HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-22-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
APRIL 22, 1968
I].I o
Alq.'ROV/J, OF
~iI;.RTJ'::$ OF A Id,,,l,J,:\l,
].tJbJ ].,, ].'J,..'~iC'lj,,.., CO.':.',].,,oI( .\
Ap3:il 22, 1968
was called to order at: 7:35 I'.~,;o, by Ci,a:ir~:'.:m. ]b:o--t(,~,. tla]u,s.
Present: Co:l:.:.lissioilc. rs: Ost'er~W¢.l)s['er, l,t!(]\.:,ig,~ ]]altls, ]:r'.rnard.
Al)sent: Co ..... z..,',c a...r. Bacon.
Other:; Prose. id::
i!arry.E. Gill~ City Ad!,,inistrator
Jo. roes Co ]lourke, City Attorney
James L. Supingcr~ Planning l)jrecl:or
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Sc,.creLary
.Cha~.j'2:'~a__~2_.j.'j*?_-...t.7.gln..j.)!J.j,:2 announced that a public 1,earing will be held
~cforc: the Tnsl:J.~ City Council on i.:ay 6Ll~, al: 7:30 PoMe, in tim
Council Cha::~bc. rs to consider applications fo~: appoint:hurter of i:hrec
(3) membc:rs (.o the Tustin ].)].am~ing Com::d~sion. Con~;istc. nt with
tlmt approach~ any consideration of a permanent Chairman will be
continm~d to the next regularly scheduled Planning (]oz.mtissio't
meeting, Ney 13, 1968.
j_[-._y, gs...2i.o.5?j]_.l, qc.?;_r__.,.o.,3j? r.L~_e..E£!?i!Ei!, by_l,)rj;;_ 1;.t. Ld.v.~
9-~f~-`~r~:~.-{b..~.~6-~.)~f-~.P~.~fLv.i~L?;.?~:~.c~2~.~-~.~&2`~j~.e~. Corr:;ed 5-0.
1. UP- 68 - 2 ).)
}IAI(I,A;,' i';. S'J:.,\T'('fO?i - (C()nlTillLled from April 8, 1968)
Cot'mideral:ion for a Ten:l)orary U'..;o Perm'il: to parr,it- t:he ].ocat:ion
of a trailer for contitmation of profc, ssJol)al bt,:;ir, c,.s:: (lurJ.~g
construct:ion and re~:..odel~ng in a C-2 (Central.
fo,: a pc:tied of six (6) ~nont.h.~;.
],oca t: loP.:
Froni:s 1t66' on the soutb,..:c~.~;t: side of l,aguna Road
appro:(it:'..at:ely 760' sout:heast of tlm centerline of
Newport Avenue.
Mr. _S..t. Hl~!£',.e..r_ present:ed the staff report stat:ing t:hat one (1) doer:or
and two (2) e~ployec, s will occupy, for business purposes, the ten:por~,ry
trailer during the construction F::riod. lle opined that thc staff did
riel: feel that: t:he proper;ed use will have any detrin~ent'a], effect: on t:he
adjace~)t: propertScs as; 'long as the lk, alth and Public I.!orks l)(.,part'ment's'
recon'mendat:ions are complied with. Mr. Supinger reco:n::'..:,nded condScic~ml
approva 1.
Chairn:au P~'o-t:er,~ }.,..lus, opened the pub3. ic portion of the heari]tg i,
7:37 }'. l,l.
There being no co::'z'~e, nts or discussior, frc~:, t.he at,lience, _C_i.!i'.i__!.'?3..~l..['A'.o_uj.e'-2
llahm dccla'Fed the public port:ion of thc hearing closed at: 7:38 P.i.'..
The Com.nis,~'.ion was in accord with the staff report an,'! recot:::;:,-.ndet:ions.
, e ) I ) ' c e 1,1 ) ' ' 2 ~ ] t}O',
It. _27:3: '_. '. ~_c.3:._e S._ !.>L .~':~'_. _ _0...!. ':i ~:_ ~'_,.. z,.c .c..._o~? :4_ 5..__ ,t..5 .. L<.K .._ ]_,.r..~ h,!it,,_..:. ,': :'. ?.'L:! 9.13.L~_~ .o_', Lfi.9....
9_6_5 be ado,)'(..d r<,<'o'-' .',nctiw: cou(l'[~'[o'~,'t] ap,:>:'ov;,'], of UP-.68-.255, Il. St:;.', '(
1: ..... Z-.-'-.:'-L.~..' .......... '_:..ZZi. L'_--'..-- k) ..... :.__ ..L.:--. '-~.-.%' .... .J' ............................~ .............
as fei Iow:'.:
1. Tho l:(:i:!l)Ol'ary op:~rat'~on it; subject: t:o tlm st'andar(h; es;lab]i:;hed
b5 t'he lD. alth
2. Sewer d/.~:po:;al is sul)jcct' t.o t:l,e apl',rova! of tqm Public Uorks
Depar!men{ .
· ~',,' D., Fo:?,
Thc above t'o['~on was vot'c,d by roll <:all. Ayes: l,arn:~rd,
],udwJ,, O.;Lc'r }ialt,:; Noes: None Absonl': Bacon Carr'jcrl 5-.0
2. ZC-6B-173 - J',)i!~.J }{. S'JE(~EL (Con['im:?C fro. a AprJ1 8, ].96~)
To rczo:tc fro:.; R-4 (Suburban R(~sidcp. tial) District m,d "U"
l)istric{: to thc, R-3 (i.lu]tiple ResidcntJal) ])i:;t3;ict~ ap])~oxJ-
matc3, y 2.78 ;:eros of ].m~d.
Locatioi): I:ron{:s 257 feet on the north si<lc of First Street
at the inter.¢;eetion of l?irgt and "il" Streets.
Mr. Supingi, t2 presented the sLaff report recom_'.nc:nding approval for
the following reasons:
The extensive study of t]K: To'wn Cop. l-er Area rcw~a.l.ed, that en-
courager,;cnt of higher density development within] the area will
result in a tY/o-fold accoml}l?;lmzent; in the long run elir:~ina['es
blighted areas and upgrades existing con,:ncrcial devclop:aants.
Subject prolm, rt.y is located on a ln:i]~{nry l~igh¥?ay a:.nid.,¢t the
most intcn.%ive con,.:?rc';a].ly zoned areas and adjacent to a high
density dave lop:.'~cut.
It is in the bast inLerest of thc City to attempt to shift thc
tide of ]ma\:y density development fro:n the South Tust~n area to
thc T o',.?~'l
Conditions of approval should
PI. aris must bc subz::itted to the Architec['ural Co;?_'M. ttce for
appr oval.
Street i::{provements shal3, l>c installed to the satisfact';.on
of the City Engine. er.
c) Street trees to be planted as pc:r l, laster Tree Plan.
}ir. Ost:cr ,qtatcd for thc record that be would be abstaining fro:n
any comn,,:m[:s o:' voti~tg on subject application.
Chai. rman ]?ro-tc~:. Ual. us opened the. public portion of the hearing at
7:Z~0 P.i,i ~
Mr. John II. SSegg]:, 1601. Southeast Sky 3,ina DrSvc, Santa Aha, Applicant-
stated that he concurred with the reconn'~endations of the staff°
Nr. Aut:hur Petcrso. l}. Director of Tustin Savings & Loan, one of the
adjoining property owners (prop~rty to the east) spoke~ st:ating that
he has attended an, eetiug with one of the members of the street de-
partm.:mt 5n ¥;hich t'hcy ¥;ere at. tempting to work out the street alig;uaant
fro,'n "H" Street over on flr. Siegel's property and thc Tust~n Savings &
Loan propcrl:y. It ¥.'as his understanding that a two week extension had
been requested so additional work could be done on the proposed "H"
Street a!igru::.2n[' that ¥:ould be ~::ore beneficial, His objection was thai:
there ¥.,as an eighty (80) ft. unclassified strip L'hrough the S~egel and
Tustin Sav3.%~gs & Loan property to prepare for the possibility of the
extension of "1I" Street. 1,h-. ].'eterson concludc, d by saying that Jt ¥.,a,q
very import:ant that if a street ¥:as put in, that it be put in correctly.
Mr. Sie{ji~l.' ::poke again, stating tlmt it: ¥:ould bc most difficult to get
a'strcct tbro',~g]~ there ~t tltis tJme, hoccver, if a street is worked
out, he failed t:o see the effect that it might bare on his zoning
applica t 5 o~.
}Ir. Melvin Colmn, attorney for Pa].v,:¥.~ood Garden Apart, i;'..~nt?,: el. al>orated
on the ju,;t/.ficat, ious prese~[{:cd by the applicant:, l)oint. Jng out: l'he
possible problems that could exist if the application xeas approved,
such as, traffic bm:don, higher density am! feel.'/.~{g that ew'n though
it was propozed for adult type ].lying, chances arc that if the renl.'Jng
aspect was poor, it xeould be rented to famil'ies also. lie stat'ed that
at' the t:i~::<~ thc p3:operty was bought: by his client 5. t' was zoned R-4 and
thinking t'lmt: ~ltc surro?nc!Jng drwclop:n:,nts ;.2oul. d end in 11-4 to compli-
men t h i s dc..ve lop:nan t.
Mr. Coh<m st:g~;osted thai' a good r, olution would be to contJm~e the R-.4
zonJng on t.l~i:; prc, p.',rt'y ;,]~J t:h¢' app!icani could co::~e in for a variance
reqlK,~;['~,~, .~,~:;["~]KI]. (]('%]~;:~['y go [:]}~[: ~]1,.' })].;~l'~i]~~: Co. :.'.[~s].Oi~ could
vJcw t:l.c' plans: to s('o if it: J~; ce:,.pntibJc UiI.IL t'be dev<:3.Ol:':.~en~: in
C_cz:!:..'n rt.~;l~:'c~:,.u].l.y re' .... ccd t:imt tl~.,:, ai~pl.Lc;~t'Lcn: l,.,. dc'a.icd
l.h' ' ' _..
..... '_.. r' (i I. ....
fei' l't~kiOllJil[.; O1: 3. i!nj.t' i~ so;:~.:' r:'umcr ti:c, doi~sJ.['.y of t:l~;. 1)roi,~':tl.
Cl~:,.ir[~an Pr(,--['(.:.~ lk~!u:,' decl. a:-c.d Ll~e ptlbJ. Jc perf..ion of kix,. hoc;Yi.~tL',
elm;ed at 7:50 P.I.;.
Tire Cot.:.nisz;ion d:iscx:s:;t~d t'hc ntax.h::u::~ dc'nsiky t~prn~Jl.t'('d in a.~ 11-3
and R-4 ])i~,trJ. ct, the pl:opos:~(l OXI.elD:jOiI Of. "11" Si.rte(, the t'~'alfic
flow pal tel:i! ct]I%! ,,Uti. OU~IL,] ili5 k]ev('~ ].Op;!!(.~ll{'S ,
M_r_.__V!_r,J~j_:I_.'?.¥_ skated that' hc agreed x:it:h alr.~o.~';k every poi;~L o£ t:he
st'aff's report: ;,.~:l felt' th;tt' t:l~t~r(' is so:;;c cco:t;~.:,Jc ¢15.,5f:icttil'y.
lie felt. tl:;:t: o~:e v.'ay t:o solve co::';nercial d''~':" tis ' by t-lin
illCll, lfii. Oil or i.llI:)7l!.qiOll OlC.' hlO'l'(2 l;Opl2]mO.t:iO'Jl ill time area t.O l,.c:lp
support' t:lmC co::',,c:rcJol area. tlc did i~ot feel t'lmt floc! u.';o o£ the
as R-3 is being 5ncon.qi:;l'c~t x..,it:h t:he Ce'..:oral P].;:n or v.'ith ti,c, a.~:ca and
very p::obebly ;.:ok:Id be. beneficial t:o t:]:c area,
Lq.,.!~5...i.:!y -_.Y.."59 ' :._:.oiL?.:_
for t:l,c? ~.c,.,on.,- .-,,. - ,, set
.'./_,_c.- 6_ .8
th an t'l~:~ ~taff repoll.
............. .--2£ ....................................
Mot:ion dic. d fo:: ]ack of second.
}ii'. l[a!u.q l)O:J;it'cd out. th;ti' tlm conJJtJon of si. tool; :i,,:q)rovc:;tz'n[:$;~ sbou].d
po:;$il)!y t)a reworded to "the st:rec!t ;:]5. g~):::enL'~ £ec:ling L-lw, g L:]3(! irtt'c!nk
of. tho si:a,.,, wan t'Imt
i}.~prove;n:mL.'; of t.l:o rezonJng .q.'.'l'co( l)c: install, cd t'o the sat'is£aet:ioi: of
the City.
l'h'. I.:cl)::t.r,r fo]t t:ba{: ttm request fo)' st'rec, t r.'].~gu':~c.'nt v.'a:; beyond t:h(~
purview of t:i~c? ]>lan, ting
c OllC(~i'i')od.
Nr. ................ tla].x::; fc:]l: t'b,',L post p'',o .'... .... '.,.1711 WO'LI'] d l,(~ ill el COl" ~.u~t:i]. a re.soluticm.
on thc sLrc. c:t: a].igrrnent was in effect: or tlill:il all. intcrc:;t'cd part. its;
could []lottk ol!d co:!:c to so;t;<,, dt',cisjon.
}ir. Gill s!'at:cd that tlc. ere had be:ch a series of t,~eet'Jng:.' al.d ho bop.-!d
to becotp, e invol.vcd x..'it:h this again; this next' '~.:eek becausc~ there is
some disagree;a:mt l;etx.:ccn the. part:its involved, tie stat'ed il:at: a sub-
division n:ap frown t. he Tustin Savings & l,oan would be fj].cd a~d
before, the Co.:nn:i:;sion at: the i,.'.arel: 13th P] arming Co:;:.nii;:'ion :,:eot:i.ug.
lqr. Webst'er felt. that bc, cau.qc~ of the sn~all nun:!)er of Co:;::n[;:;Joi~(..rs th.o.t
,,,'ere in aCt:end:t;~ce, v:it'l~ .'..:r. Os.'.or al;st'aining it would l)c' to t:l~<! bout'fit:
of th<! app.!iconk and ct'hers concc, rncd t'o ¢:ont'Jnue tho ]~:'..'..rin,% t'o the
next regularly schedulc, d ~:'oeti:¥j of Nay 13, 1.968.
It was t?.51[L4__]Dt_!.:_r._.. Wol?:'kt..?.2'_~. sccei:dcd bv
Z._C.:.__.6_8.Zj. 7__._3...]72_ _.c..52).!.t2 :j
The al)eve r.l,qt:i.o:2 v:aa vet:ed l)y'ro].3, cai].. Ayes: I,arn,':rd, Web.~;ic'r~ t[a]us,
- ' ',, Norm. ;\l)sen[': ]k~c:ol~. Abst:ainr.d: O:.;i:<.r C;~rr:t. cd II-0
I, ud\.:5 f,. No~.,: · _ ................ ~
],O£P, [' J em:
S.ii.-c, frolJt.q 3]3 feet. on I:1}<, sout:lt s'$de of 'fl:ird ,qtrc.c,t:
and 55 f:'ct' on t:lio c'asi' side o,f prc, s;p:,ct AVOilt'C'.
~;3;,:..,_q~.)ik'il,_;.:(_']] I)Y,..qcnt.cd taw staPf rtl;orr re( ....... ,'"
apln'OVC 3 .
.C:.l_lq.i2-F_:.ijLj.)?.-.t-!i,,_J!?,.]_!?.:. opc. n:~d thc' pu!~li<: p:,l?l::[Oil 0,. i'll,:' l'illg al:
8:0q ] .r,, Ti:..'.rc. bc'/n,q r,o c.(;:::.':'nt',: £ro..: t.l~(: at,di(qme, t'ho l)ub!ic
of tl:e lw;:r/,,g ;.:a:: declax-cd clo:,c,d at 8:05
DcparL);.pn[. chc, c:;:c, tlw p].a~.,;,
No. 900 bc. " .......
1", )?Inns and .!andscapin2, p;:opo.~,al:~ are to l)e subr..fi, ttt:d
3. Streek tr<.q are Lo be p].~n~:cd as per the l.last, er
St'rec:t Tree
The above r.,ot'Toi~ ¥:as ¥ot:c,d roll c,'.t].l. Ayes,:
llaltu;, ],uc:~:~.g, 0 .... 1. .Nc,c,:;: txc, n,, Absent.:
l,arn~:rd ~ ¥,'el)stor ~
]3nco,]. C;!rri(:d .5-.0.
To pc,rn.:it thc: u..~:e o£ eH cxist'Jnf,, stu:ucturc~ as aH office for
thc BJ.?, ];rot:]tcrs of Ol't'~DgO COUrtLy ii~ thc: ]']-Ii (kc,.sa. oc-i~t:ia!
Est a t'(:) ])5 s{:rick.
],OC,'" [..~ Oi;:
S/i'c fro:')ts 105 Sc'et o~ t:he west side of Yorl)a
St'feet:, a-,>rox4~,,, , ..... ,t.ely 356 feet nort:lt of the ccnt. c.r-
~jnc, of ]:'J.r!:k St3:aet:. ..
~5'.._.._SEpjj',g5.'~.,.i. in:c.%bu(ed t'i~a st'afl' report staking t:lwt: thc, t:.ropo:;cd
op.-rat"J, on 5.:.; not' c'.xt:c;::;Jvc~ in na:.urc, does not gc:t:cr,q(:c p:~dcsk::Ja:)
or ye]):Tc:lt?Hr t'r~;3"7:[.c ill g('ilc'l";ll. ~tild i1: ~l~'~j. lrt::C:t'].,x,· sorves t.l~c,.
and th.:, co',rnl'y at' ].e.r£;e~ r,::c:ot.~?z'.,3ing coi~djLjoi:r:l approval subject t'b,
the follo'..,:Jng co;:dJ t. ion:';:
l., TI)at· off-si.ret, t: pe, rkJ. ng l)e' l).~'ovJ, ded r:k arat. J.o o£ one
si,ccc per 300 sci. ft:, of gro:;s floor area,
That: st:reef: dedic:at. Jon and iicp::o,.'ei:~cml.s bc installed
to t:]:e sat'J:;faction of t:he (:5.1:5' t.h:g:[neer,
'lb;ti: st rc.c.t' trees .bo- p].aut:c,d as per the 1,1asr:er St reaL'
Trc'c~ P]
As add'it:J.o:,.~l grovnd.q~ t:hc, raJnut, es and eviclc, imc~ introduced
................ ' ~ ' ~ ~,a,] pnre of
t'hc~ heorJng a,'c. ~.,~l,,,l~,d by ~c:,e~en..e ai:d .... e a the
~1o[' jmOrL.
L:~:.t a ]c,t.t:er has been received fro:.: "', Cec.~]. V.
Ci}a,.nbc.rs rel. at'..~,; '" to subjc~ct: appli, ctt::ion ],:akin[,, three re, tlr,est as; fo) 1. o',.:5:
I. '.Chak l,].ent:y of ::.--street: p?),:nnl:: be p:'ov5.ded
2, Tirol. t'he st)-t!c:t'u:'c: ac,'.:t,a]ly ba u:;c,,1 a'; office:;
no;.. con~'ert(.d jn['o sc.'.:e t:yp3 o£ t)o5.'s club hous, e.
2,. Tit;:l' tl,c: .yard bo £oi]cc:cl on [:he nortl,',:ost, corl:c'r.
?['.'.._.?.'."P.~)'.?.5:): .ctat'cd I:It:'.t: thc. sc, co::dj.!'Jons h,-,.\,c, l:ec.n t'al:c'.n care of.
f[lt2i:.~....~-)..~..,.C(,...t:f.._....J~k~!.?} op.,n,'~d t.l',:' pv!)]J.c p,m't':;o;: of tho he:ar'in.3
nc(:c'pLal~].c: c'.:.~(:c,t~t c'ondSi:'Jon !,:o. 2.' lle ,,:lnlod I:l~,at: tl~;.' ];i,,; ]::'~,~i~:~L':; O~r,.'~:--
:i;.';;.!L:ion :[:; it llO/hZi',:?o[j.{' Ol'~L',;'l~i.:,:;tt':i. oil i'llL.] did 11o[: lmvo tim l"t,~u.i:; t'lu.:t I'll:i:;
woul. d i~:cuJ'. ]k~ })lyJ.(,£]5, d" ..... ( 1 ' · .
71.,.,t.l:.,,.,,. llh<' iu:~cL-.[O.10J'. IJ;e (.)i'ts;il!'.~;,RI.i(~:l> lip>
£i.n:.',nc:L:~l 1)'.~.~::~.t.:;.('~x $..Jb~,': t'l~%' ;n':' in, st:~l'5~;', ll~;il' t.h.v.c>:;).'r.v.;,.. ~'ol.,:iJ.'J.VO
b,. c,c'n £o'c
tlhc! SJ:I:('C[' ih!i);'()V('117.)ll!$; :lild d(;I,]~[.cc;[io.I Y?('?d].(.1,. c.u(',q['(' 1.111('[!.1<~ '
recjujre :;ucll ~] ¢oi)~lj.l:J.o,) ~..:.]l(..il :il- ±.~; ~o', ne¢:es,:;~',ry £oi- l']!c p.~'t~i:(,cl:.J(.)il o.r
h(';o.].t:ll~ C;l."'(.'[:y ;11ltl 't2'()]L'L!].'(' O.1'7 [.]1(' C[)]:F::LliIjLy, ?'~I', 'v,?,2].]m:l(tL') '[11 Ol!F:~,.'(?l:' tO
I'J'L', O~;;,.'(?17)8 qll(':.:{:.{.()il ¢)]e C. Ol)::('l'l't )7('.].0. I.:~\'O L'O (']IC' fOl')CO b.":(il..'...~ J)'J,P,'.'t tl i:.-rf~,ll'l(~,
DOi'[.JI\:~SJ.: CO'J'll('J' ()F.. J.)l<) J.)J'Oi~C'i'J:y) ,qJ.i'l{'(',l L. hOL t]i'[$ Wn:'; C,.]..~;O ,q(''(('~ ."'~,,.)l(, { :,
In an,,::/cr I.o Nr. llalu;;
}'.~.I ! ?_ ,__1,',].;~_~:.]: .~_} _( ! .O._ .q t i! J:O.d
pm'¢lm.s~n.g o£: tim
'J:il(.:~:c.' 1)c, :Lng no fur I.' he r c o;'.tn,gn L',s fro:': l:1,~ bud i e. nce, C._[E,..~.j~L!?]! .)..'.[5:--.I. LeA'..:._I.?.._!2.,..:i
dec].arecl tlm pub]Sc 1)o]:tio;~ o~ t.]tt l~oar:[m; closed al: 8:17 '"
TJJe Coii,_'nis,';:~or~ discu!.;sed t'h(: ].et%L.'ljl:y 05 r(~quirSng ,qL'reol ilr. 1)rovc:ni."nl:',;,
the llOlJ!i'.:!]. ]),'7.()co(~I.11'(~ for' ,:tl)p]ic;',!!Jl,q iP. I'JliS re£.;pecL 0,11(1 the
JZJl;IL CO1.1].¢] lx,. ci:u:;cd by "-jo,ss" being 5.1': t:hc st:r(,.cts due l:o l'l(.)l')--('.CqlfO]'h:C:l!CC
in s~JclJ s~l'u::l J. oo:;, The (:×l).:msc of. street ih,l)YOVOlh='l~[:; ¥.T!.S
and the al)i,:'oi~::i,'tt.(' party t'iu,.t 5. n rcsl)onr;/l)!e for t:hu l)O,,:l:i~(L;
such n;..'tl-I t,~:s.
l';_2-_,_.]~_oy..!:].5£L, City att:orn:~y, si. at.ed t. hal: t:l,e~'e is no
thi. s, l)uL if tt!',e Co::':;:issioii fr'.els t:imt: t'l~'is
be r,.,.et-, t:hey havc; tim pow,,,r to ro(0.to,ql.: it'.
N__r_,_ !.:_(,.]....lt:.c.:_.(,...:;l:;i[:c,.d i:ltat t'im al~plic'ant: is willing t.o dedi.c;:xtc t.l'.q(:
· J"Ttl ~ ;('.,
o£ thc, ].and t:lmt is uecc,,,;s~:.,'y for Lbe st'.'.:cmt, but: zs x..'it:ho't~t -",'
in:ese, hr to 5pq>,.'ove Jr' 1[(~ dSd ~:ot: l~c:l',.cvc thrik tile
· ' ],IL };roLlick.r:, ll;l\r,:~ [.lie'
rno:acy to l)O:;t a l)oi:d and :it: would dc..pcn:d upoi} the abi].'iL'y o,5 t.hc,
iza[:Jo:'l 1[:o Ya:[.qc'. {'ho
11: was e;,q'~].nln.:~d thnt: t:hi:.; cond:[tjon :is l-lOll e~t:tr:c'hc~d for Ll'h'[l,q l~]:opert'y
only, but: t]mt a].]. t:lm or'her d(:ve].opc, rs lmve tim sn:ne condit'io:: r(.qulr¢~d,
1. 'J'imt oJ'£-:;rrcct, imrk]-ng 1)? pi.o~j.(,..d at: a ral. Jo of. oim :;lmCe
per 300 sci. ft. of gross f]ooc area.
2. That: dcdicaLion of the street be wade to its ulL', ~"'
].q,.~(. rJ [;h t.-
of-way widt'h.
3. TiroL' street' t. rces l)e plan,'.ed as l)c?r t:hc, 1.lastc, r Street: Tree
4. That tim yard be fenced on t:he nort!r,:est: corner o£ t:hc: p'cop:,'cty.
5. That-. t'b(: st:rucLure be u3ed on.l.y :For o£fJ('e l)Urpo;';c,s ai~d not
bo conv<'rtc, d Izc'~ nny ot'T,o]: t:yl,? c,f ur;e.
'J:h,q. t: at: tl::,, op{ [on of: t'ho npp].jc;inL, a dc,.pos]t for
shall 1)e sul::nitt:r'd t.o tile (::it:5· for the t, lt'Ji:,:tte wid<..'.;i:i[~, o£
¥¢n:l)a ,qtrt.ct c'it!:c'r ;is; n cash ¢',CL)osit: or l:y l)ot:d o:-
al.t.c,rn~l'iv<: khnt thc app]icnp, t' :;l,n!.£ /mp,,'ovc t:h.:' s:t.~'(.c.~.
o£-x.'ay a'..~d x..'Jd?z~n.5 o.c. ¥orba Street, iltC]t:d"'~ nk'., coi::;t't't,cl :rotl of'..
cttrb~ side wal.k e.}:<! a].l po. ritE; rcquSrc, d.
t'hc bc,.:~d a':d tlr' Iim,:, for
:~n I'l~o. e\,c. nt' n 1)o;:;I or dc, po:;'i.i 5.:; p:,:';t:,,d,
[]1.:' 'J}(';tl'ja~', O. 1'(~ ~i'C].tldt (.! J,j' l'k'J~('l'i';'tC'C: ,21!,,1. 1:1'i,"];' ~-:. J:O.i'[' O[ the
i11o [" :[ cql,
A)'('~;: O.::'t'r, 1,udw;;',, l[.~]n:.,
]',,,' con. . C,'~r ,' r,.,t,' 5--0.
]'C ].i!nu"c:; - 7, p.rJ.1..';2, i!}GS ]'~q,'..' -6-
YO puJ'::lJl: thc adt!Jt:5o!~ o£ a 3' >: 1.2' (36 sq. fl:.) x.'a].l t;Su, rt
reading '~].iq~5~r" LO an c>:'J.;ti~;g st'ruc, l.u~-c x.?il.lt non-com~or::t.ing
Locel':ion: SStc of sul>jt~ct l~t~:,5.,.'~c~,,;,,; is in l,arwi~J Sq-,:c. rt: SllOpl>ing
Center ..
~.l_r_:__,q_?_~.iZ~_t!~;5?_,.: prc:;cnt'o;1 t.h¢~ staff report: rcco.:::ir,~ding dc~:ial io.c tit:,
fo].lox..'ini[ r¢,asons:
Sign OrdJpnnce p,,2. rr. iJt:; 321. :;Cl. fl:. tot:;:], area. k'hc~ ln.'oposcd
661. sq. fl:. dcvJat. 5on from p,.~.h.~ ..... 1.b].c square foot:aoe require-
meaLs cam~ot be construc~d 'as a mi~or adjustmc'?;t:.
That l-lie: adjus!:~:..vnt hereby aut:hori;~ed would const'it:utc
grant' of specin] privite[.',c, inconsisl-cnt: with thc
upon or!tar propartJc:, ~,~ the vicinity and dist:r~ct in which
the subject propcrt'y is sit:uat:c:d.
That because of special circu:n.qtpfnccs applicable to thc suhjcct
prope'._-ty, includiug size., shape, topograp~y, location or sur-
roundings t:he st:riot, applicat:5on of tlm Zonings Ordipancc will
nok deprive subject property of prJv'ilcges enjoyed by other
properties in tim vScSnJty and under idenkical zone classifi-
Th,~ approv:tl of the applic:at:ion x.:ou!d c'.rcatc a precedent for
s ihlil.a'P rc:qw.;:; t::;.
5. As addit::;o,.:a], sro're:ds, tb.c minut:es and evidence introduced at the
hearing arc included by rcfcrer..ce and made a part of t:lJc mot. ion.
Cha~r;;;:.::q Pro-i:cr.~ 1!alu:; opened 11:(? pt;l)]ic port'Jon of thc hearil~[; at
8:60 ] .,.,.
Mr...__B/K>!F_..9__D......j.:_~L.1J.2q.F~_, attorney, r?present:ing t'he applicant, stated
that they are requestir..g thc addit:ional sign because th,"ir liquor
]Jcen.qe has; t)cen ai~prove(1 and they wahl' some kind of 5den~if~cation
showing that they now handle liquor. Ilo stat'cd t:lmt: in 1961, Alexander's
Markc, t: was unab].c to obi-sin a ].~quor license and now wish to complete
the origina].]y co~tcr.:p!ated signs.
Mr. Wallace st:at-ed tlmt in '].ieu of obi:sin'[nS a va;:Jancc they woul. d have
to remove the ex'JstJ.ng signs and design a new sigtl stating the same
thing, wMch would be a great exp:mse and appeared to be an undue hard-
ship in v.icw of t:l~c f~ct that they seek no more than that whSch was
originally cont'c.~nplaCc, d in 1961. }lc described thc signs, thc property
that: it: would be facing and the benefit: it would be to both the applicant
and thc public, tlc request:cd that' thc Co:m:dssion give careful consider-
at:ion to gl";!ilkJil~; thc variance ~n view of thc hardsbSp in thc past: years
for Alexander' s ~.iarl.;c t:.
Titere bcJi~g no ftt.'.'thc..r ¢'o~:'.:mnt'.q fro:[,, the ,qud'icnce, Cl,:,,i'r~nan P:'o--t",';: l[a]u':
declared t!tc p,,q;lJc port:ion of t'hc.~ bearing c].o,,';cd
l'!r. ¥:(,%,ql:er st:at'cd t'hat: he: did not ftm] that. it: wa,,; incons~s?cut wit:h
the building on wt!Sclt ir is ].ocatc, d~ but' sSnc~ ~r. is l~On-confowmSng and
the CS~.:y Ss; attcmpti~g to rid it-self of sucl~ u~;(.,,; he could not: vote for
at-,proval, flr. l.:cl);;ter discus:!;t~d t'he in-ob].,'~:] relat, ivc to t'hc,, panels tltat
have seperat, c ].et!~r,,'.ng and felt that some adjush:~,ut could be r:adc.
In Mr. O,,;t'cr's opinion a bard~;l:Jp bas nor l)ven sho',::~ a'..M could not see
enousl~ of a jtmtificatJon for gra'nt'.itq; tile variance'
'J'iJ¢: Co,'.::::i,,:sSon furtq~cr disct,?;scd tls square, foot'a~;e
· ,:.~.(, lettering, th,,2
Pla~t;,jpg ]),:,pa:'t'i:'.(,nt, co;:prc, s:s'~.ng t'he
surroundS~.5 proW'rt'-;c.:; a,:d tl~t', juqt. ific;~t'Jon of tl~e applicant.
Plannink; Co::,.,is..,Jo:~ ~.:eet. ing recon\,en¢,d at 9:(10 1..,,,.
).Ij'..:__O.j!.t..(..'..L-' ¢:o;':::ei:l,cd t'lmt a£t:c,r ta.!k:i{~g wit I~
during t:ltu fete!.;: and' co:lsJd:~rJp, g tl)e over~;ll
pro.),.c~.~ he: felt' .qo;.Y,.
type of s~gn :;i)ould be pul: up for "]Jquo~'" m~d re'It' tl:.:)t t. hey sl)o:,l.d
b(: givc~) vybai'c've~' e×l)O,,;m'c: tl)c,y.need.
No V-.6S-20V 1).'~ vt;hi'ed l>c~r~:it.t'J.n, a 3' x 12; ¥.'a].]
-_- ~2. ...................... ~.-. ~- ............ ..t ...... 2 ........... .* '. .......... -' .................. .~.'2 .............. .2 ......... .J ........
rOI tJl(. £C].](.. .... ~. 1( ..... O1 .....
That. tim adju,~;tli:Onk herel.~y auLllorLzc, d w.i]l not coust'.Ll'ut'e
a granl: of spacJa] 1)r.ivJ].cge jllCTt)ilf;J.~;L(~iq{: x..'Lth t'he
tkJ. oil:; upon otlmr ln'opc~rt'ic~s 5n klm v.l. cJn.[t'y and deist, tier.
in ¥:l~:ich t. lm subject l~rOi)art:y is s[t:uated.
Tlmt' becaus.;c~ of spc. cJal circun::;tances app!ical)!e to
subject: properl:y, incl. udiug s:Jze, sl'..ap:',, rop:)grapl~y, ]ocmt'io:t,
or sm-rout:dipg:;, t'he sL"J'icL' api~].icat:iot~ of tha Zoning
will deprivc~ subject, pr(q')e,':.Ly of l)rivJl, c.l;es enjoyeJ 1)y ot.he.r
propertic.q in t:he vici.p:[ ty and urtdcr 5dc..nCica] zon:~ cla.qr; J fJ -
3. The mil)utc.q end app].icant~s just'i.£ication as :;u!;:,'.il't'ed to
t-hi:; ~,,?el'ing l)e Jllc~u,']cd J.l~ t:l',is mot Jolt.
lqr. ].nrl:ard st:ated t!,at, l)e v:oul.d l. Jke t'o at:mhd tim r,;ot, ion t:o read
"inc].udir,,<¢ .]?3_,jL...~!(2.t.__!_:!'..'.'.?.ed...k. 9_ si~'(:, s'.u:pc,...." ~n paragra, l)h No. 2
of.- tl~(, r:oLion. Nr. Ost'er £e].t- tl:a[: t:]'.,',re would be no pro!)lcm x:J.t'h
t:)~ ,q ,:tl:l~:i'l(!;:K'.i![: .
}j)'.._.J.l_,2.1:5]L;' po~nl:cd out t:lml' t.l.is ¥.'n:¢ e$,,;c, ill'ia].l.y 5n iqr. O..';t'er's moLJo:)
and asked >;r. l,arnavd if he ~.:.,nt. cd Ll')e ~!~ot ioi'l t.o .qt'and x'itl~ h5.~;~.":.m'.n(,'-.
monk inclu~:ed, l'h'. lmrt:ard :;aid h,, dSd not: think ii' was nc.co.qsary
1.il'rd o 1:' t]:o
The above mot:ion '¥:as vo£cd by roll ca].l. Ayes: l.arr)ard~ Osker.
Noes: l]~:].u:;, W¢,b!;rer, Ludwig. )-:_(.)~:i..c)~l .............. £o'iled 3-2.
DJsc:ussJon co;~t~nu:,d as; to $cu.e sol. ut'io;') for t'he sign l)ro~)!em. N_jL..__0.!:j..('r
asked F.r. Wallace J.f 7~l.oxai'i(l(!)')s '",ri<et:.,. would be ,v:j].'lj)l[;, to t'radc, the
sign i::~:_~J..:_,,,._t.', for ]._,.[?,go_r_. 1.h'. Wallac. e said he t:l~ougl~U th,q.t t.lmy ¥.'o,,ld be
willing Lo.
}ir. O?;L'(,r felt: that: they should be gJven t'he opL:5on to place t.l,e .,;J.[;~
'"--li--~]t'~'~'~'-'T-whcre t:hc.y ,,'anted to if t:hey give up t:lm s~gn "i,;arl;et"
_l jj ,..:.f:j2.. j'..);) ,.>?_ _by.. ;.d --._g :__; Le):...,_ .s_.eS: 9.D::;'_d_ J.,3L._I;!.:F-__J..;~yj)jU'f'_,__t_]L~Lt....P,_c_s.'_ql.L'J:_'~.p_'.'L__?j9_-
9-.6..~-]!:!~Lc.~;~y-q..`.!-ap~;-~.L~y.~J~.:~:L~:~!!~.-~q£~:>2)'~?-~v:~.9~:-?~7- .(:I!Y.'.,;:_~!'_'..!£?L'.Z;..V,_f.Y}'..~.Lt.).._
subiec t to t'l:~, fo]lo'.:in,-:
.' .... _.J....'_ .......... _22; ......... : ....... .{..~
The al)l)]ic'ant, 1)a given t.he optJoi~ t:o, al' airy po.~ut:
on t:l)e face of :ha buil. dJn5 and u;~dc, r the wo:'d
place a 3' x 12' sign rending "liquor", prox'~deJ t-l',a? Ihe
' ' 'o , .l<, ,~,1.:~.[ ·
al)plScant s:lall first: remove kJk' S]ol, road~
The above ~n<)t:5o:~ was w)t'ed by rol]. cai].
I,mh.:i g, ,M,c,.q: }l,q I u::. Absep. t:
Ayes: l,arp:~;.'d,
C;~r~J. ed 4-1.
To por.,tit: t:ltc: e~,largc~:.:<u.c of e. I:m-s¢,ry Scl:ool
m~der Api~l'~c~t:lon \'-6'I--3 52, i.:cwci:!ber 9, 196.'!.
Locat'ion: 1li$51 Yorba Street., Tu:otJn
Nr. Sui!i~g.c:.'c presc~:t'ed the sLaff rcport'
reco:ameudSr..g c(mdit'ioual al)proval sul)jc:ct t:o t'he f'ollowJ:.~g:
1. 1,~ini;ntur. o£ ten (10) of?-st:rc~e!: parking stall,,; must be
provided with ?0 loading space:; au paved cJrcu].a-r dr'Jvc'way.
Apl)licanl. i:; Lo be bonded t'o co:aply x.:itl~ fyi'ute st:reel
provelacnt and dedication o~: right:--of-x':aY to t~:( sati:.;fac:tion
of the C.~ty ].:ntt,war.
3. ]'lan:.; l)e su]}:.'[t:l:c:d to t:]~c Arcl~it. ec.t.u:'al Conr;t'Lttee for approval
wi't:h proper landscaping plans.
4. Parcel map to be filed for divisio~ of land.
M__r_._...,.qul~.!?dL~!! t)oint'ed out: thaL tvso letters have been recc, ived in tho
Plamqii)g Dc,i)ortmcnt re la l: :[v¢~ l:o :;ub~ee[: app] icat ,,'.on, stat'i~)8 the
neces,,,tl:y £(,r r.:o:.'e off st:rear i)ark~ng, tlmg the Saura Aha Va].lc~y
Irrigation ~.:a~c.r ].5~),,~ be jna'i.nt'nS~)ed 5n a gsab].e condit:±on an:~. that
a 6 £~. cemunt block wall lm con:~t:rucl:ed along t.he properey line
of.' ],:rs. O. B. Nev:c.o:~, ].884~ $. Io].l),.~ Santa Aha
The ].c:tters are fro.n Nfs. O. B. Ray:cai::, 1/18/,]. S. Yorba, Santa
and Ccc. il V. Char.':bm-s, 1/~891 Yorba St., Tu:;t'in.
~_r_,__Sl_q!i.~£..r2?- mentioned that t:l~a egress and ingress an:l the parle:ina
and loading and u'nloading of' t'he ch:ildren arc: imi~,,:oved. Thc,. street
conflitio'.qs: ',.:ill not be, sat'isfied o~l'il t'h~,~ ~.q~rovc,;nont ~s; made to tho
u].tim.qte ri. ght'-of-~.:ay, l.:__r.-.S.u_i~53g,.9...5 st'al'cd t. hat. a peri'ion of anothat
lot: is bcir:g lmrehas,,d for t:h'~?, addition and consequently il' would require
a parcel ~:,'~p to mnkc: t'hi.s all. prop.:,r.
Chair::',an Pro-t'em Ua]us opcmad the public port:ion of tho hearing at:
9:25 ]?.1.~.
Na__u_c.y__],_a~h:_].._].5_i, Director of t'he Count'ry Day School spoke brJcf].y on
t:he Day School anJ i:heir rc, mson for c:nlargomcnt. TbeSr clesJrc ~s
to erect a separate building' (3500 scI. ft. floor area) to acco:r:'.noclatc:
84 addition:-'! st:udcn~s and convert t-.itc presently exist'iug garage into
a dining area t'o serve tl~e ult'ha~te rot'al nv:-:ber of 3.5'7 st:ud..en(:s.
She con=.::~nt'ed that t'iteir i~t.¢'nt' is t-o b¢.avt:ify t'he total area t'hat
they will occupy, bot'h bu.~ldings aml groin:ds and they do 5hr-end to
construct the ¥:al. 1 that l. ir.s. Nawco.,'.: has reque:;t'ed. She stated that
the prop,.'rty they hope t'o occupy x:o.s proposed st one t'ir',c to bare a
convalescent, hospital put' up and ~.:as a joint: tenancy typo project.
She also st'atcd tha¢ t!tey do intend to x.:id¢..n the portion of drivev:;:y
that: the Fire I)c, partr,,ont- ~::ent:io'.'~ed i~t their co::~c..ents. Ti:ay x:ill ~nain=
rain t'he x..'a t: t, :: and concl.vdod by sayi.~)g that they will be happy t:o
comply +.-it'h any sugf:~st:,_'ous; t'l)al: are relntive t.o subject' request.
There bc~n£; no furt:lmr co.7,.-,',onts az' discussion fro:,: tho audience~
Chair,.'¢,n Pro-i'cm tlaJus doc]atari the l)l!b]SmC po):tSon of t'l:o
cl.o.;cm at. 9:30
Tim Cc::::'r..issSon discu:;sed the boy. digit responsibil, it:y x..'5th .'.<ancy Ira. Shell. e,
the agreer?~l:' of a bloc!: v::t].], boSng con~;tructcd nmi t'l:(: nc:ces.~;ity of all
the rt:c!uiro:'.o]ll5s being met.
Iii x.:as r. locod t)y .x,,-~..,. ,.~,,,,-,,,,.:,=,,~,., soco~ded by flr. ],arn::rd t:!mt' Re.salter'Jan
969 t.:, ~.oo.~,'<.d co.~rit ~o~,.].].x ,.922rc',i.~.. ~.-6S.-2(,S
.......................................... ~ ............. ~ ...........................................
tend i I i el:';:
~.:~th 20 ].ead'J.?!g ,,:l,:~ces on p:!v,"d ¢"[rct:'l.ar d'r:i.vcway.
Applica:~i. is t.o lm bonded t'o co:i:p]y witi,, future
~lcl d(,c!:Jca,'..io:) of rJgl~L-of-\..'ay t'o t.lJe .';at.[sf':~cl:j.o:l o£ i'];c
3. ].'lat~:; l)c,..qu]>n'..'lt't:(,d to thc? Arclt:[t:ec:tt:ra]' C<>:;~:~:iLt:cm £or aiq'n'o~,z:].,
l~. Pvrcel l::L~l) to 1)c: filed for divi,qi(m of ]and.
A 6 ft'. 1~m.<:cn,,'y wa]! 1)e in.';[:;:lJ.('d o;t the ('xterio';: bou.:l'J..;ii'J(::; .of t. lm
t)roperl:y ¥.Jl:h t'he c. xc:C:l)£:J.(;:~ o.f't'itc: fro::t 20 fl:, fror~ tl}c t,J.t'h::.:~t(~
Tlt::tz t:he drivc,,;c,y al. the v.'c.,4L'er].) tm'~{ be wJdcmed t:o a v.,Jdt.h
satisJ, a¢:iory t.o flIt, Fir(,
TJ)e above {'.~o[':[on was rot:ed by roll call.. .Aye,q: ]..nrnc, rd,
In,dwi g, }iai u!.-', O.~: £:{'r, N',)e,';: ?:o~,a, Absent: ]lac:on. .C_..'u.'r.~.r_l.d .b~-.O_:'
7. ZC-6B-.].7[~ C.J. ]~OJC'ii~]l
].'or rezor~i',ig of six (6) acres of ].and fro::) L. iK' R-1 (S'J.ng!.e
Re.t;Jdc,.nce) a~d thc, C--I-.P (Rc:t;aJ1 C(,::?.K, rcial and Co::2;ine. d
])Jst:r2ct. s t.o t'be 1',~3 1750 (>:ul.t. ip]e Rea.:i. de~t:jal~ 1750 scl. £t:. I'}:~r
dv.'el].ing th~5. t) Dist'fict.
I/_o.?.,_q.J.'_:;_c?2:): Sift, fro~L,~: al'",fo-::li:::tl:t'ly 70' on the west: side cfi' Carroll.
Way at)d al>in:oxi~:..c, tc'ly 30' on fi:c; north s~de of l,:edford Ax:enue aL' trim
ini:er,':ectJop, of sa~(l stre(:l':~; and is bo'ended by tl,e F'.ex.~,3,:'c
on tqm v.'e:;l , sJn[,,].c, fm.,Jly devc,]oi)...':.:'~lt, on t'he norL:i)and
vat. ant (:o.:::p. ercia] prol;.a,'t'y on thc.. so:,t'h.
~_h:_.__,.$.U.i)..'ij!j.,j_'2[ .-',ug!:c'sL('d i'lmt t:ll:Ls lmaring l)e co'.nl'inued to t'he l.;ay 13,
l'lan~:Lng Co:.::.',L?,::ion ~::,:,et'in?, due to a t)roblc:~:: o£ notification
join.~ng p'~:oi',c, rty o,:n(,r.~:. Thc, api)lJca!~l: re,'iuested tim co:lt:i',,.uc:t:J.o~
to an ovc, r:;~gl~.t of adjoinJt:g property ov.'nr~r.~; not' bc, J.ng
15 st: for ~,,a i] 'i nj', l'.,c, crit)g not'icc,:;.
C}:airmt~n Pro--t:c.~:'.. lSqlt, s s.'.,:t'ed that a i. iJ. nute Of der x..,'i.].l be c;~:'rJc, d
Co:n:ni:.;s'Jort for ZC-68-17!,,
For conduct- of all ].ive e~t-('r£ain,::et'tL.. Ordinance tn'e:;c'::t'ly per;':,~ls
live entert:a'Jn'.::.::nt, v.'5rhin a buildJni; in al.! Co~::',':,:,~*cJal and ]ndz, r;t'rial
])J. sl:rJc'.(:.~; ',.~i:.l)out a Use ]~e]'n:~t'.
j].C.).:: tJ}(' IX[:!FC:]I 2.5s ]9C,(~ }'](':lilt~l]~} Cc)'-l::!;J,q,~;.~(?D ln('c,.L'Sn..'~)
]2[!'.,_..S_u2¥!.'...¥...i'3.~ stated t:l~..':l. Llte propoi.:al :..'ct:; o:5gSl:c~]ly lu:ou,,;1}t ;.~bou[ aft'er
discu:;:'.Jc'p, by t'l~u ],icc,t~:.;..: and ]?e;'~:,~[' ]lo~cd
abilSry to rc. gu~a(:c, c'crt~in for,::~; of live
the Ol)5~5~t o~ so:::a~ hrivc, a dcl.rJt:'ett[:;]], c, Ffec'l: cm t.lK: co :::x'n:i. ty, Ccmsc,-
quently Jr' x.:as; s:,g, gc, ated I.h;,t' all ].Jvc. c, nteriaJ];':,ant cot,qd b',, re,gulf:ted
C)~aSri.'~.{i PtOm.,~ ...... .... ~';~];,.=;. .......... read a
procc.~!ur(, of a cc,ndSl:[o~ml fmc.
procc.d:~re of apl.1)'J]';~ t.o the ],Jc'c'm~,e
ur~rt:as:o:',~b](' l,urd(,i~ on the m:'.jocJt'y of al)p]i(';~!'*: ',:i:o would require
]icons;(,. Si[;~t,.(l by l.h'. ]'red 3.
A letter was read £ro::t l,h:. W. J. I. ku::£m'd~ 672 $. "D" Strcc, t'~ 'l.'uriL~n --
Safari l~.oo;c, Ol~i~osi.~L', such ap. m'd:i.na~)ce .,;ta~.i.tq~ t.h;tt, it s~cr.:s t, nc,,:,--
stitut'ioim], fro' ~hc'. C.iiy Co~,;tc';.] to regu!at.c hi.s bu:;:it~c.qs :'ctroactJ.vc]y.
lie stat:ed I. hvt: h('-iKt,,; bccn opz'Yat:J_~,g bi,'; 1;u::in.:'$:: t;c, vc'n ye;!:':; Icg'Lti-
mately x.&ithiu tim ]a,..:s oi7. t:}m ,qtat;c and City of 'J.'usi:Jm, fcc, ling t'hat.
thc: pcopo:;cd ordi~m~tc.c ±.s unm,cc.s,~;a'ry for t!:osc l)',uiJncssc'.,~; al. ready
.l,.,']-_~_!!.9.tLq!::.L,__C,.:i:t_y_.L,4.:.t.9?'3!F_5k, s.'..ated I:lm! thc,.rc, is an except:ion :i.n I.ltc
prOi'~C),'.;('d (')Tt.I'JIIf~!ICiC2 ~.O1' ])]'J(.)l' ].(.o,,.]. l!OI}-'COll.,O]l."ll![, tl:if',q &lld ill
an a;:mlldh.c~n[: is; adoplcd Llm,';c lm'.sJnc.,t;scs x..'ou]d not: be? affected by Like
i)rOl>O.,;cd m!:c~Y, ll,l.ntt[' ;:.q Ire t.]:e ac:t'J.v.it'y 5n x.:ltic]: t'hoy are anlVti~iltg al:
t:his t Jr,',c,.
.M_r.__._~Rp_t.}ZJ<_c.L agrc.c:d t. hnt..tl,is, cxceptrion would l~o].d true as Ions as 't'hc~
businesses t..,.~.l]l, ].l,,d tl,.e ent'crLaSn.m?nt at. tqm level it. a.s prescnt].y
¢onduct. Sng, bur Jf an incrca,sc of t'l'..c ope, rat. ion or major c!amgc from
the bas'Js of which is prescu~.t:ly operat, ing~ t'l~an il would be nc:cessary
t:o con/erin to tho proposed
~tc:rc: being, no el:her coi.,a,~c:n~s £ro:n i:lm aud';cnce,
opened Lb.c public portion of thc, hcari~,g ,at. 9:34
}',r.._.J2.1_pX.t]__.F.]_..:i.~t_, Nr:nager o£ tloldiay Bar, 505 First: Strcct~ asl[cd
Mr. P, mtrkc for a clari£Jcat..ion o£ rl:e p.roposcd or¢li~;anct:~ s!.at'ing t-ltat
he has an cnt:crt:air.:~'vn~ permit' t'l~at hc uses "spotly" f'or parl:ics and
things of t'hS.q ~:at-ure but docs no:- usc it cons Cant: .ly.
There bc. ing ~:) fm:t'lmr co::'.mc, ltts or di,%ctt,q.q'Jol] from tlm audir-u}cc,
ClmSr!2.fjjL.l_lr..,.'?.:-t. ic.,..!',i.l_!g._lLL,% dcclarc, d t:l:e public per,ion of t'hc hearini;
closed at 9:l[0 P.lq.
It was su?,g(~at:cd l lint. t.hc bearing bc cont'im,.:~d to l,;ay 1.3, 1.968 Plam,J.~,g
Co:hr:lis.Lion Ncc't'in% :;o tl:e proposed ....... '"
· ,.mcno,t,..'t.. could bc fmrthcr studied,
JJ-x.:ns movc, d l>v PI'. ]er~.lard, seLene!cd by Nr.s. l,udv'.;.r,, thnt st:b jeLL licarJ.'.l,~z
b._c._.__c._o],]'~ t. U!?j1..t-.o_._tJ.!c.2. '_,.;~i,>S__l_3. j'!Z..J!J.:Z',.:'_.,j:j!S... (_j.c:,.?L'[ :.]'¢!j..9_:?_.,.'':_cLc_i:.!:p_.S.. C_:ayEj. t_UJ_.5__-_0_.
1. TF. NTATIVE TRACT NAP KO. 6473 Don Gj.i:t!cson
(Conl:L~:u~d frt.',in April 8, 1968)
Location: North,.vcst: of Browning and Bryan. .
}i_C~.~21j!~37~?~ st-aired that i:hSs xms conl. Jnuc, d from tho last regularly
scheduled mcet-'ing so t. hc
tho site under considr~rat'ion.
of Tract 6~'/3 be ap/!l.g/!ejjg]2j~St
1. Grant:lng of 56 ft. width for st'reeL' right-of-way with 36 fL:.
curl~ t:o (mrb dist'ance and 10 fL'. parkx:ays.
2. ThaL a x.:al] t:ho heJgi~t- and composition of x.:ltich slmll be
subject: i:o the appro~ml of the ArchSt't~ctm:al Co?:~5. t't:ce shall
be congt'ruct'ed v]ong the cxSskSpg draSn~tge chann~l and rail-
road rJ g]~ L-of-x." y.
3. Subject: tract shall be, a~mc:.:cd to t:he Tust. in l,SghtJng District.
St'rcc~t' impro':~m':ents, scwars, draSna[;,e facili[ics and appurtenances
slm].l bo c'o,)struct:t:d t.o C'Lt'l' sl:a~dard~: as; d~tcrmSn~d by tqm City
l';ng J nepr.
5. Ali pul)lie
with accci)t:c~d ?.L'an(lards
wJ.l.ll'J~ L']~o tract rci:~ovoc1.
(C(,nrSu;,.., on n'.~:':tI -,,')
6. $! re. et. tree::
C5.[y ordin::t~ces.
7. Full v.'idt~i ~ ].(,t ,.,i l]< b~'
Co~lro]. ])i::l.r:ict facj.].jt.ic.o ~.,~c].tx.~,o.,, any n;:ec~;s~sr)' z,lc',~tii~--
cat:J.o~u; Lo l]~e c'x~sl. Jng l)rid~;e,
F, xi,q t: 'i.~ ti,, c, ti¢:a lypL t~,s
of Lhirl:y (30) £e(:L v.'h<,.l:c,vor J].(,;'.,s.[1)].o. 'l'roc~ l'(m:ov3]..~I~o.~.)I. l)o
kept l:o
},'___o~ii.o~ 9_Prr.lcd 31~.'".L'~1 .al. lq])'. Al),'.:eu{':
2. ~E.I:~\Z.]_C:IZ:.. ?;)'.;?_:!_C)_.'.I..]_!]:_:I'_O_).L?. - ('l'n[or,:rL[ :]o~ Rc'j,<).VL )
Mr.:_....S. 3.~jy.[j!/.'..(.,.j:. ~,;[:a Led tirol: r(~p'l'(:,sei~:';'. ;.ives for l,,k,a I.ern OJ 3. and C:ls were
1,113~1)1(! J'o a',.L:c.i)d {,]lL~ L:oet:inib l.hJ.,,: c..veir~)3<G~ r(:co:'.uu,'.~tl<lltLl; ,q v.,o'..'l:,ql,ol)
sc'h,,~du]ed fo): d~,,;e'u~;,qion cm tl:'L.q .~,,'..~',t't:c,r w'l. Lh l.;e.-',t'e~:l~ OJ]. a:':,-I C,::,q ;~'.,~<l
ar~), ro. p3?c,.,,;(,.'..]['p.l:J.vo~; £]3o.:: ~2?~joF oJ.]
It was ;~.g3'oed ui)op, t:]:al: a %.:o]:].is]icq~ .l'or d:;!;c:ti~.~:ion re ].a l: J \:e ['o Service
St'at:jori:: v.'ould be ].,.Id,, /qn'iU. 2~), :Ln I:l~e Cozl;.'lc.j.l C]N:.:.l]'~:,rq., eL: 7:30 P.N.
BUS T Kl'],q,q
]. ][ ] ' x.m'l 'J } ~:~ (; ~I~; ' ' ' Il ILo';. J.'''
SJ>t~): 'J/r~l<']~ Oi~¢1 1~o37i:h oJ~. t]l(: "'iii,.,*
~[r_._..S~.l.l!.ij~.tL(!'~_ ))re,sep_t'ed a brief s[.,.J.,, rc, pa~[' stat'ing t. hat: ti:J:: i,q a
portior) of t".,)<' 'l'usli~: l,?z~..(lc)~.-:: l'r~!et previ<)u~,3.y nl,'pro'ved t::nd(:Y 'J'e~3[~t"ivc,
Tr~',ct' l'P-',p 6/:1,7
Bob llnx,,, rt'pl'C':;crl','ilq~ 'J't'.,qt::it! '""? '<' .
3't' ;.m:; ,.'.,oved by l.'.r. O!;i:er, sc, co~.c~ed by l. Yr. .' ',,~' ..... '" *q
!'k_LP_ J?.,'_).._.(O.:').g_.].>,"__F.?2:-":i. t..j5_,3_''.:..3:)2:_
of t.he C~l'5' .',,,",~,--
.................... ],_Lc,.L::.,._.(_,_._. ]'lot. ion carried .5-0. Absei)t:
i ]...,:)J .... re: ],el. Let from A. ,T. l,ync'It Jr~ - V:_n_j..l.!-.!L:,..,...:T~,/}
Food ]L.'.,..' L'a,,:r~n!.
I'll' ,qt~:¢i:'lf,'el' pre.qc:ntc'd J:]m staff report: staling t'h~:t' a nc. ed fo]: a
]:orma] FJndi'ng arS.scs because t:hesc' t'yp," of busii~e:;st,s are pot' listed
as pr:r:ait, t'cd uses in any of th<.~ zonJn5 dist. rict.s.
There is p,o object'ion.~, to st,el,, um:s i~l a C-3. DJst:rJct sul>j¢'ct: t:o the
folio,: J i,.g:
1, ]':g.qt<!nc'e o£ a U(;,' PurL,il..
2. Pru'c~sJon of par,~';,'.ao-, a!: a. st:a;id.':;:d of t'c~: (].0)
pi.u:; o'ne (]) sp:.':e l)e'c 1.00 scI. fi:. of gross floor
3. Tha? t:l~c, t,,~;<.:; are found to b,2 sS:'.:'L]::r lo o!'l~:,r C-] u:;e::.
A propo:;ed 1'o;':'~3 ].'/~:Ijt;5 (67-1 ('J'z:l~<,.-.out: o? ¥.~;;]k-.up ]'o¢,d E:.:.c:!,.1.:[,G,:.:<'nt::
;.:,?..e. ::t~l):n.Ttl't'd ;t]o;~< '¢.'j. Ill tl:e ,':t.,"~..9.'' report for I'll:' C,o:.'.:'.Js3Jo}l~s revLe'..:.
.}jyz__.,r}.tLp. i.;'[?.5'j7 s?;',l t.(1 tlmt eft. er d:i:;c:t;:;:;Sc';', x..'i4
dc't(.)'l';;,<'<l I'l;;~t' I.h;:; ~;e cr>tl].<l ]vol' t,c" 5nclu::c'cl 5~ .<;Lm]~ ;.t;! ;']'(':t ]):'.c/!usc' il.-
mt:s;t: 1,~'. fott~¥:l t'o b:.' !;ird]"~r 1:o
it could Il:' r:llo'...'e<l i.]; C-2 ar:,l C--3 ;)s: t,o5];i; :: i ~ :'i ] ;'. ): t:o a (!::5\'c--~n r<.:;l';~i~-
cl)eckc, d on ti~:., parkj]),-, sp:mef; and thc. re.
Ilo' 51fll'('d t:baL kb(' i)l'o])lcni sc'c':,3 [:()
tile ];est o~ J;ul] es~tal>] i~;It~c,~ ~: a]~d descril~c'.d tqm "J:'i. sl~
,'he pr, ricing and a].l ot:!mr asl~:'r:t:s
t,,[r.__J_??.?.U',__J......l..?_fiL'!, rt"in:esc, nl'in5 thc properly o',..'i:er Sl)O!:e bric;fly en the
tent:aut, s of ,.he in'opert:y, t.l~e (~xist. ing, prol>J.em:; ~;nd ,'he prob]e~u., of
taaJ.£~.c ge~;.:~rat.ed 1)y adjnce:~t, btmJnc~.';ses, lie .,,,.aL'ed LhaL ali rerlt~i~'e-
menl:s haYe bee','z ,tel t:lmt were reclt~ircd at' t.he rjr, K, o£ COi'tf;[:l;t!C[:J(;i. Of
t:he buJ. ldJn?, and hopeft, lly t:he C, ity ¥.:ot,ld updat:e tl!e ordinnnce so t.h,ay
will have furLt~er guSdance i~ ,.he )'(~quiremei~Ls ¢)f suc]t opera['iOm)S.
Tile Con::nissio~ discussed thc: par.]cjng and t.ra££ic s'JLuat'ion, t'l,,c: tyl)a of
est'abl'~s!u.'.ent: a,m ,:llo,.a:~lc uses i~t C-2, C--3 and C-.1 di~t:rJc, t:s.
1, Issuance 0.17. a Uf;[~ }~OTtli.[.t.
2. ProvJsJo~ of parl:J_ug al.: a st:;mclard of one (1.)
per 150,qc~,. ft:. of gross fJoor area.
3. That. t. IK~ u:;es are fou~,d t.o l)e siu, Jlar t.o eLl:er C~]. uses.
Tim above r..'.ot:Lon x.:a?, voted by roll call. Ayes: l.,,.nrnard~ Wel)si'er,
· "' ,. None. Cart.Led 5-0
l,udwig, Oster, llalus At)sent': B,.con Noes: .
1.'_0!_'t_'..!:.51, ............... l'I?;i)I;'.;G re: Lel:l:er from Allan T. J. ~;cInnJs - Coodyeor
fac:';.lJt:y at. n()rt, lr,:c:.,;t, cornc:r o£ EJizal)et:h Way and Ir\.,:ine Blvd.
??~..S)!pj[.].!l]L'L' st:at:ed t:l,at, auto ?upl)]i(,:; are 1)ermil:l:c,d Jn a C-]. l)isl-rict
~ich sale of !,.j]?_~.2 !7..e2)J.;:irZ!.'i'_.i~2[L:. ll:-'.J~ ~2]'J.:]. 9..c_c:..%?."LgJ'.i_c'_".t _°.:!1..Y_., but: not.' i.n-
c Iud lng ins t.a ].].n
M~r_.._!3_:_fl:~...j.._.?iilj'j~2)j?_, Coldwell, );;!]:ker m~d Co::~p;my rc,.prescmt'ing Goodyear
Tire Rubber Co:npany st'gl:ed t.l:;tt letters have b:,cu; .,ul .... kt..¢¢, t:o the Plan-
nSng ]),"par[':':c,~lL explailaing ,:he £unct:ion of i:heir operat. 5(:~t such as:
The. proposed facility would be our st.audard 1)rototyp:~ bui].ding
contaJnin3 approxit,at.ely 7586 sq. ft. This bui].dJ.~g Js divided
as to use, x.:it:l~ ,.he ret'ail sales area havJng 2620 sq. ft.; the
storage \.:arel,ouse l:dvjng 1.780 sq. fi:. and the ins.'.:all, ation and
service wing lmvSng 31.68 sq. ft.
Our pre].~n[in?,ry object'Sve, is thc. sale of t-ires and related
a~,~t:OlnOt:5vct acc:es.~;o'£ic,.~.; which, ~1'} t:ho course of btminess~ re-
quire inst:all, aL:Lon and service.
We are further engaged 5n the sale of durab].e goods such as
televisions, radio.c;, ¥..a.,.;l!ers ,q:td dl:'yor.,4, (;t:e, to the poi'hi:
,:hat x:e are t:l:e 1.argos,- custo:ncr of the C-en,.~ral t.;lect'ric
Company 5n the UMt-ed Stat'es.
].eLl'o'?: \.:aS ,';~p,,~o(l by 1.Tr. R. P. Horro',:~ Real ].ls.:';,te l)epartn:eut',
Re?,Jon~ 'J'i:e gc,('.;..'aar Tire & Rubber Co.-.:p,qny.
Phot:ograph:; \.:.era sub.:,~Jtt.ed t:o thc: Co?.'ni.qs$o;~ for their revLex..' by
l'h'. F,e]m;is of sul)jc.t' store
Nr. I,[clnnis stat'ed Lh::t all
the ' ~
co,~..;~ms of ,'he buLlding and no? the type of t't~ing~; Lhal' ~:::tjor
in:;t:;:l I at. long i-equ
BUS ]'~,;iLq,q
Al) JOUi(?.( -
'J.'ii<, ('.(...:.. ",:',.~(.,i: dJ::c',,.;,'..' d I1::. d:.l.i:lLl'i(:.l of" '
.~."*JJJ~l~ , ' ' , · . . lhllU, ll'. l't:;.;;I.~' [..~,TM ) I1,., .... J )l "
I..]J,?5' ~:u.t!J t.i1.,, fi:; l:'.llLt!i CO'.I[.]'O]. ,?.k; l,:,:,:;:i]~]c fo,:' fl,,::il,.'.',:i. Jy
.';.[.(1(.!'t'i!B.i. pyc,',:.J;:,,j~l.y t'o .q.Jll.~,,'J.(' f;:'.'.,:i].y ru:~ J(.!(,ilJ'J.~l]. ¢]:J.~:lY:J,'[ :,~ i,.L).'.,:.':;
SLC,JXhJ.:\,,:. 01,' 'j.':lJ: '~'j,..\:[';):.:::; CO.'.['.'..I SS]():':