HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-08-68CALL TO
The meeting was called order at 7:33 P.M., by Chairman Marsters
Present: Commissioners: Oster, Webster, Ludwig, Marsters,
l{alu~, Larnard.
Absent: Bacon
Others Present:
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
Harry E. Gill~ City Administrator
James L. SUpinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
~t was moved by Mr. OsteF~ seconded by.Mrs. Ludwig, that the
minutes of March 25, 1968, be approved as mailed. Carried 6-0.
1. ZC--68-169 STUTSMAN PROPERTY (Planning Commission Initiated)
(Continued from the March 11, 1968 Planning Commission Meeting)
Rezoning of a parcel totalling approximately 5 acres from the
100-C-1-P 10,000 (Retail Commercial ~nd Combined Parking)
District to the R-3 (1750) (Multiple Residential, 1750 sq. ft.
per dwelling unit) District.
Site fronts 330' on the east side of Newport and
660' on the north side of Walnut (Subject property
is owned by Carl Stutsman, Jr.)
~r. Supinger presented the staff report stating that the City
Council approved Mr. Christeson's rezoning request for R-3 (1750)
at its meeting April 1, 1968~ which is adjacent to the subject
property. Approval was recoranended for ZC-68-169.
phairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:36 P.M,
Mr. Carl Stutsman~ Jr., 34th Floor, 445 South Figueroa St., Los Angeles
owner of property, asked if the Commission would consider straight
R-3 zoning. He stated that there is a possibility of an application
Being submitted to rezone the re~aining 5 acres adjacent to subject
Mr. Supin~er explained that the subject request has been advertised
for R-3 (1750) and could not be considered for R-3 under the circum-
stances at tonight's meeting.
There being no other comments from the audience, Chairman Marsters
declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:39 P.M.
Mr. Oster stated that because of the advertising for R-3 (1750), they
could not act upon an R-3 straight zoning, but coe~nented that
Mr. Stutsman could come in at a later date and request the R-3
It was moved by. Mr. Oster~ seconded by Mr. Webster~ that Resolutior
No. 962 be adopted recommendin~ approval by. the City Council and
the adoption of an ordinance re~oninKsub.~ect property from 100-C-]
~0.000 (Retail Commercinl and Ccmbined Parking) District to Rb~
(Multi_Die Residential, 1~5~.~9t f~. pe~_d?~in~_unit).Dis~Kict.
The above motion was voted by rol~ call. Ayes: Oster, !,;ebster,
Ludwig, Marsters, Hales, Larnard. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon
Motion carried 6-0.
Minutes - April $. 1968
2. UP-68-255j - ,HA~,LAN, M. S,TAk~ON
Consideration for a temporary Use Permit to permit the location
of a trailer in a C-2 (Central Commercial) Diitrizt for a period
of six (6) months.
Fro.nts 466: on the southwest side of L~.s~=a Road
· approximately 760' southeast of the centerline of
Newport Avenue (Tustana Small Animal Hospital).
The Staff requested continuance to April 22, 1968 PlaDnlng
Commission meeting.
~r. Supinzer stated that due to the staff's error in advertising,
the applicant has agreed to'continuance of the hearing to April 22,
~r. Supinger stated that the trailer Will be for p~rposes of ccn-
Zinuing his business while construction is in progress.
Zt was moved by }1r. Larnard, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig,
UP-68-255 be continued to April 22, 1968. Carried
3. UP-6G-~56 - BILL FLOOD to ~ermit:
m Easter promotion of parachuting an Easte:: Bunny into the
shopping center parking lot.
Location: Site is th~ Tustin Heights Shopping C~nter cn the
southwest side of Irvine Blvd.
Mr. Supin~er presented thz staff report statin5 tha~
~s to promote Easter sales in the Tustin Heights
~y staging a sky diving exhibition with the paraab-.ti~t0
in the parking lot of the center.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion cf th3 ~.~rfv~ al 7:42
Mr. Bill Flood, 2112 Dover Drive, Newport Beach,
stated that he would answer any questions that t!:e Co;rr[scion
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of t:ka :.earing c?.c:e~
at 7:43 P.M.
It was moved by }Ir. Oster, seconded by Mrs.
No. 963 be adopted approving Application No. UP-6R--55G~ Cn~'ric~:i 5-~.
Bacon absent.
4. V-68-?06 - HON DEVELOH,~NT - Signs
A. Service Station Signs:
1. Pole sign ?0 ft. high, 84 sq. ft. in area and locnted
in the required setback area at the intersection of };cYa~den
and Tustin Village 'Yay.
2. Pole sign 60 ft. high, 144 sq. ft. each side, 2£$ sq. ft.
total area.
B. ',;all Signs:
1. Saying "Shell" 5.6 sq. ft. in area.
Saying "Service'is our business" 11.6 gq.fro fn area.
*C. ~.~o (2) pole signs
*D. Pole signs totalling 37? sq. ft.
*E. Total sign area of 389 sq. ft.
*Relating to signs in paragraphs "A" and "B:'.
PC Minutes - April 8, 1968
Restaurant Si~n:
Pole sign 58 ft. high, 341 sq. ft. each side totalling
682 sq. ft.
*B. Pole sign in the required setback area.
*C. Said sign ~o have'a portion which revolves.
*D. Sign &xceeding a total area of 300 sq. ft. per sign
and 150 sq. ft. per face.
*:[elating to sign in sub-paragraph "A".
]~ocation: Tustin Village ~.,Tay, bounded by the off-ramp
of the Ne~.~ort Freeway and McFadden.
}~. ~uoin~er presented the staff report stating that the Planning
Commission and staff recently visited .the subject site to view
mock-ups of the proposed two freeway signs, recommending approval.
~hairman ~;arsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 P.}I.
Mr. Barry .Hon, 1107 East Chapman, Orange, applic~.nt commended the
Con~nission and Mr. Supinger for attending the mock-up display for
the signs and gave a brief talk on why the signs are needed.
There being no other comments or discussion from the audience,
Chairman ].;arsters closed the public portion of the hearing at
7:50 P.M.
The Commission discussed the '%qtattng" wind mill, the colored vane
and the time of day and evening that it would be lighted.
Mr. Ray Johnson, Farmhouse representative - General Manager of the
Farmhouse in Buena Park, stated that shortly after midnight the
rotating is turned off and it comes on at day-light the next mornS'
The neon lighting is turned off at approximately 2:00 A.M.
Mr. Halus stated that he was strongly against rotating signs, but
felt that due to the location and in the best interest of the City
and the applicant the best possible image in the signing should
be given. Chairman Marsters stated that normally he is against
rotating signs, but felt that this is an attractive sign giving
his approval.
l~r. Oster opined that he felt this was one of the most unusual sites
from a topography standpoint, in the City.
It was moved by Mr. Oster~ seconded by Mr. Webster that Resolution
No. 964 be adoRted approving V-68-255 for the followin~ reasons:
Tha~ the adjustment hereby authori-:ed will not constitute
-~ grant of special p.vivileg~ inconsistent wi~h the limitations
upon other properties in ~he vicinity and district in :,hich
the subject property i~ oil:ua~-cd.
That because of special circumstances applicabl~ to the subject
property, including size, shape, topography, location or sur-
roundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will
deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classifi-
.Cs additional grounds, .the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included bx reference and made a part of
the motion.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Ludwig, ~arsters, ltalus, Larnard. Noes: None.
Carried 6-0.
Oster, !'~ebster~
Absent: Bacon,
PC ~.~tnutes - April 8, 1968
5. ZC-68-173 - JOHN H. SIEG1;:L
To rezone from R-4 (Suburban Residential) District and "U"
(Unclassified) District to the R-3 (Multiple ~lesidential)
District, approximately 2.78 acres of land.
Property fronts 257 feet on the north side of
First Street at the intersection of First and
"H" Streets.
Mr. Supin~er presented the staff report recommending that subject
application be continued for three months to permit the submission
· of staff proposals for land uses in the Town Center area.
Mr. Oster stated that he would be abstaining 'from co~nents and
voting on ZC-68-173.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:00 P.M.
~r. John H.. Siegel, 1601 South Skyline Drive, Santa ina, applicant,
spoke on the development of the land, the economics, proposed plans,
the Tustin Area General Plan, and the density involved. He stated
that h~ has been advised by the Planning Staff that it would be
best to wait until a more detailed study has been made of the To~.m
Center '~ea but did not feel that in three (3) months, any more
pertinent information would be available and asked that the Com-
mission give careful consideration for approval of his request.
Mr~ Henry Zecharia - 467 Zest First Street, Tustin, owner of
Palmwood Gardens apartments, briefly discussed his apartments
regarding the family type situation stating that eventually he
hoped for an "adult" type only apartment project. His parcel
is adjacent to subject application and felt that a continuance
of the hearing would be in order, to give him time to look into
the situation more closely.
The Commission discussed the subject request relative to the com-
pletion of the To~m Center Study and Tustin .~rea General Plan, the
density set forth in the General Plan, precise plans for the pro-
posed development of the area and agreed that a continuance of
some nature should be considered.
Mr. Edward E~an, 1102 St. Regis Place, Santa ~na, representative
for the Tustin 3avings & Loan stated that a tentative map was
filed with the City Friday, April 5, 1968 and on the advice of
their engineers had decided to explore the approach of an adjoining
street on the east side of subject property. Mr. Egan stated that
the property has been on the market for approximately 2 years and
has not been successful in finding a tenant or developer ~o would
be interested in a large part or all of the 10 acres and co~ented
that they are anxious to continue with the develop~mnt of the
Mr. Uebster did not fecl that a 3 months contlnu~tion was appropriate
~nd vould be unfair to the applicant, although he did feel that some
length of continuation was in order to give the applicant and other
interested parties time to discuss the situation and explore it a
more in detail.
It was moved by Nr. Webster~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig that. Application
No. ZC-68-173 be continued to %pril 22~ 1968 Plannin~ Commission mt~.
~..otion carried 5-0. Absent: Bacon. Abstained: Oster
PC. }iinutcs - April S, 196S
1. TEIf£ATIVE ~.£-~].' OF T?u-\CT 6473 - Don Gittleson
}Ir. Myers, City Engineer, submitted a letter on subject: tract
map c~;~nenting on the undesirable lot shapes being created,
reco~mnending, that if approv,ad, it should be subject to thc following
¢ond it ions:
1. ~rant.ing of 56' width for street right-of-way with 36 foot
curb to curb distance and 10 foot parkways.
A solid masonry wall, 6'8" in height shall be constructed
along the existing drainage channels.
Subject tract shall be annexed to the Tustin Lighting
Street improvements, sewers, Hrainage facilities and
appurtenances shall be construcl:ed to. City standards as
determined by the City Engineer.
All public utilities shall be installed underground in
conformance with accepted standards of utility companies
and the existing poles within the tract removed.
Street trees shall be provided and planted in accordance
with City ordinances.
Full width sidewalk be constructed across Orange County
FlOod Control District facilities including any necessary
modifications to the existing bridge.
Existing eucalyptus trees shall be retained and topped to
a height of thirty (30) feet wherever feasible, lye, re-
moval shall be kept to a minimtun.
Extension of River Ford Road north of the flood control
channel. (Northeast of the intersection of Bryan and
Bro%~ing. )
Mr. Jack Hall and Mr. Don Gittelson x,~e in attendance to discuss
the tentative map with the Commission° Mr. Gittleson concurred
with the conditions with the exception of the second condition,
feeling that it is not the jurisdiction of the Planning Com.~mission
to stipulate the kind of material for the construction of the fence
along the existing drainage channels.
The C~m:~ission discussed the benefit of a masonry wall being con-
structed, keeping in mind the safety and welfare of the c~muunity.
It was explained that a masonry wall would have less upkeep than
other types of materials.
It was moved by >~r. Helms, seconded bbl F.r.I.arnard that thc con-
sideration of Tentative P.~ao of Tract 6473 be postponed to the
.April 22~ 1968: mact_ino_ for further study.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: O~ter, Ludwig,
}lar§ters, Ealus, Larnard. Noes: Webster. Absent: Bacon. Carried 5-1.
PC Minutes - April 8, 1968
Nr. :]upinger stated that there have been some comments from
applicants submitting Tentative Tract Maps that are routine
in as much as complying with City standards on such matters
of business and wondered if at all possible this type of item
could, be taken up at the beginning of the meeting so they will
not have to wait and sit throu3h the entire meeting.
Mr. Supinger felt that this should be considered whenever
Chairman karsters was in accord with the suggestion, along with
the other Commissioners.
It was suggested that the Developers either submit additional
copies of their maps for the Commissioners or submit a sepia
to the Planning Department so that there could be extra copies
Chairman Marsters felt that there was not enough time to really
review the maps during the meeting and extra copies to be in-
cluded with the report on the normal agenda procedure would be
very beneficial to the Co~nission
Mr. Webster opined that even a location map would be an
}~r. Supinger stated tha~ this had been discussed soma tim~ ago
and the intentions were to move the building at that t~ne near
E1 Toro, but was never followed through. H~ stated that it had
been rumored that the applicant intended to request approval of
the building as a permanent structure and put on a normal
Chairman Narsters felt that the building is an eye-sore and they
should be contacted to make some kind of arrangement to modify
or put it into conformance.
It was moved by Nr. Larnard, pecondqd by. Mrs. Ludwi?~ that the
meetin~ be adjourned. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business before the Planning Ccmmission,
Chairman ~.iarsters declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.