HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-24-68minutes of a regular meeting tustin planning commission june 24, 1968 II. PIA.'.I).3E OF ALI,E(~IAi.iCF, III'. ROI,L CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ve PUBL][C IIEARI NC S June 24, 1968 Thc z:eet:ing was called t'o order at 7:30 Pol. l., by Chair,,mi~ lk:lus. Led by Chairman llalus. Present: Commi,qsioners: Oster, Ludwig, llalus, Webster, Larnard, Mahonay Absent: Co~::ais s ione. r: Bacon. Others Present: llarry E. Gill, City Adrainistrator James G. Rourke, City Att:orney Ben Eq~eelock, Public Works Director James 1,. Sul~ngcr, Planning Direct:or Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary ~t was moved bX Nr. Oster~ seconded by 1.~, l<0~D~fiJ~ that the Minutes of gune 10~ 196~. be 2. pm:oved as mailed. Carried unanSmou+;!y. - 1. UP-68-264 - EDDY MER]'iI)]'T'I[ Considcrat:ion of a Use Per,sit to move a single story office building onto a parcel of land fronting 90 ft. on the north side of Nain Street approximately 70 ft. east of the ccntcrlinc of Prcl,lc Drive. .}ir.. S..ujL'~.n~...£.r- pres(;i~tcd thc: staff report stating that the applicant is the owner of a practically uaw, air-conditioned, fully carpeted building which he is us'~ng as a ,,;ales lmvi].ion at a development site. lie. wishes to mov,4 the bui]din[; to tile Tustin location, nc:xt to his present office and to rent the building as small deluxe offices..Mr. Sul)in~er reco;';nmnded condition:ti approval. Chairman ][alus opened the public portion of thc hearing at 7:33 P.M. ~]aere being no discussion from the audience, C_l)_a_i_rjnnn_.l?,J:_u.s closed the public portion of trim hearing at 7:34 P.M, Thc parking requirements were discussed and it was determined that there was sufficient parking for the use. ]'t was tmved by?ir. _O_p~'q_r_~_.,ccon(.cd 1)tkjjr._J~)2la!'d_~. t'lmk Rcsol. utiou No. 987 be adoptc.d~ coj~d_it~onallff, approvipf~ UP-68-264 for the following reasons: ~e Commission finds that the estal;].ishment, maint-enance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safer'y, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborl~ood of the proposed use and it. will not tm injurious or detrhncnt:al to thc propert'y aud hr.i)rovcu~ent:s in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 2. As additional grounds thc, minutes and evidence introduced at: the hearJug are ~nc!uded by reference and mr:de a part of the mot:ion. Cond it. ~ ohs: That buildiug and lan-lscaping pl:ans be sulx:;itt'cd to the Archit. ecturc. 1 Comm~tt'ee for approval. The Archil'ectural Co:~::n~tee ,qhould be par- ticularly directed to seek t'he normal standards expected for porn:anent buildiugs construct:ed Jn thc, City. 2. That the pre. viouzly su:,mittcd pa,:cai, maI) be co:::p].eted. 3. That a 5 ft. drsi,)age ca.tet:'.ont be gra'..ttod slop.% the easterly property lin- o.f subj:.ct: parcel. ]'G l!il'utc'~; - 3ur. v 24, ].968 Tim above .::orion x.:c:',; rot'cd by roll call. Larnard, 1.:el,:;t:cr, il:!]tu;. No,,.g: I<onc~. 2. V-68-212 - XIif:?UC]',f ].'ll]'M) CU.i'CKI,iN To permit the following: Aye.q: O~.;toz', l,u:l,.:jg, li::l;o;':~'y, Ab:;¢u~L: ];acon. C:,r~'J od 6--0. A. A pole sign (rot'al area 603 scI. ft., height: 40 ft.) 1. To permit' more klmn one pole sign in a co:aq~lex (subject: prolmrl:y includes that on x.:hich t-ho tin, on 76 Sc, rvJ. cc St'at:ion is ].ocat'cd v;hich p'rc~sent:].y has a pole sight). 2. To permit: sign area of ~nore t:lmn 300 sq. ft. tot:al are& and 150 sq. fi:. per face. 3. To por.:d.t location of said sign ;ti. thin thc required set. back 4. To permit' animat'ed ].igl{ts on an arro~.~ 5. To pc~rmit: t;op port' of sign (bucket) to 6. To po~tik sign hcigl~t of more t:han 25 fi.. as permitted by the SSgn OrdJnaitce. B. Roof Signs: 1, Two (2) "Kcnt'ucky 1/rind Chicl;cm" signs with an area of 150 sq. ft. each. a. ]Ioof signs are permitl, od only in ].icu of po].n signs. 2. Oeo (].) "The Co].olml's" sign wit,ii an area of 37 sq. a. Roof sig{ls are pcrr. a~i:t'cd only in lieu of polo signs~ 3. One (1) '"i'ake llomc," sign with an area of 26 sq. ft. a. Roof signs are permil ted only in lieu of po].c signs. C. Total. sign area (966 sq. ft.) 1. Tot:al area pormit:~'ed on tim site as pe~: tim Sign Ordinance is 220 sq, ft. Locnt~on: Proparty fronts 110 ft. on t:he soutl{west side of First' Street appro>:Jmatc:]y 220 ft.'nort'hcast of the ceut'crlina of Ney;port Freeway. Mr Sun~neor prc~sc, ntod the staff report stating that tho magnitude of the subject requc'~,t is greater than parmii:ted uudcr tim cxist:ilK~ Sign Ordinance. ],istcd ]>c~].o;.., arc tim salient features of tqm request' as comi~ared to tho Sign Ordinance, 1o Total SSgn Area 2. Nu:c. bc;r of ]'o]e & Roof S:igna. 3. Area oaf Po]c~ Sign 4. llcJgbk of Pole Sign. _R.9..q'ue.q t Perm'{ t:J?.cl_...lD] Ord 'J rmnc¢ 966 SCl. f~. 220 sq. ft'. 4 0 603 sq. fi:. 0 40 ft-. 25 Subject ln:opr~rt:y, aleuts with that' on x.:]:5cl~ t'ho Union 76 Son"vi.ce S~at'5on is ]ocal'od, are 51~ one o;mc:rsl~ip and x.'Olt].(]~ a~; provided in Sc,c'{:Jon 6.10 76 skat.~on ha:; ~ pole sign, and bccat'~;e only oeo pole VarSmtco 5.~ -2- ]tj~; th:: opj.n.lon of the Plav..t~in',~ ])epart:::::nt that Lha subject: requ::.st is unj ti~ L i lied and denial was recoi;z::al~,do, cl.. Chair::rm Ira]..,,.s opqn,'~,d thc: public portion of thc hearing al: 7:36 P.Mo Mr. Ceor~.L_(.,'.~.].~jJi..:;iji2;., 1181 ].],:ust~ 1,'J.rsL St'root, Tust. in,.pvcsidcnt' of Brozd,uoar ]?ark homes, :~p,oke, stating thai' he represented 70 residc'.itts opposing subj¢,ct request, llis feeling ;.:as that. the propo:;cd use is a well known estahlisl,'..tent and did not~ need thc additional heii;ht mid square footage th,'.tt l;l~c applicmtt is rcquesl, i~tg for advcrtisment. }ir. Jaffa, 61.07 S. Sepu].veda, Culvar City, California, representing Kentucky 1.'tied ChJ.cl~m~, stated that tills is a norm:ti type sign and they were de.'-..irour; of a better location ¥~ith more parking to give the cnstomcrs better s¢;rv~¢:e, lie stated t:hat he did not know ¥:hat tire City would actually permit so felt that they should ask for thc top and then'deside what they could live' with. Mr. Jo:.~ Finl:lebc~r~i, 3225 l,acy, Los At, gales, Kent-ucky Fried Chicken represent- ative, stated that he ~.:as under tl~: ~.mprc,~;sion that none of the, signs were allowed that they wanted without coming in through a wtriancc and they were not asking for any special favors but~ for better advertising for their lmsin- ~.SS. There being no other discussion from the. audiencc~ Chairman Halos declared the public portion of thc hearing closed at 7:45 Mr. Supi~J_!!i: stated that he has talked to various representatiw:s relative to thc Sign Ordinance and thc requested signs and bad made thc;n ax.rare of the necessary rcquirc, r.:ants, lle stated t:hat he had indicated YJmt signs would be allo%:od, but: had not told them that no signs would be permitl:edo The Co:nmission felt that no effort or attempt }tad been made by the represen- tatives to reach an agreement with the City on a middle ground basis and the concern with the C~ty was tlm h~neo,.mc~rs, aesthetics and beautification of the communJ.[:y. Thc request %.~as for extreme deviation from the S~gn Ordinance. Mr. O:;t(:r strongly opposed any sign that would exceed thc Sadd].oback Bank and the 76 Ur&on Oil S~rvice Station and stated that if thc app.l, icar, t had not as!.~c:d fo]; so:nething four thn,qs tlm size permitted by the S~gn Ordinance, he would not be adverse to x.:orking something out ~.~ th them if there x.:as hard- ship shown but under the present circvmstances could not vote affirmative on this requ¢:st. Chairman Ha]us voiced his disapproval over an~n,.ated signs. }tr. ~.;ehster stated tha~ he ~.ms not: in favor of the request as it now stands and d~d not ~.:z:nt to go throug]~ a detailed discussion on each item at this point and time. It ,,:as moved by Mr. Webster,. seconded by }!rs. I,ud,,.;fg_~__t:.hat Application No. V-68-2].2 bt denied for the fol].a,..:it~.~ reasons: Circum,.;tances applical~lc to the subject property do not deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinit'y m'~d under shni].ar circu:mc;tances because of t. hc st:ricr application of the 'i~m approval, of the subject request ~;ould co:mtitut:e a gran[: of special privi].egc:s ~ncons:i. st:ent with thc ].~uitatious upon othc~r properties ~t~ the vicinity and disL:rict ~n M~ich the subject proper[')~ is locat, cd. Tho al)ova motion was voted hy roll call.. Ayes: Ost'c,r, Lud'v..'ig, lla].us, Webster, Larnard, ~;ahoney. Noc, s: None. At)sc:ut: ]]::con. Carried 6-0. -3- VI. O] ,D · B1Lql;3:SS Vi] · NEW BUS].;'.TF:S S For re. zoi~iug {If 3.2 acres of lvnd fro::; the C-2 (Ccn['rnl District to tl,c,_.R-3 (blultil~].e l'a::~.:ll.y ],....,Jdcmt. j;t]) ])JslrJ. cL- Loca{:5on: Subjcct lol: fronts 295 ft:. o;t the norths-,x,e of ;kq?addcn Street: al,p'coxJn~at, ely 180 ft. x..est of tim ccnterli~te of ]'asndcna a~d is bounded on the westerly sza~. by t:l~e Kax.?l)orl: Frccw.,ay. }l._r_~. S!~L~.t~Lc.z'' ln:esenLcd thc: sta££ report reco:~.m:,ud'~}g co:tdit:5 o:ml app-cowt]. for 1. Tim proposed zoni~T, 5s in 2. Thc rezonJng will remove CO:Ta?.crcial zoning wh'~ch is nor nveded to serve thc: existJ.ug or ful:ure need:; of t'lm area, Cond J. t ion: 1. The. approval should ba subject to dadic, at'ion and ccmsCruction of strcc¢ faci. lil:Jes t:o provide, adequate access ~o the propa,rty. the public porl:ion of the hearing at 8:05 ]'.M. Mr. ])on Seve~?.., ]:rc:driclrs Da¥cl. op;,,:'.nt rci)rese, ntaCive~ was in att:euda~me and explr:[nc,d tim devolop::mnt's SHCJ'OULt(Jj.I~g t:l~e requesLed zone cl}mqV~. lle stated that they would be glad to comply witlt the regul.at:ions and would ansx.'ar any quasi:ions. Thc:re be. ins no furtlter discussion from the audience, Chairi:~m~. tlal. v..~; declared thc: pul)l:~c port:io:t of the hearSng cl.o.~;ed at 8:06 Af te r a vary br ia. ? d J scus s ion a~,?.)~xg tl~e Co:md.:: s J 3ricer s, ~L.!.7.15_?fDS]3[. JLZ l)Jst:rJct for tim foJlov,'in[~ rea. sons: 1. The proposed zoning is itt conformm~ce with the Central PJ.nn. 2. The rezoni~,g will rC,.lnOVe co ....... rc.',.,tl, zoning which 5. s not: needed to se. rve the existing o:: fut:urt~ needs of tim area. Be As additqonal grotn~ds,' t:he r.d.nutes and evidence introduced at tim hearing be included by reference and made a l)art: of t'l,e mo [: J on. ion: 1. Approval is subject to dedJ. catiou and ......... ' CO~.,.".;~. 3. ttCL.].Oll O~ st).'(lO~' facilities to provide a('equal:c access I;o [:ha t:rop,',rLy. The al)ova motion was voted by ro].l, call. Webst:er: l,a','uard, I..'.ahoney. Noes: None. Ayes: O..'.:ter, ],t~:l,..:.;.g~ ]Iai. us, Al)gel'd:: ]~;t co1). C',q ?;r :[ C!¢I 6-0. NONi". To co:,J)'ine pr~rcc]:; fo.." pu,:posos of develop:~,et:t. J:p_q.a_t' 7_%::: '" ~ .... . ~.,.ct. ::$do. o£ I.:a~: Street' appro:.:hc..al'eJ.y 80 ft, eosl. of Prel)].e l)rJ.ve. (,,-.3 zone) Nr...._~Ztlpj.,!.%e.?.]. pres:::i)t'ed a brief staff report st:ati'a3 t:l,at' t'hi:; parcel is curr(.:~l'l.y tire subject' of a Use prop.,r t y. F,r. Supjl',l;!?2 st:at:ed tlmt a].l street: iI:II~I:OVCM..']I£S a~:{~ ex].stiu[~ except str(~et trees. Street righ[ of way is in County arua r~,ther th~:n in City limits. %. Conditional approval was recon'._,'a'.mdcd. It: was ~r. oved by. }4r, Web,st'er~ ~c:.e.o~.v. lcLd by. Mr, Mahenc¥ that a }',i~mtc Ordc:r be adopted ap~KqFf6J~ ttm parcel r?,~3!~: ease,:enE for 5 ft'. a!on~:J,¢~ cast: ].i:x~ of the ]~93'c~J.~?~_~j~'.':! al~provo. 1 ~y the Cft)L~i~ineer and recordation of the Thc: above mol:ion carrJed tn]al].~n~ou.~;].¥ - 6-0. 2. TEN]'A'I!]VE I..~AP Ti,'ACT ~O. 6617 - 2nd RIiV!SIOi',' Location: Between First Street mtd Fourth Street, west of llolt Avenue. }Ir. l~,rheelocl'~ sul>m'itl:cd a report stating that several, meetings have been held with the Tustin Savings and Loan regarding subject ~,.ap, The map has been revised to elimit:ate thc street being placed al.ong the westerl.y property line at First Street (S~cgel propc;rty). Discussions have been held with tl,e adjacent property owner (Cbmmarusti) who Js ~.ot: 5n favor of dedicating a 30 fi:. strip of his propc:rty. A 60 ft. public street in thi.~ location may 1lave some public benefit, althouglt access could be maintaJued by constructJ.~g an uudedicated driveway, minimum of 30 ft. wide from Fourth to First St. reets on the Savings and Loan property It was recommended for conditio]ml approval. fir. Edward J. ]{i;.~, President o{ Tustin Savings and Loan Association~ spoke, stating that be would like to have thc, TelH:atJ.ve Nap conditio~ml!y approved upon reaching an agreement with i.h-. Vito Cimzaarusti as stated in his letter dated June 21, 1968. .Mr. Vil~_C'.~.nT..q_r?_p_31i!., owner of tl~ property located on Fourth Street adjacent to subject map sub:nitted a let:t:er to the Plapning Depart~nant June 21, 1968, stating that the street a.!ign:n,ant as sho~.m on the map requires dedication of a strip of his property 30 feet wide a].o}~.g his easterly boundary. }le stated that lm was willing to dedicate thJs 30 foot strip and pay for the ~Jnprovemants of thc stre(:t which include curb · and gutters, side¥..alk, street lighting, and pav~.ng, provided that the Tustin Savings and l,oan grants, to hhn free of charge a strip of ].and adjacertt to and southerly of his property, the width of which would be 31 feet running from the proposed street boundary to l,is westerly property line, and that the Savings and l,oan pay for all rcquir~:d street improve- ments along this 31 foot strip° The total dim~.nsion of the property would be 31 feet by 150 f¢:eto He expressed strong opposition to the street alignment being placed on his property due to the fact that 1/6 of his property ¥;ould be e].iminated and he would not be able to use the land for its original purpose, if the Tustin Savings and Loan did not grant him the square footage requ::stcd. Chaim.~an U;t]vs called a 5 minute recess. Meeting reconvcned at 8:30 PoMe It was moved by. lj.r.2...O, bjLq.r:a_S, gc_'.ptDrJ_(!(.?.' b__y. l.;ro Larn;.!rd that Tet:.~at:ivc Tract [~L. NOo 661'/ be api~roved subject to the follow.Lt~g coudJ, tion.~: Crauting of 60 fto width for street right-of-way with Z~0 ft, curb to curb di.~;t~mce and 10 foot park'..:ays on those portion.-; of inter,or streets within t'hc tract, 2. Providrl ~.daqu..t.,. street ].zglt,.~no on First Str,,et, Fourth Street: 'and int(~rior tract st. roots aud anuc.x cnt::;re propart:y t:o TustJu Lbght:ins District. 3o All public improvem~mt:s, sewers, drainage facilities and appurt- enances slml. 1 be cons~ructccl t'o City standard~; an~ approved by th:: City [.lug [~c'.er. '5-' 2.9 ~w- 4. All p.::!;].ic Sl:rc, c'l:'tic, c:s .';]):~11 be plx)vJdud and pi. al)Lcd in acc. ord;::)cc %~il'h CJ L"y PF.ov:Ldc adc'qu;:l.c draiur,.gc fac:[].J.t:ics 'to serve tls,,, tract at tlw ,,;out1) cr, d of tlm inh:].-io;: strcc't aud co~fK~cl' t:o thc existing First St reel st:erin dra~n. Tl)o.¢;e scgi:,cmts of c>;'[.~;tilK.', i)-r~gal, io:~ lines conflicting wJl.i~ OF. (mltlila!l[}(ll'Cd by almty t)~OpO::Pd const, ruction slm].l l;,'m and relocai-ed or collaps(.d mid b:ickfilled~ or o[:iierwJrc~ re,nde to confor~.~ t'o t.l~e Sl):,ci~i(:at:ions of the City o2 Tust:;nt ];uild- ins Code. or to t:lm satisfaction of the CS t'y Ih)g:[neer and irt)gal:ion line owner. 8, GrallL ill :fc(.~ Lil;l(; to ],et A t'o thc: OIL)' o£" , .... 9. I.linJn'..u:',l street grad(,s ¥.'il:hilx tim 'J7r,'.tct ~au:;t. and al>proved by the Ciry Engineer. ].0. ]'nclt~dc: t:he balancm of the prolmrt'y conl.aining t't,e ¢:xisting bull.alii'IS a~ a lot x..]t)talt t-he: ].~c, ct. ])c,:.~c,:L~.on of r~£;bl:-of-v.'ay agreeiacntt' and securj, ky for ~lllpl:o,.rc~- merit:s, and grai)tin5 of propcn:ty to ad jaconet o',.:per as set forkh J.n ]~xl)'J.l.~J.t: "A". Thc: al)eve mot::Lo!~ wn,q voted by roil call, Web:;['c,c, }:al)on, y, l,:)ch.:Jg. Noes: Ab,cent: O,~;l:er ~ l,,qrnn rd ~ Bacon. C*:rr J c.d 6--0. 3. PAIlCE], ?.iA1) - 'J'US'.I'Ib: S.-WJ:i~CS A:'iI) 1,0..'2'~ To divide parcel for p-u:'l)O,,:c:; of salt and dc:volop::).:~nt. side of Fourth Sir(mt:) 607 ft. x.:e,qt of llolt Ave. Dy.__O_F.v_~.l..le_l..i.Z.(.2'_,%, City Engineer, sul):?ittcd a report, of sul)jcct parcel mat) stal:'~ng fl:at: th~.s parcel is a port:Lo, of a larg(:'r 11 acre propvrt, y ovnmd by Tust. J~ Savings & l,oan. A second portion of tqm prolmrt'y 5s under cor)siderat:5o',~ as 'lk:nt. at:ive Tract- 6617 (2nd Revision) and t:hat this parcel ~nap shottJ.d be revJcx.md 5n conjtnmt'Jort with thc: Tract Nap. All strc. ct ii:~i)?ovel;:cni:s al'e ex:io,,t''.~.no" cXCel)t $idev.'alk and street trees. The. City boundary iin(: is 50 ft:. sout:h of l'he 1.'ourth St'rec,.t' cc, il[:p2:].i~lo hence all street right of x.:ay i:; in the County tprrit'ory. lie re, come:inhaled ti)at a 1.lJnute Order lie adopt'cd al)prey)n)', tim parcel l:!ap subject: to con,~t] u,., ].on of.' a sidex:a].l.: on l:om't:h Street: and fil:al approval I CCOl (:~ c ].0il by thc City Engineer and ...... of the r, mp. After a brief discu:,,,:Jon among the Co:,.'.'~i,qsioners, JJ.'.):.':qj;.,..U2.v__r'.ql_t.,'_:.%.l_.~y_,_._I'!~.;..?.;.Z'.' ~.~, ~i~]:. adopted }2°..ti.! P_9...e. F_):j:_'i. y.'.c.l..3i.L!!'L?. !2:!.o_':,_s JX. 4. ]?ARK.INC- ST..~jii).MII)S FOil ],'OF. c] .~ ,';cu.q,': .'.'.oi!. A chart, out-.].'J1,.-..']~',~, the l>,Trk'Jn5 requJrc'r':'nLs in Oral)3e Cc, u~ty to tl~e l'lam~.;.n[~ Co:nndss;J. on for their peru,4al, and coc:.:ents. that: a ~..,)~,,s,~c,t: 1)2 sc't ul, for d'/scu:;s:,.on of St:bJae[: ::,:![:Lc.r afL'er copies hr'.,.::, been spirt kO var,[pus; devc. lop:'rs, Cim::d~er of Co: ':".2 rce ~ng for t'lmir co.: ::?nl s; J.n C( ........... ~o':c..r,~; CO:lCur):ed x:Lth [bT' o. bov(' Vi. II. C .).dd ,S - I~ONj)]:',[.;C E IX. OTIU,',R A])JO]JR[~- l'l E NT COU~KPY C,\S!.: lJV--6071 - Wi. 1].t{a:,~ ZSnh To permit the. coustru.~:tion of 6 ft. high sl.~u.~l) to scree, n patio:3 and form an en{'ry for tho proposed'ap:Lri-~:mui: uniks in thc ]lZ~ "Suburl.mn ]lc,~,J.dcntial" 1)5 s [:riot. Local. ion: On tim sout:la..'cst side of ¥,,~luu{: Avenu:: api~roxh:mtc].y 1000 ft. north¥;'est of Red lli].l Avenue, in tlm soul.It Tustiu area. .Er. St_!glin,%_(2'- 1)resented a brSe. f staff report reco;:,_;:.'anding approval, It ~,:as ,noved l>v_lj22,__o..i:!!_'..93'.._,__s_ec?_).n.(!9.(L_l,_~L l,_','c_.....!.,,_.!r2t2!2C.,:.~ t:ha t' ale tter be directed i:o t:l~q__Oz'.C21,5.e.._C..o_u!!t_y...]q.a~ming' Comni.~:~;ion voJ. c~g no ob-. jeetion to App].ic~t:Jon UV--607].. Notion carr:{ed 6-0. PliOPOSF, D SIC;N 07,1])]'£.b?~C!.1 - DIL&I?'Jf II - June 1, 1968 ~Chairman ]lairs; stated that if t:he Council and t}l~,: Chan:bc:r b:~licve it :x. Jould be productivc~ the Commission would l~a ready and willing to hold another x.zorkshop. ][f anot]mr workshop is held~ ii: is suggested that it be held in the Council c]~ambors and bc strictly limiLed to the spocifJ.c sections of tim Ordinmme. If the Council and 'Clmmbcr do not be].ie, vc another worl:.shop would be productive, tlmn the proposed Ordinance should be set for public heari~tg at the earliest, possible dat:e. }.JLr:.._._C25:.!!e_5_~:?3'..!,.:'.].]:, Tust'~t NeY:s, qu~:;tioned the date of the next scl,eduled · ~Jorksl~oi) m,2ei, ing regard:Lug subject ordinance. Chairman II,.'zl.us stated that thia would be the decision o,f the City Council when they felt that: the. tim:: is appropriai:e. I t x.:'a s m nye d hZ. I-lj'.~_2.,..._I,jLrj¥:~t,_.pe_e._o.~j.~J_ejl.~y flr, 'l.:ahone ¥ ~_t]ha t th em..', c~ t inB_..!~~ ad_journed. Corried 6-0. llmre being no furt,mr' business before tlm Planning' Co.,:.n:".' ' ...... ..... ; on,, CImir:'.,mn Hal. us declared thc r..:eeting adjourned at: 8:35