consSd:,red the hoJch[: of t. hCt [4j(;l~ E),[: tlnO l,ank to b.? 20' and tho Union Oil S:tation bc~i.'..'cc.n 35' and 40'. AI.] i.}:oy arc: us;)t.ing J.s i.})ai: t:!)c..y be' }'.~or:.tJ'[.i.('cl to go i.o tho heJgi'i'[. [~c:r).dii.c:rl tho st,trice st.a:U:i.on. 'J'hoy re(,.1 tliai: they are x.:J.i:}~J]~ t.l:o rea]'.:~ of ihe c:oO.:,. }It [;'['.al.e(] l.hai, t:l~e "buc]L~['" was ibc, ir na[-.:icu:;~.] e:4':b]c~m e,~d u~;cc! as a sr~]]:i.ng ~oJnL - and l.})at t:}):[r; v:r:~-: a ':]ru[;h" for t]~c~ ]aoJ. n of rico. }k, skal.c,d that', l.hc, ro wero n:oro iha~ 100 ~t,ci'~ ~)]acc.:~ Jn Ca].J';'orn~a and t.n~:~'~-" ail of i}]c::':: liad ]:'or'c: [;J.g:~s{ i.)tr:n t:hat t.l~oy we:re as;)..il~g f(,]: !].n,Y-c. PC H'i.n!F',.e:..: - J'u].y 22, ZI 1.~3.' (-~e(.)'~,j(~ ('~Cf.'-; .L.( '.O];, ].],ql ]':O:;[ ].'JrF;l. ?.iFc,',.~[.~. 'J.'LI;';[;[]i, Mr. ,f~.~ .... 13 ......... ~':2, ]83]8 Fo>:_cj:~:c,\.'c,, I:r'vJr~(~, c.me (.,~.lc]:oli Stc)rt.'~ ~" ~' tJlO pJ'Oj.)OLc ( Rc~lLt~c;:.y '"" '" q" ~,o,.l,. di'ff:i (.:ul Ly ": ',' .. " ,' . J,~u.y v:g.,-c noL al]owoc] a pole sJ.gn ~.:])c.~ woi3'L.~]) ~.h~.~'oz and 'L]~c~y h~d i,.~ny F.~lny l,~o;~u,~s' ' "c)~ ~2500. ~() ~2'/00. } .,~,. L.i~ . ' ...... . ' ) .... it. on vo].uw.o ],o,.,~.:~.c:~z t']ioy Zjp;,1].y that wJ ~]~]~ ), a Lwo.-yc;a'c per:J od t J.t 1:10]'(~ ~]'~ ~ ]~] O~. ~']~C~.,_)' 'J.'hor¢: })c:.i.r.g I~o o[']~c:'r c]JF;cu.~;.qJoil froi' tho a.n(l.'[o, nc.c~ t:]!o ,r2u]~].Jc poJ"L-J.on o.r 'L1Jc: h:~;.!ying v;as c].o.~;ad. 'J'hc; a])ove r.v.;i'.Jc-m was ',~ . ¥(),....o n', ]'c,,.]'l ca].]. .... ' "~-' ' . I',' O C.: F; .od! (.:C-L.e:.!!....u L,.,'Lr!:i.C.p.~! :.]g y_. },] a ] i o ;':.c:i.:, A',i(~)](? '~ . Mahcm0, y. I,',oc::~: ]l,,'~T.n[:.r.(] , ],Li(i;."i g , I',c.~}.%:3 L c;3-, C)si.c,r. 30' 5. V-.-68--2].4'- - 301;l~ L. & ]'q:;vm.,:3~I,Y J. To ])c~:F]'.'~'~.t: t.]]c: co!'],¢:'[:.~:oc:'L'..i.(!)r~ of a ..,.;v:lim:.',!li]l(j po¢)] as if).] ]():...':-;: Wi'[.l'~ foo. r (4) fooL rccJvqr:~s 5 £c:c~L.) WJl.], ~:i]'-~-. t....z: and ]~c,e. LJny Limn 30 fc:c.t f;-ok adjaco;'.L !~c:".es. Si. Ce j s ] oc,::. [' :[ on of o):.i sLJ n','2 ro-.~';JdcLticc~ ~;] 7362 ],auri e ];ar:,.-... Mr. Su.'.'):Llt~:c.'r c~,-:c; tho s[[,j"r' rep,')rL re ................... {j a:~'..s'o',,::] o t:}iJ £; \?,~]-'i.D'nc:o. Cha.ir;,~,=:p O.~i'(-;- c)j.),.,.'.' ',,~c~' ~ t!lr.: p'Jb]Jc NO.,""Lion O:C t. hc: hc';:r.ir',3 . E '.. ,; . . '. . . PC l.li.~'.t:[('.~; - July 22, ].96[3 Thc above.' ~x~t_:lon ~.,'~z; voted 1,5: roll. call: Larn~rd ~ ~':.a,b:-; ter ~ ],ud',.;iS ~ Os't. ev. ~:ot' ion c:i,r_~u[od unk',i'..'; ]p/.:uz !v. 6 U]~-C, 8- 260 · 'i .... ,] "~' GZ'," CO.'.:: ",'Y ] -' ~.:t, ilu:., ] X]) ,-., & ]:(;LIj1U.~i~';~ '".~ 5)? :'" 'yo pc:rmi'~: ~:1]:': in:;'L:~ti].c,L:Lon oT a iSqu.id gas; :~Lo.ra:.!c: .i'o.r 5. p,c]u::;lr'La] al.lXJ]]5.&]?.y Fl!c:]. .ql;?])]5, O.'q ~I })ii.t'(:O10i :Ii:lid t.otal].in:j 19,000 ?.q. fL. in t]]:; }.i (]ti00..~si'J:Ja]) i):i.;;tr:i.c:L'.. Si'Lo 5.'ront~; ].7'/ f.¢:(~i', o]] i.]ic: soui.]l :;:;.c'{o of t.}io. Santa P, ai].r~ad t~i:'ac]ir~ and 214 i'e('.t o:l F,c.'v:f.:o.r.'t Av¢.'nue ju~','[: no):i.]]" of ]:',d:i.~>,.i arid j'~':i'. CaF.;'L of i.l~(: Ncv;?,o':t: f!',c; :;t:aff ].-c:i';o=:'U , ;ta'C-.inW thai: ].ocai:J.on wp, f; ],occ:-::;i..~.ry fo.'.? roi',(]S, acc:o:;s, rJ:]l(?..~i:aff Ch~?ir]:m:~ O:.~l'.c..r Ol.m.ued tho pub].:Lc port:ic~:': of the hc:erJ, nu. ;J-']iS~'c~-B&.-';'.-,,~7~"-;'i~'; cZ:;. ~cu F;;;io:i f:,'om the auS:t c~.rl,r.x'>., tho public: po:,"Ldon of th:'. t~.::a.ri]~g wa':.; }.irs. I,uc]'..::i.g ,tt.i;t.(;ci ti)at sho would ].)o a];sLain:i, ng from votin9 bST'-{'TE.{'E' -' ...... i ~; ~.: Ut2. Mr vob.%i'.or a.'.;],c:d i,;r ,.,,~.. r J f J.n ti],,2 c:veri'L tnl.; bodv ~']i-~/i[~J'{/'c.>'. ..''''''''m,. mm, c ..... ,d?.y roc:ol.'amor, da't:Jo?~ rogay'd.i.])g t:h:~ i.~or;sJt)].o. al.~ar, oo:'mo]]L o:F. K(:',.'po:cl: 7~\,¢;:~',::c:, ~.:l~,:.~t. would ])j. tho for fe])c:Jn{j. ........ i~" t:l':at: 1:o t]~ocgl'i'L the r.~:i, nJr:mrn .... ,.. t. 1 wou]c'i be: c:]~.aJn ].Jnlt, huh i.]:a't: i:.}~:;:; ]l~:d noL i'<:c:.r~ Tho al)ore.: ]:..o'tion was vol'ed by ro].l c:~].].. ],ar]]arct' ' ', l':obc't:(:r, Oster. ;.k}~is: i,~c)].(.'~ ,. Mot.i. on ca.rr..ea. Ayes;: N,.,no.,,..] , ,'.~.o l,ud:,.:i¢; abstaJ, p,c~d. '] '- PZ--Ocd-'].].0 --- i>],?'J'~Ni~:(:-~ CO:'i]'l,qf;'lC)N ] r, .I . .I )';T I ;]) ]"or pi'ezonin¢-of a.'.q).:-o>:i...,.:.tc.!y ].]..0:; acren ]oca2ec'. aL the ,~;o'J,t.'.v,.,.".*'t' cc~]-r',c:r of t}lr.. 5~,t'.er,' .... ,.,. ......... .,.,:.ct. ion of,,ecl" ' 7-:513 ar.~ T';a] nu:. Avc:;',u,:~.,.; as; fo] ].o',:i:: ~'~ .... ' 5© ' },'.'cd "" .. :;d 3'/3' ].)a:rc:ol tl -- ,.. o,:t.lnrj . .,3 oi'~ ~,.,] ] a ' on I';a] m~t, .5.76 ac:res, C-2 (Corot:raj. Co:'.::':c?rc:J.a] ) 1)5 F.;i' ri c:i:. ' · ' .... 5 ]'i::r:co] B -- Frc:r.L.i],'.j '.;40' o.~! .... ].]~,,i , .29 ac::'¢.r;, 11--3 (.".;u].i.~ ')~ :' '> .... ' ~,.,::,.I d(:.nt :i.a] ) ])J :.:t:r:i ct: l,';~t](Ct]~ ]'Y'OL'27,.t) t .~'(~]:~.i"C):.;C':"L[[t'[ :i\.'4: O'~ i".:;l:~tr.'.l:' DC:VC...10]:'.,.C.'.'~[ t J'.'O]: ~[ CO:!!t,'.C]'(.:J.[t]. (]C:\'¢)'l()i.:,.tt':.:'~ .ii! ~]:..'~ [t.l"t'.[. 'i~])<'",' .,"C',:'] it ]!.'.'.::¢'i ]."]:'():,':',:C~ Y(:, ¢..T~ C':('i '[:.(~ a .1.Ct:' ' t.~Ox,, ],"'" ' ,"" ,.C , :,,~ :r'()ctL:l.\.c.o. ~:Fo?. []!¢? ]!. G]-i'.~!'I: Co. .i r?].'.' cai::[]'..g t:)~c~J.]- ,,-;t!;,L::oi'~ r'cga:rd:; ""(.l' i:.'rii .~; ('ic~\'(:] (:,:.~-- IiI(.'.]IL ELl!('{ t']~.qP. .i;ii.r OC,'.,.~¢:..(, (.:]lL'i"'"x.., ](t.)}.)C':].-t [;T,.:,L:l.t. CC:L.; ]JZ'., i: ."[c'..t ]}()])~.'3r'" & lq.i co:l.a:i S;. N:ic<').'{.i.'.5.~'~ .qT.'.P.~<'. l,:.i¢:F:l;'~ c>:3:>]a~n:;n~j ~<,.:o <>:[' t.]::., (.<>..c:.:,l'~t=; tl~o f.'5 zm c']~o~.:,': t.o (':..i.~].o5.' .i.n dc.:vc:] op.i 3',g ~.,~:i.,~; :~hcqg.,i:~~ c:(':,:L,o',:. ~.¢l' .... ]",<)]) ]l~:[.ll, 370 [': ]'OVi.rli; r~;..l ('c'[' t J'Ll:;l"i.l~t ]oi.~.;:i.r.,u ~'~(~'::)~I:._ . ~.c~y' t}lr:' 'J'[lS; ['.:i y] ].e':~;'[. CC]~[:OF, (]'lC : orca, thc: 1),~o],3c~]. t.;:::i.]'~!~ 'L-]~t: up u:]t5] ):('oc:~]L]5' l'.]:e:'c 1~',[:2'~'i. boo]~ r,'m(:l~ J.]~ ~]~:~.. v.',~5' o.,'~])ol)u]a [ J o7: th(,]'(,, 1,~o'..: t'i~L. ]]o (ill (~ s'[: J. oT] c~" ' . dove] o~',",.',-', ....... t. J n t']~,,.. [:rc.:;,. 'J'horo ]'~e'~ ',](j. no .Fur ......... :.h,,~- d:i s;ctl.'.;:;.i c)n f:ccn,.': El:.? c~t.(-' ' ] ~ ( ,~c.,. ....., Or;lei- c:] ,.',3 o ..... (. tml~:" i.~'e):.l.i.c o,)',"[.i.(,_'.~ of' t:J)c:. ~" ,,:': :i C}I:) .~.lTE:.;z!1 (;5 I:OT C.&] .I..C(] [t .i .I \,~(, .n ~('C;c.:..<;.q. C'nrZm:L3'...r,]: C),~;[:c:._r ~.~;3:.oc7. lmmh<: c?~>]'ic.'.a.,~L abo',t.,, tl~e d:,ra.inacj:. ,m'c;)):¢':a Er. )." y'<:.:." :.:~. a d~-z, J.n:~¢'<:~ hasn't have [~,,or: })t) ):c,.<.: :~::':c~ v.'J ['.~ t.}:o c.o.,~.~,. ~c.)~- ...... c~)'L~J'm':'""u- ):,z:T'}.~:~:<~:.;. .5/ PC Hi]~U';OL; '" /lu3y 2:), 3.<'~<',~ ~, iYZ'-:'O',q'.-':l' ]"C'i- 'f;',,', '[(:':,. i'f:c:;-?,:'.~"'[[i/'.{ .r'~.~i,,)i::'.:..'5 :.=~ [i.('i ' L.c,' 't'f~.'<,."-Cf!i"~:'.'/' ~>'~iTj:i; ).'.1' for ...... .' ' '.'-",' '. '.,7 ~- '; ...... ." '-;~ ,' ..... .:':" ................. ' ........ ' ....... ~!::'27~;iic'! 31-3 :.'/:JO add ~']i','; 3~C(,'<)27(! O'..';~£'.r' .5; .l f: ' ~ ':.11,'.~ £;¢:v0.~ ('/) foci;. <>~' a('~<'~.i i 'iol:.:'] .~:{..c,,~oL' r.lc;h';:--of- ;..':'.y 5o.. '..~3 m:',. Thc, alx.)\:o " '"" " . · ].,o,..,.c,n v;a,t~ \.'otc(, }>'f roll cLil]. ......................................................... · V!. Old) pn <'-~, '"' ;,g,S VI. ]'. N ].'; W BU s:r 1,1! ,c,o 1)e co]',L'.:i, nuc~d t.o a 3aL:or da'Lc. ri'ilO hlC>'[ J.£)ll 'v:flf; PON])}.;;~C3' COl}..'<':[')' CAf;.:] IIV-6097 - 3J]);-:,",.~U) 7i. C/J,),.'.".:?.] ]"OY' ~.'C)IITL- V Li 3' J. [I !'! C: O ,'5 t.C)} .... ~""r ,t.l.' '-~: A. Co;'];;'[ .r'~).':'t.:; <).'.'., o': b L,)zJ.L.~ Jn [:(3c'{JlJon Lc.'. i.hc: e>::]:;t.J n(j 30 apar'L:,.,:::.:~t: u.u:i 'c..~.:.. B. 'J'o ];orr.',Jt oi'..:: parkJncj ::;:~.:cc~ la,~;r; t:]'~:n rc:x3u';rc:d by Or(3. J na]':c':e. C. Reduc:i.:;cm (;£' rca:: yard ].)y 2C) fcc'L-. D. ]),o.(]uc:LJon o£ .~;J.c'ic~ yard ]5" ]0 fooL. SJ.'l'.<: i.~; locrzvL-o(] 41'{: %])c:].().~ "L:"',-',='~.. '[: cc.,:~?]':c~ of thc: of.' San Jua;~ ,C;'Lrc~c:i: aucl Ut:t D:c:lYe. Adequ;_~i:r.: ju:;Lific~:'LJcn has no'- b:-.i~n oatab]Js}':.~l to just'J, fy i:}~o qran,~''' - o5 ". . t..I.1l,j {']]C.~ YO(:.I'if) f;L upo:~ a rc:'vJ.::-'.td ai,i>3:icnL'5o)~ t-!'.,at v:L:r; zeco:]vc:d C}u].y 2.2 ~'.,: t!:'.:: ]aai].. 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