HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-22-68MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
January 22, 1968
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Chairman
Presentl Commissioners: Oster, Webster, Ludwig, Harsters~
Halus, Bacon, Larnard.
Absent: Co~.issioners: None.
Others Present:
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
}larry E. Gill,City Administrator
James L. SupinE. r, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
~o? 938 be ~dopted stalinK that" - be stricken from the record.
It was moved b[.Mr. Oster,.seconded, b~ Mrs. LudwiR. that the
Minutes of_January 8, 1~6~ be approved a~ ameqded and mailgd,.
Mo~ioh-carried unanimously.
1. U~,-,~7-2~7 - SERVICE STATION - Paul Lerner
(Continued from the January 8, 1968 meeting)
Location: West side of '~" Street at the north-bound entrance
of the Santa Aaa Freeway.
Mr., Sup~n~er presented the staff report stating that since the
Architectural Committee approved landscaping plans for the subject
development De.ember l, 1967, there has been a significant change
by the installation of the landscaping, however, after almost two
months there is still not full compliance with the Ccnmnittee's
action. The status is as follows:
Although most of the landscaping has been installed, a
copy of the approved plans has not been submitted to the
Building Department so that a field check can be made.
Landscaping remains to be installed at the southeast
corner near the existing pole sign.
A~though a sprinkler system has been installed, a permit
for such construction has not been issued by the Build-
ing Department.
3. Concrete bumper stops and striping for the required six
(6) parking spaces have not been installed.
A concrete block wall surrounding the trash container
area remains to be installed. A permit will also be required
for this construction.
Mr,.~Svpin~er commented that the st~ff has become concerned about
this project because of the time it is taking for the improvements
to be made and because a permit has not been taken out on the
sprinkler system.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:32
P.M. There being no co~ents from the audience, the hearing was
discussed by the Coazctssion eommenoing at 7:33 P.M.
PC Hinutes - Jnnuary 22, 1968
After a brief dtscu,~nion among, the Cc~,~tn~ion It wa~ mrwed by
Hr. O.~ter~, seconded by Hr....L.qr. nard~ th0t tho Plannt. nR ~;rnff be
directed to wrt. tea letter to t_he applicant ,~tatinF, th,qt. ,-,ubJect.
heartsR would be conttm.ed to the next re~,ularl.y scheduled meet-
inR~ February. 12~ [9687nd at th0t time un[ess the condtt/on,~ of
brchttectural ~pprov~t have been..met~..the Ptanninr, Commission will
recon~end to City Council the revocation of UP-67-237.
The above motion was voted by Roll Call~ Ayes: Oster, l.lebster,
Ludwig, Harsters, Halus~ Bacon, Latnard~ Ndes: None. Carried 7-0..
2, ZC-68-~66 - OARD~N_I, AND COBPANY
TO consider application for rezoning £rom PD 3500 (Planned
Development) 3500 sq, ft, ~et d~eilihg u~lt) to R-3 (Multiple
Residential) Di~trict~
Location! Nor~h~ea~ ¢or~et o~ l.liliinhis ~teet ahd ~c~adden
~r. SupinRer. presented the staf~ report and recomnended approval.
Chairman Harsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:&O
Hr, Hugh lln[dermnn, 1833 East 17th St., Santa Aaa - representative -
spoke briefly stating that this is in conformance with the General
Hrs~ Herr.in L. Bose~ 12~11 Rebecca Lane, Santa Ana, property o~mer
of adjacent property of applicant, con,nested that her property was
zoned A-1 a few years back and wound up zoned "U". She stated tha~
the City Council asked her to ~eep quiet" at that time because of
the feeling of a few of the residents. She felt the Council o~ed
her the rezoning of her property to R-3 and asked if this could be
considered and ~ould they initiate the rezoning
Chairman Harsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:63 P.N.
Or, Bacon opined that the subject application should be acted upon
now and later consider the request of Hrs. Bose.
Hr. Halus questioned the City Attorney, Hr. Rourke, as to the
proper procedure and Hr. Rourke stated that an application ~ould
be required by the property o~ner or someone else vould have to
initiate such a request.
Chairman Harsters suggested to Hrs. Bose that she talk with the
Planning Director.
It woo moved, by Nr~ Oster~ seconded by Nr. Halus that Resolution
Bo~ 939 for ZC-68-16&t Gardep Land Company be approved and ret?m,_
mended to City Council for ~doption for ~he follg~ing reasons:
1. It conforms to the General Plan.
The available and proposed facilities can accomodate higher
density~ ~hile maintaining the intent and purpose of the
General Plan ~nd will serve the best interest o£ the Co,,~unity.
As additt, onal grounds~ the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
That the Planning Director be directed to discuss with the
o~ner of the property immediately north of the rezoning,
the existing situation.
PC Minutes - January 22, 1968 " ~"~' '
The above motion was voted by Roll Callt Ayes; Oster, Webster,
Ludwig, Marsters, Halus, Bacon, Larnard, Noes: None. Carried 7-0.
To consider application for rezontng approximately 2.5 acres
from C-2 (Central C~.m.ercial) District to R-3 (Multiple
Residential) District,
Southwest corner of Pasadena Avenue and McFadden
Street, bounded by Pasadena Avenue, Newport Free-
way and McFaddeh StreeEt
Mr.. Supinger presented the staff report recowfnending approval.
Chairman MaKs.ters opened the public portion of the hearing at
Mr. Dean Francis., 445 So, "C" Street, Tustin, speaking in behalf
of the applicant stated that he was there to answer any questions
that the Commissiofl so desired.
Chpirma~.Marste~s declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:53 P~M,
Mr._Halus_ stated that he was pieased to see rezoni~g of that land,
He feels that there is sufficient amount of ccnmnercial zoning in
the South T6stin area and felt that the requested rezoning was
It was moved by }ir. Oster, seconded by Mrsv Ludwig, that Resolution
No. 940 for_ZC-68-165~ Hesperian Fou~dation~ Ltd. bq approved and -
recounended to City Council, for adoption fqr the following_rea~onsl
1. It conforms to the General Plan.
2. That said rezoning will remove part of the commercial
zoned area not needed in the South Tustin Area.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Webster,
Ludwig, Marsters, Halus, Bacon, Larnard, Noes.. None. Carried ~,-0.
On the south side of Walnut Avenue commencing
approximately 1684 feet east of the centerline
of Red Hill Avenue.
Mr. Su~_lnser presented a brief staff report recommending subject
~p be conditionally appU~vad sub~t td~ thm final approval of the
City Engineer.
Mr,___Suvinzero,, presented the map to the Commission for their review.
After a brief discussion among ~he Commissioners, they were in
acoord with the recon~uendation o~ the Sta~ report.
It was moved py M~. Os~er, seconded by Mr. Larnard that Final Tract
Map ~6536 be conditionally approved subiect to the floal approval
of the City Er~qineer. Carried unanimously..
PC Minutes 1/22/68
1. COUNTY CASE - UV-6008 - John Siegel
To permit the reduction in the number of required off-street
parking spaces in connection with a proposed office building
in the RP '~esidential Professional" District.
Location: Fronts 100 feet on the north side of Fourth
Street approximately 750 feet west of Holt Ave.
Mr. Supinser presented the staff report reco~nending that the
County be informed that we have no objections to the approval
except for the eave encroachment into the setback which we
recommend be a maximum of three (3) feet.
After a brief discussion among the Commissioners, it was felt
that the County should be informed that the Tustin ordinance
permits a maximum encroachment of three feet into the required
setback by eaves~ cornices or canopies~
It was moved bv_Mrl. OsteK,._second!d.~y..M~.H~l~st that a letter
be prepared and s~nt to the County vo{¢t~R no pbJeq~ion to the
proposal, but informin8 them that the. maxim~ encroachment would
be three (3} feet in the Tustin City ~a~c~
Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr. Bacon~_seconded by Mrs. Ludwi~ that the
meeting be adiourned. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business before the Planning Coum~ission,
Chairman Marsters declared the meeting adjourned at 8; 05 P.M.