HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-26-68· CALL TO
February 26, 1968
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Chairman Marsters.
Present: Commissioners: Oster, Webster, Ludwig, Marsters, Halus,
Bacon, Larnard
Absent: Con~nissioners: N05~
Others Present:
Kenneth Bryant, Assistant C%ty Attorney
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
CORRECTION TO MINUTES OF FEBRU.ARY 12~ 1968. Page 17, Items 4 and 5
under County Cases - The vote was not recorded - On both items, UV~-5975,
Dick Smith and V-7062,. Union Oil Company, the motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig. that the minutes of
F~bruary 12, 196~ ~e aRproved as corrected. Carried 7-0.
1. V-67-19D - HON DEVELOP}~}~ - SERVICE STATION (Continued from
To permit: a. Service Station
A pump island canopy extending ten (10) feet
into the required setback of 55 feet from the
centerline of McFadden Avenue.
Location: Northeast corner of McFadden and Tustin Village Way.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report recommending conditional
Conditions are:
1. Approval of access onto Tustin Village Way by the State
Division of Highways.
Installation of Street Trees per the Master Street Tree
Review of plan~ by the Architectural Committee.
That entry to the service bays be from the rear of the
building unless adequate circumstances are found by the
Architectural Committee for other orientation.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:33 P.M.
~r. Barry Ilo~, 1107 East Chapman, Orange - applicant, gave a brief
description of the property and how it is to be developed. He stated
that the only objection that he had to the staff report was Condition
No. 4, that stated the request of the service bays being from the
rear of the building, feelirg that this can be hazardous, especially
for a 24 hour operation such as this will be.
PC Minutes - 2/26/68
There being no further conm~ents on the hearing, Chairman Marsters
declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:40 P.M.
After a brief discussion among tha Commission, Mr. Hon and Mr. Supinger
it was decided that although t~ere was not enough justifidation to peri, it
the canopy in the required setback~ they felt that all other standards
met with the overall General Plan.
~.was moved b¥.Mr._.Oster, seconded by Mr..Halqs, tha~.R~solution No.
951 be adopted for conditional approyal of V-67-198, Hon Development
Fo permit a service station for the following reasons:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute
a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations
upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which
the subject property is situated.
That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject
property, including size, shape, topography, location or sur-
roundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will
deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other proper-
ties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification.
That the minutes of this meeting be introduced as evidence,
including the statement "That the Shell Oil company had indicated
that it intends to remove the existing station at Williams and
Conditions of approval:
1. Approval of access into Tustin Village Way by the State
Division of Highways.
Installation of Street Trees per the Master Street Tree Plan.
3. Review of plans by the Architectural Committee.
That the request for encroachment by the pump island canopy into
the setback along the McFadden Street frontage be denied because
adequate justification of the granting of a Variance has not been
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Webster,
Marsters, Halus, Bacon, Larnard. Noes: None. Carried 7-0.
2. V-67- 199 - HON DEVELO~NT-SIGNS (Continued from 12/26/67)
To permit:
Service Station Signs:
a. One (1) pole sign in the required setback area.
b. Signs totalling 555 sq. ft. (Ordinance would permit 272 sq.ft.) .
as provided for businesses within 200 ft., of a freeway
c. Two (2) pole signs (Ordinance permits one.)
d. Two (2) roof signs (Ordinance permits one in lieu of ground signs).
e. Aggregate area of service station roof and pole signs totalling
538 sq. ft. (Ordinance permits 150 sq.ft., unless within
200 ft., of a freeway off-ramp.)
f. Aggregate area of pole s£gns totalling 416 sq. ft. (Ordinance
permits 272 sq. ft., unless'within 200 ft., of freeway
g. A revolving (animated) pole sign.
h. 15~o 35 foot pole signs (Ordinance permits maximum height of
26.5 and 26 ft., unless within 200 ft., of a freeway
PC Minutes - February 26, 1968
Restaurant Sings:
a. One (1) pole sign in the required setback area.
b. Aorevolving (animated) pole sign.
c. A pole sign with a total area of 526 sq. ft., (263 sq. ft,,
each side) (Ordinance permits a maximin of 300 sq. ft.,
and 150 sq. ft., per side unless within 200 ft. of a
freeway off-ramp.)
d. A 36 foot pole sign (Ordinance permits 27.5 feet unless with-
in 200 feet of a freeway off-rmnp.)
Mr. Supin~er commented that the staff has had an opportunity to make
some on-site studies relative to the sign since the last meeting. As
a result, it was determined that in order to get full identification
of the scr';f~ st~tlcn sf~n w~u!d require signs in excess of 35 feet
high which could not be granted under this particular application. He
recommended that this application be dropped or continued and a new
application be filed.
Chairma~ Marstcrs opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:55 P.M.
Mr. Barry ]Io~ applicant stated that on two occasions since the last
meeting for subject application, sign trucks have been on the property
testing the sigp$ for visibility and the 35 ft., signs would not be
enough l'ei~ht for easy identification of the service station. The
restaurant sign proposed ~ould read "Farm House Restaurant - Tustin"
but if they used the 35 ft. sign that the word "Tustin" could not be
seen, feeling that this would be good identification for advertising
Tustin also, but would need an additional height of 10 ft., to be
visible from the highway. Mr. }!on stated that they would like to'
eliminate the two ~oof sigps, item no. "d" for the service station.
There being no other co~ents from the audience, Chairman Marsters
declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:00 P.M.
In answer to the Co~.mission's question, Mrs. Pearl White, 13842 Laurinda
Way, Santa Ana, owner of subject property stated that it would incon-
venience her if the application is delayed because of another project
that she has projected and the property in consideration would deny her
admittance to Tuotin Village Way for a rest home and stated that she
has found other properties that would allow her free access that are
available to her and if it is denied it will put her in a position that
she will be denied the preperties that she is potentially seeking.
The Conm~ission discussed the pros and cons of continuing the appli-
cation. Mr. lion w~$ asked what procedure he preferred?
Mr. }Ion stated that he would rather drop the matter and submit a new
application. Tke withdraw~,l of application V-67-199 was accepted by
the Planning Commission.
Chairm~n Marsters stated that he would ii!ce to see the wording "Tustin"
incorporated in the proposed "Farm House Restaurant" sign. The Con'mis-
sion concurred.
3. ZC-68-167 - C}~ISTESON DEVELOPi4ENT C~,[PAb~
To rezone a portion of property zoned 100-C-1-P 10,000
(Combined Parking and Retail Co:n;~crcial) District to R-3
(Multiple Residential) District located 330 ft., north of
the centerline of Walnut Avenue and 660 ft., east of the
centerline of Ne~ort Avenue.
Mr. Supine:er presented a brief staff report reconm~ending denial for
the following reasons:
1. The proposed zoning would permit a maximtm~ density of 2.4
ti~nes that suggested by the General Plan.
(Continued on next page)
Minutes - February 26, 1968
The City has already approved or is expected to approve,
rezonlngs which will permit over 1500 units in the proper
locations which are not yet under construction. (500 units
were constructed in 1967.)
The City ip presently studying the South Tustin Area to
degelop a more detailed General Plan relative to land use,
public facilities, circulation, etc.
4, Approval of the subject rezoning would set a precedent
which would affect large areas in the South Tustin Area.
~r. Su~in~er stated that he has had a meeting with Mr. Carl Stutsman
since the last meeting and Mr. Stutsman stated that he would not oppose
the rezoning of his property located on the corner of Walnut and Newport.
.Chairman Marsters stated t~at this hearing is closed, although the
Commissioners could direct questions to the applicant if they so desired.
Mr. Halus asked the applicant if it was still his intention to build
and construct at the R-3 density or at a lesser density.
Mr. Christesgn, applicant stated that he wishes to retain the present
density applied for under the maximum R-3, but would be willing to
slightly modify that within their economic feasibility.
The Commission expressed mixed feelings on the matter, discussing the
density, economics and the .General Plan Outline. They felt'that some
deviation would have to be agreed upon since there is no definite date
that the Study of the South Tustin Area will be completed.
~t was moved by Mr~ Oster, seconded, by Mr. Webster that Resolution No.
952 for ZC-68-167 be recommended~to the City Council for approval and
the adoption of an Ordinance.rezoning subject property toR-3 (Multipl~.
Residential~ for the following reasons:
That the nature of the piece of property directly adjacent
to an R-3 1750 (Multiple Family Residential) District in-
dicates that this property should be rezoned as R3-1750.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Webster, Bacon,
Marsters. Noes: Ludwig, Halus, Larnard.' Carried 4-3.
Chairman Marsters stated that he voted approval because he felt that
the commercial properties have had serious problems financially. He
felt that this may alleviate a lot of other problems.and that he did
mot like going against the General Plan but felt that there was adequate
justification on subject applicatien.
4. ZC-68-168 - G. L. A. DEVELOPmeNT COMPANY
For rezoning of a 3.3 acre parcel from R-1 (Single Family
Residential) District to R-3 (Multiple Family Residential)
Location: (Formerly Finley Trucking Co.) 4.04 acres between
"A" and "B" Street.
Chairman Marsters turned the gavel over to Chairman Pro-tern Halus
to conduct the hearing on subject application, abstaining from cor~nents
or voting due to his owning property contiguous, to subject parcel.
~y. S~pinger stated that this is not a rezoning of the entire full
4.4 acre parcel but includes the interior portion, some 489 ft. X 293
ft., ~ich is presently zoned R-1. Mr. Supinger stated that the staff
has made no reco~nnendation, leaving it to the pleasure of the Commission.
PC Minutes - February 26, 1968
Chairman Pro-tern tlalus opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:37 P.M.
Mrs. Joyce~ 133. No.rth "B" St., and Mrs. Marlen. e. Stockman~ 175 North "A"
Street, Tus.tin inquired about the driveway location and the perimeter
Of the property.
Mr. Ken NelsoD, representative, gave a brief orientation of the proposed
plans and the drawbacks of the present zoning. He felt that this would
be beneficial to Tustin with the plans that are proposed.
Mr. Asc~ieris, owner and occupant of the professional building on Fourth
Street that borders the north boundary of this property, spoke in favor
of the project.
After much discussion on the property'it was decided that R-3 zoning
would not be a problem and may resolve some of the problems of the prop-
It was moved by Mr. Oster~ seconded byMr. Bacon that Resolution No.
953 for ZC-68-168 be recom~nended to the City Council for ap,reval and
the adoption of an Ordinance rezoning sFbject.property to.R-3 (~iul~iple.
Family) for the following reasons:
1. That the property has been a problem piece of property
in the City of Tustin.
2. That the location of the property and the surrounding
zoning makes an R-3 zone change appropriate.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
Mr. Halus asked Mr. Supinger if hc would set a hearing date to incorp-
orate the change in ~he General Plan for this particular area.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Webster, Ludwig,
Halus, Bacon, Larnard. Noes: None. Abstained: Marsters. Carried 6-0.
Chairman Pro-tem Halus returned the gavel to Chairman Marsters ~o
continue the meeting.
This is proposed to change from the RP "Residential Professional"
C1 "Local Business" and R4 "Suburban Residential" Districts to the
R2 (1700) and R2 (1450) "Group Dwelling" Districts, certain property
located on the southwesterly side of San Juan Street approximately
420 feet southeast of Red Hill Avenue, in the east Tustin area.
Mr. Su~inger reminded the Commission that at the last meeting of the
Planning Co~nission (2/12/68) that they had requested to continue the
hearing until the study being prepared by a private Planning Consultant
is considered and reviewed and because the City Council has taken some
action in this matter. The County has continued this hearing until
March 13, 1968.
Mr. Alex Bowie, attorney - 811 N. Boradway, Santa Ana, stated that an
investigation has been substantially completed on the land nsc. He
stated that Mr. Pankey can no longer conduct orange raising on the
property and that his concept on this project is a single adult type
of development on the property. Mr. Bowie stated that all pertinent
information should be available by the first part of next week and ex-
pressed the desire of any action being taken, be deferred until the
March 13th Orange County Planning Corr.~nission meeting.
A letter of protest was submitted to the Commission containing approxi-
mately 340 signatures from surrounding property owners.
PC Minutes - February 26, 1968
It was moved by Mr. Webster~ seconded by Mr. Oster, that County
Case ZC-68-3 be continued to }larch llth maetim;, Carried unanimouslv.
PARCEL MAP - Jack Thoncr
To divide parcel for purposes 'of sale.
Location: 166 feet on the west side of Yorba approximately
190 feet north of the centerline of First Street.
Mr. SuDin~er presented a brief staff report explaining that the
parcel is presently being developed with apartments and is being
split so 'that parcel 1 can be sold from the total parcel. He
recommended that a Minute Order be adopted approving the parcel
map subject to final approval by the City Engineer and recordation.
It was moved by Mr. Webster~.seconded by Mr. Bacon that a Minute Order
be. adopted approving, the parcel mad subiect to final approval by the
City Engineer and recordation. Carried unanimously.
2. PARCEL }WP - Frank Hilditch
To divide property for purposes of sale.
Location: Fronts 63 feet on Pacific and 70 feet on Third
St., Corner parcel 55' X 153' is excluded.
Mr. Supinaer presented a b~ief staff report recommending a Minute Order
be adopted and approving subject parcel map subject to final approval
by the City Engineer and Recordation.
It was moved by Mr. Bacon, seconded by Mr. Larn-.~gthat a Minute Order
be adoDted_apg~.oving the parcel map subject to final aDproval by the
City Enaineer and recordation.
The above motion was voted by roll call. .lyes: Oster, Webster, Ludwig,
Halus, Bacon, Larnard. Noes: None. Abstained: Marsters. Carried 6-0.
3. SERVICE STATION REPORT - For review and discussion
~r. Supinger presented a proposed Service Stations Information
Report, asking for com~nents and discussion.
It was felt by the Commission that they would like to have more
time to review the report and possibly set up a workshop for
discussion and report their corranents at the next regularly
scheduled meeting (March 11, 1968).
4. TENTATIVE }~P TRACK NO. 6573 - Santa Ana- Edinger and Red Hill
For review and approval.
Mr. SuDin~er submitted subject map, which was received by the Tustin
Planning Department from the Planning Director of Santa Aha requesting
comments by February 27th. Mr. Supinger recommended approval for s'aid
It was moved bv Mr. Halus.~ seconded by }Ir. Larnard that the Plannin~
Staff be directed to inform the Santa Ana Planning Cc.ma. tission of no
opposition from Tustin Plannim,. Ce~ission. Carried 6-0. Abstained: Oster
.Mr. Suping_er presented a letter to thc Co,~ission from }ir. Rourke, in'
which Mr. Gill concurred, urging that proceedings be initiated to .~,mend
the Zonin5 Ordinance relative to requiring a Use Permit for the present-
ation of live entertainment.
It was moved by }ir. Oster, seconded bv Mr. tlal. us,. ti!at thc Planning, Staff
be directed to institute and initiate a proposal in linc with i,Ir. Rourke's
letter dated February 2_0..& 1__96__28. Carried unanimouslv.
PC Minutes - February 26, 1968
It was moved .by Mr. Bacon~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig that the
meeting be adiourned. Carried unanimouslZ
There being no further business before the Planning Conumission,
Chairman Marsters declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
C~AZr~A~ 6~ ~m ~AN~ZNO Coi.~if~fio~