HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-26-67ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PUBLIC I~ARINGS MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COlttlSSlON DECEMBER 26, 1967 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Marsters. Present: Commissioners: Webster, Marsters, Larnard, Hal~s Absent: Commissioners: Oster, Ludwig, Bacon Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. Suptnger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary It was moved by Mr..Halus, seconded by Mr. Larnard, that the minutes of December. ll~ 1967, m~eginK be. approved as mailed. Carried 4-0. 1. UP=67-247 - JOHN L. AND PATRICIA K. WEBB To permit two single family residences on a single parcel of land in an R-1 District containing 15,000 sq. ft. (Zoning Ordinance permits two single family residences on a single lot containing more than 12,000 sq. ft.) Location:. Northeast corner of the intersection of Pacific and Second Streets. Chairman }~rsters announced that he would abstain from commenting and voting on subject property due to his owning property within 300 ft., and this would leave the commission without a quorum since three of the commissioners wre absent. It was suggested that the public hearing on subject application be continued to January 8, 1968 until a quortm was available. There was no objection from the applicant. It was moved by Mr...Halu!, spconded bY Mr. L~.rna~d, tha~ in the absence of ~ quorum, the.public hearinK on UP-67-247 be contLnue~ to the next regularly, scheduled Plannin~ Co~uission MeetinR. The above motion was carried unanimously. ~-0. (3 co~missioners absent). 2. V-67-198 - HON DEVELOPMENT C(I~IPANY To permit: a. Service Station. b. A pump island canopy extending ten feet into the required setback of 55 feet from the centerline of McFadden Ave. Location: On the east side of Tustin Village Way between the on-off ramp of the Newport freeway and McFadden Ave. (Applicant has submitted letter requesting continuance to February 26, 1968). Chairman Marste~p - opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:38 P.M. There being no comments from the audience, the public portion of the hearing was declared closed at 7:39 P.H. -1- FC ~lnutes - 12/26/67 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS It was moved by Mr. Halus., seconded by Mr. Larnard that V-67-198 and V-67-199 for Hpn peyelopment Company, at t~eir Eequcst, be c9~ttnued to February26th. 1968 Planning CoL,..ission Meeting. The above motion was voted by roll call. Larnard, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: fiotton carried 4-0. Ayes: Webster, Halus, Oster, Ludwig, Bacon, 3. V-67-199 - HON DEVELOI~iF. NT COMP,~qY To permit: Service Station Sigqs: a. One pole sign in the required setback area. b. Signs totalling 555 sq. ft. (Ordinance would permit 272 sq. ft. as provided for businesses within 200 feet of a freeway off-ramp). c. ~.~o pole signs (Ordinance permits one). d. Two roof signs (Ordinance permits one in lieu of ground sign). e. Aggregate area of service station roof and pole signs totalling 538 sq. ft. (Ordinance permits 150 sq, ft., unless within 200 feet of a freeway off-ramp. f. Aggregate~area of pole signs totalling 416 sq. feet (Ordinance permits 272 sq. feet unless within 200 ft., of freeway off-ramp). g. A revolving (animated) pole sign. h. ~{o 35 foot pole signs (Ordinance permits maximum height df 26.5 and 26 feet unless within 200 feet of a freeway off-ramp). Restaurant Signp: a. One pole sign in the required setback area. b. A revolving (animated) pole sign. c. A pole sign with a total area of 526 sq. feet (263 sq. ft., each side) (Ordinance permits a maximum of 300 sq. ft., and 150 sq. feet per side unless within 200 ft., of a freeway off-ramp.) d. A 36 foot pole sign (Ordinance permits 27.5 feet unless within 200 feet of a freeway off-ramp). (Applicant has submitted letter requesting continuance to February 26th, 1968.) The above motion for the previous application has included the action for this application. Location: On the east stge of Tustin Village Way between the on-off ramp of the Newport freeway and McFadden Ave. 1. PARCEL HAP - TUSTIN MEDICAL PAVILION To remove an existing lot line in order to secure building permit on two lots. Location: Fronts 370 feet on the south side of Fourth Street between Mountain View Drive and "A" Street. M~Mr. Supinser presented a brief staff report, stating that two buildings, wall to wall at the existing center lot line, are proposea to be constructed. Since a five foot setback would be required under separate ownership it is ~ecessary to eliminate the lot line to in- sure that a non-conformity would not be created by the sale of either property separately. With the lot line removed, the {mrcel would have to be sold intact. -2- VII. COP, RES- PONDENC~- After a brief discussion on the matter, It was moved by Mr. }talus, seconded by Hr. l~ebster, that the Parcel f~p be condi~ionally approved sublect to recordinK the map with the County Recorder. Hotion carried unanimously. 1. COUNTY CASE ZC-67-23 - ~. G. SOI~ERVILLE To change from the R4 (3000) PD (3000) "Suburban Residential Planned Development" District to the R2 (1700) "Group ~lling" District, certain property located at the most easterly corner of Red Hill Avenue and San Juan Street, in the east Tustin area. ~,~ Supinger presented the staff report, stating that the staff has consistently recommended denial of the three previous applications relative to subject matter. It was moved by Hrr ~eb~,ter~.that the staff be directe~, t9 fgrward, a letter to the Orange County Planning Com~tssion voicing~no.oblection. to, t~e,proPosed_rezonins. Hotion died for lack qf s~con{. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS It was moved by ~r. Halqs~ seconded by Mr. ,Larnard~ that a le~teE be prepared.}y the Staff and directed to the OranKe ~ount¥ Planning Co~nission~ sta~ln~ opposition for the proposed rezoning primarily for the reason of the increased density which is significantly in excess of the density pr?posed in the General Plan. Mr. Halus stated that maybe a compromise could ba suggested, recom- mending that the total area be developed at 14 units per acre ~hich is a step up from 4 units per acre in the General Plan, but less than ~6 units per acre. The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Halus, Larnard. Noes: ~arsters, ~ebster. Absent: Bacon, Ludwig, Oster. ~otion ~nded in a tie vote. 2-2. Hr. SuvinEe~ mentioned that he would let the County know that no action would be taken because of the tie vote. 2. CP-1323 - col~rrY CASE - Thomas L. Sullivan To permit the establishment of a planned development contatnin~ 80 dwelling units in the R4 (5000) PD (3800) and R4 (5000) FD (3900) "Suburban Residential Planned Development District. Location: On the south side of Mitchell approximately 1400 ft., west of Red Hill. (Units are in a partially completed state.) Hr. Suptn~er presented the staff report stating that it would be to the advantage of the City to have this project finished and recommended that no objections be voiced to the County Planning Commission. After a brief discussion of the application the Co~anission concurred with the staff report. It was moved by Hr. Ralus~ seconded by Hr. Larnard~ Shat,the ,PlapninE Director be directed to inform the County Planning Deva~tment that there are no objections to the,a~roval of CP-1323. Hotion carried &-~. 1. PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE - UORK SHOP Mr. SupinRer reminded the Commission of the ~orkshop meeLtng relative to the proposed Sign Ordinance on January 11, 1968, with the City Council and Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the changes by the Staff. -3- PC Ntnutee - 12/26/67 IX. ADJOURN- MENT It was moved by Mr. Larnardt seconde~ by M~..Webster, that the meetiqg be adjourqed. Carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Planning Corm~£ssion, Chairman Marsters declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M. SE~ETAR¥ OF rl-l~ PLANNINC