HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-08-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 8, 1968 },leetJ~tg called to order at 7'30 P.bl., by (:hairscan Il. l,ed by blt. Webster. PI,IiIIGE O¥: A),l,]i(; l ANCE ] ]']'. l,,Ol,l, CA1,L PTCSCIIt '. Abse~l: Co!~!mi sS i ()BOTS: COln!n J.s s ioncrs: Oster, l,udwig, l':(;l~$ter, Larnard, Hahonoy B~COll IV. APPI~,OVAL OF bi T NtI'I'IiS Others Present' James G. Itourkc, City Attorney James 1, Sup.in,,er Plnnni. ng l)irector Ruth Poe, City Clerk Moved 19' Oster, seco]l(Icd 1))' l,~(h<il?,, that al')proval of t. hc~ Minul. es of June 24, 196[; be held ~n abeyance until such time as lhe ninutes ],ave been sulp.;~tl, cd to thc Commission. P"'l,l(? Ill!AR] N(;S ]. · lip 68-265 LOI>,TN(; A. WARNI!P. To permit tho relocation of an existing pole sign v:ithi, n the required set'l~acl~ area. S~te fronts 228' on lshe soutlu.:est side of ],ap, ul~a lid. approxir.~ately 2,10' norlh- west of thc centerline of lled Ili.]l Ave., knm.:n as "United Rent All" 1450 l,ngunn lload. b!r. Sup.~n,qer descril.-.ed local'.ion of subject property ~il'~I"-*i'G:'cT~kJ-~'I:[T(! npp] icants just:i ficnl:ion and staff report and bis recom~:..endation for apl)ro'.ra] since it will not reduce sight distance for rioter vehicles. ~.I]'. Su~)ir,,er explained that this is just moving an existing sign and there is no cha~ge in the sign il. self. In answer questioning qr. SUl)~nger stated that the pole would come forward to tl~e pr(~perly ]4ne and the sign would over- hang the ri. gl,t of way and the sign is confor}ning at the present t i.~ae. IlearJng was opened at 7'33 P.:,l. Nr. 1,erin?, A. Warner representing United Rent Al!, 1450 ]7)7,iT,"Td--l~{d-d-'~,)'~r6"g-Fn'rc-d'd pi ctt,res taken from feur angles and indicating proble:',: creaied t.,y the ct, rye in the road. blt. Warner also stated that,,,..+~'~ exislJnp, sign i~. a haz- zard as peovle back into il from the, l>ar!.:ing stalls. In a~tsv.'cr to questio::ing by Hr. 5lnl~oncy, ..r. Warner said that lhe sign wi.]l 1)e th(; sane l)~t c]o,:er ~o the street'. Mr. Rnl>ert (:,.'n,',pl)el] oF the QRS Corl~oration, 1716 lfesl IY3~" XiF;~;lk{'f'"gFF6'~'~t'-in I.o:; Angel es spoke in favor o f approval of this Ilse l'er:.;il, and stated l:]~al' his c(,m!~a:~)' had install '" .... c,,~ Lne sign orii,~nallv. There heil:g no furt'hcr CoI':i'IOIItS and no ol:iectJons, thc hearin-=, :,'as.dec]::r,,,d closcd ai' 7'.;0. P.".,.. .Mr. Oster stated t],.at in ]ookjng a! thc photo~; and after ~;'i"6kVi'{i'~"-Yhe silo he felt. that l'i~c need for this Use Permit is evideut. :.loved l',,'. Os,(.~ , seconded hv I.~',!'..';~. th',t lip a-..re'."-. [er t..~e re.~;e l.; aq se~ fort ~ Il t !C .; .:I [ [ l'O )OFt . ~I '--~' '-' 'r -- '~-1 ' I "". 'i 1'(~ n:;, r, i""'i", .......... '.' . ..... ',',',.,'.stet, l':~!tts. No..~,x. ~'~CllO. Al,qe;,t · [~ll (' ,311 . 2. PZ 68- 1('~?...P 1). l,}}'}']ilIT O;'2 ])EIi..',.],]: OF A'I'I,ANTI(2 ] ](,~ll..}il,])~ .... 3 CO. Pla],ninF, Cou]:~i.~;s]on initiated prczo]~.i, np,'of three parcci, s. Pa(cc] "A"-I'C (Se. rvJcc StatJo]~), ]>~rcel "B"-PC (Co~.~- Inertial), Pa(cci "C"-.12-4 (]~si:ai.<~ l{esidcniia]), l'arccls "A" and "B" arc located at the ]IO3'i],WCSt core,er of Fourth Street and Yorl)a Street. Parcel "C" is located at the soul'.ln.:est corner of }':ourl. h Street and Yorba Street. bh'. Sup:i.~,qcr expJ.;.Jnod location and proposed uses and p'}'c- ~Th~:~23'" ~Ti',ifT'fc a n 't: s j u s t i f i c a l: 5 o n a n d s t a C f r e c o n?~c: n d a t i o n s for apl'>rov;,1 subject to thc fol. lowing conditions. Record o'~.,'nor of parcels A and B sip, nin,q an Jr((voc- able af,,l'eo]':ollt TO dedicate addi. tJ.m~al street right }.~aS~O]' ])].gi. 13 Of Si.~'OOi'S way in accordance wil. lt thc ' '' . A parcel ~nap be filed to create parcels A and B fol- lowing an~mxatJ, on to the City.. Architr;cl. ural and ],andscaping Pians bc sub:nj(tod to tho Architectural Co::unittec for revi¢;w. blr. St~pin!,,cr al?;o stated t}~at 5. f thc application i.s ap-. ~:BV[[[l";'"'~-f/Y?Co:nh~J ssi on wort] d be spi',roving thc Two'po]c si.g~s - one at thc ltol'ihwost corncr of the Set-. vice Station site, which JmS proposed to be 70' in h(:Jght, 2SS s(luare feet on eacl~ side, n to(a] of Sll squr~r(, feet.~ and thc one at t],c sout]:c, ast corner of tho Service Station site, p.roi')osed to be ;~l')proxi]:~atcl>, 21' hJ. gh, 72 SClUarc feet each si(lo, ld< square feel. totai. In answer to questioning b>, Mr. l';c])stcr, [,Ir. Supin£cr stated t]~l: thc zoning on thc subject prOl;ert¥ at time is ~,-4. In answer to que:;tions 1)), ;.Ir. lla]us and blr. Oster, .xlr. Rourke stated that the apl)li, caZion does ask for a spec- if j( site p]an approva3 and the Co;:n:~JssJ. on would ]~avc to al)prove it or dJsal>provc it as far as it would (el. ate to szgns. You cou].d res(rye the question of the signs to a specific future ]acctin{i. and at this ti]ne grant t]~e PZ and al)prove the site plan without the signs with lbo idea being tlxat tuft:j1 tl~e ConnnissJon acted on thc signs they cou].d develol~ l:]~e signs just in accordance with tl~e sign oral J. ~1 a~'~ <:c. llcaring opened at 7:47 P.M. Mr. Janes P'ro<:k with the Bostl,:nd Co., an affiliate of the Xi:J'}'i'f~i'j.'d-"l",i'~'li'~"£c.'ld Coral)an>,, stated tl~at th5 s appl i Cal:J O1~ was based on tire City I. iasl:cr Pl. an of ZonJ_~g and tl~ey attempt, ed to co:.~piy with strict acll}c'rai~cc to City Com- it(er(ia] sta~da)'ds and So(vice Stat. Jori ])c, vctl(,lW;ent stan- dards. 'rhe reason for r(...qt~c:sled site plan alq~roval for the corner 5. s that the ertl:irc ])rcposed Cot.u=~erciz~l dcv- elop::~ent centers around lhe develop::t(~nt of the cor]~er itself and the id('~ is to get thc project started ~:Ji]~ thr~t develop::!cni.. The oz,:nor has reqt~c, sted ;:nnex;:i:Jon and thc 3nnd shou2d bo in t]~e Cji>' of TustJn nnd de',',..~- op'~e]~t shot~ld ]~<)t only l)enefJt res/den!.s of the 5i'.:'.edir:tc aren but: surro:~ndi, ng areas as well. ]'d(~ntifJcatio:~ needed 1o attract peop3e fro:q i]~c frcc.v:ay. Wil. lt the applicr~tjo;~ o set of dcvciol:'.~cni st .... ' 5; uln.~iilc,.d x,,]~3c}~ are ;,s critical or ]:iorc so, tlxan thc genc','al da(ds for cort,:~ercJal deve3oi~:::ent that t:avc been esl;tl~]isl~ed by the CSt>'. The>' do not l~i,~'c specific pians for d(.vel- opnvnt. 'l'l~e>' prefer est;~l,]ishi]~g ;t set. of crt(erin wc~:1, g z,c:'ait dc;'eloi'..'.cnt of ~his p:'o .: 't',' in keei~inZ ~.,'ith ]'C ].!inutcs"-~'"Jul)' 8, 196S J.h'. i,(;',.: b'.orrica], ].o:; A].a~,~itc, s sl~,okc on 1,c.],,u]f oF the ..... -"" ..... 2." ' ...... ~ ~'~ "~ .... less ].~,,l~t for'th(: ne:ig]fl>cr~; t]~an signs at 20' or 25' Jn height. Signs are put at greater ]~oi[~]~t.s. to protect suYroun(l~]!~.,, yesid(,.],'[:s. Mr, Dan l';orthin?,to'n, 17342 \'incwood Avc]~uc, (wi. thin 200' ~lT-l~i;'6TLl~>~{Jfi-[:.]'~-C~t. cd bc was agai nst this type of dev- e]ol'nnen'L' as this 5s tho f]'o~t door of tho City. l'/5l:l~in that ]ocatio]~ there are nine scrvi(:c stations within 6 blocks and 33 stations in the City. lfi. t]~ ]~a].f of tl~e 13,400 people in t]~e City (n.[l~ing cars, that means there are about 200 ca~'s per station. Thc present zoni]~g of ]~-4 would preclude a business li}:e this, and he did no't fool that it would bo in thc best interest of the City to put a service si:aLien lit its doorsi:cp. bir. Warren ]:i.s]ler, 12332 Vjnewood Avc, n',~(.', stated he is ~lT~-][67ii'~:~k-Y']i'i.]-li'I~bor and was opposed to this application because of the noise and lights ~nfl there arc enough service sial. ions in the area and if eno corner goes thc others wJ].l be going for service station development. bit. llenry blorgan, 17341 V~nca,;ood Avenue (within ]S0') ~bh121--~C'~6-"i{~{~'efit to be derived from another service statJ birs Vcrn,', Adams, 17352 Yincwood Avc.,ue stated she. was Bppos-C~l to a service station at this ].ocation. Mr. Bob B.jtl:er, 1736]. Rogolcaf, stated ho was opposed to ~ servi"f(6--s-i-[i'CJon at tills ]ocation and.thc:r(', is nothing prevent an oil conpany from going on ri tw(:p, ty-four l~our service where you have to li:;ten to c~,'rs and bells all ni[,,l~t and u:;i. ng thc residential streets for a proving grounds for re;paired cars. htr, Ted Andcr:;on, 14711 Yorba Strcct, stated he i.s ~z-t-]~,---~,'P,-j'~,~.-tg.~'t to this cor.'~;;',crcia], develop;..nent. had been under thc' impression that tl~c Yorba Street i. ntcrsectimt along with the con.tinuation of First Street was zonc,'d for Profcssionsl Crn:::nc:rcial and he had been happy wJth tl~at ty. pe of construct, ion. lle stated that he is aga'tnst thc service station and any restaurant or motel tl~at could be on the rm',~p, ining propcrt)'. blaior Zt,?,]er, 17282 Roseleaf, (property backs to back .~-{'[l-e--o'T'""~4.~-n~cl B), stated he is very ~auch opposed to this use. lie did not feel that any propert7 owner tn the area would object to thc t)'pe of professional dc\'e]opme:~t on Fourth Street, but wou]d object to a f:i. lling station or the possibility of a restaurant or motel. bit. Proc]: stated that the ultim;:tc de,ce]op:aent of the E~]~'t-fiT~-~7 depended on the proper ba.]auce of residential and com::;ercial, l'hcy have offered thc possib2]Jty of zoni. ni~ the northerly 160' (al~out 300' of frontage on Yorba) as I~-3 use w~ich would occupy ~,;ore than 50% of the front~,ge on Yorba between service station,s and existing sinol, e fm.iilv 'residential as rc, sidcn~ial They do not feel it is tJ~e best use b~l if the n:i[:hbors feel a resJdcni:ial use is ~;ost (!esirab]e l:l~ey would !,,o along with i.t. Objections sec:: to 'seZtle around thc service static, Il. If the residents wou]d inSl~CCt the apl~15cation filed they wou]d see that the at, t;~ched devcl(2i'.~.~ent stan- dards are quite res!.ricl'ive and archJZc.,('l, vr:tl control i.s one or the strict crileria, llJs cc:,:i)any ~.'ould willinll to co~sider ]aodi'fic:atinns. PC Mil~utes July 8, ]9,68 :. ~'-0~:]~j-"~;~"'~'~'t:'~T~']-'-t.')~:'~"~--l'~'(',t~"[ h St~' uet. J ~:, thc ].;;'.:i n ell Lra]]ce to the city and t]i[[t r~t)~c'.].' t.]~?n ]~re-cr~pt station and juicing u]) of cars ~,'ou]d do e]]cou)'a[,,e t]~e use o'F Yor])[~ Street as Thoro 1)ei,,],,, no fu~'t]~ez' co].u:~c'.nts or objectio]~s, t]~e hea]'Jn§ t.,'as dc~c].al'(~.d c]osod at 8'1.5 P,}4, Ch[)Jrman lla]~)s dcc].arc:d a fix'(: ]nJnute re:tess, Mr. t;ebstc;r stntc;d: That tho At]anl:Jc Rlcl~fie]d {:o]",.pany.i$ notorious for their coo])erat. Jo]) wjt]; thc lie j.s ])ersonal].y ~2l,,rcs.~;J\'e ~,'he)) i.t con:cs to a])Bc, xatJ. c)n to ]ust. JB. '3, ]:ou]'t]~ Street is tl~e enlrance to thc; :',s its architectural (!eve]c,];:;~¢.~c,~* ])lantJ. ng, s.i. gns, etc. T]~e ~,:hole t.int 0£ th(; street r(:prc;sent.s ~.:e ~..'ant Tu.stin to 1)e. In the sla££ repo~'t ~t ~u. entions that this i.s wi. thin 1.]~e town c(~nter area and a].tl~o~gh n(.,t J.n tm.'n cent'er area Stud)' Area. At the ].nst counci]. ].~eetJ~£,,, CouncJ.]man ,',Iii.]er spec5 fJ.c,t] ] y as]ced rogarclJ nil thi s COl'llO~' al)out the I)eodar Trees. Ilo ~.:as told that the of Yorba Street o~x tl~e AfterS. al lli~;l;~:ay Plan proc:cdu'ra]., and t'l~e~-c wcro no specific deve]op-- r,~cni:s Jn ):~Jnd md if there were, tl~e ~.~oul(] ]~avc a ft)'l, ure Ol)po]'tunJt)' to )'ex'~e~.,' the cc)n- siclcrntJons on thn'c propc:]'t),, PC Zones or Co;;:;nc'rc~.n] us[~ges as sho~.:n on the (iencr~t] 1>];~)) can also I)e const)'t'.od to the ])rofess~onal zon~]]g. 'l'])e present E-4 on t]~Js corner Js ])ot ]o[,,Jc~] but be ].s not in favor of straight co:,.,;~ercia] either. A]thou[;]~ tho ArchJtectu~'~l Co;.nJttee ~cou~d have the ability to meet ~c~th and (]es~g;~s of structures the)' would not h[~ve the to ].JnJt the uses of the ' . .~r. SupJnger if, on the B Parco], ~'l~-- ~."[~[~"' ...... cta~'(,~; ~,.,ou]d ]i~,;it uses. Mr. SupJ]Lr,''.,(.] 're, ad thc: ten uses ]jsl'.e(l in ti:e I)C ~'('.'/,5'ffl'~T r'a'14'. .... Mr. l','c,l::;ler l.l',e]~ slated tlt:~t ~:t this p:,i. nt )~c did ~3*~"j"('i~] .... 5'}~' n l)OSJl:5on to vet(' for an r. pprova] of this l)rC'~zo;~e ~:~; Jl j~; st~l~;.iit'l, ed and ~.:oulc'. ]Jlte ;: continu;~:ce l(', tlle nc,xt ]'egul;~r r.~eetJng t(> ft~rlI:er consider tl~e il'o;~s l)rcse;~ted l]~is evenJ, n/:, ,Ioxe(1 1~)_ ,,,:,:,,:.c.)., ..(c.o.~c,c.c, 1',:, ],nrn.:r. tl~:'~t 68-]09 ITL:- S'O'ff'~ J TS,,'::}1'" )"'(~ ~" "L 5:6:- ~ ~r c I, ~' 'L1 {i5:' 'ti¢'" t ~ ,'~: r c, a s o :~ s · ' Stlt~ - ii:~l'l.('d l:1}i~4 ('x'c']'~i;~:l 1)5' th(" ]~(',"'.e o:..'::ers in t]'.,:~ thc ]C'iit:I' fl'(,;': tho (:/)ttili'x' l'lc:tn[n:', Cc "."~j r.~: '; (:.,! at~,~ !('tcc" c.: file f .... , "' . ,. .... . ' . , ~u....::. C.V '~,,:'.',o','s 'l'l~i:; co:':'::.L:i:':.2~ 1o a13o to i:[t:]:,,l,., tl~:' I'C Hinutc.'~'Ju])' 8, ]!)62 ]n ans~:cr to qt',c:;t.i.o~:.'i~:i~ by }ir. Osl. cr, l..ir. Prock slaic, d l.]~at thc idea for I',-3 was 1. o co~t:;J, dcra'..'.. R-,'5 usc ou l])c:'no'fi, hc:'])' 160' of ]'arco1 l;, poJnl:ed out o~ thc nap ~,'l~crc VJnev,'ood Street,. dc;!d end:; into Yorl;a, south of the nothe~'ly linc,, of Parcel B, I'::ith l:]~Js R-3 on a ]~l~c' roul;l,ly al]ed to tJ~e exJst. Jng l:ortherl)' linc of cia1 zonJ~g on ]:first Strcc',t would be a declJ~:atim: 1}el:~:ccn Co;'.:nercJ.;:] and a North-Yout]; d~recl, io~. Hr. Prock also :;aid the, y wou]d consider Profession:a] for rc~:~ninJng porlion. Mr. llalus sl'atod tl~at applica~tts site standards ~::ov¢,,d 176'-ff~;]'i'i'l-~[ble for study for the ~ext re,qul~:r inccting. Above ~iml:Jon ct~rric:d b)' ro].l cal]. Ayes' !~'~lTk--t.-d'F'~'-':,17i']T6'hL.'SrT'-O-.Ct. er, ],udwJ. g lla ] u:; Absent: Bacon. Noes · No~c. Mr. Oster requc;sted, that thc; public apl~earinl,, be:fore ~T~--'(';~iffl;-,.'.~"ssSon l)e advised that thc~'e :.s a]e, ttcr from the Orange Count)- P]anning J)cpartncnl: available at the Planning Of.lice as v:el] as thc file on tl~Js nat.ret. VI. OI,1) BUS l NliSS P,qrking Requirements h,,¢, prcparc, d a bh'. ila]us st~ted that thc staff ~' listing of parking requirement:; jn Orange County, and felt the Co:n::~iss:i. on should move on 5~ review- ing these rcqui remenl:$. bh'. SupJni,,(~r stated that, he ha:; not received conn!~cnts 15TfcT"-'fi:BiY-'d'~Tvelopcrs, 1)uc does hope that the Col:;,'.',SssS. o)'. cou]d have: a v:ork:;hof~ with ail parties concerned and he would coordinate th.is stud), sessSon. 2. Consi. dcratio',~ of Sign Ordinance Mr. Ilalus stated that. the Char, fi)er of Comi:.icrce Connnitt¢,c ~--]iff2-c-{"i'iT,{; on this ord:inancc and submitting their rec- ommendation to the Chand)cr Board later in thc month and at that point 5. l: n~.ight be appr¢,priatc to consider a work- shop. V].]. Nlilf BUS] ":~:S~ None VIII. C .ORRIiSI:ON - I)]:,~S[: COUNTY C:\SE ZC 68-2.'5 - Orange Count), Planni. ng Connissio:'.. 5 Propo:;es to chanf:c from R-4 "Suburban I',esidcntial" l)5. strJct to tl~e C i"l,ocal llusi, ness" DSst'rSct. Pro~)e:'t7 ]ocalcd on the r~ort, lp..:cster]y corner o£ ~.iil:c]:ell Avenue and Newport Avenue. b~f!:_:.....~..u.p..~.p_fkp..~j, su,,,,p, ested that the Co;r.i::Sssio~ reitder strong oppositJ, c~:~ t:o the (]ouilt)' to th5 ~; re zoninfi. Th Ss Co;:;nis:;ion has had con;~ur,~cai'ion rclal'ive to PC 68-17 adjacent propert)- which is zoned R-,I and have Opl,O~Cd it. 'l'hnt zone c]~::af;e is still pc:uding. lqov(:d 1~)' Of;t c:?', seco;:ac','l b)' l,t~',.v.':.,.q i. llat th.~:; Cor::':i s:;io:~ sinilar to 1:1,(, letter directed l:l',.e;~) re-r, rdJnq ZC 68-1'/ in uhich we. advisc:d tl~en we were Ol;pOSC:d to nclditJo~ial COM:.',r?.YC.i21 ZO]:~]~3. In ans::er t.o (!tlc.ctio:!i]~f, by :.ir. :,k~hono)', :.!r. said ZC 65;-17 ]::,d o-rigSl::'.!Sv ca':~e '.'.s ': lis:? Vp:'ionc:c:. Th[., Co:.'..is::i'.-,:~ k,d c.t.l,e..;cd thnt a-.,1 zuFr-,:ste,.i p:'ci:c: ',';::' to f.o t, l ct~t i~ ;..'::s a LC.:;.,' ~.,'e did ~:t.t give 1}~:7.!.' c::'¢ il;,,[icl..t;_:'~ :,'.:.:: :.:e would rr'co::::i,:,nr] Jl'~ £;.\'(:?' or. ti~;,i, l.'hen l!zc;' ]'C ': ." ,.,Jnt',tc..~o- Jtt])' 8, ]:Ir, c, IX. O'I'III!R BUS]NESS MI-; N T the zo~.c cl~,al~)';.c! tl,.p. (.:o.::i.~5.,;zio:t st ro;~.;l )' oi,],o:.:ed t,]::..t 1)C.C~ll:;C' 'L]IC]'C '1;['..5:, 110 IlCCt} ~Of ~'.t:~.i~ J(.,!';3] zoni.]~i', in l.]~e Sou'ch.'.~'~'l~ l'~;,rl of thc C'ii.y :'nd-thief' still I;(:ndi]:g. Now h:,.vc tl'.is .z:l;pij. catio]~ 'i. nitj:,'['cd !,')' tho Coun'i )' Pla]~rtJ nj: (:o!:.i.'..i .~; :; .i (.m . Above ]aot5o]'~ tax'ri ,' ' ' '',,' (,(.. [,Il'. ~.lllJlo]!c), vot. J.] i, ilO. ] . Attc,.ndancc Mr. }la]us; requc::;tcd ti,at al)sc]it from ~, ]i:(:ci'.ing please ]lol:J.f)' thc Staff. Hr. lia].us stated that l~c ¥:ou]d l,c at,sent f'ro~a the next meeting and Mr. Ostc'r would tal:e over thc cl)ai r. }.ir llalu.t ~::::dc note of i.lie next ];,eec.~.n[; to be hc:]d in ],o]~r, ]~ecch Thursday 3. Brown Act Cm:.!.',u;~i(:ation frei.: Cily Atto)']'~c), regards],,,' '~, cou'Jl. decisim~:; on L~o',.,n /,,ct presc:;~tc;d blt. P, ourlcc stated allot'her ]ettc:r would I,'c foytl; .- ~'67~'f~'il;"-l{'~'~':'a~:;e of a ~,,',odific~:t.i. on to that cc;uti: dcc:i.:;io:~. blt. llalus :;1)o],'.c of %h,.: ],cague f:o]:fc, rcncc in 1,os A~l;,c.'].cs, October 13th-16i:h and asked H'r. Sul',5. nge, r to conx'e.y to H-,'. (;ill thc 'interest of tho ]~].alii'~ill[; Co]:ll:li..qSJOil i]'~ attcr;di~:g sm:..e sessions. It was stated that thc're had bean a great dca] of co])trovcrsy []ssociatcd wil. h 'the Jack-]n-'i'h(:-.Box. Col:Iparcd to oi:]lcYs iA1 Souther~ CaJi. fornia tl~i.s c,~e is eminently an i;:~l!rox'e]:icnt and apl',areni. Jy suc- cessful. be adj oux'nc'd. Carried. CI1AI CITY Cl,}!"l,l(