HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-13-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
MAY 13, 1968
· ROI,]', CALL
! ·
,.~_~ ·
, MINlJ'ri~s
.' IV.
}lay 13, 196g
The znee. ting x.:as called to order at: '7:30 PAl., by Chair~'~an Pro-te~:: llalus.
Present: Comm~.,sioners: Oster, Luax.:16, lialus, ¥:o])stol:~ Larnard
Absent: Co_.'~nis s toner: Bacon
Others Prcs.ent::
llarry E. Gill., City AdmSnistrat:or
James G. Rourlm, City At'torm~.y
James 1,. Supinger, Plauning l)irector
Jo Ann Turner, ]q. anuing Secretary
EI.,ECT].ON OF Pi,A..*LXi!NG CO..,,.,], S10N C}!A.'[Ri.;.',.:{ AND CilAI}~.IAN PRO-TE!-!
It x.:as mm:cd by ¢,'.r. We1>ster~. seeo'..~-':'.d 1w I,',r. Oster that ],{.r. Nori?an llalu,~;
be no,M~mt.¢,d f:or C!mdrmau of thc: T', .,t. in Piam~n,,; C.,p_n,:a.,j...q2l~.o-.9..
Vet:ed by roi]. call. Ayes: Ost:er, Ludx.:Jg, ¥:ebster, Larnard. Absent: Bacon
Carried ~ma~mou:~
"-, ,.,,. Larnard that "-. Roa, rt
It y/as moved by_ ,,~ Ludwi.g_~ seconded by "~
bo nomJnr~t.c'd for C]~aJriTnn Pro-tern.
Voted by roll cal. 1. Ayes: Ludwig, W{..bst:er, llalus, I..arnard. Absent: Bacon.
Carried unanimou,q ].y_.
It: was moved 1)~' r,r. O:-;t(,r, seconded by" '. l,.u~,!.x.:!j.[Lthat the m.~.nut, es of
A_l)ril ......... 22~.. .......... 1.968 be aporov~d, ...... ._. aq.. ira:il.ed. Ca'tried 5-0.
1. ZC-68-173 - JOIIR 1I. S]'.ECI';I.,- (Continued fro;t: April 22, ].968)
To rezone from R-4 (Suburban Residential) D~strict and "U"
c].as:;ified) District to tl:e R-3 (i.;ult:.iple Residential) District,
approx]mate].y 2.78 acres of land.
LocatJou: Subject propeKty fronts 257 fl:. on t:he uort'h side of
First. Street- at the interse, ction of First and "t1" Streets.
.}ir. S_!upjn_[.._er presented t:he staff report stating that subject application
is being consLdered along with a tentative tract' map x.:ith adjaceut prop~trty
and that meetings arc being conducted x.J]th the appropriate, parties.
recommended that th~s hearing be continued. Mr. Sull~er called to the
attention of the Co=missioners t. lte letter that Mr. John lI. Siege]. has sub-
m~tted requr, st:~ng a six r. tont-hs cont:Jnunnco in the considc, ration of his
al~pl, ication for zone change (ZC-68-173) or until such time as a final
termination has l>een made regarding the tentative tract: r.:ap 6617 submStted
by the property m.mers easterly of aud adjacent to his property referred
to iu the subject zone change.
Ct~2~jr.~!)~!~-ll'.=~J.jjj;' op,,~ned t:lm public portion of the hearing at 7:37 P.M.
'].l. lere 1)C'~ o '
~' ]..lc, no co';:::'ent, s or d~.c;ct, n,q~on from t]:c,, audience, Cha].::m:.n ]].a].tt~
declared the p'db].Sc port:5on of the hearing closed at 7:38 ~"
7-._c_~.6J_-J: 7~ .L J ,_~- ~_o-,
2____]:.~f _E'_. '_L f .7
term ....
b_y_ t:_hj_,.
Vote by roll ('.al.]. Aye::: l,udv:'ig, tialus, Ueb:.:ter, I,nrn~.rd.
A1),*;tained: l.lr. O~.;ter. A!ment': B~con, C~:rried 4-0.
13, 196S
2. ZC-6,°,-17!~ - C. g. ];_O~.{..':~:LI-- (Conainu:~d fr¢,.u Aid-il. 22, 196[:)
1,'or rezoninl;~.[£ .,;ix (6) acrc.~; of lan,:! fr(;:, t. lm R-1
Residence) and L'be C-1-P (Rc't'ail Coi:::c. rcJa] am!
Disi:ricts t:o t:he 11-3 1750 (1. h~!tip].e ]k, siden~Ja]., i7~0 sq. ft. per
dwelling un.il:) l).isl.rict.
lJoca [.iOll:
SJ.t-e fr~wd:s eppro:.:~:.:a;.e!y 70 ft., on thc wes[: s~de of
CaF. roll YM.y m~d apl)l:O>:Jl:t:!l:C~].y 30 fi:. On [:ho l~cq:[]~ side
of l.k'dford Avd., al: the J~['c,.rsect'ion of said ~;trccl:s',
is boimdc, d b), trim l';cw.'port' 1,'recw;:y on tl',e west,
l~ami].y d(,vc~].Ol):'.:anl: on l:he llOrt:]l allC] east: and vaoont
inertial property on t:he sout:h.
'lq~e Pla]ming Co'..::~nis,qion dc. forrcd action on subject applicaLJon
pending propar not:i.fScation of propcrt'y owno. rs wi/:l~in the 300'
radius, by thc applican[.', rtl t:hc previous ]?l.a~mini; Co:~u~ssjpn
meet'~ng (April.22, 1.96~).. ~
Mr. S'u~2jn_[Lqr pr. asent:c:d thc, sta£f report recopm':ending condil:ional app.vovr?l'
for the following reasons: '
The pre)posed rezoning maintain,,; the inl:cnt and '-~m':)one of
the Gc,uara]. Plan.
2. Thc higher dcnsi?y develol'::,e'at: crentes a l:ransit:5on
p):opc,r buffer bct:wcgn the resides.rial and co:,~:,ercial
Cond~l:ion of..apl~roval is:
1. Prol)er access and street' Jmprover.:ont: plans are subjec[, t:o
thc approval of t:he Cit'y EngSn:,nr. ..
Chairman ]Ialm; opened the public porL'ion of l:]te hearing at' 7:z;0 1.,.,.
Fir. V. J. Lo~..',.,T~o., ].3782 Palace Way, act:lng as spokesman for a group of
adjncent: lw::,.e o::,:crs, sub:::it:tcd a p!: t' .~ l: ion signed by 30 rcside, n:.s ir; ~
thc surrownd:i.r,g area opposing subject zo~:c change. 'J:i,e follov::i.~,g rei:sons;'
for Ol)pO.~;il:'lon are sis'red' be] ox.::
1. The taxes oF rc,,,idenL':; present'].y ].Svin,o, in t:he vScinity of
this ].ariel will increase because a greater numt)er of 5ndiv:[.dwals
will be us%.~tg the schools, fJre pt'ot:c, ction, urilities, libraries,
a~l el:bet facilit:ic, s fume. she'd by l:l'~e City of Tuot:in.
2, Il: is known that the value of single dwc].].ing residen~ti,':l
homes located near [,tult'ip].c dwelling structures dc)os not. kcc. p
pace wirh the value of ho:figs near which no such st'ructures exist.
3. The mMcrsigned x.:cre not: told o.f plans; to build multiple
residential dwellings am the tit:>? wlum t'Imy purchased their ho:uc:s
frOla C. 3. Bo~nw~r, On the conLrary, varJous expla:~nCion/; of
wou.ld 'be built' on tho psi'eel of land in quastion
non~ of then~ descr~l>ed ~2ultiple &..'el lJnLs. ·
4. Tim building of mulI:~i>]e dwell, in3s would coi~trJ.bt:tc to t'he
crowdJ~g of sclmo!s, already a serious situation.
5. Tim conges:l"Jou of t'l~e street.:; wit:h cars increa::c:s in t]~c.
vicinity of nn~l.t'iple dwell. 5n'3~; reducing t:lm safety facl:or for
children laving in t:he area.
6. Thc right of prSvacy of t'lte privat(~ ho;:,e o',,xmr 5s
by pi:ming m~11~51'~].~ (h..'ell~nL:.~ nc. aw b5;.~. Tho added noise
by apnrt:~,u'~ni' hot,se sw~,'::ffn5 pools, ].ord p!ny.in;j of r~dios and
phonc~gra'p!:s> anJ fioYsy part:'[es; 5. s; we].] k]~(.,wn. Furt'h.::r, b:~cat,s;o
the two-level st'rucl'tn:cs proposed, there will. bc: less; pri.v;c~'y
one's own back yard,
~7. Tile rczon'in[~ of thc ].and
possibility of ot-h(:r lmrce].s
rczoncd for a si'..nl].ar pu::po:;e, thereby furl.l~(,r ].o:.:ering tl,e x,,].u~
of the priv;tt('-.l:(;:,~c owaer's in-ol:crty.
A copy of this 1)e.t:ition and signatures is on file in tl~e l'lam~i~g
Those vqrbally opposing 'thc zone change at the mact J.ng were Messrs.
L. E. Conradv, ].3761 Palace Way, R. C. Ra~.~da]l, 1375]. ].'a :: . .'.on t Way,
Llog'd Sincla:;r, 17312 I,aur~e. ].,a~m,. V. J~ I,e~:f.,io., 13-752 ']:aiace ¥Tay,
.Geor.[~h_Bf~_2..i~2'., ].3791 Palace Way, ]..'. ];arsan('/_:_ 13772 Palace. l.~ay, E. Cott
1381]. Palace Way.
Mr. C. J. Be'Liner spoke, stating tlmL: there will be no dctri~:~o~tal effecl:~
brought about with [:]~s type of zoning~ no major traffic t)rob].em!;, since
there will not be any "egress" or "ingress" through thc Via Venida tract
and felt that it would b(mefit thc area tremendously. Mr. Bonnet stated
that tlmre were no detailed plans at this t~mc, but assured the opposition
that whatever was bu:~].t there would be in the interest and welfare of the
community and i~ no ~.:,ay clotrimcntal.
Mr. Robert Wilde, owner of t]:e property, stated that Mr. Bonner's develop-
ments in the pa.~,t have been yery hig]~ quality type develop::.ents and on thc
present app!icat:i.on, al. though t'h~re are no present plans, fe].t sure that the
high rent would demand a better tyTx: proje, ct, limiting thc prospectiw:
tenants to adults only. The noise would be of no concern~ stated in thc
p¢:tition due to "adult" only livi~g %-:ith no children and acsthct~cal].y, tlm
project wo',:].d be: onc~ that thc. y could be proud of.
Afte. r much discussion relative to the se\,cn opposing reasons stated in the
petition, Clm~rmau ]~a].u,% dec.lared thc: public portion of the hearing closed
at 8:45 ]..k..
Mr. Oster and Mr. Webster felt that an R-1 zone, with a Var:~ancc, would be
appropriate, giving tb.e Com:::iss~on so:~'.~: con['rol over thc height of thc-
structures irmn'.,.7, iately abutting t:he $40,000 bom,-.~s. Their concern was
re].a~ive to thc density of subject application.
Cbairm?.n lla].u.q called a 5 ~ninute recess at 8:z~7 I.N., which reconvened
) ·
at 8:55 1.h.
Discv. ss~on continued relative to density, financial aspects, PC r, Planncd
Com::mnity), PD (Planned ])¢~w.'l. opm:.:nt) Disl:ricts and the overall, problems "
involved. Il: was suggested th. At tim public hearing be continued al. lowing
}Ir. Bonner suJfficient time to submit proposhd plans to be reviex:e.d by the
interested parties.
It was moved by Mr. O~;t:crz_s.?._c_oj3ll9_d__b_x *..'.r. Wcb.~;ter t'Imt Am)!'i ca ~' :i on No.
ZC-68-].7l! be: continued to thc nex;'
~c.,t ..... ].v sclmdu].ed ~:cc[iu?_~?.av 27.
].968 and dtn.].n,~ the inl.'eri~.~ the z)]mlican[' t~ee[' wi. th repre,~c~.tat'iv~s of
the ad j.o:i.~ j ~3f:f; 2!!'..0Pc rl_~. ' ownc! r s.
Voted by. roll. call. Ayes: Oster, l,udwig, lmruard, Webster, }{alus.
Noes: Nbne.. Absent: Bacon. Carried 5-0.
3. UP-68-259 -
To permSt a chm:c]~ with a seating capacit'.y of 300 perso::So
I,oca t J on:
Site fronts /:53 ft.. o;) tim l~ort:!~ sJ,,le of 'i,!;~in S:'re('t at
the int:ersect~on of W/l. lia:':',~ Street: az:d t,;ain Si. feet. The
nort'hea~.;terly bound;:.ry of sagd property ~s the Sent:a Aha
]+~.?,(h~?,i_u~".(.[j~ p~c~.senLc,.d Lhe staff reporl' reco::.ul,::ndin~;
apl'.~'o',.'a], t,:ld..'r £1~.o J-o!] c,..:~ll[~ con;lit iO~l.q:
1. Tlm£: arch'itcct'm:al and ].ap, d:;c,':i~JtC, plans be ,su!,:;titt:(,d
to tlm Archit. cct.ural Co'.,;tlJ.[.Ic'c foJ' rovigv.,.
2. St'r('ei: tree:; l)c plant'cd lX,r thc
Thc api)licap.~' slmll ~m. provc tim cp.t:Lrc strce[: fro-atabe
illCJU~]~ll3 %.:].(1C~11~.11~ ()~ ElK) ('>:i~;[;~.ll~; t;LI'C'('t fro::l t:l~,, oost:
rigbt.-of-way ].5]m oi Wi'l. li;):as Sl.reet to ~he v:e~t: li~):.
of fha church propc~zL'y. 'Jy;provc. m:,~)!'a shall i~m].udc con-
strucl:ion of curbs ~ gul.tors~ sidm.:alk and l)aVJUg 1:o tlK~
satisfaction of the C;Sty ]'h~gineer,
Applicant sltal], construct t]K~ , ' '
i)c. rt~J~8 lot and drainage
the existing flood control chaunel..
ChaJrr'..a:~ lk.'!u: opened tim pu!)!Jc porCion o£ t:l~.e heari~:g at: 9:10 P.N.
There being no cor.'mcmLs or discus~;~on f~:o,u the aud~(:'nc(:, C!'.nSrp,:n: ]!alu:;
: declared the l)Ub].ic: peri:ion o£ t:l~e lmari~.~5.cIo.sod ac 9:11 P.i.;.
The Co,.1...]o,](.) co',mm:red ¥:.[.t:h tile Si'elf's rcpcn't.
971 be.
cond5 t'ioim:
1. 'J'hat arcl~itcctural apd ].and.~lC. al)iUg plane: be sul)mit:t:ed to
the Ar,::h'~i:ectural Con",it[:ee for rcvic:.;.
2. Street trees l)e plant.cd per tqm Nester Street Tree Plan.
The apl,l'~can~ shall i,,~provc; tl)e chi'ire street fro:~'.:ag¢'
including ¥~JrkmS. ng of the exist:trig street from tho east
rigl}t:-.of-x.:ay ].ine of Wi!lira.u; Street. t:o the west: 15~m of
the el)re:ch propart'y. ]'ml)rovc:m.u~Ls slml. 1 include con-
struct'ion of curl)s, gut:i'm:s;', side¥:a!l: and paving to t:l~e
satS. s:factioit of thc Cil'y Engineer.
4. Appl.~ca:)t: shall, cons.'.:ru'.:t' tim park:Lng lot aud draJnage
inlet:.q in sucl~ a nmm~er so as t:o direct: all drajt:ag, c: 5nt:o
the exi:.;ti~g flood control clmn~:el.,
5. The. Arcllil:cctural Coi.'mit:tee 1)e required to reviev: tl,.e 1)arkJltg
lot layout.
}Irs. I,udv:'_J_[k moved t,.at- the mot. Jou be amc:haled to include the ]..'ire ])epart'L'..~ut"s
two rc:co:~.-.:mndation~;. };ot:5ou failed for lack of second.
The above mo?ion was voted by roll. call. Ayes: Oster, L,d::Jg, I::u'~:ard,
¥1el.)s t:er ~l!alus. Noes: None. Al)serif:: l~acon, Carried 5-0.
To pc;rinii' a carry-ouL: fi:;h anti cl'.J1) bu.qina~:5.
Sul)ject: l),:;5ncs;s proi)o:-;cd to locate in a po:-[':Jon of an
axistiug co:7;::crcial co:::p].~:,: f'ro;tti~g 75 fO. on tlw souLh
3..).~ fL, west' t.h('.
side of First: SL., appro:<Jn',nCcly "" of
cent:er].5;~c,, of !! fit'., vJil.]t l:!~e st:reo/ adch:cs:q ;30 East
FSrsl' St
[:_r.__._,q_t!i).:~.,.i3:~.!( l)re:;e-nt'cd a l)rie£ ,,;taCIT repart .......... " ,
1. L'CO ........ l.(=J 11b a pin:oval.
declared t.he. pub].~c port:ion of t'h(' hearing, c]o.~;(,d at 9:].6
The C, om::~is$ion con~c'urrcd ¥.,it'h the Staff's re. port:.
It: ~.:as moved by ).:r. 0.'; t:or, sc__c, on_d_,.Ld b), i__~2'_.__~._k3_1.)2!JL(,r=~ t:b,:: t l:esol, ut:ion
9 72 be adopj_ed_~_ .~.11'_~_F. 1:__~.OV_~.',~_~_2).l?[~].i(:;!. [: J OYt 1']0. l)J2-68- 260 fO:: the fo]:.l..owJ_.liil
reason:;: . ·
The Con~nis.~;ion find:; t:liat tlm csLab].ish.men[:, n~;t:L~tcm,qnce and
operation of the use app]:icd fcc ~;,ill not, under the circur..t-
stances of the parti.col~',r case be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, cor.',.fort and general ll.y2l, f;tro Of the
siding or working in the neiglfl)ori~ood of t:l~e, propel;ed use and
it Will not l)e injurious or detrfi,lent:;il to t. 1~e. proper{:y m~d' im-
provements ~n the nc~ighlmrhood or thc ge, ncral x.,'clfarc of the
Ci ry.
As addJ. tSonal ground',;, the II',iD.II~CS and evidollco introduced
the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the
l]lOt to1/,
Thc: above l[).ot:'JlO]J. ¥,~aS vot:ecl by roll C.a]ll. Ayes: Ludwig, Larnard,
l.;el)ster, tla].us, Noes: None. Absent: Bacon. Carried 5-0.
5. V-68-209 - 3AC,I,-].,~-II[E-];OX - BE!,VI!,I F. CO]II',!,,
COl]f;j.(lo~:zltio]l of approval of three (3) signs including
1. Se]iootioll display indicating service availab].e on the site.
2. Intercom stetson for placi~g of orders and designation of
drive-thru area.
3. Jack-In-Thcs-Box pol. e sign.
Location: Sike froni:s 150 ft. on tim northea,~;t side of Newport Ave.,
and 150 ft. on the south\.:est side of I,aguna Ave.
}~_.r_.._~jl~)jl_~_p,p_l'- pro:;ollted a 1)riel staff report: recoa~.:noildillg thai: V-68-209
be apl)roved as request:ed, upon obtaining a building peYlilmimt fei: the
Mr. Oster stated that tie would al>stain from co:a:nanting or voting on subject
Chairman l!a]us opened the public portion of t:he hearing at: 9:18
}ir, ).~()l?vti]] C()!~.F~.]~, al. tome, y, represcntinf; t:he applicant-, stat:ed that he
would answer auy questions that the Co:a.-.~.issioners have,
There being ilo co:u:;lants or otl)?r discu:;sion fro:~; the audic::me: Chairman
llalu:.; dec].ared tlie public pcrt~.on of the hc:,':ring closed at 9:].9
The Corn:Mss]on co,)cu:-red %.:it:h the Staff's report.
) t:. y_qs n._2o_yc-..<~ 12y_l-_'.,L:- !~?_r..!!0I_d_,_ .s_e._egLLd~_c~_t2_~lJ.l.r s, l,ud v.=ig.~.__(jl_,?.Jj_ ]_j~.e.~o.]__lj_Lj_0..il No.
973 be adopt'ed .e,~:c..r,,[ '£uF~ ;pOroval.. o.r Ai)pl. icat-Jo:,~ No. V--6,q,-209 t, plu? obt'a~]~.~.~.~
a b u i 1. d ~ '~!~._ !L? ~::'[..!~_ ._(9.r__t_1?..
The above l,]o[.ioll x:a.c; VOtlc)d by re!ii, call.
tlal. us. ~;oe.q: Nee,.. Abst:aJac. d: O:.;::er.
Aye s:
6. ZC-68-].75 - 1.1.'d%Y ]m; .
)?or rezoning of alq:ro:,:Js?:~t'ely 2.33 acres of ]'and fro::~ the PD 3500
(])].am~ed l)eva]oF:.,.eut 3500 sq. ft'. per m:~t p?r loc area) 1)Jst'rJct
to t:he C-1 (Rot:ail Co::'.'~c~rcia].) and R-3 1900 (i,:ult-jpl..¢: Residential
1900 sq. Ct:. p:~: unit. p.::.r lot: area)
I,oca t i(m:
Site fronts ]6.'~ fL'. on i.lg.' iKn'L'i..';idc o[ Scwc;'d:eun?~
Street, 620 ft. on t:l~e wa~;t side of'Yorba an3 1~/,. fi:.
on ~]~.a sou~]) side of I...{~,~.o~.d Avc.,lue.
}ir. Supin~.(.,.r tn:escn[:cd t:iue stair repm:t recc):,~,~e~tding t:l~nl: ZC-68-].75
be approv,'.d a~d rcco:n:'.~en:]ed to t]K~ C:ity Cour, ci]. for adopt'ion o.f' an
ordinance rezoni~g subject ln:Ol~'er[y fro:'a ]q)-3500 to R-3 (1900)
C-1 respectively, for the fo].!o',.i;~s
1. '19~c? propo$cc] CO!'..U:'::~):Ci~L1 Z()~li!lg i,q ill c¢)tlfor~.~P.~cc %.:Jt]~
Tus[ iT~ Area C.,(,','mral ])].~:i':.
The deviation fro,~.: preselllk].y e.?4i!~l:j.])[~ zoilill[; ill regard
dcmsity Js 11 more uhil.s on 1.77 acres of lined.
'lqm proposed zoning is a proper t. ransition between c(,:::n:crcial
and ].o,.., dc~.~JSiJ'y residenl:ial.
'J:he ccnw'a:r,qic',:~ of the corner 0.56 e. cre5 of ].an~!, ~s ce'..miderc, d
to lm app'~:opri~t.e for ti,~ develop:,~.c.a~t of land
%,2cs['e.r].y i~tersection of a pr'J.¥~:~ry a~K1 secondary highw~::.y.
A:; addil:io:'m! ground:;, il,e, r,,inuL'c.:; and evidcmcc~ inL'roduc(~d at
the h~',~..~ng'" be incluc!ed by refer(n)c(, and made a part: of tim...
Chairman Ua!u.,:, opc;i:ed tl)e public ])()rt:ion of I:h¢: hearing at: 9:25
Mr. J. Stc:n]:.e..)i, attorney, 306 Uc.qk Z;.t:i~ S{','(.~¢'t:, Santa Ann, repres~mt:L])~;
the applicant, briefly told o'f the 1)a~:[: b:{sl:ory of this prop?ri:y, stating
that they have attetq)tc.d to sccm'e develop;ne~t:s under the exist:i~;g zoning
and have bvcn. tm~;uccc:s~,ful.
.M?:..__C._aj:.q_d_.i_,':_,?_,.yj_t~.L, 2053 We::tclif~ ])rive, Newpo.rk B:';;ch, arc:hi t:eck,
~h;.t~- ).;r. J. 'j.'i~onc, r 1);;$ t)uilk m:u:y apart:l,~c'~tl:s tit,el: adjoinin~ p:'oD::'~:L:ic>.q .ca'.,,
bo proud of ±n respect t:o thc:±r qt,..':!kL:y ami aesPlmPic ya~ue. He
~ho proposal as 1)c>ing prir;ari~y £o-c adu].t:s~ w:Ll:l~ £';rc pi. ace,.-,, di.C~
eke. ~ and t:l)at a ~eo:'e der;Iii.ed plan will l>e std)i:'.it:k('.d al: a ].at:er
Mr. Floyd _,~.('_d_c~j;, Real Estat:e Represe'ntat:ive, S!~c]I Oil Co:';pa~iy, presc'ut:ed
a drawing of t:lteIn.'oposc(,' service station t:lmt is p].am~ed t-o 1)a co;xst:ruct~.a..-
on tl)e corner of 17t-h and Yorba, stating t:l,::l: the service sL-ction will have
rear bay cnt'rScs.
}ir. V. J. l,eF.g&.'.9_, ].3782 Palace Way, present:cd a pctit:io'.) ro t!)e
witl~ 3'7 signature,~; oppo.q~n~3 .qubjc,,ct zone cl'wmge. 11c was dJ.~;l)J, cn,';ed w~th
tl)e idc..a of anokber service st.at'Jc)n goi~<; in, statiug that: it would detract
fro:n the ho'.::~s. 'J.'he rt.;nsc, ns for oppos it :Lo:', are as fol~o,..:..q:
'1. 'lq~e taxes of resfdents pre:;en[:ly l:i.vjng in the. vicir,.ity of t-his
land will increa,qc because a greater mm~',~er of indSvid~:al.s ~.:j].i 1)a
using tl,c: scltoo.!:;, fire prot:c.c:i:ion, ut. ilitics, ].~l)rarJes, a~.,d o[:):c,::
facilities furni.,d~ed by t:i,.e C:.' ty of Tu:;t:in.
2. It: is kno'..~,~ t:',.c.t, t'..:c'., valu(' of
I-., '-,
locat'c,d near ~:a~lt:il)].c c ..... 1.]-..~,o s
valt, e of l~o::,c~s ri?ar which t~o
3. Ti~o u'.,)dersignc.d were not' told of
dwellings at t'he
various e::p!a:mki()r:s of wb.a¢ would
quest'ion were given, 1)u2 ut, n? of t:]~em d(,:;cril)cd r:ultipq, e d'...'e]l'ip. Ss; o:' ,'.:
gas sl'r:tiotl.
f~. Tim bui]di~:5 of n:u!til)le d;...e]lJng:: would cont:ril)t)t:c to t'l:,'.
of sci~ool:,~ alre;:dy a :,erJ. on.~.:
~. Th(,. cop, f, cstic,;t o[ l.l~a s~'ree~-:; wiL. h cars ~cruases in Lbe
~icin'L~:y of n.u].t~ple dwL~].].iu[~s rcduci~K~ Lbe sa~eLy feel:or for
children ].~viug in tl,c~ area.
6. Thc right o~' privacy cf t'hc prix~ate bo:n.a o,.'aer is c~JU~.~t~.:;,~ed by
placing multiple dwellings near hDu. Tim ,.oded nofse produced by
aparh,}(.nt l~ouse swin::~.[ng pools, loud playing of radios alld pl~onogral)bS
and noisy parties is well ]:no',.~,x. Furl'her, because of l.lm two-level
structures proposed,' tlmre will bc less privacy in o~)[~'s own back yard.
7. Ti~at part of the rezening conce]:ni~3 t]'.e C-1 would i)c,.rh~i[: i:lm
bui!d:h~g of a gas st:at:ion. Til~re aJ:C CllOU.[~II gas stat:Lons in the
¥ici.nit'y and the 1,ui].di~q~ of o:m would fm:t. hc, r lower p'coperl:y w:lues.
8.. The rezoTning of the iand in qu::stion would inc,:ease tlm pogpil',i!il.y
o~ other parcels of land J.u the vicinity of being rezoned for a shnilar
purpose, thereby further lo .... zzno the val.ue of the private boma owner's
pr qpar ty.
Mr. C..eorL?_. Brex.'?2, 13791 Palace flay, objected to a family ,. pa project going
in m~d 1Gr. Back 'Z!~m:er staI'ed that the intention was not to rent to adults
x.:ii:h ch4.1dren.
3.1rare being no fm;l:lmr dis¢:u:4sion fro:a tl~(; audience.~ Chajrman I~o. lt',s declare, d
thc public portion of thc hearing c. losed at 9:50 Po!,I.
It was called to the attention of tlm opposing ]~oi:mo;-mers that this proposed
zone change is different t:ha~ tim one pr(wious!y discuf~sed (ZC-68-].74). The
density, orim~ta[:io:) of thc pro jet. l:, serx'i(m station and appropriate zone
were discussed by the Co,'.':;~i~;sion. fir. ]'m~tard, ~ir. Wel)ster and ~1',:. Oster
saw no detrir~ental effects by tl~ir; zcnm change, providing acceptal)lo plans
and 'regt~lations be co:nplied x.:it1~ by ttm applicant. Nfs. I,udwi~. opposed the
dens ity.
It wc.s ~r..oved t).~L_.Y..r~_ l..¥L12~_~_q_r_x sc:co::.aad 1))k.l..pi;_L__a3L!!!~Ld_~_!:.!Lat...I_',£jj.9_.l.t. jj:j.ou N.cD_
9_'/j:-._J?m_~?!o_p3;.(.?J~7 P)'-~.93.'.'!:LUA ?_, (j.-~,8 -__!'_/_5_f!:2cj_2:.c_,_?;'ff':,..-_-,¥!c__.d...t.:&..~j!~L~j.j~ Cot, nc ~ 1 f or
aj!_oj!t.:j o.j]_i!37.jp2' o__.'£d :_[_!'.it:'_~?_.r__c:z__gjljm2~jL_f_ui_~ i_f.:!'.tproper.t_Z fro.a P])- :$500 ! o R- 3
1. Thc 1)ropo:~ed comr'..~ercia! ZO~].~.]]g JS '~.n COl]fOr]il~]llC(~ with the
Tustin Area Ceneral Plan.
2. The deviation f]'o:'.l presently exJst:ing zoning in regard to.
density is 11 more units on 7..77 acres of land.
3. The proposed zoning Jm s ~Z proper tran:;J, tion between ccm~:ercial
and low density reaiden~'ial.
The conversion of the corner 0.56 acres of 3.and, Jm S considered
to be appropriat'e for t:he develop:;'~e, nt of land at' the northwesterly
intersection of a pri:,mry and secondary highway.
5. As addit:io'o.c:l grounds, tlm raiuut:es and evidence introdr~c¢,d at the
hear'lng be ~ncluded by reference and t, mde a part of the motion.
Mr. O.qKer amcnded tim motion as £ollows:
Reques[: that the applicant of the R-3 (1900) take the al~propr~at'e
architectural steps to screen and block the two story v'~ews fre::',
the adjoin~ng property to the north.
.~.h-._.l)9.l.3j~ expressed his col'l~.'(',rll fO!I '[11"lf.) dee',ail.)', stating that: he felt that:
mult:ip].e is apln:op~'Sate 5n thSs area, but. felt: t.hat 1.0 v. uits i.s excessiv.,'~
for t:h5,~: part /cv.l.ar u:;;~ge.
~a..m>. .... cmt' x.:a!; voted by roll cal.]..
Webster, O.'~'c.r. Noes: l,ud',.:Sg, l:a]u.,';. Abs.::nt: 1,,~ oa.
Ayes: ].rLWp. ar. d
}b;.. Stj,lZij.Li2:.'!i ln'e',,cnt'cxl Llm staff rcpor[: slating tim. t: su!~jocl: area is
PZ-08-].07 J)o o, 1)l)r()vcd gn~ ~(]CO:'.i'.i.,:iIL]CT(] [ 0 1110 CJl y COUnC:~ ]. for ~I
of an ordinm~cc prezo~:Lng Sul)joc[: area R-/i aud ]I-1 rosp(~ctj.vc,ly for
~he ~:o].low~nU ~ c .... on..
1. Sub']oct: zoning coll[Ofl:'S t~ tlle Tu~;tin A~:ca Cci~u. ra!
2; 'l~]e long exSstJ.t).g i:ubala~,.cc of c():.'i::e;:cial x'c~rso~; rc:sidc:~H'ial
zon].l],, ¥25].]. be reduced by tl,c' a;n'te>:at:[on of thc: rc~:idc:nt:ia].ly
},ir. S)u2_J_'!..,?,.c_,_r. stat:ed ti:at: a 3. cfi:er h,:',s
parl:mo:.)i: frc::n i.;r. R. K. Elliott, ]~].].iotL Co:'.:pany, reque,qt't'ng a s!ighJ-
moJificat:Jo;t 5n the zone cl:.angc relative t:o approx~mat'cly ].~ acres of
land t-lint: t:lx~ir compauy hc,.~: purclm.,';cd. Ti~e roq-oe, st was t'o rezoi~:,, cc, ri'r~i:l
port:ions o-f Lhcir l. and Lc) R-4 raI:lmr than R-1.
A map outlining this parcel was su!nnStrc,d along with trim 1. et.i'c'..'r. ],el:tc.r
and ~,mp are on f.~le in L'l~c. Pla'm.~ir.,g
A letter fro.:n t'l,e ].rvfno Cc,:r, pai~y ,¢;jgill:~c'., by 1.h'.
Vice Prcsidont, PlannJni: ])cpart!'.~cmL was sub;~d, tt.ed
at: tlm n:cet:i, ng r¢:q~,<,st~n5 tl,.at g poreio:~ of t:l~eSr property lx- pre-
'zoned to I,].11.17, (~;c;bilcho:,'.e Park). Ti~c ].et:t.er s~r.,.tcd tl~at upon a
dc:t-.aillC~d lezla~,.yf;J£; of pYc'ses~t mr~.~q['.'ti'n5 illfO]Ci:l:!L:ic>;.l an<! p]l~,J, lli~jll]~(: prJn--
ciplc, s, Thc: ]'rvip. z~ Co;,p:.!~.y is of t.be o?:;.nion
is an ~dc,al locatio:~, for t:l~c', c:o'..~.s;¢ructJon of sue:It a faci].it'y.
}ir . 8 X ]~jTiI~ [~ ]j stat:r.d LhoL: t:h.:.~re ~m ~; ttO objc'ction IIO cil:lteY reque.:;L:.
C__t):Ti_i}).?'..'.,2_]_£LI2!% oim~.',"d the pul.,lic portion of thc: hearing at 10:26 l'.i.lo
}ir. J,q[.!as 1.;_~_?£.~!.(?_!'., Irvip, o rcpr(~sc.t'.t:al'ivc:, explained trite c:ouL(mt:; of
the ].ct. tc:r S[Ta['il'l~} t:h;:i: t:hcy see uo prc;l:le}:'., in conforn, ing I:o tho
ho;'.,'..c~ Park s t:am!ard,,';.
}.Jr. l) ,q ]~.L(}J?_t-(1.~2_, propc~:l:y O',l.qlcr Of Mil:cheil and ..... ~ mJ',
to ccrt:a'in area::; l)eing rt~×on(..d to ]L-]...
l~Ir. (3'J1] S[l~:t'¢':d that thc:re woul.d be p.o object~onF~ to an R-/~ zonb on
Mr. Richards 1)."opert:y.
There bc~,~g no fur t. her cc, ...... nt~ from Ll':o audieucc,
declared the public portion of the hcar/'ng
r._e.:.q_?.)]'ZLtl e__d_ .JD~__r }!"-.L _-~?i.-'.' :]..?..__?_c:~.':;. L?_!:Y.., _t !]?_ !.'2_"t .. :ng....y_9:_(! t'-!'_,'t!3 Ltl..9.:.!_ Y] "/L 2:2 ) -!.g ti.c_
.P]:9i)9..TJ.L',£z...J.t_w..:_I',.-..{:__,e Z;__.r_CF!):'..C':L]:'..FF[. _o..q ._r]'R.. ]L;.cj.!f..?.21Z;. _PY.L':?.~S t.D:..a!)!.!. 5:!).:.'. ~3Li..'.:' }'!'-.
~1'1:_[~_ 'pOl?(l'lC)lU; ......... ElS 1)L'l~ lml)c' l')?C~",)C'i~().] ~U,::EI(.(:(',) [:("J [:!; l)'~r l'.b'21',h (!!'.r,' I CCC~:":I.'I: '
t-.o_ .t]!).cL.. _e.,1 _t:j:._Cj;.-..Lnj:.!.]_ _.y_!)rj .t. e:i L_o.]_.cjj:~ ~,~L,.,j,_e_2..._,.!.~ g:. }2.].-'.".L _t.j .,_,, s ~: I_C).cLt:..[L' 2!2.q?_: .': J FL
a~__F_(_°YJ :.z:~.'! _('.'_ .b._.cL. !!'...qP"._'.(/..fi_..£_qf.._r!;c..Z.. ~_'FJ'2' °"::L_F.!L.f'.?_t£._((.'_?Lt)...~.'..)_ _t.-i-"--L -s-l-:-c.'.r--F--]]c£ i'-( .'
Tim al)ov,,~ h:oL:ior~ was vol r',d hy roll. cai].
],a::'n..'!rd, 1..cbs ,.'c'.r, ~',oc;f;: NOl!~ o AI)~:c'~i::
O ;L.('r, l,ud,..'i g,
1, k.,t::;.on c,., ]..c d 5-.0.
Supply Store:;.
Nc. S~:I)J.~'.~j:9.'5:. p~{esented the sI:af£ re,peri: and l'n:opo:.:c.d a:.x,~,d,,m,t: tlmt: had
l)ccm requost'.ed-lSy t:hc Co.u:..Jsr;ion, to 5.~co::poraLe to l:l~c
ordinance as apc, rmitted usc: thc "install. etlon of
Chairman lI.:..!u?, opcn,.:d the pub].ic portion of the hearing at 10:35
}Ir. A!]m.n l. fc]'nuJ.,~, Coldw,'.ll,. Bank,.,.r &. Ce:';'.p:,.'z f, 220? 1.;o (loc:si' 1~'"£,~ '~' 'ay,
Nm.:porP Baacl}, was in at,...]..u~.n¢:( stat:lng tlmt he x:ould a:]o¥.'cr any
Webster stated t:lmt he fei. l: the proposed a;?.ond'nm',l: has b:'en ,' ~
,, %1J. -
ficimicly discussed and does not f{nd a'..~y dif£iculty with it. "
I2:_y.'.~L F_o.Y. f ~_.b_x._! [r_.._3:?._b) J'.e.z_' ,__s_e_e_.9::d e d t. ? y_.!: ir_2._J,__,7_r! ':?:_d_ t l__v' L_~_.J.',.e_~L9 ]--3![i.~.?..
No. 976 be c,,'..o:'~ecd ,'.,)i)~'ovJ~v,, the .)~.'9P.O,;ed' ord~{~n{we, re.J.at:ivo to
............... J.-- J_~.~ .... 2._LL ....... "'.'-' %- ..... 2. ........ -'. ':_ ..;Z _~.
Aul:¢,:~:ot::;.ve Su:?.]:.ySt_qFjL.,b and reco:2.,.:lc. Ln_d--4.l:E,__91)ir_c251(L]..__t_otj]<3__C.,jij_y._C_o_un~,]:.!=.
The above mot:ion was ¥otcd by roll call, Ayes: Osker, ]',ud-,.~ig~ Webster,
llalus, ],.?,rn;:rd. Loc:~,: None. Absent: ]!,.aeon. Carried 5-0
9. CONS.!D];ibVf'I%O:: 0]' AN O"I]xru.'.,TX:~; TO ]U.Y,)IJTRI' A IlSE PEiC.i!T
for tim conduct: of all live cnt:cri-ain.'.,mnt:.
Mr.__~l}pi_j:!,:e3j' presented the 1)ropo:;ed ordinance si'at, lng that tim Planning
St.a£f was not in favor of the proposal.
Chairn.nn lla].un Ol;eUc..d t:he public portion of tim bearing at: 10:37 P.i.,'..
'TiN, re l)c~J.l,.g no co;'.mmu~.s or clisclm,qio.u from the audience,
declared tho public pore'ion of the hearing closed at: 1.0:38 ]?.l. io
Mr. GJ].l explained i:he reason for such a.:'~ ordinance, stating tl?,~' tim
City, in tlm past: has found it difficult in so:ne inst, ances to control
certain form of live entcrt:ai~;..-'.ent, lie st:a~ed that, this is a method
that would in,sure fm:~lmr coll[']7o! of al! forms of cntertaJ.p.:~.m{t and
would not be retroactive, in l:hat all the cstab].Ssl:;.'mnts present'].y
holding en[:eri, ain.:.]ent permits would not be effect, ed. This will. relate
only to new application:; fo]: enkcrtain:::en[:.
}ir. Ro'orke - City At'tome;y, stated t:l,,at lie feels t:hat it: is a prob].em
of use of ].and ......
tn,,t, can be considered l)y the Planning Co:::,niss~on and
can be bett(zr regulated by t.lm ]q.arming Commission.
].t x ..... n.t%((: 1)5 N:. 0 .... e .... cco..,lcc. 1)~ ~,.. L¢.~rn,..d, i.~ .... ]..(..,o..tt..on ~,o.
9'/7 be adopted reccu'.~:e,mxu.~ t:o t:l)c City Corn:oil ,.,.:~n-,,'m-,~:._ o:.~' tim mro;)o'_:ed
ordinance t'o Reouire a Usc Permit for the Conduct' of all Live Enl:ertaiu-
ment a,q sul):~il:tcd to the ]?].anni~).q Co:':m:ission.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Larnard, Oster, Ualus.
Noes: Webr;ter, Ludwig, Absent: Bacon. CarrSed 3--2.
M_r.. :¥_.~i:_l?j_i.:.q!.2 stat:cd that this approacll to the problet.l as st:;,t:ed i.~; dis-
agreeable for two rea.qons, lie felt-, t'hat it Js cumherso::.e both t:o the
appl. ica',)t ar:d to the l'lannin.3 Co;:';:nJ..ssio',l. Secondly hc did not believe
t ....City would .¢;upport a t:ae Llwtt is detrir:...ental, to
that the pc. ople of '~,~'
the co::'..:,m:~ity, statir:g t:h:.~t: he doe,~ not feel t'hc, t there is a need for
this t:ypa of re:dj.henCe at t:hJs point and t:'h:"?, rn.. I.,,..l,~,ter stat:cd this
ai.'12 i1Cti:l 3D t.
as b].s reason for o!)jcct~.ng t'l,e ln:Oposed ' '-.
~-?_._-.,'_[t:'-!.2.x. ,'z._.l'j-.'!':.'_?, f:.c'l.'_.!.:2...._.6jj-i ( I u., t ~. n ".,,' ~','
.... \.uL .... & Loan l'roporty)
I,ocnt'i6~.t: Prop:,rty loo'tt;ldad by ]."i'rst Street:, ]~our[:]~ Si.re(:I' au.4
"Il" ,q t:rc.e [-.
.Mr.z._:e.,.U2!:i:p?:.C12 stat:ed that mc:etin,qs are bain3 he].d by thc. CS l:y St.qc£ cml :'h'
pro[,c,.rcy o,.'uers involved in th4.~: r.'ttter~ recc.::':nel~cl[n?, ti:at t'hKs b.a con-
tinv:~d fo:: s:[x mont-hs or trot'il st:ch tit,,-, as a f/ual detc.rm~,ant~on hns
CORRE,fi .-
Mr, Sm):i~:'j,.(p£ ],re,,;entcd t. hc: st;t.sf rcpo~:L sL'a(.i~[; t:h;':t; t:hi,¢; p:':rcc,]
was recep.~:].y l:ho ,~;td)jecL of a .U,~;,q ]"e~hGt for a dri¥(.--t:l~ru rc,~.['~',.'.ra',~t
by Jack-]h:-Tlm-]k~>:, )i:c. lie
Fenj.'_.f?jL_F)!..i'.c~f]:!.J:i__~.?='...'! 2C fee:l: ef si'feet ri:,,',~t-of-wav o'n i:m..,:,orl
£ i,;,~! ~`~:~9::::43:~.~Z~-tj-~..`.--c:t~5--FL~;j..~:C1~1)~c~2:~?Z~t2~t~]~ _o~..._t.!.l/k ~.~.!.:c'.. ~'!(; '.: :i
(~aTr. io(1,
To lx.~rt;r;t the co:w;truct:~(:n of a 36 unit: op_,,~. sto~'y gardc'n appa~:[:r.x'nt
'1 1"-,- :Lt:e co~ta:Lnipg
in tim R/'. "Suburlm~ ll~:~idc, n~:ia]." D~st:r~cl:.
Mr. St:pip,%;.'2[ i)r(:.,.;e::'.,[:c(1 tho sta:.Fi~ report re. co:~'.::::md.~ng opi)osiLi(,t; of'
UV-60'/i foJ' tlic: rc..;.Jsctts Cn .... i-he propoi.;cd density ~ncr(;;:r,e i:.¢ cor~l'ra~"~
to tl,e Tust~;: Area Cc.;~erc,!
AfLcr a brief (J'l. S01.1.~;s~o'~'[ ~.:!'.o]]g~ the Co~:.:,~issiot'), it was decided t.l~:~ the
proposed l)roj.~c[: would have a greatew (!eusil:y than indica~:ed on 1.i,0
Tust. Jn Area ~:,ueraL lq. an.
1,1_!Lr._~.?.~__l!.j./':r_!_.~._.'_,__Z,j.})jc_, 1].07 ].:,'.tst Chap:,::n, Su:[t'o 20:5, O,:,:,ltgC:, app.licnnt
~.Tas il) P. EI'(tii,L'.,('!:OC, g~Vgl!g ~. }))?iC:.[ tct].]~ Oil [:]:C bac:l;g~.ouna of
app].ic:a ~ J
I t- wa s ,,,o ¢o.d ~y-~`.~-~--~-~-~.tLq£.~-pc.Lq.?!?.jc-~1..]!y->~.-.7~--~-:~¥.!)~.r.~(.~-tj.`:.i!~. !'..J:.e.i:9(.!;:'. iii
.d_~.. ):_c~: j .c .(.J__t.-.p_ .. j-:]Lq.. _0_,.. ~, t: f.,,2__ C c,~.::d:}L_]?J_,~:~] !': :!..!? f:,_C.9..,'..'~l',:=s..~=o_tl.. !}~.~jl Z]),?,....t.:?it.t_ .L.]] kq,_P.):_9-_
po,%e_d t!:cRj.%.!t..Z.92,,.JjT_j,..?.l,?__a._gjTl?.j.~!:E_(.~?::¥::i ~:>,_.t ]]}:q!LjOl!j..c..,_:i!.!i~_.:J.._o.,.L.,.tj b,__)~is_L:J2!
Ar(:a 6.' :.',,,.~,ra ! ]7] ;:`~.~-a-`~:j~r-(2iuj~q``~;c.]!?;~t~:?:`~..-C~.:~:iI:~]~]~!~-~?i~]~:~ J."-!
its w.J_._~Lg._::.,_c pjzi'j/,_? :c_.qi.,j:.%~ig .~!!>:.~,.:,,:i..~.q__a. .t.'._gJ',.?j:...?_~:'.,..jj.t.tj:~._i~'.E._vj-g',_'.../.t).Z
° ' ' ' }¥'_%"tg.c...tL .L(_L...L:' ?_._!:.,?':."-:J.'_~:2 :__tLJ:'.'.:. J. ] .' .,'.'._ 2.? ., ¥!-Lc..q r:i.,
C. O1'l.., [.1 il," ~.(' [~
and C2 "Geu.:,ral ihis~n:::sy." ])jstricL-s [.o t.h:~ R2--1500 "Gr'oul~ D..:.ll'ir.["
DJsl:r:{ct~ cc. rL'ain propz~t'ty ]oca['cd c, ppro:<'~r.'n['e!.)' l:50 fl.. sot'Ll:.:'e~:~ 1,
Tut;tilt Area.
AfL:er disct~:';:.;ion
County r,i:a~:!crd~: ,~', ......... ~ . .
aesCl~et:ics oFt".,e project at~;~ tl:e o,,'era]l rc, sidcm,""-l.,,1 ~ffecI's, ........... ]t x..'('~;
l ~,t- t-c,]-
. ....................................................... · .................
thc ~t';',,", ~-(!,, c.,1 cr ..... wol t:..,!..L- t'] ', ('ot.l[w $~t-;~:,,l,qw(~;. C:~v>:~.:.~l u:h"~-:,[:.,:;'..~J,..
_: .... 2 .... ~:.2 '_Z ..... '~_. :.'22 ..... '.'2...~.. ~.:~: ......... ;; ............. ~ ................................................
A1)J OU..'IN-.
1,~ I,: Ni'.
Cb__:,!j2?_"!'..~_!!!.(~t!_r,- - cai lcd tl::,'. Cc.':::J,c,';iol:'...rs at.t'cnt'io:~ t.o sub-ioof
tuoet:~lg c]mom';:DJ nj; atl:m:J;~?cc.~ I.hi,'.; 'J. llur:;doy ~ flay ]6, ].961~. -.
2 POi,ICY liE: OFi:].CI; i,A,,,, 01.' ] £,.,..,,...,.[:,o CO:.~'i"S,qT0:; ( ..... J.:,.:.."~i'i /,;";D PiIO--Ti".:'.I
_C!~a!ZhL.:~271.I,_'L:T2,~_ s to ted i ha t: l',e x..'ou!d lil:c t.o ge': L: t:ol,o. I:1!er x.."J.t:]: the
other C:u.:',5,','" ..... ,'. ' ' "
.... ].(,a,~.~, t:o d',.scus,q a pol:i.cy relative to t.(z n of office
£or thc. Ci:::i
ln.o--t, cm ap.d l.;::l'];~;J of apl~oin','m.~,',.~l: of
otherc.( ...... ...... '"~-Lt.c.r ...... .,. Due to tim ].c:tcne:.' ' of tl)e (wc'..~:;.;~[; it: was ,qt,.ggestcd
t:hat t:b i,q
3. pRO1)UC].i S1.7.1?,'I'].:G (')N S.."_'.VIgN'.l?,l}:;ij.'i! S',.'}U.i].7.1.'
ClmJrman l',a].u:; c, xp;'essc, d co;:ccrn re. Icl-irc to thc sa].].].~,o of pro:luco
near Prospc.m[: and Sevm:tcent.h Street. lie st:at'ed tl~;.:t l:a ha.*; seen
throe or four signs ad ..... , '; ,,
\ett.] ...... no l:hc sal. e of or;;ngas and asked
Nr. St~p:l~ge',~ ~:F he ~.:ouJ. d 1;u'r,que this t'.';.::l'.tcr in t:hc: co:;;.v, ercial area.
'Iff'rare baling no furt:l~er bu:;:i.nc:,qs bcfore t'.l:e l?lannJng
Cha'i.rrmn lla]'t.'.s declared tim mcei:J,~;.., adjourncd, o.t 11:1.5
C]]AIJk',[:'~:,', 0).: Tt!]'; ':' ?v--, ........ i ..... "
s. ] A:,~.,~ .... (,0.'.._.~_ S> .L0,',