HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-10-68minutes of a rgular meeting
tustin planning commission
june 10, 1968
June 1.0, ].96~3
was c';~,].].cd to order at: 7:33 ]?.M., l)y (',ltair~:..an ll;.tltm.
Present: Com'nissione.rs: Oster, ].,udwJ.g~ Wel)stcr, lk;lus, ],~)rrmrd,
Mal~ el ~(? y
Al)sent: Co'.-mnis s J oner: Bacon'
Jmnes C. Rourke, City Attorney
llarry E. G.:.ll, Cit:y Administrator
James ],. Supiuger, P].annittg Director
Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
· . ,,, <,,,,,. 'to I ;...\,..:,] ,,(, co:.:.~.'..] s.s]]2:'~_~.i:]]~tj?_::q_. - }:<>, 2.7, 1.968
page_8: C9_u__t2t~y Case No. 3 - ZC-68-17 - Alta Dena l)air,v..- Vot:c cern'd:
is as follows: Ayes: esr. er, I,udx-.,J[;~ Wclq:t'er, lie]us, Larn:',rd.
Noes: Mahom~y. Absent: Bacon. Motion carried 5-1., opposing subject
re quast.
It was ~:ow,.d l)v ).:r Wel~,;ter secop.:led by Mr..; Lu'lwie, th~,t' the minutes
~ .... ~ ....... ~; ........ ~ ...... ~- ~ ...... , .... ~.~ ..... ? ---- :~'~ ' -- -~Z' .
9f }lay 27:Jz9~8 meeting be c~2~v~d as an:ended. Carried 6--0.
1. V-68-210 - }1o g. Morgan on l>etmlf of ?.k:l,'addc'n Citrus
To permit thc: construction of accessory building,q (carports) to
within 10 ft. of the south property l.i~te of prolmrty fronting
appro:<:~):~atel.y 520 ft, on tim nm:tit side of }k:Fadden Street and
480 ft. on I:he east side of WJl. J. Ja;ns St:feet.
.}Ir. _,q.3~_~.ll,%ej2 presented it brief staff report: rcco:',.:nending approval.
Chairman tlalu:; opened the public portion of the hearing at: 7:35
There being no coz::.::.~nts from cite audience., Cha.~r~aan Italus declared the
pul)l, ic port. ion of the hearing closed at 7:36
After a brief discussion ai:'.ong thc Co;:,'nissioners, I_.t___y:?.i3_s_.!n_o..y_F:_d__b.3:
}Ir. Oster, ............... seconded by I.h-. I.arnr, rd. ,. t:bp.t Resolution l'o, . 984 be adopted
approvi~:_V--68-21.0 for t:he follo:.:i~)g reasons:
That .the adjustment hereby attt:horized will not constitute a
grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations
upon otlmr properties in the viciuJt:y and district in which
the subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject
property, including size, shape, topography, location or sur-
roundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinauce will
deprive subject propert~y of privileges enjoyed by other properties
in the vicinity and under identical zone classification.
Condi. t j on:;:
1. ],'ir(: road into iuterior of co'nplex so that hose line can be
put- int:o service tnucl~ more quickly for fire a~td rescue., work°
2. Nine openings through garages to ,.:al.:e hose lays r.:ore realist'ic.
3. llydrant: and ;..'a~.er liuc to l:e placed around the area,
4. No~.t.l,ea.,t and soul.beast co:mars of build';.no'- be adjust:ed so that
l.adder t'rucl: may hake the turn:;.
3'lin nbov<~ r.ok:ion ,,.',',.s voted by roll call. Aye.q:
lk,.].tm, W<d~z;tcr, Ikd:on%,. 1;et's: 1,iow.'., Ab.qen[::
To l>crm'it thc relocation of an oxl. stSng non',:o:rformSni.~ pole: sJgn. Sa~d
pole sign is a]so propel:cd to be local, cd wit'h:i.n tim required sct:l~aclc
area (Sig)~ Oi'd~mc:c prol~.bJ.l:s l:])O rc].ocal.5on eli l~o;lco~!form';pq SJ.~91S
and rcquirc~; tim issuatme of a Use ])erm:l.t' for signs local:cd wJ.l:ltJu thc
required seCbacl; area.)
Location: 14852 Holt Avenue.
}h'. ~!{pi~_n%e. 2:- prc:;e, ntcd t:hc staff report: stal:Jt)g t:hat t:hc al>plica~,.t:'.,; jm;i.i-
fication is l:]wl: I'.]K~ cxisl:iP.i; local:ion c,f l:hc~ sign ~.o, bellied l']tc Stent' bull.d-
ing line and is trot: and docs not properly advcrl, i:;e i:1~<~ lmsinel;s.
~.r.__Sul, j.~.c,__r' exp!:'.~n¢:d thai: there are two other pole sig~,:; in tlm cc,;:q)l.ex,
identifying the seruice .q~ation ai~d thc. d'civeTin restaurant, nmking a non--
Conforming .~;ituat:ion. ]}llSill.'.?8sos wl,ich arc atmrt of th:is co:ui)l.cx are
La Paloma, Bu',my ]/utc'h I;.'.tr, Texaco Service Station and the Drive-In Restau-
rant. Based upon t:lm:;e reasons, it was reco:::mended that V--68-211 Im detticd o
Chairman l!al',:,q opal)ed thc pul)lie po'~:!:ion of thc. hearing at 7:Z~2 ])o?-Io
.}Zr.._.)Cd'..A[?~./., rel)rC.qent:ivg the app.%icant:, spoke briefly s t:atin5 that there
it; only on<~ free $l:o. ndSng sign on t:h:Ls )mrt,~c'.ular l>arcml ~,~cl fei. l: .t:lmt it
is a hardsh:[p to have thc. prc.tcnl- sign I.oco. tc.d l)cl}ind t:ltc bui]div, g.
felt: that it is cork~or,?.ir~g and does not violal:c any regular:ion.q.
Timre being no
}lalua declared t'.lw public portion of the hearing clo.~:cd at: 7:/{5 P.fl.
The Co;u:nissJ. on dJscu:;.qod the pa:,:l'.:;.ng situation, landscaping, storm
the location mid sl~zlpc~ of thc t>ropc~rt:y and felt that this al~plicat:ion
the granting of 'subject requc~.qt:.
It vms moved by Ns. Ost:cr,___s_e_qpjEhqil_!l?y?_[.r.. I-!a_!'jpj?...qy that Resolul:Jo;') !,,'o. 985
be adopted, approvJnz V-68-211 for the '~ "',o
....................... f( ..].O..,.3.3~ roo,qo~.l,q:
That the adjustl:mnt hereby atttborized will not const:itu[-c a
grant of slmcial privi].egc inconzJ, stet~t wit'l) the ].~]::it'at:~o~u.;
upon ot:he¢: propc:rties in the vicinity and district: 5n which
thc subject property ~s situated.
%qmt because of special circu;nstances applicable to the svbjec:t
prop~a'ky, including size, slmpa, topograp.hy, location or surrovn:l-
ings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance x.:ill deprJw:
subject propcrt'y of privileges enjoyed by other proi.-.ert'ics in the
vicinity and under identical zone; ¢'].ass~fication.
The above mot:ion was voted by ro].], cai].. Ayes;: Ost. er, ]~t)dx.:J.[~, }{n].u.s, Webstc:',
l,arn~.:rd, l.:;'~,< ney "",' ·
.... ~,o,..,,: Nc)nc:. Abscm[:: ]¢tco~a. C,arricd 6--0
],'or rczouJi~3 fro.~: I:hc R.-]. (Si]:g].c Fa'.qi].y R<:.qidc. i)ce) DJ. si:riot: t'.o the 1.1-3
(Multil~l.,a Family llesidcnce) ])istriel:.
Prolx~rt'y fro:,.t:.q api>'_-oxi::tatoly 760 fl:, o~: tlm
St:root ru:m';;~=, no::t'}mrly' 'fro:, t]t.a iutar.,,c'ct:io:~ f,_'c,::: Yorl~a
and Jacara]t::a Ave.
1,;r. Supinger p?:el.iCll['cd tl:c staf. f report
City Council for the follo,..,ing reaso:m:
1. Tl~c subject p'ropo$;al calIs for a dent;iCy of 18
which is /~m ' 5 times greater thm~ the density Juggested by the
Tustin Area ~eneral
Tho current si,.ccess of al):irtll.::~llLs ill the 'J.kLS[:J.iL Az(ia it; 1101'
justii"ication for rezon~ilg ill conflict: 1..,J. tlt t:l~e Cener;tl lq.an.
Evidc;lcc of cottst:ructio,: of single fa.'niJ.y dw:~,lJ, jnl;,,'~ doe,,; not
JllilJ.ei!i-(: tile traffic on Yorba Street or noise from the adj:lcen['
depressed ~1c¥2i)o1't Fl'ack.ray %'.'il]. I>C a dct'IyJl~K~llt' to tlm u3e of the
subject property.
Chairl.lalx llalus opon(.d the l)tll)l, ic 1)orLion of tile llcaJ.'itlg ;.Il: 8:].0 ):o}io
}ir. John 1';. t.l.,'].]~,r_) alq)lieant, gave a brief i.;ll.lc on t.ha prol;,erl:y iuv(')I.V(~,d
and the, type of: developn:ent that is proposed. Il(: felt thai: the structures,
landscapiug an:l the type of develor.;,ent would not: be a detrJJ,:mt to tile.
adjoiniug properties, lie fait that the p>:operty i~tvol.vcd could be put to
its higl~est and best use i~ relation to the surrounding develol)::mnt.q, needs
and zoning, lie expressed his feel. lug to the extent that he dj(] not think
ti)at tho zoni~g on the property nc,',.: is well suited for single family
devcl, opalents, lIiS reason for i:he propo.~:c..d pllal3 lq:IS l:a:;ed upon th.a currant'
needs for apart:n;ents, tim shape of t:t)e property and the detriatental effects
of the adjaccn~ Yorba St-rear and Newport ]:reeway.
ChairmaB Iici. us declared a brief recess at: 8:20 PoI, i. Tlt¢. m~cl'ing reconven:'d
at: 8:?.5 P.M.
}Ir. D. C. l.ta-...~.~:ol).n 17332 Jacaranda, acting as Sl)OkC,,~.,an for tihe Property
Owners Association, 143322 Wistcr:i;'~ Lane, Tustin, prescntt'cd l:hrl Co,'.~missiot~
with a petition signed by 77 ho:np, owners in the vicini, ty oppo:;ing subject
application as stated below.
The undersigned ali. property owners of Enderlc Oar¢len,q in the City
of E~stin, California herel~y p'etil'ion thc City Planning Commission
to reject the request of rezoning ZC-68.-178 from R-1 to R-3.
All of us bare invested heavily in this area on thc basfs of R-1
zoning and the anticJpatfon of development under present zoning.
Thc proposed projected development would greatly increase t]ie density
of population v.'hic]~ %.:oul-d create conditions which would be unaccep-
The proposed developn:ent is of such a nat:ute that: larger families
would ba the logical occupants. The proxLmity of propoacd buildings
does not provide a sufficient reasonable area in wldch ch~!drei~ can
lncr£~aS'{mn[; heavy traffic o:! Yorba Strc, c,t, t:ogether x:ith the ct, tva' in
",' of increased bicycles creates a safety problcn,
thc street, ,..id use
all of which would be increased by high density dcve!op'.nent.
Present: sul)gtailtlial t)rop.::rty values in the area x:ould ol>viously bt:
~r,:medJ.at-c. ly decrea:;ed by the proposed develoi:::'.ent.
Again, we respeetful].y requ,.)st the rejection of t'hc zoning change
and urge retention of the present mast:er plan of zoni~:3.
Com:,ission effort:; in t'he past have helped to creat, e a de:nirabl.e
t. nz3 we are r,o~:t t:ha:4tful l,et: us; hop."fu!ly retain
tlJe aLmos ~
p:.e].c and envirotu.::,nt' as it ~s dcw~lopi~g at in:esep, t.
This pat:it:ion Jm S 0 ii file Jn the Plamd. n'g ])cpartt::ent at City }la].].
crca[:cd by LIK: ])oclge AgC'lmy. lie si:aE'e(1 LIME: il: x.:o.~].d be a
project: t:hac v~ou].d renL £or a minJ.:.,t~.;r., of $225 pe.r
thc pub].~.c 1)m'L'~.on o:f
~'hC Com'.n'[gs~.o~ d~.~;(:tl:;:;ed [.he dc:n,~.[:)') l:he haza'l:d:; and
of ti.,(: reque$1: and ~.mre c. ol'!ccJ;]lc!d foe t:he hca].l.l~., safet:y and x.:,:,]..[are of t.lle
co:!umnil:y. They see:n:;6 t:o fee.], l:ha.l: l:l.mre ~..'cre prol)].cms ~:~t'h t!~f.~ l,:i.cce of
laud but did no!: thi;d~ an R-3 zoning v:ould lm'l)anef~.cia], i:o l:Im acea. The
8ensi(.y ~.,,as t.h(,~.r main concc,.rr,.
Tim subject prOl)O:;a], calL,; for a J. cnsit'y of 18 un:i.[:.,; per
~h].ch ~.,,; 4.5 l:'~Jnes gtc:al:ct Llmp. i:h'.~ den:;~:y st, gge,,;l:(,d ])y 1.]~,~ Tu.~;t'in
Area Cc,p. cral ].'lau.
jusl'j.f~.(:a[:~.o'.~ for rezo-ning ~u conf].:i(:l: ~.:~.l:h fha General
Evide~%cc of con:;truction of s:Lng].c: family dv.'~].]..i, ng,~
depressed No~.;porl: I,:c.e~.my ~..'il]. 1)~ a dal:]::b~c:n[: t:o
sub jet [: property.
/;. As a(ldit:J.onn]. [9:ouuds, l:he mJ.nu[:es ~,ud evidence inl:roJuc(:d at tt:e
he. ari~.g a~c included by rc. ference and
The. above ~;~ol:ion x.:as voted by ro].l call.. Aye.s: O.,;.::er,
'" , ~-', ' No'.4c. Almen(::
llalus, I,a. rn,'.trd, I,,,I.o .... 5 · Noes: Bacon. C.._f.jl!.'.j..ed_6::.O..,_
4. A,nc:ndmant: to S~gn Ordinance (305)
ConsJderat:ion of all aman(l;~mn[: rolai:~.ve to signs in t']anned Co:'.::.:;J',l~.ty
Dis [:r f.c (:S.
N__r_:_.S_t!.pj_n?:.g2.'' ])resc,.u!:e(1 fha sl:af£ re. po':L si:ai-'Lng that-, t.lm l)Urpo:;(, of t:hi.a
revise.on ~..~; t:o clarify t.he st:at:us of s~.gn.~; ~.~ ].'C ])isrric,~-s x.,l,~(:',t are not
covered al: t:be pre.cent: t:~r..:eo Sul)ject r(,vJaS, on 1)ro','J.d(,s t.l;:!t: co:,:p:!~'a~,).l..c
regu!ai'~.ons x.d].l app].y for like uses t!:.~!ess Sl)2C~.a]. ,qSg'..~ re£.,u].at~.on:; are
estab].ished for t:he spc'c:~f~c. PC 1)~.~;t:ri. ct'.
.Cji!j.~:!!:2:.:..J':t~?';- opened t'he 1)ul).l.~c 1)ort-.~.on o.? [-b.e hearing al' 9:00 i).~..',.
There being ~o c ,cc.;:::e?,~:~ or object~o':-m fro.-: the audience, .(]!~!jjLr:!.V~p. ]';':JJ~L
declare,.0, t't,..:,, pub].'ic t).~rl'im) of the hearing c].o::c'.d at- 9:0]. ]'..."?..
BUS[[ii!'iS S
DrafL: of t!)c Sign OJ'd';mmc(~ Il: x.:;;z; ,",,,',oted l:bat ;!. work--
to th'.: Blue l',ibbon Con:;aittcc, llt war felt, t:hac a~ (:hat time
a da(:c should bc ,scheduled for
CORRE.q -.
To permit l:he rOdl!C['iO~l O~v. tWO building sites au~] the rcarran[W.n,cmt
of l)ropos¢~d di.:C:.].lJ.tlg tlL'IiiI"J and garage,:; J.n com~oc'tio:~ with at 1)lanncd
deve).op.~,cnt in tile R/~-.6000 17D--3800 Disvricr.
Locatio)l: )~ot%:cc. ll Walm!c and l.lit;chc].l al)erTl' 1000 ft. nortln.mst of
Red )rill.
M~_S~IEi]~.[~9]~ presc,.ntc'd a brief sL:aff report sl:a[:ini~ l:hat this al)plj, crltion J. f~
made to reviae prev~ous].y approvc~d l)]ans by c].iminat~on of two lots so that
larger housc~; can be' construe, ted. lle staled that there is no objection to
subject rcquast.
t o tlm O r m!fZl.__C_.c!m~ l:3.'_._]'__]._O]li l~!l_l.ll;' C.o?_'.]':li s?___jj_~_)?__.?_{'_z!_Ljjlj]~fS.' .1 ,_o..i~/~Li e_cJ :j_._?3 s m O f l] %~ -- ~397 O
MorSe:) carried 6-0.
It was moved b.y.. I~D.'s.~.i.Ij3JS]_¥:~_~,.t seCOilt(loO l>'~l 1.1r. I,nr~mrd tl)at t:hs: maetSng hq'
aFljourne, d. CarrJed w:an:b::ous]y_.
Tho. re being no further busine,,;s bafore I:l!e Planning Co:n:nission, 9t'mSr,n..qn
llal. us declared thc r..wml:ing adjourned at 9:10
C]IAII[..IAN OF TiiE i]id~1,,.,].£,C-' CO[i],iiI,~SiC'.
SL',ClxfsIAR1 Ci,' Tile pllv%X;~]]N(: C(,.',.',i,,,~.!ON