HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-27-68minutes of a regular meeting
tustin planning commission
may 27, 1968
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M., by Cha~.rm, m Ilal. us.
Present: Cormnissiouers: Oster, I,udwig, tlalus, Webster, Larnard,
Absent: Conmd. s s ioner: Bacon
Others Present:
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
James L. Supinger, P].anning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Connnission Secretary
Chairman Ual.us ~.~elc~,ned }Ir. Rollin Mahoney to thc Planning Conm~ission.
.Pa~.e 5~ }[earJng No. 5 - V-68-209 - JACK-IN-THE-BOX
Previous action relative to V-68-209 determined that the menu-
board would not be considered a ~.
It was moved .by Mr. Osl:er~ seconded by Mr. Webster~ that t:be minutes of
Nay 13, 1968 n'.eeting be approw;d as a,neuded. Carried 6-0. Absent: Bacon
1. ZC-68-174 - C. J. BONNER (Continued from May 13, 1968)
For rezoning of six (6) acres of land from the R-1 (Single Fami].y
Residential) and the C-1-P '(Retail Con~.mercial and C~nbined Parking)
Districts to thc R-3 1750 (1.k:l.tip].e Residential, 1750 sq. ft. of
lot area per dwelling unit) District.
Locat ion:
Site fronts approx~uately 70 ft., on the west side of Carroll
Way and approximately 30 ft. on the north side of Medford Ave.
at tl}e intersection of said streets and is bounded by the New-
port Freeway on thc west, Single Family development on thc '
north and east anti vacant cm~nerctal property on the south.
~r. Sup_inger presented a brief staff report, recom~nending conditional
approval stating that the proper access and street improvement plans are
subject to the approval of thc City Engineer.
Chairman llalus opened the public portion of thc hearing at 7:40 P.M.
.}fr. C. J. Bonner, applicant, submitted exhibit:s of plans for the proposed
development explaining each factor involved relative to subject appli-
cation. A brief recess was declared for the benefit of the audience to
review the exhibits on hand. Thc meeting rcconvcned at 7:58 P.M.
~Nr. E..Gott, 13811 Palace Way, G. I,. McDonald, 13762 Palace Way,
Lloyd SJnclai.r_, 17312 I,aurie I,ane, Ge~o_:r~ge Brc'_w_e~r, 17391 Palace Way,
William E. Gil,:orc~ Jr., 1.3771 Palace Way, F. Barsant:i~ 13772 Palace
Way, Gordon K~;~,ber, Orange, spoke, opposTng tim proponed zone change.
}fr. Go~_t, stated that their reason for opposing this application is
because of the density and has; not:hSng to do with t:he prx)posed architecture
and esthetics of the plans.
A petition opposing subject application was submft~ed to the Ccmmission
wit:h 42 signatures 1. isted. 2]~is petition is on file in the Planning
Department at City }!all.
There being no other co.'.::::unL.q frcr, a tho audi(~nce,
declarc, d tlte public porLion of the hearing closed at 8:20
Mr. O:~ter fc, lt tlmt if this rczouing is granted, in effect it is not
putt'Jng thc apartr.'..ents on the corner of Yorba but moving them in so
that all the traffic would go past the ho;nos of thc; ho'-.::aowno, rs that
are opposing this action. IIc: staled that w]~cn the. se pOOl)lC bou[~1~l:
their hom,,~s they were.confident that it would rcm.aJn R-]. and fez' th{:se
reasons was against the proposed application.
It was moved by Mr. Os;ter~ sccondc, d by Mrs._I,uc.~,__th.'~t ZC-68-174 be,
recon'.'.n.',~ndc~d to the CJ.I:y Coop. c:';.1 fo~: den~al.
Chairman llal.us called for a vote on the call for question.
Oster clarified this action as a vote to end discuss~.on.
Ayes: Oster, l,udwig, Halus, Webster, l,arnard, Mahoney.
Noes: None. Absent: Bacon. CarrJed 6-0.
~le motion reco.:mo..ending denial of applicat.'ion ZC-68-174 was voted by
roll call. Ayes: I,arnard, I,udwig, O,qter. Noes: Webster, lIaluso
Absent: Bacon. Abstained: Mahoney. Carried 3-2.
2. UP.-68-261 - BOYS C],I9~ 0]? TI!S'J:IN - W. J. Frcdrikscn
To consider a Use Permit for the construction of a club buflding and
ancillary facilities on property leased, from the C~ty of Tustin.
Location: South s~de of Sixth Street at the intersection of Sixth St.,
and Pacific Street.
Mr. Supi!~.~.r presented thc staff report reco::~ncnd~ng couditional approval.
Chairman }Iai. us opened thc public portion of the hearing at 8:25 P.M.
Mr. W. J. Fredrjkscm, representative, stated that they were in agreement
with the conditions as rec~mncndcd by the Planning Staff.
Chairman Ual. us declared the public portion of thc hearing closed at 8:27 P.Mo
After a brief discussion among l:he C~r~nissioners, It wa:; mowxl by. l, lr. Os.','er
seconded b~i }Ir. Webster that Resol~,tion Nee 978 be adopted~_c_oj~(J=it_2~=o~__¥~!__]:2i
.apl)r_ovin~__Aj23,licat~on UP-68--261_~B3yp_.Cl_ul~ of Tustin) for tho; follo',.ji~i
reasons and un(let the following conditions:
Reasons: 1.
The C~,mnission finds that the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the usc applied for will not, under: thc
circ%unstanccs of the particular case be detrimental to the
health, safety, morals, co:nfort and general welfare of tim
persons residing or working in the neig'hborhood of the pro-
posed use and it will not be injurious or dctrir, mnt~l to
the property and improvements in tho neigld)or}Jood or the
general welfare of the C~i:y,
Condit5 ohs:
a. Sidewalk and driveway appro~',ches arc Lo be constructed
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer°
b. Unused driveways arc to be closed and drainage facilities
crossing thc property are t:o be relocated°
c. St. rcet trees to bc p].auted as per the Master Street Trcc
d. Architectural and 1.andncap~:g plan~: are to be sub.'.:~it:t'cd
to the Archit:cctural C~::?.:ittec for approval.,
The above mot:ion was voted by roll call.
}~ahoney, ]]alt;.~;, Webs tcr. Noes: None.
Bacon. 1.lotion c'arried 5-0.
Ayes: Oster, Lud¥:~ g,
Abs t ained: )xn:nard. Absent:
3. UP-68-262 - ]."IS}I & CHIP BUSINESS - Jack J. Cornell
To permit the establishmm~t of a Fish & Chip business in an
existing bui].ding which is a part of Larwin Squore Shopping
Locat ion:
Proposed business fronts 20 ft. on the south side of First
Street:, just east of Fern:th Street and is numbered 610 E.
First Street.
Mr. Supingcr_ presented the staff reporL reconuncnding approval, lie
stated that take-out food establishments are permitted with the parking
requirements in C-1 and C-2 zones as follows: One (1) parking space/150
sq. ft. of ground floor area of building.
Chairman Halus opened the publ. ic portion of the hearing at 8:30
.M.r. Jack Corn, Il_, applicant, was in attendance but made no statement.
Chairman llalus declared the public portion of the hearing closed at
8:31 P.M.
%~e Co:~mission concurred with the staff report. It was moved by 14r. Oster,
seconded by Mrs. Ludwig,. that 'Resolution No. 979 be adopted alS.proving
Application No. UP-68-262 (Fish & Chip Bnsiness) for the followin[I reasons:
~e. C~.~mission finds that the establishment, maintenance and
operation of the usc applied for will not, under the circum-
stances of thc particular case be detrhnental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons
residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use
and it will not be injurious or dctr~2'.:ental to the property
and improvements in t]~c neighborhood of the general welfare
of the City.
The above motion was voted by roll. call. Ayes:
Larnard, tlalus, Mahoney. Noes: None. Absent:
Ludw~ g, Webs ter, Os ter
Bacon. Carried 6-0.
4. UP-68-263 - KENTUCKY PRIED CHICKEN - Frank Schneider AIA & Assoc.
To permit a take-out food store (Kentucky Fried Chicken) on property
fronting 110 ft. on the southwest side of First Street approxfmu%tely
220 ft. northeast of the centerline of Newport Avenue.
.}ir. Snpinger presented the staff report recommending conditional approval
as follows:
a. Sidewalks shall be constructed by applicant.
b. Completion of previou.%ly sub,nitted parcel ,nap.
c. Trees are to be planted as per Master Street Tree Plan.
d. Architectural and landscaping plans are to be submitted
for Architectural Co:?::d. ttee's approval.
Chairman Ual.us opened the pnblic portion of the hearing at 8:32
There being no. co:muents from the audience, Chairman Halus declared the
pnblic portion of the hearing closed at 8:33 P.M.
After a brief d,_'scussion among the Co?..niss~.oners, It was moved by Mr.
}.lahoney, scco!-,_ded b_~y- Mr. Oster th,~t Resolution 'No. 980 be adopted
reco~.?:.end,fn~ con:l~t~onal a~.nroval of UP-65-263 .(~_ej!tt:cl.:v Fried Chicken~
for t he fo]. l.o:...'i nf,._~o_..?_n?,__.,2,-C.f~_u!!der the fol] o...:£n,l co;:d~ t iop,.°,:
1. 'fha Co;vniss~on f:inds that t:lm est.ab]L'Jslunent, ma'i~Lc, nanco
and operation of tho use aj)p].icd for wi].], not,
cir~u::lstanccs of tlic~ part~cu].ar c. ase. be dct:ri:::Ln'~tal [-o the
heal. dh, safety, morals, cm':for[: and general welfare of thc
pOt'sons rcsidin[l or Yyor]2iil~ ill thc} neSgJlbor]iood
use and it will not be 5njnrious or detriulont;L1 to ~]lc~ prop:~ri:y ,
and iJnl)roveul.3, nEs ill tho ncigl{!)orltood or ~he general x.';~].'farc of
t:he City.'
Conditions of a~n'oval should be:
a. S~dewalks shall 1)0. constructed by applicant.
b. Completion of previously submitted parcel map.
c. Trees are to be planted as per Haster Street Tree Plan.
d. Architectural and landscaping plans arc to be sul)mit~cd
for Architectural C~m~tt:ec's approval.
Ayes: MM. us, Oster, Webster,
Absent: Bacon. Carried 6--0.
%~ae above motion was voted by roll ca].l.
Mahoney, Ludwig, Larnard. Noes: None°
5. ZC-68-176 - georjjc, l~._ LudwJgz
For rczoning fro:a E-/~ (Estat:c Residential) l)istrict to tl-3 (]4n].tiplc
Family l~csidcntial) District.
Location: Thc parcel of land fronts 150 ft. on thc west side, of Yorba
approximat'cly 180 ft. south of the ccntcrline of Fourt:h St.
}ir. S.u~.n_2jjp.~lf' presented a brief staff repm't reco~:m:endiug t:o thc City
Council the rezoning of subject prop3rty from F,-4 to R-3 for'the follo;,:-
lng reasons:
1. 'l~m present no~tconforL:ing usc on part: of tlm s.ul)ject:
propert:y is more permitted in an R-3 zone.
The remaining 1.29 acres of undevelol)ed land atmt:ting
the fre. eway is more suitable for higher density develop-
merit iu conron:,ity with the adjacent: zoning.
%~e approw:l of the applicat:ion, however, should lm sub jo:ct
to the foil.owing conditions:
Dedication of right-of-way and construct:ion of street
improvement:, and ,:ny necessary modification of irrigation
facilities on thc north end of I4yrtle Ave. to the satSs-
faction of the CS ty Engineer.
Chairman lla].u~ opened the pub].ic portion of the hearing at 8:36
Hr. C. eorge Ludwig, 5373 Mountain V~ew~ Yorlm LSnda, applicant, was in
Chairn:an Hal.us declared the public: portion of Lite. hearing closed at 8:37
A It:ti:er from }Ir. CecS1 V. Cha:nbcrs, 1~89]. Yorl)a Si. rear, Tust~n was sub-
mitt:ed to thc: Co;:snission requesting (].) thc bull.ding of a cc~;~.2nt block
wall 6'8" in height on thc boundry l. ina bet:ween the E4 zone and 11-3 zen{
at the t~ma the proport'y is developed, (2) maintain at all t:imos t:he
Santa Aha Vel]ay Irrigation wet:er line J.n usable condit'ion.
Mr. S.t,_p..inFrar explained that: a block wall will be required.
p32oRl£yt'y fj't::u I",-4 to R-3 fo]: th(: fo].].owJ:~.~; reason:;:
-4- i
,'~inu:cs -- !k:y 2'/, 1968
1. The present nouconformJug usc on part of the subject
proport'): is more pcrmittt~d iu an R-3 zone.
2. The remaining 1.29 acres of undeveloped land.abutting the
freeway is more suitable for higher density d¢:veloir,~:':nt in
. conformity with the adjacent zonini~,.
Coud it: ion:
Dedication of right-of-way and construction of street
prowzmen[:, and any necessary modification of irrigation
facilities on th~ north end of Myrtle Avenue to thc satis-
faction of the City Engineer.
T~]e above motion was voLed by roll cai].. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, }Ia]ms,
Webster, Larnard, Mahoney. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon. Carried 6-0.
6. ZC-68-177 - Gt, oz_z~e L. Argyros on behalf of Carl Stntsman
For rezoning of approxh~ately 4,75 ace. es from the "U" (Unclass-
ified) District to tho R-3 (1.[ult~l)le Family Residential) District.
Site fronts 330 ft. on the northeast side of Walnut Ave.,
approximately 1000 ft. southeast of the centcrl, il~e of Now-
port Avenue.
?!r. Supi~A.%gr presented the staff report stating that subject property is
within thc bigh density designation of the General Plan, adjacent prop-
ertios to the west have been rezoucd to R3-1750 (Christcson and Stutsman
properties). There was no rcco.:~mndation from the staff.
Chairman Ualus opened thc public portion of the hearing at 8:43 P.M.
Mrs Ca.orgD~._~.rgyro_,%, 415 West Fourth St:root, representatiw~, stated that
they felt that the South Tustiil Area is the best apartment rental area.
Ue further explained thc proposed .plans for the development, stating that
did not anticipate any problems with the proposed apartment development.
Chairman }Iai.us declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:50 P.M
The Coi,~mission discussed the density, the dwelling units per acre and
other matters involved in su. bject application.
It was moved by Mr. Oster: seconded by Mr. Mahoney~ that Re:solution No.
982 be adopted reco:~nandinq to City. Cow.~cil the approval of ZC-68-177
for the rezonin.%, of am~roximatel¥ 4.75 acres from tl~e "U" (Unclassified) ~
District to thc R-3 1750 (,'..[ultip!e Family Residential) District:.
Thc above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Webster, Larnard, Mahoney,
Halus, Oster, Noes: Ludwig. Absent: Bacon. Carriell 5-]..
7. PZ-68-105 - PL:\:~.~ING COi.~.M'.rSS!ON INIT!A'iU::D - Nisson Property
Prezoning of approximately f~.24 acres to the R-4 (Suburban Residential)
Subject propcrt'y fronts 34.1 ft. on the southeast side of
Red Hill Avenue and 540 ft. on the northeast side of Wa].nnt
M_r..Supjn__~.e~r. presented the staff report stating that the reason for this
proposal is tO incorporate 4.24 acres to the 95 acres being in process
of al]nox¢.t loll.
'/~f' PC ),iinutes - ~.i.'.ty 27, 1968
BUS I NI: $ $
lie reco::~:;~endc'd bhat PZ--68--10S be approved and reco::'.'r, en0c.d to tlm City
Counc'~l for adop[Cfon of an ordinance prczoning sub jo;ct area fro:~ Al{
(Agricultural Residential, County) zoning to R-4 Suburban Resident'iai
zoning for the following reasons:
1. Subject zoni~g confor,;:$ to the Tustin Area (.:eueral
Thc proposed zoning'is in accordance with dcvclol):,cnt
trends in the area.
Chair~:~an lla].ns opened thd public portion of thc hearing at 8757~ P.M.
~crc being ~:o co:m::e~ts from thc audience, Chairman }la l. us declared
the public portion of the hearing closcd at 8:55 I'.M.
After a brief dSscuss~on, It: was moved l~s:_.~,~_r_.__L_~q3:.pitrd_~~ seconded bv
Nr. Os ['er tt,:, t' Resolution No. 98:4 be ad o.,.'.:~, reco:'::;'.and ::?~.t:~?~:~-68~.
10B be approved a:)d reco:?:nanded to the Ci:v Council for adoption of an
ordinal)ce prezonins, subjc~(:t area from AR ~Ar:ricu].tural Res:;.d(:.:~tia.l~_
Count:y). zo)]~2~_R-4 (Suburban Res:{.denl'ial) zo~)in~ for the foll. o,..:in~,
1. Sul)jcct zoning conforms to the 'lh~stin Area General Plan.
2. Rq:e t,roposed zoning is in accordance with dcvel, op:nent
trends in thc area.
Thc above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Lar~mrd, Noes:
]Iai. us, Mahoncy, Ludwig, Wel):;ter. Absent: Bacon. Motion failed l~-2..
Mr. James ]'-I~ NJsson, 14/~62 Red 11'~1]., owner of thc property, asked what:
affect this would have on the Bro,,.ming-Waluut Annexatiou~ inas~.uc]~ ~s
this was part of the consideration.
_}ir. Sul)j/]il(.,~.-explained that there are two separate option.~; and one
does not neccssari].y effect the other, lie further explained t:hat if
this prop3rty is not rezoned, it will come in a "U" ])istr';.cL, per,nit-
ting any us(: subject to the grant'~ng of a Use Permit.
Mr. Rourke, City Attorney, stat(;d that it is the action of the City
Council that will be final and that the Planning Co;mnission's decision
does not necessarily mean that it is denied. The C~ty Council is thc
body that ha,~ t]~e sole power to prezone this property which they can
do upon or in opposition to the recommendation of this Planning Commission.
1. TEN~£ATIV1''. TRACT MAP NO~ 6661 - SPROUI, I!(Y:,!ES - For Approval°
Location: South of Ma~.n Street, 438 ft. cast of Lyon Street.
A report was sub:nit'ted to the Plmming Co::~ission, by Mr. Orv~]].c I.;yers,
City Engineer, stal:ing that if the Tcmt:a[:3v(~ >ial) is approvcd~ ~t' should
be subject to the following conditions:
1. All streets within the Tract are to be develop(..,d
and to remain, priw~te streets.
2. Provide water system and public sewers to serve all lots
together w~th any necessary o~.f-,,~te sewer to counet't to
exist:iht SanSLa[ion D5strict or C~t:y of TusLSn sewers.
3. Provide adequate st:race lSgl~t:ing on bot'h Main Street and
inter,or tract streets and annex to Tustin I,ight'~ng District.
(Contain.ed on next p.~-gc)
A1.]. public ~' , ....... ~ ·
].lp~ox ~,.~.ts, sewers, drainage faci].it~es
and apl)urtelmncc, s shall be constructed to CJI:), stm[dards
and 'a.l!prow:d by thc City }';uginecr.
5. All public utilitic, s shall be installed Ondergrou:td in
conforma]~ce with accepted standards of utility companies.
Street uan;e signs and street trees shall bo provided in
accordance with City ordinances on l~a'Ln Street and on in-
terior tract streets.
Provide thc necessary casem,,mts for tim construction and
maintenance of sewers, water line, street lighting and
othe. r public f~:cilit~es.
8. Provide adequate drainage, facilities to serve the tract
and conmmt to the existing County drainage facilities.
Estal)lisb a property-o~mer or si:nil.ar association to per-
form the necessary street, recreation area, and trc:e main-
tenancc op?.ra tions ~:.it'hin the. Tract.
'1'bose segments of existing irrigation lines conf'licting
with any proposed construction shall be remo(,cd and re-
located or collapsed and lmckfi].led, or otherwise, made to
conform to the specifications of the City of Tustin Build-
lng Cod(: and t:o the satisfaction of the City Engi~mer.
11. Remove existing buildings within the tract boundary.
Provide and install "No Parking" signs on one side of all
interior streets and include this parking restriction
ti'to covenants, con(l'i, tio~s and restrictions.
After a re. view of the conditions and a brief dS.q:;eussSo]~ It: was moved
~y l, lr. O,;t'cr_ seco,'~'k,d by '.h'~ l,t',h.'~- tbal- T(,ntativc l.;ap be apl)roved
..... ' ' '2 .... 1 .......J. L.% ......... 2- _2:.~.--2~2 ;LLI.__Z ' ..............
M_r.. ~_o_r..?_~i, representative of the Sproul llomes, was in attendance, stating
that the conditions ¥:ere acceptable. 14r. Tom Shelton, Shelton EngSn.?,cring,
was also in attendance, but gave no co.,.~ncnt.
above motion carriedu,.~',".~.~r, lous 1¥..___
1. COUNJ~Y CASE 1~r-6075 - LA RUE ]:'REY~, IN_C__.
To permit thc construction of two, two unit: apart'merit buildings
on a parcel i~ the lO0-E4 "Small t';st~:t:es" District.
Location: At the northeast corner of Vanderlip Ave. hue and Cameron
Lane, in the nortl) Tust-in area.
Mr. Supj32Brjr presented the staff report st:ating that the General Plan
calls for litpdil, l lo'.,.: density 2.5 du/ac develop;::ant for the area. Based
upon this density, 1.5 units would be permitted on the subject .58 acre
parcel rather than ~ units as proposed. }la added that the approval of
th~s application would upset the general high quality residential char-
actr:rist:ics of the area and create a precedent for further s~::dl.ar appli-
cations, reco;n?.ancling that the Couut'y loc: 5nforv.:ad of our si)position.
It: was norad l)v ~.i::. Oster, seconded bv :.!r l,nrnard t:hat a ].et'tar be
· 2rSttc, n t.o tl,e Com'[v, o,m~;~.,o, thc a"mrow,! of A~:~licetion UV--6075
........................ '- . . l ~.~_1 ::.'~_'_ _ :~_'~.~ ...... ~ ....... ~ ...................
for t'be re~u/'jJl'ed ~':u!'-il~l.e f~i;i[.~.D'_3J~) bc~.j~er~::~t:ted in the E-.4 Distr~c~.
Motion carried 6-0. Absent:: Bacon.
2. COUN'L"f C/.SE UV-.6078 - SI!!;i':'.IL\..'; ])EVEI,Oi'NE.XI' CO.
To perm:i.t thk? COltS t:ru,.~tiou of.' an ap?.rlmJnt' co, aplcx ]x~\-ing a tot:al
OE 80 tulitg 0~{ a p;ir,.'.o], el. ].;,'.~'~cl co,uko.~nir::; less t:hJn t:hc~ rcqu:Lrcd
al:eLl ill thc! ][/i-7000-(PD)-3000 "~llbllEbJll ]~r~sidcll[:~al ].)].al'~!¥.td ])c~vclop-
ment" District.
Local:ion: On tlie. sou['.lwast side of NeY:port Boulevard ~,pp:-o:::h:xltely
380 ft. northeast of Wass St:., Jn the nortlwa..';t Tu.q['Jn area.
Mr. Sup_'.Jp. 5.c2'- prc,qc, nl:cd t:he .ql:a£f report stating, that alt:hough the
densit:y of the prol)o:;cd dew~loi;:,'..e'at coinplics wil'h thai: of thc' (::cmeral
'Plan) x.:e are opi)o.~;ed, iu princ~p:tl, t'o the usc of tim llsa Varjaucc
procedure as a ina [:1)o'3 of get ting around, el: amend ~ng~ the Zoniug .
Ordinance regu.~at:iolts for PI) DJ. stric~s. ]lc sL'at:c.d that a more al}pro-
priake procedure ¥yould bc rczmlin3 to ]~/~(3000) ¥.'],iclJ would not. l;a
opposed by tim staff.
}Ir. Ost'er stated that he did no[ I'hink it was the pc. rvi. c,¥; of thc Plan-
ning Coi.'~nissiou t.o direct thc: Comity as to hov7 to conduct t. hair ac. tion.
It'. was moved by :'.!:. Oz~t'eT__~ secoi)Oc'd l)y T,h-. 1,arnard, t:hal: no ac,.rion
be takelt On t]lJr; v.l:!plJcat::ion fro,: the 'J'm;tiu ]>].a]?Yt--~.l_l. 3' C('.::!:','[ssion.
Voted by roll cal].~ Ayes: Oster, ],ud::ig, Nal~ouey, Webster, I.ammrd.
Noes: }talus. Absent: Bacon. motion carried 5..1.
- "', 7.1.5
3. COUNTY CASE ZC-.68-17 Al,lA ]}1 DA)]IY and JOi!N ASC}!IRIES
Rezoning fro:n t. lm t{4 (Subm-lm~ ]{csidential) ])Jstrict to tim
CC (Colt.-.?unity Col.-.-:.Jrcial) ])J.st.i'Jct.
Nort:lr.;e.%t side of Newpo'."t
(Adjace~lt to and south:.:est of existing 'J:cxaco Service
Mr. Sup~]!;~!'' present'cd the staff report: st:al:i~)g I:hat the Commission has
ah:cady gone on record as feeling that this is not a propcr use for t:lm
area as 5ndical:ed on t:lte Gcmeral Plait and tl)at additional, co:::.!ercial
zoning 5s not needed in the area.
lle suggested that the County Pla)re:Lng C(:;.nd. ssjon be 5nforl::ed of our
opposition to l:he proposed zmm change for the following
The proposed rezoning is contrary to thc Tu.c;tJn
Area General Plan which desSgnat:es the subject
area for }Ugh Density Residential Use (12 du/ac.)
2. Adequate: areas are i)resently zoned for coir..'aercial trees
to serve the existing ami future needs of the area.
]~m CoF. r. iission has previously gone ou record as being
opposed to commercial use for the subject' ln'Op:'rty.
Aft:er a brief discussion m::ong t:he Co:,':nissJonc, rs,
}ir. Osi',.'r, seco',ded l)y Hrs. l,udx2iF, tlwt' t'lm Pla~m].ng l)~rector :.'rJt'e
subicct ap~)l:lcat.'.'on for tl~e al)eve renaop..qo
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llalu.'; declared tlte i:',e~'.ti~'3 acljotn:u,~d at: 9:30
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